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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Libya should Destroy the rebel-Betrayers and Foreign enemy!


 NATO-UNSC must End illegal War against Libyan Arabs! (12)

map of libya


USA and UK Promotes Terrorism in Libya!




Western democracy suppliers, authorized by the notorious UNSC, are deadly focused on energy resources of sovereign Libya and keep provoking the rebel betrayers to attack Libyans and installations with NATO weapons. The NATO terror syndicate led by USA-UK terror twins and France and Italy which has been illegally attacking Libyan Arabs after invading the sovereign nation on a fictitious mandate of the notorious UNSC, said earlier that its planes had carried out 6,000 missions over Libya since it assumed command of military operations there at the end of March. The air NATO strikes have helped secure terrorist rebels foot hold in their strongholds in eastern Libya around Benghazi and kill Libyans, including the state forces.  As well as burning government tanks, the rebels had captured other weaponry from the regime troops. Obama is responsible for the lose of lives and destruction of properties in Libya since the NATO fascist attack.


The NATO gang began carrying out strikes on Libyan forces on March 19.
Following a wave of revolutions across the region, Libya's uprising was sparked by February's arrest of a CIA agent fueling crisis under the guise of a human rights campaigner in Benghazi, and rapidly spread to other cities. Inspired by the uprisings in other Arab nations, Libyan terrorist rebels have been fighting since mid-February to oust Col. Qaddafi. They have met stiff resistance despite taking a large chunk of eastern Libya and establishing a stronghold in its main city of Benghazi.



The NATO terror air strikes have again hit the residence compound of Col Muammar Qaddafi; terror rockets hit the base and caused extensive damage, killing innocent civilians. The blasts, which came from the direction of the Bab al-Aziziya area where President Qaddafi's compound is located, shook the windows of a hotel where journalists are staying in the capital. Two plumes of white smoke could be seen rising above the city following the blasts, as emergency vehicle sirens wailed and sporadic gunfire rang out. 



The NATO has repeatedly hit Tripoli this week as it intensifies its operations against Col Qaddafi, who has been fighting to crush a three-month old anti-Libya rebellion by terrorist rebels fueled by the CIA and NATO terror gangs that want President Qaddafi to support rebel terrorism against Libyan sovereignty. Libyan government spokesperson said that NATO, which "once again is deprived of all morals and all civilization", had fired missiles on the compound targeting civilians. The journalists who had been filming the people who were celebrating their resilience against Nato, also became the target of NATO terror missiles. The western fascist machines were focused on and around Tripoli, hitting command and control centers, ammunition dumps and anti-aircraft missile launchers.


Meanwhile, in a bold move to promote terrorism in Libya by arming the terrorist rebels, the US government has said it has invited representatives of Libya's rebels to the White House. Describing the rebel terrorist gang-betrayers as "Britain's primary partner" in Libya, UK terror PM David Cameron also invited the TNC to set up a terrorist office in Britain to pursue their goals. Libyan betrayers-rebels ask for lethal weapons to kill Libyans, but the British regime has offered non-lethal (gear) such as night vision equipment and body armour.



Libyan state forces have been fighting to retake the western city, which remains largely under control of rebel terrorists, for weeks. The CIA sponsored  terrorist rebels are said to be better organized than those in eastern Libya and have, for example, set up a network of makeshift arms factories. Libya's third-largest city, Misrata is the only significant western rebel holdout and is strategically important because of its deep-sea port, which has become a lifeline for supplying civilians and for evacuating wounded people fleeing the fighting.



NATO vultures are pushing hard the misguided Libyan betrayers and rebel drunkards to fully destabilize Libya and hand over oil zones to NATO. Libyan terrorist rebels, bouyed by their capture of Misrata airport, geared for an assault on the town of Zlitan that would take them another step closer to the capital Tripoli. Misrata had been under siege for almost two months after Libyan forces went to crush an uprising against Col. Qaddafi and for Libyan resources. Tanks left behind by Qaddafi's troops were set ablaze. One doubts if the state forces have deliberately left the town. Salah Badi, who commanded the assault on the airport, said terrorist rebel positions were now only 10 kilometres (six miles) from Zlitan, the next main centre on the 215 km-long coastal road from Misrata to Tripoli. After resting with foreign liquor and stuff , the rebel terrorists would attempt to continue their advance on Zlitan. Obviously, Libyan forces would repel and eventually destroy the rebel terrorists.


The Misrata airport's illegal capture with NATO help is considered significant for NATO  as the rebel-held city had been nearly cut off from the outside world. Its port, which has been repeatedly shelled, has been the only route in or out. Human rights groups have warned of a looming humanitarian catastrophe in the city of 500,000 people, which faces acute shortages of food and medical supplies.



 NATO leaders eye the not only the energy resources of Libyans, but they also want to steal their nation's bank account cash abroad. US Senator John Kerry said he was drafting legislation to tap some of Libya's and Col. Qaddafi's frozen assets to provide humanitarian aid to the rebels. The EU has frozen the assets of Col Qaddafi and members of his family, and banned the supply of arms, ammunition and any equipment that could be used for "internal repression". Western democracy seeks to loot alien resources. 



In violation of UNSC restrictions, the NATO rogues are arming the rebels. The illegal National Transitional Council (NTC) chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil meets western leaders and collect money, liquor and arms. In Washington, officials said the first shipment on non-lethal US aid consisting of illegal and forbidden items in eastern city of Benghazi.



UN chief Ban Ki-moon, as usual speaking on behalf of USA and UNSC gang,  urged Libyan premier Baghdadi Mahmudi to immediately stop attacks on civilians and called for an "end of fighting in Misrata and elsewhere, but has not asked the terrorist rebels to abandon arms and illegal possession of Libyan oil resources. .


In his first public appearance in nearly two weeks, Libyan president Col Muammar Qaddafi was meeting tribal leaders in Tripoli. Col Qaddafi has not been seen since 30 April - when a Nato strike killed his youngest son and three grandchildren. In the footage, Col Qaddafi was dressed in his trademark brown robes, dark sunglasses and black hat. He appeared to be in good health. "We tell the world, 'those are the representatives of the Libyan tribes,'" Col Qaddafi said, pointing to his visitors. State TV said the footage was of a meeting between Qaddafi, the king of kings, and tribal dignitaries from the east of Libya, an area held by rebels seeking his ouster.

Maybe, the NATO terror syndicate that took command of terror operations over sovereign Libya from Obama forces on March 31 is stronger than sovereign Libya in Mideast but Libyans are brave. Libya will crush both the local betrayers- rebel drunkards as well as the western/foreign enemy in democracy uniform killing innocent Libyan Arabs.

With a multifaceted approach to terrorism, Western fascism tries to outwit Israeli fascism and its Indian variety. A pious man then was seen telling Col. Qaddafi: "You will be victorious." Of course, Col. Qaddafi and his Libya will be victorious.

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