By Syed Inam Alavi, Ph.D. Columbia Journalism School, NYC, (For Yellow Journalism Watch)
Not surprisingly life in the Land of the Pure is a lot more muddled!
Many of the top journalists have been bought out by the State, using the office of the Press Information Department which is an arm of the Ministry of "Information".
Many of their lesser known colleagues get away with low level blackmailing.
We have highlighted recently the land deals for Nazir Naji, Rauf Klasra and Mohammad Malick and the dangerous ideological affiliations (pro-Taliban) of superstars like Kamran Khan, Hamid Mir and Ansar Abbasiwho have since the Ch Iftikhar upheaval become the darlings of the couch-potato public through their TV appearances.
And there is the lovely Amir Liaquat who wows the ladies with his Alim Online, while everyone knows about him hoodwinking the public about his fake degrees. The ignorance spread by such religious programs anchored by crooks becomes difficult to counter by the saner elements in society.
What common between these guys?
They all belong to the Jang group which is led by Mir Shakeel ur Rahman and Bros.
The Jang group is faithfully supported by the likes of Shaheen Sehbai and Imran Aslam and other editors who pretty much keep mum while the Jang group rolls in the millions from advertising revenue.
It is therefore important that those interested in fair reporting in Pakistan carefully consider the following survey report. Note the names of Geo and Jang:
The National Corruption Perception Survey 2009 (NCPS 2009) indicates that the overall Corruption in 2002 has increased from Rs 45 Billion to Rs 195 Billion in 2009.
To the question "In your opinion has media played a positive role in combating corruption, 77% said yes.
Respondents ranking of four most viewed TV Channel are Geo, ARY, Express and Aaj.
Four News paper in readership ranking are Jang, Nawae Waqat, Dawn and Mashriq.

If you agree with the above, please forward this message to your friends so that we jointly push for clean, trustworthy journalism in Pakistan.
Syed Inam Alavi, Ph.D. Columbia Journalism School, NYC, (For Yellow Journalism Watch)

Also See:
Where is Kashif Abbasi? Speech "“ Not As Free As It Used To Be!
Nawaz Sharif, Kamran Khan & National Interest
Black Revolution 2007: Pakistan's Lawyers Movement "“ Bush Administration's Last Color Revolution
Operation Blue Tulsi: 15 Years in Planning, 10 Years in Preparation and Today in Execution
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Just because it is in Urdu doesn't make it true! Just because it was broadcast by a Pakistani channel doesn't make it right! Just because it shows the Pakistani flag doesn't mean it it loyal to Pakistan or patriotic.
By Moin Ansari
QUESTIONS GEO CANNOT ANSWER: Why does Geo collude with foreign media? Why does it focus on creating chaos and general discontent? Why does it act like an instrument of an political party? Why does Geo behave like the arm of a foreign force? Why did Geo deliberately broadcast false bad news about the economy when the stock market was booming? What hand did Geo play in scaring the foreign investors away from Pakistan? Why did Geo repeat the false news about the growth figures which led to the crash of the stock market? Why does Geo show wrong Pakistani maps? Why does Geo almost never cover the insurgencies in India? Why is Geo so infatuated with Anti-Pakistan Bollywood films? Why is Geo bent upon creating a "Indianization" of Pakistan? Why does Geo pay so much attention to Bollywood? Why does Geo show dead bodies? Is this all part of a psy-op or is it part of an agenda? Mr. Husain Haqqani of the Hudson institute is on the payroll of JINSA and AIPAC (public information posted on Rupee News) is a known neocon with his own agenda. His wife Ms. Isphani is involved with VOA and Geo pursuing the same Neocon agenda.
A company is known by the company it keeps. Geo certainty deals with some "colorful" characters. Its genesis, consultants, and affiliations leave much to be desired.
We have attempted to put together a thesis and a case on why Geo has exacerbated the conditions in Pakistan and why it is biased. The article discusses the origins of Geo and its connections with shady operatives. We present the actual proof of the affiliates of Geo. The information on the CIA psy-ops discusses how the CIA operates in other countries.
"There is a hidden hand in this" Sher Bukhsh Mazari
The bottom line of this article is that Geo has connived with shady characters who are associated with foreign powers and have been up up to no good. Geo's track record in showing dead bodies, and repeating nonsense on the economy, and providing place and comfort to the enemy. These facts are described in detail with actual quites, references and pointers.
1) Questions that Geo cannot answer
2) General discussion of CIA ops
3) CIA is active in Pakistan. NY Times report
4) CIA Dirty Tricks Department
5) Details on efforts to destabilize Pakistan
6) Strange happenings at Geo that cannot be explained
7) Geo origins and the people who helped in starting Geo. Geo's connections to some ver un savory characters
8, Geo links with David Hazinski a known Neocon with deep links to Neocon organizaitons that have spoken up against Pakistan
9) Discussion of Weinberger's his beliefs and his association with Geo and Mr. Hazinski
10) Discussion of the beliefs of Mr. Hazinski's
11) Detailed discussion of the Media's role in destabilizing Pakistan
12) Appendices, Farah Ispahani role in VOA and Geo, Resume of Mr. Hazinski
 CIA PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS (PSY-OP) FROM THE MANUAL: The declassified documents are old, but it gives us a glimpse into what can happen. New techniques are more sophisticated.
(The implements of psychological warfare are: open propaganda, subversion, special operations (sabotage, guerrilla warfare, espionage), political and cultural pressures, economic pressures. The principal effects sought are persuasion, sympathy, terrorization, confusion, division and physical interference. These operations, ancient in origin, are modernly employed, notably by Italy, Germany, the Soviet Union and other principal powers. The programs are planned more or less centrally in all nations, but executed by a variety of agencies. Memorandum on Intelligence for Psychological Warfare, by General John Magruder, Feb. 1943 )
"At the White House and the Pentagon, officials see an opportunity in the changing power structure for the Americans to advocate for the expanded authority in Pakistan, a nuclear-armed country. "After years of focusing on Afghanistan, we think the extremists now see a chance for the big prize "“ creating chaos in Pakistan itself," one senior official said.
The new options for expanded covert operations include loosening restrictions on the C.I.A. to strike selected targets in Pakistan, in some cases using intelligence provided by Pakistani sources, officials said. Most counter-terrorism operations in Pakistan have been conducted by the C.I.A.; in Afghanistan, where military operations are under way, including some with NATO forces, the military can take the lead.
The legal status would not change if the administration decided to act more aggressively. However, if the C.I.A. were given broader authority, it could call for help from the military or deputize some forces of the Special Operations Command to act under the authority of the agency. NY Times Jan. 6th, 2007
In the 1980s, President Zia ul Haq was blown up in a military plane and Benazir Bhutto became the Prime Minister. However she was fired from her job for corruption.
ISLAMABAD: Was Benazir Bhutto's assassination part of a larger international conspiracy to destabilise and de-nuclearise Pakistan? This is the question that boggles many minds even in the government circles.
Although, the government has fixed the responsibility on Baitullah Mehsud and al-Qaeda on the basis of a telephonic conversation reportedly monitored by intelligence agencies, some government officials really smell a rat.
"It is not important to see who is pulling the trigger, also don't bother much about the hired assassin. What is really important is to reach the hand that pulled the strings," an official source said, believing that foreign factor (not al-Qaeda) could not be ruled out in this high-profile assassination that has badly shaken Pakistan.
The Pakistan People's Party and spokesmen of Baitullah Mehsud and al-Qaeda had already rejected the interior ministry's assertion, which had been further contradicted by certain news reports that claimed that the slain leader was in contact with Mehsud.
A senior journalist, Hamid Mir, even confirmed this fact in his column in Jang that appeared on last Monday. He also revealed the startling fact he was told by Benazir Bhutto before her death that she was informed by the Americans that Washington did not want the restoration of deposed chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.
PPP spokesman Farhatullah Babar, when contacted, although did not rule out international dimension to Benazir's killing but he was more convinced that it was a heinous plot hatched inside Pakistan. Ansar Abbasi in The News
OLD CIA DIRTY TRICKS DEPT. & CIA DOLLARS CREATE DEMONSTRATIONS: Tons of money was sent to Pakistan for a well organized campaign to launch street demonstrations against President Musharraf. Mr. Ahmed Quraishi has quoted $500 million in funds were disbursed. As in 1979, during the PNA demonstration millions of Dollars were dispersed among professional agitators. Uzbek and Tajiks were recruited to create mayhem in Pakistan.
- A shadowy group called the BLA, a Cold War relic, rose from the dead to restart a separatist war in southwestern Pakistan. . Bugti's death was a blow to neo-BLA, but the shadowy group's backers didn't repent. His grandson, Brahmdagh Bugti, is currently enjoying a safe shelter in the Afghan capital, Kabul, where he continues to operate and remote-control his assets in Pakistan.
- Saboteurs trained in Afghanistan have been inserted into Pakistan to aggravate extremist passions here, especially after the Red Mosque operation.
- Chinese citizens continue to be targeted by individuals pretending to be Islamists, when no known Islamic group has claimed responsibility. . A succession of "religious rebels" with suspicious foreign links have suddenly emerged in Pakistan over the past months claiming to be "Pakistani Taliban". Some of the names include Abdul Rashid Ghazi, Baitullah Mehsud, and now the Maulana of Swat. Some of them have used, and are using, encrypted communication equipment far superior to what the Pakistani military owns.
- Money and weapons have been fed into the religious movements and al-Qaeda remnants in the tribal areas.
 Exploiting the situation, assets within the Pakistani media started promoting the idea that the Pakistani military was killing its own people. The rest of the unsuspecting media quickly picked up this message. Some botched US and Pakistani military operations against al-Qaeda that caused civilian deaths accidentally fed this media campaign.This was the perfect timing for the launch of Military, Inc: Inside Pakistan's Military Economy, a book authored by Ayesha Siddiqa Agha, a columnist for a Pakistani English-language paper and a correspondent for "Jane's Defence Weekly", a private intelligence service founded by experts close to British intelligence. (Ahmed Quraishi is an investigative reporter, currently hosting a weekly political talk show titled Worldview from Islamabad.)
The media has been unleashed about the so called "instability" in Pakistan creating a justification for continued and more abrasive offensive action in South Asia. This to create instability in Pakistan that will be used as an excuse to continue the perpetual mimetic warfare in the Muslim world. Pakistan has been facing the brunt of the US initiative to implement "Democracy" in Pakistan even though the credentials of the champions of democracy are very weak. Neither Egypt, nor Uganda, nor Congo, nor Haiti, nor Taiwan, nor China nor Israel nor Russia face the US medias pontification on how great democracy is. This expose of Geo origins has tries to uncover the reasons why Geo acts so strangely.
Geo employs a lot of good reporters, but it also employs program hosts whose credentials and loyalty to Pakistan is questionable. For example Mr. Shaharyar Azhar is a known follower of Neocon philosophy and ideas always highlighting the negative news about Pakistan and not taking India or other countries to task. There are reports in the press that Geo has been instrumental in the campaign of disinformation about Pakistan. It has become a willing or unwilling instrument of those who wanted to destabilize Pakistan. The governemnt of Pakistan and the ISI of Pakistan got wind of Geo plans and recommended to the President to take action against Geo. The Emergency imposed by the previous government was to thwart the campaign of disinformation that was running concurrently by Time magazine and Newsweek Magazine and the Neocon News agencies in the West.
