
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 15/Sep/2009  

Fate of USA will be similar to vanquished empires by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 15/Sep/2009 Views:1747 Replies:0 
USA comprise of fifty states. It has 9.16 million sq km land, 19924 km coast line 307 million population production worth $14 trillion. It is the biggest economic power and strongest military power in human history. Its new world order formulated in early 1990s envisages ruling the world for next 10 Click here to read Full Article
Shopian Murders: India’s birth Right to kill Kashmiris? by Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Posted By: abdulruff On: 15/Sep/2009 Views:1952 Replies:0 
Disappearance of Muslims and appearance of Muslim dead bodies in heavily militarised Kashmir is not unknown in Jammu Kashmir, under brute control of Hindu India. On 30 May, the bodies of the two women Asiya and Nelofer were discovered in a canal in Shopian town in Kashmir ruled Click here to read Full Article
Blackwater hired 30 people from Peshawar
Posted By: Noman On: 15/Sep/2009 Views:1889 Replies:0 
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After Fascist Holocaust in Palestine: What Recognition Zionism Expects? -III
Posted By: abdulruff On: 15/Sep/2009 Views:1730 Replies:0 
All colonial and imperial powers promote slavery and exploitation in some form or other. Zionist Israel and Hindu India do not make any deviation from the western rules of colonialism. Russian serfdom in distant past denoted the ownership by the tsars and their landlords of slaves along with their b Click here to read Full Article
Video: Shia Attacked on Masjid e Nabwi & Grave of Hazrat Aisha (R.A)
Posted By: Noman On: 15/Sep/2009 Views:13380 Replies:11 
Iran backed media only shows that Saudi police attacked on Shias but what actually happened... Shia attacked on Masjid e Nabwi & the Grave of Hazrat Aisha (R.A) & Cursing Sahaba in this Video Click here to read Full Article
میجر جنرل علوی کا قتل اور احسان فراموشی ۔ رؤف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 15/Sep/2009 Views:2071 Replies:2 
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مالدیپ بھی ہم سے آگے نکل گیا ۔ جاوید چوہدری
Posted By: Javed_Ch On: 15/Sep/2009 Views:2139 Replies:0 
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