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Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
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Palestine Security against Israeli Terror Techniques-III


  -Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal







                             Crisis of Israeli Fascism





The escalation of violence between Israel and Gaza militants comes as Palestinians on Dec 27 marked one year since the 22-day Israeli terror attack on the Gaza Strip that left more than 1,400 people dead, including children. The Zionist regime was keen to attack Palestine on the New Year 2010 eve. Israeli terror war jets and tanks struck several targets in eastern and southern Gaza Strip on January 01 Friday night, wounding many people. Witnesses said Israeli F16 fighters fired two missiles and tanks fired two shells that landed at empty areas east and northeast of Gaza City wounding and killing some more Palestinians. Huge explosions were heard in the area which was in heavy tall smokes as the world witnessed in USA on Sept-11.  Thus, the fascists in Israel celebrated New Year in Palestine, in their usual terror way!



Jews occupy important positions in USA and UK making their covert terror operations with FBI, CIA, Pentagon, SIS, easier. As a 'Strategic partner' of the West plus anti-Islamic world, Israel controls the world, including USA and UK and the rest of Europe and the Israeli Mossad terror organization performs terror assignments for them in exchange of weapons and nuclear materials. With an abundance of weapons arsenals, including stolen nukes, the Zionist regime cries loudly about its security and bluff about defenseless Palestinians who are effectively controlled by the Tel-Aviv regime, to be a serious threat to Israeli security. Jokes apart, Israel uses such false threat perceptions to amass weapons from USA and Europe that are in turn sold to India and other "needy" terror nations. Shockingly, Turkey also is a customer of Zionist weapons.



The Zionist regime destroys religious buildings with arrogance and vengeance. Israel thinks as an ally of USA it ca do anything it pleases with Islamic world. Under US shield, Israel attacks the ships on Sea and takes away the goods including weapons to sell to the third world. In January 2002, Israeli terror forces stormed the Karine A freighter on the Red Sea, and confiscated what the military said were 50 tons of missiles, mortars, rifles and ammunition headed for Palestine security in the Gaza Strip. Authorities from other countries, including the USA and UK last month, have stopped ships suspected of carrying arms in the past. All weapons are stored in Israel- the Mideast arms depot - for resale. Obviously, the USA has been shielding a terrorist state Israel in all it does and does not. They also create problems of insecurity for Palestine and other Arab nations.




Israel is well equipped with Western arms and systems, including illegal nukes, the Zionist regime is keen not allow any nation in the region to be militarily strong enough to contain its terror attack methods. Israel attacks the ships and takes away the weapons to sell to the third world In January 2002, Israeli terror forces stormed the Karine A freighter on the Red Sea, and confiscated what the military said were 50 tons of missiles, mortars, rifles and ammunition headed for Palestine security in the Gaza Strip. Authorities from other countries, including the USA and UK last month, have stopped ships suspected of carrying arms in the past and all these weapons are stored in Israel- the Mideast arms depot - for resale. Obviously, the USA has been shielding a terrorist state Israel in all it does and does not. They also create problems of insecurity for Palestine and other Arab nations. In January 2002, Israeli forces stormed the Karine A freighter on the Red Sea, and confiscated what the military said were 50 tons of missiles, mortars, rifles and ammunition headed for Palestine in the Gaza Strip. Authorities from other countries, including the USA last month, have stopped ships suspected of carrying arms in the past. Israelis are thieves.




Israel is also an important pirate. The EU Naval task force said Somali pirates have captured tanker carrying oil to the US. The Greek-owned Maran Centaurus was about 1,300km (800 miles) off the coast of Somalia when it was hijacked last month. The ship weighs some 300,000 tonnes and is believed to be one of the largest yet seized by Somali pirates. There are 28 crew members on board. Pirate attacks have been common off the Somali coast and international navies have been deployed to counter them. In November 2008, the Sirius Star, carrying two million barrels of oil - a quarter of Saudi Arabia’s daily output - became the largest ship ever seized by pirates. It weighs 318,000 tonnes. The vessel was released in January after a ransom of $3m (then £1.95m) was paid. Pirates have started operating further from the Somali coast in recent months. They are believed to use "mother-ships" to reach the high seas, before using small skiffs to carry out their attacks.



