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Youtube and the Posterity by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 28/Oct/2013 Views:867 Replies:0 
A Sheikh ul Islam (Grand Mufti) of the Ottoman Caliphate, had given the verdict against the printing press invented by German goldsmith Johann Gutenberg in 1448 as haram, as it could also print human pictures, images and effigies etc. The Caliph’s court edict was applicable to the entire Islamic world, which was, however, rescinded some two hundred years later. But by then it had done immense dam Click here to read Full Article
Hindus aspire for Hindu Raj in India by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 28/Oct/2013 Views:1016 Replies:0 
While India brags about democracy, secularism and human rights, in reality Hindu Brahmans aspire for Hindu Raj. They consider themselves to be pure and superior and all other communities impure and inferior. Four-fold caste system was conceived by the Brahmans to maintain their unchallenged supremacy. Brahmans insist that castes are divinely sanctioned and cannot be changed or abrogated. They have Click here to read Full Article
Morality-The Recipe to a Shining Future by Abubakr Ayesh.
Posted By: Abubakr On: 28/Oct/2013 Views:1598 Replies:0 
Great nations are known to be an evident proof of character and character is depicted through the morals and values that a nation adheres to. The more value a society attaches to the norms of honesty, equality, fraternity, sacrifice, progress and passion; the higher rank it attains amongst the comity of nations. On the contrary, a society in which debauchery is compulsory for moving up the ladde Click here to read Full Article
Letter to the Editor by Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 28/Oct/2013 Views:952 Replies:0 
The role of the UN since its' inception has not been positive and productive so far as the problems of the Muslim world are concerned. It was founded in 1945 after world war 11 with the aim to stop wars between countries and promote and facilitate the noble cause of human rights and civil liberties. At its' founding nation states there were 51 member states; there are now 193. Five countries were Click here to read Full Article
اپنی دہکائی آگ ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 28/Oct/2013 Views:891 Replies:0 
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کراچی سے بجلی تو نہ چھینیں ۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 28/Oct/2013 Views:924 Replies:0 
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بکرے اور آپا کےغیر سیاسی مشورے۔محمد علی رانا
Posted By: AliRana On: 28/Oct/2013 Views:1631 Replies:0 
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قطرہ شب و خون سےمحتاط جب ہونا پڑا ۔ عرفان طاہر
Posted By: Irfan.T On: 28/Oct/2013 Views:959 Replies:0 
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کیا ہم زندہ قوم ہیں ؟ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 28/Oct/2013 Views:918 Replies:0 
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بوسیدہ نظام کا خاتمہ ۔ طارق حسین بٹ
Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 28/Oct/2013 Views:966 Replies:0 
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