
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 11/16/2010 12:00:00 AM  

Now that he knows he may have to move back to his home in Quetta in near future once his 'mayorship' of kabul finishes....
Posted By: nrqazi On: 16/Nov/2010 Views:2104 Replies:1 
Karzai against drone attacks inside Pakistan Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan - in Search of Identity by Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 16/Nov/2010 Views:2516 Replies:0 
Pakistan is besieged between its ideology, its meaning and the encompassing corrupt and wicked political governance. Rationally, we define ideology and concepts to give clear meaning and purpose for understanding and role-play, discarding the abstract assumptions to vital topics of human interest and values. Pakistan appears to have its ennobling enemies within itself and daily death tolls and soc Click here to read Full Article
قربانی کے بکرے کی انکہی باتیں۔ مدثر فیضی
Posted By: Mudassar_Faizi On: 16/Nov/2010 Views:1802 Replies:0 
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سستا حج ۔ عبداللہ طارق سہیل
Posted By: AbdullahTS On: 16/Nov/2010 Views:1956 Replies:0 
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موم کے کاغذ۔ عبداللہ طارق سہیل
Posted By: Javed_Ch On: 16/Nov/2010 Views:1952 Replies:0 
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The tax bomb by DJ Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 16/Nov/2010 Views:5141 Replies:0 
The greedy and corrupt rulers of Pakistan, whose lust for money seems never to be satiated and who continue living like kings without an iota of shame indulging in blatant corruption, robbery on others rights besides siphoning national wealth out of the country at the expense of the poor masses, have now resolved to also impose taxes on the masses of Gilgit-Baltistan. And as a first steps, they ha Click here to read Full Article
Jammu and Kashmir National Democratic Alliance - a step in right direction by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 16/Nov/2010 Views:4170 Replies:0 
Jammu Kashmir National Awami Party called a meeting of all nationalist parties of Azad Kashmir, which was attended by all parties apart from JKLF of Amanullah Khan. His boycott of the conference was expected. This conference is against his undeclared mission - that is to ensure that nationalists of Jammu and Kashmir are not united. The man has always been divisive and ego centric and his politics Click here to read Full Article
EID UL Q U R B A N by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 16/Nov/2010 Views:2123 Replies:0 
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عوام، ہند ۔ پاک تعلقات کے استحکام کے خواہاں
Posted By: KhurramNafees On: 16/Nov/2010 Views:2308 Replies:0 
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