More importantly, Israel is involved in destabilization activities in a number of states in connivance with Western powers.  Israelis have been involved in civil wars (in Angola, Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast) and in aiding dictatorial regimes such as in Equatorial Guinea and the two Congo republics." The 'ugly Israeli' in the guise of the arms dealer (mostly former intelligence and military officials), who promotes weapons sales on behalf of Israeli military industries, with the backing of the defense establishment, has given Israel a bad name worldwide.




Israel could influence even Turkey; When Turkey openly criticized Israel for its holocaust in Gaza Strip, the Zionist regime quickly went for patch up with Turkey by releasing the armaments it had promised to send long back but refused to do. Perhaps it is rare Israel could be bullied by others since it has always been the prerogative of Tel-Aviv to resort to bully tactics to get what it wants form USA and Europe and many other nations in the East. Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan warned Israel not to use its airspace to attack Iran. "If Israel were to violate Turkish airspace in order to conduct reconnaissance operations on Iran, Ankara’s reaction would resemble an 'earthquake'.




With a view to keeping the Jews engaged in its terror activities, Zionist regime has brainwashed not only many Palestinians and made them even Mossad terror activists, but even every Jew has been molded to be anti-Muslim and anti-Arab and anti-Islamic so as to shield the illegal occupation and settlements. Israeli Rabbis in the military have been whipping up opposition to the government and the military high command for months against removal of all settlements in Palestine. During the 22-day Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip in December and January, rabbis distributed leaflets to extremist soldiers describing the battle as a struggle against evil and urging them to slaughter their enemies. The rabbis are saying, rather joking, that the land of Israel is sanctified more than the orders you get to dismantle these settlements. Melamed's seminary is part of the settlement of Har Bracha, a hotbed of hard-line terror settlers. He preaches that religious soldiers are bound by the laws of God to refuse to obey any order to evacuate settlements or prevent their construction. This ideological divide emerged forcefully in the weeks preceding Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in September 2005, when some soldiers refused to enforce the abandonment of Israeli settlements there.



On Dec. 24 the Israeli former terror PM and current Terror Military Minister Ehud Barak, said to be Israel's most decorated soldier, is trying to show Israel in indeed doing what Barack Obama wants. Barak targeting army-linked seminaries that produce many of the country's combat terror troops because the young soldiers are refusing to move against Jewish settlers in the West Bank. Barak's action has incensed Israel's right wing, which supports the settlers and has vowed to oppose the 10-month freeze on settlement building announced by Israeli Prime Terrorist Binyamin Netanyahu, under pressure from Washington, in late November. Netanyahu's action triggered a wave of confrontations between settlers and the army across the West Bank. Some ultra-Orthodox terror soldiers, products of the seminary network and exhorted by rabbis, refused to go against the settlers. A dozen soldiers have been sentenced to jail terms and others have been reprimanded. Raising the specter of mutiny in the armed forces, Barak, a former chief of staff, cracked down on Dec. 13. It was the first time that a yeshiva had been disowned by the military since it made an arrangement with a group of seminaries in the 1950s under which religious draftees could combine military service with their religious studies. There are now more than 40 of these institutions, more than half of them located near Jewish settlements in the West Bank.



It seems Barak fears that Israel's nationalist-religious camp sympathizes with the young soldiers who are defying their commanders. Barak's unprecedented action against one of the most ideological of these seminaries raised a clamor of outrage among religious Israelis and the right wing. But it underlined the military's growing unease about the widening rift between the ultra-Orthodox, who believe that God gave Judea and Samaria -- the biblical name for the West Bank -- to the children of Israel, and secular Israelis who support the idea of ending the 42-year-old occupation of the West Bank as part of a peace settlement with the Palestinians. In this sense, the Israeli government's longstanding fostering of religious settlers to expand Israel's borders at the expense of the Palestinians may be coming home to roost.



