"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: International_Professor
Full Name: International Professor
User since: 22/Jan/2008
No Of voices: 353
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Brothel at Islamabad "“ Browse before presidency may remove all links

If you want to see faces which were leading procession against Jamia Hafsa students at Islamabad, we have all photos of those who were leading processions; some of them are patrons and employees of many Cat houses at Islamabad.

If you want to see faces of those who were declaring Chinese prostitutes as Qureshi and Hashmi (God forbid), now tell what is going on, where is friendship higher them Himala, why Chinese ambassador is hiding with shame now.

All such prostitution dens are running under protection of Presidency and ex Chief of Army of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Surf and you will surprise to see names of those leading foreign funded NGO's, which are working against Pakistan, clergy, politicians and much more.

This enlightened moderation Mush was preaching and these are the brothel owners and prostitution gangs which are working on the main gate of new GHQ at Islamabad. Army officers among those caught red handed. A fauji friend called F strip of Islamabad as Lalkurti, in every cantonment there is a Lalkurti.

More over all such groups have same agenda War of terrorism, watch their processions against terrorism.

Tyrant Mush patrons of CAT Foundation (His photo is leading with his message)

Zubeda Jalal ex Federal Minister of education

Aaila Malik (Ex MNA PML Q, sister of Sumera Malik)

Mansoor Abbas Hashmi

Farah Naz (notoriety is not able to be described at this stage)

Introduction of Cat Foundation:

CAT Foundation is Pakistan's first  Non-profit, Non-political and Non-Government Organization in the development sector, established under the Trust Act of 1882 and got Registration on February 11, 2004.

It has volunteers' strength of about 37,000 Members (male and female) from all sections of society.
CAT Foundation has started its new unique Project of CAT House in Islamabad. There will be no other single club in the city of more significance than CAT Club. Established in 2007, the club has been playing a very important and significant role in imparting leisure and healthy entertainment to its members and improving social and healthy life in the city. CAT House presents a safe, friendly welcoming setting with a pleasant, cordial and relaxed atmosphere. Since it offers an efficient and stimulating environment. Coupled with sophisticated aura of good manners and efficient service. It is pertinent to mention here that the Club would welcome all good and exciting options from its members to make it a happy resort for the elite of the city. 
All proceeds from CAT House will be used for charity work. CAT House is a club that strives to ensure quality and diversity of all available options.  You must be sure that whenever you join us there will be a lot of amusing things to relieve you from the busy day stress situation. Members would consider the club as their second home, interact with their fellow members relax after the day's monotonous work and especially deliver a healthy message outside the country. We have decided to be carrying out a number of well organized delightful and cheerful functions, social and non formal gatherings, entertaining, recreational activities, likely to attract people from all over the country and will certainly enlist itself in the well and popular clubs in Pakistan.


Category A:    Membership Fee for this category is US$ 5000 per annum and the amount of Security Fee (Refundable) is US$ 5000. Membership for this category is offered only to Embassies, Foreign Missions, Multi National Companies, Banks, Oil Companies, Mobile Phone Companies and large National Companies. Membership includes facilities of provision of a Conference Hall at CAT House with the sitting capacity of 200 persons and arrangement of the function and meeting absolutely free. Also free entrance in Gym, Squash Arena, Swimming Pool, Snooker and other entertainment activities.
Category B:    Membership Fee for this category is US$ 1000 per annum and the amount of Security Fee (Refundable) is US$ 1000. Family of the member enjoys the same services at the Club in this membership without paying any extra charges in Annual Fee and Security. Food items will be served at a discount of 25%. Also a discount of 25% will be given in Room rent.

Category C:    Membership Fee for this category is US$ 500 per annum and the amount of Security Fee (Refundable) is US$ 500. This category is for single person only.
Category D:   This category is offered to the students (Male & Female). Membership Fee for this category is US$ 500 per annum and the amount of Security Fee (Refundable) is US$ 500. Membership includes entrance to Gym, Squash Arena, Swimming Pool, Snooker Dance Floor and other entertainment activities. Food items will be served at a discount of 10%. Also a discount of 10% will be given in Room rent.

CAT Foundation (Campaign Against Terrorism)
Group size: 37000
Contact person: Zafar Shahid
Phone: 051-2870890
IDP Vigil :  Seminars, Conferences, Publications, Walks, Camps, Movies and Speeches.
(for more IDP Vigils see:

Visit dancers and poses at above link, presidency and aids are worried on this development. Help yourself to find out more.


International Professor


 Reply:   My innocent brother, War on te
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (11/Mar/2008)

And according to this definition, CAT is club is playing lead role in WAR ON TERRORISM
 Reply:   CAT is a club or war on terror
Replied by(Wajeeh) Replied on (11/Mar/2008)

first time i came to know abt this CAT i thought that this is a fitness club ( as the name says we all knw better what kind of fitness they provide )but now i come to knw tht it is a terror organization ....

and i think the only purpose for war on Lal Masjid was this CAT fitness club ...
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