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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
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CIA's Osama Gimmick: CIA strategy behind Assassination of "Osama"




An innocent looking US leader B. Obama is bowling too well, ghastly killing Muslims both in thousands and in singles. Entire anti-Islamic world is deadly amused by Obama's new mold in carrying out the extra-legal crime - the brutal killing of an unarmed individual named as Osama bin Laden.

Sorry, Obama:  I don't subscribe to Sept-11 and Osama gimmicks, skillfully orchestrated by the CIA-Pentagon gang followed with NATO terror operations in Islamic word targeting Muslim populations and their resources. Sorry, Obama, I can’t buy your ticket for Osama burial show inside Arabian Sea as well. 

 A much publicized video cassette producer Osama, who keeps updating his views on the world, could have been so naive as to believe that he can remove US imperialism against the most destructive fascist Uncle Sam heading the Western terror coalition.

Yet, the Osama story is not that interesting enough for the globally crazy people. The CIA must come out with some interesting episodes about Osama.

Media projected Osama as the commander of the faithful who fought a “holy war” against the formidable joint western “Evil Empire” and the leader of the free world to make world free from western arrogance and imperialism.

America today needs not worry about any nation to challenge it or fight it and it can commit crimes at will, both at home abroad and yet feel fully safe.  An exceedingly failing US chief Obama was indeed engaged in an extra-judicial execution of an unarmed man called Osama Bin Laden, there are growing indications that domestic political considerations have played a major role in the entire affair. The decision to carry out the cold-blooded assassination of Bin Laden saying that murdering him represented an exercise of “justice”, was driven in large part by Obama’s desire to deflect domestic criticism on his "softness" on terrorism by adopting the methods demanded by the Republicans.

A major consideration in the decision to kill Osama was the idea that a successful operation could be exploited to shore up Obama’s political position towards the next presidential poll and divert this anger through the promotion of jingoism and militarism to terrorize the world further, reducing Muslim populations and loot Islamic resources. Obama’s quick visit to “Ground Zero” New York upon "mission accomplished", is part of an orchestrated campaign to exploit the killing of Laden for the most reactionary purposes.

The pseudo-legal rationalizations of these terror operations with or without clear purpose pose a direct threat to humanity. It is clear that Bin Laden could have been captured alive, but an order was given from the White House that he should be executed on the spot so that Obama could make maximum use of it. The Obama regime had no desire to try the Al Qaeda leader on charges of terrorism and murder, to be proven in a court of law. A former lawyer, Obama does not believe in law himself. When he ordered the resumption of the terror trials of unuseful Muslims at Guantanamo, Obama had already ceded the issue of trails of so-called "suspected terrorists" to the Republicans.

How could the CIA force a quiet pious young man Osama to kick his billion-dollar fortune and take up arms against all powerful USA? Osama struck a chord in not just Arabs and Muslims but in the dispossessed everywhere by taking on the big bullies who have killed more innocents and wreaked more destruction on this anti-Islamic world.

Foreign policy delivery of President Obama has demonstrated that America’s post-Bush leadership is as cruel as Bush Jr regime and he can jump any distance to advance US imperialist interests. Osama is no more an extra or black person in the USA or White House! The phenomenon of extra-judicial execution has become standard operating procedure for the Obama regime, carried out almost daily by means of Predator drone attacks in Pakistan, Libya and elsewhere.

In a world now infested by anti-Islamic nuts, Obama so believes, only arrogance and assertiveness could enlist support and applauds Earlier considered by the anti-Islamic media and terror strategists as a suspected president, Obama now enjoys the full support of the media as well, which has dedicated itself to an obscene celebration of the killings in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and other occupied nations. Global media now praise Obama for making tough decisions and caring primarily about the nation’s false image abroad so as to promote US reactionary policy to sustain both capitalism and imperialism.

Hopefully Obama has killed one more Muslim- whether Osama or Fanama, Okama or USAma, but obviously he has nothing to do with Sept-11 air show in USA. It is purely an American hypocrisy and wickedness to use all that overwhelming terror force to kill an unarmed, ailing Osama man without a trial. The swiftness in which post-operation Obama was transported to Saudi Arabia (with king Abdullah’s permission or without that) his body being dumped into the Arabian Sea has only added to the global disgust and outrage.

Methods used internationally by the Obama regime through CIA-NATO will eventually be employed against those seen as enemies of the US ruling elite within the USA itself. Not many doubt that Obama would not use it in USA.

The funniest aspect of Obama magic and Osama episode is that Obama also claims to be a practicing democrat!


 Reply:   CIA's Osama Gimmick
Replied by(turkman) Replied on (8/May/2011)

Oh yeah, yeah. Its just a gimmick. When Pak Army starts getting bombed to Stone Age by USA, it would be the 2nd Gimmick. Don't worry ...!
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