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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Obama's New Afghan Gimmick!




USA has all powers , their  economies, militaries, intelligences, weapons, etc, under  its total control. Total control are also the international organizations like UNSC and  judiciaries like ICJ and ICC that behave like US terror -spy agencies.  Hence  Washington has launched the WW-III on Islam and Muslim nations. 

The NATO-USA reference to “withdrawal” from occupied Islamic world means extension and escalation of brutalities by another name, like counter-terrorism,  insurgency, counter-insurgency, Al-Qaeda regrouping, etc. US embassies in Baghdad, Kabul and Islamabad are like upgraded cantonments with unspecified  contingents  of “personnel”, even supplying liquor and western drugs to Muslims to make them pro-Americans.


Bothered more about his own  approval ratings indoors, the Obama cat is out with yet another  vague proposal to slash down US terror forces  by two thirds, but not  immediately but by next year only after summer heat. Afghans have not reasons  to believe the western invaders would quit Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Reports suggest Washington currently spends at least $11 billion monthly on the Afghan war and cleared the energy routes for the NATO nations and  and their allies. Pakistani leaders also get some  coins from Washington for their routine credible "services" to NATO terror sanctuaries illegally fixed  in Af-Pak.

India is eager to make the NATO to stay in Afghanistan and Pakistan permanently so that it could as the sole leader, nominated by its former boss UK as its illegal agent in the region, do a neat job with US terror help. None in Pakistan or India or elsewhere, however,  think  the US would really pull out of Afghanistan at any point of time and the CIA-Pentagon would find new excuses to prolong  the NATO  illegal stay in Afghanistan as well as Iraq.

In spite of intense pro-war propaganda, over half of Americans now oppose the Afghan War. The NATO terror syndicate  killed millions of innocent  Muslims and destabilized Pakistan which had helped USA to use Pakistani  territories for  safe-cross to Afghanistan. Afghani civilian casualties keep mounting.


The US economy id collapsing and finances are in disarray. US deficit is heading over $1.4 trillion. Unemployment is probably closer to  19%. The national debt, when unfunded pensions and benefits are added, is likely $100 trillion. However, official estimates are  much different  from these only to keep the US  voters in good humours.

The Taliban, former rulers,  will continue fighting until all foreign troops are withdrawn. The Pashtun hold  the key to Afghan problem.  Like  in Libya where rebel terrorists are armed and financed by USA, here in Afghanistan  the Pentagon arm and finance the Tajik and Uzbek militias in Afghanistan.

The  Obama team must realize that all their B-1 heavy bombers, strike fighters, missiles, helicopter gunships and drones, armor, super electronics, spies in the sky and all the other high tech weapons of modern war have totally failed in Afghanistan.  Chiefly because the war being waged on Afghanistan is illegal on fabricated pretexts. Obama might take some more time to declare the NATO  war dead.

One has to now watch what Obama would say next. Speculation is indeed exciting!


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