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Myths and fallacies about Abdullah Shah Ghazi – a discussion

International Professor

Two days back bomb blasts outside shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi opened a new Pandora box and some peoples are trying to make it political stunt and have start to bash opposite sects openly backed by some TV channels. Current wave of terrorism has shaken entire society but peoples have started to search about myths and misconceptions spread by certain merchants of Sufism. Current fog surrounding fallacies was made up by agents of British Sarkar after 1857 liberation movement for legalization of colonial set up.

Soon after Data Darbar terror incidence many scholars researched and informed that current place of burial is not original grave where Data Sahab was buried and his grave was on other side of river. In the same context a lot of fictitious stories about Abdullah Shah Ghazi have been floated in public and even nobody knows his real name. Unfortunately TV channels and media did not bother to contact any researcher to put some light on the basis of historical facts.

Some historical facts:

Media has recently published genealogical tree of Shah Abdullah Ghazi in at least two Urdu newspapers and claimed by some TV discussions that he was son of Nafs Zakkia. According to history Nafs Zakkia was self proclaimed Imam Mahdi and he left a sect and followers in Islamic history. His father Abdullah was well distinguished Shia figure and tried revolt against Caliph Jaffer bin Al Mansoor, later he was caught red handed and nabbed in 136 H for the plot against state.

The followers of Nafs Zakkia when he was killed believed that he is alive and did not die, nor was he killed, according to their idea he is staying on the Mount of Ilmiyyah (between Makkah and Najd) and waiting for his reappearance. The section of his followers held onto the supposed narration, which states that the Mahdi’s name is like Muhammad’s name and the Mahdi’s father’s name is like Muhammad’s father’s name (Abdullah).

It is out of question that Shah Abdullah Ghazi was son of Nafs Zakkia and his arrival at Sindh in 98 H is a myth. In same like situation another saint is buried at Thatta known as Abdullah Sahabi, while in other books of history he has shown as son of Abdul Qadir Jaillani (died 561 H or 1166 AD) then how he could be Sahabi or companion of Holy Prophet?

Famous researcher Dr. Daud Puta wrote a note on the “Tareekh e Masoomi” and described the place of burial of same Shah Abdullah Ghazi as the grave of Hazrat Abdullah bin Binhan. He further wrote that Hazrat Abdullah ibn Binhan was sent by Hujjaj bin Yousuf along with Hazrat Tiffa Bijlee before arrival of Muhammad bin Qasim to Sindh who was martyred while fighting with Raja Dahir. (There were many expeditions against Raja Dahir)

Why dragging notables and posing them as “Sufi Saint”?

According to history of British India some local Mullah’s and Mujawirs (custodian of graves) were hired and funded by imperialists to divide Muslims soon after 1857 to release the pressure from liberation movement. Not only Muslim’s but some Hindu religious figures were also hired and lands were distributed for same purpose. Allama Iqbal was aware of British sponsored Sufism and he openly said that Sufism is the weakest part of Islam. Major Muslim League personalities were also against doctrine of occultation theory of Imam Mahdi in this context. Allama Iqbal was leading figure who requested some scholars to research on Fitna e Imam Mahdi. He says that “As I think, the concept of the Mahdi, Msih, and Mujaddad is a completely Iranian and Ajmi perception”. This concept has no link to the Qur'an, Islam and Arabic perceptionsIt is on record that in early 1900 AD some Mullah were hired by British Sarkar and those were helped by Shariff e Makkah for finding ways to divide Muslim strength.

So selected Sunni Mullah’s were supported and around 1920 AD, same Mullah’s started to construct or occupy mosques on sectarian basis. Prior to that period believers of Sufism never tried to construct separate mosques because no Sufi scholar ever invented any new Fiqh. The same theory took dangerous shape after 1970’s. Earlier the colonists backed two major theories to divide Muslims, 1st theory of Imam Mahdi and 2nd Sufism. Results of Imam Mahdi theory brought Ahmadi, Syed Jaunpuri Chishti (Nawab Bahadur Yar Jung was his follower), Bab, Riaz Ahmad Gohar Shahi  and many other sects. All of those sects still exist and their followers are residing in Indo-Pakistan sub-continent since then.

