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User Name: HinaTahir
Full Name: Hina Tahir
User since: 13/Sep/2010
No Of voices: 2
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موجودہ ملکی حالات کے تناظر میں حمید گل کا انٹرویو
Posted By: HinaTahir Created On: 4/Oct/2010 Views: 3163 Replies: 0 
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Shameless Pakistani Officials ruin NYSE Screen Offer for Flood Victims [ Video ]
Posted By: HinaTahir On: 14/Sep/2010 Views:4199 Replies:0 
what a shameless goverment of pakistan.Govt should take serious action against this shameful act of Pakistani embassy , really we are so backward nation, Allah keep our country safe Click here to read Full Article

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Shameless Pakistani Officials ruin NYSE Screen Offer for Flood Victims [ Video ]
Views:4199 Replies:0
موجودہ ملکی حالات کے تناظر میں حمید گل کا انٹرویو
Views:3163 Replies:0

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