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Mendax: A Liar in Latin – I

By Ayesha Zee Khan

Wiki leaks, the online whistle blowing news generating phenomenon dumped the biggest ever leak of documents onto the global news agenda. Julian Assange’s modes operandi, or a different media strategy, rather than posting them online it collaborated with three top most print publications Der Speigel, The New York times and The Guardian, It set the world wide web alight, dominated the headlines in the newspapers and airwaves buzzing from Washington to Kabul.

It came to the world with claims to the masses around the world to be authentic and the ultimate source to inside jobs, diplomatic secrets, Government involvements and what not. All across the world it seemed as if a Pandora’s Box was about to be opened which would take the world by storm, create a new wave of inquisitiveness among people and stand tall as the most transparent source in the world. For a short while it achieved what was considered to be a vast wealth of information which Mr. Assange claimed had been scrutinized by his team of experts as nobody was put into danger, nobody had died of the earlier revelations which go back as far as four years(2006).

The Wikileaks as an institution have a board; one can observe from the internet the board is packed with people fromthe left wing Anglo- American intelligence world. It can’t come on the official CIA page, Ben Laurey, a former security boss of Google; the whole world knows the Google is an enterprise investment company of CIA and Cointelpro. They got their research campuses now at NASA, this being the public face of the NSA. The front page of the Washington Post printed that Google and National Security Agency are in a partnership/merged. Assange also has US backed dissidents from China in his board.

Wiki leaks and Julian Assange come out to be a limited hangout operation by the intelligence agencies themselves. The goal or focus of US coverage is to attack on Pakistan, the news is not on war crimes by Bush, Obama or Cheney but it’s the treachery of Pakistan as an ally in the War on Terror. When the Afghanistan war is not going well, leave chaos there and move over to Iran and Pakistan. When advisors are in Pakistan, BlackWater practically roams about freely in the country; US troops are there, drone attacks are happening on daily basis, intensifying on each strike. A blatant truth the US government had been denying since the past two years. A year and a half ago in Mumbai, General Hamid Gul the ex chief of ISI and Pakistani intelligence were accused of being the mastermind of the Mumbai attacks.  In May 2010, The Chicago Tribune admitted that the Mumbai attacks were masterminded and carried out by a CIA agent from the United States; it was confirmed by the head of the Indian intelligence as well. The main objective was to target Pakistan.

Mr. Obama; their aim is to have a cognitive disruption of the 911 truth movement by putting in disinformation about the disaster. The way to go about was to pose as patriots online with the credibility to attack other patriots; they pose as activists while simultaneously pushing to censor the internet. They don’t out rightly claim to be neo cons and they don’t like the 911 truth, they just come out to stamp Pakistan as the devil. Julian Assange comes at the same time and attacks 911 truths. The big lies of the 21st century: the terrorism itself with Al-Qaida and Binladdin. The papers Assange has come out with include all kinds of references to Osama Binladdin, his movement in Pakistan, attending the Quetta shura, meeting the terrorist chiefs etc. The main stream media networks in the US like ABC / NBC news report Osama in Pakistani territory and America needs to go into Pakistan and get him.

According to Mr. Assange, the conspiracies that are approved on 911 are my conspiracies, meaning if you have a conspiracy that is approved by Assange that is fine but some other conspiracy is not in the mainstream of conspiracy. The background of Julian Assange is questionable as well, who pays for the life style that he has?  The international trips with back packs, a jet-set nomad showing up in different parts of the world, in short a perfect spy profile!

His childhood in Australia, his parents ran a travelling theatre company which was moving from one place to the other. In all he attended about 37 different schools, he has been born into this lifestyle of moving around. His mother and half brother along with him were on the run, they were fleeing from the father of the half brother or his mother’s second husband who was trying to get them back to a cult: The Ann Hamilton Burn cult which is a group of people near Melbourne, Australia. They were using LSD as a treatment for children; a therapy to give a child LSD and then lock the child in a dark room. The end product of such a cult or group are severely impaired specimen are people like Assange, he is somebody who has severe problems that suggestible and maneuverable by people. He has a tremendous anti authoritarian, hatred for governments for corporations or any institution. His attack seems to be any and all institutions; it’s visible by his behavior pattern that he is not anti war. He does not say that the US should get out of Afghanistan and stop interfering in Pakistan. He just says; whatever you want to do be transparent, make it clear what you are doing, be humane, and try to reform it. He doesn’t talk about Imperialism, Anglo-American banking, the new world order. He is a very suspicious and strange individual.

Assange claimed to be a PhD. In the beginning of his career he claimed to have come from Kenya, he doesn’t come from there he is from Australia, During the first gulf war he was associated with a group called the Chaos Computer Club, a bunch of hackers out of Hamburg Germany. There is this strange book that he contributed to “The underground tales of hacking and madmen” in which Assange appears as the character “Mendax” which is a Latin word for a liar. He’s a very uncertain individual who is a part of a very dubious group; ultra lefts always sponsor ultra left subversive groups. In order to gain credibility they put in good information throughout the world and then put in disinformation about those that you want to target.


Courtesy;  The Islamabad Times online.

 Reply:   Mendax: A Liar in Latin
Replied by(turkman) Replied on (26/Dec/2010)

If there are any Lies in WikiLeaks, how come USA has not told about it so far? One thing for sure, there is a lot of Lies published by Pak Media in the name of WikiLeaks but nobody can find it in WikiLeaks. What a country ...!
 Reply:   Decadent thinking
Replied by(Ibn_e_Hallaj) Replied on (23/Dec/2010)

You are so full of shit that ur written ramblings make me laugh and I am sure they would have made so many others laugh as well. U seem to appease the crookedest, most unscrupulous, most corrupt, most inhumane ruling elites of the country. Are u one of them or is it the money that motivates you. Blaming, accusing Mr. Assange would not help you defend the smelliest ruling elites anywhere. You just can't bamboozle people anymore- Ms Ayesha or whoever you are. There is a saying in English and you are so full of it that you smell bad from miles away.

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