"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Zaheer
Full Name: Zaheerul Hassan
User since: 20/Jun/2009
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The role of an intelligence agency should be different from that of a terrorist organization. The CIA, the Mussad, the ISI and the Raw must not be mixed up with LTTE, the Black Water Force and particularly the detracted groups of Taliban & Al- Qaida which are defaming not only Islam but also the Muslims all over the world. If an intelligence agency is trying to forget its prescribed aims and objects by surpassing its limits, it should not be ranked as an intelligence agency but a terrorist organization.


 A few days back the Federation of American Scientists FAS issued a report which confirmed that the Research and Analysis Wing RAW, was directly involved in the secession of East Pakistan into Bangladesh, and is currently engaged in similar activities in Balochistan. The FAS is a group which is engaged in analysis and advocacy on science, technology and public policy concerning global security, especially about the countries having nuclear capability. It is a privately funded non-profit policy organization whose Board of Sponsors includes 55 American Nobel laureates. The report says ‘“The assistance provided to RAW by the Russian KGB enabled RAW to arrange terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities throughout the Afghan War. The defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan did not end the role of RAW in Pakistan, as it established training camps in East Punjab, Indian Held Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan where agents are trained for terrorist activities.” Pointing towards the role of Raw in the formerly East Pakistan the report says, ‘The involvement of Raw in East Pakistan started in 1960s when it began with promoting dissatisfaction against Pakistan . Later on Raw funded at a large scale Mujeebur Rehman’s general election of 1970. This organization not only funded Mukti Bahini but also trained and armed the workers of Mukti Bahini.’There is another shocking revelation in the report that Raw staged the drama of hijacking a plane of Indian Airlines proceeding to Lahore in 1971. The hidden aim behind this hijacking was to put all blame on the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters and to introduce them throughout the world as terrorists. In the light of the above disclosure it won’t be wise to rank Raw as an intelligence agency. Hijacking of airplanes, massacre of innocent citizens and patronizing training camps of terrorist are certainly never the job of an intelligence agency. These are the actions of a terrorist organization.


It is not only Pakistan which has been suffering from the childish misdeeds of Raw since long; the list of the afflicting countries is endless. A few months back, in one of its editorials the leading newspaper of Sri Lanka, Daily Mirror criticized RAW by saying that this agency is playing a heinous role in the regional countries to destabilize them. Commenting on the RAW's role in Sri Lanka, the editorial said: "The RAW in Sri Lanka has a pretty colorful record. Having raised, nursed and fortified the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, it later went through phases where it adopted 'rock the baby, pinch the baby' approach towards the LTTE." The paper is of the opinion that Raw never works on serious grounds because this organization is nothing more than a vase weeded with bitter thorny and discolored wild flowers. Its workers and employers are morally bankrupt and spiritually barren. The newspaper wrote: "In 2007, ripples were created in the spy agency when one of its Colombo-based officers, Ravi Nair of 1975 batch, was found allegedly carrying on an affair with a woman working for another country's spy agency. The 'crime' was considered only second to what was committed by the RAW Joint Secretary, Rabinder Singh, in 2004 when he escaped with copies of several highly-confidential documents and is believed to have passed them on to the CIA. This was after Singh's superiors confronted him with evidence that he had spent time with a Delhi-based female US embassy officer at a resort down the New Delhi-Jaipur highway."



According to the sources RAW and the Indian Ministry of External Affairs are provided Rs. 250 million annually as “discretionary grants” for foreign influence operations. These funds are meant for supporting the organizations fighting Sikh and Kashmiri separatists in the UK, Canada and the US. An Extensive network of Indian operatives of Raw is controlled by the Indian Embassy in Washington DC whose covert activities include the infiltration of US long distance telephone carriers by Indian operatives, with access to all kinds of information, to blackmail relatives of US residents living in India. In 1996, an Indian diplomat was implicated in a scandal over illegal funding of political candidates in the US. Under US law foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to federal elections. The US District Court in Baltimore sentenced Lalit H. Gadhia, a naturalized US citizen of Indian origin, to three months imprisonment. Gadhia had confessed that he worked as a conduit between the Indian Embassy and various Indian-American organizations for funneling campaign contributions to influence US lawmakers. Over US $46,000 from the Indian Embassy were distributed among 20 Congressional candidates. The source of the cash used by Gadhia was Devendra Singh, a RAW official assigned to the Indian Embassy in Washington. Now Raw is adopting the same philosophy and mode of action in Balochistan by patronizing the so called ‘separatist elements’ which originally do not belong to the ‘soil’.


Talking to the media men, on the second last day of August, Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Mohammad Yusuf said that involvement of external elements; including the Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing in the current acts of terrorism in Balochistan could not be ruled out. As long as Kashmir issue is not settled these elements will continue to create difficulties for Pakistan. Jam Yusuf referred to various training camps in which, according to him, terrorists were being harboured and paid huge sums to create trouble. He said that none of the Baloch ‘waderas’ had the capacity to finance such an operation. RAW had been  running terrorist camps in Iran and Afghanistan since long and now it has  set up 30 to 40 such camps in Balochistan, each with training facility for 30 people who are paid Rs10,000 monthly.


If we compare the East Pakistan episode and the present situation of Balochistan with reference to the report issued by the FAS, we can very easily analyze the scenario. Raw is repeating the same story of ‘divide and disperse’ in Balochistan which was once employed in the formerly East Pakistan. The situation calls for a very serious attitude on the part of Pakistani politicians. They must not waste their time and efforts in digging old graves .International forces are trying their best to divert the attention of the Pakistani politicians to some very trivial and valueless issues so that they may not be able to concentrate upon the worsening situation in Balochistan. Raw is craving for giving birth to another ‘East Pakistan’ out of its old barren and out worn womb .The Pakistani politicians must keep in mind like sensible fathers that we can no more afford another pregnancy.


The writer is a Pakistan based bilingual analyst on national and international strategic and defense affairs.


 Reply:   I got Invitation from Procter and Gamble, USA ,Action Needed Recruiting
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (25/Sep/2009)

Real life example to understand, The ability of Poor Hindu =Poor Hindu terrorists =RAW ,IB ,MI ,PMO , Date 25-09-2009 ,
(1) I got Invitation from Procter and Gamble, USA =Action Needed - Procter and Gamble Recruiting , = second step of post Research and development scientist /engineer Beijing –China , assessment centre on date 25-09-2009 =
(2) I just start to do second step , = assessment centre , I got congratulation ! you completed The management success drivers assessment ,
(3) Now you complete the Reasoning screen tests ,that will take about 30 minutes ,while notable thing is that I did not answered any questions in The management success drivers assessment !
(4) Yes I give answers of Reasoning screen tests ,
(5) But I doubt that , The management success drivers assessment ! filled by Poor Hindu =poor Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO=Prime minister office , Good salary Hindus =Secular !!?? with out my permission !!?? it happened at time 6.00 PM of Indian time near about !! it also tell me that How 98.9% H1 B visa , Green cards are with Hindus only ,from India !! how ,why ,what ,when ,+++ it all tell me !!?? how PMO =Prime minister office =Dr Manmohan Singh office ,secular Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI Support in this from past 63 years of india freedom !!?? why Indian christen ,Indian Muslims are not getting H 1b VISA +Green cards as per there % populations ,from This Hindu nation =India !!??
its all when I facing forced unemployed from 2009 Jan to till now !! its when I sent my complain against this forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 from Saudi Arabia to UN ,USA ,EU All high level people via Fed Ex Courier services +Faxes +emails !!?? while international people know that Honesty is high in ME =Gulf countries !! india is under top corrupt nations !!?? from pas many years .
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-09-2009 Time 19.50 PM Udaipur Raj INDIA 313001 Notable thing is that from past Jan 2009 to till now I am working at internet from my laptop only=My room not from internet café !!?? and I am paying every month 900 Indian rupees for internet charge !!?? these Hindu are so Devils ,vampires !!??

Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) .
23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj , 313001
INDIA , Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chisty)
Mobile =0091-9636919708 Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Emails:, ,,
Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013

OBJECTIVE : A Middle Management Position ,required analytical ,technical ,creative skills


Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

* 10 years experience with Analytical technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS
* One year with SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , ( SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies ), Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , GC=Gas Chromatography ,wet chemistry , UV/VIS =Colorimetric analysis +Other analysis ,On line analyzers –(Inside - technology ) ,for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
* Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 Petrochemical companies ),
* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK
* We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants
* Worked with =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years ,for all Petrochemical analysis = DRO =diesel range organics ,GRO =Gasoline range organics , VOC=Volatile organic compounds ,BETX=benzene ,ethylene , toluene Xylene ,HC =hydro Carbon analysis ,THC =Total Hydrocarbon analysis ,PAH, PCB’s , + Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, • Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other ) Environmental analysis it self air monitoring ,stack monitoring , +other ) with ASTM , US-EPA , APHA ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002, Analysis of Gas ,Water , Condensate ,Sulphur ,steam ,portable water analysis , other bi products , sludge analysis
* have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in1989 , I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist !
* I got Invitation for , speaker presentations for upcoming event of ,: Pharma R&D Opportunities
* Please I am invited to submit suggestion to improvement Pittsburgh conference 2006,2007 ,
* Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

2008 Jan-2008 Dec (31st ) : Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , here I was Middle management
* For All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate ,
* The technology provider = Licensor = was KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
* I did set the all GC’s =Gas chromatography instrument inner configuration with detectors , columns .as team work with Agilent engineers and management . we had there more then 15 GCs for Phenolic Project
* I made LIMS excel sheets ,for Whole Phenolic Project . which was my work as QA –Management technical support .
* I made SOP’s =ISO Methods for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project .
* I made TLV/SLV data sheets =health hazards for Whole Phenolic Project
* I made hard copies ,soft copies of MSDS of Whole Phenolic Project .
* I made two presentations (1) Basics of gas chromatography (2) Phenolic project for Saudi Kayan – this specially for Saudi Arabic = Local - technicians , so that they can learn the Gas chromatography , basics in detail and beginning and advanced level !!?? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made list of Journals ,periodicals ,books for library of QA Laboratory=Saudi Kayan =SABIC
, this have 200 journals , periodicals ,books from the world best publishers like ACS ,RSC ,AAAS, +++ Cambridge university press ,oxford university press ,MIT Press ,+++these all journals ,books ,periodicals will buy by SABIC ,Saudi Kayan ,as I given 5 days for this selection from my real life work with professional chemistry to 16 years .
* I made JQP =Test questions =170 questions , and there answers for Lab –Technicians ,QA –technical support ,Phenolic project , they have to be get more then 60% in these tests ,to be continuous in job progress !!?? note : answers for management people only) this I made for specially for Saudi –Arabic =Local - technicians , so that they can learn the detail chemistry of Phenolic project =other projects at Saudi Kayan also !!? as I given answers of all questions that make them good Technician and chemist ,for Saudi Kayan =SABIC !!!??? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made Local Lab =plant Lab analysis methods data sheet =What analysis should be done for Local Lab Whole Phenolic Project .
* I worked for ISO-17025 at Saudikayan
* I made analysis methods for central labs for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project
* I know the procedure of inter-laboratory /international laboratory proficiency testing certificate .
* Have knowledge of incident investigation and reports
* Leading meetings , Understand and participate in department goals
* Please I did Also work for AMINES PROJECT =Ethanol amines ,and Ethoxylates at , =Mono Ethanol Amine ,Di Ethanol Amine ,Tri Ethanol Amines=100,000 TPA its ,made from Ethylene Oxide and , Ammonia (=NH3=From SAFCO) reaction , this By Licensor Oxiteno , Brazil Project , Ethoxylates= C12-C15 , Fatty Alcohol , Nonyl Phenol , Glycol (DEG,TEG) , Castor Oil ,Sorbitan Monooleate ,Tallow Amines .
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Olefins = By Licensor = (1) Himout (Italia ) And (2) Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) (3) Basel- Poly Olefins
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Carbonate By Licensor = Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , , for EC=Ethylene Carbonate ,DMC =Di Methyl Carbonate , DPC =Di phenyl Carbonate , PC =Poly Carbonate . I had there , all chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS of Phenolic and Amine Projects .
* as “Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis” I work for Saudi Kayan –All-Plants ,=,I had there all its chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS !And , also ,its analysis part by Davy Process technology ,and Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Raw material and product specification , chemical data sheet , = amine reaction , Ammonia Stripping ,Ammonia Absorption amine drying, MEA purification , DEA Splitting , TEA Purification , evaporation package unit, I work one year at SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co

2001 Feb -2003 Oct /Feb : Analytical Chemist , at =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years.
* Analytical technique (=Gas chromatography , IR,FTIR ,IR-412.8 ,Photometric ,colorimetric ,Potentiometer ,Micro biology , Environmental testing = Petro chemicals = HC,THC,PAH, PCB’s , +DRO,GRO, VOC ,BETX =~All -(Petrochemicals), ) , Soil , waste water ,drinking water ,air –analysis , stack analysis ,Sludge analysis ++
* Worked for IR 418.1 Method for HC/THC -Worked on GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS also +with US-EPA ,APHA ,ASTM ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002 Accredited & Dubai municipality approved laboratory
* Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, • Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other) Environmental analysis it self ,did air monitoring ,stack monitoring , with latest instruments =Chemio sensors , +other ) with US-EPA Parameters * Pl you can check this laboratory works ,form web
July 1992 –July 1998 : R & D Chemist , At =Udaipur –Raj India =6 years
* There I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ), to check , purity to 99.95% to 100 % of fine chemicals=Pl I did work for Japan project= Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 50 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure -I did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & I worked on this project ~2 years !!
* >95% Purity of different pesticides ,raw materials ,intermediate ,final products
* Pl I was independent handling laboratory shift work .here I was analyzing Plant organic chemicals , samples ,R&D Samples (where four scientist were making different innovative organic chemicals =Pesticides ,Fine chemicals ,++Other ,doing analysis of R&D Analytical products by GC/FID , UV/VIS ,IR + doing wet chemistry ,responsible for sampling collection ,analysis ,environmental regulations ,provision of technical assistance to operation at Pilot plant & main plant ,work with SOP& MSD ,did maintain proper chemical regime & operate various analysis follows standard work procedure and practice for - Japan project to purity 99.995% =fine chemicals & did control plant ,from ,lab to next steps & isolation !! undertake analysis of different raw materials ,finished product for Japan project ,fine chemical to purity 99.995%
* Pl I have 10 years experience with UV/VIS ,IR,FTIR,GC-FID /PID,-ECD =Gas chromatography latest instrument ,of HP& Perkins Elmer ,To analytical research ,Validation ,impurities profiling ,stabilities studies ,,etc , I have 6 years experience (R& D /QC/-Analytical chemist ) ,with , pesticides =insecticides ,herbicides++ & fine chemicals=PFP =Para Fluro phenols ,APF =Aniline Para phenols , PNCB ++
* Worked with Gas Chromatography , Spectrophotometer ,Infra Red analyzer , Flash tester + other instrument of Petrochemicals , Prepared Solutions ,standard solution , for tests , reporting of damage instrument , maintain records of chemical ,glassware , + other , for shift requirement ,

* ACS (American Chemical Society ) 2001-2009 !
* Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry ) 2001-2009!
* Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute

* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK

* BSc Physics ,chemistry ,Mathematics , 1990 , , India ,
* Note : Pl , sir , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in ,1989= 2nd year BSc , of MLS University ,Udaipur-Raj India 313001 . Pl attached scans = [College –BSc ,position certificate + 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in Integration and differential =Maths 1989 BSc
* MSc Chemistry ,1992 , , India ,
REFERENCES: available upon request
Note : On 21 -09-2008 I submit one Article to My officials = = for good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .. Ruhel Chisty( MRACI-C.Chem) =Ruhel Chistry ( MRACI-C.Chem) , This article come from my independent work as Research and development chemist /scientist with my previous company ,where I was getting many samples ,from four =4 ,Scientific managers ,those were making new ,new chemicals frequently , were doing all research and development to get maximum purity and maximum yield ,and I was analyzing these different chemicals =final product ,raw material
Every week with new method and with columns . I was able to get data what they are doing there in synthesis steps ,like changing PH , changing catalysts ,changing some time Raw materials =by changing root . some of them doing formulation also .
Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! who had 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and integration=mathematics at BSc level , did work for Japan project=Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure - did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & worked on this project ~2 years With Japan Quality control ,where our sent samples were counter checked by Japan Scientist /chemist ,none of sample return back except initial stage .when both team were working to finalize method . GC method .
. have 70% BSc Physics ,68% BSc chemistry +have 10 years experienced as Analytical chemistry=chemist/scientist , included, ~3 years from ISO -9002 ,BVQI , Dubai municipality accredited lab ,=International experience . I am member of ACS ,IUPAC Now Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.= ,
Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) . Date 22-09-2008 ,Time : 6:05 AM . Actually this article was for conference ANTEC 2009, !! this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++ either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical companies Ruhel Chisty Date 06-11-2008 with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!??
.I like to mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013

Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .
Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, by Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode by Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO=Prime minister office New Delhi !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!?? while USA =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !!

we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? while RAW ,IB ,MI is working like pet dogs for LK Advanni , Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time , then Karnataka chief Minster =Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all are again reelected chief minister by Hindus !! and RAW,IB,MI ,CIDs ,police of India are working like pet dogs for these all people !! those did support in Christen ,Muslim genocide from 2008 to 2002 !!?? as these all are Hindu ,Dr Manmohan Singh is Hindu !! so prime minister of india support to Hindus up to this level !!?? while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about them as Its Hindu nation !!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like , While USA =develop nation =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !! it all approved by USA Congress !! while in india Assam 30 years ,Kashmir 30 years , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Life forced unemployed by Hindu terrorist ,from 1999 to 2009 ,and Orissa 2008 , christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 genocide ,Chhtisgarh 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 genocides approved by Hindu Congress at these states + New Delhi !! the difference between developed christen nation =USA and Hindu Nation =india !!
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .
she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive
(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .
(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,
to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India
Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,
While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India
I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,
Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.
MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,
Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,
AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land
ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )
IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )
Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=
INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )
Passport Number:-E-6884179
Date Of Birth 26-08-1966
Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)
ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009
Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Real life example to understand, The ability of Poor Hindu =Poor Hindu terrorists =RAW ,IB ,MI ,PMO , Date 25-09-2009 ,
(1) I got Invitation from Procter and Gamble, USA =Action Needed - Procter and Gamble Recruiting , = second step of post Research and development scientist /engineer Beijing –China , assessment centre on date 25-09-2009 =
(2) I just start to do second step , = assessment centre , I got congratulation ! you completed The management success drivers assessment ,
(3) Now you complete the Reasoning screen tests ,that will take about 30 minutes ,while notable thing is that I did not answered any questions in The management success drivers assessment !
(4) Yes I give answers of Reasoning screen tests ,
(5) But I doubt that , The management success drivers assessment ! filled by Poor Hindu =poor Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO=Prime minister office , Good salary Hindus =Secular !!?? with out my permission !!?? it happened at time 6.00 PM of Indian time near about !! it also tell me that How 98.9% H1 B visa , Green cards are with Hindus only ,from India !! how ,why ,what ,when ,+++ it all tell me !!?? how PMO =Prime minister office =Dr Manmohan Singh office ,secular Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI Support in this from past 63 years of india freedom !!?? why Indian christen ,Indian Muslims are not getting H 1b VISA +Green cards as per there % populations ,from This Hindu nation =India !!??
its all when I facing forced unemployed from 2009 Jan to till now !! its when I sent my complain against this forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 from Saudi Arabia to UN ,USA ,EU All high level people via Fed Ex Courier services +Faxes +emails !!?? while international people know that Honesty is high in ME =Gulf countries !! india is under top corrupt nations !!?? from pas many years .
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-09-2009 Time 19.50 PM Udaipur Raj INDIA 313001 Notable thing is that from past Jan 2009 to till now I am working at internet from my laptop only=My room not from internet café !!?? and I am paying every month 900 Indian rupees for internet charge !!?? these Hindu are so Devils ,vampires !!??
Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,
Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)
Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10 Honest nation , USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates top 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,for my work to protect world environmental + global warming , Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work +it fear that ME =Gulf Muslims religion people will got rise over Indian =Hindu ,poor ,huge population !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption data in INDIA at Transparency international web !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,
I want to mention that once in will get USA ,Canada ,EU Citizenship +work there I will put my all money in Christen banks + will get interest of my saving money till I have money , bse from past 2009 Jan to till now 20 Sept 2009 , I am getting threat from Indian =Hindu +Muslims , that you are getting interest of your saving gin india only !!?? other nations =USA ,EU ++ UN =world bank are not providing !!??

While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

From Feb. 2008 to Dec 2008 ,RAW==India intelligence= A Hindu terrorist organization, Used Indian living in Juabil ,Saudi Arabia specially muffseer apartment , one flat =6 Indian =Operator level , low profiles Indian + Indian working in Saudi Kayan 2200 =two thousand two hundred Indian = Upper level to lower level =G12 Upper to G3 lower , there was only 7=Seven Pakistani ,100 Indonesian , 100 Pilipino were hired in Saudi Kayan , for Jobs !! But from Jan 2008 it self these Indian start to torture me by Body rays ,brain voice 0,160 ,220 to 2500 Cps !!?? and night torture was also from 11.30 PM to 2.30 AM by Indian living in muffseer apartment , these Indian =Secular !!it was continuous from Jan 2008 to till December 2008 ,=whole 1 years !! every day torture By Indian in front of USA,UK ,Korean , China
, European ,Pakistani ,Local Saudi , Qatar ,Kuwaiti ,with out any shame =with think Indian are great !!
intension was clear that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A should do not have nay job in hand +no money !!?? should go back to Kalam ,Dr Manmohan Singh nation + live there unemployed +see the secular Indian !!??? + see the play of RAW =Hindu terrorist intelligence !!?? now I can say ,SABIC Should hire Pakistani , as 1000 ,1200 + Saudi governments , ,they have good records of Counter terrorism from Jan 2009 to till now , they are not like secular !! india which I seen +face in Saudi Arabia +india !!??there work against terrorist is accept world level !!?? proved work !!??
Saudi Kayan have 30 USA , 200 UK , 200 Europe , 100 Korean +2 China !!?? =working for Licensor = KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,
And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .
As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??
New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

My view to real balance Asian power ,concern religion , and Human values , US Predator Drones should attack on Hindu terrorists , those are doing 2008 Orissa christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka christen genocide ,2007-2008 Chattisgarh christen genocide 2002 Gujarat genocide ,19989-1993 Mumbai riots !!?? and Killer =murderer of innocent in Kashmir ,Assam !! its will take time from 2016 to 2099 !! yes This Hindu nation have army but it for Hindu rise at UNSC ,UNGA Map only !!?? to take benefits from Bush Jr like poor brain after 9/11-2001 ,Over one particular religion from Its neighbors and ME =Gulf ,and living minorities of this Hindu nation =INDIA !! !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-09-2009 Udaipur raj india =for Human valued up to spiritual level !!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!