Why does Geo generally show the Indian version of events and why does its news sound like a translation of CNN news? Geo's dangerous general policies are the main reason that the Pakistan was not allowing Geo to resume its transmission. Amazingly Geo is now starting a new "English News" channel to continue its activities against the the country. Where is the funding for all this coming from?
Whether Geo is an unwilling victim of its sponsors and her affiliates in the USA or India, or is Geo running a planned campaign and got caught with its pants down.
All Geo viewers want to find out the truth!
Professor Michel Chossudovsky sheds some light on the plan:
- " It has been known for months that the Bush-Cheney administration and its allies have been maneuvering to strengthen their political control of Pakistan, paving the way for the expansion and deepening of the "war on terrorism" across the region.
- Various American destabilization plans, known for months by officials and analysts, proposed the toppling of Pakistan's military"¦
- The assassination of Bhutto appears to have been anticipated. There were even reports of "chatter" among US officials about the possible assassinations of either Pervez Musharraf or Benazir Bhutto, well before the actual attempts took place. (Larry Chin, Global Research, 29 December 2007)
- "Regime change" with a view to ensuring continuity under military rule is no longer the main thrust of US foreign policy. The regime of Pervez Musharraf cannot prevail. Washington's foreign policy course is to actively promote the political fragmentation and balkanization of Pakistan as a nation.
- A new political leadership is anticipated but in all likelihood it will take on a very different shape, in relation to previous US sponsored regimes. One can expect that Washington will push for a compliant political leadership, with no commitment to the national interest, a leadership which will serve US imperial interests, while concurrently contributing under the disguise of "decentralization", to the weakening of the central government and the fracture of Pakistan's fragile federal structure.
- The political impasse is deliberate. It is part of an evolving US foreign policy agenda, which favors disruption and disarray in the structures of the Pakistani State. Indirect rule by the Pakistani military and intelligence apparatus is to be replaced by more direct forms of US interference, including an expanded US military presence inside Pakistan.
- This expanded military presence is also dictated by the Middle East-Central Asia geopolitical situation and Washington's ongoing plans to extend the Middle East war to a much broader area.
- "U.S. Special Forces are expected to vastly expand their presence in Pakistan, as part of an effort to train and support indigenous counter-insurgency forces and clandestine counterterrorism units" (William Arkin, Washington Post, December 2007).
- The official justification and pretext for an increased military presence in Pakistan is to extend the "war on terrorism". Concurrently, to justify its counterrorism program, Washington is also beefing up its covert support to the "terrorists."
- "¦Already in 2005, a report by the US National Intelligence Council and the CIA forecast a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan "in a decade with the country riven by civil war, bloodshed and inter-provincial rivalries, as seen recently in Balochistan." (Energy Compass, 2 March 2005).
- "¦.Continuity, characterized by the dominant role of the Pakistani military and intelligence has been scrapped in favor of political breakup and balkanization.
- "¦.This US agenda for Pakistan is similar to that applied throughout the broader Middle East Central Asian region. US strategy, supported by covert intelligence operations, consists in triggering ethnic and religious strife, abetting and financing secessionist movements while also weakening the institutions of the central government. The broader objective is to fracture the Nation State and redraw the borders of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan Professor Michel Chossudovsky
STRANGE HEPPENINGS AT GEO THAT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED: Here are some facts about Geo and some example of how Geo demorolizes the population and the general body of the Pakistani dispora.
- GEO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CRASH OF THE STOCK MARKET: Geo repeatedly telecasted false news about the Pakistani economy, the political situation and hence the stock market crashed in Pakistan In a pre-orchestrated campaign.
- Geo focuses on the negative news and instead of focusing on solutions it shows bodies of dead people in contradiction of PEMRA and all decency requirements.
- Geo focuses on petrol prices but does not inform the viewers that most private cars in Pakistan now run on CNG (liqufied petroluem gas) which costs $5 for a tank full. Most people driving cars are not affected by the rise in petrol (gasoline) prices.
- In a planned manner Geo supresses and ignores good news like 5.1 billion dollar of oil refinery in Pakistan
Geo usually ignores good news like $28 Billion Emar international island development
- Geo is averse to good news about Pakistan"“there is no discussion of the Bullet Trains in Pakistan.
- Geo does not focus foreign interference in Pakistani affairs.
- Geo did not discuss the 89 separatist movements in India in 2007 "¦from Seven Northeastern sister states, to the Naxalite insurrection, to Bihar to Kashmir, to Assam etc"¦
- Geo Dramas: 50 percent of the dramas are Indian dramas on Geo and 25 percent are with mix cast (Indian and Pakistani) and Indian film
- Geo focuses on showing beheading of people and other depressing news.
- Why did Geo not focus on showing 250 million people sleeping on sidewalks in India?
- Geo did not cover for 36 hours the killing of 3000 Muslims in Gujrat?
- Urdu is not used by many hosts. Morning host shows are in English and "Urdlish" ( a horrible combination). The Younger generation is being spoiled by using them as instruments of hedonism.
- Some of the shows are way beyond the pale on being modern. Nudity is not modernity. Science and Technology is modernity.
- Geo plays into the hands of the opposition parties. It does not discuss opportunities for development.
When Mr. Shaharayar interviewed the President of Azad Kashmir he interrupted him and did not allow him to speak about the problems with the article of accession of Kashmir to India (which is now lost) if it ever existed.
- Geo continues to use Indian jargon like "partition". Partition signifies a temporary dissection of the whole. India was never whole. Even during British times there were more than 500 states in the Subcontinent. Some of them banded together to make Pakistan and others banded together to make India.
- Discussion of Kashmir, Manvanagar, Junagarh are non-existent on Geo. Most Geo maps show Kashmir as part of Pakistan. Zad Kashmir is never shown. Some Geo maps sill show the Nothern Areas as part of India or partof Kashmir.
- Kamran Khan was getting RS 25 lakh per month. Income vs. salary? Dr. Shahid Mahmud used to get Rs 22 laks per month. He was a member of NSF student Hamid Mir the Editor of "Ausaf" get Rs. 22 Lakh per month.
- Nadia Khan gets Rs 6 lacs per month. Income vs. salary?When Geo was not able to broadcast the 8-hour cricket match, Geo said they lost 1 billion Rupees, After the ban Goo kept on broadcasting for 36 hours without any income?Let us investigate the players involved with Geo from information that is publicly available. We see these links which will be analyzed. (continued after following links)
Additional Research:
Black Revolution 2007: Pakistan's Lawyers Movement "“ Bush Administration's Last Color Revolution
Operation Blue Tulsi: 15 Years in Planning, 10 Years in Preparation and Today in Execution
Codename Operation Enduring Turmoil Exposed! "“ Zionist Neocon Plans for Pakistan and rest of the World
Dissecting The Anti-Pakistan Psyop
Biography: Pervez Musharraf
Biography: Nawaz Sharif
1) The controversial David Hazinski an ex US Navy Petty Officer with contacts with the State Department and the American Jewish Committee (AJC)
2) Who is Todd Fratz and why does Geo associate with such characters?
3) Casper Weinberger, Ronald Reagan's indicted and pardoned Secretary of Defense who predicted the "Next War" with a rogue state like Iran. Why does Geo align itself with known war mongeres.
4) Geo has strategic links with SkyTV of the UK, CNN, IBN-CNN in India and the Voice of America (VOA). See article on VOA Geo alliance in Pakistan.
Geo was started with the help of an ex US Naval Petty Officer by the name of Hazinski who has links with Mr. Casper Weinberger and many Indian channels.
According to ( "Most recently, he re-designed the central International Broadcast Center for the Voice of America in Washington and is consulting on new network launches for the VOA". Mr. Hazinski is the principal of the company called IntelligentMC (,2870 Peachtree Road #713, Atlanta, GA 30305-2918, USA, email:, url: other principal of Intelligent MC is Mr. Todd Frantz. "Todd comes to IMC from 10 years at CNN in Atlanta". He has links to "Cox Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research at The University of Georgia"
David Hazinski, associate professor at the University of Georgia's Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, is the principle architect of GEO-TV and managed the station's launch. Hazinski was contacted by the Jang Group, Pakistan's largest newspaper publisher and GEO-TV's owner, after he shepherded the successful launch of a similar station in India in January 2001. Aaj Tak, the first all-news, Hindi-language channel in India, now has a 60% share of the news audience in India.
As one of the owners of Intelligent Media Consultants, an Atlanta-based company that helps its clients design efficient and profitable network operations through the creative application of broadcast technology, Hazinski has worked all over the world launching news operations in markets starved for unbiased reporting. "This is really the cutting edge of technology and journalism," says Hazinski, a former NBC news correspondent who says he and his partners have helped launch at least a dozen news operations in the last 10 years. "These are new markets. They haven't been exposed to lots of TV."
Because most of Intelligent Media's clients are unfamiliar with broadcast news techniques, Hazinski says he is able to tailor unique approaches that maximize their limited budgets. "These people are willing to try new things because they don't want to pay the outrageous costs associated with news production in the United States," he says. "Right now, based on what we learned in Pakistan, we're convinced we can launch a network today for half of what it would have cost three years ago. And no one would see any quality difference on the air "“ even if we aired it in the U.S."
At GEO-TV's main broadcast center in Karachi, Hazinski built a newsroom around 24 Mac G4s running Final Cut Pro. News footage is captured with 40 Sony PD150s and 15 PD100s. NewTek Video Toaster 2 systems are used at bureaus in Islamabad and Lahore to switch between the main broadcast center.
In addition to designing a systems approach for GEO-TV, Hazinski helped teach the station's staff how to use the equipment and how to produce television news. Greg Pope, a freelance editor and producer formerly with CNN, spent one month in Karachi this summer training GEO-TV's news staff, which primarily consists of newspaper journalists. "We basically had to convert people from print journalists to TV journalists," says Pope, adding that he had never taught production techniques in a classroom setting to non-English speaking students. "These print people were basically issued cameras and editing equipment and within months were transformed from pen and paper to this new electronic media. Some of them didn't even know how to use a keyboard when we started."
Considering the steep learning curve for the Pakistani journalists, Pope says he was amazed at their perseverance and enthusiasm. "These people are tired of having Western news and government news shoved down their throats," says Pope, who estimates that he taught 100 people to shoot and edit video. "They want their own voice. They want to represent themselves in their own way."
But there is still a chance that the government will shut down GEO-TV. Pope says that while he was training the news staff, it was widely believed that there were spies for PTV within their ranks. However, in recent years the Jang Group has won many battles for freedom of the press, so there is hope that GEO-TV will succeed.
"If they have minimal government interference, [GEO-TV] will change the face of Pakistan," says Pope.
WHO IS DAVID DAVID HAZINSKI? Why did Geo hire a known Neocon for help in content?
