"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Aam Admi Party deserves a full term in Delhi!

-Dr. Abdul Ruff



For the first time in Indian political history a party has emerged declaring to protect the interests of common people and fight corruption at all levels as its chief objective - that is Aam Aadmi party, meaning common man’s party.

In Hindi language aam may mean at least two things – one, a mango and two, common or common cause.  When Kejriwal parted with Social activist and anti-corruption crusader to launch Aam Admi Party, he clearly specified that his party would serve the cause of common people of Delhi as well as India by fighting corruption and VIP culture that has harmed Indian culture.  Interestingly, Anna Hazare not only refused to join and lead the AAP but also quit the anti-corruption movement seemingly altogether. He says politics is dirty and highly selfish. 

In less than 50 days rule Kejriwal could make an impact in Delhi by controlling corruption and fulfilling some of his poll pledges. However, he was committed dot Lokpal bill and one that  issue he lost power as both Congress and BJP played dirty  tricks with Delhiites.

It is quite logical that AAP be given a chance to rule for a full term to clean up political rot in Delhi like corruption and crimes and in the country.  India can judge what AAP can do for the people and nation and more importantly, what status the common people of Delhi would gain from Kejriwal government. 

Aam Admi party is a principle to promote common folk in India and Kejriwal deserves a c fair chance to rule Delhi state with full majority so that his government can do many wonderful things for the nation by passing the Lokpal bill in the Assembly, without having to beg the senior parties like Congress and BJP, rooted in corruption and illegal mining plus communal violence, for support in the assembly.  Perhaps, the AAP achievements could be so impressive that even Hazare would be moved to come to positive politics to help the common people. India would benefit from them.

Indian politicians say any change in governance can be effected only through parliamentary action and not by social movements and hence the then Congress led UPA government and opposition BJP derailed the Hazare movement by wooing the team members to dismantle the team altogether.  India cannot tolerate if any individual tries to dictate his own terms to Indian parliament or government an dh3ence Hazare was made to lose his activist way.  Lokpal Bill is left in cold storage even by the BJP government, though it claimed to support Hazare obviously so as to gain more votes. . 

In fact, none of the Hazare team members joined Kejriwal to clean up the rot gathered since 1947 in Indian politics but now some have joined or support the Hindutva BJP after, riding over the  anti-incumbency mood in the country  on account of  Hazare -Kejriwal movement against corruption,   it came to power in India.

It is sad  even what looks like a truly people’s party AAP has got some selfish and power hungry people and a few of them have left AAP and opted for the India’s ruling BJP to loot India’s resources along with other corrupt leaders of BJP, among other parties. 

These so-called self-centered aam aadmi leaders may have joined the BJP only to make profits from politics as they see BJP as yet another party that would let its members loot the nation by pretending to love it and Indians, especially the poor. AAP does not encourage such false gimmicks.

Those who did not get berths in Arvind Kejriwal’s ministry quarreled with him and quit the party on flimsy grounds like Kejriwal’s arrogance,  his ‘dictatorship”, etc.  A couple of these top leaders have joined the BJP which they even call democratic  and PM Modi , who is known for self style of  authoritarian functioning,  as a great democrat.  One never knew that the AAP people can cut crude jokes like this in public.

Not even BJP people call Modi a democrat but the new entrants to BJP jumping from AAP on the poll eve readily call him so because they know PM Modi can let them mint money. 

It is strange to see that Kiran Bedi who was against the electoral politics and who had accused Arvind Kejriwal for the crave of political seat, when he formed Aam Aadmi Party, has now herself jumped into party politics. Kejriwal welcomed her to politics, however, and challenged her for a debate which she rejected. .

Congress rightly blames BJP government being anti-poor, anti-farmer as it is also countable for the continuing pathetic conditions of Indian poor and farmers.  The extreme right wing BJP party now seeking to be seen on the side of US imperialism, has always been pro-rich and pro-capitalists. It was the BJP that introduced open capitalism to India in its earlier edition of governance, liberalized economy, sold all state properties to the rich in India and abroad. Indian government became the promoter of the rich. 

