"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Sami_Malik
Full Name: Sami Malik
User since: 14/Oct/2006
No Of voices: 1705
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 Reply:   Kashmiris are going to wrest their freedom eventually. Insha Allah
Replied by(Sami_Malik) Replied on (5/Nov/2010)

With a diehard Indian mindset like yours that 'India is not going to leave the people of Kashmir on the mercy of Pakistan' it seems futile to go into the genesis of Kashmiri assertion for freedom and self-determination or the role and place of characters like sheikh Abdullah. Kashmiri assertion is entirely their own and they are under no illusion about the present day Pakistan or its corrupt and incompetent ruling classes who have betrayed the very founding vision of their nation. None of these cupidity’s a la Sheikh Abdullah or Asif Ali Zardari affect the firm Kashmiri resolve for freedom. You don't mean to say that Indian brutalities and tyrannies (pl see this BBC link) were preferable to the corrupt and extremist ways in Pakistan. Do you? Let's face t - you argue as a diehard Indian or at best as an Indian stooge and I write as a Kashmiri. I hope and pray that someday you rethink the untenability of your position. Kashmiris are going to wrest their freedom eventually. Insha Allah

Warm Regards

Sami Malik

 Reply:   J-K Interlocutors will surely succeed in their mission
Replied by(Tabrez) Replied on (5/Nov/2010)

Mr. Samiullah Malik, in the long brief of your article, you have tried to connect the history of Kashmir with the history of Pakistan as you have said that Kashmiri Muslims also associated their views with those Muslims of the sub-continent who influenced by the ‘two-nation’ theory, started their journey towards Pakistan under the leadership of Iqbal and M Ali Jinnah, since 1940. I don’t see any reality or historical fact in your view. You just try to prove that the freedom struggle in Kashmir started at the same time when Muslims of this sub-continent started demanding a separate land. You have also written that Kashmiri Muslims asked Maharaja of Kashmir on 3 June, 1947 for the secession of the state with Pak’s constituent assembly, which does not have any historical proof as Shaikh Abdullah was never in favour of going with Pakistan. You can see his speech delivered in UNO. After a long brief you, as usual, start repeating that Kashmiris are being killed and so on. And now you come to the point that Indian government has appointed interlocutors on Kashmir. You accept the fact that all three interlocutors – Dilip Padgaonkar, MM Ansari and Radha Kumar – are neutral personalities and all of them have much experience regarding Kashmir issue. You happily say that Dilip Padgaonkar has recommended Indian government to involve Pakistan too in solving Kashmir issue and Radha Kumar has advised Delhi government for an amendment in the Indian constitution to solve Kashmir issue. It means, according to you, that Indian government will have to stop saying Kashmir as its integral part. I don’t think so. India is not going to leave the people of Kashmir on the mercy of Pakistan as the history of Pakistan tells us that no one is safe there. Pakistan has never done anything serious to save its people from terrorists and extremists. Pakistan is a liar which often speaks in favour of Kashmiris but also send militants in the valley to butcher innocent Muslims. Mr. Samiullah Malik! Do you think Kashmiri Muslims will go to Pakistan where even the holy shrines and religious places are not safe? India knows better how to protect its people. If people of Kashmir have any problem with the government, their problems will be addressed, and that is why a team of interlocutors has been appointed. People of Kashmir are welcoming this initiative and you will see that normalcy will return to Kashmir soon. We just hope that Pakistan will not exploit the sentiments of Kashmiri Muslims and will stop sending terrorists.
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