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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Turkey seeks NATO anti-missile systems against Iran and Syria!


[Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal, Specialist on State Terrorism ;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Commentator  on world affairs, Analyst on Middle East, Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc.) Former university Teacher; website:]



Dictatorial America is dead bent upon cripple economies of both Iran and Syria. Fascist Israel, now attacking the Palestinians in Gaza, also has same goal. As a member of NATO, Turkey gets into their anti-Islamic trap. USA wants to put in place anti-missile shield in Turkey to target Iran.

Notorious NATO says it will consider "without delay" Turkey’s decision to agree to NATO request to deploy Patriot anti-missile systems in the country to protect its border with the unrest-torn Syria. The comments were made by the military terror bloc's chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Rasmussen said he had received a letter from Turkey - a NATO member - to deploy Patriot missiles. He said such a move would "augment Turkey's air defence capabilities" and "contribute to the de-escalation of the crisis along Nato's south-eastern border". Germany has already said the request by Turkey, a NATO member, should be approved. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said he had instructed the country's ambassador to Nato to approve Ankara's request for a further deployment of the system. Westerwelle said it would be a serious mistake if we were to refuse defensive support to a Nato member country in a moment when this member country feels that it is exposed to attacks from outside.

European Turkey is pressing for the Nato shield even as the EU leaders are beginning talks on the bloc's seven-year budget, with many of them, relying heavily on EU funding, calling for cuts in line with the savings they are making nationally. Poland and its ex-communist neighbours want current spending levels maintained or raised. The EU budget is a small fraction of what the 27 member states' governments spend in total. The European Commission says that the EU budget accounts for less than 2% of public spending EU-wide and that for every euro spent by the EU the national governments collectively spend 50 euros. The UK and some other net contributors to the budget say cuts have to be made. Negotiations will start with a draft budget - officially called the 2014-2020 Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) - drawn up by European Council President Herman Van Rompuy. He has made cuts to the European Commission's original plan, and proposed a budget worth 973bn euros (£782.5bn; $1,245bn). France objects to the proposed cuts in agriculture, while countries in Central and Eastern Europe oppose cuts to cohesion spending - that is, EU money that helps to improve infrastructure in poorer regions.

Any of the 27 countries can veto a deal, and the European Parliament will also have to vote on the MFF even if a deal is reached. Cameron has warned he may use his veto if other EU countries call for any rise in EU spending. The Netherlands and Sweden back his call for a freeze in spending, allowing for inflation. The French have threatened to use their veto if farming subsidies are reduced. Some other countries like Denmark are fighting for a rebate of their own. So every step towards the British position creates problems elsewhere.


Since Turkey is now outside EU, it has no worry about EU economic crisis. But is has other worries. Turkey has a 900km (560 miles) border with civil  war hit Syria.


On its own, Syria is now facing enemies from within and from Turkey. Anti-Islamic forces are at work to destabilize Muslim nations one by one and are using Turkey to do the monkeys job of helping the rebels in neighbouring Syria.  On several occasions last month, Turkey's army returned fire across the border into Syria after Syrian mortar shells landed inside its territory. The exchange of fire followed the deaths of five Turkish civilians in Syrian shelling.


Patriot batteries use radar to locate incoming missiles. Surface-to-air missiles are then launched from giant containers and are guided onto their targets. The system has been extensively used by the US and allied troops since it was first deployed in 1986. It has previously been deployed in Turkey during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Until last year, Turkey and Syria were close allies, but Ankara is now backing the Syrian opposition and calls for the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad. While Turkey may not be at war with Syria, correspondents say it is now increasingly involved in its neighbour's conflict.

Turkey leadership must realize the ramifications of its calculated blunder in asking the anti-Islamic NATO to place shield on Turkish soil against fellow Muslim nations. This is not in line with Turkish ambition to rebuild new Islamic Ottoman culture.  

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