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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Democratic CIA Targets Col. Qaddafi: Assassination of Another Arab Leader?  

NATO-UNSC must End illegal War against Libyan Arabs! (9)




Unfortunately, the Western Christian terrocracies view Muslim world and its leaders as their potential enemies for no specific reasons. Western imperialist powers, guided by the all powerful CIA with its wide ranging terror networks and bases across the globe, have tactfully “intervened” in the oil rich Mideast region out of commercial and strategic self-interest and not to help the Arabs who fight each other to make more extra profits against Islamic faith. After Saddam Hussein, the CIA under the Obama command wants to eliminate Col. Qaddafi.


In Mideast, a neutral Libya is the key target of UNSC-NATO destabilization machines. The ongoing UNSC-NATO terror attack on sovereign Libya, killing thousands of innocent people, has been operatinalized with able support from the nasty Arab world - aiming at as much to loot the resources after destabilizing the nation as to showcase the collective terror prowess of NATO to enable the weak nations to buy their terror goods.


By showcasing their multifaceted terror facade, French, American and English rouges still insist that Col. Muammar Qaddafi must fear western composite fascism (WCF) and forever leave the country where he was born which he nourished and developed. These fascists are eager to step in and install a puppet regime to ensure safe looting of Libyan oil resources. Why should not Arab leaders demand similar things from western rogue leaders- to flee their countries letting the Arabs to rule these nations properly?


In order to implement the policy of state-organized assassination as the core of western  terrocracy or  so-called democracy ,  the NATO terror syndicate led by Obama-Cameron terror twins, is trying to murder Libyan popular leader Col. Qaddafi and loot Libyan resources by keeping puppet regime in Tripoli of hardcore CIA agents- just like what they did in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.  This new phase of western fascism in democracy uniforms targeting Col. Qaddafi with cruise missiles could eventually kill almost every Libyan in the country by dismantling all vital economic resources and facilities. Then the Neocon nuts would argue the remaining Libyans would get freedom as the case in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan, Tunisia and Egypt - the destabilized Muslim nations in power vacuum.  As usual, UNSC is watching the fascist destructions in sovereign Libya.


Rebel-betrayers in Libya have lost even hopes of survival now. CIA and NATO bosses have bluffed to the misguided rebels in Libya to make them the rulers by removing Col. Qaddafi and in return the “new rulers” must let the NATO rogues to steal the Libyan resources officially. 


Undoubtedly, Libyans and their President Col. Qaddafi are winning the illegal war imposed by NATO-UNSC on Libya, despite a month of air attacks by French, British and US aircraft, the firing of hundreds of Tomahawk missiles into Libya from US warships and the appearance in the rebel ranks of sophisticated new weapons.


An innocent looking B. Obama and his fascist western gang are growing more wild  with passing each terror day in besieged/occupied Libya because  the CIA-NATO rouge network could not make or force  Libyans go against their leader Col. Qaddafi ( as opposed to what they had managed in Iraq and Afghanistan) and the Libyan military and other  agencies bravely defending their nations against NATO aggression.



Obama is keen to make Libya a US colony in Mideast. A former Roman colony, Libya is a mostly desert country which saw invasions by Vandals, Byzantines, Arabs, Turks and more recently Italians before gaining independence in 1951. Libya, once shunned by much of the international community over the 1988 bombing of a PanAm plane above the Scottish town of Lockerbie, underwent a dramatic rehabilitation after taking formal responsibility for the bombing in 2003. Libya has, over years, made strenuous efforts to appease the West by doing exactly what they asked for. Not only Col. Qaddafi agreed to make many Libyans the CIA agents and oil lobbyists to take and give bribes to the "concerned" , he also abandoned Libya's legitimate nuclear program to make the west trust the Libyans as a trusted ally in disarmament and peace efforts.  Since then, Tripoli always has done things only to appease the Western rogue states, especially the veto rogues like the Americans and Britishers.


 In fact, there have been no rivalries or conflicts between Libya and Western powers in recent years, under pressure from USA, Libya has even been denuclearized and now has been weakened by the UNSC-NATO joint fascist operations. There have cordial relations between Tripoli and Washington only to assure Col. Qaddafi of American warm intent. Rather,  the west and Libya were cooperating with each other as strategic partners sharing values, while the West was getting Libyan energy resources at a cheap price but they want to make the oil import now absolutely free- and hence the NATO fascist attack on Libya with support from UNSC members that also seek to share the war booty. 


