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User Name: Zaheer
Full Name: Zaheerul Hassan
User since: 20/Jun/2009
No Of voices: 299
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Terrorists Slaughtering in Turbat Challenged Balochistan Security By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer Created On: 13/Apr/2015 Views: 2534 Replies: 0 
At least 20 laborers gun downed and three others wounded in terrorist attack in Balochistan area of Turbat on night 1- and 11 April 2015. The laborers were working on an under construction bridge in Turbat area of Gagdan, According to sources the individuals of Levies and police deputed for guarding the living camp did not react and surrendered themselves before the terrorists. The laborers were Click here to read Full Article

Pakistan Day Parade: A Sign of Determination by Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 24/Mar/2015 Views:2668 Replies:0 
After seven years of the gap a joint Armed Forces Parade held on Pakistan Day at Islamabad. Last parade was held on 23 March 2008 during the tenure of General (Retired) Pervez Musharraf when he was holding the office as a civilian president. Troops, of three forces, strategic division, civil armed forces and departments participated in the parade. Here, I would like to pay special thanks to the go Click here to read Full Article
Increasing Suicide and Murder Cases in Nuclear States By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 27/Jan/2015 Views:2529 Replies:0 
Professionalism, faith, discipline, courage, leadership command responsibility, loyalty, decisiveness, comradeships andworking under stress and strain are some of the recognized physiognomies of the soldiers and their commanders of professional Armed forces and like other vital institutions. Of course, the manifestation of revealed characteristics transforms into achievements when soldiers produce Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan Political Crisis: Who lost and who won? by By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:3047 Replies:0 
Prevailing political stalemate in the country with agitators of both Pakistan Tehrik-e- Insaaf (PTI) and Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT) observing sit-in at capital city of Islamabad, blocking sensitive Red Zone and threatening vital Govt buildings, have negatively impacted the entire nation causing fretful anxiety for all segments of society. Click here to read Full Article
Stop Aggressions against Innocent Gazans by Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 21/Jul/2014 Views:2814 Replies:0 
Israeli forces started ground operation against Palestinian people. According to Jerusalem Post, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu allowed Israeli Army to launch its ground operation, “since there is no way to deal with the tunnels only from the air, our soldiers are doing it now from the ground.” Unfortunately, American president Obama administration and Western countries are justifying Israeli a Click here to read Full Article
Zarb-e-Azb: Though late! But still in time By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 27/Jun/2014 Views:2684 Replies:0 
Pakistani Armed Forces have launched full scale operation “Zarb-e-Azb” to eliminate terrorists and their sanctuaries from Waziristan Agency on 15 June, 2014. Till today Armed Forces have cleared over 40% area, destroyed communication centers, bases and heaps ammunition and explosives. The forces have also killed 232 insurgents which include Tajik and Uzbek. According to the credible sources many m Click here to read Full Article
ANF’s Role in Anti Drug Campaign by Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 26/Jun/2014 Views:2680 Replies:0 
All over the world, millions of people are drug addicts due to various reasons like, depression, injustice, bad company, poverty and lust of becoming rich through shortcuts. Some of the people involve themselves in drug trafficking and do not even care about the strictness of the respective country’s laws. Such people ultimately proceed to heaven as a result of extensive usages of drugs or court Click here to read Full Article
Bangladesh: Hasina Wajid lacks Sportsman Spirit By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 28/Mar/2014 Views:2817 Replies:0 
Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Hasina Wajid got furious after seeing local supporters flying Pakistani flags during Pakistan matches against Australia and India in Cricket World Cup T-20. Reportedly, she showed announce to the Bangladeshi administration over locals love for Pakistani Cricket Team. She asked them to ban local supporters from stadiums if they are seen carrying the flags of any of the o Click here to read Full Article
Possibility of Booming Pak Real Estate Business by By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 28/Mar/2014 Views:2697 Replies:0 
Business activities irrespective of its nature do play a pivotal role in strengthening the overall economy of any country. Every, government tries to attract the investors to invest their money for earning handsome profit in some safe various business fields. However, tendency of investment reveals that most of the Pakistani overseas preferring investment in Real Estate Business. The overseas inv Click here to read Full Article
Why Indian Soldier Killed his 5 Colleagues in Kashmir By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 7/Mar/2014 Views:2571 Replies:0 
According to the media reports an Indian soldier has killed five of his colleagues before killing himself in Indian-administered Kashmir. The killing of soldier took place on night February 26, 2014 at a military camp of the Rashtriya Rifles paramilitary force in Safapora village in Ganderbal district about 20km (12 miles) north of the city of Srinagar. The military authority ordered the investig Click here to read Full Article
Enough is enough: PAF Targeted Taliban Hideouts By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:2163 Replies:0 
Enough is enough: PAF Targeted Taliban Hideouts By Zaheerul Hassan Government suspended negotiations with Taliban when public pressures built up after repeated attacks of militants on security forces and the innocent people. According to the credible reports 308 civilians, 114 military soldiers including officers, 38 police persons have been martyrdom and 1,264 (684 civilians, 531 military, 49 Click here to read Full Article

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