"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: International_Professor
Full Name: International Professor
User since: 22/Jan/2008
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Iran,India and Afghanistan defeated Pakistan -More Ispahanis

Manmohan, Ahmedinajad and Karazai cornered Pakistan forever:

Anglo-American joint Venture:  is not meaningless, Pakistan as nuclear state was not easily digestible by imperialists, policies of Mush let them set up footings inside Pakistan to establish links with local Mir Jafers, Mush also provide opportunity to establish anti-Pakistan groups living in Western countries to help Anglo-Americans to create atmosphere of uncertainty. Sectarian minded peoples took advantage of Mush strategy, at that time such peoples were considered as "liberals" and in good book of generals, many scholars repeatedly pointed out consequences of backing such anti-Pakistan elements, but army was busy in collecting dollars. On other hand BB and Zardari used such groups for their vested interests; currently army has lost entire game and honor. Anglo-Americans are looking ways to invade Pakistan and justify their old enmity against nuclear Pakistan, moreover it is pushing Pakistan to the wall, strategy of Husain Haqqani to isolate Pakistan, cut off ties with China is part of great plan, now position has reached to a point that if Anglo-Americans will ask security council to include Pakistan as number one "Axis of evil", either it will abstain or favor such resolution.

  1. Continuous inside Pakistan borders attacks on army sympathizers is a signal what will be happened in future. Generals are watching helplessly, they have already put locals at point of no return, in spite of cruelty of Pak Army generals, only one patriot statement of Gen: Kiyani has brought entire nation behind him, even it is reported that same alleged FATA terrorists have placed photo of Gen: Kiyani on their turbans (Jang)
  2. On other side Rahman Malik is floating new theories under advise of his overseas lords, neither he has sense that what he is saying neither he knows the consequences of such statements, he is continuously posing local Pushtoons as new face of Al Kaeeda, it is religious being Mirzayee to flare up situation as he can do, his propaganda about missing persons (that he found photographs, addresses and family tree of missing persons hanging on the walls at south Waziristan) and bogus justifications regarding brutalities of Pak army against citizens. Yesterday while talking at ARY (with brother of DG ISPR) he said "that Afghan Taliban cross Pakistani border and fire on Afghans, and Pakistani Taliban cross Afghan border and fire on Pak Army, so Americans, ISAF and NATO are justified in attacking on them inside Pakistan". What a bundle fairy tale he floated. Why PPP is afraid of allowing independent observers and journalists to report facts, while media is sitting at easy chairs and keep publishing DG ISPR's fake stories as reports.
  3. Construction of Highway: The 135 mile road in Nimruz province, South Western Afghanistan (from Delaram to Zaranj) is constructed by India's BRO (Indian corps of engineers). It is an alternate access route into Afghanistan. Previously Afghanistan was relying mostly on Pakistan for imports; and goods were sent from Pakistani ports via Khyber Pass. This newly constructed highway is built on old road that connects to a road to the Iranian port of Chah Bahar situated on the Iranian border. It is also an alternative to Gwader port and future planning of Pakistan's free trade zone or gateway to Central Asian Countries, while now it will lead to Iran's free trade zone along the coast with the Gulf of Oman. Delaram is situated on the "Garland Highway" linking Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif and Kunduz. Iran and India have successfully route out Pakistan, Iran is playing duplicate policy against Pakistan.
  4. Iran militias are continuously backing northern alliance, particularly Khalili group and Hazara groups to indirectly support neo-imperialists. Kurram agency's un-rest is part of Iranian strategy to please neo-imperialists as it did previously in Afghanistan at the time of US invasion, then in Iraq to divert attention of West from Iranian nuclear ambitions, so it successfully replaced its position from number one Axis of evil and placed Pakistan at its place as front line state in crusade. Its nuclear program is in progress and Pakistan's nuclear program is under criticism, on other side India is taking advantage of American technology and financial support on nuclear front.
  5. Suspicion's of Pakistan on Indian six consulates was not wrong but neo-imperialists when put a few dollars on the hands of Mush, and planned long term strategy to corner Pakistan, which is in progress with great success. Implantation of Zardari is not surprise, because his deals with army and neo-imperialists were openly discussed before his invasion on presidency. Everybody can guess his caliber and future strategy. Mush group "“ Anglo Americans "“ Army are responsible of such plan, question is if entire population of FATA will be eliminated what guarantee Pakistan has that neo-imperialists will not ask do more. Don't wait for final assault on Pakistan on economical, geographical, political and strategic fronts; PPP has no aptitude to even handle mess created by Pak army.

Proselytism"“ Ispahani & Husain Haqqani

It is again in continuation of last two posts "Postmortem of Farhanaz Ispahani and Hussain Haqqani" and "Hussain Haqqani is under influence of Ispahani" (click on link below). In fact potential of information is so huge that it will take time to bring history to your doorsteps, Hussin Haqqnai and Farhanaz Ispahani are among proselyte forces to implement M M Ispahani's polluted ideology, such peoples have penetrated in the system like cockroaches and searching and pointing them require patience. See another face of same group:

Mahnaz Ispahani:

She is sister of Farahnaz Ispahani and continuity of Mirza Ispahani"˜s Empire of loot and plunders left behind to suck Pakistan. It is mission of entire family to propagate against peoples of Pakistan and made them apologetic so no body may dare to look their own activities. Sectarian ambitions of Mahnaz Ispahani are not hidden and proselytism to embrace neo-cons theories is also well known; now she is among leading financial supporter of democrats to achieve ancestral objectives. As I mentioned earlier Husain Haqqani is following their guidelines. Mahnaz wrote an article in LA Times dated May 21, 2004 "Religious Sword over Pakistan", and later she started to plead "The Emerging Shia Crescent" to justify Iraq war and Iraqi Mullahs, it is very clear all sectarian minded peoples were brought and financed by agencies to justify war against Iraq, in such a seminar she complained that "you have no Shia ever leading in the Pakistan army, and you have routine Shia massacres in Pakistan", it was part of continuous propaganda against Pakistan on the basis of hatred. (fact is that Pakistan is a mosaic of different ethnic and religious ideologies, Pakistani's never think on the basis of sectarianism, there is a long list of high ranking officials which have different religious thoughts then majority, this article does not meant to promote nation on sectarian lines, but to give an idea of polluted individuals who are sucking Pakistan for their personal interests and created a permanent lobby to take control on the resources of the country), Now since such peoples have divided Pakistan after looting jute and tea of East Pakistan, which later blamed by Bengalis on Pak Army and Punjab for sucking their monies. If you may check employment record of Mahnaz Ispahani she is using her skills against interests of Pakistani nation, hate seeds were scattered purposely, now grown, and brought D day at doorsteps of Pakistan. She was Srr Program Officer with National Democratic Institute (NDI) for International Affairs at Washington as manager of international election observer and electoral reform missions to Pakistan; she was also Foreign Policy aide to former U.S. Vice-President, Walter F. Mondale (Democrat 1977-81). Then she served for a decade at the Ford Foundation (which has $14 billion in assets), leading a global team developing about $50 million in grants annually, on international security and foreign policy. Benazir and Zardari's self exile was a lottery for Ispahani's  Co and Haqqani.

In fact such peoples have no sympathy with Pakistan; those are servants of their lords, more faithful than poodle.

For other details see next article


International Professor


Hussain Haqqani is under influence of Ispahani

Postmortem of Farahnaz Ispahani and Hussain Haqqani

General Kiyani's Popularity in FATA


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