"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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 Survival of Humanity: Role of UN General Assembly!



 Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism; Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Independent Analyst; Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine,  Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc.) Former university Teacher; website: Call: 9349537946






          Survival of humanity is being discussed today more forcefully than any time before. And rightly so! World wars had created a sense of uncertianly for humanity, but then nuclear terror danger was not there. Nuclear terror perception, going by the deliberate nuke manufacture under the garb of "electricity generation", are  indeed real , and also the  threat ot  human survival. As terrocracies are ruthless, and can kill every living being on earth  humanity cannot trust the rulers. Illegal wars, illegal occupations, mass massacres, nuclear threat, climate horrors, etc important factors  that can end the world sooner than later.  The way the GST (global state terror) states are engaged in massacre of innocent people in energy rich and or strategically important Muslim nation, killing millions, one should take the question of human survival very seriously.


As the only legitimate global body to protect the humanity, the pivotal role the UN must play is indisputable. But the unfortunately, the UN is not allowed to perform it duties in a genuine manner owning to the  permanent interference  for the big powers, nuclear states and lobbyists, oil-arms merchants, anti-Islam rogue stats and their horrid forces and media lords.

Veto rouges control the UN and globe. UN thus keeps meeting as a mere formality while the notorious UNSC does every terrible operation, both overt and covert, on its behalf. UN is now infested by international frauds and state criminals gangs. .

The 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly, began on 18th Sept, is  taking place as scheduled in New York at the UN headquarters for which all rulers and their entourage are expected to attend. Officially, Some 120 world leaders were expected to participate, debate, enjoy and part. .



With the world reeling from the effects of the 2008 food, financial and energy crises, Governments should hammer out a range of smart policies to green the world economy, promote jobs, foster the availability and use of clean energy and clean water, and ensure a more sustainable and just use of resources.

The current consumption and production patterns were overstressing many of the planet’s ecosystems; funding for sustainable infrastructure had not kept pace with urban sprawl; neglected agriculture sectors had caused food shortages; and investment in renewable energy and sustainable forest management was far short of what was needed.  Extreme poverty persisted, even though global wealth had increased some 60 per cent since 1992. The 2012 Conference process, known as “Rio+20,” was less ambitious than the 1992 Earth Summit, but the UN claims the challenges today, particularly against the backdrop of the financial crisis, were greater than in 1991.

Experts agree on the need for a new era of sustainable, low-carbon, inclusive growth, but stressed that developing countries were concerned about trade restrictions under a green economy and new standards that would restrict market access for their products.  Many felt they lacked the human, institutional and financial resources to create a green economy.  The UN Conferences can succeed only when these concerns are addressed- otherwise such meetings are just for sumptuous dinners-cocktail parties, group photos - and nothing more.

Waste and useless meetings!

Brazil had been a champion and pioneer of sustainable forestry management. Bolivian Government’s proposal to eliminate all forms of intellectual property protections and to replace the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with a new global economic architecture, is a novel idea. Such protections are needed to provide incentives for innovation and to facilitate development of poverty-eradicating tools such as medicine to treat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. 

 Innovative technology must be better disseminated and made more affordable for developing countries.


The June 2012 Rio Conference was another waste of state resources!  


Governments must also focus on unifying sustainable development governance, nationally, regionally and globally, he said, as well as strengthening intergovernmental bodies such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the world body’s Commission on Sustainable Development.






Nuclear and arms scares, like the NATO terror wars,  are the deadliest threats the humanity is facing now. In all parts of the world, the ready availability of weapons and ammunition has led to human suffering, political repression, crime and terror among civilian populations. Irresponsible transfers of conventional weapons can destabilize security in a region, enable the violation of Security Council arms embargoes and contribute to human rights abuses. Importantly, investment is discouraged and development disrupted in countries experiencing conflict and high levels of violence, which also affect their ability to attain the Millennium Development Goals.

The UN, in its work to assist people all over the world, is confronted with many of the negative impacts of lax controls on the arms trade. Think of peacekeeping, delivering food aid, improving public health, building safer cities, protecting refugees, eradicating poverty or fighting crime and terrorism. In all those activities we witness the consequences of armed violence and conflict, and that often lead to violations of international law, abuses of the rights of children, civilian casualties, and humanitarian crises and missed social and economic opportunities necessary for development – often fuelled by irresponsible arms deals.

Since the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), most often referred to as the Earth Summit, crafted Agenda 21 — a global social contract based on an equitable, integrated vision of progress — awareness about the need for sustainable development and national strategies to achieve it had grown.

Earlier, every EUN Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty Home Page

country of the world of the UN gathered in New York on 2-27 July 2012 for one of the most important initiatives ever in the area of conventional arms: to negotiate an arms trade treaty that would establish high common standards for international trade in conventional arms. Despite the efforts put forth by delegations during the intense four weeks of negotiations, the Conference could not reach agreement on a treaty text. Governments are now considering the next steps to conclude the negotiations in the not-so-distant future.


