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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Pakistan also tests nuclear-capable Hatf-IV missile 




In a way as to keep the regional cold war alive and further kicking, both India and Pakistan keep test fire missiles, including nuclear-abled to terrorize the region and make the humanity vulnerable to a possible early nuclear war.


Both the USA and Russia, their illegal sponsors, seeking to fish in the troubled waters, keep watching the regular missile shows with a lot of enthusiasm.


Very close on the heels less than a week of Indian testing of a long range nuclear-missile “agni-5”,  which can deliver a one-ton nuclear warhead anywhere in China, Pakistan  has on 25th April successfully test fired a nuclear-capable intermediate range ballistic missile. The exact range of the missile was not revealed, but retired General Talat Masood, a defence analyst, told AFP it would be able to hit targets up to 2,500 to 3,000 kilometers (1,550 to 1,850 miles) away -- putting India well within reach.



Pakistan's last missile test came last month with the launch of the short-range nuclear-capable Abdali. Hatf-IV missile, which landed in the sea, was a version of the Shaheen-1 with improvements in range and technical parameters, the military said, and can carry nuclear and conventional warheads.

Director General Strategic Plans Division Lieutenant General Khalid Ahmed Kidwai said the improved version of Shaheen 1A will further consolidate and strengthen Pakistan's deterrence abilities. 


The Pakistani launch of the intermediate range ballistic missile Hatf IV Shaheen-1A weapon system has obviously made India to go for even more precision nuclear-abled missiles possibly in the near future to showcase its financial and scientific muscle.


Regional war possibility is not fictional whether India focuses on China or Pakistan and the use of nukes as deterrent could only be an eyewash.


India, like USA  for controlling global resources, is keen to wage a war with neighbors to establish its military supremacy. There is an alarming poverty and ignorance among the peoples in both India and Pakistan while their leaders are bent upon acheiving nuclear terror impact at the cost of welfare of populations. 


An Observation


All said and done, one key issue in the ongoing Indo-Pak arms-missile-nukes rivalry should be re-stressed here. Indo-Pak wars and the  arms build ups on both sides are esstesntially meant to keep the besieged Kashmiris  perpetually terrorized. The recurring missile tests by these countries in fact test the very patience of Kashmiris, especially the Muslims, driving them panicky.  


Hence India and Pakistan must first consider seriously the  issue of sovereignty for Jammu Kashmir in full before they any further fight on missile testings. 

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