Barak's action appears more than anything to be a belated attempt to put the Jewish fundamentalist genie back in the bottle. But it will take a lot more to accomplish that. Barak had infuriated the settler and yeshiva networks and some army officers fear it will spur other religious soldiers to disobey orders to stop settlement expansion, even if Netanyahu had agreed to limit the freeze rather than halt all building as Washington demanded. Whether the army will sever links with more hard-line seminaries is not clear, but most commentators are bracing for new and possibly violent confrontations involve army mutineers. Indeed, the government may soon use special commando units, unmanned surveillance aircraft and cellphone-jamming equipment to enforce the settlement freeze. Settler leaders angrily vowed to resist all government efforts to neutralize them. That prompted Barak, secularist leader of the Labor Party, to warn the settlers he would unleash the full might of the army if they defied the government. This can be seen as the first step toward a major break between the secular security ethos and the religious nationalists."


One does trust the Israeli leaders no matter which faction they belong, because they all are ill-trained in anti-Palestine and anti-Islam doctrines. Hopefully, the Zionist regime will shift the illegal Jewish occupiers of Palestinian lands to some safe spots inside Israel.







The Zionist regime and Israeli lobbyists pay huge sums to their US counterparts for special services. A recent article in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reports that appointees to the U.S. government have to pass a "pro-Israel litmus test" - even if their government posts don't concern U.S. policy in the Middle East. Various U.S. organizations that raise money for extremist Israeli settlers in the West Bank and they continue to enjoy tax-exempt status in the USA, even though their actions violate international law and contradict U.S. government policy.




Mossad-FBI-Pentagon-CIA terror and subversive connections entail a lot privileges for Israel in the West. The Zionist regime continues to terrorize the nations around with newer terror moves. In July and August, amid growing tensions with Iran, Israel deployed one of three German-built Dolphin-class submarines and two corvettes into the Red Sea in a clear warning to Tehran. In January and February, Israeli warplanes were reported to have destroyed at least two convoys in the Sudanese desert that were carrying Iranian arms to Hamas in the Gaza. The fanatic Zionist regime of state militants is trying to block arms shipped towards both Palestine and Lebanon. The Lebanon-Israel border has been largely quiet since Israel and Hezbollah fought a fierce war in the summer of 2006. But Israel has long warned that they would target both Palestine and Lebanon. Hezbollah fighters have been rearming and now possess just 40,000 rockets, not enough to shield themselves from an arrogant nuclear power.



Israelis claim to be more intelligent than Americans and Europeans and they should know any hidden terror agenda by imperialist and colonial powers would have to face eventual imminent decay and fascist Israel will also do so in due course. The Zionist regime continues to ignore the international outcry over their terror siege of Gaza Strip, refusing to remove the siege and diverting the global attention in some other ways and settlement expansion in West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel tries to resist the world attempts to bring its leaders to justice for continued genocides and, above all, for the recent holocaust in Gaza.


USA led UN Quartet deliberately avoid involving the International Court of Justice(ICJ) and International Criminal Courts(ICC) to resolve the issues of fascism and liberation. In stead of quickly removing all blockades and siege  of Gaza strip, however, Fascist Israel is trying to let the Obama administration know its "sincere intent" to stop and remove all settlements inside Palestine. Since there have been no sincere move from the Arab world to shield the Palestinians by providing them with  essential military equipment, the Zionist fascists confidently go on rampage over Palestine, killing innocent people there with support form western Axis of Evils.



Fascism is only a temporary phenomenon in any nation and Israeli fascism was strengthened by both Western rogue states and some Arab semi-rogue nations. Like wounded deadly terror soldiers, the Jewish hawkish leaders are running through the Western capitals to seek support against any possible punishment for the Zionist holocaust in Palestine killing , again, thousands of innocent people, including women, children and old people. Zionist fascism is under check now the crisis of Israeli fascist phenomenon has already set in and sooner or later will find the ultimate disaster. Obama who is leading the American fascist war in Islamic world now cannot be expected to undo the Israeli fascism; he is incapable of doing so! But the Jewish criminals cannot escape now!


(More to Follow…>)


Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Specialist on State Terrorism

Independent Columnist in International Affairs, Research Scholar (JNU) & the only Indian to have gone through entire India, a fraud and terror nation in South Asia.

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