(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(its my real life case !)
(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist
(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya
(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan
(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why
PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
While Concern resources used by Hindu nation =India ,secular , of Assam and its seven neighbors states , like Meghalaya which have 70% Population as christen , Hindus government=Delhi =PMO , is thinking to take one more benefits of its resources that is Mining of Uranium , as its West Khasi Hills having 95,00 tonnes Uranium + tonnes of other radioactive elements ,By project=Kylleng Pyndensohiong uranium project ,
while the people of Meghalaya are doing UCIL movement due to discrimination policies of this Hindu Nation =India !!?? from past 1947 to till now =63 years discrimination !!?? as they are Christen and they are for use only by this Big population Hindus nation !!?? as these all seven states neighbors of Assam are facing only discrimination from this Secular Hindu nation from past 1947 to till now !!?? b’se they maximum christen and non Hindu population !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-09-2009 Udaipur raj india=for Human valued up to spiritual level !!?? here these Hindu have big brain !! think very very bright them self form 1947 to till now !!??

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009
This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,
a leading global market research provider, and your participation is
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If you haven't already done so, join now.

Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser
Product Marketing Director
Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??
That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,
In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?
As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,
Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,
(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??
China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!
The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??
(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!
(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??
(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??
(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??
(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!
That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??
What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??
Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!
=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .
While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??
Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??
This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .
They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??
(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??
(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .
(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??
(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .
It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,
While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .
While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??
His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )
He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??
Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!
I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,
If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!
these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and
I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,
Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??
The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !
(its my real life article !)
On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM
I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !
I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !
But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala
On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,
does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??
I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009
and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??
(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .
(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .
Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)
Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??
They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??
but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??
This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak
to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

Bcc:,,, Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry , Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry ,
Dear Oelrich, Ivan ( Acting President of the Federation of American Scientists

RAW =A Hindu terrorist organization for Indian minorities it self =those are Non Hindu !!??
(Real Article : From My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life )

RAW =Research analysis wing have killing activities for Indian Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists from past 30 years =Non Hindu =RAW is terrorist organization for we minorities also then Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,ME =Gulf =Specially UAE , Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Malaysia, And China +Assam +Kashmir !!??

1 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia : ( Its controlled by PMO= Dr Manmohan Singh!! from 2003 to till now ) )
RAW existence I face in Saudi Arabia =Jubail at Mufssir Apartment at My flat 1/11 Saudi Arabia

At My TV , from Feb 2008 to 2008 December, this Hindu terrorist organization was active there , its have power full satellite technology got from KGB =Russian International terrorist organization founded by Stalin !!??

RAW have ability from Satellite , to listen talk at Any place of Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,india !! ?? can see you in dark ,can see your dress in dark , can see you at depth of 20 feet inside Building ,can listen your talk there , with out any problem all through satellite technology !!?? can see you in Bath room , can see you in Bedroom in nigh =Dark night !!?? this much power is with Hindu Now !!?? =it control by Prime minister office Only !!?? it =RAW is not responsible to give answers of any question to any body else in India included Any Minister !!any Army officer !!??

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! (1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

Then in 2008 = again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world = federation of American scientist issued report on ,

RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka ,

RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west

Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan,

!!??specially from east Pakistan ,RAW Reached at East Pakistan in 1960 it self !!?? RAW Trained Mukti Bahini ,but also Arms to worker of Mukti Bahini in 1970 !!??

This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!??

Not only this about RAW ,Shri Lanka one leading news Paper =Daily Mirror , told that RAW , is playing heinous role in regional counties to destabilized them , having rise nursed and fortified to LTTE , =Liberation Tiger of Tamil eelam , ,this news paper mention that RAW ,employee are , bankrupt and spiritually barren , like Ravi Nair 1975 having , allegedly affair with other nation spy , and 2004 , Rabinder singh , he escaped to CIA =USA with copies of several highly confidential documents ,having affair with US embassy based female spent time in resorts at Delhi JAIPUR HIGH WAY !!??

RAW is doing one more work , in UK ,Canada ,USA , ME =Gulf ,on fighting against its separatist =Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikh , separatist , it getting annually 250 millions to counter these separatist in USA, Candaa, UK !!??

It doing illegal funding to Political candidates in USA in 1996 it given 46,000 $ illegal fund to Political candidates at USA , for federal election , the Indian , man caught was Lalit H Ghadia , who put in front of USA Court ,he accept that he worked through Indian embassy , and various Indian American organization ,

Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!??

RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!??

about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board ,

Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??
( Parts from FAS + Ali Sukhanver =Pakistan based nation and international strategic and defense affair )

I like to mention one point here UK -Police shoot +Hang two Hindus =Chanadra Shekar , Baghat singh , for India they were real Hindu ,But for UK Police they were militants !!?? that why they died !! same way Mr. Narandra Modi , Naven Patnayak , Rao =Gujarat ,Orissa ,Karnataka , Chhatisgarh Chief minister are Real Hindu for India , so they have power to legally rule india as Chief ministers again and again !! But for international people they are Hindu criminals =Hindu terrorist !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 23-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

RAW was torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , at my TV by TV Free voice mode , and using its Indian population =those are 50% population of Jubail working in Petrochemical companies there !!? using Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!?? it was using Indian =Secular Hindu ,Indian Muslims at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,Riyadh ,Bahrain !!?? =these are 3.5 lacks in Population at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,while there are 10,000 people of UK ,10000 people from USA ,10000 from South Korea , 5000 from China , 50,000 from Pakistan ,50,000 from Bangladesh , 50000 from Philippine in Jubail in front of these all Indian were torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A at open level !!?? !!
B;se I am not Hindu =I am Minority !!??
while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !!

2 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india , up to abused in terror level!! : (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

Udaipur Raj INDIA , Hindus Human society research=Torture ,on Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =Rchisty , Minority scientist ,By use of RAW + Satellite technology ,TV Free voice mode ,+0,160,220 cps Brain waves torture By order of RAW =PMO =Prime minister office India , going on from 1991 to 2009 ,18th September )
Hindu Defense -experiment , working for use of its huge population , training like as Bio robot by satellite + TV free voice mode At Udaipur Rajasthan INDIA 313001 ,313002, this city have 2.6 lacks are Hindu ,75,000 are Indian Muslim !! also fully supporting this torture to minority scientist=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , ,as these are Con ,poor ,Corrupt , !! AS THIS POOR NATION HAVE HUGE POPULATION=So huge BIO Robots for Hindu world !!??this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? so these Hindu =Indian will captured whole world in 2137 those having Kalam ,Sharuk Khan Nayak ,Amir Khan , M Agwani ,S Agwani ,Q Chisty , FK Nayak , like Indian Muslims +5000 Illiterate Indian Muslims from Kishan pole Udaipur =BJP =RSS Lover getting EU , NGOs $ ,to these poor Indian Muslims also !! !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!?? have to live like Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A from 1991 to till now !!??This Hindu terrorist Organization =RAW , have one Indian Muslims = Dr MS Agwani ,

Who was teaching to Nation foreign affair Officials ,India , National Defense academic , upper level Hindu army people , National civil servants , from past 1955 to till now !! who is from Udaipur Raj india ,who is advisor to Prime minister ,president of india from 1964 to 2009 !! he also have full support to RAW and Udaipur Hindu society brain waves torture 0,160,220 cps from 1991 to till now ,18 September 2009 !!?? he is representing India at international level ,for diplomatic level +peace !!?? actually he is part of RAW ,IB,MI ,PMO as he have good relation ships of all former presidents Like Gayanni Jail Singh + Nelam snajev Reddy + Dr Manmohan Singh + Indra Gandhi as he was Prof in JNU ,and vice chancellor in JNU !!?? these type of profs ,advisors to PMO India are ,those fuel kill of Innocent Assam ,Kashmiri , Minorities at all india level =At all Hindu nation level as these type of Indian professors are getting good salaries +respected what RAW =Hindu terrorist organizations getting from prime ministers of this Hindu nation =India directly !!?? 250 Million $ annually to RAW for international activities only !!?? like this Hindu nation PMO providing fukll money to these types of JNU +Other universities professors also those deal with International affairs + diplomatic channels if this Hindu nation ,yes these may be Indian Muslims +Indian Sikh ,Pharisee + Indian Buddha !!??

Ruhel Chisty date 18-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

3 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Dubai =UAE =International level !!?? (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

RAW was torturing me in Dubai also from Feb 2001 to 2003 Feb. by use of Indian living there in Dubai =LTS =Lone start technical service Dubai !!?? this company is Indian Company = torture by use of Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

RAW was using its Population at ME =Gulf different countries and Indian embassies there !!?? to use its power at International level to prove Asian power !!?? =By Hindu terrorist organization !!?? like KGB was doing on innocent Russian people !!?

these people enjoying these things from 1991 to 2001 in Udaipur Raj India , and from 2008 23rd Jan in Bahrain , 2008, 24th Jan to 2008 ,16th dec in Jubail ,Riyadh =Saudi Arabia ,Indian did open torture by brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in front of 182 nations people =EU ,USA ,Korea ,Japan , Canada ++++Australia ++ as Jubail =KSA have 60% its population from india only ,those are working there in petrochemical companies !!?? then from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb in Dubai ,Abu Dhabi ,Shajarha , Oman , Ajman ,Fujarah , its was all open done by Indian !!?? while Udaipur Raj 313001 .02 INDIA was place for this research on Human !! it was Hindu defense research to use its Poverty rich ,corrupt Human population to produced , Ruhel Bipolar Disorder ,By 0,160,220 cps ,use of satellite technology + TV Free voice mode to guide to these Hindus , !!??

RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india from 1991 to 2009 ,20th September It train Udaipur Human dogs Like Dog , trainer are training ,these people=RAW , given huge money to udaipur people =Hindu Muslims both, the money this Poor Hindu + Indian , got from NGOs in Europe +world bank –Japan +Korea + Germany ,France for ,Handicaps ,blind ,ill ,Mental !! and Distributed to Hindu +Kishan pole street like Indian Muslims 5000 Indian Muslims these are illiterate ,con even not educated up to 10 standard it self in Hindi medium But these are RAW ,=Indian terrorist organization faith full Human dogs !!??
In 1990 there was no good home in this street which can be confirmed by UN Satellite ,ESA ,NASA satellite pictures also !!?? But not these illiterate Indian Muslim having 5 story buildings , Government jobs +huge bank balance as these all support to RAW , =New idea = Bio robots , + these illiterate Indian Muslim like to give Vote to BJP + few congress also !!?? these can be used by RAW to do Bomb blast in Pakistan ,Shri lanka , + other part of world !! as these are also getting good per month amount from RAW = Hindu intelligence for its project =Bio robots from satellite technology !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-09-2009 ,These all points for Interpol ,UNODC ,UNSC ,UNGA , EU ,USA =FBI ,Europol !!??

Compare of ME =Gulf and India = Hindu =secular !!?? = Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular = given many proof to Bush jr =poor Brain +Republicans !!??

I found that ME =Gulf (these are non Hindu =Non Indian ) people are best for Indian Minorities =Like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! But from Feb 2003 to 2008 =Continuous 5 years Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh Human –dogs start to bark on me that your wrote against UN =UNGA , UNSC from Dubai !! it came to us =Hindu =Secular !!?? they 1.0 Billion Hindu=Secular start to rise voice at Bush Jr =republicans that we have some email from Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,that do not have by Dubai government which he wrote from Dubai !! the maximum voice rise by Udaipur Hindu +kishan pole Street Indian Muslims =secular By Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Then this Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO kept me forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 By use satellite technology =TV free voice mode ,Internet , Mobile ,Fax, Emails , Mail = by kidnapped these all !!??
while Indian government =Secular =Dr Manmohan Singh !! providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?
While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??
Then in 2008 =Again I reached to ME =Gulf =Saudi Arabia again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

While this secular =Hindu =Dr Manmohan Singh =People =Human did , (In India =A Hindu nation ) = Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide , ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Victims still suffering from Justice , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10, USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,
for my work to protect world environmental + global warming ,
Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption in INDIA !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,

This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!?? finally these people given kicked on his face and put him in blood and unconscious !!!??

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!
if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

While from date 21-09-2009 , Indian Hindu Eid =Indian Muslims Eid !!? these Udaipur Hindu +Indian Muslim start to attack on me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , up to abused level +by one Bohara =Indian Muslim like community ,who have shop in Bapu Bazar –Stationary shop from there I am buying All stationary items from past 9 months ,he also like to abuse my brain when some foreigner is coming of some Hindu police is passing through his shop and I am standing there = !! by torture up abused levl from 2009 Jan to till now !!?? b’se I did support Pakistan army +Government those are doing Hard work against Terrorism from past Jan 2009 to till now , even from 2001 to 2009 Jan also !! given gift to Bush Jr 600 Al-Quida ,live from Afghan –Pakistan border !!?? But pointing thing is India have 37 Ahinsapuri ,23 AA kishan pole ,167 Loha bazaar Udaipur Raj India, like Indian Muslims !! those have one Dr Agwani , who is getting promotion in jobs =in Hindu diplomacy =By Indian Politician ,those are under r world top 100 corrupt high level political nation !!?? who one work to tell all possible wrong about Pakistan government all policies =Local plus foreign ,and he living in India with respect , with promotion ,good salaries from past 1950 to till now 2009 !! and live also !! as he is doing abused to , Pakistan Muslims , Pakistan government , Pakistan policies , =its all work at UN ,USA ,EU from 1947 to till now !!?? that why he got best Hindu awards =Padama Bhusan =Padam award , Rajiv Gandhi , !!?? from Indian Politician =where 82% Hindu are living =1260 millions population as he is Indian Muslim ,he like to stay in India in 1942-1947 after all communal Hindu Muslims riots ,murder , looting !!?? So !!?? his birth 1924 !!?? while Dr Agwani have 67% in BA from , and due to this he have Gold medal , And he have 66% in MA -Political science here also due to this he have gold medal from !! while Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A have 70% Physics BSc from ,and 68% Chemistry BSc from !! so I have to face Hindu Terrorist , Hindu ,Secular !! = from 1991 to till now !!?? as 70% and 68% are less then 66% !!??
As this Bohara =Indian Muslim like community is filling his stomach in This Udaipur city =Hindu nation =Hindu nation =Secular !! where Hindu customers also coming other religion customer also coming !!?

(12-e) Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .
I like to mention one point here UK -Police shoot +Hang two Hindus =Chanadra Shekar , Baghat singh , for India they were real Hindu ,But for UK Police they were militants !!?? that why they died !! same way Mr. Narandra Modi , Naven Patnayak , Rao =Gujarat ,Orissa ,Karnataka , Chhatisgarh Chief minister are Real Hindu for India , so they have power to legally rule india as Chief ministers again and again !! But for international people they are Hindu criminals =Hindu terrorist !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 23-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,

The US Administrative nudging india to closed its consulates =embassy in Afghanistan , at Jalalabad , Herat , as US Found that India =RAW is involving to destabilized to US –Pakistan war \Against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,and destabilizing Afghan –Pakistan relation ,it found that India is using its consulates at to Jalaabad , Heart , to provoke terrorism activities in Pakistan By use of these area afghan !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 24-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India .

While USA =develop nation =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !! it all approved by USA Congress !! while in india Assam 30 years ,Kashmir 30 years , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Life forced unemployed by Hindu terrorist ,from 1999 to 2009 ,and Orissa 2008 , christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 genocide ,Chhtisgarh 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 genocides approved by Hindu Congress at these states + New Delhi !! the difference between developed christen nation =USA and Hindu Nation =india !! Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 24-09-2009 Udaipur raj india ,

I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
I selected for three =3 Jobs in Gulf=International Jobs ,from 1996 to 1998 (1) Oman copper Industries Co , S.A.O.G ,1996 , They offered me salary =~15,000 Indian rupees per month + free furnished accommodation +food free , they send me VISA +Air ticket ,at my home address But my former wife stopped me, b’se she was Teacher in Rajasthan government +our marriage that time pas out only 8 months !(we divorced in 2001 ) ,2nd interview telegram from NAMA =Saudi government =Arabian industrial development company ,on 1998 , Pl my , 3rd interview & international selection in Abdullah Hashim Gas company , in 1997 they offer me ~29,000 Indian rupees per month . ! I want to mention one special thing that here my interview was taken director of chemistry division who was from Pakistan and manager ,Hindus from south india , they taken my interview for 30 minutes , director of chemistry div asked me many questions concern depth of Gas chromatography , he shown me many problems diagrams concern Gas chromatography problems asked me the all possible solutions , he asked me 20 question with diffract problems in GC , and all possible answers , as I given 96% true answers , he select me on the spot it self , and
Asked me to Join the company , this I mention that in all interview at india there should be one Pakistani , Arabic Chemistry ,physics, engineering person should be there , so that it will be good for person like me =Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A =Minority , if he was not there then that south Indian manager was taken south Indian person on this Job also !!??
Pl I did not got any Job in Indian private chemical industries =Tata ,Birla ,Reliance ,++Any privet chemical industries +Indian Government petrochemical company +Indian government chemical company from 1980 to 2009 =Birth to till now !! it tell me that There is , Reservation for Hindu only !! or they like to cut ,Minorities ,OBCs ,ST/SC jobs offer just by looking there names !! Like me =Ruhel Chistry it look like christen !! now time to start Pure –Minorities ,OBCs ,STs, SCs industries ,where only these people will work & will got ownerships & all management post will be with them only !! & they can given jobs to Hindu Crème layer & middle creamy layer to 50% Hindu Population !! Sir when 27% Reservation to OBCs was given in 1990 =Social justice & affirmative action plan =this was opposed by FICCI =the federation of Indian chamber of commerce and industries & Also opposed By ASSOCHAM= Association chamber of commerce and industries ! P- 148 ,ISBN:81-7835-270-2(Vol 3) ,
Pl Note I was not got job in Any Private industries which is member of these organization in india ! these Indian industries shave 100% reservation for Hindus only ! =creamy layer middle creamy layer Hindus ! & these are Just 20-50% % of Indian pollution ! it tell that india is for Hindu only ! & all benefits for Hindu like Modi =15=10+5 years chief minister Gujarat ! Atal Bihari Vajpayee +Lal Krishan Advanni =Prime minister & Vice PM of india 10 years ! & these are those who did kill many Humen from minorities ! By Riots & riots only !! & these are controller of FICCI & ASSOCHAM !!
Notable thing that when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Give interview for gulf companies he have 98% successful results , But when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Given interview to India companies s=Hindu companies he did not selected =100% fail result ,that why I did not like to give any interview to Indian =Hindu =Secular from 2003 to till now =6 ,bse its wasting of time plus to get tension only to meet Indian +Hindu !!?? while see Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Georgia , Norway ,Sweden , Australia , Libya , morocco + Poland , Malaysia ,Ukraine , Kazakhstan ,Ireland , these all got freedom in 1950,1970 ,1990 era , they have there own Religion scientist , chemical industries , Banks , Space ,defense ++++ they all were slave of UK ,or France , OR Portugal !!?? but they believe on there brain ,human power , they do not think like Hindu =Indian =secular !!??
While I found that Hindu territories =RAW, IB ,MI, CID-Rajputana ,Innovation are FK Nayak , Guddi , Kishan pole street Indian Muslims =support for Own ,benefit to Hindu world night torture 0,160,220 cps with support of Satellite technology=with Hindu terrorists =RAW,IB,MI from 1991 to till now 2009 15th September !!?? actually these are Genetic Hindu only !! like father of Pakistan Jinna was genetically Kashmiri Brahmin =Hindu !!??
Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO , Now Not allowing me to apply Direct company job like =Chemist Analytical development , QC Chemist at,= ,, Saudi Arabia ,As they did NOT -keep any Indian HR agent as Mediator= third party , here they will directly came india will take interview +will provide selection letter +Visa ,air ticket !! and this Hindu Terrorist do not want that HR Agents money should go from poor Hindu nation ! it Hindu want that HR agents should be there and RAW,IB,MI will ask him to follow Hindu Norms –Atal ,Dr Manmohan Singh Norms =not to give Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A resume +selection letter to Gulf =ME Company !!??
I like to recommended that after Pakistan solid ,honest work on war against Taliban ,Al Quida from Jan 2009 to till now , ME =Gulf all companies should hire Pakistani also in Jobs in equal % then Indian !!?? 50% jobs to Pakistani +50% Jobs to Indian !!??
Pl I have with me still all telegrams +courier +Fax +VISA +Air tickets ! till 1998

(V) Sir in 2007 Justice Krashnavatti commission report ,came on 1993 Mumbai riots and blast he give 600 – 700 pages report

With audio records ,video records , different high level literate victims recording , where he mention the Telephonic recording police officials of Riots area ,how they were provoking to rioters to destroy the minorities home ,business , to do riots ,and kill

Live recording from BSNL -=Indian government telephone data that is only in all Mumbai police stations ,he open the action of shiv sena ,BJP ,RSS ,VHP ,Bdal involvement in riots !!?? involvement of congress party few ministries also in riots !!?? he given proof of Video recording did by victims =international channels =CNN,BBC + other ,TV Channels , News papers !! But that whole report reached to Maharastra Government ,that is controlled by Congress party ,Shard pavar party = which have soft corner with Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena !! so till now noting happened to those all police officers , means they did not terminated from jobs !!?? none of Shiv Sena ,Other party leader get caught and put behind bar then terminated from Ministry + political power !! none of congress party leader get terminated from congress party membership +put behind bar !!?? while Justice Krashnavatti is Padama Bhusan Awardees , he was chief Justice of three states of India ,he start his career as Jury only !!?? his name is in few of highest honest jury !!?? while this report reached to Dr Manmohan Singh =prime minister of India ,Ms Sonia Gandhi also !! but noting happened !!?? b'se congress party is based on Shard pavar party ministers in MH =Maharastra and to be in rule !! and Shard pavar do not want to take any action against Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena +BJP +RSS +VHP !! So !!???
while Mumbai riots taken 2000 human life ,maximum loss of Mumbai minorities =Christen +Muslims !! there business ,there jobs , career there home !!?? total effected was 80000 to 140000 people !!?? I think this Justice Krashnavatti commission report 2007 also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ??? while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about them as Its Hindu nation !!?? and All Police officer =HINDU are still working in India !! as they are Hindu and supporting riots to kill minorities !! Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi are Top leader due to Hindu only !! Secular !!?? and UN ,USA ,EU ,ME =Gulf should accept these secular Leaders !! from India =Hindu nation =Secular !!?? but Sonia Gandhi have to take action basically she is Christen ,and pass some part of life in Foreign from birth !!?? that time she was honest !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,


sir I know Ex CBI- Chief =RAW =IB =Indian intelligence officials ,who finished -all proofs , those were - at crime places & given to CBI -By Victims by thinking the safest place of Indian earth !!? , those were against Lal Krishan Advanni &Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Uma Bharii ,Sadavii Ritium Bharaa ++ , those provoke to lot of Hindu- Muslim riots & murder in form 1989 to 1993 !in whole india ,at Open conferences ,at many places in india & UP &Delhi &Rajasthan !!? due to Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri mosque case ! in 1994-1998 He =CBI Chief , was –awarded, as Member of National human right commission= ! by ,that time , Prime minister-India (BJP) , (Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee) in 2002 , Pl note these riots taken ~2500 human life +~1 lacks home less & ~4 Million Career less & future less !! & made cases like me=Ruhel –Chistry & & made whole Indian Hindu high communal & few criminal brain , Indian- minorities, got -offer from BJP to made Progress of life on cost of Minorities life it self !! ?=As My street Kishan pole –Udaipur –Raj 313001 people !! I think I think this also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ???

