"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: nrqazi
Full Name: Naeem Qazi
User since: 25/Nov/2007
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All officers should take up this case with the Air Force Chief, for follow up action




I am a retired Air Vice Marshal and served the Pakistan Air Force for more than 35 years. I now live with my family in Karachi.

Recently, I was proceeding with my son to visit my friend’s house in DHA when I saw a big Land Rover/Land Ranger-type vehicle approaching from the opposite direction. It occupied the central portion of the narrow road and it seemed it would ram my car.

I swerved to the left to avoid being hit. As we passed I told the driver of the vehicle to be careful rather than hitting another car.

The driver took offence at my words and stopped and then began to reverse his vehicle. I too stopped my car. An argument took place where the young man, no more than 18 years old, driving the car, extremely agitated, said that he was running out of patience with me.

He came out of his car along with his two guards with Kalashnikov rifles and another older person. They started threatening me and my son.

In fact one of the guards became violent and hit me with the butt of his rifle and started to cock his gun as if he would shoot. More arguments took place. Then both my son and me were attacked.

As if this manhandling was not enough, a police escort vehicle with 6-8 police personnel both in uniform and plain clothes arrived and without ascertaining the facts attacked the two of us.

Passersby intervened and stopped the situation from getting worse.

The boy driving the car also realised that the matter had taken an ugly turn and asked his men to get into their cars. They immediately sped away.

My clothes were completely torn and we both received various injuries. The car was either black or dark gray in colour. Its number plate was that of Abu Dhabi. It also had an MNA plate on it.

I asked the boy to tell me his father’s name to which he arrogantly replied, ‘Go and find it yourself.’

After regaining my balance we proceeded to the Darakshan Police Station and reported the matter.

Whatever happened is sad but I have the following questions to ask of my countrymen.

1. How can there be an Abu Dhabi-registered car running around in Karachi with an MNA plate stuck behind the huge vehicle?
2. Is the boy allowed to drive this vehicle?
3. Is the boy entitled to the privileges of an MNA?
4. How did the police escort (typical Hilux escort vehicle) reach the place?
5. Are the police allowed to escort the young boy?
6. Why should they join in the altercation?
7. When will these rulers learn to curb their arrogance and haughtiness and understand that they have been elected to serve the people rather than harass and beat them up?

It is with great sorrow and pain that I write about the incident. If a senior person like me does not have any safety and is insulted, beaten and physically assaulted by the state police and private guards, what can we expect for the rest of my countrymen?

Air Vice Marshal (retd)

 Reply:   sir jee
Replied by(drkjke) Replied on (15/Jun/2010)

sir jee the rest of country men are like dogs to our rulers as for your case its tragic but your army is also same ,corupt recently in lahore gulberg a police man stopped a young boy from parking at wrong place,at this the boy got mad ,as this boy was son of an army officer this boy called his father ,his father sent army men on vehicles who broke the bones of police men and later kidnapped them,this case came in some newspapers but later vanished from all papers due to armys influence on media so both our civil and army rulers are an azaab on pakistan...we are just waiting for a severe azaab that will soon hit pakistan
 Reply:   Read the last paragrph letter
Replied by(nrqazi) Replied on (13/Jun/2010)

yes definitely the purpose of posting this letter was to highlight the sad state of affairs in the country....based on last paragraph of his letter. Like it or not, somehow in our beloved country corrective action is only taken when some high up faces problem... I really wish someday CJP walks into a police station (without identifying himself) and tries to get an FIR registered against himslef . He will then know that there are better things to sort out than present proceedings..... or may be Reham Malik tries to get past a security post and sees how police people misbehave with average pakistanis during security checks.. or may be NS tries to go through data darbar road without protocol...
 Reply:   This is real bad but not because it happened to Air vice Marshal
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (13/Jun/2010)

This is bad but not because it happened to Air vice Marshal but because it happened to normal Pakistani. Everyone can imagine, what could have happened to that boy, if the stars were on shoulder. May be the opposite situation... may be A you sow, so shall you reap. But i really want that boy to be caught and Chitrol on road and strict action to be taken but one can only dream of this.
 Reply:   I really felt shame while reading
Replied by(kingapain) Replied on (13/Jun/2010)

I really felt shame while reading this topic as this respect we give to our nation defenders. I am sorry sir that this happened to you and now only an Hitler regime can save Pakistan nothing less as the matter is now too out of control nobody can mess with these ignorant politicians.
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