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User Name: Pakistani88
Full Name: Pakistani88
User since: 29/Sep/2010
No Of voices: 3
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ALLAH-O-AKBAR TEHRIK(press release)Fake Leadership,very important news!! by Dr. Mian Ihsan Bari
Posted By: Pakistani88 Created On: 16/Nov/2011 Views: 2237 Replies: 0 
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عمران خان کی انتظامی نا پختگی۔ڈاکٹرمیاں احسان باری
Posted By: Pakistani88 On: 16/Nov/2011 Views:2221 Replies:0 
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Senator Ishaq Dar Shows The Bill Of His Son's Wedding
Posted By: Pakistani88 On: 29/Sep/2010 Views:6411 Replies:3 
M ost of the things reported in an article before are not facts. There were very few politicians who attended the wedding. Politicians that attended the wedding included: The three Sharif brothers (mainly due to their family terms), Khawaja Asif,Babar Ghauri and thats pretty much it. Prime Minister Gillani was represented by his son and Ahsan Iqbal was represented by his son as well. Click here to read Full Article

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