(X) While I know that =thalka magazine ,editor open by hidden video - recording of fact that how Mr. Jorge Franardish ( former Defense minister of BJP ) and Mr. .Y.Mishra was involved in 5000 corer= 50 Billion Indian rupees defense corruption , thalka magazine ,editor did open this hidden video recording at all Leading nation TV news =Zee News ,Star TV += in 2001 -2002 , there were 4-5 ministers also involved there , 4-5 Defense official also involved in this ,but what happened after that

Mr. Jorge Franardish did not given resign from his defense minister posts , + other ministers also + Defense officials also did not resign !! while these people put local police + army intelligence against Athalka magazine ,editor +put him in economic ban !! force to all other news media +business man do not support him +give him money !! he face high economic torture to 3.5 years continuous !! b'se he did work against BJP Ruled party ministers in 2001 -2005!!??

(XI) while india's 80 MPs=Member of parliament have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++

Same way 180 to 1800 MLA =of different states have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++

But they are political leaders in india ,and have all benefits of power +money + respected + ++ and cases going on in Indian courts for which people are telling that there are corrupt juries ,corrupt advocates !!?? while for these MP ,MLA Indian police is lay down ,Indian IB is lay down ,Indian defense is lay down !!Maximum of this MP ,MLAare Hindus !!?? these Indian are telling me from past 8 years that these people have some e-letter to do some crime from me !! with out my e-signature + with out international laws and order they did not show me that email till now !! and these Indian have full support from ME =Gulf two countries =Dubai ,KSA !!

Pl, Delhi/UP- Police ,have few -video Records ,as proof at Supreme court of india against Lal Krishan Advaani ,Uma Bharti , Vinayak Katariya ,! ,who was provoking to Riots ,Murder ! to huge population in 1989 to 1992 !& which did action & that month ~2,000 riots ,kill ,murder taken place ! But with in few years ,all these Video- proof s ! thieves from Supreme court ! Sir this news was came in -Leading news paper of india , so Lal Krishan Advaani became Vice Prime minister of india ! Ruhel Chisty ! A fact of Indian laws and order +its way of common - life ! & Concern me , Pl till today ,I did not got any letter from Government why & what & till what ! this Inhuman-action on me !? even no Courier=Fed Ex ,UPS , DHL , I got !? concern this case ,even that email (with out my signature ) which have by Dubai IB ,RAW ,IB ,KSA-IB !!
Sir , We seen that USA >60 % people given vote against Bush Jr =President ,concern War on Iraq !! & now >57% people are against Bush foreign affair policies =Iraq ++ other to send more 20,000 troops++ !! !! it came on BBC world News channel it self !! means USA People given lesson to Bush with in 2.5 years !! while my case is going on from 1999 & 2000 &2001 & 2003 &2004 &2005 &2006 &2007 !! But these south Indian = ME=Gulf living south india have some e- letter (with out my signature ) , these people living - graph will not fall down, these people self respect graph did not fall down b'se they are Indian living in ME=-Gulf !!?? will get name from Indian democracy !!?? b'se these people are least people ,not like USA people those are literate ,best ,good then all world people , those are quick decider !! even Ms Sarah Palin is telling abused words about Barack Obama , but after second live discussion , Barack Obama graph rise , and it will continuous ,From 59% of total Votes to 68% total votes in favor of Barack Obama .at final election level they =USA voter did not count Ms Sarah Palin abused words !!??

Please if you see the Indian president 2002 March , (Dalit ,Keralite president ) he did not sent Indian army to kill rioters ,those were doing genocides in Gujarat !! he sent army after 3 days of genocide completed !! same was in 1984 Sikh genocides =Sikh riots !! that time president was also did not sent any army in new Delhi +other place of india !!??

Loop holes in Charge sheet =4528 pages , made and submit in Mumbai High court , by ATS-MH=Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , concern Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group . The explosive instrument used was IED =Improvised explosive device ,(Notable thing is this also used by Al-Quida in Iraq ,from past 2001 to till now to kill innocent Iraqi ) and explosives are RDX , Ammonium nitrate , ammonium nitrite , = All terror blast =train in Mumbai , serial blast in Mumbai, banglor ,UP ,New Delhi serial blast , lasted 2008 bomb blast also !! =,they used urea ,ammonium nitrate + sharp nails =Metal nails !!+other chemical ,

Now Loop Holes :
(1) ATS Mumbai ,did not touch =interrogate ,the Himani Saverkar ,who did married with Mahatma Gandhi Murder family person ,who is near daughter of Saverkar one of founder of RSS =Hindu terrorist group , she is clearly saying in open conferences that reply bomb is only bomb !!??
(2) ATS Mumbai did not touch =interrogate , Abhinav Bharat Group , which
ATS Given videos talk of this group members taking about , bomb explosions in India ,destroy Indian democracy, these people were doing open talk to produce hate against Indian constitute in Hindu Youth of India +NRI, only that part of Indian constitute which supporting Indian minorities , and hate against Indian democracy which supporting Indian minorities !!??
(3) Abhinav Bharat Group , are taking about the Hindu Army Rule in India, and ATS Given 2000 pages proofs ,videos recordings , against Abhinav Bharat Group those were taking conferences , meeting like these talks !
(4) But ATS Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , Did not taken any step to counter and put them in Court and jails after open trails !!??\
(5) ATS =MH, left , the groups of Indian army officers ,those are working ,and retired ,concern , involvement in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blasts !!!?? these groups of Indian army officers intension is clear to make Hindu Nation on behalf of kill ,murder ,bomb blasts ++
(6) ATS –MH also Left , (1) Ramesh Sivajee Upadhaya , Raikar = former Indian army official , he was commanded in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune , he given this place to train the Hindu terrorist for Bomb explosions in India , (7) ATS –MH also Left one more former Indian army officer =Sanat Kumar Bhatee , He was also involved in these bomb blasts ,
(8) ATS –MH , And ATS Pune taken hand ,to open the complete link between the Indian army and these bomb blasts in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .
(9) ATS Given clean chits to all Indian army officials , ATS taken them as only witness !?
(10) while ATS –MH And pune attend the special training from these mention Indian army officials !?
(11) ATS –MH,Pune left ,the two times BJP Member of parliament = Cornel Dhar and Delhi based one doctor = RP Singh , those were supporting to make new nation like Abhinav Bharat , these people were active member of these things !!
(12) ATS –MH ,Pune keep mum on link with these two , Cornel Dhar and RP Singh , + Abhinav Bharat Group , with other BJP Leaders those are political powerful !!??
(13) ATS –MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of cornel Purohit , =Indian army official ,concern which , ATS –MH ,Pune given video recording in that he was telling , (14) ATS MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of people working in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune and Akanssha resorts where the Hindu terrorist trainings were taken place !!?? and ATS –MH,Pune shown very politeness on these two organizations !!??
While this nation voter =millions , promoted Mr. Modi as Gujarat ruler =Chief minister for 2003-2008 then 2008 to 2013 !! two more terms !! whose Ministers ,Police officer were openly accused for 2002 Gujarat genocide !!
Now Naveen Patnayak given again one more term for Chief minister , In Orissa ,who was chief minister of Orissa 2008 ,when Christen genocide taken place !! Where victims of genocide still getting threat from Criminals ,genociders ,raper ,police officers !! Please note it tell that Indian Voters are Maximum Hindus those like to do Orrisa 2008 ,Christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka Christen genocide ,2002 Gujarat genocide and they are electing again that Government which protected genocider ,criminals ,raper, again election that Police officers those did support in all these High level human crime !! notable thing is these voters are in millions population !! these are concentrate Hindus ,these are crime lover ,these genocide lover ,in my view these voter are Taliban ,these are terror !!?? note Indian 50 million to 60 million voter love BJP =Genocider of christen ,Muslims !! and its when India is member of UN All branches ,its in 2100 Era !! ??
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
Note : In My view ,FBI ,Interpol ,UN Anti terror branch= CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, UNODC ,Europol ,should take all Data ,proofs ,from Indian government ,concern Hindu terrorism !! and these international anti terror organizations will get the ways of Hindu terror probes !!??
should ask to Indian government to permit for interrogate to Lt colonel Parsad Purohit + Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia + LK Advani + ,at least they will able to know that is Hindu terrorism !! how smart these people are !!? what is definitions of Hindu terrorism if you do investigation in India only against Hindu terrorism !! Ruhel at least they will get the range and tactics of this Hindu terror !!?? Ruhel Date 03-01-2009 while I like to mention here that ATS - Anti terror squad –Maharastra , public prosecutor =Ajay Misar lodge a complain in Sarkarwada Police station that on 16th Nov 2008 ,that he got one threat
At his phone , from Hindu terror group , for him and for ATS Chief = Hemant Karkare ,who got killed in 26/11 Mumbai terror attack just 9 days later !!??
While on 13th Jan 2009 , Hubbali- WB , press conference ,the northern range , Inspector general of police , =Mr Ragvandra Oradcar , given , speech that behind , Hubbali –Court Bomb blast ,on may 2008 , there was Hindu terrorist ,not SIMI !! while in may 2008 there was Karnataka Election ,and BJP taken full benefit to win ,maximum seats !! b’se BJP try to prove that these Bomb blast did by Indian minorities !!?? the man find behind this blast was =Nagraj Gangabi , he was PA of one Concentrate Hindu politician , they found nine =9 other Hindu terrorist in link this !!??
Ramesh Pavaar , Ling Raj Jalagar , ++, While this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi was member of Shri Ram Sena ,who is doing attacks on girls and boys ,at Pubs = high society - Bar at Banglour now a days they did attack on three pubs =bar !!?? this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi is very closed to Pramod Mutallik founder of Shri Ram sena ,who is Like Praveen Togadia of Karnataka !!?? the full other part can be found at The Indian express, Only one news paper of India who is writing against Hindu terror !!Only one !!?? from all news papers ,news media ,includes NDTV , this news channel is not allowed in Udaipur –RAJ , B’se here all Channels providers are from BJP=RSS=VHP=Bdal =Hindu terror wings !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 06-02-2009 , while this state police (all) is still in link ,getting order from former BJP=RSS Home minister (2003 -2008) =Gulab Chand Kataria (2003-2008) !!??
Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(b) while it found and discussed in Indian -parliament ,Rajya sabha ,by Members of parliament that 29 September , two -bomb blasts at Malegaon (Maharastra ) and Modasa ( Gujarat ) done by Hindu hardliners =Bajrangdal and Hindu Jagran Manch ,the probed reached to RSS Student wig= ABVP= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad , both blast taken place simultaneously , at two different places , (its all bomb blasts after the Banglour , Ahemdabd , Delhi bomb blasts ) they used RDX to do these bomb blasts !! Pleased note it !!!??
while it found that , SanatKumar Rajvithal Bhate , trained 115 Hindu activates ,to do bomb blasts ,from gelatin ,And RDX !! He got 300 gelatins ,from Bhosale Military school Nasik ,Pune ,
it found that these Hindu Hardliner put two motorcycles (1) at SIMI Office at Malegaon (Maharastra ) (2) At Modasa ( Gujarat ) they put with the Islamic sticker , and forensic investigator found that it attempt to mislead them , the motorcycles used were LML-Freedom and these Hindu hardliner , these people used main frame ,and engine ,from two different vehicles . and they erased the engine number , chassis number , but after forensic method it found that these numbers were , of Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur , which was registered at Surat RTO –Gujarat =Number = GJ 05 BR 1920 ,
While these Hindu terrorist used fake number plate but it was , on her name , Pragya Singh Thakur ,this was not sold ,and thief And second motorcycle was on name of =ABVP person ,who is running NGO in Indore =MP (Madhya Pradesh) –India , P-1,P-4 24 October ,2008 The Indian express ) the Malegaon (Maharastra ) bomb blast
taken six humen life , its taken place when 20,000 =twenty thousand Indian minorities were gathered at they holy time !! now surprised thing is national level political leader , Uma Bharti of BJS =Bharatis Bhartiya Janshakti Party , offer to Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur ,her party ticket ,form Mahdaya Pardesh =MP ,for MLA Election = political leader of India !!?? its when Pragya Singh Thakur is in police custody , with Maharastra Anti terror squad , this thing did not stop here BJP president also support her = Pragya Singh Thakur !!!?? P- 4, 31 October ,2008 ,The Indian express .
while it found that her father was RSS –worker !!?? while ATS = Anti terror squad have proof against her as her motorcycle ,and her 400 minutes conversation with Shyam Bhavarlal Sahu !!!?? after these all this offer to her are there !!??? =offer for MLA Election,from BJP president !!?? Ruhel date 30-12-2008 –Udaipur –raj India . Sir I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in india !!?? while about these all probes my view is that India is Hindu nation and what I seen the result of Justice Nanavatti committee report on Gujarat 2002 genocide !! it tell me that like this all probes are complex !! and its when Hindu terror name came it very typical to get 100% truth ,from Hindu police officials it self against Hindu terror !! its very rare and typical !!!??? Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 .
It open by Maharastra Police that Hindu terrorist Rajesh Dhavade (Malegaon Bomb accused) ,got training on Make Bomb ,by two chemistry -Hindu professors , from Pune , based Narsujee Vadiya college , professors names are Dr Sharad Kuntee (he was former VHP –head at Pune city) ,and Dr Dav , these two chemistry -Hindu professors teach them to make pipe –bombs , it also found that one more ABVP active Mr. Sameer Kulkanii ,who was involved in Jabalpur –MP ,riots ,he was main accused to provoke to riots !!?? ABVP= RSS Student wig= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad !!??Ruhel Date 30-12-2008 .
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??

While Made in india =Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report , concern Base of Gujarat 2002 genocide ! = Godhara –train case ! =
The LOOP HOLES of this report= Justice Nanavatti –Mehta report ,
(1) This commission made by Mr Narandara Modi it self =BJP=RSS ,6 years ago !!??
(2) There is no witness of , who burn Train =Godhara Train 2002 ,
(3) There was 200 total witness none of given talk ,proof to court that Train burn by Muslim -gathered !!??
(4) No body know ,that train was having Hindu car sevak , except BJP=RSS people ,even Gujarat government official -do not know !!
(5) Train was more then 5= more then five hours late , if any plan was there it was easily failed due to unlimited late train =that is also more then 5 hours !!?? it also tell that criminal were related to done Party only !!??
(6) Commission told that train Westuval was cut ,if it was cut then why , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission do not kept it as proof ,and sold to Kabadi = used thing buyer !!??
(7) During Court talk ,it proved by 200 witness that , train was stop by pulling it chain and it stop by Car sevak only ,b’s e few car sevak was left on station it self !!??
(8) Forensic experts , given proof that , by calculation by height of Train track and height of train window it is not possible to throw petrol like that in train !!??
(9) It is not east to cut Westuval of train with in few time !!??
(10) This Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission ignored many very important witness !!??
(11) While in 2002 the rail minister was Nitish Kumar =BJP Supporter that’s why he did not given any , investigation from railway official +railway police officer !!??
(12) There is no ,any record of justice UC Benarjee report in , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report !!?? While its very important !!??
(13) Justice Nanavatti –Mehta refused to take investigation of Narandara Modi = why !!?? this commission made many dual talk about , why ,burn train !!??
(14) while one honest - Police officer = RB Shri Kumar told to commission that he is getting threat from criminal that if he told true then he will loose the life !!? and this honest police office given record - proof of that threat telephone call in court also !!?? that also ignored by Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission = Mr Narandara Modi made =RSS=BJP Made !!??
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(a) Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
while its well known that mahatma Gandhi was killed by RSS person =Nathuram Godsae , a Marathi guy !!?? and Australian father Graham steen and kids=Christen ,murder and killer to live burn them = Dara Singh is Bajrang Dal person !!?? while Darasingh , lawyer was , brother of BJP Leader =Dealip singh Judev , who taken case of Hindu terrorist who was killer of three human ,Australian christen ,his case taken for free him by BJP Leader brother !!!?? Now BJP =RSS is telling that they will provide lawyer to Sadhvii Pragya Singh Thakur , !! while in India there is no rights for fake - framed Indian Muslim for terrorism !!?? but BJP is supporter of Hindu terrorist for Hindu lawyer in India !!!??
Kanpur UP –India ,two =2 ,Bajrang dal Person got killed during making bomb at home and many other got injured , Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps , (c) in Bhunashvar –India also one BJP leader kid and his friends were captured by police during making bomb CBI Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps !!!??? (d) in Karnataka =Danavgeer ,also there were attack on Indian christen taken place , , by VHP= RSS ,Bajrang Dal people ,and local police did directly support of this , and this local police made fake cases on 16 fathers =christen –holy people , and local police did not made single FIR against RSS ,BJP people ,while VHP,Bajrang Dal people taken directly responsibility of these attacks in front of media ,and local media ,as there is BJP is in power =ruling Karnataka, these VHP,Bajrang Dal people destroy the churches ,destroy the Jesus stachu ,
On 14 September 2008 , the VHP ,Bajrang Dal people attack on church at manglor the burn Bible , once nun called police ,police asked many question to nuns ,like is there =nun organizations in international ,is they are getting money from foreign !!!?? they =police did not taken any action against VHP, Bajrang Dal people ,one more incident in Karnataka , permuunar , Sant Sabsteen church , huge christen people were gathered there , suddenly Bajrang Dal ,VHP people came there , and start to through stones ,and brutally beaten to nuns ,father , and local police also directly support these Hidutava groups , the burn bible , destroy mother marry stachu , while one more incident , at Kodral church , there local police brutally beaten to nuns ,father plus school kids which is near to church and beaten to one 72 years old lady !!! Karnataka chief minister is Mr BS Yeddyurappa ,he refused to ban Bajrangdal !!??these all tell that BJP is sees it self at next ruling party in centre =new Delhi –HQ , Bajrang Dal have its branches called as Sri ram sena , now Bajrang Dal is planning to made Hindu suicide squad , there will be training to youth for die on cost of Hindu nation =Nationalist !!!?? these people will get training from Hindu police officials , Hindu Army officials, these things told by Pramod Mutalik ,head of Sri ram sena = Bajrang Dal !!! P -5, 22 September 2008 ,,=The Indian express ,
e) while in Rajasthan also ,my living place =birth state , after jaipur bomb blast Home minister of Rajasthan Order to police , to torture Indian Muslim ,bangala speaking people , and attack on Indian christen also taken place example are Jodhpur ,Bayavar , Its all to get Hindu votes as 5 states - election were very near , and at last BJP got win in two states =MP=Madhya Pradesh ,Zharkhand !!! this all movement was to make Hindu India !!?? Ruhel date 23-12-2008 –Udaipur –Raj India while in Udaipur –Raj India =whole Rajasthan all Jain =Baniya and Marvadii , have good support to BJP=RSS =VHP =Bajrangdal by money ,plus other !!??
While in Rajasthan , 3 October 2008, at Dungarpur Raj India , BJP ,Bajrang Dal ,VHP people , did destroy and burn the Indian minorities shops (only shops ) to destroy there economic foundation , the maximum loss was 50=40+10 lacks to Dr Kurashi ,dental clinic ,
While in Andrapradesh –India , VHP=Bajrang Dal people did live burn of 6 =5+1 =six ,Indian Muslim, it included 3 kids ,one woman ,two man , its was incident of 10 October 2008 , these all were just before Indian state elections so that ,so that Indian 80% Hindu vote change to BJP=RSS=VHP=Bajrang Dal !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
(1) Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,
While ATS –Pune , put cheating , forgery cases on Lt Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit , he did forged document for weapon ,and did made fake ARMY- ID =ARMY Identification Card , for Chaturvedi , who was active member of Abhinav Bhart ,=a group who tell bomb reply is bomb !!?? it found that he given proofs that he and Chaturvedi did attends all meetings , leading up to Bomb blasts , up to Malegaon bomb blast !!??

Sir Bajrangdal is Hindu –Al-Quida , (its to kill Indian minorities only ) ,and VHP=is Hindu LeT (Lakshre Toiba ) to kill Indian minorities only !!)) Ruhel Date 27-12-2008
While MH Chief minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh told for ATS –Pune , that why LK Advani , and several BJP Leaders , asking to change the present ATS- Anti terrorist wing –Pune, and conduct judicial inquire into , charge made by Sadvi Pragya singh Thakur , !!!?? while ATS was carrying in to its probe , with out POTA , TADA which was made by BJP !!?? and used on innocent Indian Muslim +other !!??
While BJP future prime minister of India =LK Advani meet national security Adviser ,MK Narayana , and intelligence bureau director , PC Halder concern sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur !!?? while national security Adviser ,MK Narayana told him that he will look into !!??
I want all type of terrorist groups should be ban and killed !! it tell that USA,EU ,UN should ban and kill to RSS ,VHP=Bdal those killing only innocent Indian minorities = crime against humanity !! while Islamic terrorist are killing only innocent USA ,Israeli and other western people= crime against humanity !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While the reality of Indian Law enforcement system can be understand by these points :
(1) Justice Krishna commission report = concern 1989-1993 Mumbai riots , and role of Mumbai Police in Riots , they given video ,Audio , personal interview with victims +recording to telephonic talks +mobile talk of police officers ,ministers =mainly from BJP ,Shiv Sena ,all were telling that How Mumbai Police was involved in to provoke Riots ,and fully support of Mumbai Hindu Mainly Martha !! these happened b’se there was no minority Police offer was in Job that time all police officer was Hindus !! and fully like to kill minorities Life ,business ,Home + allowed to Hindu rioter to do kill and rape ~!! ?? this Justice was proved alone Laws and order person who given truth about whole 1989 to 1993 Mumbai riots !!!?? he given the telephone records of Mumbai police officers and ministers those were at work that time and in power that time !!?? these all proofs are with National minority commission ,National human right commission !! he given these proof 4 years back till now none of that Police officer get terminated put behind the bar !! put on then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? and same way none of Hindu Ministers +few Minority ministers , put behind the Bar + then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? that time in Mumbai Shiv Sena –BJP was ruling !!?? while from past 5 years Mumbai Have Congress party ,its allies are ruling !! noting happened to , riot provoker Police officers +ministers put behind the bar + serious charges !!?? Ruhel Date 25-09-2009 Udaipur-Raj India 313001. ,
while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about them as Its Hindu nation !!??

