"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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Dear Friends
I just read this piece in The News. We should try to highlight the plight of these two girls who not only were gang-raped but faced the further humiliation of being expelled from the hostel. Perhaps we should start a petition to the KP government and/or Khyber Teaching Hospital.

Yusaf Khan

2 raped trainee nurses expelled from KTH hostel
Bureau report
PESHAWAR: The three-member committee formed to probe the gang rape of two trainee nurses of the Khyber Teaching Hospital decided here Wednesday to expel the girls from the hostel for violation of rules.
The hospital sources told The News that the girls (names withheld) were
kidnapped from Saddar Bazaar in Peshawar where they had gone for hopping. Four persons reportedly kidnapped and raped them on Sunday.
The girls were intoxicated and shifted to some unknown place in the city here
they were allegedly gang raped. The culprits threw the girls on the Ring Road in semi-conscious condition and fled.
The condition of the girls was very critical because of profuse bleeding and they were shifted to the emergency department of the hospital. According to the preliminary reports, four or more men raped the nurses. The girls, owever, said the rapists were two and one of them sported a beard.
The hospital sources said the girls recorded their statements before the three-member hospital committee. They told the committee that Sunday being a public holiday they went to Saddar Bazaar for shopping and on their way ack to the hospital hostel they asked the taxi driver to stop at the Swato Phakat so that they could buy juice.
The girls said they fell unconscious after drinking the juice that the taxi driver had served them from a roadside shop. When they regained consciousness,
they found themselves in a room where two men were also present. The girls said the two men raped them repeatedly. They said the men also threatened to kill them if they offered resistance.
The girls alleged that the men not only raped them but also snatched their jewellery, money and cellular phones. They told the committee that the culprits again intoxicated them before throwing them on the Ring Road.
To probe the incident, the provincial government formed a committee comprising Dr Zakir, Dr Mujtaba and Principal of the Nursing School Nusrat Jillani. The committee held a lengthy meeting on Tuesday and found that the girls had left the hostel without permission of the hostel in-charge. As it was against the rules, the committee decided to expel the nurses from the hostel on Wednesday.
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