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User Name: Shakil_Ahmad
Full Name: Shakil Ahmad
User since: 21/May/2009
No Of voices: 19
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Ray Channel vs Agency Operations by Shakil Ahmad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad Created On: 18/Oct/2011 Views: 2877 Replies: 0 
We can't be deterred by the threats from the sponsored Politicians & Generals who have crossed all limits to destroy Pakistan to please their American masters. And to ensure it they are heavily funding media to tear apart the socio-political and econo-religious fabric of the society by sponsoring the Generals, Politicians, Bureaucrats, Journalists, NGOs, etc. to confuse the public and to form an o Click here to read Full Article

Undercover Operations Destroying Pakistan by Shakil Ahmad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 12/Aug/2011 Views:4818 Replies:2 
The bloody corrupt and sponsored Politicians, Generals and Bureaucrats have crossed all limits to destroy Pakistan and are doing their full efforts to trash every institution to take the motherland to a point of no return for the pleasure of their American masters.Find below the link to find my program on "Undercover Operations" highlighting the role of agencies, as to how they are making Click here to read Full Article
American roots in Pakistan by Shakil Ahmad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 8/May/2011 Views:3558 Replies:1 
American operation in Abbottabad clearly demonstrates the fact as how much freedom Americans have to conduct an operation within Pakistan, without permission even from military. This the level of compromise, on our national security and integrity, our sponsored rulers and Generals have gone with their foreign masters. They have crossed Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq in betrayal of their people and Pakist Click here to read Full Article was Hacked because of Campaign against Blackwater by Shakil Ahmad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 5/Mar/2011 Views:3672 Replies:0 
The site of Ray Channel was hacked early this morning by the people how are bent to destroy Pakistan.Since we are working to save Pakistan and are bent to isolate and eliminate the enemies, so our site was hacked to damage the campaign against them. But it will continue until the fall of the sponsored Click here to read Full Article
Raymond Davis - Rally was held by Human Rights Commission in Islamabad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 3/Mar/2011 Views:3233 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article
Raymond Davis & Terrorism in Pakistan by Shakil Ahmad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 20/Feb/2011 Views:3482 Replies:0 
It's a similar warning about Blackwater & CIA operations, as I did in 2009 by sending report to Majeed Nizami sb, Talat Hussain, Javed Ch and Dr Shireen Mazari further through an article in Frontier Post from Australia. Click here to read Full Article
Polls to Hang American Killer of 3 Pakistanis in Public to prove a Gheratmand Pakistani by Shakil Ahmad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 30/Jan/2011 Views:3149 Replies:0 
Because of the cowardly and sponsored government, the bloody Americans are so brave they can kill any Pakistani at any time without any hesitation or fear. The same happened when a Blackwater agent killed 3 Pakistanis in Lahore. Click here to read Full Article
Videos of my activities alongwith JI, PTI and Human Rights Orgs in Pakistan
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:3091 Replies:0 
Pl find below the links for footage of my involvement in activities alongwith Pak Tehrik-e-Insaf, Jamat-e-Islami, Sir Syed society, +Pak, Human Rights, etc. Click here to read Full Article
Disgrace of Dr Qadeer Khan by the Government - Ray Channel by Shakil Ahmad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 5/Oct/2010 Views:3568 Replies:0 
We were organizing a national conference as part of the Pakistan Rescue Mission. Dr Qadeer Khan was invited as the Chief Guest alongwith some good Politicians, Generals, Bureaucrats and VCs, leadership of Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, Business Students and Trade unions. But the government forcibly not only disallowed Dr Qadeer Khan but Click here to read Full Article
Sialkot Killers under cover of Sama Tv By: Shakil Ahmad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 31/Aug/2010 Views:6268 Replies:1 
When the brutality crosses limits, it sets eliminated. Pakistan has a history of barbaric killings & victimization. The recent brutal killing of two brothers in Sialkot is one of the exposed ones, as an unprecedented incident. It’s a unique victimization of political rivalry between PPP and PML(N) constituencies of Dr. Firdos Ashiq (PPP minister) and Khawaja Asif (PMLN) respectively, which trigger Click here to read Full Article
Dr Mahathir vs Pakistani leadership by Shakil Ahmad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 12/Jul/2010 Views:3247 Replies:0 
Our leadership is a total disgrace not only at home but also abroad. They have trapped the whole nation in total suffering and humiliation. While they are enjoying the pleasures of life, the people are dying of hunger. The public fund which is meant to be spent on public welfare, is misused to bless the favourites and for the luxury of the corrupt and criminal leadership. Click here to read Full Article

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