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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
No Of voices: 1852
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Joint cricketism: India IPL has over done its mandate!



It is sad the Supreme Court, under tremendous pressure from Congress-BJP C regime, also bats for the bogus IPL.


 IPL was launched by corporatist regime and  BCCI not just tp entertain people who are disgusted with politicians and government, but only to promote a fake hero sachim tendulkar to look larger than his worth so that Indian regime (Congress party and BJP) to appoint him Pharatratna disregarding the rules and law of the country.


However, being an ordinary cricketer sachuin failed in IPL but he is promoted by the media and mafia while pampered by the political parties. His Mumbai team could not win even one time but the BCCI, IPL and sport ministry clearly worked hard to make the Mumbai team win the last year IPL so that Indian regime of corporate-mafia gangs, could offer the Pharatratna post to Sachuin


And Manmohan, Advani, Modi, Sharat Pawar, Sonia, Rahul, Pranb Mukherji jointly asked sachiuin to collect the Pharatratna quickly, before a change of mind could occur in New Delhi. .


Now that the aim of the IPL is achieved by making the chosen beneficiary Sachuin Tendulkar, cheap Pharatrana. The IPL should be wound up.


Enough of state cheating and deceptions.


It is unfortunate that judiciary , instead of scrapping it altogether, also promote the fake things as real.


When judiciary also second fiddles the regime's false cricketism, people have to remain fools


Fate of humanity!

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