He owns Intelligent Media Consultants, LLC, a company responsible for training the staffs and helping to launch eight television networks around the world, mostly on the sub-continent. These include Aaj Tak and CNN-IBN in India and GEO TV in Pakistan. He has also consulted for broadcasters and publishers such as the Voice of America, Gramedia in Indonesia, and Alsumaria in Beirut and Baghdad. While on the faculty, Hazinski spent two years as writer, co-host and technology advisor of the internationally syndicated World Business Review with Caspar Weinberger, the Secretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan. Before coming to UGA, Hazinski served six years as an international correspondent for NBC News, covering the U.S., Europe, and Central America "” and ten years before that as a TV reporter with stations in Charlotte and Pittsburgh. Office: 139, Fax Number: (706) 542-2183, E-Mail Address:
Hazinski holds a Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professorship, the university's highest teaching award and has been appointed a Senior Teaching Fellow and a member of the Teaching Academy. He has received more than a dozen local, state, and national journalism awards, including a Golden Quill for Investigative Reporting.
Mr. Hazinski has been advocating restricting what he calls "Citizenship jounalism" which he considers dangerous. (,(
Investigative reporters may scrutinize the details of Mr. resume posted at the bottom of this post. Also posted on (
WHAT DOES THE GEO CONSULTANT MR. HAZINSKI BELIEVE IN? His address to the American Jewish Council dated 12/13/2007. You can read his article at the bottom of this page.
WHO IS CASPER WEINBERGER? And why did Geo associate with a known war monger?
Caspar Willard "Cap" Weinberger (August 18, 1917 "“ March 28, 2006), was an American politician and Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan from January 21, 1981, until November 23, 1987, making him the third longest-serving defense secretary to date, after Robert McNamara and Donald Rumsfeld. He is also known for his roles in the Strategic Defense Initiative program and the Iran-Contra Affair.
Following his resignation as Secretary of Defense, Weinberger was placed under indictment by Independent Counsel Lawrence E. Walsh. The formal indictment charged Weinberger withseveral felony counts of lying to the Iran-Contra independent counsel during its investigation. Weinberger received a Presidential pardon from President George H.W. Bush on December 24, 1992, after Bush had failed to win a second term.
In 1996, Weinberger co-authored a book entitled The Next War, which raised questions about the adequacy of US military capabilities following the end of the Cold War. After he published his book, his colleagues from the Reagan administration broke contact and refused to speak with him.
Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire ('GBE') in 1988, awarded in recognition for an "outstanding and invaluable" contribution to military cooperation between the UK and the US, particularly during the Falklands War of 1982. Wikipedia
WEINBERGER DISCUSSES IRAN AND THE NEXT WAR: From Publishers Weekly Weinberger, secretary of defense for most of the Reagan years, collaborates with Schweizer, president of the James Madison Institute, to present five possible near-future scenarios in which the U.S. goes to war. Scenario one is based on a North Korean invasion of South Korea that ends in stalemate after a limited nuclear exchange. Number two casts Iran as a rogue state using ballistic missiles to alter the Middle East's balance of power. The third scenario postulates a radical Mexican government scapegoating the U.S. as the source of its country's woes. A fourth describes the conquest of Europe by a resurgent Russia?again with the aid of nuclear weapons. In scenario five, the U.S. and Japan reignite the Pacific War of 1941-1945, this time using "cyberstrikes" against information systems, chemical warfare and a nuclear exchange. The authors tell their stories through the eyes of fictional participants. This format, familiar to readers of techno-thrillers, is an effective framework for dramatizing a set of pessimistic conclusions. Because of America's reduction of its conventional armed forces and its failure to build a missile defense system, none of the scenarios have outcomes more positive than stalemate achieved at high cost. The authors' lament for such a missile system and for the armed forces of the past won't convince those who believe that the dominant modes of future conflict will be terrorism and guerrilla war, however. Weinberger and Schweizer nevertheless make a case deserving serious consideration by citizens and policy-makers alike. PUblisher's Weekly posted on Amazon
DESTABILIZING PAKISTAN: Geo has been blamed for participating in and highlighting events per CNN instructions.
Why is Geo not reporting Gen. Kayani's statement that he suspects a foreign hand in the assassination to destabilize and denuclearize Pakistan? The silence is deafening!
Saboteurs trained in Afghanistan have been inserted into Pakistan to aggravate extremist passions here, especially after the Red Mosque operation.
Chinese citizens continue to be targeted by individuals pretending to be Islamists, when no known Islamic group has claimed responsibility. . A succession of "religious rebels" with suspicious foreign links have suddenly emerged in Pakistan over the past months claiming to be "Pakistani Taliban". Some of the names include Abdul Rashid Ghazi, Baitullah Mehsud, and now the Maulana of Swat. Some of them have used, and are using, encrypted communication equipment far superior to what the Pakistani military owns.
Money and weapons have been fed into the religious movements and al-Qaeda remnants in the tribal areas. Exploiting the situation, assets within the Pakistani media started promoting the idea that the Pakistani military was killing its own people. The rest of the unsuspecting media quickly picked up this message. Some botched US and Pakistani military operations against al-Qaeda that caused civilian deaths accidentally fed this media campaign.This was the perfect timing for the launch of Military, Inc: Inside Pakistan's Military Economy, a book authored by Ayesha Siddiqa Agha, a columnist for a Pakistani English-language paper and a correspondent for "Jane's Defence Weekly", a private intelligence service founded by experts close to British intelligence.
This compares Geo with ARY and PTV
This compares Geo with CNN and Foxnews websites.
Here are the statistics on the number of posts and discussion of Geo on various boards:
If things do not change, Pakistanis should cancel Geo and let them suffer.
press releases: VOA Launches Urdu TV For Pakistan, 11/13/2005
Washington, D.C. "“ The Voice of America (VOA) will launch Beyond the Headlines-its new television program in Urdu-on Monday, Nov. 14. The half-hour program will air on GEO TV in Pakistan at 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and on selected international satellites, including AsiaSat (Virtual Channel 409) and IOR (Virtual Channel 420).
Beyond the Headlines (Khabron se Aage), a fast-paced, contemporary production designed with young and urban Pakistanis in mind, will continue VOA's 63-year tradition of broadcasting accurate and balanced information. Programs will examine international developments, technology, politics, social issues, education, religion, sports, and entertainment.
"We look forward to opening this important new channel of communication between the American people and Pakistan," said Steven J. Simmons, a member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which oversees all United States international radio and television services. Simmons is chairman of the BBG's Voice of America Committee, and has played a key role in increasing radio and TV service to Pakistan, including Beyond the Headlines.
"We're particularly delighted with our partnership with GEO TV, the leading cable/satellite broadcaster in the Urdu language," Simmons added. "This new program, together with our expanded radio service, demonstrates our growing commitment to reach the people of Pakistan with new, engaging programs on both radio and TV."
"The links between Pakistan and the United States are strong and growing, and our new show is a reflection of that," said VOA Director David S. Jackson. "Beyond the Headlines will focus not only on the big issues of the day, but also on features, business, and culture stories that illuminate the world we live in. For example, we'll show how Pakistanis live and work and go to school in the U.S. We want to provide a unique mix of stories that viewers can't find anywhere else."
Farah Ispahani is the managing editor and executive producer for Beyond the Headlines. She joined VOA earlier this year, bringing more than 20 years of experience in print and television media at such news organizations as CNN, ABC, and NBC. Before she joined VOA, Ispahani, who is a fluent Urdu speaker, was instrumental in the launch of CNN's Paula Zahn Now and Anderson Cooper 360.
Anchoring Beyond the Headlines will be Aneka Osman. A familiar face to Pakistanis, Osman worked as an English language news anchor on Pakistan Television. She has covered regional and national security issues, Pakistan-India relations, the conflict in the Middle East, and Pakistan's general elections. She has also worked on Prime Television, the UK-based Pakistani channel, and on the Business Plus Channel.
Ayaz Gul is VOA Urdu's Chief Reporter and Pakistan Coverage Coordinator for Radio Aap ki Dunyaa (Your World Radio), VOA's Urdu radio service, and Beyond the Headlines. Gul, who is based in Pakistan, has been filing on-the-scene reports in Urdu and English for VOA since 1996, and his reports are translated into numerous languages throughout VOA. Prior to joining VOA, he worked for the Japanese network NHK and for the German news agency DPA as a reporter specializing in Pakistan's foreign and domestic news.
VOA's Urdu Service broadcasts 12 hours a day of news and information to millions of Pakistanis and other Urdu speakers on Radio Aap ki Dunyaa. The program is distributed by medium wave at 972 kHz, digital audio satellite, the Internet and a three-hour shortwave broadcast. The launch of Beyond the Headlines adds two-and-half hours of television to the Urdu Service's weekly broadcast schedule.
The Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts more than 1,000 hours of news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of more than 100 million people. Programs are produced in 44 languages.
For more information, call VOA's Office of Public Affairs at or E-Mail
Unfettered "˜citizen journalism' too risky By DAVID HAZINSKI, Published on: 12/13/07
You're beginning to get a lot more news "¦ from you.
It ranges from the CNN YouTube debates to political blogs to cellphone video of that sniper who opened fire at an Omaha Mall. These are all examples of so called "citizen journalism," the hot new extension of the news business where the audience becomes the reporter. David Hazinski, a former NBC correspondent, is an associate professor of telecommunications and head of broadcast news at the University of Georgia's Grady College of Journalism.
Supporters of "citizen journalism" argue it provides independent, accurate, reliable information that the traditional media don't provide. While it has its place, the reality is it really isn't journalism at all, and it opens up information flow to the strong probability of fraud and abuse. The news industry should find some way to monitor and regulate this new trend.
The premise of citizen journalism is that regular people can now collect information and pictures with video cameras and cellphones, and distribute words and images over the Internet. Advocates argue that the acts of collecting and distributing makes these people "journalists." This is like saying someone who carries a scalpel is a "citizen surgeon" or someone who can read a law book is a "citizen lawyer." Tools are merely that. Education, skill and standards are really what make people into trusted professionals. Information without journalistic standards is called gossip.
But unlike those other professions, journalism "“ at least in the United States "“ has never adopted uniform self-regulating standards. There are commonly accepted ethical principles "“ two source confirmation of controversial information or the balanced reporting of both sides of a story, for example, but adhering to the principles is voluntary. There is no licensing, testing, mandatory education or boards of review. Most other professions do a poor job of self-regulation, but at least they have mechanisms to regulate themselves. Journalists do not.
So without any real standards, anyone has a right to declare himself or herself a journalist. Major media outlets also encourage it. Citizen journalism allows them to involve audiences, and it is a free source of information and video. But it is also ripe for abuse.
CNN's last YouTube Republican debate included a question from a retired general who is on Hillary Clinton's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendersteering committee. False Internet rumors about Sen. Barack Obama attending a radical Muslim school became so widespread that CNN and other news agencies did stories debunking the rumors. There are literally hundreds of Internet hoaxes and false reports passed off as true stories, tracked by sites such as
Having just anyone produce widely distributed stories without control can have the reverse effect from what advocates intend. It's just a matter of time before something like a faked Rodney King beating video appears on the air somewhere.
Journalism organizations should head that off. Citizen reports can be a valuable addition to news and information flow with some protections:
"¢ Major news organizations must create standards to substantiate citizen-contributed information and video, and ensure its accuracy and authenticity.
"¢ They should clarify and reinforce their own standards and work through trade organizations to enforce national standards so they have real meaning.
