
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 6/7/2012 12:00:00 AM  

Secret mission accomplished; Why Are We Abandoning the Afghans?
Posted By: chaudry On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:3328 Replies:0 
The U.S Air Force’s highly secret unmanned space plane will land in June - ending a year-long mission in orbit. Click here to read Full Article
ہماری تعلیمی پستی ۔ محمد اکرم اعوان
Posted By: AkramAwan On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:2409 Replies:0 
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The shadow of Dr Arsalan Iftkhar by Dr. Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1532 Replies:0 
It is pity that as the graph of Ch Iftkhar is going up in uprightness and honesty, his son Dr Arsalan's position is having a shameful nosedive. Sons betraying fathers is not new in history. Even prophet Noah was betrayed by his son. In that case Noah let his son drown. Click here to read Full Article
یونیورسٹی کیلنڈر دوہزار بارہ ۔تیرہ ۔ محمد عباس خان
Posted By: Muhammad_Abbas_Khan On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1375 Replies:0 
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Gujranwala News 06-06-2012
Posted By: Ali1 On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:2024 Replies:0 
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Gujranwala News 06-06-2012
Posted By: HafizAmin On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1611 Replies:0 
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Gujranwala News 06-06-2012
Posted By: GuranwalaOffice On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:2162 Replies:0 
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Jup News 06-06-2012
Posted By: JUPAkbar On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1360 Replies:0 
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دہکتی اذیتیں ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1315 Replies:0 
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بجٹ دو ہزاربارہ کا ایک جائزہ ۔ میاں ذاکر حسین
Posted By: ZNaseem On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1386 Replies:0 
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Bubbling lava may burst by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1983 Replies:0 
Ali Baba is convicted by Supreme Court on charges of contempt of court but the gang of thieves under him boisterously says he is not a convict and repose full confidence in him. Stock of the same chip, they have to compulsorily protect their chief or else they all would be behind the bars. They are so engrossed in loot and plunder and in merry making that they are impervious to insults heaped upon Click here to read Full Article
ابھی یا کبھی نہیں ۔ جاوید چوہدری
Posted By: Javed_Ch On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1293 Replies:0 
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چلو آؤ بجلی کے کھمبوں کے پاس ۔ رانا بلال
Posted By: RanaBilal On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1473 Replies:0 
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بصارت اور بصیرت ۔ حکیم محمد اشرف
Posted By: AshrafS On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1684 Replies:0 
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قابل رحم تعلیمی نظام ۔ عقیل خان
Posted By: AqeelKhan On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1328 Replies:0 
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News 05-06-2012 By Ibtasam Ul Haq
Posted By: Ibtasam On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1830 Replies:0 
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سفارتی ڈونگ ۔ سلیم احمد عثمانی
Posted By: SaleemU On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1730 Replies:0 
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News 05-06-2012 by Imtiaz Ali Shakir
Posted By: ImtiazAli On: 7/Jun/2012 Views:1449 Replies:0 
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