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User Name: fact99
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User since: 13/Jan/2010
No Of voices: 27
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چشمہ ایٹمی بجلی گھر، گرفتارامریکن کا اصل ہدف۔ فیکٹ
Posted By: fact99 Created On: 14/Jan/2010 Views: 3690 Replies: 0 
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سانحہ کراچی کے نئے روپ۔ فیکٹ گروپ
Posted By: fact99 On: 14/Jan/2010 Views:3757 Replies:0 
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کامیاب آپریشن، ناکام انجام۔ فیکٹ میگزین
Posted By: fact99 On: 11/Jul/2009 Views:3438 Replies:0 
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آئی ایس آئی، خودکش دھماکے اور بھارتی قونصلیٹ
Posted By: fact99 On: 6/Jul/2009 Views:3336 Replies:0 
Very Detailed and good article regarding armed groups operating in Pakistan. Must read to have some insight information regarding armed groups. Click here to read Full Article
سوات جلتا رہا، وزرا عیاشی کرتے رھے۔ فیکٹ میگزین
Posted By: fact99 On: 19/Jun/2009 Views:3543 Replies:0 
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پاکستان توڑنے کی سازشیں،امریکہ ڈبل گیم
Posted By: fact99 On: 25/May/2009 Views:3681 Replies:0 
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One Of the biggest Scam of Pakistan. Retd Gen made billions
Posted By: fact99 On: 17/Apr/2009 Views:4045 Replies:0 
Government is no more interested in the billion dollar corruption of Lt Gen (R) Javed Ashraf Qazi, Because he has given millions in bribe to them. Read All Details here Click here to read Full Article
Fahrenheit 9/11- Full Movie
Posted By: fact99 On: 17/Apr/2009 Views:4399 Replies:0 
Fahrenheit 9/11 is an award-winning 2004 documentary film by American filmmaker Michael Moore. The film takes a critical look at the presidency of George W. Bush, the War on Terrorism, and its coverage in the American news media. The film holds the record for highest box office receipts by a general Click here to read Full Article
پاکستان میں خودکش دھماکے، را کا ھاتھ ثابت ۔ فیکٹ میگزین
Posted By: fact99 On: 26/Nov/2008 Views:3527 Replies:0 
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امریکہ میں غیر مسلموں کو اسلام سے متنفر کرنے کا منصوبہ
Posted By: fact99 On: 15/Nov/2008 Views:3541 Replies:0 
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Pakistan's Rich List of 2008
Posted By: fact99 On: 30/Oct/2008 Views:3875 Replies:0 
Short-listing Pakistan''s most influential business magnates or Groups has never been an easy task because there are the people who have been very powerful in nearly every regime that has held this cou Click here to read Full Article

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