"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Capitalism or imperialist fascism is not Islam






There has been serious misconception among large sections of Muslims  as well as others that the central message of the Holy Quran is to promote rotten anti-humanity capitalism, western  imperialism and colonialist values.  Even  westernizing Arab nations like Dubai (UAE) are deadly focused on capitalism and  “dutiful” promotion of NATO imperialism in Islamic world for w energy  resources and routes.  


Many Muslim nations have been destabilized by the NATO rogues on the pretext of fictitious Sept-11 hoax. Millions of Muslims have already been murdered by anti-Islamic western forces- thanks mainly to wickedness of Arab world plying second fiddle to execution of secret agendas of USA-UK terro twins. .  


But the petro-dollared Arabs even finance the notorious NATO imperialism in weak Muslim nations.

On the one hand, Islam is hated and despised by others. Western  state terror  forces under the banner of NATO terror syndicate have been  attacking Muslim nations for resources and defaming Islam, slaughtering Muslims like hungry jungle  beasts.


Western terrocracies therefore are not the natural allies of Islamic world both Arabs and others. 

Nor the criminal terrocracies like Israel or India , killing Muslims as terrorists, are the  true friends of Muslims. 

On the other, explosive natures of lives in Muslim nations, where the rulers and their families and corporate  rogues controls literally everything in the nation, exploiting all natural resources to promote capitalism and western terrocratic countries  to protect t heir own illegally gotten  wealth, is due mainly to the  extraordinary  inequalities existing in the societies.

In order to make system workable and people livable, certain reassures are of paramount importance to Muslim world. Every Muslim nation, including Indonesia which has got maximum Muslims, is duty bound to establish Islamic system to promote Islamic way of life.


The practice adopted by the global anti-Islamic media to quickly call Islamic way of life as anti- democracy is as old as time of birth of Islam itself. Whenever, in past, any sincere efforts of Muslim regimes was made to implement Islamic law and Islamic way of life, global fascist media (GFM) deliberately make a big hue and cry saying that Islam is being “imposed on democratic mined Muslims.  

In order to face the anti-Islamic media effectively the  media of Islamic world in toto must exercise vigil and expose the anti-Islamic agenda of  terrrocracies in West and East. Muslim media must explicitly stand by Islam, its virtues and teachings. 

However, unfortunately,l the media run by Muslims even in Muslim nations are directly controlled by anti-Islamic media lords from within and abroad.   

Global Muslims look upon the Arabs for guidance because the holiest Mosques are located in Arab world and prophet and his infallible disciples lived and worked with full commitment and dedication for Islam there.

However, Arab rulers brainwashed and corrupted by Americans and Europeans and some eastern nuts, for years of thick collaborations and joint operations,
consider capitalism is the best way for Islam.  Rather, many Arabs like non-Arabs perhaps think capitalism is Islam.

However, Arab rulers, brainwashed and corrupted by Americans and Europeans and some eastern nuts, for years of thick collaborations and joint operations, consider capitalism is the best way for Islam.  Rather, many Arabs like non-Arabs perhaps think capitalism is Islam.

since the Arabs buy goods, including liquor and other "sophisticated stuff" form USA and Europe and seek their assistance in spreading private wealth accumulation in their own countries and abroad, the Arab rulers and leaders just feel afraid of criticizing capitalism.

Not just that, in fact the real problem of imperialism comes with that process when the Western terrocracies go on rampage in energy-rich Muslim nations  as well as countries like Afghanistan that has geopolitical, energy and  Silk route values.

And, being parasitic about steeling alien resources, the Western rogue states talk about democracy and law, but they care a damn to these.


Muslim nations, Arab inclusive, and Pakistan should stop all anti-Islamic  designs and activities in the countries that promote westernism and liquor culture that create obstructions to Islamic path. In doing so, they should not bury the people's real voice of Islam.

Pakistan has an international role to play in molding the misguided Muslims into Islamic format. Islamic world should not use Islamic faith and Islamic law as a pretext to oppress the people. .....



An Observation


Humanity looks to Islam for  guidance and survival, even as the Muslim nations and leaders look otherwise towards the western terrocracies to learn bribery techniques, secret crimes, hidden and open corruption, liquor culture - known hitherto as democratic values.  


Islam forbids all these and wants  to inculcate true values of humanity.  


Once every Muslim nation pursues sincerely the principle of equality, most of the problems now Muslims face would get resolved peaceful.


The chief goal of Muslim nations is  not project strong economic index but the living standards of every citizen in the country.  They strive for equality for all in true  spirits.


What is the great point in amassing wealth of a  nation indoors and abroad in gold and  ca[sh, when millions of people starve at home? 

Problems of equality could crop up only when equality is ensured.  Humanity would face them as and when necessary, accordingly. 


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