(2) While the reality of Gujarat, 2002 March riots ,genocide , the Laws enforcement independent agencies try ot got Telephonic ,mobile talk records of Gujarat police officers ,ministers, but they were not able to get ,even they reached to supermen court get order aloes !!?? till now they did not get any telephonic ,mobile ,recodes of Gujarat police ,ministers those were enveloped in this genocide !!?? b’se Modi used his power ,to fail all system of records !! they told they destroy the records ,due to instrument fault !!??
(3) These all things tell that Home Minister of India is indirectly supporter of HINDU nation where these things will be consider as normal !!?? and this nation have all rights for Hindus only weather they are Narandara Modi ,weather they are LK Advani ,weather they are Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,whether they are Mumbai police officer , weather they are Mumbai police officers and ministers in 1989 to 1993 ,weather they are Gujarat 2002 march time police officers and ministers !!??

Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj 313001 India.
While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,with use of providing money to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by ??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While I can understand from my real life ,that Indian IB,MI,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,did not allowed single
Indian minorities ,in Physics ,Engineering ,Chemistry , at international Jobs , higher degrees , even it tell these MI,IB ,RAW means these people killed 10000, to 20 lacks =20,00000 intelligent brains of Assam ,Kashmir , those can be good physicist ,engineers ,chemists but there brain got killed by MI,IB,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,
B’se they are minorities of this nation , even may be few of them have publications like me at USA ,EU ,Canada, Germany , but this nation =India did not allowed them to get good degree ,jobs future in EU ,USA !!?? May be there names also used by this Hindu rich nation to get technology ,from USA defense ,NASA !!?? to got rise in DRDO ,ISRO ,IITs ,IISc !!?? it also tell that may be MI , did make fake –internet cases on them , put them in fake criminal activities , on these all innocent physicist ,engineers ,chemist b’se they are Indian minorities !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on October 2008 , Justice Sacher committee received first reply , concern , number of Muslim employee in IIM-A,IIM-C,BHU,NCMEI ( National commission fro minorities educational institute , ) , NIIE =National institute industrial engineering ,ut told following facts =
IIM-A have following grades =classes = Grade A , 3 Minority from 30 , grade B =Class B , 8 Minority ,from 76 , grade C =Class =15 minority ,from 161 , class D =Grade D, zero minority ,from 94,
IIM-C have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 =ZERO Minority from 85 , grade B =Class B , 2 Minority ,from 48 , grade C =Class =6 minority ,from 126 , class D =Grade D, 11 minority ,from 87,
BHU have following grades =classes = Grade A , 83 Minority from 1465, grade B =Class B , 6 Minority ,from 185, grade C =Class =124 minority ,from 2008, class D =Grade D, 24 minority ,from 2544,
NCMEI have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 Minority from 4 grade B =Class B , 4 Minority ,from 6 grade C =Class =1 minority ,from 5, class D =Grade D, 1 minority ,from 6,
NIIE have following grades =classes = Grade A , 1 Minority from 54 grade B =Class B , 1 Minority ,from 25 grade C =Class =0 minority ,from 128, class D =Grade D, 5 minority ,from 114

While Assam university have , 6 minority employee out of 245 !!!???
This is the first report get by Justice Sacher committee ,now other department report will came later on !! one by one !!??
Its first impact , of Justice Sacher committee is the start of minorities scholarships ,( Christen ,Muslim ,Sikh ,Parsis ,Buddhists)
India’s following states given the scholarships to minorities students ( at IIT’s ,IIM’s ,NIFT, SPA , Medical college ,Regional engineering college ,Universities +++) ,
Kerla given = 29,380 minorities scholarships , they got 14 X100000 applications , UP –Mayavatti , given 67,420 minorities scholarships ,they got 10.5 X100000 applications , West Bengal –Where communist are ruling ,given , 44,460 minorities scholarships They got 7.5 X100000 application, Karnataka –where BJP is ruling ,given , 16,640 minorities scholarships ,they got , 2X10,0000 applications , Tamil Nadu ,(DMK Ruling ) they given , 15,340 minorities scholarships ,they got 3X100000 applications ,
While on date 14-04-2009 ,Hindu ISI Hacked my membership web at SABIC Network , for which I got Accepted by its ambassador , on date 13-04-2009 ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While recently , in UP =Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Bajerdeeha , UP Hindu police did open fire , with out warning ,and with out stick attack ,and with out tearing gas , on Indian Muslims , 11 march 2009 , they did not only killed Indian Muslim but also put 500 serious cases on 500 Indian Muslim ,=IPC 307 , =Indian panel court , 307 ,the cause was also done by Hindu only they used to throw Color on Their mosque , from past 10 years on every Holi =Hindu religion festival , even they =Indian Muslim are complaining from past 10 years at all level !!?? and there is not Hindu home near mosque , in this firing two Indian Muslim got killed ,10 serious injured !!?? the police officer name are =Shamsheer Bahdur Singh , the BJP leaders behind this name are =Durga Babu Lal Khurdia , his son Rajkumar , b’se from Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Murlee Mahnohar Joshi is BJP –leader for this 2009 election !!?? and RSS want Religious riots in UP and Varanasii , to win the election on basis of Hindutava and Hindu Rights !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from EU –Command ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 29-05-2009 Time : 10:05 AM
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 30-05-2009 Time : 10:25 AM , Its=MI,IB,RAW ,CID , thinking that whole world like Hindus And want be part of these all activities what I mention !! Ruhel
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

While Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim employees in IITs , IIT-B.IIT-K,IIT-D,IIT-M,IIT-G, are as follows ,
Zero= Grade A in three IITs , 1 one = Grade B in Three IITs . 6 six=, Grade C , three IITs , 12 = Grade D in three IITs ,
Ruhel Chisty Date 10-04-2009 , while , you can understand the Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim Students percentage in These IITs !!??
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was among top two !!
Neuro science and corrupt Humen rich city and nation !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!??

The Hindu Police Gujarat , did Two Fake encounters of 4-16 Innocent Indian Minorities
And proved that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba Terrorist want to kill, Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??

These Fake encounters done by Anti terrorist Squad Gujarat + Higher police official of Gujarat ,
It open By , metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, submit 246 Pages report to High court MH ,SP New Delhi , after conducting enquire under section 176 ,of the CrPC ,
on fake encounters of 19 years old Student =Ishrat Jahan from Maharatra student at Guru Nanak Khalsa College ,Maharastra , + Prenesh Palli + Javed Shaikh –MH , , these all kidnapped By , Ahamdabad-Gujarat Crime branch officials from Mumbai , and three days later these all shoot , alleged at Ahamdabad on date , 15th June 2004 ,
, by Anti terrorist Squad - Gujarat , by putting in media that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba people want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
this fake encounter done by following Police officers =(1) IPS Officer , PP Pande (2) IPS Officer –DG Vangara (he is already in Jail ,for one more fake encounter of So-rubiddin and his wife Kosar Bi ) (3) GL Singhal (4) NK Amin (5) KM Waghela (6)
JG Parmar ( 7) VD Vanav (8) SP Agrawat (9) DH Goswami (10) RI Patel (11) BA Chavda ( 12) Taraun Barot (13) KS Deasi these all are Higher rank police officials
Now police constable with them = (14) Ibrahim Chauhan ( indain Muslim ) (15) , Mukash Vyas (16) Nizamuddin Burhanmiya ( Indian Muslims )
These all people did this fake encounter of these innocent Indian Minorities , to get promotion in their Jobs ,and to get apperception from Gujarat Chief minister = Mr. Narandra Modi . these people killed by AK47, Riffles used by these Hindu police officers !! to kill these Innocents Indian Minorities .
metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, told that they found that , IPS –Officer DG vangara , did same Pattern Fake encounter of Sohrabuddin and his wife =Kosar Bi ,
with support of Udaipur Raj India 313001 ,Police , fake encounter date =26th November 2005 ,at Ahamdabad- Nrola Chohraya , Gujarat
as its highlighted in all local ,National level news Paper Former Police officer = Denish Kumar MN ,IPS officer , Udaipur raj india 313001 who is on Bail , + one Indian Muslim police officer , Abdul Rehman –former circle Inspector ,Pratap Nagar Police station –Udaipur –Raj (he is still under investigation ) , Abdul Rehman is person who shoot =Kill to Sohrabuddin ,while Kosar Bi , was killed by IPS –Officer DG vangara , by kept her Neck tight till her death ,
IPS –Officer DG vangara was chief of Anti terrorist squad Gujarat ,he have RSS =BJP Back ground in his life , he did his police education in RSS –Hostel !!??
P-1 , The Times of india Date 08-09-2009 +other news papers +my own word ,
This all to ,proved Whole Hindi =Hindus Media = TV News channels ,All English News papers of india ,that we Killed LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba -Terrorist ,those want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
It all encounters shown to IBN -7 ,Aaj-Tak ,Star TV , IBN-CNN , Sahara News , NDTV , The Times of india , The Hindu ,The Hindutustan Times , +The Indian express , ++ in 2004,2005 , to get Benefits from Bush Jr =Republicans !! poor Brains , to given message on India war against terror !!?? Mr. Narandar Modi War against terror =against Indian Minority all News Channels shown these Things for whole days to 5 days continues !!?? at Hot Page ,Top page !!??
While one more fake encounter done by New Delhi Police , of two Hindu businessmen ,
As there families were rich +Hindu ,so they put FIR +Court case against fake encounter
, and they got result in 10 years continuous fight in court , in there favor , if in stead of these rich ,Hindu businessman , some poor ,Indian Minorities families was there , they were not allowed to FIR it self , and there families were captured by Police , and put cases on them of terrorism +put in them in jail as terrorist !!and then kill !!?? in fake encounters it all told by Advocates + magistrate during this case 10 years time .
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
(While I want to mention one real point that in 2004 also Many news Papers +TV Channels +her mother , other relative try to prove that , Ishrat Jahan +other were innocent , and many Muslims –leaders from Mumbai ,Maharastra ,also try to prove , she is innocent ,and few Muslims minister given donation of lacks Indian rupees also to Ishrat Jahan family as she was alone member who was earning , But after few months Mr. Modi try to prove that his police killed , LeT =Terrorist only , and Ishrat Jahan was terrorist !! then all these Muslims minister came on Back foot !! that we given charity b’se TV News channels +Leading English news papers were telling like that !!?? this I am putting here bse its only way of life for minorities ,innocent , Minorities ministers ,leaders also !!?? they have to came on Back foot + see the Hindu Nation Hindu police , Hindu laws drama !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India ) (1) By Knowing that this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!??
 Reply:   past 64 years Indian Military did not kill any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,B
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (25/Sep/2009)

While past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,Member of NHRC = , ,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 25-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .
Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, by Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode by Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO=Prime minister office New Delhi !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!?? while USA =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !!

we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? while RAW ,IB ,MI is working like pet dogs for LK Advanni , Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time , then Karnataka chief Minster =Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all are again reelected chief minister by Hindus !! and RAW,IB,MI ,CIDs ,police of India are working like pet dogs for these all people !! those did support in Christen ,Muslim genocide from 2008 to 2002 !!?? as these all are Hindu ,Dr Manmohan Singh is Hindu !! so prime minister of india support to Hindus up to this level !!?? while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about them as Its Hindu nation !!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like , While USA =develop nation =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !! it all approved by USA Congress !! while in india Assam 30 years ,Kashmir 30 years , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Life forced unemployed by Hindu terrorist ,from 1999 to 2009 ,and Orissa 2008 , christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 genocide ,Chhtisgarh 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 genocides approved by Hindu Congress at these states + New Delhi !! the difference between developed christen nation =USA and Hindu Nation =india !!
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .
she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive
(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .
(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,
to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India
Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,
While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India
I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,
Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.
MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,
Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,
AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land
ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )
IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )
Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=
INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )
Passport Number:-E-6884179
Date Of Birth 26-08-1966
Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)
ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009
Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,
Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)
Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10 Honest nation , USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates top 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,for my work to protect world environmental + global warming , Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work +it fear that ME =Gulf Muslims religion people will got rise over Indian =Hindu ,poor ,huge population !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption data in INDIA at Transparency international web !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,
I want to mention that once in will get USA ,Canada ,EU Citizenship +work there I will put my all money in Christen banks + will get interest of my saving money till I have money , bse from past 2009 Jan to till now 20 Sept 2009 , I am getting threat from Indian =Hindu +Muslims , that you are getting interest of your saving gin india only !!?? other nations =USA ,EU ++ UN =world bank are not providing !!??

While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

From Feb. 2008 to Dec 2008 ,RAW==India intelligence= A Hindu terrorist organization, Used Indian living in Juabil ,Saudi Arabia specially muffseer apartment , one flat =6 Indian =Operator level , low profiles Indian + Indian working in Saudi Kayan 2200 =two thousand two hundred Indian = Upper level to lower level =G12 Upper to G3 lower , there was only 7=Seven Pakistani ,100 Indonesian , 100 Pilipino were hired in Saudi Kayan , for Jobs !! But from Jan 2008 it self these Indian start to torture me by Body rays ,brain voice 0,160 ,220 to 2500 Cps !!?? and night torture was also from 11.30 PM to 2.30 AM by Indian living in muffseer apartment , these Indian =Secular !!it was continuous from Jan 2008 to till December 2008 ,=whole 1 years !! every day torture By Indian in front of USA,UK ,Korean , China
, European ,Pakistani ,Local Saudi , Qatar ,Kuwaiti ,with out any shame =with think Indian are great !!
intension was clear that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A should do not have nay job in hand +no money !!?? should go back to Kalam ,Dr Manmohan Singh nation + live there unemployed +see the secular Indian !!??? + see the play of RAW =Hindu terrorist intelligence !!?? now I can say ,SABIC Should hire Pakistani , as 1000 ,1200 + Saudi governments , ,they have good records of Counter terrorism from Jan 2009 to till now , they are not like secular !! india which I seen +face in Saudi Arabia +india !!??there work against terrorist is accept world level !!?? proved work !!??
Saudi Kayan have 30 USA , 200 UK , 200 Europe , 100 Korean +2 China !!?? =working for Licensor = KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,
And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .
As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??
New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!
(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(its my real life case !)
(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist
(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya
(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan
(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why
PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009
This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,
a leading global market research provider, and your participation is
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If you haven't already done so, join now.

Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser
Product Marketing Director
Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??
That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,
In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?
As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,
Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,
(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??
China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!
The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??
(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!
(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??
(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??
(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??
(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!
That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??
What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??
Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!
=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .
While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??
Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??
This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .
They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??
(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??
(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .
(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??
(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .
It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,
While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .
While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??
His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )
He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??
Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!
I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,
If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!
these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and
I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,
Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??
The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !
(its my real life article !)
On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM
I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !
I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !
But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala
On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,
does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??
I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009
and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??
(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .
(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .
Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)
Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??
They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??
but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??
This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak
to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

Bcc:,,, Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry , Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry ,
Dear Oelrich, Ivan ( Acting President of the Federation of American Scientists

RAW =A Hindu terrorist organization for Indian minorities it self =those are Non Hindu !!??
(Real Article : From My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life )

RAW =Research analysis wing have killing activities for Indian Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists from past 30 years =Non Hindu =RAW is terrorist organization for we minorities also then Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,ME =Gulf =Specially UAE , Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Malaysia, And China +Assam +Kashmir !!??

1 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia : ( Its controlled by PMO= Dr Manmohan Singh!! from 2003 to till now ) )
RAW existence I face in Saudi Arabia =Jubail at Mufssir Apartment at My flat 1/11 Saudi Arabia

At My TV , from Feb 2008 to 2008 December, this Hindu terrorist organization was active there , its have power full satellite technology got from KGB =Russian International terrorist organization founded by Stalin !!??

RAW have ability from Satellite , to listen talk at Any place of Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,india !! ?? can see you in dark ,can see your dress in dark , can see you at depth of 20 feet inside Building ,can listen your talk there , with out any problem all through satellite technology !!?? can see you in Bath room , can see you in Bedroom in nigh =Dark night !!?? this much power is with Hindu Now !!?? =it control by Prime minister office Only !!?? it =RAW is not responsible to give answers of any question to any body else in India included Any Minister !!any Army officer !!??

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! (1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

Then in 2008 = again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world = federation of American scientist issued report on ,

RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka ,

RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west

Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan,

!!??specially from east Pakistan ,RAW Reached at East Pakistan in 1960 it self !!?? RAW Trained Mukti Bahini ,but also Arms to worker of Mukti Bahini in 1970 !!??

This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!??

Not only this about RAW ,Shri Lanka one leading news Paper =Daily Mirror , told that RAW , is playing heinous role in regional counties to destabilized them , having rise nursed and fortified to LTTE , =Liberation Tiger of Tamil eelam , ,this news paper mention that RAW ,employee are , bankrupt and spiritually barren , like Ravi Nair 1975 having , allegedly affair with other nation spy , and 2004 , Rabinder singh , he escaped to CIA =USA with copies of several highly confidential documents ,having affair with US embassy based female spent time in resorts at Delhi JAIPUR HIGH WAY !!??

RAW is doing one more work , in UK ,Canada ,USA , ME =Gulf ,on fighting against its separatist =Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikh , separatist , it getting annually 250 millions to counter these separatist in USA, Candaa, UK !!??

It doing illegal funding to Political candidates in USA in 1996 it given 46,000 $ illegal fund to Political candidates at USA , for federal election , the Indian , man caught was Lalit H Ghadia , who put in front of USA Court ,he accept that he worked through Indian embassy , and various Indian American organization ,

Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!??

RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!??

about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board ,

Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??
( Parts from FAS + Ali Sukhanver =Pakistan based nation and international strategic and defense affair )

I like to mention one point here UK -Police shoot +Hang two Hindus =Chanadra Shekar , Baghat singh , for India they were real Hindu ,But for UK Police they were militants !!?? that why they died !! same way Mr. Narandra Modi , Naven Patnayak , Rao =Gujarat ,Orissa ,Karnataka , Chhatisgarh Chief minister are Real Hindu for India , so they have power to legally rule india as Chief ministers again and again !! But for international people they are Hindu criminals =Hindu terrorist !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 23-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

RAW was torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , at my TV by TV Free voice mode , and using its Indian population =those are 50% population of Jubail working in Petrochemical companies there !!? using Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!?? it was using Indian =Secular Hindu ,Indian Muslims at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,Riyadh ,Bahrain !!?? =these are 3.5 lacks in Population at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,while there are 10,000 people of UK ,10000 people from USA ,10000 from South Korea , 5000 from China , 50,000 from Pakistan ,50,000 from Bangladesh , 50000 from Philippine in Jubail in front of these all Indian were torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A at open level !!?? !!
B;se I am not Hindu =I am Minority !!??
while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !!

2 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india , up to abused in terror level!! : (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

Udaipur Raj INDIA , Hindus Human society research=Torture ,on Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =Rchisty , Minority scientist ,By use of RAW + Satellite technology ,TV Free voice mode ,+0,160,220 cps Brain waves torture By order of RAW =PMO =Prime minister office India , going on from 1991 to 2009 ,18th September )
Hindu Defense -experiment , working for use of its huge population , training like as Bio robot by satellite + TV free voice mode At Udaipur Rajasthan INDIA 313001 ,313002, this city have 2.6 lacks are Hindu ,75,000 are Indian Muslim !! also fully supporting this torture to minority scientist=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , ,as these are Con ,poor ,Corrupt , !! AS THIS POOR NATION HAVE HUGE POPULATION=So huge BIO Robots for Hindu world !!??this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? so these Hindu =Indian will captured whole world in 2137 those having Kalam ,Sharuk Khan Nayak ,Amir Khan , M Agwani ,S Agwani ,Q Chisty , FK Nayak , like Indian Muslims +5000 Illiterate Indian Muslims from Kishan pole Udaipur =BJP =RSS Lover getting EU , NGOs $ ,to these poor Indian Muslims also !! !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!?? have to live like Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A from 1991 to till now !!??This Hindu terrorist Organization =RAW , have one Indian Muslims = Dr MS Agwani ,

Who was teaching to Nation foreign affair Officials ,India , National Defense academic , upper level Hindu army people , National civil servants , from past 1955 to till now !! who is from Udaipur Raj india ,who is advisor to Prime minister ,president of india from 1964 to 2009 !! he also have full support to RAW and Udaipur Hindu society brain waves torture 0,160,220 cps from 1991 to till now ,18 September 2009 !!?? he is representing India at international level ,for diplomatic level +peace !!?? actually he is part of RAW ,IB,MI ,PMO as he have good relation ships of all former presidents Like Gayanni Jail Singh + Nelam snajev Reddy + Dr Manmohan Singh + Indra Gandhi as he was Prof in JNU ,and vice chancellor in JNU !!?? these type of profs ,advisors to PMO India are ,those fuel kill of Innocent Assam ,Kashmiri , Minorities at all india level =At all Hindu nation level as these type of Indian professors are getting good salaries +respected what RAW =Hindu terrorist organizations getting from prime ministers of this Hindu nation =India directly !!?? 250 Million $ annually to RAW for international activities only !!?? like this Hindu nation PMO providing fukll money to these types of JNU +Other universities professors also those deal with International affairs + diplomatic channels if this Hindu nation ,yes these may be Indian Muslims +Indian Sikh ,Pharisee + Indian Buddha !!??

Ruhel Chisty date 18-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

3 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Dubai =UAE =International level !!?? (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

RAW was torturing me in Dubai also from Feb 2001 to 2003 Feb. by use of Indian living there in Dubai =LTS =Lone start technical service Dubai !!?? this company is Indian Company = torture by use of Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

RAW was using its Population at ME =Gulf different countries and Indian embassies there !!?? to use its power at International level to prove Asian power !!?? =By Hindu terrorist organization !!?? like KGB was doing on innocent Russian people !!?

these people enjoying these things from 1991 to 2001 in Udaipur Raj India , and from 2008 23rd Jan in Bahrain , 2008, 24th Jan to 2008 ,16th dec in Jubail ,Riyadh =Saudi Arabia ,Indian did open torture by brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in front of 182 nations people =EU ,USA ,Korea ,Japan , Canada ++++Australia ++ as Jubail =KSA have 60% its population from india only ,those are working there in petrochemical companies !!?? then from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb in Dubai ,Abu Dhabi ,Shajarha , Oman , Ajman ,Fujarah , its was all open done by Indian !!?? while Udaipur Raj 313001 .02 INDIA was place for this research on Human !! it was Hindu defense research to use its Poverty rich ,corrupt Human population to produced , Ruhel Bipolar Disorder ,By 0,160,220 cps ,use of satellite technology + TV Free voice mode to guide to these Hindus , !!??

RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india from 1991 to 2009 ,20th September It train Udaipur Human dogs Like Dog , trainer are training ,these people=RAW , given huge money to udaipur people =Hindu Muslims both, the money this Poor Hindu + Indian , got from NGOs in Europe +world bank –Japan +Korea + Germany ,France for ,Handicaps ,blind ,ill ,Mental !! and Distributed to Hindu +Kishan pole street like Indian Muslims 5000 Indian Muslims these are illiterate ,con even not educated up to 10 standard it self in Hindi medium But these are RAW ,=Indian terrorist organization faith full Human dogs !!??
In 1990 there was no good home in this street which can be confirmed by UN Satellite ,ESA ,NASA satellite pictures also !!?? But not these illiterate Indian Muslim having 5 story buildings , Government jobs +huge bank balance as these all support to RAW , =New idea = Bio robots , + these illiterate Indian Muslim like to give Vote to BJP + few congress also !!?? these can be used by RAW to do Bomb blast in Pakistan ,Shri lanka , + other part of world !! as these are also getting good per month amount from RAW = Hindu intelligence for its project =Bio robots from satellite technology !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-09-2009 ,These all points for Interpol ,UNODC ,UNSC ,UNGA , EU ,USA =FBI ,Europol !!??

Compare of ME =Gulf and India = Hindu =secular !!?? = Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular = given many proof to Bush jr =poor Brain +Republicans !!??

I found that ME =Gulf (these are non Hindu =Non Indian ) people are best for Indian Minorities =Like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! But from Feb 2003 to 2008 =Continuous 5 years Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh Human –dogs start to bark on me that your wrote against UN =UNGA , UNSC from Dubai !! it came to us =Hindu =Secular !!?? they 1.0 Billion Hindu=Secular start to rise voice at Bush Jr =republicans that we have some email from Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,that do not have by Dubai government which he wrote from Dubai !! the maximum voice rise by Udaipur Hindu +kishan pole Street Indian Muslims =secular By Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Then this Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO kept me forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 By use satellite technology =TV free voice mode ,Internet , Mobile ,Fax, Emails , Mail = by kidnapped these all !!??
while Indian government =Secular =Dr Manmohan Singh !! providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?
While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??
Then in 2008 =Again I reached to ME =Gulf =Saudi Arabia again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

While this secular =Hindu =Dr Manmohan Singh =People =Human did , (In India =A Hindu nation ) = Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide , ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Victims still suffering from Justice , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10, USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,
for my work to protect world environmental + global warming ,
Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption in INDIA !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,

This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!?? finally these people given kicked on his face and put him in blood and unconscious !!!??

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!
if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

While from date 21-09-2009 , Indian Hindu Eid =Indian Muslims Eid !!? these Udaipur Hindu +Indian Muslim start to attack on me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , up to abused level +by one Bohara =Indian Muslim like community ,who have shop in Bapu Bazar –Stationary shop from there I am buying All stationary items from past 9 months ,he also like to abuse my brain when some foreigner is coming of some Hindu police is passing through his shop and I am standing there = !! by torture up abused levl from 2009 Jan to till now !!?? b’se I did support Pakistan army +Government those are doing Hard work against Terrorism from past Jan 2009 to till now , even from 2001 to 2009 Jan also !! given gift to Bush Jr 600 Al-Quida ,live from Afghan –Pakistan border !!?? But pointing thing is India have 37 Ahinsapuri ,23 AA kishan pole ,167 Loha bazaar Udaipur Raj India, like Indian Muslims !! those have one Dr Agwani , who is getting promotion in jobs =in Hindu diplomacy =By Indian Politician ,those are under r world top 100 corrupt high level political nation !!?? who one work to tell all possible wrong about Pakistan government all policies =Local plus foreign ,and he living in India with respect , with promotion ,good salaries from past 1950 to till now 2009 !! and live also !! as he is doing abused to , Pakistan Muslims , Pakistan government , Pakistan policies , =its all work at UN ,USA ,EU from 1947 to till now !!?? that why he got best Hindu awards =Padama Bhusan =Padam award , Rajiv Gandhi , !!?? from Indian Politician =where 82% Hindu are living =1260 millions population as he is Indian Muslim ,he like to stay in India in 1942-1947 after all communal Hindu Muslims riots ,murder , looting !!?? So !!?? his birth 1924 !!?? while Dr Agwani have 67% in BA from , and due to this he have Gold medal , And he have 66% in MA -Political science here also due to this he have gold medal from !! while Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A have 70% Physics BSc from ,and 68% Chemistry BSc from !! so I have to face Hindu Terrorist , Hindu ,Secular !! = from 1991 to till now !!?? as 70% and 68% are less then 66% !!??
As this Bohara =Indian Muslim like community is filling his stomach in This Udaipur city =Hindu nation =Hindu nation =Secular !! where Hindu customers also coming other religion customer also coming !!?

(12-e) Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .
I like to mention one point here UK -Police shoot +Hang two Hindus =Chanadra Shekar , Baghat singh , for India they were real Hindu ,But for UK Police they were militants !!?? that why they died !! same way Mr. Narandra Modi , Naven Patnayak , Rao =Gujarat ,Orissa ,Karnataka , Chhatisgarh Chief minister are Real Hindu for India , so they have power to legally rule india as Chief ministers again and again !! But for international people they are Hindu criminals =Hindu terrorist !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 23-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,

The US Administrative nudging india to closed its consulates =embassy in Afghanistan , at Jalalabad , Herat , as US Found that India =RAW is involving to destabilized to US –Pakistan war \Against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,and destabilizing Afghan –Pakistan relation ,it found that India is using its consulates at to Jalaabad , Heart , to provoke terrorism activities in Pakistan By use of these area afghan !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 24-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India .

While USA =develop nation =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !! it all approved by USA Congress !! while in india Assam 30 years ,Kashmir 30 years , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Life forced unemployed by Hindu terrorist ,from 1999 to 2009 ,and Orissa 2008 , christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 genocide ,Chhtisgarh 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 genocides approved by Hindu Congress at these states + New Delhi !! the difference between developed christen nation =USA and Hindu Nation =india !! Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 24-09-2009 Udaipur raj india ,

I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
I selected for three =3 Jobs in Gulf=International Jobs ,from 1996 to 1998 (1) Oman copper Industries Co , S.A.O.G ,1996 , They offered me salary =~15,000 Indian rupees per month + free furnished accommodation +food free , they send me VISA +Air ticket ,at my home address But my former wife stopped me, b’se she was Teacher in Rajasthan government +our marriage that time pas out only 8 months !(we divorced in 2001 ) ,2nd interview telegram from NAMA =Saudi government =Arabian industrial development company ,on 1998 , Pl my , 3rd interview & international selection in Abdullah Hashim Gas company , in 1997 they offer me ~29,000 Indian rupees per month . ! I want to mention one special thing that here my interview was taken director of chemistry division who was from Pakistan and manager ,Hindus from south india , they taken my interview for 30 minutes , director of chemistry div asked me many questions concern depth of Gas chromatography , he shown me many problems diagrams concern Gas chromatography problems asked me the all possible solutions , he asked me 20 question with diffract problems in GC , and all possible answers , as I given 96% true answers , he select me on the spot it self , and
Asked me to Join the company , this I mention that in all interview at india there should be one Pakistani , Arabic Chemistry ,physics, engineering person should be there , so that it will be good for person like me =Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A =Minority , if he was not there then that south Indian manager was taken south Indian person on this Job also !!??
Pl I did not got any Job in Indian private chemical industries =Tata ,Birla ,Reliance ,++Any privet chemical industries +Indian Government petrochemical company +Indian government chemical company from 1980 to 2009 =Birth to till now !! it tell me that There is , Reservation for Hindu only !! or they like to cut ,Minorities ,OBCs ,ST/SC jobs offer just by looking there names !! Like me =Ruhel Chistry it look like christen !! now time to start Pure –Minorities ,OBCs ,STs, SCs industries ,where only these people will work & will got ownerships & all management post will be with them only !! & they can given jobs to Hindu Crème layer & middle creamy layer to 50% Hindu Population !! Sir when 27% Reservation to OBCs was given in 1990 =Social justice & affirmative action plan =this was opposed by FICCI =the federation of Indian chamber of commerce and industries & Also opposed By ASSOCHAM= Association chamber of commerce and industries ! P- 148 ,ISBN:81-7835-270-2(Vol 3) ,
Pl Note I was not got job in Any Private industries which is member of these organization in india ! these Indian industries shave 100% reservation for Hindus only ! =creamy layer middle creamy layer Hindus ! & these are Just 20-50% % of Indian pollution ! it tell that india is for Hindu only ! & all benefits for Hindu like Modi =15=10+5 years chief minister Gujarat ! Atal Bihari Vajpayee +Lal Krishan Advanni =Prime minister & Vice PM of india 10 years ! & these are those who did kill many Humen from minorities ! By Riots & riots only !! & these are controller of FICCI & ASSOCHAM !!
Notable thing that when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Give interview for gulf companies he have 98% successful results , But when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Given interview to India companies s=Hindu companies he did not selected =100% fail result ,that why I did not like to give any interview to Indian =Hindu =Secular from 2003 to till now =6 ,bse its wasting of time plus to get tension only to meet Indian +Hindu !!?? while see Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Georgia , Norway ,Sweden , Australia , Libya , morocco + Poland , Malaysia ,Ukraine , Kazakhstan ,Ireland , these all got freedom in 1950,1970 ,1990 era , they have there own Religion scientist , chemical industries , Banks , Space ,defense ++++ they all were slave of UK ,or France , OR Portugal !!?? but they believe on there brain ,human power , they do not think like Hindu =Indian =secular !!??
While I found that Hindu territories =RAW, IB ,MI, CID-Rajputana ,Innovation are FK Nayak , Guddi , Kishan pole street Indian Muslims =support for Own ,benefit to Hindu world night torture 0,160,220 cps with support of Satellite technology=with Hindu terrorists =RAW,IB,MI from 1991 to till now 2009 15th September !!?? actually these are Genetic Hindu only !! like father of Pakistan Jinna was genetically Kashmiri Brahmin =Hindu !!??
Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO , Now Not allowing me to apply Direct company job like =Chemist Analytical development , QC Chemist at,= ,, Saudi Arabia ,As they did NOT -keep any Indian HR agent as Mediator= third party , here they will directly came india will take interview +will provide selection letter +Visa ,air ticket !! and this Hindu Terrorist do not want that HR Agents money should go from poor Hindu nation ! it Hindu want that HR agents should be there and RAW,IB,MI will ask him to follow Hindu Norms –Atal ,Dr Manmohan Singh Norms =not to give Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A resume +selection letter to Gulf =ME Company !!??
I like to recommended that after Pakistan solid ,honest work on war against Taliban ,Al Quida from Jan 2009 to till now , ME =Gulf all companies should hire Pakistani also in Jobs in equal % then Indian !!?? 50% jobs to Pakistani +50% Jobs to Indian !!??
Pl I have with me still all telegrams +courier +Fax +VISA +Air tickets ! till 1998

(V) Sir in 2007 Justice Krashnavatti commission report ,came on 1993 Mumbai riots and blast he give 600 – 700 pages report

With audio records ,video records , different high level literate victims recording , where he mention the Telephonic recording police officials of Riots area ,how they were provoking to rioters to destroy the minorities home ,business , to do riots ,and kill

Live recording from BSNL -=Indian government telephone data that is only in all Mumbai police stations ,he open the action of shiv sena ,BJP ,RSS ,VHP ,Bdal involvement in riots !!?? involvement of congress party few ministries also in riots !!?? he given proof of Video recording did by victims =international channels =CNN,BBC + other ,TV Channels , News papers !! But that whole report reached to Maharastra Government ,that is controlled by Congress party ,Shard pavar party = which have soft corner with Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena !! so till now noting happened to those all police officers , means they did not terminated from jobs !!?? none of Shiv Sena ,Other party leader get caught and put behind bar then terminated from Ministry + political power !! none of congress party leader get terminated from congress party membership +put behind bar !!?? while Justice Krashnavatti is Padama Bhusan Awardees , he was chief Justice of three states of India ,he start his career as Jury only !!?? his name is in few of highest honest jury !!?? while this report reached to Dr Manmohan Singh =prime minister of India ,Ms Sonia Gandhi also !! but noting happened !!?? b'se congress party is based on Shard pavar party ministers in MH =Maharastra and to be in rule !! and Shard pavar do not want to take any action against Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena +BJP +RSS +VHP !! So !!???
while Mumbai riots taken 2000 human life ,maximum loss of Mumbai minorities =Christen +Muslims !! there business ,there jobs , career there home !!?? total effected was 80000 to 140000 people !!?? I think this Justice Krashnavatti commission report 2007 also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ??? while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about them as Its Hindu nation !!?? and All Police officer =HINDU are still working in India !! as they are Hindu and supporting riots to kill minorities !! Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi are Top leader due to Hindu only !! Secular !!?? and UN ,USA ,EU ,ME =Gulf should accept these secular Leaders !! from India =Hindu nation =Secular !!?? but Sonia Gandhi have to take action basically she is Christen ,and pass some part of life in Foreign from birth !!?? that time she was honest !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,


sir I know Ex CBI- Chief =RAW =IB =Indian intelligence officials ,who finished -all proofs , those were - at crime places & given to CBI -By Victims by thinking the safest place of Indian earth !!? , those were against Lal Krishan Advanni &Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Uma Bharii ,Sadavii Ritium Bharaa ++ , those provoke to lot of Hindu- Muslim riots & murder in form 1989 to 1993 !in whole india ,at Open conferences ,at many places in india & UP &Delhi &Rajasthan !!? due to Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri mosque case ! in 1994-1998 He =CBI Chief , was –awarded, as Member of National human right commission= ! by ,that time , Prime minister-India (BJP) , (Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee) in 2002 , Pl note these riots taken ~2500 human life +~1 lacks home less & ~4 Million Career less & future less !! & made cases like me=Ruhel –Chistry & & made whole Indian Hindu high communal & few criminal brain , Indian- minorities, got -offer from BJP to made Progress of life on cost of Minorities life it self !! ?=As My street Kishan pole –Udaipur –Raj 313001 people !! I think I think this also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ???

(X) While I know that =thalka magazine ,editor open by hidden video - recording of fact that how Mr. Jorge Franardish ( former Defense minister of BJP ) and Mr. .Y.Mishra was involved in 5000 corer= 50 Billion Indian rupees defense corruption , thalka magazine ,editor did open this hidden video recording at all Leading nation TV news =Zee News ,Star TV += in 2001 -2002 , there were 4-5 ministers also involved there , 4-5 Defense official also involved in this ,but what happened after that

Mr. Jorge Franardish did not given resign from his defense minister posts , + other ministers also + Defense officials also did not resign !! while these people put local police + army intelligence against Athalka magazine ,editor +put him in economic ban !! force to all other news media +business man do not support him +give him money !! he face high economic torture to 3.5 years continuous !! b'se he did work against BJP Ruled party ministers in 2001 -2005!!??

(XI) while india's 80 MPs=Member of parliament have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++

Same way 180 to 1800 MLA =of different states have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++

But they are political leaders in india ,and have all benefits of power +money + respected + ++ and cases going on in Indian courts for which people are telling that there are corrupt juries ,corrupt advocates !!?? while for these MP ,MLA Indian police is lay down ,Indian IB is lay down ,Indian defense is lay down !!Maximum of this MP ,MLAare Hindus !!?? these Indian are telling me from past 8 years that these people have some e-letter to do some crime from me !! with out my e-signature + with out international laws and order they did not show me that email till now !! and these Indian have full support from ME =Gulf two countries =Dubai ,KSA !!

Pl, Delhi/UP- Police ,have few -video Records ,as proof at Supreme court of india against Lal Krishan Advaani ,Uma Bharti , Vinayak Katariya ,! ,who was provoking to Riots ,Murder ! to huge population in 1989 to 1992 !& which did action & that month ~2,000 riots ,kill ,murder taken place ! But with in few years ,all these Video- proof s ! thieves from Supreme court ! Sir this news was came in -Leading news paper of india , so Lal Krishan Advaani became Vice Prime minister of india ! Ruhel Chisty ! A fact of Indian laws and order +its way of common - life ! & Concern me , Pl till today ,I did not got any letter from Government why & what & till what ! this Inhuman-action on me !? even no Courier=Fed Ex ,UPS , DHL , I got !? concern this case ,even that email (with out my signature ) which have by Dubai IB ,RAW ,IB ,KSA-IB !!
Sir , We seen that USA >60 % people given vote against Bush Jr =President ,concern War on Iraq !! & now >57% people are against Bush foreign affair policies =Iraq ++ other to send more 20,000 troops++ !! !! it came on BBC world News channel it self !! means USA People given lesson to Bush with in 2.5 years !! while my case is going on from 1999 & 2000 &2001 & 2003 &2004 &2005 &2006 &2007 !! But these south Indian = ME=Gulf living south india have some e- letter (with out my signature ) , these people living - graph will not fall down, these people self respect graph did not fall down b'se they are Indian living in ME=-Gulf !!?? will get name from Indian democracy !!?? b'se these people are least people ,not like USA people those are literate ,best ,good then all world people , those are quick decider !! even Ms Sarah Palin is telling abused words about Barack Obama , but after second live discussion , Barack Obama graph rise , and it will continuous ,From 59% of total Votes to 68% total votes in favor of Barack Obama .at final election level they =USA voter did not count Ms Sarah Palin abused words !!??

Please if you see the Indian president 2002 March , (Dalit ,Keralite president ) he did not sent Indian army to kill rioters ,those were doing genocides in Gujarat !! he sent army after 3 days of genocide completed !! same was in 1984 Sikh genocides =Sikh riots !! that time president was also did not sent any army in new Delhi +other place of india !!??

Loop holes in Charge sheet =4528 pages , made and submit in Mumbai High court , by ATS-MH=Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , concern Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group . The explosive instrument used was IED =Improvised explosive device ,(Notable thing is this also used by Al-Quida in Iraq ,from past 2001 to till now to kill innocent Iraqi ) and explosives are RDX , Ammonium nitrate , ammonium nitrite , = All terror blast =train in Mumbai , serial blast in Mumbai, banglor ,UP ,New Delhi serial blast , lasted 2008 bomb blast also !! =,they used urea ,ammonium nitrate + sharp nails =Metal nails !!+other chemical ,

