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Crimes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto VS cases of Amir Abbas Hoveyda and Adnan Menderes.


International Professor


Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto has no resemblance with the executed Iranian Prime Minister Hoveyda and the Turkish Prime Minister Adnan Mendres (1950-1960, posthumously pardoned), crimes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto does not coincide with Iranian or Turkish Prime Ministers. None broke their country and neither those were involved in heinous crimes like murders.


However Supreme Courts may ask Islamic Republic of Iran that whether those are considering or would reconsider case of Hoveyeda, or Turkish Governments or courts on what basis reconsidered case of Adnan Menderes and subsequently posthumously pardoned.

Whereas nothing is common, on other hand Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was known crony of ex Shah Iran, and who supported him at many occasions and was also patron of Bhutto.


There are dozens of examples how Bhutto was backed by Shah Iran, and Shah was famed puppet of U.S. As a reference one quote given below would highlight that during uprising in Baluchistan, the Iranian air force and Helicopters were used to kill Pakistani’s. Following report has been copied from Government of USA’s website that shows criminal mentality of Bhutto against its citizens including Bengalis, Pushtoon and Baloch citizens and use of army against its civilians.

Quote: A long-dormant crisis erupted in Balochistan in 1973 into an insurgency that lasted four years and became increasingly bitter. The insurgency was put down by the Pakistan Army, which employed brutal methods and equipment, including Huey-Cobra helicopter gunships, provided by Iran and flown by Iranian pilots.

Many of the most militant Baloch nationalists were also vaguely Marxist-Leninist and willing to risk Soviet protection for an autonomous Balochistan. As the insurgency wore on, the influence of a relatively small but disciplined liberation front seemed to increase.

Bhutto was able to mobilize domestic support for his drive against the Baloch. Punjab's support was most tangibly represented in the use of the army to put down the insurgency. Bhutto could also invoke the idea of national integration with effect in the aftermath of Bengali secession. External assistance to Bhutto was generously given by the shah of Iran, who feared a spread of the insurrection among the Iranian Baloch. However, during the Bhutto regime hostilities in Balochistan were protracted. The succeeding Zia ul-Haq government took a more moderate approach, relying more on economic development to placate the Baloch. Unquote: For full report please click the link given below (1)

Verdict of Islamic court’s of Iran, against Amir Abbas Haveyd as a reference.

Quote: Amir Abbas Hoveyda, son of Habibullah, birth certificate number 3542, issued in Tehran, born in 1298 (1920), previously minister of the deposed royal court, and the Shah's ex-Prime Minister, a citizen of Iran, is accused of:

Spreading corruption on earth. Fighting God, God's creatures and the Viceroy of Imam Zamana.

Acts of sedition detrimental to national security and independence, through forming cabinets that were puppets of the United States and England and defending the interests of colonists.

Plotting against national sovereignty by interference in elections to Majlis (Parliament), appointing and dismissing ministers at the behest of foreign embassies.

Turning over underground resources: oil, copper and uranium, to foreigners.Expansion of the influence of American Imperialism, and its European allies, in Iran by destroying internal resources and turning Iran into a market for foreign commodities.

Paying national revenues from oil to Shah and Farah and to countries dependent on the West and then borrowing money at high interest, and enslaving conditions from America and Western countries.

Ruining agriculture and destroying forests.

Direct participation in acts of espionage for the West and Zionism.

Complicity with conspirators from CENTO and NATO for the oppression of the peoples of Palestine, Vietnam and Iran.

Active member of Freemasonry in the Foroughi Lodge according to existing documents and the confessions of the accused.

Participation in terrorizing and frightening the justice seeking people including their death and injury and limiting their freedom by closing down newspapers and exercising censorship on the print media and books.

Founder and first secretary of the despotic "Rastakhiz of the Iranian People" party. Spreading cultural and ethical corruption and direct participation in consolidating the pillars of colonialism and granting capitulatory rights to Americans.

Direct participation in smuggling heroin in France along with Hassan Ali Mansour. False reporting through the publication of puppet papers and appointing puppet editors to head the media.

According to minutes of cabinet meetings and of the Supreme Economic Council, and the claims of private plaintiffs, including Dr. Ali-Asghar Hadj-Syed Djavadi, and taking into account documents found in Savak and the office of the prime minister, and the confessions of Dr. Manouchehr Azmoun, Mahmoud Jafarian, Pervaiz Nick-Khah, and the confessions of the accused, since the commission of the crimes is certain, the prosecutor of the Islamic Revolutionay Courts asks the court to issue the judgment of the death penalty and the confiscation of all your [Hoveyda's] property.

Hoveida's corpse was held in Tehran's morgue for several months after his execution, before it was secretly released to his immediate family and buried in Behesht Zehra cemetery in Tehran as an unknown deceased.

Following his execution, his residence in A.S.P Tower was looted by revolutionaries. According to some witnesses he rarely had any items of luxury nature. His prized possessions were a rocking chair and a library of few hundred books. Unquote: (Refer Wikipedia)

Case of Adnan Menderes, the Prime Minister of Turkey:

On 27 May 1960, a military coup organized by 37 "young officers" deposed the government, and Menderes was arrested along with all the leading party members. They were charged with violating the constitution. He and all the leaders of the DP were put on trial by a hastily formed quasi-military kangaroo court on the island of Yassida. In addition to the charges of violating the constitution, the trial also referenced to the “Istanbul Program”, for which he and his fellow defendants were blamed. Menderes was sentenced to death for violating the Constitution.