"¢ Journalism schools such as mine at the University of Georgia should create mini-courses to certify citizen journalists in proper ethics and procedures, much as volunteer teachers, paramedics and sheriff's auxiliaries are trained and certified.
Journalists generally don't like any kind of standards or regulation. Many argue that standards could infringe on freedom of the press and journalism shouldn't be regulated.
But we have already seen the line between news and entertainment blur enough to destroy significant credibility. Continuing to do nothing as information flow changes will further erode it. Journalism organizations who choose to do nothing may soon find the line between professional and citizen journalism gone as well as the trust of their audiences. Associate Professor/Head, Broadcast News .
Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication. 1987 to present. Teach upper level and graduate professional courses in radio/ television news production, broadcast news writing, documentary production and advanced television news. Leads a professional focused faculty which originated and administers student-produced, commercially broadcast college news and public affairs television programs. NBC NEWS (NEW YORK, N.Y.)
Correspondent, 1981-1987. International network news correspondent based in the Atlanta, Ga. bureau, responsible for primarily hard news coverage in the Southeastern United States and Central America. Reports appeared regularly on the TODAY SHOW, NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, NBC Weekend News, and the NBC and The Source national radio networks. Also responsible for primary field-testing and implementation of the NBC News computer system. WPXI-TV (PITTSBURGH, PA.)
Service on international issues including the return of the Iranian hostages, the installation of Pope John Paul II, the rise of Solidarity in Poland and the ongoing civil war in Northern Ireland. WSOC-TV (CHARLOTTE, N.C.)
Reporter, 1973-1976. Political and general assignments reporter. Morning and elections anchor. Freelance assignments for NBC News, Newsweek TV, United Press International Television, and the TVN international syndication service. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE
STAR ANANDA (KOLKATTA, INDIA), Associate Project Manager/Training Director, 12/2004 "“ 5/2005, Directed a team of international consultants who created, along with their Indian counterparts, a 24-hour local news and information channel in the Bengali language which launched in May, 2005. Took part in all levels of macro-planning. Specifically direct a two month staff training process which trained approximately 100 people in all phases of television news production.
PULS-TV (VIENNA, AUSTRIA), Associate Project Manager/Training Director, 4/2004- 7/2004. Co-direct a team of international consultants who created, along with their Austrian counterparts, a 24-hour local news and information city channel, the first in that country. Took part in all levels of macro-planning. Specifically direct a two-month staff training program which trained approximately 100 people in all phases of television production.
GEO-TV / JANG PUBLISHING GROUP (KARACHI, PAKISTAN), Associate Project Manager/Training Director, 4/2002- 9/2002. Co-direct a team of international consultants who created, along with their Pakistani counterparts, a 24-hour news channel based in Karachi, Pakistani with major centers in Islamabad, Lahore and Dubai, UAE. Took part in all levels of macro-planning. Specifically direct a three-month hiring and staff training process which processed 15,000 applicants and trained a staff of 300.
Vice President, 1985-present. Officer and part owner of a firm engaged in trucking, warehousing and freight consolidation with gross receipts exceeding three million dollars a year. Contributor to all levels of corporate decision making including future planning, personnel, equipment acquisition and finance. VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (ATLANTA, GA.)
President, 1989-present. Chief Executive Officer and equity owner of a firm engaged in television production, media consulting, satellite distribution, the production of video news releases, and industrial and instructional video materials. INTELLIGENT MEDIA CONSULTING, LLC (ATLANTA, GA.)
Principal, 1999-present. Owner and executive officer of a firm engaged in international television and media startups and systems design. Projects include Aaj Tak in India, Gramedia's launch of Channel 7 in Indonesia, and the re-design of the U.S. Voice of America's International Broadcasting Bureau in Washington, D.C.
BROADCAST PRODUCER/TALENT, 1987-present. Engaged as an independent writer, producer, narrator and/or on-camera performer for both broadcast and instructional information, education and public service programming.
Clients included:
"¢National Association of Retired Persons "¢IBM (instructional and national video news releases)
"¢National Air and Space Museum "¢Bass Anglers Sportsman Society
"¢United Way "¢Sioux Nations
"¢Government of Indonesia "¢Apple Computers
"¢Georgia Board of Education "¢U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
"¢Federal Bureau of Investigation "¢American Guernsey Association
"¢Sylvan Learning Centers "¢MIT
"¢Atlanta Committee For The Olympic Games "¢Lucent Technologies
"¢BellSouth "¢AT&T
"¢Sterling Commerce
Masters of Education, Educational Communications and Technology, Graduate School of Education, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1980.
Bachelor of Arts, Journalism, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1973.
U.S. Navy, Radioman, Second Class Petty Officer, discharged honorably, Da Nang, Republic of Viet Nam, 1968-70.
Navy Courses Completed:
- Basic Electronics and Electricity
- Radioman Class "A" program
- Radio and Television News Production - Advanced Radio and Television News Production - Broadcast News Writing - Documentary Production Management - Broadcast Show Origination - Television News Reporting - originated CNN Newsource college affiliate program, made nationwide spring, 1990. 300 participating schools at this time. - originated University News college news program, which on a half dozen commercial stations, with contributions from six other universities, 1987-1990. Superceded by a daily, live news program broadcast to three area counties, which continues. - originated Broadcast News Bluejeans Workshop, bringing network level professionals to campus to work with students, 1988-present. - originated, with Professor Al Wise, Camera South, magazine format entertainment program shown on commercial stations, spring, 1992. - originated a broadcast news writing course now the foundation for the broadcast news sequence, 1990. - created, with CNN Director of Technology Todd Fantz, a multimedia interactive program to teach broadcast news writing, 1994. - principal faculty, with Clarke County School District, cooperative Micro-society Broadcasting Program, 1995. - created, with Prof. Martha Cameron, Georgia GameDay, a student produced sports show, 1999.
- Initiated a new remote broadcasting system on campus which allows student journalists to report "live" via electric news vehicles and cable channel modulation, 2000. - Initiated a joint venture with R/com Networks, inc. to certify distance learning courses and programs for adult education courses, 2000-present. - Initiated remote field video editing for the construction of on-scene reports using laptop computers and digital cameras, 2001. - Produced (to our knowledge), the first student television "live shots" over the internet, 2004. - Expanded student "internet live shots' to include wireless video-over-IP transmissions, 2005. - Currently developing with IMC Principal Todd Fantz, an Apple-based newsroom information and video playback system that includes teleprompter, story management, rundown, news wire parcing, scripting and scheduling system.
* Management Consultant, Orange County Newschannel, 1990. * Executive Producer, Production and Satellite Coverage, American Association of Retired Persons 1990 International Convention. * Correspondent/Producer, American Association of Retired Persons 1988 International Convention. * Executive Producer, TV satellite coverage, Bass Anglers Sportsman Society National Championship, 1987- 2000. * Consultant, Office of the Attorney General of the United States, 1992-93. * Consultant, Media Management & Crisis Communications, Fish & Wildlife Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 1990- 2000. * Peabody Awards, faculty screening committee, 1987- 1999. * National Association of Farm Cooperatives, judge, 1988-89. * Golden Quill Awards, judge, 1986. * Radio-Television News Directors Association, 1988- present. * International Association of Business Communicators, judge, 1990. * U.S. Army Headquarters, Forces Command, judge, Keith L. Ware Awards, September, 1991. * Broadcast Education Association, 1993. Chair, National University News Network Committee. * Broadcast Education Association, 1994-present, Co-chair, News Division. * Executive Producer, CNN Broadcast News Training Program, 1993- 1995. * Consultant, WJCL-TV, Savannah, Georgia, 1992-93. * Consultant, new media systems design, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 1995. * Consultant, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, on media management and crisis communications, 1991-present. * Education Task Force, Radio-Television News Directors Association, 1998-present. * Turner Broadcasting/CNN Educational Committee, 1998-2000. * Consultant, International Broadcast Bureau, Voice of America, 2001. * Consultant, Gramedia International, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2001. * Consultant, National Public Radio, Washington, D.C. 2002. * Consultant, Weather News International, Tokyo & Norman, OK, 2004-present. * Consultant, Alsumaria Television Network, Baghdad & Beirut, 2005-present.
- "Video News Release Labels Go Unread", Electronic Media, November 4, 1991. - "Video News Releases That Work", Outdoor ADventures, October, 1991. - "Digital Compression's Maiden Voyage", Electronic Media, November 18, 1991. - "A Powerful Tool For Publicity", Outdoor ADventures, August, 1991. - "Television Guide", training pamphlet written for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, spring, 1990. - "Equal Time", Feedback, Broadcast Education Association, Winter, 1989. - "Hi Tech/Low Cost College Computer Graphics", American Journal of Commercial Art, February, 1990. - "Women See Opportunities in TV News", Electronic Media, September 24, 1990. - "The Future of TV News", Electronic Media, October, 1992. - "Crisis Communications", training pamphlet written for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, summer, 1993. - "Throwing Money After High Tech No Help to News", Electronic Media, December 12, 1994. - "(Almost) Free Live Shots Using Apple iChat AV", DL Quarterly, January, 2005 - "New Age Broadcast News Instruction", DL Quarterly, January, 2005.
HONORS AND AWARDS - Kappa Tau Alfa, Journalism Scholastic Honorary.
- Winner, Meigs Department Teaching Award, 1992.
- First Place, Investigative Reporting, 1975, North and South Carolina Radio and Television News Directors Association.
- Co-winner, Best News Story of The Year, 1977, Pittsburgh Chapter, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.
- Winner, Best News Story of The Year, 1978, Pittsburgh Chapter, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.
- Winner, Outstanding Use of Television, 1981, Pittsburgh Chapter, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.
- Winner, Golden Quill Award, 1981, Enterprise/Investigative Reporting.
- Winner, San Francisco State Media Award, 1981, Investigative Reporting.
- Winner, Golden Phoenix, 1994, Public Relations Society of America, Best Video News Release.
- First Place, News Division, 1995 Broadcast Education Association, juried faculty production.
- First Place, 1995 American Corporate Video Awards, Best Video News Release.
- Finalist, 1995 International Mercury Awards, International Academy of Communications Arts & Sciences, Video News Release.
- Silver Award, 1995, International Mercury Awards, International Academy of Communications Arts & Sciences, Video News Release.
- Award of Excellence, 1996, Apex Awards For Publication Excellence, Communications Concepts, Video News Release.
- Silver Award, 1996, International Mercury Awards, International Academy of Communications Arts & Sciences, Video News Releases.
- Award of Distinction, 1997, International Merc Mercury Awards, International Academy of Communications Arts & Sciences, Video News Releases.
- Distinguished Teaching Award,, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003. University of Georgia.
- Awarded Joshua Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professorship, 2004.
- Appointed, Senior Teaching Fellow, 2004. - Appointed, Teaching Academy Member, 2004.
􀂾 Multi-machine video editing, University of Georgia, 1990, $23,000.
􀂾 Apple Computer digital editing, $75,000, 1994.
􀂾 CNN technology, $580,000, 1995.
􀂾 Georgia lottery matching grant, $240,000, 1995
􀂾 CNN Headline News set, $35,000, 1995.
􀂾 Sony Corporation video switcher, $55,000, 1996.
