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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Do Russians love white lies?







Are Russian values changing?


It appears so, rather quite rapidly.



Russian news agency RIA Novosti published a survey of attitude of Russians towards certain issues, revealing a shift in their thinking about them since the fall of Soviet Union. .



State lies are common universally and regimes openly lie about almost every issue as   their key policy.


But individuals and society at large in Soviet Russia, molded by new ideology of human service stated by the regime, following the October Revolution,  were reportedly  framing  a positive mindset. This positive mindset was ruined by the regime itself over years through corruption and crimes


Human attitude in post-Soviet Russia seems to have undergone drastic changes- from common good to individual and private benefits, extra selfishness.- at par with other societies in the world . Irrespective of religion, creed, color race, etc, this crude beast mentality has ruined all chances for common good. .

Capitalism and imperialism guide the  human and society values in the most destructive ways and humanity is at their mercy!

Neighbor’s destruction has become a positive achievement of individuals. Telling lies is one of the worst embodiment of human behavior and rampant in societies-


A poll on Russian morals released recently by the Levada Center claims that the percentage of Russians who say it is acceptable to tell white lies has almost doubled since the fall of the Soviet Union. Just 33 percent of those surveyed in 1992 said they considered lying for a good cause to be acceptable, while 61 percent gave that answer when the same question was asked last month. The number of those who declined to give an opinion on the subject fell from 31 percent to 14 percent.

Attitudes to sex before marriage have also significantly changed, according to the poll. Just after the fall of the Soviet Union, 42 percent of Russians said sex before marriage was acceptable, but this rose to 58 percent in 2013. The poll had a margin of error of 3.4 percent.

Though more people are willing to express their views openly, their mindset is yet to become strong and credible.


There was a poem titled "Do Russians want war?", written during the cold war period when a real direct war between USA and Russia looked possible. . 

Now the  question is do Russian values change and  in what sense?



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