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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
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Imran Khan Suspects Government Hand in Attack on Islamic University, Islamabad.
October 19 and 20: Justice Party leader Imran Khan speaking in Urdu on a private Pakistani TV station known as ATV discussed the attack on the Islamic University in Islamabad and the military offensive in Waziristan. He said that the fighting has to do with American pressure on Pakistan to do more against "terrorists. " He expressed grave reservations about the government claim that the Taliban had attacked the Islamic university. Imran Khan said that there is no evidence that it was a "suicide" attack and anyone can set off a bomb to create a situation. He said the goverment is trying to demonize the opposition and the attack seems to be an attempt to turn public opinion against  the Taliban.
     Imran Khan calmly rebutted government minister Kaira's claim that it was a Taliban attack.

     The students of the Islamic university seemed to agree with Imran Khan. When Rahman Malik, the ruling PPP's Minister of the Interior, visited the university after the bombing, he was hooted by the students who then became openly hostile to the minister and threw stones at his vehicle. He was hustled away under tight security. [ATV showed a video of the entire incident while interviewing Imran Khan.]
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