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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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US policy in Egypt and Mideast



Unilateral America now controls, regulates, bullies, terrorizes  the world. Energy rich but corrupt Mideast has been the target of rogues in Washington and its fascist allies for years now

US supremacy and Energy security

Fall of USSR let the USA merge  the world largest rogue state, the global dictator. 

Americans  focus on world domination and global military supremacy and USA remains committed to that  goal thanks mainly to global operations of NATO terror syndicates and Mideast energy resources. Zionist strategists work out strategists for Washington bosses in return for  terror goods, technology and military support.  

With a view to  controlling the  energy resources of Mideast and Arab nations, USA charted a theme of "regime change" and identified the so-rogues states in Islamic world by enacting the Sept-11 hoax. This theme was approved by the Europeans and  all other anti-Islam nations. This west-east anti-Islamic gang-up  have been operating under the CIA guidance rather successfully. Now many Energy rich Muslim nations are under NATO occupation and control. These anti-Islamic  infrastructure working hard to destabilize strategically important Muslim nations like Afghanistan and Pakistan.   

USA has ensured its vital energy security thanks to their successful Sept-11 hoax. The most important agenda of USA in Mideast and Central Asia is secure energy security and maintaining the customers for their terror goods. In order to achieve this goal, USA has made fascist Israel to intimidate in Mideast affairs by attacking  Palestinians and other Arabs. USA has converted a weak and scattered nation of criminal Jews into a powerful military state, imposed  in Mideast on Palestinian lands,  with illegally obtained nukes. 

Zionist USA against democracy

United states has become a Zionist USA to pursue fascist ideals. 

Even as  the Pentagon and Israeli military  share military prowess and technology,  the CIA-Mossad duo now control Mideast affairs, by igniting uprisings, demonstrations, wars . . 

Americans and Zionists in USA focus on regular regime changes in Mideast, keeping in view their national interests, until pro-Zionist and US puppet regimes take charge in Muslim nations Mideast and elsewhere. .

The US-Israeli terror twins try to influence the  crises in Islamic world in order to make them purse polices that suit these anti-Islamic rogue states.

West wants regime changes in Mideast but only on their  terms  to make them anti-Islamic puppet states to help USA advance their global interests.  The so-called Arab Spring has  brought about regime change in many countries in Mideast, leaving Israel intact.

The US government and leaders that subscribe to false Neocon  propaganda just pursue anti-Islam agenda securing US interests while pretending to promote democracy.

The anti-Islamic Neocon nuts – the key cause of Sept-11 hoax and illegal preemptive wars - that actively articulate the anti-Islam perspectives perhaps never expected the Muslim Brotherhood with Islamic agenda would even come to power in Egypt. They thought the Brotherhood would not use its dominant position in the parliament or control of the presidency one day to take full control of Egypt

Secularism has  evolved into anti-Islamism, refusing to moderate its anti-Islam program, denying political space for ruling Islamists in Egypt  and its opponents are encouraged and aided by the enemies of Islam  to fight  them. 

Enemies of Islam 

Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt  came to power through democratic  polls means.  But the western rouges are not happy about that. They now want to destabilize Egypt  and  put in place a committed puppet regime or bring back despot Mubarak to serve the American cause of supremacy. Hence the military has been asked to oust President Mursi government and arrest the leaders. 

For everything Americans cry  loud about national interests  National interests of USA dominate in the ouster of Mohamed Mursi as president of Egypt and the return of the Egyptian military to active involvement in politics. 

The US as well as Obama regime's experiment with attempting to reconcile majoritarian rule anywhere in the globe with U.S. interests. As Americans decide polices for world antions, they hoped that Islamist forces that came to power as a result of free elections would moderate their policies once in office to be practical and  serve the Americans. The famed "pothole theory" of democracy of Bush neocons claimed the radicals in opposition become pragmatists once charged with actual governing which would aid the USA. 

First ever elected president of Egypt did not conform to the "pothole theory" of USA to make Neocons and Obama happy by quickly becoming anti-Islamic, but he stuck to  islamist principles and refused to support Zionist crimes inside Palestine. . .

 So, . President Mursi and other elected  cabinet members  are in jail.  

Democracy under attack

Islamist Mursi's presidency was also a test of America's willingness to accept a lesser degree of cooperation from a democratically elected successor government to Hosni Mubarak whom the necons at a later stage described as despot. When President Mursi refused to play the US card,  the enemies of Islam now even think abut reviving Mubarak whom they described as dictator.

