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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Obama’s Asia pivot and growing China-Pakistan ties

-Dr. Abdul Ruff



In a way, US president Obama with his “Asia pivot” strategy has brought Pakistan and China together pretty faster than even Pakistani government expected.  In response to American “Asia pivot” which mainly means containment policy against China, Beijing has moved forward to strengthen economic ties. In fact, China is focused on improving ties with all nations in the region, possibly including India which Washington has been busy for quite a time to bring it under US orbit to pursue US agenda. .

As Obama skipped Pakistan from his visit to India in South Asia, Beijing has only tries d to capitalize it to its own advantage by further cementing its relationship with  a close ally in the region, Pakistan.

Amid the high-profile visit of US President Barack Obama to India where Obama was busy “striking strategic deals” with India, China, calling Pakistan an "irreplaceable" all-weather friend, pledged full support to Pakistan to India. The comments came as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi other leaders met visiting Pakistani army chief General Raheel Sharif.

Sharif's visit to China comes as Obama warmed up to India with an unprecedented second visit. Pakistan is under pressure from both India and the US over the issue of terrorism with calls to impose a complete ban on Jamaat-ud- Dawah and its chief, Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed.

According to Pakistan army spokesman Asim Bajwa, during the meeting Yi told Sharif, "Pakistan is China's irreplaceable all weather friend and both countries part of community of shared destiny." Sharif, who is here on a two-day visit, also met Chairman of the People's Conference Yu Zhengsheng and senior leader Meng Jianzhu. Meng, member Politburo -- the second highest council within the Communist Party -- assured Sharif that China has consistent policy on Pakistan that is beyond individuals, adding that Pakistan's concern is China's concern.

China has consistent policy beyond individuals. Pak concern is China's concern," Bajwa, Director-General Inter Services Public Relations, tweeted. Zhengsheng said that Pakistan has always stood by China and termed it as its "the most reliable partner".

The Chinese government and the people will help Pakistan in all respects, he said. Sharif thanked the Chinese leaders for inviting him, saying the world must understand the evolving environment. "Greater international focus, coordination is needed to end the fight against terrorism," he said.

Sharif met his Chinese counterpart Gen Qi Jianguo at the People's Liberation Army Headquarters and held talks with him. Gen Sharif also called on General Fan Changlong, vice chairman of China's Central Military Commission briefed him about the crackdown against terrorists in Pakistan.

However, unmindful of what is happening in Beijing, Obama is very keen to get India on board. India, after every bit of enthusiasm it showered over Obama visit, is not very impressed with the outcome of Obama’s visit.

American trap seems to be pretty solid!

On the other hand, USA perhaps thought Pakistani leaders would announce more terror strikes on Pakistani citizens to placate Obama and his team in India, while Washington expects a new aid request from Islamabad. However, that is not the case now. 

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