
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 28/Aug/2006  

A chatting which converts a Christian into Muslim
Posted By: webmaster On: 28/Aug/2006 Views:2139 Replies:0 
Oh my God! I,ve been deceived! Really, I feel religiously raped. I have been fooled simply because I followed blindly the religion Click here to read Full Article
look at the presentation
Posted By: iffi On: 28/Aug/2006 Views:4301 Replies:0 
How many times do we miss ALLAH blessings because they Click here to read Full Article
George Bush goes to a primary school to
Posted By: Noman On: 28/Aug/2006 Views:2151 Replies:1 
George Bush goes to a primary school to give a speech. After his talk he offers question Click here to read Full Article
Hizballah and Iran rushing to rebuild Lebanon -
Posted By: Ghost On: 28/Aug/2006 Views:2033 Replies:0 
The War For Hearts and Minds -By rushing to rebuild Lebanon, Hizballah and Iran are spreading their influence in the Middle East. Can the U.S. do more? Click here to read Full Article
Michael Holding defends Pakistan
Posted By: Noman On: 28/Aug/2006 Views:2513 Replies:4 
When bombs go off in Karachi and Colombo everyone wants to go home; When bombs go off in London, no one says anything . . ! Click here to read Full Article
This will break Pakistan? who are these Idiots
Posted By: webmaster On: 28/Aug/2006 Views:2572 Replies:3 
After the death of Akbar Buti People ,surprisingly they called themelves Pakistani ,start talking that this will break Pakistan sooner or later. I think Musharef should shoot them as well. Click here to read Full Article

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