Now Loop Holes :
(1) ATS Mumbai ,did not touch =interrogate ,the Himani Saverkar ,who did married with Mahatma Gandhi Murder family person ,who is near daughter of Saverkar one of founder of RSS =Hindu terrorist group , she is clearly saying in open conferences that reply bomb is only bomb !!??
(2) ATS Mumbai did not touch =interrogate , Abhinav Bharat Group , which
ATS Given videos talk of this group members taking about , bomb explosions in India ,destroy Indian democracy, these people were doing open talk to produce hate against Indian constitute in Hindu Youth of India +NRI, only that part of Indian constitute which supporting Indian minorities , and hate against Indian democracy which supporting Indian minorities !!??
(3) Abhinav Bharat Group , are taking about the Hindu Army Rule in India, and ATS Given 2000 pages proofs ,videos recordings , against Abhinav Bharat Group those were taking conferences , meeting like these talks !
(4) But ATS Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , Did not taken any step to counter and put them in Court and jails after open trails !!??\
(5) ATS =MH, left , the groups of Indian army officers ,those are working ,and retired ,concern , involvement in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blasts !!!?? these groups of Indian army officers intension is clear to make Hindu Nation on behalf of kill ,murder ,bomb blasts ++
(6) ATS –MH also Left , (1) Ramesh Sivajee Upadhaya , Raikar = former Indian army official , he was commanded in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune , he given this place to train the Hindu terrorist for Bomb explosions in India , (7) ATS –MH also Left one more former Indian army officer =Sanat Kumar Bhatee , He was also involved in these bomb blasts ,
(8) ATS –MH , And ATS Pune taken hand ,to open the complete link between the Indian army and these bomb blasts in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .
(9) ATS Given clean chits to all Indian army officials , ATS taken them as only witness !?
(10) while ATS –MH And pune attend the special training from these mention Indian army officials !?
(11) ATS –MH,Pune left ,the two times BJP Member of parliament = Cornel Dhar and Delhi based one doctor = RP Singh , those were supporting to make new nation like Abhinav Bharat , these people were active member of these things !!
(12) ATS –MH ,Pune keep mum on link with these two , Cornel Dhar and RP Singh , + Abhinav Bharat Group , with other BJP Leaders those are political powerful !!??
(13) ATS –MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of cornel Purohit , =Indian army official ,concern which , ATS –MH ,Pune given video recording in that he was telling , (14) ATS MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of people working in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune and Akanssha resorts where the Hindu terrorist trainings were taken place !!?? and ATS –MH,Pune shown very politeness on these two organizations !!??
While this nation voter =millions , promoted Mr. Modi as Gujarat ruler =Chief minister for 2003-2008 then 2008 to 2013 !! two more terms !! whose Ministers ,Police officer were openly accused for 2002 Gujarat genocide !!
Now Naveen Patnayak given again one more term for Chief minister , In Orissa ,who was chief minister of Orissa 2008 ,when Christen genocide taken place !! Where victims of genocide still getting threat from Criminals ,genociders ,raper ,police officers !! Please note it tell that Indian Voters are Maximum Hindus those like to do Orrisa 2008 ,Christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka Christen genocide ,2002 Gujarat genocide and they are electing again that Government which protected genocider ,criminals ,raper, again election that Police officers those did support in all these High level human crime !! notable thing is these voters are in millions population !! these are concentrate Hindus ,these are crime lover ,these genocide lover ,in my view these voter are Taliban ,these are terror !!?? note Indian 50 million to 60 million voter love BJP =Genocider of christen ,Muslims !! and its when India is member of UN All branches ,its in 2100 Era !! ??
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
Note : In My view ,FBI ,Interpol ,UN Anti terror branch= CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, UNODC ,Europol ,should take all Data ,proofs ,from Indian government ,concern Hindu terrorism !! and these international anti terror organizations will get the ways of Hindu terror probes !!??
should ask to Indian government to permit for interrogate to Lt colonel Parsad Purohit + Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia + LK Advani + ,at least they will able to know that is Hindu terrorism !! how smart these people are !!? what is definitions of Hindu terrorism if you do investigation in India only against Hindu terrorism !! Ruhel at least they will get the range and tactics of this Hindu terror !!?? Ruhel Date 03-01-2009 while I like to mention here that ATS - Anti terror squad –Maharastra , public prosecutor =Ajay Misar lodge a complain in Sarkarwada Police station that on 16th Nov 2008 ,that he got one threat
At his phone , from Hindu terror group , for him and for ATS Chief = Hemant Karkare ,who got killed in 26/11 Mumbai terror attack just 9 days later !!??
While on 13th Jan 2009 , Hubbali- WB , press conference ,the northern range , Inspector general of police , =Mr Ragvandra Oradcar , given , speech that behind , Hubbali –Court Bomb blast ,on may 2008 , there was Hindu terrorist ,not SIMI !! while in may 2008 there was Karnataka Election ,and BJP taken full benefit to win ,maximum seats !! b’se BJP try to prove that these Bomb blast did by Indian minorities !!?? the man find behind this blast was =Nagraj Gangabi , he was PA of one Concentrate Hindu politician , they found nine =9 other Hindu terrorist in link this !!??
Ramesh Pavaar , Ling Raj Jalagar , ++, While this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi was member of Shri Ram Sena ,who is doing attacks on girls and boys ,at Pubs = high society - Bar at Banglour now a days they did attack on three pubs =bar !!?? this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi is very closed to Pramod Mutallik founder of Shri Ram sena ,who is Like Praveen Togadia of Karnataka !!?? the full other part can be found at The Indian express, Only one news paper of India who is writing against Hindu terror !!Only one !!?? from all news papers ,news media ,includes NDTV , this news channel is not allowed in Udaipur –RAJ , B’se here all Channels providers are from BJP=RSS=VHP=Bdal =Hindu terror wings !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 06-02-2009 , while this state police (all) is still in link ,getting order from former BJP=RSS Home minister (2003 -2008) =Gulab Chand Kataria (2003-2008) !!??
Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(b) while it found and discussed in Indian -parliament ,Rajya sabha ,by Members of parliament that 29 September , two -bomb blasts at Malegaon (Maharastra ) and Modasa ( Gujarat ) done by Hindu hardliners =Bajrangdal and Hindu Jagran Manch ,the probed reached to RSS Student wig= ABVP= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad , both blast taken place simultaneously , at two different places , (its all bomb blasts after the Banglour , Ahemdabd , Delhi bomb blasts ) they used RDX to do these bomb blasts !! Pleased note it !!!??
while it found that , SanatKumar Rajvithal Bhate , trained 115 Hindu activates ,to do bomb blasts ,from gelatin ,And RDX !! He got 300 gelatins ,from Bhosale Military school Nasik ,Pune ,
it found that these Hindu Hardliner put two motorcycles (1) at SIMI Office at Malegaon (Maharastra ) (2) At Modasa ( Gujarat ) they put with the Islamic sticker , and forensic investigator found that it attempt to mislead them , the motorcycles used were LML-Freedom and these Hindu hardliner , these people used main frame ,and engine ,from two different vehicles . and they erased the engine number , chassis number , but after forensic method it found that these numbers were , of Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur , which was registered at Surat RTO –Gujarat =Number = GJ 05 BR 1920 ,
While these Hindu terrorist used fake number plate but it was , on her name , Pragya Singh Thakur ,this was not sold ,and thief And second motorcycle was on name of =ABVP person ,who is running NGO in Indore =MP (Madhya Pradesh) –India , P-1,P-4 24 October ,2008 The Indian express ) the Malegaon (Maharastra ) bomb blast
taken six humen life , its taken place when 20,000 =twenty thousand Indian minorities were gathered at they holy time !! now surprised thing is national level political leader , Uma Bharti of BJS =Bharatis Bhartiya Janshakti Party , offer to Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur ,her party ticket ,form Mahdaya Pardesh =MP ,for MLA Election = political leader of India !!?? its when Pragya Singh Thakur is in police custody , with Maharastra Anti terror squad , this thing did not stop here BJP president also support her = Pragya Singh Thakur !!!?? P- 4, 31 October ,2008 ,The Indian express .
while it found that her father was RSS –worker !!?? while ATS = Anti terror squad have proof against her as her motorcycle ,and her 400 minutes conversation with Shyam Bhavarlal Sahu !!!?? after these all this offer to her are there !!??? =offer for MLA Election,from BJP president !!?? Ruhel date 30-12-2008 –Udaipur –raj India . Sir I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in india !!?? while about these all probes my view is that India is Hindu nation and what I seen the result of Justice Nanavatti committee report on Gujarat 2002 genocide !! it tell me that like this all probes are complex !! and its when Hindu terror name came it very typical to get 100% truth ,from Hindu police officials it self against Hindu terror !! its very rare and typical !!!??? Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 .
It open by Maharastra Police that Hindu terrorist Rajesh Dhavade (Malegaon Bomb accused) ,got training on Make Bomb ,by two chemistry -Hindu professors , from Pune , based Narsujee Vadiya college , professors names are Dr Sharad Kuntee (he was former VHP –head at Pune city) ,and Dr Dav , these two chemistry -Hindu professors teach them to make pipe –bombs , it also found that one more ABVP active Mr. Sameer Kulkanii ,who was involved in Jabalpur –MP ,riots ,he was main accused to provoke to riots !!?? ABVP= RSS Student wig= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad !!??Ruhel Date 30-12-2008 .
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??

While Made in india =Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report , concern Base of Gujarat 2002 genocide ! = Godhara –train case ! =
The LOOP HOLES of this report= Justice Nanavatti –Mehta report ,
(1) This commission made by Mr Narandara Modi it self =BJP=RSS ,6 years ago !!??
(2) There is no witness of , who burn Train =Godhara Train 2002 ,
(3) There was 200 total witness none of given talk ,proof to court that Train burn by Muslim -gathered !!??
(4) No body know ,that train was having Hindu car sevak , except BJP=RSS people ,even Gujarat government official -do not know !!
(5) Train was more then 5= more then five hours late , if any plan was there it was easily failed due to unlimited late train =that is also more then 5 hours !!?? it also tell that criminal were related to done Party only !!??
(6) Commission told that train Westuval was cut ,if it was cut then why , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission do not kept it as proof ,and sold to Kabadi = used thing buyer !!??
(7) During Court talk ,it proved by 200 witness that , train was stop by pulling it chain and it stop by Car sevak only ,b’s e few car sevak was left on station it self !!??
(8) Forensic experts , given proof that , by calculation by height of Train track and height of train window it is not possible to throw petrol like that in train !!??
(9) It is not east to cut Westuval of train with in few time !!??
(10) This Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission ignored many very important witness !!??
(11) While in 2002 the rail minister was Nitish Kumar =BJP Supporter that’s why he did not given any , investigation from railway official +railway police officer !!??
(12) There is no ,any record of justice UC Benarjee report in , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report !!?? While its very important !!??
(13) Justice Nanavatti –Mehta refused to take investigation of Narandara Modi = why !!?? this commission made many dual talk about , why ,burn train !!??
(14) while one honest - Police officer = RB Shri Kumar told to commission that he is getting threat from criminal that if he told true then he will loose the life !!? and this honest police office given record - proof of that threat telephone call in court also !!?? that also ignored by Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission = Mr Narandara Modi made =RSS=BJP Made !!??
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(a) Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
while its well known that mahatma Gandhi was killed by RSS person =Nathuram Godsae , a Marathi guy !!?? and Australian father Graham steen and kids=Christen ,murder and killer to live burn them = Dara Singh is Bajrang Dal person !!?? while Darasingh , lawyer was , brother of BJP Leader =Dealip singh Judev , who taken case of Hindu terrorist who was killer of three human ,Australian christen ,his case taken for free him by BJP Leader brother !!!?? Now BJP =RSS is telling that they will provide lawyer to Sadhvii Pragya Singh Thakur , !! while in India there is no rights for fake - framed Indian Muslim for terrorism !!?? but BJP is supporter of Hindu terrorist for Hindu lawyer in India !!!??
Kanpur UP –India ,two =2 ,Bajrang dal Person got killed during making bomb at home and many other got injured , Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps , (c) in Bhunashvar –India also one BJP leader kid and his friends were captured by police during making bomb CBI Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps !!!??? (d) in Karnataka =Danavgeer ,also there were attack on Indian christen taken place , , by VHP= RSS ,Bajrang Dal people ,and local police did directly support of this , and this local police made fake cases on 16 fathers =christen –holy people , and local police did not made single FIR against RSS ,BJP people ,while VHP,Bajrang Dal people taken directly responsibility of these attacks in front of media ,and local media ,as there is BJP is in power =ruling Karnataka, these VHP,Bajrang Dal people destroy the churches ,destroy the Jesus stachu ,
On 14 September 2008 , the VHP ,Bajrang Dal people attack on church at manglor the burn Bible , once nun called police ,police asked many question to nuns ,like is there =nun organizations in international ,is they are getting money from foreign !!!?? they =police did not taken any action against VHP, Bajrang Dal people ,one more incident in Karnataka , permuunar , Sant Sabsteen church , huge christen people were gathered there , suddenly Bajrang Dal ,VHP people came there , and start to through stones ,and brutally beaten to nuns ,father , and local police also directly support these Hidutava groups , the burn bible , destroy mother marry stachu , while one more incident , at Kodral church , there local police brutally beaten to nuns ,father plus school kids which is near to church and beaten to one 72 years old lady !!! Karnataka chief minister is Mr BS Yeddyurappa ,he refused to ban Bajrangdal !!??these all tell that BJP is sees it self at next ruling party in centre =new Delhi –HQ , Bajrang Dal have its branches called as Sri ram sena , now Bajrang Dal is planning to made Hindu suicide squad , there will be training to youth for die on cost of Hindu nation =Nationalist !!!?? these people will get training from Hindu police officials , Hindu Army officials, these things told by Pramod Mutalik ,head of Sri ram sena = Bajrang Dal !!! P -5, 22 September 2008 ,,=The Indian express ,
e) while in Rajasthan also ,my living place =birth state , after jaipur bomb blast Home minister of Rajasthan Order to police , to torture Indian Muslim ,bangala speaking people , and attack on Indian christen also taken place example are Jodhpur ,Bayavar , Its all to get Hindu votes as 5 states - election were very near , and at last BJP got win in two states =MP=Madhya Pradesh ,Zharkhand !!! this all movement was to make Hindu India !!?? Ruhel date 23-12-2008 –Udaipur –Raj India while in Udaipur –Raj India =whole Rajasthan all Jain =Baniya and Marvadii , have good support to BJP=RSS =VHP =Bajrangdal by money ,plus other !!??
While in Rajasthan , 3 October 2008, at Dungarpur Raj India , BJP ,Bajrang Dal ,VHP people , did destroy and burn the Indian minorities shops (only shops ) to destroy there economic foundation , the maximum loss was 50=40+10 lacks to Dr Kurashi ,dental clinic ,
While in Andrapradesh –India , VHP=Bajrang Dal people did live burn of 6 =5+1 =six ,Indian Muslim, it included 3 kids ,one woman ,two man , its was incident of 10 October 2008 , these all were just before Indian state elections so that ,so that Indian 80% Hindu vote change to BJP=RSS=VHP=Bajrang Dal !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
(1) Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,
While ATS –Pune , put cheating , forgery cases on Lt Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit , he did forged document for weapon ,and did made fake ARMY- ID =ARMY Identification Card , for Chaturvedi , who was active member of Abhinav Bhart ,=a group who tell bomb reply is bomb !!?? it found that he given proofs that he and Chaturvedi did attends all meetings , leading up to Bomb blasts , up to Malegaon bomb blast !!??

Sir Bajrangdal is Hindu –Al-Quida , (its to kill Indian minorities only ) ,and VHP=is Hindu LeT (Lakshre Toiba ) to kill Indian minorities only !!)) Ruhel Date 27-12-2008
While MH Chief minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh told for ATS –Pune , that why LK Advani , and several BJP Leaders , asking to change the present ATS- Anti terrorist wing –Pune, and conduct judicial inquire into , charge made by Sadvi Pragya singh Thakur , !!!?? while ATS was carrying in to its probe , with out POTA , TADA which was made by BJP !!?? and used on innocent Indian Muslim +other !!??
While BJP future prime minister of India =LK Advani meet national security Adviser ,MK Narayana , and intelligence bureau director , PC Halder concern sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur !!?? while national security Adviser ,MK Narayana told him that he will look into !!??
I want all type of terrorist groups should be ban and killed !! it tell that USA,EU ,UN should ban and kill to RSS ,VHP=Bdal those killing only innocent Indian minorities = crime against humanity !! while Islamic terrorist are killing only innocent USA ,Israeli and other western people= crime against humanity !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While the reality of Indian Law enforcement system can be understand by these points :
(1) Justice Krishna commission report = concern 1989-1993 Mumbai riots , and role of Mumbai Police in Riots , they given video ,Audio , personal interview with victims +recording to telephonic talks +mobile talk of police officers ,ministers =mainly from BJP ,Shiv Sena ,all were telling that How Mumbai Police was involved in to provoke Riots ,and fully support of Mumbai Hindu Mainly Martha !! these happened b’se there was no minority Police offer was in Job that time all police officer was Hindus !! and fully like to kill minorities Life ,business ,Home + allowed to Hindu rioter to do kill and rape ~!! ?? this Justice was proved alone Laws and order person who given truth about whole 1989 to 1993 Mumbai riots !!!?? he given the telephone records of Mumbai police officers and ministers those were at work that time and in power that time !!?? these all proofs are with National minority commission ,National human right commission !! he given these proof 4 years back till now none of that Police officer get terminated put behind the bar !! put on then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? and same way none of Hindu Ministers +few Minority ministers , put behind the Bar + then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? that time in Mumbai Shiv Sena –BJP was ruling !!?? while from past 5 years Mumbai Have Congress party ,its allies are ruling !! noting happened to , riot provoker Police officers +ministers put behind the bar + serious charges !!?? Ruhel Date 25-09-2009 Udaipur-Raj India 313001. ,
while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about them as Its Hindu nation !!??

(2) While the reality of Gujarat, 2002 March riots ,genocide , the Laws enforcement independent agencies try ot got Telephonic ,mobile talk records of Gujarat police officers ,ministers, but they were not able to get ,even they reached to supermen court get order aloes !!?? till now they did not get any telephonic ,mobile ,recodes of Gujarat police ,ministers those were enveloped in this genocide !!?? b’se Modi used his power ,to fail all system of records !! they told they destroy the records ,due to instrument fault !!??
(3) These all things tell that Home Minister of India is indirectly supporter of HINDU nation where these things will be consider as normal !!?? and this nation have all rights for Hindus only weather they are Narandara Modi ,weather they are LK Advani ,weather they are Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,whether they are Mumbai police officer , weather they are Mumbai police officers and ministers in 1989 to 1993 ,weather they are Gujarat 2002 march time police officers and ministers !!??

Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj 313001 India.
While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,with use of providing money to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by ??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While I can understand from my real life ,that Indian IB,MI,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,did not allowed single
Indian minorities ,in Physics ,Engineering ,Chemistry , at international Jobs , higher degrees , even it tell these MI,IB ,RAW means these people killed 10000, to 20 lacks =20,00000 intelligent brains of Assam ,Kashmir , those can be good physicist ,engineers ,chemists but there brain got killed by MI,IB,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,
B’se they are minorities of this nation , even may be few of them have publications like me at USA ,EU ,Canada, Germany , but this nation =India did not allowed them to get good degree ,jobs future in EU ,USA !!?? May be there names also used by this Hindu rich nation to get technology ,from USA defense ,NASA !!?? to got rise in DRDO ,ISRO ,IITs ,IISc !!?? it also tell that may be MI , did make fake –internet cases on them , put them in fake criminal activities , on these all innocent physicist ,engineers ,chemist b’se they are Indian minorities !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on October 2008 , Justice Sacher committee received first reply , concern , number of Muslim employee in IIM-A,IIM-C,BHU,NCMEI ( National commission fro minorities educational institute , ) , NIIE =National institute industrial engineering ,ut told following facts =
IIM-A have following grades =classes = Grade A , 3 Minority from 30 , grade B =Class B , 8 Minority ,from 76 , grade C =Class =15 minority ,from 161 , class D =Grade D, zero minority ,from 94,
IIM-C have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 =ZERO Minority from 85 , grade B =Class B , 2 Minority ,from 48 , grade C =Class =6 minority ,from 126 , class D =Grade D, 11 minority ,from 87,
BHU have following grades =classes = Grade A , 83 Minority from 1465, grade B =Class B , 6 Minority ,from 185, grade C =Class =124 minority ,from 2008, class D =Grade D, 24 minority ,from 2544,
NCMEI have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 Minority from 4 grade B =Class B , 4 Minority ,from 6 grade C =Class =1 minority ,from 5, class D =Grade D, 1 minority ,from 6,
NIIE have following grades =classes = Grade A , 1 Minority from 54 grade B =Class B , 1 Minority ,from 25 grade C =Class =0 minority ,from 128, class D =Grade D, 5 minority ,from 114

While Assam university have , 6 minority employee out of 245 !!!???
This is the first report get by Justice Sacher committee ,now other department report will came later on !! one by one !!??
Its first impact , of Justice Sacher committee is the start of minorities scholarships ,( Christen ,Muslim ,Sikh ,Parsis ,Buddhists)
India’s following states given the scholarships to minorities students ( at IIT’s ,IIM’s ,NIFT, SPA , Medical college ,Regional engineering college ,Universities +++) ,
Kerla given = 29,380 minorities scholarships , they got 14 X100000 applications , UP –Mayavatti , given 67,420 minorities scholarships ,they got 10.5 X100000 applications , West Bengal –Where communist are ruling ,given , 44,460 minorities scholarships They got 7.5 X100000 application, Karnataka –where BJP is ruling ,given , 16,640 minorities scholarships ,they got , 2X10,0000 applications , Tamil Nadu ,(DMK Ruling ) they given , 15,340 minorities scholarships ,they got 3X100000 applications ,
While on date 14-04-2009 ,Hindu ISI Hacked my membership web at SABIC Network , for which I got Accepted by its ambassador , on date 13-04-2009 ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While recently , in UP =Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Bajerdeeha , UP Hindu police did open fire , with out warning ,and with out stick attack ,and with out tearing gas , on Indian Muslims , 11 march 2009 , they did not only killed Indian Muslim but also put 500 serious cases on 500 Indian Muslim ,=IPC 307 , =Indian panel court , 307 ,the cause was also done by Hindu only they used to throw Color on Their mosque , from past 10 years on every Holi =Hindu religion festival , even they =Indian Muslim are complaining from past 10 years at all level !!?? and there is not Hindu home near mosque , in this firing two Indian Muslim got killed ,10 serious injured !!?? the police officer name are =Shamsheer Bahdur Singh , the BJP leaders behind this name are =Durga Babu Lal Khurdia , his son Rajkumar , b’se from Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Murlee Mahnohar Joshi is BJP –leader for this 2009 election !!?? and RSS want Religious riots in UP and Varanasii , to win the election on basis of Hindutava and Hindu Rights !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from EU –Command ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 29-05-2009 Time : 10:05 AM
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 30-05-2009 Time : 10:25 AM , Its=MI,IB,RAW ,CID , thinking that whole world like Hindus And want be part of these all activities what I mention !! Ruhel
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

While Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim employees in IITs , IIT-B.IIT-K,IIT-D,IIT-M,IIT-G, are as follows ,
Zero= Grade A in three IITs , 1 one = Grade B in Three IITs . 6 six=, Grade C , three IITs , 12 = Grade D in three IITs ,
Ruhel Chisty Date 10-04-2009 , while , you can understand the Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim Students percentage in These IITs !!??
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was among top two !!
Neuro science and corrupt Humen rich city and nation !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!??

The Hindu Police Gujarat , did Two Fake encounters of 4-16 Innocent Indian Minorities
And proved that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba Terrorist want to kill, Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??

These Fake encounters done by Anti terrorist Squad Gujarat + Higher police official of Gujarat ,
It open By , metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, submit 246 Pages report to High court MH ,SP New Delhi , after conducting enquire under section 176 ,of the CrPC ,
on fake encounters of 19 years old Student =Ishrat Jahan from Maharatra student at Guru Nanak Khalsa College ,Maharastra , + Prenesh Palli + Javed Shaikh –MH , , these all kidnapped By , Ahamdabad-Gujarat Crime branch officials from Mumbai , and three days later these all shoot , alleged at Ahamdabad on date , 15th June 2004 ,
, by Anti terrorist Squad - Gujarat , by putting in media that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba people want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
this fake encounter done by following Police officers =(1) IPS Officer , PP Pande (2) IPS Officer –DG Vangara (he is already in Jail ,for one more fake encounter of So-rubiddin and his wife Kosar Bi ) (3) GL Singhal (4) NK Amin (5) KM Waghela (6)
JG Parmar ( 7) VD Vanav (8) SP Agrawat (9) DH Goswami (10) RI Patel (11) BA Chavda ( 12) Taraun Barot (13) KS Deasi these all are Higher rank police officials
Now police constable with them = (14) Ibrahim Chauhan ( indain Muslim ) (15) , Mukash Vyas (16) Nizamuddin Burhanmiya ( Indian Muslims )
These all people did this fake encounter of these innocent Indian Minorities , to get promotion in their Jobs ,and to get apperception from Gujarat Chief minister = Mr. Narandra Modi . these people killed by AK47, Riffles used by these Hindu police officers !! to kill these Innocents Indian Minorities .
metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, told that they found that , IPS –Officer DG vangara , did same Pattern Fake encounter of Sohrabuddin and his wife =Kosar Bi ,
with support of Udaipur Raj India 313001 ,Police , fake encounter date =26th November 2005 ,at Ahamdabad- Nrola Chohraya , Gujarat
as its highlighted in all local ,National level news Paper Former Police officer = Denish Kumar MN ,IPS officer , Udaipur raj india 313001 who is on Bail , + one Indian Muslim police officer , Abdul Rehman –former circle Inspector ,Pratap Nagar Police station –Udaipur –Raj (he is still under investigation ) , Abdul Rehman is person who shoot =Kill to Sohrabuddin ,while Kosar Bi , was killed by IPS –Officer DG vangara , by kept her Neck tight till her death ,
IPS –Officer DG vangara was chief of Anti terrorist squad Gujarat ,he have RSS =BJP Back ground in his life , he did his police education in RSS –Hostel !!??
P-1 , The Times of india Date 08-09-2009 +other news papers +my own word ,
This all to ,proved Whole Hindi =Hindus Media = TV News channels ,All English News papers of india ,that we Killed LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba -Terrorist ,those want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
It all encounters shown to IBN -7 ,Aaj-Tak ,Star TV , IBN-CNN , Sahara News , NDTV , The Times of india , The Hindu ,The Hindutustan Times , +The Indian express , ++ in 2004,2005 , to get Benefits from Bush Jr =Republicans !! poor Brains , to given message on India war against terror !!?? Mr. Narandar Modi War against terror =against Indian Minority all News Channels shown these Things for whole days to 5 days continues !!?? at Hot Page ,Top page !!??
While one more fake encounter done by New Delhi Police , of two Hindu businessmen ,
As there families were rich +Hindu ,so they put FIR +Court case against fake encounter
, and they got result in 10 years continuous fight in court , in there favor , if in stead of these rich ,Hindu businessman , some poor ,Indian Minorities families was there , they were not allowed to FIR it self , and there families were captured by Police , and put cases on them of terrorism +put in them in jail as terrorist !!and then kill !!?? in fake encounters it all told by Advocates + magistrate during this case 10 years time .
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
(While I want to mention one real point that in 2004 also Many news Papers +TV Channels +her mother , other relative try to prove that , Ishrat Jahan +other were innocent , and many Muslims –leaders from Mumbai ,Maharastra ,also try to prove , she is innocent ,and few Muslims minister given donation of lacks Indian rupees also to Ishrat Jahan family as she was alone member who was earning , But after few months Mr. Modi try to prove that his police killed , LeT =Terrorist only , and Ishrat Jahan was terrorist !! then all these Muslims minister came on Back foot !! that we given charity b’se TV News channels +Leading English news papers were telling like that !!?? this I am putting here bse its only way of life for minorities ,innocent , Minorities ministers ,leaders also !!?? they have to came on Back foot + see the Hindu Nation Hindu police , Hindu laws drama !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India )

(1) By Knowing that this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!??