British Sarkar was anxious for a decree against Jihad and that was happily produced by Brelvi and Ahmadi Mullah’s in their support. Today same Mullah’s and Makhdooms have revived their old versions in support of U.S. and Tahir Qadri type mullah’s have openly denied verses of Quran and Jihad held during Holy Prophet and Caliphs of Islam. Indirectly so called Sufi Mullah’s have justified U.S. and NATO invasions on Muslim countries, drone attacks, Israeli, Indian, NATO, ISAF brutalities and in the same context have defied Liberation movements of Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, China or Philippines etc with the lame excuses.

As mentioned above same creed of Mullah’s earlier declared British India as Dar ul Amn and a few Mujahedeen of those times were declared as terrorists. Particularly family of Shah Wali ullah, like Shah Abdul Aziz and Shah Ismail or large number of Ulema were declared terrorists or mutineers by British Sarkar.  Obaid ullah Sindhi’s Reshmi Rumal tehreek and other attempts of liberation from British Raj were met with failure by means of Brelvi and Ahmadi creed. So Muslim Ulema’s were sent to Kala Pani, many were killed and their properties were confiscated by British Sarkar.

In the same period of time custodians of graves were awarded with lands and higher posts. If you want to imagine true picture of that period than visualize what is going on today when U.S. ambassador, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Richard Holbrook and Israeli ambassador to India have started visits to shrines and large amounts are given for construction of graves. Contemporarily the role of British army has been taken over by Pakistan army and killings of Muslims by the hands of NATO, ISAF or Pakistan army has produced dozens of Jalianwala Bagh like episodes.

Sufi’s and their followers never rise against cruelty and oppression in history and have always been sitting in luxurious bungalows and remained busy in enjoying marijuana or Bhang. In their dictionary Sultan Tipu, Nawab Siraj ud Daula and Rani Jhansi were terrorists. Some custodian of graves and Sufi Makhdoom’s brutally murdered liberators with the help of British Army.

Extremism of Sufi followers in Pakistan   

Some points have been discussed in article “Relics of Bab ul Islam Mosque”, click for link given below. Curse of Imam Mahdi theory and Sufism has established its routes in current Pakistan. It is very old nuisance but Imperialists have revived and refinanced it on large scale. As an example one name “Sarmad” is very famous in Sufi circles that was also haunted by Imam Mahdi theories and claimed to be transmigration of God in to him. Dara Shikoh is famous figure and centre of appreciation for prostitution gangs of Pakistan, he was deeply haunted by same Sarmad theories and same non-sense later deprived him from dynastic rule. Famous striper of Lahore and friend of Musharraf, Madiha Gohar have staged many theaters to honor Dara Shikoh and bash Aurangzeb Alamgir.

Shrine of Ajmer is a centre of conspiracy of imperialists since long and queues of their cronies could be observed that are visiting the shrine to please Uncle Sam, including Musharraf, Sheikh Rashid, Khurshid Mahmood Qasoori, Benazir, Zardari or Israeli Ambassador Etc. In opinion of buddies of CIA every independence movement, fight against occupations and movements of resistance is terrorism.

Quasi Islamic sects, the Exitor’s, the Ex. Muslims, apostates, secularists and particularly liberal fascists are the modern faces of imperialists are financed to divide Muslims. Shia Mullah’s of Iraq, sect of Tahir Qadri, Sunni Tehreek faction and Brelvi bloc are visible minorities today. While Salman Rushdie type peoples, theorists of Shia Crescent and a few visible in English language media are major promoters of current wave of terrorism, Sufism and extremism.

A brief historical view of Mahdi, Sufi and worshippers of grave:

The official Shia religion of current Islamic state of Iran is quite different from the prevailing off shoot Shia religion in Pakistan camouflaged under name of Sunni. Shia believers have their strong back ground and word Shia used in this article is nothing to do with faithful Shia’s. The Quasi Shia sects that stressed to be Sunni are our address.

