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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Islamophobia and American dilemma: Erosion of US credibility! 


[Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal, Specialist on State Terrorism ;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Commentator  on world affairs, Analyst on Middle East, Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc.) Former university Teacher; website:]



[White or black US leaders continue to pursue imperialism objectives thoroughly. Incumbent black US president Barrak Obama has revealed his real US identity by escalating  WW-II in Islamic world, adding more Muslim corpses to NATO fascist boxes, and leaving  very little hopes for the survival of humanity]

The UN vote supporting the Palestinian strives for freedom and statehood, amid the ongoing WW-III being unleashed by NATO terror syndicates, against the will of USA has exposed empty democracy slogan of Americans and projected them as discredited anti-Islamic fanatics advancing their illegal interests by targeting, like wild beasts and huge vultures, energy rich Muslim nations and consuming Muslim corpses.  

Notwithstanding its military power, economic muscle and political clout, dictatorial America even as the central portion of global fascist infrastructure (GFI) has lost all credibility as a democratic power.  Instead, Washington has been showcasing its arrogance explicitly by imposing  its terrocratic will on others, especially weak nations. With a permanent intent on shielding Zionist crimes  USA also stands out as a key culprit for all collective crimes against humanity.   


Sept -11 was a hoax,  a conspiracy, blatant lie fabricated by the CIA to advance US interests globally and defame Islam.  In order to defame Islam and make Muslims terrorized, fascist global  media (GFM) generated Islamophobia as a powerful tool to forcefully  campaign against Islam and existence of Muslims, fording the NATO forces to go  on rampage in Islamic world. The outcome of NATO fanatic fascism has been disastrous: millions of Muslims have been  murdered and proprieties worth trillions in Islamic word have been destroyed. 

That is shamelessly considered in the anti-Islamic circles as a major achievement  for the enemy of Islam. 

By overdoing the Sept-11 hoax impact, Americans have  lost the support of Islamic world as well as Europeans. By supporting fellow fascists in Israel,  they have indeed  maligned their own  national prestige. 


The dictatorial USA, until recently, had such preponderant power that total global control seemed within our reach. Nothing less should satisfy. However, the Soviet Union and other political actors wouldn’t just roll over and submit. The principle of guilt by association proved that they must all be communists controlled by Stalin. He was causing all the ferment, promoting a radical ideology that fueled anti-American sentiment. 

America looks around for enemies and those enemies might arise anywhere, which meant danger lurked everywhere. So America became an embattled fortress and a watchtower of constant vigilance. 

In order to prolong the fake terror wars, military strategists and media nuts  use Islamophobia  as chief instrument. Anti-Islamic fascist axis elements target both Sunni and Shiite and now say the Sunnis “promote a radical religious-based ideology that has fueled anti-Western sentiment around the region.” That’s a good example of how exaggerated facts create the emotional punch so essential to myth.

Yes, there’s a religiously-based ideology fueling anti-Western sentiment. 


Now Americans suspect both Egypt and Turkey are trying to get into permanent seats of notorious UNSC and use the veto to advance their interests and even challenge US monopoly.  And it’s a huge stretch to say that government leaders in Egypt and Turkey “promote” this ideology. They are trying to harness and lead it. But at the same time they are trying to restrain it as they navigate tricky political waters, where they depend heavily on secular forces for their economic and political well-being.


Blood thirsty American rogues now are focused on Egypt, Turkey, and Qatar stating that these Arab nations are now playing the role once filled by Germany, Japan, and Italy during the WW-II. All three Mideast nations are governed by Sunni Muslim parties. So are Libya and Tunisia. Hamas is allying with the “axis.” And if the Syrian rebels win their civil war, they’ll take Syria out of the Iranian orbit and into the new “axis” too. The result “could be a weaker Shiite Iran.” That’s a good CIA example of how exaggerated facts create the emotional punch so essential to myth.  The old leaders Washington relied on to enforce its will, like President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, are gone or at least eclipsed.


Worse, these anti-Islam axis evils have “discovered” that these Sunnis promote a radical religious-based ideology that has fuelled anti-Western sentiment around the region. They also say there’s a religiously-based ideology fueling anti-Western sentiment. 



As Arab nations formulate their own polices to advance their interests, Americans are slowly losing full control over them. The new reality could be Middle East that is less beholden to the United States. Still, USA is using Iran as a bully  tool to force the Arabs to rush  for nuclear and other  arms deals with Washington. 


US polices are indirectly controlled by Israel and Jews.  The die-hard Jewish neocon nuts in the US are eager to to see Obama enforcing US will on independent foreign nations, they argue: “Already, Islamists have been empowered in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, while Syria’s opposition is being led by Sunni insurgents, including a growing number identified as "jihadists", some identified as sympathizing with Al Qaeda.” Israel has succeeded in making Islam appear to be a powerful enemy of Americans and vice versa. . 


US monopoly power as well as its image as sole deciding factor is decreasing day by day. In the name of security for USA, Americans are indeed forcing peoples of the world to abide by US dictates and imposing their policies on the unwilling world. US newspapers like New York Times and net media are obviously promoting US imperialism by keeping Islamophobia as well as the terror war alive to advance their global interests.  Alongside attack on Shi’ite Islam, now these anti-Islamic nuts target what they call emerging new Sunni “axis”.  They in fact want to prolong the ongoing World War III for many more years until most Muslims are killed especially in Mideast, Arab world.


US global control remains the impossible dream. Since there is always someone frustrating it, there is always a new enemy springing up. And so we are told yet again that we must be always on guard, always afraid, always ready for the next “new cold war.” New threat perception would keep US ambitions alive. 

Israel is trying  to make USA the main culprit for the continued  existence of terrorist  Israel in Mideast. Anti-Islamic axis nations are deadly focused on Islam. Their worry is understandable: even after all these terror wars following the Sept-11 hoax, significantly reducing Islamic populations globally and destroying their properties, Islam stands strong.

All of those who oppose US imperialism and refuse to submit to US will became enemies who had to be destroyed. Americans and Israelis want to rekindle the decades of cold war, but a firmly entrenched mythology of "homeland insecurity"  still persists and has spawn new fears. 

White or black US leaders continue to pursue imperialism objectives thoroughly. Incumbent black US president Barrak Obama has revealed his real US identity by escalating  WW-II in Islamic world, adding more Muslim corpses to NATO fascist boxes, and leaving  very little hopes for the survival of humanity

Today nobody trusts Americans due to its wrong polices plus WW-III and no nation takes USA genuinely seriously, though they all are afraid of US terror prowess. Israel hates Obama as much as they relish Palestinians blood by killing the besieged Palestinians.  

To conclude, of course, street criminals who terrorize and loot the people could be feared in societes but cannot be loved or respected by anyone anywhere! And  dictatorial and arrogant America's image cum status is no different from this. 

Americans should not be under the illusion about its false image of being a super power. Unless it ends the WW-III, the so-called terror wars in Islamic world and shed the unbearably heavy Zionist baggage, there is no chance  that America could  ever recover from the fatal damages it has suffered.  


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