􀂾 Cox Broadcasting analog router, $220,000, 1997.
􀂾 Georgia Public Television satellite truck, $400,000, 1998. 􀂾 Fox Broadcasting Atlanta television set, $110,000. 1999􀂾 Remote digital broadcasting, University of Georgia, $98,000, 2000. 􀂾 VizRT Graphics Grant, University of Georgia/VizRt, $520,000, 2003. COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES
- Scholarship and Awards - University Council - University Unified Grievance Committee - Faculty Affairs Committee - Cox Center for International Training and Research - Department Facilities Committee - Joint Faculty/Staff Grievance Committee (Chair) - National College News Network Committee, Broadcast Education Association, (Chair) - Academic Honesty Committee - 1999-2000 Facilities Self-Study - University Technology Advisory Committee - University CIO Search Committee - University Provost's IT Task Force Member - Faculty Search Committee (Chair) - College Informational Resources Committee (Chair) - Department Admissions Committee
INNOVATIVE INSTRUCTION CHARLOTTE BAY TRADING COMPANY (CHARLOTTE, N.C.) MULTI MEDIA PRODUCTIONS "USA", INC. (BOCA RATON, FLA.) Co-Host and Technology Advisor, World Business Review with Caspar Weinberger, 1996-1999. Write, co-host and advise the production of a weekly, internationally syndicated radio, television and Internet distributed program featuring interviews with CEO's from Fortune 500 companies on their latest technology and business systems. AAJ TAK / INDIA TODAY (NEW DELHI, INDIA) Project Manager, 4/2000-12/2000. In charge of an international team of consultants who created, along with their Indian counterparts, a new satellite and terrestrially distributed 24-hour national news channel in the Hindi language. Project involves creating a main facility from scratch, establishing 14 bureaus around the country, and the introduction of new technology and systems design. Project management included establishment of programming, policies and procedures, hiring and personnel guidelines, look and feel, contracted construction, the training of 250 initial staff, vendor oversight, and overall organizational structure and control.
David C. Hazinski
Also See:
Where is Kashif Abbasi? Speech "“ Not As Free As It Used To Be!
Nawaz Sharif, Kamran Khan & National Interest
Black Revolution 2007: Pakistan's Lawyers Movement "“ Bush Administration's Last Color Revolution
Operation Blue Tulsi: 15 Years in Planning, 10 Years in Preparation and Today in Execution
Codename Operation Enduring Turmoil Exposed! "“ Zionist Neocon Plans for Pakistan and rest of the World
Dissecting The Anti-Pakistan Psyop "“ A Must Read
Video: BrassTacks "“ CIA's threats to Pakistan | Episode 7
Biography: Pervez Musharraf
Biography: Nawaz Sharif
Pakistan's Taxing Democracy
A Rs. 500 Million Bribe, Welcome To Pakistani "˜Democracy'
Zardari-Gilani: No Money, Just IMF
The Revolution within Ourselves
Pakistan Needs Statesmen, Not Recycled Politicians
To Pakistan's Prime Minister From An American: Step Up or Step Down
Pakistan's Founder Jinnah Has No Place In His Homeland
PPPistan or Nawazistan or Altafistan or Pakistan?
Political Parties Destroying Pakistan
To Pak Military: Empower The Middle Class To Save Pakistan
Pakistan's Battle Of The Generations
Pakistan's Fake Democracy, Rich Democrats
To Save Pakistan, Pakistani Feudalism Must die
A Military-Civil Intervention To Save Pakistan
Great work Mr. Moin Ansari. I am 100% with you and totally convinced with your points. Thanks
[...] fight, especially when the two countries disagree on which groups pose the greatest threat. >The CIA's influence runs like a thread through the myriad of militant groups on the Pakistani border, yet is often hard [...]
[...] article linked to above comes from GEO (click on their name to learn more about their [...]
Well Done Mr Ansari. I dont know when people of pakistan will wake up and realise that their roots are slowly cut by these channels and their anti Pakistan propaganda.
May ALLAH give us sight to identify who is for and who is against our beloved country, our homeland, our PAKISTAN. (AMEEN)
I have same same concern with Geo. The problem with Pakistan is that there is regulation/monitoring for any business. Geo is trying to make money without consideraing our national security and integraty, culture and religious values and conspireces of enemies. The regulatory athority must be activated in real sense without potical biasing, to monitor broadcast channel program and their revenue resourses.
Fantastic piece of research. Hats off to Moin Ansari. The business community of Pakistan and the artists should read this article and open their eyes that how innocently they have become part of the diintegration campaign against their beloved country. If they have the slightest "Qaumi Ghairat" they should boycott these channels. So far as iftikhar Ahmed is concerned he will also get a job like Dr Shaihd Masood and will keep quite. These types of Be Zameer journalists are available in plenty in Pakistan. May allah destroy the enemies of our country. Ameen
I stopped reading here
"Why does Geo almost never cover the insurgencies in India? Why is Geo so infatuated with Anti-Pakistan Bollywood films? Why is Geo bent upon creating a "Indianization" of Pakistan? Why does Geo pay so much attention to Bollywood?"
There is nothing wrong in doing so, people in Pakistan are huge fans of the Indian Film Industry then why not to show people the kind of stuff they are interested in. I completely fail to comprehend your fetishistic fasciniation with the conspiracy world. Why are you so adamant on proving that whatever is happening is part of a well thought plan to weaken Pakistan.
I am not trying to advocate that GEO TV is all good, it has gone well over the limits sometimes and has definately ignored the journalistic responsiblities that lie on its part. But to say that it is a psy-ops wing of the CIA is way too muchn in my opinion.
Thank you for posting this info! there is no doubt Geo TV, in fact the whole Jang Group is working against Pakistan interest! This media should be banned! but we don't have any hopes from our current corrupt, ignorant and feudal leadership! Everyone here in Pakistan is missing Musharraf now"¦ 
[...] Is Geo TV a CNN affiliate or is it the psy-ops wing of the CIA? Ayesha Siddiqa's MILITARY INC: A Deflective and Derogatory Book [...]
[...] was prompt to alert its Pakistani cronies inside and outside Pakistan to play their role. Certain Pakistani TV channels and newspapers where the Indians have invested heavy amounts were to become the platforms to damage [...]
You guys have published some amazing facts and figures about these disgusting people who have damaged this poor country of ours and continue doing so in the name of freedom of press. Such people who are playing in the hands of our enemies ought to be dealt with severely. We should not only stop watching these channels but also urge the Government to take strict action against these traitors and put a permanent ban on them.We don't need such known fifth coloumnists in our beloved Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad.
[...] [also covered in Jang and The News International] to a journalist namely Kamran Khan of Geo Tv [Pakistan Private TV Channel owned by Jang Group of Pakistan] who has a history of Yellow Journalism [Kamran Khan also contribute in an American Daily The [...]
Occupation Country Liquidator master wright; for my office and pakistan use only in criterai of liquidation of the united kingdom and the realms of elizabeth II;" My office reconised the criteria which the brittish troops were depolyed under the acts of bach benchin. The mangments which arose was the aim of bombardments of constructual Econamic and oraginastion of econamics in the marjin flow of constructual. The benchin simulation lea'd to hundreads of senior troops in rejimants to invade at a excessive cost's to establish the main form of bench. The excessive cost took thousands of British troops to a consealed no threat what so ever in the marjin of conspiracy. The conspiracy lead to numeras " by hand operations of benching in their way of un-dedicated thnic majority of support and realistic belief of moral support of public. The brittish ltd company england goverment nomber 10 downin st ltd, lead the deaths and major familyter 's in ruble and parts of the human body in disasaster, "in order to take out the (sunni) Dictator Sadam Hussain (rip). The England ltd company in consiracy of Sadam Hussain attaining a mass majority of weapons able to take out towns and city's and invade in to Economic Devised Country. The conspiarcy lead the ltd company in "form of the weapon's to be in hand of the Dictator and owner of Iraq". After days of handling the criteria of bench the managment's took place to allie with an organistaion in a country with militry regimant and weapn of mass detruction. The ltd company took in-air assault and ground troop invasion to procede ahead in to oranising meathods of Economic Devised Materials of Data and Collection Of Information in Oil, Population, Support, Injury, allie's and Weapons of 2nd to 3rd main Cause. I willlike to advice all web servers and users of domain that the article is in use of liquidation and my office use please do not hesitate to read.
Thank you.
Master wright RH
Plz clear your mind and think
* I think you are not aware of GEO"¦its been funded by USA govt"¦"¦just think, what jew / indian/ American lobby want "¦"¦"¦ the basic , idea is to promote frustration, and despondence in a nation so they start to demoralized .and the future can be mapped as they want to project in the minds of 50 percent Illiterate population"¦.that are born muslim ,,,can't read.. but can see. * why on earth USA is concern with only GEO ,why cnn bbc and bush quote GEO? why not other tv channels in china ? japan, CUBA ,Indian channel,arab, france "¦.. ?why only pakistan?????? * why geo showed ..peoples body without head ,only fingers parts, people dying after bomb blast ,?does any other channel show these thing???? * Just think"¦"¦ * · (in India more then 2000 muslims were killed in Gujarat for three months!!!! any 36 hours live coverage of these killing have any one seen on ZEE or star or sony, etc any Indian channels???? Babri masjid was destroyed by hindu any live coverage ???? nuns in tamil nado of India were burn alive in church and for next 6 hours the church was burning did any Indian or cnn or bbc showed that ?????in france 700 cars were burn in one day ) ,,, * · There are 89 separatist movement in India in 2007 "¦from bihar to Kashmir assam etc"¦. * · Do you see on any Indian channel showing "¦250 million people sleeping on footpath????? * · (zee India never showed killing of Kashmiris and the attack on GOLDEN TEMPLE ,killing of Sikhs in Indian soil/////// * · how many Israeli channel show killing by Israeli soldiers ????when they kill Palestinians????? * · have you ever seen Indian president or politician been given GALEE on tv channel during live coverage???? * · any killing by irish republican army * · 30,000 rape cases in USA do you see on tv????but you see muktaran maee on geo/cnn/bbc * · Why geo was not concerned with benazir wealth and property?? And Nawaz sharif property?? * * WHO is GEO ???? just think ???? they telecast a false news about emergency and stock market crashed in Pakistan "¦ * · do you know Kamran khan was getting RS 25 lakh per month , * · do you know DR shahid masood, was a member of NSF student party ( a political left wing student party against Pakistan and Islamic forces"¦. He use to sit around girls all day long ) with RS 22 lakh per month and home in dubai and karachi ,,multiple visa "¦ * · ..same amount been paid to hamid meer editor ausaf"¦"¦even nadia khan with Rs 6 lakh per month"¦. Such huge amount just to for free ??????? * · when they were not able to broadcast the 8 hour cricket match they said they lost 1 billion rupee ,and just imagine without any money just for free they were broadcasting judge activity in peoples party car for free ], Nawaz sharif for free and benazir for free"¦"¦all"¦ 36 hour coverage just for free ?????????????????by a private channel !!!!!!!!!!!!! * · 50 percent Indian dramas on geo and 25 percent with mix cast (Indian and Pakistani) and Indian films (which are ban in Pakistani cinema are been broadcasted by geo) movie like "˜khuda key liyaeh' an issue of so that people can play with Islam and its culture "¦..were telecasted"¦.. * · alim online where mr amir liaqat sitting in grave and dramatizing islam ..he translated the dua of imam kaba and .broadcasted by his name on tv "¦. Audience 50% jahil people in pakistan * · geo did not showed any good news like islamabad peshwar motorway but instead it showed dead people in karachi "¦.they never discuss 5.1 billion dollar of oil refinery in pakistan instead they showed beheading of Pakistani people"¦ never discuss why America is telling musharf to take his uniform ????/why usa is interfering in our business..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * itna jhoot bolo key "¦.log sum jahen kuch to succch ho ga "¦. * A COUNTRY WHERE 60 percent of population cannot read and never been to school media must not be free "¦"¦ * Actually its not foreign people involved directly in destroying Pakistan infact it us.