US-Israel continued to govern Egypt’s major policies even Mursi took office, though President Mursi was not continuing the full panoply of Egyptian support for US initiatives that his predecessor demonstrated.. Contrary to some dire predictions, Morsi did not abrogate Egypt's peace treaty with Israel—one of the cornerstones of America's strategic vision for the Mideast—nor did he interrupt all cooperation with the United States.

In trying to  model  Egyptian polices on Turkey Islamic model, the Mursi government was focused on domestic issues,  also pushing through changes in the civil-military relationship.

Thinking that military  works for smooth functioning  of  government  of Egypt,  President Mursi did not secure his full control on military, on all the levers of power, and his opposition refused to confine itself to the space he had allotted for them.

Americans take full advantage of continued turmoil in Egypt,keeping in view the Israeli interest.s 

Wounded Military 

Military in Egypt wants to govern the nation though a puppet government as per the designs of the CIA-Pentagon 

Pentagon sponsored Egyptian military, felt badly wounded by rise of an elected government pushing the military to barracks, still waited and regulated the opposition and anti-Islamic forces in the country   In a repeat of the 2011 revolution, massive popular unrest combined with the disquiet of the military led to Morsi's overthrow.

This created a new artificial  dilemma for Washington  on regime change theory. Certainly American interests are served by having the Egyptian military "back in the saddle," but it also means accepting the armed forces as a clear counterweight to the possible excesses of the popular majority or of political leaders like the Brotherhood—and allowing the army to set "red lines" for politics and to enforce them. 

Known for its double-tongues,  the United States has been reluctant to endorse military versions of managed democracy as a policy, but it promoted exactly that because that helps its national interest of puppetry. Confusion has arisen, because Washington worked to move both Turkey and Pakistan away from systems of military supervision over civilian politics—a process that some now are judging in hindsight whether this has served US interests. To some extent, what has happened in Egypt resembles the "soft coups" Military intervention in Egypt should have been avoided and Mursi regime should have been strengthened since that would have coincided with US interests, values.

Impact of Egypt on Syria 

Neocons  are confused now more than ever: they see the experience of the Morsi government suggesting that a post-Assad government in Syria dominated by even more radical elements than the Brotherhood was in Egypt would be even more problematic—and thus lead the United States to more seriously consider Russian proposals for a negotiated settlement that would minimize their role in Syria.

Yet, US terror strategists  advancing anti-Islam polices also conclude that the “threat” of the Islamists is not great has been overblown, and they could be  driven out once   the key objective is achieved in regime change in Syria.  They argue that even if Islamist groups might acquire early predominance in any new Syrian government—as it happened in Egypt—that over time there would be a "silent majority" that could be manipulated by CIA led terror strategies


It appears, the Islamic leadership in Muslim nations that come to power by democratic means even by popular mandate do not  have idea about the  implementation of Islamic law in a systematic manner amid opposition and conspiracies s by the enemies of Islam from all around.

Americans and Europeans are still under illusion about  false premises of USA  that include shared values, the spread of liberal values by regime changes..All that hey want is puppetry regimes and free resources for great America. 

Democracy facade it presents fits n well for them to fool the world. . 

Americans and their Zionist leaders provoke and promote the opposition in many Muslim nations, like  Egypt, Syria, Iran, apart from its traditional foe Russia. The US approach to the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey has not found favor in Istanbul, risking an already tensed relationship with its NATO ally in Ankara if it seems to side with the protesters . The USA hedged its bets in Russia, accepting the possibility of a worsening relationship with Vladimir Putin as a consequence.

 US claims  of democracy-civilian rule  agenda are fake. In theory, Washington wants to reaffirm full civilian control over the military and keeping the armed forces "confined to barracks" when it came to politics; in practice, however, the military decides every thing in Egypt,  also was increasingly seen as one of the remaining bastions of pro-Western sentiment in the country.

USA and Europe applied  their usual pressure tactics to control Mursi regime on democracy, freedom of speech and assembly and other bulls  in order to make  his  regime ineffective to  control the  demonstrations. Thus, Mursi refused to  stop the demonstrations by force, thereby indirectly  offered the military to step in to “endorse” the full panoply of civil and political rights, freedom of speech and assembly. The military played foul, prepared to accept demonstrating drunkards and opposition—but only on their terms.

Neocons claim that the armed forces had allwed the political process to unfold without much direction after Mubarak's fall, are now going to play a more controlling role this time around, as the post-Mubarak constitution approved by plebiscite has been suspended, and the timetable for new elections will also be set by the military.

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