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Pakistan's sacrifices for USA are historic: Turkey and China express solidarity!

- Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal



US dictatorial President Trump is increasingly becoming insane as Pakistani ties with China are growing stronger day by day with new agreements between. Donald is bursting into angry rhetoric against Pakistan and Palestine, threatening to stop and end   the US aid, being used as powerful bribes to woo the weak nations concerned to obey USA and support US imperialism. 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday called Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain and expressed solidarity with Pakistan in the wake of allegations levelled by Donald Trump.  The Turkish president assured his Pakistani counterpart of full support and cooperation "in any situation", a press release issued by the presidency said. "Trump's conduct in spite of Pakistan's great sacrifices is undesirable," Erdogan was quoted as saying. He said Pakistan had rendered historic sacrifices in the war against terrorism.

US-Pakistani relations have been worsening since Trump assumed power at White House. Entire world, including the international community is scared that a fat monkey has been given the US presidential garland and what all he would do to bring disgrace to USA in the days to come.

Americans were disillusioned with Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party for their continued terror wars killing millions of humanity for fun and their inability to support the cause of Palestinians for the just cause for Palestine and her support for Zionist genocides of even Palestinians children in Gaza Strip and voted for Trump thinking he would behave. But alas, he, as speculated has proven to be the worse monster than Hillary.

President Hussain said Pakistan is a responsible country and would give an "appropriate response" to the US allegations. He said Pakistan believes in a policy of engagement and cooperation and regretted that its sentiments had not been respected. Thanking the Turkish president for expressing solidarity with Pakistan, Hussain said, "This love-filled message has made us feel proud." Both the presidents reiterated that Pakistan and Turkey are brotherly countries and always stood beside each other in all circumstances.

China acknowledges Pakistan's sacrifices

In his first tweet of the New Year, Trump, annoyed with increasing Sino-Pakistan relations against US Asia pivot, deliberately and blatantly accused Pakistan - a South Asia nation that has been destabilized by USA and Nato  after using it to attack Afghanistan and misusing its military facilities to work against Islamic world and killing Muslims,  of basing its relationship with the USA on “nothing but lies and deceit”. “They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!” he said like an old fashioned Hollywood villain.

China, the real target of Trumpish USA, threw its weight behind Pakistan. A day earlier, China said that its key regional ally has made outstanding contributions to the international anti-terrorism cause and its key regional ally has "made outstanding contributions to the international anti-terrorism cause," countering the heavy criticism that Islamabad had copped a day earlier from the top US fanatic Trump.

In a clear disagreement with the American president's scathing assessment — that Pakistan has given Washington "nothing but lies and deceit" — Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said: "Pakistan has made and sacrifices in combating terrorism and made outstanding contributions to the international anti-terrorism cause. The international community should fully acknowledge it."

With Pak-US relations teetering on the verge of a catastrophe, China assured that at least its own alliance with Pakistan will only keep on growing. "China and Pakistan maintain an all-weather strategic partnership," the spokesperson said. "China is willing to further deepen its cooperation with Pakistan in all fields and further benefit the two peoples."

China's newly appointed Ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing met National Security Adviser Nasser Khan Janjua this morning in Islamabad. Acknowledging Pakistan's "matchless sacrifices in the war against terror", the ambassador said China stands firmly with Pakistan in all situations, a Foreign Office (FO) release said.

Reiterating China’s strong commitment to the security and stability of Pakistan, Ambassador Yao said that China considers Pakistan a close friend and a reliable partner for peace and stability in a turbulent region. The diplomat stressed on "the need for political reconciliation in Afghanistan and an early closure of the Afghan conflict" . Ambassador Yao expressed support for the regional and multilateral initiatives for political reconciliation in Afghanistan, including the trilateral process involving China-Afghanistan and Pakistan. While warmly welcoming Ambassador Yao to his “second home” Pakistan, NSA Janjua expressed disappointment and concern "over the anti-Pakistan tweet emanating from the highest level in Washington".

It was not clear if that remark was a counter-proposal to the American president's regret for having "foolishly given Pakistan more than $33 billion in aid over the last 15 years", which has given rise to speculation that aid and reimbursements from the US may not be as forthcoming in the future.

Over the years, Pakistan and China have collaborated on a number of projects, including the much-touted China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. In response to Trump's tirade against Pakistan, Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif through a series of tweets reminded the USA of the services Pakistan had rendered during the past several years, particularly in the war against terrorism.

American betrayal

The US president's tweet had come in the aftermath of an increasingly terse back-and-forth between Washington and Islamabad since Trump announced his latest national security strategy. During the announcement, Trump had been quick to remind Pakistan of its 'obligation' to help America because it receives “massive payments" as bribes from Washington every year. 

Trump said: "We have made clear to Pakistan that while we desire continued partnership, we must see decisive action against Muslims - “terrorist groups” -operating on their territory. And we make massive payments every year to Pakistan. They have to help," the Trump said.

That is too silly on behalf of US President!


Pakistani foreign minister Khawaja Asif said, "The history teaches us not to blindly trust the US… You have asked what we did.  A dictator surrendered before the USA on a single phone call, our country witnessed the worse bloodbath, you carried out 57,800 attacks on Afghanistan from our bases, your forces were supplied arms and explosives through our soil, thousands of our civilians and soldiers became victims of the war initiated by you," he said.

The minister also highlighted the sacrifices rendered by Pakistanis in the war against terrorism. He also talked about the cost Pakistan paid for its participation in the said war. "We considered your enemy as our own, we filled the Guantanamo Bay, we served you with such an enthusiasm that we left our country with load shedding and gas shortage. We tried to please you on the cost of our economy, we provided tens of thousands of visas as a result of which the networks of Black Water spread across our country," he wrote in another tweet. "For the past four years, we have been clearing the debris. Our forces are fighting in an exemplary manner; there is an unending saga of sacrifices. The past teaches us not to blindly trust the US. We are feeling sorry as you are not happy but we will not compromise on our prestige anymore," he concluded.

In fact, Pakistan and Afghanistan are infested with US state terror gangs with heavy doses of terror ammunitions that keep targeting Muslims while their media lords and intelligence wings report that the “terrorists” are still there”.

So the terrorists, like ISIS, etc, belong to USA. But unfortunately nothing can be done to US super power.

Most of the wreath America has today belongs to Arab world from which the Pentagon led NATO forces possibly with the help of Israel squandered their resources directly and indirectly and pumped into USA by force.

That is basics of modern US democracy!


Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

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