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User Name: Ibtasam
Full Name: Ibtasam Tabassum
User since: 3/Mar/2012
No Of voices: 20
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News 15-07-2012 by Ibtasam Ul Haq
Posted By: Ibtasam Created On: 15/Jul/2012 Views: 1879 Replies: 0 
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جب سے روٹی مہنگی ہوئی ۔ سحرش منیر
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 10/Jul/2012 Views:1664 Replies:0 
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News 05-06-2012 By Ibtasam Ul Haq
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1870 Replies:0 
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News 29-05-2012 By Ibtasam Ul Haq
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 29/May/2012 Views:1804 Replies:0 
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News 26-05-2012 By Ibtasam Ul Haq
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 26/May/2012 Views:1786 Replies:0 
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قابل تقلید اور اپنی مثال آپ ۔ سلیم احمد عثمانی
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 21/May/2012 Views:1908 Replies:0 
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News 20-05-2012 by Muhammad Ibtasam Ul Haq
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 21/May/2012 Views:1998 Replies:0 
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News 12-05-2012 by Ibtasa Tabasum
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 18/May/2012 Views:1779 Replies:0 
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Narowal News 02-05-2012 by Ibtasam Ul haq
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 2/May/2012 Views:1794 Replies:0 
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PRESS RELEASE 27-04-2012 by Rao Nasir Ali Khan
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 27/Apr/2012 Views:1827 Replies:0 
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News 21-04-2012 by Muhammad Ibtasam-ul-Haq
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 21/Apr/2012 Views:1676 Replies:0 
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