UN should have arrested the deadly arms race. State arms transfers (SAT) would certainly exacerbate conflict or be used to commit grave violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law. In all parts of the world, the ready availability of weapons and ammunition has led to human suffering, political repression, crime and terror among civilian populations. Irresponsible transfers of conventional weapons can destabilize security in a region, enable the violation of Security Council arms embargoes and contribute to human rights abuses. Importantly, investment is discouraged and development disrupted in countries experiencing conflict and high levels of violence, which also affect their ability to attain the Millennium Development Goals.


Countries like India and Japan deliberately terrorize their own peoples by imposing nuclear terror plants. Concerned by the misuse of weaponry around the world, civil society organizations have successfully mobilized governments and parliamentarians to call for the global regulation of the conventional arms trade. Countries have discussed the matter within the UN since 2006 and are set to negotiate an Arms Trade Treaty in July 2012.





The UNGA has already commenced and result is quite obvious and already foretold.


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.  The president also presented a tapestry with the Iranian map to the UN chief before the meeting on Sunday.  A member of the Iranian delegation said the tapestry is "a token of peace and affection" from the Iranian people. During the meeting, Ahmadinejad called for closer cooperation between the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the United Nations, saying effective measures should be taken to establish sustainable peace throughout the world.


 Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has left for the US to attend a UN conference where he was expected to raise the issue of an anti-Islam video. , The session has commenced from September 18 and the General Debate will start on September 25 also at the UN Headquarters in New York.

Entire world, especially the global Muslims, is agitated about anti-Islamic trends of aberrations by the western nations. The latest disgraceful anti-prophet film by a Jewish American and his allies has hurt the Muslims. Like other Muslims globally, Pakistanis have been outraged and they vehemently protested against the anti-Islam film.  The Pakistan president is scheduled to arrive in New York Sunday to lead the Pakistani delegation to the 67th session of the UN General Assembly. The Pakistani cabinet has requested the president to raise the issue at the UN. Zardari will address the 193-member assembly Tuesday.

Zardari will raise the issue of anti-Islam US video in his UN address. The film has sparked widespread protests across the Muslim world. During his four-day stay, President Zardari will hold meetings with the world leaders on the sidelines of the session, officials said. He will meet among others, US Secretary of Terror State Hillary Clinton, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi.

Bilateral and multilateral meetings and economic deals are the key function of UN building.


Meanwhile, the newly elected President of Egypt Mohamed Mursi belonging to pro-Palestine Brotherhood party has asked America to reform US Mideast policy, by making it at least neutral on Palestine issue, if not entirely pro-Palestine. Mursi reminded the Obama regime about the significance of the Camp David accord that stipulated a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from both Gaza Strip and West Bank to ensure a lasting  peace by settlement of Palestine crisis







Over years of manoeuvrings by big nuclear rogue powers and overpowered by the notorious UNSC, the N has become a ineffective organization where the many promote weapons deals and make huge resources. Here most powers are deadly busy exchanging money bags for secret technology and tools of state terrorism. 


At present, there is no global set of rules governing the trade in conventional weapons. An eclectic set of national and regional control measures and a few global instruments on arms transfers exist, but the absence of a global framework regulating the international trade in all conventional arms has obscured transparency, comparability and accountability.

Humanity, terrorized by the GST rogue states led by USA-UK terror twins, hoped that the last Rio conference would produce a blueprint for a coherent pursuit of sustainable development — a blueprint that more effectively addresses new and emerging challenges, as well as implementation gaps.


Humanity wants to see an ambitious, action-oriented and authoritative outcome document that provides a clear pathway toward the global transition to a green economy and lifting people out of poverty, and toward greater institutions, particularly at the international level, to help guide that transition to a green economy.  The outcome should spell out how to make the world a better place to live, particularly for its poorest people.


The energy and food crises may not be new, but there was more urgency to address them now. By properly managing sustainable development strategies, policymakers could end the economic slowdown, create jobs, curb poverty and food insecurity, and ensure education.   



The UN help in the regulation of the arms trade by supporting negotiations for a global arms trade treaty, making information available on arms transfers between countries through the UN Register of Conventional Arms and by addressing the illicit trade in small arms.


UN must pass a resolution condemning the anti-Islam projects and ban such trends,  aimed at defaming Islam and insulting Muslims and terrorizing the humanity.

UN must ask all nuclear states to dismantle their deadly nuclear arsenals and abandon nuclear terror project under any guise. As a top priority Palestine and Kashmir should be reverted back sovereign nations forthwith.


UN general assembly must officially call for the peaceful and healthy existence of all nations without occupation by foreign forces. Slaughtering of humans by NATO led GST gangs must end.

UN should function as an independent body and useful to the humanity! Otherwise dismantle it and  let the anti-Islam rogue states under UNSC-NATO  fascism banner do whatever they want.

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