While concern , Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition =USA Defense And Nature Photonic technology focus (hard copy ) , I got only Two ,Two =4 magazines , ,from past 6 years they sent me 72+72 = 144 Magazines =Note Please only two +two =4, these hacked + thief , done and going on by Udaipur post office mafia + Hindu ISI= MI=Military Intelligence ,IB,RAW and they are sending these magazines to their Hindu Kids ,at IITs ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian all -Universities Physics ,engineering department , at their emails , and these people do not have any shame on these activities !!?? taking my basics -rights from past many years and growing their kinds making engineers and scientists !!??

Please one special note : please I request for advanced technology literature, White papers ,videos to 350 Space ,defense companies ,listed at NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS , from the web provide by , =( by Editorial board of NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ) ,these 350 companies are working for NASA ,USA - Defense advanced technology , I did this literature request on 18th June and 28 September 2008 ,But till now I got only 16 companies literatures , rest 330 companies literatures , from NASA tech only , all -thief by Indian Post office mafia =Hindu India supporter =Hindu thinker =Hindu world thinker ! I did not did any request from Defense tech !!?? Please note that same request I did from India also in 2005 ,from that I got only 4 CDs literatures at My home address =23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj India . Rest all kept by Post office mafia given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC , ,Physics department ,for PhD students ,MSc ,BSc Btech , now also I am thinking that these all literature , White papers ,videos Emails ,PDF given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC based all universities physics department ,IITs ,IISC !! with out my permission To make India as techno Power ,by Keep Hacked ID of physicists like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry , to use innovators name ,email IDs, Mail address , to get advanced technology with out their permission and keep them literate bonded labor , or forced unemployed to continuous 5 years , as I was kept from Feb 2003 to 22 Jan 2008 in India !! with out think !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . , A christen Date 10 -02-2009 , Please recently on 13 August ,2008 I got one more email ,from NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ,that , Subject: New Products & Technologies Presented by Tech Briefs
Actually NASA want make me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty advanced technology scientist ,but will you believe
Pl same way I was getting New instrument innovation ,webs ,from NASA Instrument innovation department , Officially from David L. Tomko , Manager NASA ,HQ , ,At my Email ID ,from past 2002 Feb to till 2003 Sept !! he start to given me B’se my list of publications ,Like Ruhel –Sensor =against terror ,bio terror , ++ He accept my request ,my interest in innovation ,and that time I proved my self in innovation field , !! sir at this email ID I was getting ,many webs from NASA ,those have Details electronic structures ,different types of sensors , different types of satellites ,their depth , many latest instruments of NASA ,those were innovated , by MIT ,Caltech , Harvard ++all leading USA Universities ,scientists , for NASA , , these all webs and their details I was getting at this email ID at this ID I was getting many PDFs ,detailed structure of Satellites , Its work ,its inner configuration , ! But that also hacked by Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – those are supporting Hindu terrorist ,from past 63 Years , they know that I am minority ,so it is not good for me =Ruhel Chisty ,so they given this their Hindu organizations = ISRO &DRDO ,UGC , Universities += so that Hindu Physicist ,s Hindu students will able to learn advanced technology from directly NASA ,Advanced instruments ,this was Hindu world first step ,to use my name ,my work to get advanced technology from NASA ,B’se NASA already ban these people =ISRO ,DRDO from past 1976 !! After nuke bomb blast ,even international pressure was there not to do nuke bomb blast !! send to ISRO ,DRDO ,Udaipur ,even Rajasthan ,even India all universities based physic student , engineering students , with out my permission , so that Indian all physicists ,engineers will take over to China ,USA ,Europe !! on other hand this Hindu RAW ,IB ,MI was using email IDs to prove me criminal ,so that world will given support to this Hindu nation =India =RAW ,IB,MI !!??
sir I take this action of Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – as knifing in my heart ,Brain ! I will request to All NASA Officials ,That they should rise this case in front of President Barack Obama , White house officials ,Congress , committees ,Senators !! so that some discussion taken place ! sir , for this Illegal activities of Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – + Udaipur based BJP =RSS =Hindu- police support to these Udaipur IT Booms ! even central police ,IB ,RAW ,PMO ,President house also support these people , simultaneously these people start to rise my name=Ruhel Chistry ,RChisty , as terrorist ,criminal ,mental =Schizophrenic=Mad ,by my IDs only !! sir did you do not think that these people did wrong !! sir as I know India till 2003 Feb , did not have these advancement in satellite ,Missile =ISRO ,DRDO !! But after get these webs only these people were able to made new Advanced - satellites ,like NASA !! Like ESA !! they used continuous this email, web’s with out my permission with out think of me !! ,for ~1 year or more till 2004,2005 !! ,may be even more ,I Try to complain NASA Officials those were given me these webs !! I think that till now my complain , did not reached to NASA officials !! B’se of Udaipur IT Boom !!they did some thing on my email IDs & it show me mail send !! but I think that was make me fool !! Pl my request You send this case to NASA Officials it self &they will get depth of this & will take action against concern IT Boom & who every related to it ! will give them punishment as per NASA Rules !! these Udaipur –IT boom ,kill respected of my Name & my publications & all my human rights & my progress & future !! , now also I am thinking that these all literature , White papers ,videos Emails ,PDF given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC based all universities physics department ,IITs ,IISC !! with out my permission To make India as techno Power ,by Keep Hacked ID of physicists like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry , to use innovators name ,email IDs, Mail address , to get advanced technology with out their permission and keep them literate bonded labor , or forced unemployed to continuous 5 years , as I was kept from Feb 2003 to 22 Jan 2008 in India !! with out think !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . , A christen Date 12-02-2009 , in this Hindu nation =India !!!?? while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!??
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry Date 12-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India 313001 . Pl , Now I doubt that these webs & these magazines are distribution (Cyclo- style =Photo state copies !!+CDs ++Pen drive ++) among –Physics ,engineering student of Udaipur based all schools ,Colleges ,universities & Rajasthan based all schools ,colleges ,universities +India’s all colleges ,schools ,universities ! only to Hindu students =7% to 17% Population =Crème layer –Middle crème layer Hindu students !! OR May be possible to 83% Hindu students ! so that these people will ,defect to china ,USA ,European union !! just with any thing consumed !! except ruhel Chisty time & list of publications values &list of nomination values !! & ruhel - life !! sir pl ,do proper action !

Please I sent my work against anti Terror =Against Arabic Terror , at =UNSC - CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, on 27-04-2008 ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia = Title : How the terror related webs are possible from ME=Gulf ! why none of international crime ,terror prevention Bodies able to stop them ! and why they are not getting the IP Address , and telephone number of them !!? I sent it from SABIC=Saudi Kayan My –own Office PC ,I have confirmation of this work with me .But when I try to sent my one more work = Against –Hindu terrorism .from Udaipur –Raj India 2009 Jan .Feb ,,from my Laptop ,and its internet connection at Telephone number =00912942488521 , Then I was not allowed by Hindu IT terror =Hindu RAW ,MI,IB !!?? I try it from past 2=two month but I was not allowed !!?? I doubt that CTED web hacked by Hindu IT terrorist !!?? you can understand the reality of Indian government concern anti Terrorism !!?? =India have only one direction =Anti –Indian Muslim ,Anti Indian christen !!?? and used these people kids ,young on name of terrorism !!?? like doing in Kashmir ,Assam !!?? Same way I like tom open that These Indian Hindu IT Terror hacked , the respected Barack Obama official web , where I had my 40 blogs ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia , 30 from my own-Office PC = SABIC PC , and with in few month only after my reach in India , this official web of respected Barack Obama hacked by Hindu IT terror =OR Hindi RAW ,IB,MI = Hindu ISI !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 16-02-2009 ,Udaipur –Raj India 313001 .

When I was in Jubail = Saudi Arabia ,I had 36 Blogs at respected Barack Obama Official , President campaign web ,It was came not on Just one day ,it was there continuous 6-8 Months , But once I reached in India =Hindus nation , I got Gift of Corrupt Hindus democracy , My all Blogs got stop , when ever I try to submit new blog its start to came in light Black Line , you ,can not submit Blog !! While here In India every day I was facing torture by brain waves 0-160 cps ,220 cps , and threat to keep again unemployed , But India is Hindus nation and I am minority in this nation ,this nation support ,first Hindus right ! Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-05-2009 Udaipur raj India , it have 1.26 Billion population ,82 Million Hindus , means In this nation you have to face torture ,discrimination ,But you can not complain ,if you try ,your all emails ,mails ,cell number, telephone numbers will be captured by Hindus ISI =Big body ,Long size ,High weight Hindus ,then they will put your name in ,this nation enemies name list , and then these Hindu will start to keep you forced unemployed , then you will only get negative emails , so that your all brain will be get high tension , your Jobs application will not reached at other end , these people will put SPAM in them , so your Job application will not reached at Other end , your resume at Courier will also not reached ! these people =Big size, High weight Hindus will use TV Free voice mode ,Cell Voice mode to Guide them ,to torture you , means to HR Agent, courier agent , all place where you will got , these big size , heavy weigh Hindus will reached there , to make you torture , by use of 10 Super computers at New Delhi HQ, 43 Satellite which is forcing at world ,that these are for good work only , but there use is like this !!?? many of them get on low prizes from Old Russia , Israel !!?? will make your case, long on long on , means like that these people will keep you forced unemployed ,like 1999 to 2001 ,then 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan ! Its when person is like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , =RChisty ,Who had two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? And India demand is from USA to provide these people F16,F18, F22, Huge Billions $ on war against terror !! these all planes ,money will use against Assam ,Kashmir , Innocent Man ,women ,kids ,and person like me !!!?? and here udaipur City based 3.5 lacks secular Hindus ,Indian Muslim will get huge money from Jaipur , and new Delhi !! which these people got on 100 years loan basis ,from World bank on ZERO interest rate !! Ruhel , Pleas this whole note is real life of me ,its I put here for Publication where the democracy Honest calculation used to be done on many point basis ,about India already at international map that its have partially Freedom to press , But that 50% freedom also captured by corruption ,in that way , which is not looking from Far !!?? means in real sense here no freedom of press !!??

While concern , Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition =USA Defense And Nature Photonic technology focus (hard copy ) , I got only Two ,Two =4 magazines , ,from past 6 years they sent me 72+72 = 144 Magazines =Note Please only two +two =4, these hacked + thief , done and going on by Udaipur post office mafia + Hindu ISI= MI=Military Intelligence ,IB,RAW and they are sending these magazines to their Hindu Kids ,at IITs ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian all -Universities Physics ,engineering department , at their emails , and these people do not have any shame on these activities !!?? taking my basics -rights from past many years and growing their kinds making engineers and scientists !!?? may be many other Indian minorities scientists like me are facing like this ,also many Asian minorities scientist are facing in their nations !!?? and after all these MI ,RAW ,IB doing what in Assam ,Kashmir with their innocent people ,Ladies ,Girls ,Kids ,I can understand from my real life of past 1991 to till now after BSc 70% Physics ,
These Indian did not provide me any Jobs in DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service ,Indian civil services , ,from past 18 years =1991 to till now !!?? And I faced these things ,Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A !!??
actually India was divided in more then 2000 Dynasties , those have their own rules regulation ,on way of living , on taxes , own Law and order !! then India was Under rule of UK for 100 years , then under rule of Mugal for 400 years !!?? now this free Hindu - democratic India is doing these types of experiments on its human society on life of person like me from past 1991 to till now !!?? while these Hindus are thieving even my complain at international level , these people are shame less thief !!??
Ruhel date 12-04-2009
Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here ! Date 01-12-2008 KSA Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry .
While I got ,from The Lancet Neurology = , invitation =claim your free trail to Neurology collection =full access to the entire Neurology collection = J .Head injury ,J .movement disorder , J .Neuromuscular disorder , ,J .neuro-oncology , J. Neurology –other , J. Neurology infection , J. Multiple sclerosis , J. Paediatric neurology ,
J .genetic ,J. headache and migration ,J .Peripheral nerve disorder , J.Dementias , but when I try to read full articles of J .Head injury ,J .movement disorder ,That hacked by Hindu –IT expert ,that may be Hindu CID –Raj ,Hindu RAW ,MI,IB ,those are like HIDNU –ISI =Hindu Afghan intelligence !! B’se after that I was not able to take PDF ,or read full article !! Now I have doubt that these all collection of the Lancet , Neurology collection will be distributed ,from this hack !!?? ,to RNT medical college –Udaipur ,And Rajasthan medical students ,and India other medical students just by e-mails =Hindu Charity !! to get best of neurology ,from My name ,my emails, my work !!?? Ruhel date 14-02-2009 ,so india will get best medical –Nobel laureate like this ,now on wards !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 14-02-2009 ,

While I got one email ,from respected Shannon Miller =SAIC ,Staffing and Recruiting that ” I came across your resume while conducting an Internet search and based on your background and experience hopefully you would be interested in hearing more about current opportunities that SAIC currently has available.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please apply online at our career site by requisition number. Your resume will be on the Recruiters desktop for immediate consideration.
I've included a job description for your consideration below. Please apply directly to the requisition.
Shannon Miller
Staffing and Recruiting
Job Description:
The Intelligence Researcher positions will support a contractor team of intelligence analysts, collection managers, and physical security specialists assigned to support the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Collectively this team will provide intelligence analysis support focused on detecting and preventing terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States as well as interdicting and seizing illegal drugs, and other contraband.
This position will assist contractor and CBP intelligence analysts in the intelligence analysis of terrorism and/or drug smuggling and/or human smuggling/trafficking. They will assist in collecting, reviewing, interpreting, evaluating, and integrating data from multiple domestic and foreign sources. Assist in the preparation and presentation of briefings on projects, studies and analyses.
These positions may require working 8-hour shifts during a 24-hour day, 7 days per week

Required Skills:
Each Intelligence Researcher must have a demonstrated knowledge of terrorism (mandatory) and weapons of mass destruction or drug trafficking or human smuggling and experience with or in: a) Terrorist organizations, history, operations, and tactics to include an understanding of how the various terrorist organizations operate. b) Cross-border illicit movement of people, cargo, vehicles, etc., to include identifying suspect trends and patterns. c) Nationally or internationally established gangs, d) Handling and safeguarding of classified material, requesting downgrades, etc. e) International criminal organizations (or international smuggling) and how the organizations operate and their areas of operation.
Must have experience with intelligence gathering, analysis, fusion, and product generation experience. Must be skilled in the use of supporting intelligence or law enforcement databases and applications. Must possess knowledge of the Law Enforcement and National Intelligence Community agencies and their respective responsibilities and intelligence products.
Additionally, each candidate must possess/demonstrate: strong organizational and analytical skills, personal initiative, attention to detail, excellent verbal and written communications skills, self-initiated activity, and the ability to accomplish detailed research and the resultant analysis. Ability to work independently and/or in a group and work well with others. Proficient in the Microsoft Office applications suite. Must possess a strong customer service orientation and ability to support multiple task assignments.
Must be able to obtain a secret clearance.
Desired Skills: Established contacts within intelligence, law enforcement, HLD, or border protection communities desired. Spanish language skills also desired.
SAIC offers a competitive salary and benefits package. For Immediate consideration, please apply on-line at, through requisition number 137150. SAIC is an Affirmative Action Employer who values cultural diversity in the workplace. EOE

While I found that Hindu ISI , applied for KAUST jobs =King Abdullah University of science and technology , of 4th April 2009 , 5th April 2009 ,with out my permission , while I was trying to apply these but I found Hindu ISI already applied for these jobs , it tell that Hindu ISI ,do not want me to get any job again in near future ,and these people will put few India secular Hindu or Z .Chisty like Indian Minorities !! b’se I am forced to apply from this Land =India ,Hindu Nation !!?? these Hindu ISI , hacked my all emails IDs , laptop from date 24th December 2008 it self !!?? and this hack is Indian Hindu hack ,in that I can see the emails ,and these people Hindu ISI ,also ,and these people will deleted all Jobs offer , Interview offer , research offer !! and will do all internet crime on my name =Ruhel Chisty name ,is look like that in Assam ,Kashmir ,these Hindu ISI , hacked emails ,mails ,laptops ,of all Assam ,Kashmir based engineers ,doctors + other talented minorities ,and will allow them what these Hindu ISI want ,only those will get able to move international level which liked by these Hindu ISI !!?? Other will face like me at all places !! what I faced from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan !! and he have to face torture like Z Chisty , BSc 50% , !! he was just 18% less then me in BSc I was 68% he was 50% !!?? but he educated from BN College in 1990 BSc ,I also 1990 BSc from VBRI College !!??

Note : Please Steven Govoni with Nalco Company, has scheduled an interview with me =Ruhel Chisty
on Tuesday, August 19 2008 , at 11:30AM, at Table 49 ,
Message From Employer:
My name is Steve Govoni and I am attending this conference representing Nalco Company.
Nalco is a company that delivers production improvements and efficiency gains in a
wide variety of industries such as pulp and paper, mining, petroleum refining, and waste treatment to name a few.
I am attending this conference and would like to meet with you regarding career opportunities in Nalco R&D.
Thank you, and I hope we get the chance to talk. But I was not able to attend ACS this conference , Ruhel Date 13-11-2008
Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) .
23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj , 313001
INDIA , Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chisty)
Mobile =0091-9636919708 Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Emails:, ,,

OBJECTIVE : A Middle Management Position ,required analytical ,technical ,creative skills


Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

* 10 years experience with Analytical technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS
* One year with SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , ( SABIC mention in global top 10 companies )
* Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ),
* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK
* We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants
* have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in1989 , I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist !
* I got Invitation for , speaker presentations for upcoming event of ,: Pharma R&D Opportunities
* Please I am invited to submit suggestion to improvement Pittsburgh conference 2006,2007 ,


2008 Jan-2008 Dec (31st ) : Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , here I was Middle management
* For All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate ,
* The technology provider = Licensor = was KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,

* I did set the all GC’s =Gas chromatography instrument inner configuration with detectors , columns .as team work with Agilent engineers and management . we had there more then 15 GCs for Phenolic Project
* I made LIMS excel sheets ,for Whole Phenolic Project . which was my work as QA –Management technical support .
* I made SOP’s =ISO Methods for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project .
* I made TLV/SLV data sheets =health hazards for Whole Phenolic Project
* I made hard copies ,soft copies of MSDS of Whole Phenolic Project .
* I made two presentations (1) Basics of gas chromatography (2) Phenolic project for Saudi Kayan – this specially for Saudi Arabic = Local - technicians , so that they can learn the Gas chromatography , basics in detail and beginning and advanced level !!?? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made list of Journals ,periodicals ,books for library of QA Laboratory , this have 200 journals , periodicals ,books from the world best publishers like ACS ,RSC ,AAAS, +++ Cambridge university press ,oxford university press ,MIT Press ,+++these all journals ,books ,periodicals will buy by SABIC ,Saudi Kayan ,as I given 5 days for this selection from my real life work with professional chemistry to 16 years .
* I made JQP =Test questions =170 questions , and there answers for Lab –Technicians ,QA –technical support ,Phenolic project , they have to be get more then 60% in these tests ,to be continuous in job progress !!?? note : answers for management people only) this I made for specially for Saudi –Arabic =Local - technicians , so that they can learn the detail chemistry of Phenolic project =other projects at Saudi Kayan also !!? as I given answers of all questions that make them good Technician and chemist ,for Saudi Kayan =SABIC !!!??? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made Local Lab =plant Lab analysis methods data sheet =What analysis should be done for Local Lab Whole Phenolic Project .
* I worked for ISO-17025 at Saudikayan
* I made analysis methods for central labs for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project
* I know the procedure of inter-laboratory /international laboratory proficiency testing certificate .
* Have knowledge of incident investigation and reports
* Leading meetings , Understand and participate in department goals
* Please I did Also work for AMINES PROJECT =Ethanol amines ,and Ethoxylates at , =Mono Ethanol Amine ,Di Ethanol Amine ,Tri Ethanol Amines=100,000 TPA its ,made from Ethylene Oxide and , Ammonia (=NH3=From SAFCO) reaction , this By Licensor Oxiteno , Brazil Project , Ethoxylates= C12-C15 , Fatty Alcohol , Nonyl Phenol , Glycol (DEG,TEG) , Castor Oil ,Sorbitan Monooleate ,Tallow Amines .
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Olefins = By Licensor = (1) Himout (Italia ) And (2) Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) (3) Basel- Poly Olefins
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Carbonate By Licensor = Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , , for EC=Ethylene Carbonate ,DMC =Di Methyl Carbonate , DPC =Di phenyl Carbonate , PC =Poly Carbonate . I had there , all chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS of Phenolic and Amine Projects .
* as “Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis” I work for Saudi Kayan –All-Plants ,=,I had there all its chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS !And , also ,its analysis part by Davy Process technology ,and Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Raw material and product specification , chemical data sheet , = amine reaction , Ammonia Stripping ,Ammonia Absorption amine drying, MEA purification , DEA Splitting , TEA Purification , evaporation package unit, I work one year at SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co

