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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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 Islamic World is Ignored in UNSC-5: USA or UK Must Stay Out


Dr. Abdul Ruff



The devastating anti-Islamic war in South/Mideast by the GST countries would not have happened had a Muslim nation been there on the UNSC-5. Any further delay in co-opting at least one of the Muslim nations would further hamper the genuine interests of Islamic world that includes the Arab nations. USA and its terror allies are interested only in their interests and they jointly operate against Islam.



It is an overt anomaly that both global terror twins USA and UK that have all along pursued a joint policy for both at home and abroad have comfortably fixed themselves into the UNSC-5. Since one veto would do the necessary trick to block any humane, genuine resolution like the one against fascist Israel for its genocides in Palestine or terrorist India for its anti-humanity crime sin occupied Jammu Kashmir, there is no need for both USA and UK, the English speaking masters, to be on the UNSC-5. 



Emerging as the strongest twin powers, the USA and UK have pursued a joint strategy to contain all forces that obstruct to anti-Islamic practices of colonialism, imperialism, capitalism and exploitation of weak nations and peoples. In recent times, upon the fall  of the Soviet state that had during the Cold war opposed all western illegal moves around the world while at the same time pursuing their own agendas, the USA-UK terror twins hatched conspiracy to invade Iraq, Iran Afghanistan, loot and squander their resources and destroy them along with Pakistan. By using the GST war in Afghanistan an Pakistan against Islam and Muslim world, the USA-UK terror twins have generated a fake insurgency by some rogue states to first somehow get into the notorious UNSC and then to claim a veto handle to rotate the world via state terrorism and India is a forerunner in the campaign.



On the other hand, none of the 57 member Muslim world has found favor with the USA-UK-Russia terror combine to including in the UNSC-5-, not even the most obedient Saudi Arabia that polishes all US-UK boots in Saudi Kingdom and has stood by the GST roguism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and is supporting the US-Israeli gimmicks to attack Islamic (Shiite) Iran. Obviously Pakistani leaders are big thieves and have no interest other than their own wealth as well as the their western bosses and also regular foreign trips. People have no right or  interest to seek a place in UNSC-5; they can only vote for the corrupt politicians who would readily ask the American terrorists to kill them by drones. (Today, the US democrats, operating under Pak military,  have murdered at least 15 innocent Pakistanis but the Islamabad regime is lying drug addicted).



Maybe it is just crude hunch only to protect the Islamic world from possible satanic anti-Islamic manipulations in the world, but this seems to be a clear conspiracy against Muslim nations over the notorious UNSC where India, Germany Brazil and Japan-  the gang of 4 - seek a veto status to pursue all illegal goals by immoral means against the genuine interests of other nations, especially Muslim nations. These extremely ambitious countries want snatch away the legitimate place of some of the most influential Muslim states like Iran, Turkey, Libya, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. They had lost their place when the USA-UK, Soviet Union deliberately kept them away from the then newly created UNSC with veto power. The Mideast uprisings and struggle by the gang of 4 behind the scene to gain access to the veto regime seems to be another conspiracy is perhaps from the western GST nations or NATO to deny Islam world of 57 nations the veto power.

The insane tactic to console only the crying naughty children should not world internationally and ignoring Muslim nations have no legal sanctity. ICJ should ask for their inclusion of at least one of Muslim nations into UNSC-5 urgently and close the entry thereafter.  None of the world powers even mention the anomaly against Islamic world in the UNSC-5 and Muslim nations are being coerced to follow the anti-Islamic culture and life patterns in their own countries. In the absence of any strong claim by divided Islamic world for the UNSC-5, the big and small rogue states are using the Mideast crises by pushing forward their on agenda at the cost of Islamic world and against its interests.



Whether the Mideast unrest is a meticulously engineered act by the West to deny the Muslim nations a veto handle to protect Islam and Muslims from the anti-Islamic maneuverings and manipulations plus the terror invasions? Why not USA or UK comes out of UNSC and let Iran, Turkey, Libya, Egypt or Saudi Arabia enter to replace it? Of course they could choose the Muslim nations of their liking if they want. When these two rogue states keep harping on democracy and regime change, why not they also change their own democratic tradition of occupation culture, colonialism and imperialism?



On what account today’s’ colonizer and terror state India and former fascist Germany claim the veto provision when their masters are already there to protect their illegal interests. Saudi Arabia might like to cling on to USA-UK terror twins for maintaining all secret deals and the corrupt regimes, but other Muslim nations should be interested and hence accommodated in the UNSC veto regime of UNSC-5.



Of course, there is an option too: Co-opt Muslim nations in the UNSC-5 without increasing the present strength or dismantle entire notorious UNSC system all together. In its place, I repeat, a UN Peace council (UNPC) without any veto handle should be established by selecting credibly peace loving non-colonialist, non-imperialist, non-terrorist, non anti-Islamic nations one each from each continent.



Global state terror (GST) operations by the NATO terror syndicate led by the USA-UK terror twins have vitiated the international atmosphere, negatively contributing to the climate change though terror destruction, the UNSC remains a notorious agency to help the big nuclear rouges to advance their illegal goals by immoral means.  Colonialist nations like India think the present dispensation of UN, UNSC and UNSC-5 suits their own corporate ideology to pursue the hidden agendas against humanity and peace.


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