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User Name: Zaheer
Full Name: Zaheerul Hassan
User since: 20/Jun/2009
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Terrorists Slaughtering in Turbat 

Challenged Balochistan Security

By Zaheerul Hassan

At least 20 laborers gun downed and three others wounded in terrorist attack in Balochistan area of Turbat on night 1- and 11 April 2015.  The laborers were working on an under construction bridge in Turbat area of Gagdan,

According to sources the individuals of Levies and police deputed for guarding the living camp did not react and surrendered themselves before the terrorists. The laborers were asleep at the time of attack at a camp located near the construction site being watched over by seven Levies personnel.  The terrorists’ droved out into camp from various sides and carried reckless firing on the sleeping laborers.

In fact, number of time including nephew of Chief Minister of Balochistan have earlier been shot downed killed on the coastal highway. It is also mentionable here that Turbat is a coastal city of Balochistan in Makran division that has remained marred with terrorists activities. Common people and security personnel including police, the FC and Levies were made victims of these attacks. But unfortunate  part of the incident is that troops  detailed on watch duties failed to react and also let the militants fled away effortlessly after the bloody activity.  The current and others terrorists’ actions clearly indicate that an organized foreign sponsored militancy is on its way throughout the Balochistan.  In this connection, even nationalist Baloch veteran politician Sardar Akhtar Mengal who earlier reluctant to buy this claim had in 2014 had also admitted in an interview the presence of “death squads sponsored by Pakistan’s neighbours and foreign powers”.  Credible reports of country intelligence agency reported many times that RAW, Afghan Intelligence agency, RAW and even some of the Islamic countries   are directly involved in the unrest of Balochistan. In this regard, Home Minister of Balochistan Mir Safaraz Bugti while addressing the press conference openly claimed the involvement of notorious Indian Agency RAW in Turbat killing. Earlier, in 2014 he also said that a foreign hand was involved in terrorism in Balochistan.

I also mentioned in my earlier article on Balochistan that the Baloch activists and rebellions leaders are being giving asylums and sheltered in U.S. and UK for running Movement of “Greater Balochistan’.  Pakistani, Iranian and Afghani leadership must know that American friends of Balochistan (AFB) at National Press club Washington   DC, USA. Selig S Herrison (Dir Centre for International Policy), Andrew Evia, Wendy Johnson , Annie Wocenti, Hyrbyair  are CIA planted think tanks who are being properly poisoned and briefed  by their masters for propagating “Greater Balochistan Concept” with the help of Marri, Mehran Baloch, Ahmed Masti Khan , Munir Mehngal, Air Arjmandi and Professor Neala Baloch Qadri (closed confident of Barmmadagh Bugti).

In 2009 Foremer Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh came under fire in India because many Indians, including the Opposition of that time criticized the reference to Balochistan in the joint statement released at Sharm-El-Shaikh, Egypt, after the meeting between Dr. Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Yusuf Raza Gilani on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned summit.  At that occasion Former Pakistani Prime Minister Gillani also handing over a dossier of evidence alleging Indian involvement in cross-border terrorism in Balochistan .  

In Balochistan, the purpose of foreign involvement is quite obvious due to its strategic location because the development of Gwadar Port, construction of coastal highway, revival of Silk Route and operation of worth $500 bn Reko Diq gold mines would definitely resulted to  economic and political transformation at local and regional level. Foreign hands   also knew that peaceful security environment of Balochistan will help in speeding up the said progress growth that ultimately masks their interests.  Thus, they keep on fomenting terrorism while creating sectarian issues, targeting Punjabi and Sindhi to generate ethnic problems. Killing of 16 Punjabi and 4 Sindhi labourers in Turbat is part of foreign agenda. Pakistani nation including political and military elite strongly condemn the brutality against the poor labourers and gave message that terrorists would be dealt with iron hands.

In Short, government should uncovered the foreign sponsored conspiracy against Pakistan and ask U.S. and her allies to stop interfering and sporting militants in Balochistan.  Moreover, there is a need to speed up the progression and uplift the general masses’ life. Pakistani security agencies should also launch open and covert operations against these militants and their masters.

 Moreover, there is a need to carry out reforms in local police and security forces, elaborate security arrangement be made for the protection of staffs employed on development projects, political compromises should be made where it deemed necessary, maximum man power for enrolment in state organs be ensured from militancy affected areas. In this regard Pakistan armed forces are already on right track and successfully inducted more than 5000 Baloch individuals.  Pakistan Army has also constructed hospitals and educational institutions in the far-flung areas of the province.  Lastly, terrorists and their facilitators, illegal NGOs and others anti state elements be deal with iron hands.

The writer can be approached through zameer36@gmail.coom

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