Regarding Mahdi theory Shia have their own point of view and that is not under discussion but Quasi Shia’’s like Tahir Qadri and Brelvi followers have high jacked those Shia theories and have masked them with the phrase Sunni to create a new belief. Early Islamic history is witness that such Exitors or Quasi Islamic sects always had presence in society. Unfortunately all type of philosophies of different Sufi scholars has been merged and a mixture of entire different thinking is today’s new face of political Sufism and that is part of war of terror and means of making money.

There are three famous personalities in early history of Islam who claimed to be Mahdi. Please read their Mahdi movements from history books. Al Mukhtar (686 AD), known as Mukhtar Saqfi (a famous terrorist organization “Mukhtar Force” bears his name in Pakistan). Nafs Zakkia and his sons (762 AD) also claimed to be Imam Mahdi. Muhammad Hanfia is known as Ibn al Hanafiya, Imam of Kisaniya Shia sect. Zaydia and Ismailia were also other sects that claimed to be heirs of Imamat or Mahdi theories in Islamic political history. Some persons in Pakistan claim to be descendents all above famous personalities and soon after bomb blasts near grave of Shah Abdullah Ghazi, certain quarters claimed that it is work of Jindullah (anti-Iran) and another TV channel said that TTP (anti-US) has accepted responsibility, terrorists Sarwat Qadri was exclusively invited by some TV channels.

Shah Abdullah Ghazi is not that person so as to media has claimed, any person buried there is not follower of Sufism because no Sufi was even born at that time. Neither Shah Abdullah Ghazi was Brelvi because that sect was introduced by British Sarkar around year 1900. Moreover Saudi Arab was not Saudi Arab and blame of Wahabism is on the basis of sectarian hate. Any person buried there was not Sufi but he was Mujahid and killed while fighting with enemies. Only Qabza Group occupied his grave for making money. And that place is centre of goons and drug addict Sufi’s, prominent prostitution gangs and suppliers of hookers could also be seen there.

As mentioned in earlier article that a large number of conspirators against Ommayad and Abbasid dynasties were deserted from Islamic armies and took refuge with Hindu rulers, those were named Mawalis in history, and usually those were followers of Kisanya, Zaidia, Ismailia or other Shia off shoot branches. But current largest Shia faithful sect entirely refuses to accept their versions of Imamat and Mahdi theory or Sufism. However one branch of Shia’s that is called “Shaykhism” is the only sect that is mixture of Sunni-Shia thoughts of Sufism like Ahmadi, Tahir Qadria sect, Bihayis, Brelvi’s and majority of custodian of graves in Southern Punjab and Sindh areas are followers of Kisanya, Ismailia or Zaidia type sects.

In Indo-Pakistan subcontinent those adopted name of Brelvi’s, In Syria and Lebanon those are called Druze, In Yemen those are called Zaydia, In Sudan those are called Mahdavi and so on. Two three months back Yousuf Raza Gaillani claimed that clan of Quaid e Azam was converted to Islam by his ancestors. Unfortunately forefathers of Quaid e Azam were Ismailia and it supports above claim that fore fathers of Yousuf Raza Gaillani were Ismailia, in case if ancestors of Quaid were converted by Gaillani’s fore fathers as he claimed.

Data Sahab was established Sufi scholar but Abdullah Shah Ghazi was not Sufi at all. Difference of opinion in major sects is based on thoughts that one sect says that appealing through saints and veneration of graves (Worship) is their fundamental faiths while others oppose this practice.

Superstitious public has been brain washed to such extent that those declare saints equal to God, call them Qadir, Data, Maula and treat them alive in graves. Political unrest, hate, sectarianism and extremism are results of that religion.

On 2 September 1925 the Turkish government issued a decree closing down all Sufi orders and the Takiyas (Sufi hide outs). Mustafa Kamal ordered their dervish lodges (Khanqah’s) to be converted to museums, such as Maulana Museum in Konya. The institutional expression of Sufism became illegal in Turkey; a politically neutral form of Sufism, functioning as social associations, was permitted to exist. Pakistan Government must nationalize such places of worship that is producing extremism.

For further reading:

Relics of Bab ul Islam mosque built by Muhammad bin Qasim at Rohri – Some facts


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