Pakistan and China are almost of same age but a huge difference. Do you we need to be demolished completely or need rulers from USA/Europe as we had before 1947?
Geo Tv of Pakistan is a propaganda machine serving interests of Zionists to achieve greater objectives. They are not much connected with greater objectives but such people are obsessed with power and money and this is what they got by supporting Zionism! I also heard that before GEO come in existence.. the Jang Group were famous for blackmailing the governments and bureaucracy through their Urdu and English dailies. They re still doing the same but serving larger Zionist agenda now"¦ I can only say to my Pakistani friends that open your mind and try to understand the motives behind each news breaks by such controversial news channels. They claim that all the people agrees with them but this is always opposite to the reality becuase they do not give coverage to those who disagrees with them.
Read this great piece below which explains how the propaganda works for greater objectives"¦ Be careful fellas this is about your survival!
By Dr. Sachithanandam Sathananthan,
Dr Sachithanandam Sathananthan earned his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge. He serves as a Visiting Research Scholar at the Jawaharlal Nehru University School of International Studies.
Sep 12, 2008 Counterpoint
The Great Game Continues
There is great euphoria among Pakistani liberals over the presumed 'eturn to democracy'. They are yet to discover Late Neo-colonialism. The manoeuvres against Musharraf bear uncanny resemblances to organised "˜people's power' the CIA unleashed during "˜colour revolutions' and upheavals against Hugo Chavez.
The widely expected victory for Pakistan People's Party (PPP) leader Asif Ali Zardari in the presidential election brought to a high point the tortuous process of regime change in Pakistan. Anyone who has followed the "˜colour revolutions' that installed pro-American rulers in Georgia (Rose Revolution, 2003), Ukraine (Orange Revolution, 2004) and Kyrgyzstan (Tulip Revolution, 2005) could surely not have missed the tell tale signs.
The earliest foreboding surfaced in the backroom manoeuvres by United States (US) and British intelligence services to engineer panic about the security of Pakistan's nuclear assets. It was a repeat of the duplicitous hysteria they generated over non-existent weapons of mass destruction that Iraq allegedly possessed. A carefully worded article, co-authored by former State Department officials Richard L. Armitage and Kara L. Bue, signalled the shift in US policy. After formally acknowledging then President Pervez Musharraf's many achievements, the authors continued: "˜much remains to be accomplished, particularly in terms of democratization. Pakistan must"¦eliminate the home-grown jihadists"¦And"¦it must prove itself a reliable partner on technology transfer and nuclear non-proliferation.' And the denouement: "˜We believe General Musharraf"¦deserves our attention and support, no matter how frustrated we become at the pace of political change and the failure to eliminate Taliban fighters on the Afghan border.' Translation: Musharraf has to go.
Almost simultaneously a 2006 country survey in The Economist, titled "˜Too much for one man to do', began on a jingoistic overkill: "˜Think about Pakistan, and you might get terrified. Few countries have so much potential to cause trouble, regionally and worldwide'. The following year a Carnegie Endowment report faulted western governments that "˜contribute to regional instability by allowing Pakistan to trade democratisation for its cooperation on terrorism'. Senior US State Department officials repeatedly accused Musharraf of "˜not doing enough' to combat Islamists within Pakistan and prevent their infiltration across the Durand Line into southern Afghanistan.
Sensing the way wind was blowing, then PPP Chairperson Benazir Bhutto redoubled efforts to convince Washington and London that, if she were to become Prime Minister, she would gladly do their bidding. She underscored her enthusiasm to serve and ensured her party was fully responsive to America's Late Neo-colonialism. She summoned senior party members to Dubai on 9 June 2007 for a "˜briefing' by a team from the US Democratic Party's National Democratic Institute (NDI), ostensibly on the subject of elections in Pakistan. The ruling Republican Party's International Republican Institute (IRI) had conducted the previous four "˜briefings' in June and September 2006 and March and April 2007. Benazir leaned towards the Democratic Party in the last one no doubt as a hedge against the party's possible victory at the forthcoming US Presidential Election.
Even a cursory knowledge of US Imperialism's standard operating procedure is sufficient to surmise at least some among the IRI and NDI officers were covert intelligence operatives; and that their "˜briefings' went beyond "˜tutelage of natives'. Rather they have been grooming the PPP as America's satrap.
Benazir's predilection to collaborate with the West has its roots in the Bhutto family's micro political culture. Her grandfather, Shah Nawaz Bhutto was a minor comprador official in the British colonial regime. The British rewarded his "˜loyal' services with the title Khan Bahadur and later appointed him President of a District Board and still later elevated him to knighthood.
Her father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's populist programmes did not dilute that legacy, which left a lasting impression on Benazir; she firmly believed the path to political power in Pakistan meanders through the Embassy of the United States, the current neo-colonialist.
She promised to offer the International Atomic Energy Agency access to Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan to 'satisfy the international community', an euphemism for the major powers; and to allow the US-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan to operate inside north-western Pakistan. By the time Benazir visited the Senate in September 2007, she had convinced the Bush Administration of her unswerving loyalty; for 'she received a standing ovation from a select gathering of US lawmakers, diplomats, academics and media representatives. This contrasted sharply with her previous visits to the US capital when she received little attention.' To deepen "˜Washington's renewed interest in her, Benazir cautioned that supporting Musharraf was "˜a strategic miscalculation' and pleaded "˜the US should support the forces of democracy', which, of course, refers to her PPP.
So, President George W Bush enabled Benazir's return from exile by arm-twisting Musharraf to promulgate the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO). The NRO of 5 October granted amnesty to politicians active in Pakistan between 1988 and 1999 and effectively wiped the slate clean of corruption charges for Benazir and her husband Asif Zardari. Three weeks later Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made it appear the Bush Administration wished to bring together "˜moderate' forces, implying a scenario in which Musharraf and Benazir would join forces as President and Prime Minister respectively; and Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte corroborated Rice: "˜Our message', he intoned, "˜is that we want to work with the government and people of Pakistan'.
However, Musharraf saw through the US Administration's transparent ploy to lull him into believing it would not remove him and install Benazir in his place. So, he swiftly invited Nawaz Sharif, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), back from exile in Saudi Arabia to counter Benazir. But he could not consolidate his position, especially because he mishandled the judiciary, and was compelled to resign on 18 August 2008.
In a nutshell, the reason for "˜Washington's renewed interest' in Benazir is Musharraf's firm opposition to US Late Neo-colonialism, to its manoeuvres to occupy, pacify and ravage Pakistan. In the 19th century British colonialism waged the "˜war on piracy' on the high seas ostensibly to bring "˜the light of Christian civilization'. But the British were the most successful pirates, as Spanish and Portuguese historians would gladly confirm. The "˜war on piracy' was the duplicitous justification trotted out to dominate lucrative maritime trade routes that were in the hands of Chinese, Arab and Tamil maritime empires and to invade kingdoms and/or countries essential to control trade and plunder resources. During most of the 20th century heroic anti-colonial movements and anti-imperialist wars rolled back much of colonial rule, which in some instances however morphed into neo-colonialism. Indonesia after Sukarno, Iran after Mosaddeq and Chile after Allende are well known examples.
The "˜war on terror' and "˜promoting democracy' are the 21st century equivalents of the 19th century British gobbledygook. American Late Neo-colonialism purveys them as moral justification and uses as political cover for intervening and, where necessary, invading resource-rich and strategic countries to overthrow nationalist leaders, install puppet regimes and savage the countries' wealth. And of course the US is by far the most powerful terrorist force.
It succeeded in Iraq (for now); but the CIA-organised regime change could not dislodge Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, who rejected the neo-colonialist 1989 Washington Consensus and supported alternative nationalist economic models.
Politically challenged Pakistani liberals "” a motley crowd that includes members of human rights and civil liberties organisations, journalists, analysts, lawyers and assorted professionals "” are utterly incapable of comprehending the geo-strategic context in which Musharraf manoeuvred to defend Pakistan's interest. So they slandered him an "˜American puppet', alleging he caved in to US pressure and withdrew support to the Afghan Taliban regime in the wake of 9/11 although in fact he removed one excuse for the Bush Administration to "˜bomb Pakistan into stone age', as a senior State Department official had threatened.
Nevertheless American discomfort with Musharraf's government was palpable by late 2003, after he dodged committing Pakistani troops to prop up the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq. When he offered to cooperate under the auspices of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), naïve Pakistani media and analysts lunged for his jugular, condemning him once again for succumbing to US demands. But in fact he nimbly sidestepped American demands: he calculated that diverse ideological stances of the 57 Muslim member-counties would not allow the OIC to jointly initiate such controversial action and therefore Pakistan's participation cannot arise, which proved correct.
Washington of course was not amused and the Bush Administration grew increasingly hostile to Musharraf's determination to prioritise Pakistan's interests when steering the ship of the state through the choppy waters of the unfolding New Great Game, in which the West "” led by the US "” is manoeuvring to contain growing Russian and Chinese influences in Central and West Asia. His foreign policy decisions over time convinced Washington that under his leadership, Pakistan would side with enemies of US and Britain in the New Great Game. First, he refused to isolate Iran; instead he vigorously pursued energy cooperation to build the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline in the face of stiff American opposition. Second, Washington was alarmed by Musharraf's preference for deepening Pakistan-China bilateral relations and forging nuclear cooperation; and more so when he offered Beijing naval facilities at the Gwadar port on Balochistan's Arabian Sea coast overlooking the entrance to the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic chokepoint through which passes approximately 30 per cent of world's energy supplies.
Perhaps the last straw was his success in gaining Observer Status for Pakistan in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Russia and China are spearheading the SCO, which includes four other countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan; Iran and India are also Observers. The SCO is widely perceived as a rising eastern counterweight to western security and economic groupings and Islamabad drifting towards the SCO was simply unacceptable in Washington.
To rub salt into its wounds, Musharraf refused permission to interrogate Dr. AQ Khan and firmly rejected Washington's demands that NATO troops be allowed into the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) to hunt down Osama bin Laden and his associates.
By early 2006 it was clear Washington was looking for nothing less than a pliable leader in Islamabad, a firm political foothold in Pakistan and a Pakistani foreign policy that complemented US strategic aims in Central Asia.
What perhaps angered Washington the most were actions Musharraf took to wind down the "˜war on terror' within Pakistan.
Immediately after taking power, he outlawed three Islamic extremist groups and, after 9/11, intensified military operations in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) bordering Afghanistan.
