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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Clueless Malaysian plane exit: NATO's Silk Route?





Media outlets spread the regime lies very effectively and forcefully. And the world has to  take everything the media guys say at their face value because  it has no credible  alternatives available  for the truth.


The corporate media world wide  promote not just capitalism and fascism but also  deadly wars  to enable the US led  rogue states to loot the resources and kill the humanity in a sustained manner


Not many nations are  happy that NATO is quitting Afghanistan after over 11 years of genocides and  destruction and they  look forward to seeing  escalation of tensions in Afghanistan.  Islamabad and New Delhi have  failed to secure direct control of Kabul, so now they want the NATO fascist operations to continue unabated


The Malaysian plane MH370 disappeared  10 days ago in a mysterious manner with 239 people on board. Earlier suspicions that the plane could have crashed into the sea have been updated now with fresh suspicions about suspected plane hijacking. An extensive search of the seas around Malaysia - involving 14 countries, 43 ships and 58 aircraft - since the plane disappeared had proved fruitless.





For days the Malaysian authorities refused to confirm or deny the many rumors surrounding the fate of flight MH370. They insisted that they were waiting to verify information before going public with anything. Those desperate for answers, not least the relatives of the passengers, complained that they must be hiding something. Now, perhaps stung by criticism from China, Malaysia's PM has put what feels like close to everything on the table. For many the idea that the plane might have crossed a large part of Asian airspace unnoticed is far-fetched. His government had been facing severe criticism for not being more open about what it knows.






China - which had 153 citizens on board the flight - has urged Malaysia to continue providing it with "thorough and exact information" on the search. Beijing is sending technical specialists to participate in the investigation, and appealed for the help of other countries and organizations. Along with the Chinese passengers, there were 38 Malaysians and citizens of Iran, the US, Canada, Indonesia, Australia, India, France, New Zealand, Ukraine, Russia, Taiwan and the Netherlands on board.




Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak has said the plane could have been hijacked because the communications systems of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 were deliberately disabled just before it had reached the east coast of Malaysia. The investigating agencies are investigating "all possibilities". According to a military radar, the aircraft then turned and flew back over Malaysia before heading in a north-west direction. A satellite was able to pick up a signal from the plane until 08:11 local time - more than seven hours after it lost radar contact - although it was unable to give a precise location,


Authorities are now trying to trace the plane across two possible "corridors": a northern corridor stretching from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan through to northern Thailand and a southern corridor stretching from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean.


The investigators will now focus on trying to obtain the radar data from any of the countries the Boeing 777 may have passed over. This could include Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India and Pakistan.




The developments have added further uncertainty to the relatives of the 239 people on board the Kuala Lumpur to Beijing flight.. Malaysian police have also searched the Kuala Lumpur home of the plane's pilot, 53-year-old Zaharie Ahmad Shah, besides many others but with no clues obtained.


US-UK (Western) media first repeated the plan could have sunk into the sea  but later specified  the Indian Ocean as the recipient spot. Still later,  they invoked  involvement of pirates and now directly link it to a  terrorist  job in Afghanistan.  They want use  this  to stress the point that  NATO should not quite  both Afghanistan and Pakistan.


historic Silk Route has been the target of the NATO forces for strategic reasons and now it appears  the  Malaysian  plane  disappearance is being  achieved to  justify the NATO occupation and over stay in Af-Pakistan.  It is quite likely that Karzai and Shairf seeking  more and more money and terror goods from USA would readily certify  the western media gimmicks as realty.  


US royalties are to heavy for third world nations.


Speculation is indeed gift of  the  humanity suffering from  NATO's global  terrorism as per the CIA pan for  a "new world". .


Possibly many more suspicions ad opinions would surface henceforth.

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