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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Edward Snowden fears foul trial in USA 





America, claiming to be the largest democracy on earth is threatening with murder of Edward Snowden for his bold action. 

Both USA and Russia have established worldwide spy networks and they also try to steal intelligence from each other.




Edward Snowden, former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, who served USA by maintaining all secret deals of Washington worldwide, has now leaked intelligence to Russians, thereby committing treason against USA, according to the US officials who now want to just get him killed. 

But by doing so, Edward Snowden has done a yeomen service to the humanity as the world today has become fully aware of all hidden agendas of USA even before they perpetrated the Sept-11 crime in order to obtain legitimacy to invade Muslim nations one by one. Snowden has exposed only US crimes on average Americans and people all over the world but could do more shocking revelations in future.  

For this very reason, American officials just want to remove him from the world. 

Liquidation of foes has been a major US-CIA policy pursued for decades now especially after the World War two.  While no American officials could be punished for their crimes, their foes do not get a fair chance for explanation- they are just eliminated.  


USA wants to eliminate an American here. Edward Snowden is facing similar situation when US officials have threatened kill him for revealing the US state secrets about crimes against people. 


Fair trials and trust worthy judgments can build up healthy systems. 

Generally, both fair trial and genuine justice are denied to people, resulting in systemic paralysis, leading to distrust in the judiciary and system. .








The NSA's mass surveillance program, revealed by Snowden has caused widespread anger after they were leaked by Snowden. Since the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board advised by a 3-2 majority that the program should end, White House officials are annoyed, they want his blood. .

Edward Snowden, formerly linked to CIA, left the US in late May after leaking to the media details of extensive internet and phone surveillance by American intelligence. Snowden, who has been granted temporary asylum in Russia, faces espionage charges over his actions.

Two of the charges laid against him by the Obama administration are felony counts under the Espionage Act, which carry the death penalty. And the record of American imperialism in assassinating figures it deems politically undesirable is well established—from the days when the CIA earned the title Murder Inc. to Obama’s drone strikes.

In December Snowden delivered an "alternative" Christmas message to Britain's Channel 4 TV, in which he called for an end to mass surveillance. Earlier an independent US privacy watchdog ruled that the bulk collection of phone call data by US intelligence agencies is illegal and has had only, if at all, "minimal" benefits in preventing terrorism. 

Snowden has said he has "no chance" of a fair trial in the USA and so he has no plans to return there. The 30-year-old has temporary asylum in Russia after leaking details of US electronic surveillance programs.  He said that his predicament over not having a fair trial was "especially frustrating". Snowden reiterated that the 100-year-old law under which he has been charged "forbids a public interest defense. There's no way I can come home and make my case to a jury," he said.

Snowden said:"Returning to the US, I think, is the best resolution for the government, the public, and myself, but it's unfortunately not possible in the face of current whistleblower protection laws, which, through a failure in law, did not cover national security contractors. . Maybe when Congress comes together to end the programs... They'll reform the Whistleblower Protection Act, and we'll see a mechanism for all Americans, no matter who they work for, to get a fair trial."


US Attorney General Eric Holder insists that Snowden must accept responsibility for leaking government secrets. Snowden said that any proceeding against him would be a show trial, with the 1917 Espionage Act employed to preclude his putting up a defense of his actions based on their exposure of a secretive and illegal police state apparatus. Documents supporting his defense would be deemed classified and ruled out as evidence, and he would have no opportunity to appeal to the democratic sensibilities of the jury.

The political witch-hunt that the US establishment is whipping up against Snowden demonstrates that it has no intention of offering any trial. 

The deal is merely political cover for the plans of the US government to use extra-judicial means to bring a halt to the exposure of its illegal spying operations.


The proposal that Snowden return to the US and quietly accept imprisonment boils down to the ultimatum: If Snowden were to set foot on US soil, no one would ever see him again.


USA, unlike its strategic partners like India that shield their citizens in all possible ways, no matter what crime they have committed, USA does not want to defend its own citizen Snowden. 






Snowden is now living as a stateless refugee in Russia, and the threat of state murder is very real whether or not he returns to the USA.


The Obama regime, like those before him,  has already carried out extra-judicial murders not only in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but even of four US citizens with Hellfire missiles. The desire to end the revelations of US spying on people all over the world quickly is shared by the agents of the NSA, CIA and Pentagon all the way up to the White House.

All of them have got a common stakes. 

Clearly, the US government has no intention of offering Snowden a fair trial. Snowden and his attorney have made this clear. 


The Obama regime fears that “a trial could potentially bring further disclosures and—from the governments point of view —risks galvanizing even more popular support for Snowden. In an interview yesterday with the German television network ARD, Snowden warned that US government officials want to kill him. “These government officials, have said they would love to put a bullet in my head or poison me when I come out of the supermarket, and then watch as I die in the shower," Snowden said.

Washington can justify any official murders as they are entirely consistent with the political gangsterism being employed to prepare Snowden’s liquidation. It is quite likely that US officials would authorize criminal gangs across the globe to target him, just by casually being poked by a passerby. He would think nothing of it at the time and starts to feel a little woozy and thinks it’s a parasite from the local water. He goes home very innocently and next thing you know he is dead in the shower.”

Snowden’s warning that the US government wants him dead to suppress his revelations of illegal NSA spying must be taken with the utmost seriousness. It raises the urgency of developing a global mass movement to defend him, end illegal spy mechanisms, and oppose the destruction of democratic rights.

Snowden’s revelations are exposing those in power as the real criminals, making them all the more determined to physically shut him up and make an example of him. 

 White House has devised, authorized and implemented mass spying programs, a system of total control over the population, in brazen violation of both the law and the fundamental rights spelled out in the US Constitution.

The US police state apparatus that has been exposed by Snowden’s revelations has been built up to defend the interests of the financial oligarchy that controls the US government. Its totalitarian operations are aimed not at foiling terrorist plots, but at furthering American capitalism’s predatory aims. 

 Abroad, these entail preparing wars, also spying on supposed allies and carrying out industrial espionage against rival corporations. At home, they mean spying and collecting dossiers on American working people, who are seen as an increasingly hostile and dangerous enemy.

The corporate media funded by arms lobbies among other gangs, as usual, have smeared Snowden as a traitor and spy. 

Polls show global mass support for Snowden. There is growing anxiety within the ruling establishment that Snowden’s courageous actions express not just his own opposition to the criminal activities of the government, but sentiments building up among the population at large, and particularly among workers, students and youth. These layers are increasingly fed up with a government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich that destroys democratic rights as it transfers the social wealth to the financial aristocracy and wages wars of aggression.

Edward Snowden must be defended by all means so that democracy is saved and secret diplomacy and polices, police state operations end. 

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