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User Name: afzal
Full Name: afzalzeshan
User since: 4/Feb/2008
No Of voices: 4
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ھم عوام پاکستان اپنےحکمرانوں کےاعمال سےشرمندہ ہیں
Posted By: afzal Created On: 30/Jul/2011 Views: 2645 Replies: 1 
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Abdul Rehman Malik Reciting Sura Akhlas Wrongly
Posted By: afzal On: 5/Jan/2011 Views:5904 Replies:2 
Interior Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Abdul Rehman Malik reciting Sura Akhlas inorrectly. Shame on these so-called leaders of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Click here to read Full Article
Most Beautiful Picture of the world
Posted By: afzal On: 17/Oct/2010 Views:3016 Replies:0 
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Rickshaw Driver Speaks Out.
Posted By: afzal On: 6/Dec/2009 Views:3668 Replies:0 
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Abdul Rehman Malik Reciting Sura Akhlas Wrongly
Views:5904 Replies:2
Rickshaw Driver Speaks Out.
Views:3668 Replies:0
Most Beautiful Picture of the world
Views:3016 Replies:0
ھم عوام پاکستان اپنےحکمرانوں کےاعمال سےشرمندہ ہیں
Views:2645 Replies:1

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