Washington would have gone along with Musharraf had he focussed on military operations to curb Islamists. Military action alone cannot defeat guerrillas; but it can kill many of them and in turn induce new recruits "” well known points reiterated by William R Polk in Violent Politics (2007) "“ so that the so-called "˜war on terror' would not end any time soon.
That could supplement US Administrations' assiduous manufacture of the "˜Islamic threat' through the 1990s to launch an endless "˜war on terror' "” the New Cold War "” to rescue America's permanent war economy. For after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US economy (and by extension west European economies) faced perhaps its biggest crisis: the "˜Communist threat' ceased to be credible; it could not be exploited to terrify the American people into acquiescing to rising military expenditure that keeps wheels of the permanent war economy rolling and to expanding the repressive security apparatuses.
So the Bush Administration deftly replaced the "˜Communist threat' with the "˜Islamic threat', no doubt following Machiavelli's famous advice in The Prince, that a wise ruler invents enemies and then slays them in order to control his own subjects. The apparently counterproductive bombings, arrests, torture, kidnappings and disappearances (sanitised as Extraordinary Rendition) carried out by US forces while the CIA covertly funded, armed and supported Islamists are intended not to eliminate the "˜Islamic threat' but to contain it within manageable limits and to spawn the next generation of "˜terrorists'.
Sometimes, plans go awry; "˜culling' may not contain the resistance, as seen in Afghanistan from time to time. Nevertheless, the strategy is to "˜feed terrorism' and simultaneously "˜cull terrorists' so that the perpetual New Cold War oils America's moribund permanent war economy.
Musharraf, however, did not play ball. He complemented military force to defeat Islamists with political initiatives.
He signed a peace treaty with tribal elders in North Waziristan (within FATA) to marginalise the Islamists. To combat the Islamists' religious ideology, he promoted "˜enlightened moderation', a veiled reference to secularism and tolerance. Musharraf's vision of a secular Pakistan has its roots in exposure to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's legacy when he attended school in Ankara during his father's diplomatic posting to Turkey. In fact, after taking power in Pakistan he often held up Ataturk as his role model. He planned to "˜wean away' the people from the "˜extremists' through education is how he described his approach to this writer. Towards this end, he introduced educational reforms and re-wrote school history text books; enacted laws protecting women's rights and diluted Islamic laws against women; and he liberalised the media. To deny Islamists their traditional rallying cry "” Kashmir "” he opened path breaking negotiations with India to remove that arrow from the Islamists' quiver.
When Musharraf skilfully combined military operations against Islamists with a political front promoting secularism to ideologically disarm them, the US administration saw red. By secularising Pakistani society over time Musharraf would de-fang the "˜Islamic threat' within Pakistan and extricate the country out of the contrived orbit of "˜war on terror'.
That would greatly diminish Washington's leverage to intervene in the country to distance Islamabad from Beijing and exploit energy resources abundantly found in Balochistan and, in the long run, perhaps derail US administration's well laid plans to bring Afghanistan to heel and to dominate Central Asia and its oil-rich Caspian Sea basin.
But Musharraf was in no mood to back down. So the Bush Administration slipped regime change into gear. Taking advantage of his missteps, the anti-Musharraf media blitz, NGO and student mobilisations, lawyers agitations, protests by political parties and civil society organisations seemingly coming from all directions in fact displayed a fantastic degree of organisation, coordination and financing clearly beyond the ken of the fratricidal activists and often ad hoc institutions and never witnessed before in the country. Very likely they will not be seen again either; indeed later the activists were singularly incapable of organising any significant agitation when three women were buried alive for defying their parents' choice of husbands. The manoeuvres against Musharraf bear uncanny resemblances to organised "˜people's power' the CIA unleashed during "˜colour revolutions' and upheavals against Hugo Chavez.
The Bush Administration began reaping the rewards of unseating Musharraf within 24 hours of his resignation. Chief of Army Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani travelled to Kabul to meet NATO and Afghan commanders on 19 August. About 10 days later Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen informed a Pentagon news conference on 28 August that Kayani and his lieutenants held a 'secret meeting' with their US counterparts on a US aircraft carrier, reminiscent of American gun boat diplomacy in Latin America and unthinkable in Pakistan under Musharraf's watch..
Mullen touchingly chronicled how he "˜learned to trust' Kayani and bent over backwards to emphasise that Kayani is no American puppet, that Kayani's "˜principles and goals are to do what's best for Pakistan.' But a few sections of the US media, weaned on decades of Pentagon-speak from the debacle in Vietnam to the illegal invasion of Iraq, saw through the verbal obfuscation. And when a reporter pointedly queried Mullen whether Kayani's "˜goal for Pakistan also aligned a hundred per cent with the US goal', the Admiral waffled: "˜[Kayani] knows his country a whole lot better than we do. And again, I just think that's where he is, that's where he'll stay.' Translation: US administration has got Kayani on tight leash.
And to maintain there is no substantial change from Musharraf's policies, Kayani's spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas and Mullen alleged the meetings had been arranged several weeks earlier, when Musharraf was President, to facetiously imply he had approved the contacts.
The import of "˜coordination' between American, NATO, Afghan and Pakistan militaries will become clearer over the next weeks and months. For now the suspicion is unavoidable that the US Administration has at long last begun frog-marching Pakistan into the US-created Afghan quagmire to further destabilise the country and justify intervention.
Musharraf had resolutely opposed precisely this eventuality. He rejected US demands that the Pakistani army assist NATO forces in Afghanistan. He underlined the country will not repeat the catastrophic mistakes of the 1980s when it got embroiled in America's war in Afghanistan against the then Soviet Union, for which the Pakistani people continues to pay a heavy price. Rather, he insisted his army will fight only Pakistan's war within Pakistan's borders.
The consequences of the PPP leadership following the US into the Afghan quagmire will soon be evident. Already, within 16 days of Musharraf's resignation, US forces carried out the first ground assault in Angoor Adda area within Pakistan's borders "” which Musharraf had disallowed "” with the connivance of the new leadership. Obviously there is more to come since the Bush Administration has eagerly caricatured the Pakistan-Afghanistan border as "˜The New Frontier' in the New Cold War.
For the moment, there is great euphoria among Pakistani liberals over the presumed 'eturn to democracy'. The comments by Ayesha Tanmy Haq are typical: "˜We have removed a dictator by the citizenry showing that real power lies with them.' The hapless liberals have yet to discover Late Neo-colonialism and its devious manoeuvres for regime change; they have in fact effectively legitimised them by opposing Musharraf. They are agonisingly unaware of the labyrinthine geo-politics and economic imperatives underlying the New Cold War. They are blissfully going along with the collaborationist leaders who are bartering away the country's future for the proverbial pieces of silver.
Hye..nice information you have there. thanks for sharing
Jazakallah Khair. Congratulations for the courage you show to expose anti-Pakistani groups. But is GEO the only one? In response to one of your article, I posted a comment about the vice in the posture of Geo, ARY, HUM channels in particular but not limiting to them. Our media in general does not know where the national strength is and what they should highlight. Many a people with love for the country and feelings for Islam objected long ago and termed Geo as JEW TV. You prove it today and I go with you. Could there be some means by which such channels could be boycotted by every one, even by the less educated class who are more patriot? Keep it up. We are with you.
@ I think Geo must be exposed in public and taken to public court for treason charges.
Thousands of Pakistani have already boycotted this traitor TV. We must jointly prepare a petition and blacklist this and others media " agents " of our enemies, for ever and get them punished from court. Also massive demonstrations against them.
@ " Is Geo TV a CNN affiliate or is it the psyops wing of the CIA. "
answer : both
also Agent of Israel and India. anti.-Pakistan and anti-Nazaria-e-Pakistan I have been shouting this on ATP Blogg and was finally " banned "
Geo and others are working on the agenda of the following as well !
BATILANS = CIA, Mossad, Mi6, RAW, Khad, Baitullah, Fazlullah etc Takfiris and Tehrikis fake Talibans terrorists trained by Indo/Israeli agents in the camps opened in 21 consulats of India in Afghanistan.
Hamid Mir Calamity & Geo TV.
Calamity of Dr Shahid Masood & TV Anchors "“ 1
Calamity of Dr Shahid Masood & TV Anchors "“ 2
Excellent "˜IQ' of Dr Shahid Masood of GEO TV
Aamir Liaquat Hussain's Love for Islam.
Nawaz Sharif, Kamran Khan, National Interest & Geo TV
Nawaz Sharif, GEO TV and Jang Group of Newspapers
I was a great fan of GEO before, but from few months back, I was doubtful when they started the program VOA (Voice of America)
There other programs, like debate on Hadood ordinance, so much highlighting the Indian TV/Films/ made me think that if are they working for Pakistan ? or trying to change the Pakistani society, I totally agree that Geo is not working for Pakistani, I don't know if they are working for US or Israel, but it is clear that they are destroying Pakistan, if they do something for the favor of Pakistan, they just do it for getting attention and love of Pakistani people.
Great article
hamid Mir who interviewed OBL just before afghanistan invasion to "prove" his existence in afghanistan. a fake interview which was published in Dawn news.
now this traitor enjoy a good position and so his rest of brohers "“ someone who can't pronounce "booby traps" as said BOby traps. his extremely stupid interview with some labneese intellectuals during lebnon war.
kamran khan and amir liaquat "“ such morons.
there was an incident when it was miraculously learnt that someone has planted a bomb in geo karachi office and then mr kamran khan's cat walk. hello! should you not be running and evcauting the building.
Amir liaqat the toad eye mullah "“ what does he know about islam? he is just promoting the "orthodox jewish" crap as Islam.
any sensibe person can see the sinister agenda of Geo Jehalat.
it should be banned "“ so is aaj tv and dawn news.
Geo TV should be banned for good"¦ there is no reason that the government should prolong this anymore.. it has been proved that Geo TV (Jew TV) is working against the interest of Pakistan and its security. We demand the Government to Ban Geo TV forever!
Ban Geo TV"¦ we don't want to see Geo's bullshit now! Wake up Pakistan and identify the enemy within!
The real voice of Pakistani people never comes out in public through the so call free media in Pakistan. In reality.. the media in Pakistan is an organized mafia who is serving agendas to grab more power, more power and more power. Owners and anchors of Geo TV, Aaj TV, Duniya TV and ARY should be arrested and lawsuit under conspiracy against Pakistan should be filed. I also request Pakistani's to post their comments here as much as possible so we can take this as a petition against the biased, corrupt, blackmailer and criminal media of Pakistan
I vote to ban Geo Tv (JEW Tv)"¦ please government.. ban Geo and arrest he owners so in future people think twice before defaming Pakistan in outside world! Now it is the time to act"¦ dont wait.. People of Pakistan will stand by this decision..
Ban GEO TV and arrest all Mirs (Hamid Mir, Mir Shakeel and all others)
Yes.. Ban Geo and arrest all those bastards!
Yeah government agar koi aacha kam karna chati hai to woo yeah hai kay sab say pehlay Geo tv, Aaj tv ko band kar daye aur in tamam anchors to arrest kar lay.. please.. Zardari sahab koi to aacha kam karo
Yes, Geo TV should be banned, for good!