Accusing the BJP-led central government of "killing the purpose and intent" of the National Food Security Act, 2013, the Congress said it was a "crude attempt to make a mockery of the crores of toiling poor of India by the BJP". The BJP government is preparing to kill the purpose and intent as also soul and spirit of the Food Security Act by reducing the number of eligible beneficiaries from 67 to 40 percent The Congress also criticised it for giving cash to the poor instead of subsidised food grains. Addressing a press conference here, Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said the BJP government had become anti-farmer and anti-poor. The Congress leader held Prime Minister Narendra Modi responsible for it saying that nobody could have done it without his permission. He criticised the government for making an "anti-farmer" amendment to the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in the Land Acquisition Act, 2013 by way of an ordinance. "It exposes the anti-poor and farmer face of the ruling dispensation," Surjewala added. The Congress leader also questioned the BJP whether its "intent and motive behind supporting the Food Security Act, 2013 in parliament was to subsequently kill its soul and spirit on formation of the BJP government".

The Modi government owes an explanation to the nation.

Arvind Kejriwal, a former Joint Commissioner of Income Tax Department, rose to fame in Indian Politics with Anti- Corruption movement of 2012. The figurehead of this movement was Anna Hazare, a social activist and Anna’s team comprised both Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwal in it. The destiny has made Bedi and Kejriwal opponents of each other, who had struggled together for a nationally run anti-corruption movement.

Former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has invited Ms. Kiran Bedi, a former Anna Hazare team member and former chief cop of Delhi, who recently joined the BJP with explicit testimonials praising PM Modi and BJP, for a public debate but she very tactfully rejected the offer.  BJP has l already announced as CM candidate. Also, it seems BJP is scared of AAP and Kejriwal and it does not want to make Kejriwal as the future CM of Delhi right away through public debate. Responding to PM Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal sturdily said “BJP has no progressive agenda for the assembly election” adding, “Modi spoke negatively for Congress in its15 years rule. But he did not speak anything negative about the 49 days government of AAP. This means we did a good job.” “We ended corruption in Delhi in 49 days. What has BJP done at the centre?” Kejriwal asked.

Arvind Kejriwal said that corruption has come down in a month that the AAP government has been in power.  With the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government having completed one month of its formation on 29th January, Kejriwal had said a one month time frame was less but they have been successful in reducing corruption and would soon implement the Jan Lokpal bill. "An interesting campaign was launched to tackle corruption.  In Delhi corruption has been reduced, there are individual incidents where people have told Kejriwal that money is not being asked. Kejriwal had sent the AAP volunteers five days ago to different departments and it is their observation that in most department corruption has been reduced but in VAT the same system is in progress.

Kejriwal, the CM man on duty said that the Delhi Lokpal Bill will be introduced in the cabinet and in 10-15 days there might be an assembly session and there it will be passed. Lokpal, when fully implemented after getting it passed in the Assembly, people would get full benefits and justice.

When the concerned officials and others see they can’t take bribe any longer would begin to work for the people out fear first, out of concern for the people, in the long run. 

For the first time in the history of independent India, a feeling is growing steadily that corruption is a serious crime. This feeling is being felt at national, but in Delhi state the level of corruption has come down drastically. Although a systematic study would come out soon about the corruption situation after the Aam Aadmi Party came to power in Delhi state.  But anyone who has visited any government office for some work to be done will testify that officials do not demand bribes now.  That is to say, the government employees have taken the Kejriwal warning quite seriously. It seems even in private offices and establishments, the service people are very careful about prolonging the corruption drive as it was before the Delhi poll. 

That is the success of Common man party in Delhi which has made the people first to realize that taking or giving bribes are unacceptable and punishable. In fact common people wonder how come the officials have stopped troubling the people with their customary demands. That is first victory of Aam Admi party within just a month of rule.

Most probably, with AAP sincerely working for the state and nation, India is going to face a basic change in official attitudes and people's mindsets.  Why not call Kejriwal a Bhartratna- not by conferring the recognition on him but by his very positive mindset, meant to change India for the better? 

The ruling BJP had to important an Indian from abroad to contest the New Delhi seat against the candidate Kejriwal whose victory is almost ensured. This clearly shows BJP cannot defeat Kejriwal and AAP in Delhi. It appears even PM Modi cannot defeat him in New Delhi assembly seat.  

With Delhiites looking to  their own son Kejriwal for  a better life under his government, BJP possibly knows Kejriwal cannot be stopped from winning the ND seat or making a government.

Common people are the source and strength of AAP. 

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