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User Name: NaeemULHassan
Full Name: Naeem UL Hassan
User since: 26/Aug/2010
No Of voices: 1
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Why GEO Misleading MUSLiMS by this AYAT....??? Surah Bakrah, Ayat # 62. by NAEEM UL HASSAN
Posted By: NaeemULHassan Created On: 27/Aug/2010 Views: 7422 Replies: 3 
Geo is SHOWING this Ayat Everyday.Please Read the FULL Tafseer of the AYAT, Surah Bakrah, Ayat # 62.It should not be PRESENTED as GEO Presenting it...Muslims are very Confused by Reading it WITHOUT TAFSEER.Please Explain it on the CHANNEL in any RELIGIOUS Programme.READ the TAFSEER yourself & You would be surprised to KNOW that Click here to read Full Article

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