Yes.. ban Geo TV and arrest the owners to set an example for others
The most Pathetic channel ever "˜GEO'. On woman's day they were promoting Tzipi Livni in one of there programs as one of the great woman leader.
Do we have a pro-pakistani government? why should we be expecting this govt to take any action against the anti pakistan media in Pakistan?
I think we should call our cable service providers and request them that we do not want anti pakistan channels else we do not need your service.
It was a surprise how they had been targetting army during musharaf govt.
there is a verse of Quran "“ when someone bring a news to you "“ you should investigate its credibility first.
If we had adopted this attitude as nation then we did not have to bear the mess which we are in right now.
Good work. I have been noticing GEO all along and was very suspicious about its negative contribution about the image of Pakistan and in its very favorable attitude towards India! I have also been noticing the lawyers movement and time line of their calls. I have noticed that the Eitizaz Hasan has issued to shift the focus from some sort of serious issue of that time. Thanks for the hard work.
Sehr wertvolle Informationen! Empfehlen!
"Geo focuses on petrol prices but does not inform the viewers that most private cars in Pakistan now run on CN <"” have you seen the rate at which CNG prices have increased?
Geo are traitors and highlight negative more, but the fact is that there is a lot of negative here and people need to realize that these govts of puppets arent going to do anything good for paksitan. we need a revolution. one that cuts us off from usa and their "aid" (read poison)
Very good site! Thanks!
Geo TV is precisley doing what its paid to do. That is to promote following > Vulgarity , discontentment , diluted versions of religion , india centric entertainment , etc etc That clown Kamran khan is the most pathetic piece of journalistic ^^it i have ever had the disgrace of listening too. All he knows and is miserably good at is to create a storm in the cup , i sincerely wish him and all these stooges of GEO kicked out of this country.
sab sy bary agents geo or jang group waly hyn they should b ban 1st by the people of Pakistan thn govt. will automatically ban geo tv
Read, what is being said about Ansar Abbasi by a Judge and this was also said on Dunya News Channel.
CJ IHC strongly refutes all allegations against himself
ISLAMABAD: The CJ of IHC (Islamabad High Court), Muhammad Bilal Khan has strongly refuted all allegations against himself regarding having any connections with notorious criminal Nannu Gawaria.
In a letter dispatched to the SJC (Supreme Judicial Council), the CJ, IHC has taken notice of certain allegations leveled against his person by secretary SJC, on 28th March 2008, as made public through newspapers and videotapes, terming the move as an endeavor to malign his career and reputation, alongwith move against Supreme Judiciary. He has alleged that, since he was a member of the Lahore High Court Bench, which had declared Mian Nawaz Sharif as disqualified, his brother Mian Shahbaz Sharif had used derogatory remarks against him (Justice Bilal Khan) in public gatherings and TV channel interviews.
Mian Nawaz Sharif had even gone to the extent of expressing his desire of " thrashing me (Justice Bilal Khan) in the Arabian Sea" he contended, adding that CPO Gujranwala Zulfiqar Cheema was bent on proving his die-hard loyalties to Mian Nawaz Sharif for the sake of his police career. In his 16-point letter, the CJ, IHC has also accused journalist Ansar Abbassi of mud slinging and stern remarks against Supreme Judiciary, citing his earlier derogatory and highly inflammatory report against former CJ, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry in 2007, which perpetuated the reference against CJ (Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry). Again it was Ansar Abbasi, who launched media campaign against the outgoing Chief Justice of Pakistan, Abdul Hameed Dogar, he added. He further said that it was yet again none else than Ansar Abbasi, who tried to malign Justice Sardar Muhammad Raza Khan, Justice Fakir Muhammad Khokhar, Justice Shakir Ullah Jan and Justice Tassadaq Hussain Jilani, accusing them of being involved in the so-called plot scandal.
This accusation was false, and no action was taken against them. It may be recalled that when the appointment of Justice of Sardar Muhammad Raza Khan as Chief Justice of Pakistan was being talked about, Ansar Abbasi published a write up aimed at raising a controversy about the judge. He said that it is in the same vein that when his predecessor was due to superannuate on 8th of March 2009 and his (Bilal Khan's) name was being considered as his successor, Ansar Abbasi's devil instinct once again precipitated. "There is not even an iota of truth in what has been written by Ansar Abbasi, he said, adding that "the material provided to me is deficient in many ways i.e it does not indicate as to when was this person (Faiz Rasool alias Nannu Goraya) present in Dubai, and to which night club I had accompanied them and to which hotel I was taken for the "purpose". He said that during his last visit to Dubai, his wife and daughter-in-law accompanied him and throughout they stayed together.
"It is so interesting that Zulfiqar Cheema used his imagination regarding purchase of a diamond necklace for the marriage of my daughter, although she got married in January 2007 and by the grace of God was blessed with a son in December 2007. "Zulfiqar Cheema even went to the extent of illegally detaining father of Ashfaq Bajwa, who was in such adverse circumstances, approached through Syed Ali Mohsin Naqvi, SP (CIA) to make a statement regarding my alleged links with Nannu Goraya" he said. It was on account of this foreknowledge that the Chief Justice, Lahore High Court, did not deem it appropriate to take any further steps in the matter on the press clippings.
It goes without saying that in the entire fake story was cooked up by Zulfiqar Cheema, and the only legal document in the field is the statement of Ashfaq Bajwa made before a Court of law, in the face of which penal action merits to be taken against Zulfiqar Cheema and other concerned police officials. A bare look at the video footage, worthless as it is, leaves no room for doubt that it has been extracted under extreme pressure, influence and indubitably in a state of total disorientation. He said that the video footage is of no consequence as there is no mechanism to satisfy a judicial mind that the voice recorded is that of the so-called Nanu Goraya nor it is ascertainable that the person shown to have been making the statement was, in fact, the person named Nannu Goraya. A 13-member Bench of the Apex Court had expressed as recently as in the year 2007, it scorn, displeasure and disdain for such like material.
The advocate-on-Record attempting to produce such material was not only reprimanded and burdened with fine of Rs. One lac but also had his license suspended. He said that Zulfiqar Cheema was a crafty Police officials, who had also failed to disclose the name of "Sitting MPA (PPP) from Gujranwala city who had allegedly laid information before him and had also withheld the names of the so called dozens of other well informed persons including some journalists. He said that he must state with conviction and faith as a Muslim that the allegations against him were totally false and intended to damage his personal reputation and standing as a judge. "Speaking for myself, if these allegations had an air of truth, I would loath to hang on to the office that I hold, "he held.
GEO TV, Kamran Khan and Yellow Journalism "“ 1
GEO TV, Kamran Khan and Yellow Journalism "“ 2
GEO TV, Kamran Khan and Yellow Journalism "“ 3
GEO TV, Kamran Khan and Yellow Journalism "“ 4
GEO TV's Paedophile/Child Molester Correspondent in USA
GEO TV's Paedophile/Child Molester Correspondent in USA "“ 2
GEO TV's Paedophile/Child Molester Correspondent in USA "“ 3
GEO TV's Paedophile/Child Molester Correspondent in USA "“ 4
GEO TV's Paedophile/Child Molester Correspondent in USA "“ 5
GEO TV's Paedophile/Child Molester Correspondent in USA "“ 6
RIUJ resents Ansar Abbasi's move of "˜surrendering' his plot DATED Friday 24th April, 2009
ISLAMABAD: RIUJ (Rawalpindi Islamabad Union of Journalists) has taken strong notice of, the fact that Mr. Ansar Abbasi has written a letter to Chief Minister Punjab, in which acting as a very honest person, has returned his plot allotted to him in Media Town, Rawalpindi as a member of Press Club. He was more than welcome if his intentions were good, but unfortunately he also asked CM Shahbaz Sharif to cancel all the plots given to members of Rwp/Islamabad Press Club. In his letter he said that journalists in Pakistan belong to privileged class, while in fact 98 % of Pakistani journalists deserve sympathy of people, as they are the most depressed class of the society.
The journalists in Pakistan are getting the wages of 1996. In most of newspapers they don't even get their salary even after three months; over 400 journalists were terminated without notice across the country from various newspapers and TV Channels. He never raised voice against this, though he remember to give safe side to media owners.
Ansar Abbasi wrote in his letter that he does not feel good because this plot was given by the government, but he never asked his bosses to move out of the GEO building because this plot was also given to Mir Shakil by the then government. He did not tell the people that previous government gave the status of MODEL VILLAGE to his native town and his brother was given the contract, besides not confess that he resides in a luxury house in the posh sector of Islamabad, and neither that someone gifted three hotels to him at Faizabad. This is not the move of ANSAR ABBASI, but of the media owners to avoid implementation on 7th wage award. IS there anyone to raise voice against this man?
Ansar Abbasi backing Qabza group in Murree: affectees DATED Friday 24th April, 2009
ISLAMABAD: One Shazia Shah, a school teacher has alleged leading journalist Ansar Abbasi is backing "Qabza" group in Murree adding bother in law and some other relatives of Ansar Abbasi are part of this group.
She said this along with other members of affected family while addressing a press conference here Wednesday in Islamabad Press Club. "My family belongs to Bhurbun and the Qabza group which is patronized by brother in law of Ansar Abbasi has illegally occupied a land tract of 14 kanal owned by my family", she charged. This land valued Rs 2 Lac per canal, she added. About 50 to 60 hooligans attacked our home a few days earlier and abused our family publicly, she told. Some people also attacked my car when I was traveling from Murree to Islamabad by my car a week before and I made a marrow escape", she blamed. Waqar who is brother of Shazia Shah alleged Qabza group had refused to accept the decision of Jirga. He appealed to chief minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif to take immediate notice of this illegal occupation and take action for ensuring early return of land to his family from the illegal occupants.
[...] GEO TV which charges Rs. 100,000 per minute of air time showed continued transmissions of upto 30 hours. During the year the channel was spending more money than it showed in its tax returns. The only unaccounted profit was for "Voice of America" show. But whatever GEO TV was getting for airing the show it was enough to turn higher profits than airing aids for 30 hours (=Rs. 180,000,000 or US$ 3 million). And we are taking about this much money every day. [...]
Musharaf was right to shutdown this channel
[...] the full report here AKPC_IDS += "196,";Popularity: unranked [...]
Thank God there is some one who can support my point i mean i tried to convince people on lot of forums that GEO is lethal weapon but nobody listen carefully but I am sure when i share this information with em they must realize the fact .
[...] GEO TV which charges Rs. 100,000 per minute of air time showed continued transmissions of upto 30 hours. During the year the channel was spending more money than it showed in its tax returns. The only unaccounted profit was for "Voice of America" show. But whatever GEO TV was getting for airing the show it was enough to turn higher profits than airing aids for 30 hours (=Rs. 180,000,000 or US$ 3 million). And we are taking about this much money every day. [...]
[...] جیو سی آئی اے اور سی این این Ú©Û’ لیے کام کر رÛا ÛÛ’ اس پر ایک تØریر پاک الرٹ پریس پر Ú©Ú†Ú¾ Ø¹Ø±ØµÛ Ù¾ÛÙ„Û’ Ú†Ú¾Ù¾ÛŒ ØŒ ملاØØ¸Û Ùرمائیں۔ [...]