
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 2/19/2013 12:00:00 AM  

Libyan reception by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:1001 Replies:0 
H. E. Dr. Mohammad Salem Omeish, Ambassador of Libya embassy in Kuwait hosted reception at Crowne Plaza Hotel on Sunday 17th February 2013 to mark his country's national day. Click here to read Full Article
جلوس میلاد مصطفیٰ ۔ آکاش حسین
Posted By: Akash On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:1068 Replies:0 
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حق گوئی و بے باکی ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:945 Replies:0 
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بولتا جہل ہے بدنام دین ہوتا ہے ۔ محمد احمد ترازی
Posted By: tarazi On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:986 Replies:0 
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بیدار چین اور لہو رنگ پاکستان ۔ محمداکرم اعوان
Posted By: AkramAwan On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:1499 Replies:0 
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آخری سازش ۔ حامدمیر
Posted By: Hamid_Mir On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:1156 Replies:0 
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دل تو اپنا اداس ہے ناصر ۔ ڈاکٹر صفدر محمود
Posted By: DrSafdar On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:1980 Replies:0 
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A peep into Pakistan’s history of infancy by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:1333 Replies:0 
Creation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947 broke the century old shackles of bondage. Although a moth-eaten and truncated Pakistan, yet it was the largest Muslim nation in the world. Seventy million hearts of Pakistanis throbbed and pulsated with rapturous excitement and joy. The unfurling of the green and white banner raised their heads with pride and their jubilation knew no bounds. Their relentles Click here to read Full Article
Leaders & Leaders by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:860 Replies:0 
At least I am fed up of listening to the incessant rhetoric and harangues from the highest to the lowest leaders of the PPP eulogizing ZAB and/or BB just for the sake of praising them on each and every occasion whether in context or out of context! Anything they do (though frankly not much) for the public good is always extolled to be in accordance with the vision and wishes of the late Shaheeds Click here to read Full Article
Human rights legislation a prized gift not a favour by Barrister Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:2034 Replies:0 
Human rights legislation is fast becoming a test of patience for British Govt. British Home Secretary Rt. Hon. Theresa May slammed British judges who are risking British security by stopping wholesale deportations using human rights provision enshrined in European convention on human rights 1950 in particular Article 8 (right to family life). Click here to read Full Article
Free & Fair Elections vs Clean Contestants by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:873 Replies:0 
The CEC has once again assured the public to hold a free and fair elections and this is probably the umpteenth assurance coming from him. What I am longing to hear from him at least once is that he will ensure that only the clean and honest politicians will be allowed to context the elections. What is the use of the elections how so ever free and fair those may be if we have to elect from the sa Click here to read Full Article
Division of Punjab is part of plan for disintegration of Pakistan by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 19/Feb/2013 Views:1076 Replies:0 
“The U.S. strategy toward Pakistan has been focused on trying to get Islamabad to give serious help to Washington’s campaign against the Afghan Taliban. There are two rather large problems with this approach. The first is that it is never going to happen because Pakistani strategic calculations and the feelings of the country’s population make it impossible…. except in return for U.S. help against Click here to read Full Article

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