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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Why Israel seeks Abbas removal?


[Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal, Specialist on State Terrorism ;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Commentator  on world affairs, Analyst on Middle East, Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc.) Former university Teacher; website:]




Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas who succeeded Yasser Arafat has been favorite of Israel and its western fascist masters. US-Israel terror twins  conveniently  employed Abbas to pursue their joint  agenda inside Palestine and Mideast at large. Vivid outcome of this secret Israel-US-Abbas  nexus has been the civil war between Fatah and Hamas party people and separation of West Bank and Gaza Strip inside Palestine and persisting mutual hatred among Palestinians.

That is a major victory for the enemy of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims in general. Abbas thus has been sure bet for Israel in its effort to destroy Palestinians. However, now Abbas is not appreciated by US-Israel terror twins for his  push for state hood  via UN General assembly, bypassing Israeli  bogus talks and UNSC terror veto.

Even as President in-charge Mahmoud Abbas plans to submit a request to the UN General Assembly on 29 November to get it approval for an elevated non-member observer state, Israel's foreign ministry proposes "toppling" President Mahmoud Abbas if Palestine's bid for UN non-member state status is approved. Abbas, who is chairman of the PLO and president of the Palestinian Authority, wants Palestine to be admitted as a non-member observer state based on the boundaries which existed before Israel occupied the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip during the 1967 war. 

Possibly soon after the recent Gaza  attack, killing  hundreds of innocent Palestinians, Israel has  quickly decided to prepare an interim  document for an informal Palestine state.  Obviously the move is meant to upset the PLO move for UN upgrade that would officially allow the besieged Palestinians to make a formal complaint to international judiciaries against Israeli crimes.

Currently, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the umbrella group which represents most Palestinian factions and conducts negotiations with Israel, only has "permanent observer" status at the UN.

Israel wants to remove Abbas as punishment for the UN route if Palestine unilateral UN bid went ahead. Obviously, the Israeli regime wants Palestinians keep talking endlessly with Israeli leadership without results and to abide by Israeli law and freedom restrictions on them.  Abbas move for unstoppable non-member state status for Palestine has irked  US-Israel terror twins.


An internal document of the foreign ministry says it is "the only option" if deterrence efforts do not succeed, despite the consequences. It also suggests that the Palestinians should be offered immediate recognition of statehood within provisional borders as an incentive to drop their UN bid.

The Israeli position paper, a copy of which has been obtained by the BBC, is intended for use in internal discussions and has not been endorsed by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. However, Lieberman was quoted last week by Israeli Channel 10 TV as saying he would ensure that the Palestinian Authority "collapses" if its unilateral UN bid went ahead. He has also in the past described Abbas, who is also known as Abu Mazen, as an "obstacle that needs to be removed".


The document adds that reality of a Palestinian state recognized by the UN is a "unilateral step” that would crush Israeli deterrence, completely undermine its credibility and make any future peace deal that could be acceptable to Israel impossible. Israeli position is even though this would not be a simple step to take because Israel would have to pay the consequences, toppling Abu Mazen's regime is the only option in such a case.

The paper recommends that if the Palestinians commit to not take any unilateral steps, Israel "must reach a peace deal with them" to create a "state along provisional borders, during a transition period - until the stabilization of the Arab world, new elections in the Palestinian Authority, and a clarification of the relations between the West Bank and Gaza".

The Palestinian state, Israel now claims, would be based in Area A of the West Bank, where Palestinians would have control over security and civilian matters, and Area B, where Palestinians would have control over civilian issues alone- not security.

Israel fears once Palestinians obtain statehood under Abbas without support  of US-Israel terror twins, he would be able to  gather and bring together both factions. 

The position paper states that the "main goal of the State of Israel" is to deter the Palestinians from unilaterally seeking non-member observer state status at the UN, which should be seen as "crossing a red line that will require the harshest Israeli response". Israel says that if deterrence efforts do not succeed, Israel must extract a heavy price from Abu Mazen, ie Abbas.

Israel is a fanatic bluff master that  prolongs its occupation of Palestine,  terrorize Palestinians with  terror blockades, killing them in a sustained manner with protection from western terrocratic powers. It appears by announcing  an early  Palestine state,  Zionist  and their American fathers are trying an old trick with Palestinians of  somehow dissuading them for the time being from taking the legal UN route for statehood. They still hope Abbas would play Zionist card after some usual gimmicks. 


Because once Palestine obtains freedom - it is  sure to  get the UN non-member state status - Israeli criminals  cannot continue  attacking the Palestinians as often  as  they have been doing  for years now. 


Otherwise, the UN non-member state status does not change the real status of Palestinians as being besieged slaves.


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