What is that Turk constitution, it was based on secular ideas under strict control of Army Junta, such as Arabic versions of prayers and Adhan were prohibited and any voice to talk about revival of Original versions of Islam were treated as coup against constitution and state.

Adnan Menderes was more tolerant towards traditional lifestyles and different forms of practice of than Atatürk and his party had been. He campaigned in the 1950 elections almost exclusively on the platform of legalizing the Arabic language Islamic call to prayer (adhan), which had been banned. He re-opened thousands of mosques across the country which had been left to rot like the banned churches in Soviet Union, and as such he was blamed by his political opponents for using religion as a tool for political gain.

One of his first political moves was to exclude the pictures of Ismet Inonu on Turkish banknotes and stamps and instead put Ataturk pictures back, which were taken off when Inonu became President in 1938. Thanks to the public support and the legacy of Ataturk, it was a successful move, even if the Turkish law under the former President was stating that the image of the President of the country would be placed on the banknotes (in this case Celal Bayer). In one of his speeches, he said that members of parliament could bring back sharia law if they so desired.

While remaining pro-Western, he was more active than his predecessors in building relations with Muslim states. Menderes had a more liberal economic policy than earlier prime ministers, and allowed more private enterprise. In general his economic policies made him popular among the poor half of the population, but it also brought the country to insolvency due to an enormous increase in imports of goods and technology. (Refer Wikipedia)

Have you found any resemblance in crimes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto comparing with Adnan Menderes, or posthumously pardoned.

Criminal Genes and blood of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto:

Some examples of influence of criminal genes on Bhutto’s personality were given in previous article “Reprehensible crimes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto – His skeleton must be re-hanged” please click the link given below (2).

Now media has revealed that not only Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto but also his grandfather was a murderer, who kept hiding in Punjab and later changed his name as “Diyal Singh” for beating the law. (Refer: page 15, Bhutto a Political Biography, by Salman Taseer, ex Governor of Punjab, Pakistan). This book was abandoned and it was not available in Pakistan, however it is available on net for sale.

Thanks Zardari for once again dragging Bhutto in the courts.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged by courts and after that thousands of victims of brutalities and criminalities Bhutto’s remained kept quiet and fate of Bhutto was taken as wrath of God. Now after thirty years families of victims are thankful to Zardari for re-dragging dead body of Zardari in the courts of law. A golden chance has been given to the victims of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to show their wounds.

The sympathizers of re-opening of the Bhutto’s hanging case are established corrupt mafia and those are trying to protect their own crimes on the dead body of Bhutto. Today peoples jumping on TV channels are mostly NRO beneficiaries or foolish friends of Bhutto family who have no sense about consequences of re-opening of his case.

Hippocratic role of Mian Nawaz Shariff and PML N.

Most funny situation arises when Mian Nawaz Shariff party is trying to pose more die hearted sympathizers of Bhuttos. Continuous use of word Shaheed with Bhutto’s and declaring his sentence as “Judicial Murder”, their attitude is based on hypocrisy and shows that it is a group of merchants and those are trying to involve peoples in heated exchanges by heart but keeping their businesses safe with the help of Zardari. History is witness that PML N is pioneer in collecting peoples by telling grassroots about crimes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Now everyone in PML N is mum. People’s temperature is rising against Nawaz Shariff by sweeping large anti-Bhutto votes and by not speaking a word in the sympathy of victims of Bhuttos.

Discussions are taking dangerous turn:  

Some examples of discussions in between foolish friends of Bhutto family has revealed that true out of court trial of Bhutto’s dead body has been re-opened. And even if Courts may remove black slur from his face, a lot of dust during current phase would never allow that old slur is removed. Discussions about criminal past of Bhutto would pass on to current generation and ultimately passed to forthcoming generations. For Example:

Maula Bux Chandio said that army checked the circumcision of Bhutto:

In fact Bhutto’s mother was a Hindu woman and usually she is called Lady Shah Nawaz, many people’s had a belief that he was Hindu and when he managed to broke Pakistan, army persons had this allegation in their minds and his circumcision was checked. Moreover courts also had discussed whether he was a Muslim or not.

Sharmeela Farooqui bitterly attacked on Ijaz ul Haq on a TV channel, and used mean wordings about his father. During discussion Ijaz ul Haq revealed that her parents had been inviting him (Ijaz ul Haq as son of Gen. Zia) in Music concert and Mujra’s being son of Gen. Zia ul Haq.

Above two examples are enough to show that how for discussion during current case would lead, it would pollute national environment for decades. Possibly any emotional person may take law in his hands.

Zardari is trying to use case of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto for the safety of his looted wealth by defaming dead body of Bhutto family. This case would put as much mud on the grave of dead Bhutto that even no enemy would have ever thought.

Please do not compare crimes of Bhutto with the case of Amir Abbas Hoveyda, and reasons of posthumous eviction of Adnan Menderes. Chief Justice must think about this seriously.


For further reading:


(2)        Reprehensible crimes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto – His skeleton must be re-hanged


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