As required by the invading western, Pentagon-CIA led, fascist military bosses, the local CIA-rebels funnily say they want to remove Col. Qaddafi and resurrect the dead King Idris who was overthrown in 1969 in a coup led by the 27-year-old Muammar Qaddafi, and Libya embarked on a radically new chapter in its history. Colonel Qaddafi's revolution has been based largely on distinguishing his country from the world around it. Ideas put forward in his Green Book aim at an alternative to both communism and capitalism, while Islam is adhered to. Libya has come a long way from opposing western imperialism to court them by pumping oil into them. The UN lifted sanctions, and Libya's subsequent renunciation of weapons of mass destruction further improved relations with the West. 



However, true, Libya has not gone overboard with capitalism as required by the Western powers, but then a sovereign Libya has its own political choices and preferences and the western terrocracies have no business to interfere in the internal matters of another nation, however weak it may be or force and impose its will on Libya. Libya chose a non-capitalist or socialist path in place of crude capitalism that automatically promotes colonialism and imperialism. Obviously, Libyan route is unacceptable for the Neocon nuts or so-called democracy specialists from the west that want package deals to export to all developing nations their capitalist products like arms in exchange for arms, liquor, “democracy & freedom” from life . Only countries like puppet India could accept such terms unconditionally for their own selfish, but self- destructive reasons.


Western terrorist media praise those Muslim rulers and leaders if they promote western interests n their respective regions and support them in getting what these terrocrats want from their own countries, and conversely, they despise and call them dictators, tyrants if they do not promote western imperialist tendencies. Libya and its leaders have been engaged in promoting western oil interests in the country. So much so, very recently, Col. Moammar Qaddafi's Libya was being praised for its efforts to become a responsible stakeholder in the international system. Meanwhile, Qaddafi's children, especially his son Saif al-Islam, were being cultivated as the best hope for initiating a process of political and economic reform. Indeed, Qaddafi's son Khamis was in the USA on a professional internship when the current crisis broke out. He was quickly recalled to take command of the 32nd Reinforced Brigade of the Armed People, described as the best-trained and equipped unit within the Libyan military and security force. He cannot replenish his forces nor, in the manner of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, rely on his oil wealth to bribe his subjects back into compliance.


When the CIA-NATO-UNSC suddenly began tilting their missile ankles towards sovereign Libya, the media terrorists, like the western leaders and military rogues, also called Col. Qaddafi as the Afro-Arab dictator and tyrant who should be deported. Today they want to assassinate him. . Over the past month, Qaddafi has seen his air force grounded a large portion of his heavy military assets destroyed, his ports blockaded and his assets frozen.



NATO is guilty of war crimes against humanity in Libya too. NATO’s illegal war on Libyan soil seems to certainly moving toward uncertainties for NATO’s future as composite terrorist organization (CTO). The ongoing “UNSC/NATO intervention” will set a terrible precedent for the existence of sovereign nations that oppose imperialist-colonialist trends in the world, unipolarity and unilateralism, displayed arrogantly by USA and its terror partners.  NATO open barbarianism on sovereign Libya will seriously undermine any prospect of grassroots political reform anywhere in the world, with little regard for the civilians caught up in the fighting by a sovereign nation fighting the invading imperialist forces along with their local agents/rebels. 



Obama and Co must not take the destabilization of sovereign Libya, assassination of its president Col.  Qaddafi and looting of Libyan resources, etc, as a “prestige” issue for himself or USA, because Americans and Europeans know their Libya war, like the ones being waged by the same NATO terror syndicate in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, is also illegal and, therefore, must be stopped. Having already killed thousands of Libyans and destroyed their costly installations in weeks, now the NATO rogues must concentrate not on unproductive things like terror goods transfer to Libyan betrayers to kill more Libyans, but on how quick to come out of Libya and air space while taking steps best to distribute humanitarian aid and deliver medical assistance to destabilized Libya.


Obama must give up his ulterior motives in Mideast and Libya and end hostilities in sovereign Libya and he and Col. Qaddafi could negotiate for oil-arm deals on a reduced rate. Rebels must come to their senses defend Col. Qaddafi and Libyan resources form foreign loots. .  NATO must forthwith withdraw all their composite fascist troops from sovereign Libya and take away the spoiled Libyan rebels to their respective countries for resettlement for enabling them for destabilization jobs.


Sovereign Libya does not require the US and European terrorists in democracy uniforms to continue policing Libya's airspace, at significant expense in the hope of swindling Libyan energy resources through the “rebel lines”. Now Libyan state under Col. Qaddafi must take special care about all regions so that in future foreign agencies won't be able to mislead the Libyans against Libyan interests, invade sovereignty, destabilize it and loot Libyan resources in exchange for "freedom".

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