"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: zubi
Full Name: zubair ahmed zaheer
User since: 4/Nov/2007
No Of voices: 39
 Views: 2666   
 Replies: 4   
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 Reply:   شکریہ ناصر
Replied by(zubi) Replied on (10/Jun/2008)

اسلام علیکم ناصر 1973 بھاءی رسپونس کا شکریہ
 Reply:   thanks for nomanscript src=ht
Replied by(zubi) Replied on (10/Jun/2008)

AOA noman bhi thanks for response 
 Reply:   MANc.
Replied by(nasir1973) Replied on (1/Jun/2008)
Sab sey pehlay pakistan...
There are still many pictures of these " Baysharams " but... Its our insult!!!!
There was no any other islamic country but only pakistan.
 " Sab sey Pehlay Pakistan "

 Reply:   Excellent write upscript src=
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (1/Jun/2008)

A really well written and excellent article. Keep ding good work
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Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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