2001 Feb -2003 Oct /Feb : Analytical Chemist , at =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years.
* Analytical technique (=Gas chromatography , IR,FTIR ,IR-412.8 ,Photometric ,colorimetric ,Potentiometer ,Micro biology , Environmental testing = Petro chemicals = HC,THC,PAH, PCB’s , +DRO,GRO, VOC ,BETX =~All -(Petrochemicals), ) , Soil , waste water ,drinking water ,air –analysis , stack analysis ,Sludge analysis ++
* Worked for IR 418.1 Method for HC/THC -Worked on GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS also +with US-EPA ,APHA ,ASTM ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002 Accredited & Dubai municipality approved laboratory
* Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, • Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other) Environmental analysis it self ,did air monitoring ,stack monitoring , with latest instruments =Chemio sensors , +other ) with US-EPA Parameters * Pl you can check this laboratory works ,form web
July 1992 –July 1998 : R & D Chemist , At =Udaipur –Raj India =6 years
* There I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ), to check , purity to 99.95% to 100 % of fine chemicals=Pl I did work for Japan project= Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 50 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure -I did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & I worked on this project ~2 years !!
* >95% Purity of different pesticides ,raw materials ,intermediate ,final products
* Pl I was independent handling laboratory shift work .here I was analyzing Plant organic chemicals , samples ,R&D Samples (where four scientist were making different innovative organic chemicals =Pesticides ,Fine chemicals ,++Other ,doing analysis of R&D Analytical products by GC/FID , UV/VIS ,IR + doing wet chemistry ,responsible for sampling collection ,analysis ,environmental regulations ,provision of technical assistance to operation at Pilot plant & main plant ,work with SOP& MSD ,did maintain proper chemical regime & operate various analysis follows standard work procedure and practice for - Japan project to purity 99.995% =fine chemicals & did control plant ,from ,lab to next steps & isolation !! undertake analysis of different raw materials ,finished product for Japan project ,fine chemical to purity 99.995%
* Pl I have 10 years experience with UV/VIS ,IR,FTIR,GC-FID /PID,-ECD =Gas chromatography latest instrument ,of HP& Perkins Elmer ,To analytical research ,Validation ,impurities profiling ,stabilities studies ,,etc , I have 6 years experience (R& D /QC/-Analytical chemist ) ,with , pesticides =insecticides ,herbicides++ & fine chemicals=PFP =Para Fluro phenols ,APF =Aniline Para phenols , PNCB ++


* ACS (American Chemical Society ) 2001-2009 !
* Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry ) 2001-2009!
* Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute

* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK

* BSc Physics ,chemistry ,Mathematics , 1990 , , India ,
* Note : Pl , sir , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in ,1989= 2nd year BSc , of MLS University ,Udaipur-Raj India 313001 . Pl attached scans = [College –BSc ,position certificate + 75% in Physics in1989 2nd year BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc
* MSc Chemistry ,1992 , , India ,
REFERENCES: available upon request

Note : On 21 -09-2008 I submit one Article to My officials = = for good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .. Ruhel Chisty( MRACI-C.Chem) =Ruhel Chistry ( MRACI-C.Chem) , This article come from my independent work as Research and development chemist /scientist with my previous company ,where I was getting many samples ,from four =4 ,Scientific managers ,those were making new ,new chemicals frequently , were doing all research and development to get maximum purity and maximum yield ,and I was analyzing these different chemicals =final product ,raw material
Every week with new method and with columns . I was able to get data what they are doing there in synthesis steps ,like changing PH , changing catalysts ,changing some time Raw materials =by changing root . some of them doing formulation also .
Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! who had 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and integration=mathematics at BSc level , did work for Japan project=Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure - did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & worked on this project ~2 years With Japan Quality control ,where our sent samples were counter checked by Japan Scientist /chemist ,none of sample return back except initial stage .when both team were working to finalize method . GC method .
. have 70% BSc Physics ,68% BSc chemistry +have 10 years experienced as Analytical chemistry=chemist/scientist , included, ~3 years from ISO -9002 ,BVQI , Dubai municipality accredited lab ,=International experience . I am member of ACS ,IUPAC Now Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.= ,
Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) . Date 22-09-2008 ,Time : 6:05 AM . Actually this article was for conference ANTEC 2009, !! this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++ either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical companies Ruhel Chisty Date 06-11-2008 with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!??

Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here ! Date 16-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry .
While Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim employees in IITs , IIT-B.IIT-K,IIT-D,IIT-M,IIT-G, are as follows ,
Zero= Grade A in three IITs , 1 one = Grade B in Three IITs . 6 six=, Grade C , three IITs , 12 = Grade D in three IITs ,
Ruhel Chisty Date 10-04-2009 , while , you can understand the Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim Students percentage in These IITs !!??

Pl I sent my real life case to NHRC =to kept me continuous 5 years , forced unemployed ,torture ,discriminate ,harassed , to NHRC =national human right commission ,New Delhi , on date 5th May 2007 ! now you=UN Officials ,visit NHRC Web= & See at Complain =put this Case Number= 28251/CR-2007 ,Pl you will get my address =Ruhel Chisty New Delhi ,Delhi !! & while my address is 23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur Raj 313001 India ! Please see the corruption level in India at this level ,people are changing address ,matters in Human right cases also Ruhel Chisty date 05-03-2009 !! & I am sent their , Courier with full case +all my Degrees ,College position certificate +ACS, IUPAC + BSc degree +List of publications +list of nominations !! even then they mention this thing & address at web !! I think -either the Udaipur based Courier agent changed my whole data of my send & my address , Now on date , 19-02-2009 again I sent my real life case to protect my self and Talented brain from minorities =Indian christen ,Indian Muslim those want to get jobs in ME=Gulf +USA ,Europe ,
By courier = Blaze Flash courier limited , C.N= 292193465 , with my Physics resume +Chemistry New resume mentioned My work =10 years experience analytical chemist +one year work with SABIC , , Petrochemical and Global company which is 10th global rank in Petro chemical and 321 Global rank in over all global companies . + list of my publications , my memberships with ACS, IUPAC, RACI, Plus I clearly mention that , I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

The social science justice =huge discrimination in Job hiring of all - Indian Petrochemical companies like reliance= Reliance Industries Limited = = ++ other , these have more then 99.8% of their employee are Hindus only , only 0.3% are Indian christen and 0/3 % are Indian Muslim while as per Indian constitute these should be 2.8% for Indian christen 13% for Indian Muslim !!??
As I seen in Saudi Kayan Petrochemical company =SABIC ,they have 2280 Indian employee , out of them 4 were Indian christen 8 were Indian Muslim !!
These all were got jobs there bse they have petrochemical companies experience and few were other then petrochemicals !! it tell that Reliance Industries Limited + other all , out of them 50% are Indian Government petrochemical companies , But even then this huge discrimination in job hiring system ,its in 2008 ,2009 not in 1960,1970 ,1980 !!
B’se these petrochemical companies owners are Hindu business man , its well known that once any Indian christen ,Indian Muslim get job in Indian petrochemical companies he will get good salary in India =Indian rupees ,and then he will get good job in ME =Gulf based petrochemical companies ,USA ,EU Based petrochemical companies !! But these data =Real data tell that Indian policies are towards Hindu benefits over all ,its not from 1950,1960, 1970,1980 but these going on from past 64 years and results their huge discrimination in hiring system can seen from Saudi Kayan Petrochemical company hiring, if Indian petrochemical companies had good % of Indian christen and Indian Muslims then I am sure SABIC Like to hire first these discriminated communities !!?? as Indian petrochemical companies do not have 3% Indian christens ,14% Indian Muslims = huge discrimination to Indian Minorities ,from past 64 years in India !!?? that why Saudi Kayan =SABIC have only 4 Indian christen 8 Indian Muslim in 2008 /2009/2010 Job hiring !! Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A Udaipur Raj India 313001 Cell =0091-9636919708 , Ruhel date 24-03-2009

While I sent two emails to Dear Shri Ashok Gehlot, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Rajasthan : Please , in Rajasthan Christen police officers are zero % !! Note please !!?? while Rajasthan christen % is 2% !!?? While this State BJP Government removed all Indian Muslim police officers by different charges on them !! some of them corruption charges ,some of force – Pension !!?? means from past 17 years BJP covenant removed approx 100-200 Indian Muslims police officer and new recruitment also less then 2% while in Rajasthan total Indian Muslim pollution is 8.2% !!?? here in Rajasthan Christen police officers are zero % !! Note please !!?? Please I given my vote to congress party from past 1983 to till now , Please change the All Selection committee of Rajasthan police hiring those made by RSS=BJP , Same way please change the RPSC Selection committee for RAS,RPS Hiring these also made by RSS=BJP these also taken less then 2% minorities in all past 5 years , not only this in past RSS=BJP ruled !! so that there will be 3% Indian christen ,14 % Indian Muslim will be police officer ,will be RAS ,RPS !!?? not all will be RSS =BJP lover Hindu officers !!?? on date 26-03-2009 ,

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my vote to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india
I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !!
Even I faced 8 years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , ,from Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed , This Blog is just to explain at international level what is mean of Indian Secularity !!
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class and Minorities =15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2)&366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services

While one case put against Bal Thakaree , in 1987 he was provoking to religious disturbance , Provoking for riots , in Valee Parlee Assembly seat ,Maharastra , India , that case reached to result in 1999 , in Mumbai High court , then also that time president of India R Narayannan , given order to high court that penalty will be decided by election commission not High court , and result was 6 years ban to Bal Thakaree not allow him to give vote ,that all !!?? while if people know Marathi ,they know Bal Thakaree have their own news paper =sammana , in which is writing lot of things !!?? that news paper is read by all Marathi even in India or ME =Gulf or USA ,EU !!?? they like to read this news paper only !!??

While recently I read Japanese scientists from ATR Computational neuroscience laboratory , succeeded to develop technology , to processing and displaying images directly from Human brain !!?? this report published , in American Journal , Neuron , from cell publishing group .The chief scientist who did is Yukiyasu Kamitani .=Japanese scientist , Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 .

List of Companies from NASA Tech ,US Defense tech where I asked white papers ,videos .

Please these were companies ,from which I was asking to send , white papers ,video ,advanced technology literatures ,from NASA -Tech ,US defense - Tech Portal , But from past 7=seven - years all these things theft by Hindu – ISI, Hindu Post office mafia at Udaipur –Raj 313001 India , ,to distributed it for Hindu’s - benefits !!?? they just given me very less useful literate =10 companies only =its maximum !! it tell that This land =india is very dangerous land for Minority scientist like me !!?? notable thing is these companies are in world wide ,European companies also ,USA Companies also ,Japan companies also ,Canadian companies also !!?? those are working for defense Space , !!?? This call as Scientific kill of me by Hindu’s from india , which are at ISRO ,DRDO ,PMO ,HM !!?? it done to rise BJP =RSS Power in all India , by targeting minorities scientist like me up to this level ,from past 7 years !!?? it done by mainly Udaipur –Hindu –ISI ,Hindu Post office mafia !!?? for Hindu Nation =To make power full BJP=RSS like this !!?? Udaipur police have three Hindu –IT Scientist those are supporting this Hindu City =Udaipur Raj india where BJP=RSS win is 17 years continuous ,from past 1990 to till now !!!??
While I did not got single literature from 8 defense companies , 10 space companies of India ,DRDO ,ISRO ,from past 43 years ,from my birth to till now !! this is real India and I am Indian citizen .from past these years , ,Real One direction ,All goods for Indian Hindus only !! A Real fact sheet !!?? while I am putting about thief of literature , white papers ,editorials , videos from past 1.1 years from Saudi Arabia ,to till now , still these Indian Hindus ,Udaipur post office mafia ,Mumbai ,New Delhi ,Jaipur post office mafia are thieving all these literatures ,giving me only 3-4 companies ,literatures those are not useful for these Hindus !!?? these all are distributing to Hindu students English medium , Colleges ,Universities DRDO ,ISRO , by doing Photostat of these literatures , !! ?? to get Hindu Technology power !!?? to over come developed world and to over come China !!?? To over come NASA ,US defense ,EAS ,EU Defense just by these type of thief !!?? it tell that these People are shame less ,Hindu still in process of Hindu Technology power !! by these types of Thief !!?? Please note about this city =Udaipur Raj India , this is city where I am giving address from past 7 years ,these people are thieving continuous from past 7 years even after my complain at international level Ruhel Chisty =RChisty date 10-04-2009 !!??

First companies are USA –EU , Defense Tech Companies Then NASA ,ESA Tech Companies :
While Note Please : These Indian did not provide me any Jobs in DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service ,Indian civil services , ,from past 18 years =1991 to till now after BSc 70% Physics 1990 !!?? And I faced these things ,Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A !!?


L-3 COMMUNICATIONS Communications systems for unmanned aircraft Editorial
IRIDIUM Satellite phone Editorial ,CREAFORM Portable 3D color scanner Editorial
INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER Space DC-DC converters ,KROHN-HITE CORP Wideband power amplifiers ,DIGI-KEY CORPORATION Hundreds of thousands of electronic parts ,BROTHER INTERNATIONAL Handheld electronic labeler Editorial , C&K COMPONENTS Key switches Editorial ,MINCO Free flex circuits design guide ,LUXUL WIRELESS Shock-WAV frequency-translating amplifier Editorial


DATAFORTH CORPORATION Determining aliasing in isolated signal conditioning modules Editorial


FJW OPTICAL SYSTEMS Near-IR cameras Editorial , GENSCOPE INC Ergonomic borescopes Editorial
HGH INFRARED SYSTEMS Panoramic infrared camera Editorial ,MIKRON INFRARED INC Dual vision thermal imaging camera Editorial ,SENSORS UNLIMITED/GOODRICH Shortwave infrared imagers Editorial
TESSERA Taming residual bulk image in CCDs Editorial ,UVP Gel imaging system Editorial

AMES CORP Amesshield coatings Editorial ,DYMAX CORPORATION Flexible adhesive Editorial
HENKEL Two-part silicones Editorial ,REXCUT Synthetic fiber abrasives Editorial \


COTRONICS CORP Thread-locker and pipe sealant Editorial , DESCHNER CORP. Speed regulator Editorial
FESTO Electric actuator Editorial ,POLYCLUTCH Slip clutches Editorial
QUALITY BEARINGS & COMPONENTS Pillow blocks Editorial , SANDVIK COROMANT Aerospace engine components Editorial ,TRELLEBORG SEALING SOLUTIONS Aerospace seals Editorial
RENISHAW Optical encoder Editorial ,SICK STEGMANN, INC. Incremental encoder Editorial
HEIDENHAIN CORPORATION Linear encoders Editorial , LENZE-AC TECH Frequency inverter Editorial


ALFALIGHT Pump diode laser Editorial , ANDOR TECHNOLOGY Portable Raman spectroscopy Editorial
BEA LASERS Ruggedized lasers Editorial , CARGILLE LABORATORIES Optical liquids catalog

DILAS Conduction-cooled, fiber-coupled diode laser modules Editorial ,EVERLIGHT ELECTRONIC Phototransistor optocouplers Editorial ,KEYENCE CORP OF AMERICA Color 3D laser scanning confocal microscope Editorial ,LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP. LED driver Editorial
MICROPTIX TECHNOLOGIES Handheld spectrometer Editorial , MOBIUS PHOTONICS Patented laser apparatus Editorial NEXTREME Thin film thermoelectric cooler Editorial ,PHOTONIC PRODUCTS LTD 642nm 150mW laser diode Editorial ,TOWER OPTICAL CORP Transmission flat for interferometers Editorial
UCSB EXTENSION Infrared conference

BOOTHROYD DEWHURST INC. Design for manufacture and assembly (DEMA) Editorial


AMERICAN SENSOR TECHNOLOGIES Submersible pressure sensors Editorial ,BEI INDUSTRIAL ENCODER DIVISION Steer-by-wire technology Editorial ,KAVLICO CORP Low-pressure gage/differential pressure sensor Editorial ,OMEGA ENGINEERING INC Thermostats Editorial OMEGA ENGINEERING INC Wireless devices for temperature monitoring Editorial , PANASONIC INDUSTRIAL CO Air pressure sensor Editorial ,TEXAS ADVANCED OPTOELECTRONIC SOLUTIONS Color light sensors Editorial


MACKICHAN SOFTWARE Gold standard for mathematical publishing , MAXIMUM THROUGHPUT Collaborative editing software Editorial , NEI SOFTWARE New FEA white papers
THE MATHWORKS INC Software for modeling and simulating multidomain physical systems Editorial
TEST & MEASUREMENT ,OMEGA ENGINEERING INC Benchtop thermal wind tunnel Editorial
OMICRON ELECTRONICS CORP Vector network analysis , TELATEMP CORP Scanning thermometer Editorial

ACT/TECHNICO Solid state rugged storage , AIRBORN Nanominiature connectors AITECH DEFENSE SYSTEMS Mission-critical COTS subsystems ASSOCIATED POWER TECHNOLOGIES AC power sources
BAE SYSTEMS Rad-hard, non-volatile, high-density C-RAM BALLARD TECHNOLOGY Avionics bus box Editorial CARLO GAVAZZI COMPUTING SOLUTIONS Air-cooled enclosures Editorial
COBHAM Audio/video products for tactical environments DENTON VACUUM Sputtering, electron beam and thermal deposition in one package EIC SOLUTIONS Rugged thermoelectric air conditioners
ELMA ELECTRONICS & BUSTRONICS Backplanes, enclosures, cabinets EMERSON NETWORK POWER AC-DC power adapters Editorial EVANS "Six-pack" capacitor banks
FISCHER CONNECTORS Ultralight, rugged connectors GENERAL MICRO SYSTEMS Rugged, ultra-small, Core 2 Duo system INTERCONNECT SYSTEMS INC IC obsolescence solutions
MERCURY COMPUTER SYSTEMS Ultra-compact rugged embedded computer Editorial
MILL-MAX MFG CORP Interconnect design guide online MILL-MAX MFG CORP Pin receptacles -- free design guide MODULAR DEVICES, INC Rad hard DC-DC converters
MPL Intel Core 2 Duo fanless & customizable NEWARK Online product training
OMEGA ENGINEERING INC New Horizons in Wireless Communications Version 24 PICKERING INTERFACES Threshold I/O module Editorial POLYRACK TECH GROUP Electronics packaging solutions
REAL-TIME INNOVATIONS Messaging communications bus Editorial SEALEVEL SYSTEMS High-speed USB solution to data-enable tactical radios STEALTH COMPUTER CORPORATION Little PCs
ULTRA ELECTRONICS -DNE PacketAssure service delivery manager ULTRA ELECTRONICS -DNE Wireless network traffic management VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERS Miniature high voltage hybrid multipliers
VPT INC Avionics/military catalog of DC-DC converters VPT INC High efficiency DC-DC converter and EMI filter



DATAFORTH CORPORATION Determining aliasing in isolated signal conditioning modules Editorial
DCC CORPORATION Hotmux data logger DEWETRON INC Portable DAQ systems with video
IOTECH INC Most advanced out-of-the-box DAQ system MEASUREMENT COMPUTING High-speed multifunction DAQ module OMEGA ENGINEERING INC Miniature wireless thermocouple connectors



AMETEK/VISION RESEARCH 1 MP high speed cameras CURTISS-WRIGHT CONTROLS Video windows processor FASTVISION High-speed CMOS smart cameras IMPERX, INC. Bobcat industrial cameras
IMPERX, INC. SDI frame grabber JENOPTIK LASER Thermal imaging camera NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Smart camera white paper SCHNEIDER OPTICS Lenses, focusing mechanisms, extension tubes and camera mounts
STANFORD COMPUTER OPTICS Ultra fast, multiple gating image-intensified CCDs
UNIVERSE KOGAKU 1000s of lens sizes XENICS World's fastest InGaAs camera


COTRONICS CORP High-temp epoxy, ceramics & specialty materials CRYSTAL SYSTEMS High quality sapphire crystals DEPOSITION SCIENCES, INC. Ultra-durable optical coatings
EAGLE STAINLESS TUBE CORP Stainless steel and titanium HAWTHORNE RUBBER Custom rubber molding
INSACO INC Precision ceramic machining MASTER BOND INC Epoxy serviceable to 600 degrees F
MASTER BOND INC Experts in solving adhesive problems MASTER BOND INC UV curable adhesive Editorial
MILLER-STEPHENSON CO Chemicals for the aerospace industry MINALEX Aluminum extrusions
ROYAL ADHESIVES & SEALANTS Extra fast setting epoxies SCHOTT NORTH AMERICA (PHOTONICS) Lightweight glass and glass-ceramics


AERO TEC LABS R&D bladder prototypes BELLOWSTECH Edge welded bellows
BIRD PRECISION Precision orifices & filters COMSOL Free structural mechanics kit
GENERAL POLYGON SYSTEMS Ultimate mechanical connections GTC FALCON Zero backlash universal joints
HEIDENHAIN CORPORATION Linear, angular, rotary encoders HELICAL PRODUCTS Machined springs
O'KEEFE CONTROLS Precision orifices SEAL MASTER CORPORATION Inflatable seals
SMALLEY STEEL RING COMPANY Spiral retaining rings & wave springs THOMAS PRODUCTS DIV. Innovative OEM compressors and parts



ACE CONTROLS Hydraulic dampers AIR-LOGIC Subminiature pneumatic components
ALL MOTION Miniature DC servo AUTONOMOUS SOLUTIONS Robotic platform Editorial
BISON GEAR & ENGINEERING CORP DC gearmotors Editorial DELTA COMPUTER SYSTEMS Motion controller improves chassis testing Editorial DESCHNER CORP. Cushioneer shock absorber
DYNAPAR BiSS encoders DYNAPAR Heavy-duty encoders
FESTO Electromechanical linear actuator FLUID METERING Programmable, digital dispensing & metering
HAYDONKERK MOTION SOLUTIONS Application-specific leadscrew and nut assemblies HEIDENHAIN CORPORATION 2D frictionless encoders LIN ENGINEERING Powerful step motors
M.S. KENNEDY CORP Brushless DC torque amplifiers M.S. KENNEDY CORP Motor drive power blocks
MAD CITY LABS Nanopositioning systems MAXON PRECISION MOTORS High precision drives and systems MICRO E SYSTEMS Mercury II encoders MIDWEST MOTION PRODUCTS CO. Prototype DC gearmotors
NATIONAL APERTURE Miniature micropositioning linear & rotary stages PI Ceramic actuators, steering mirrors & hexapods PI Piezo linear actuator Editorial PLACID INDUSTRIES, INC Clutches & brakes
POLYCLUTCH Ultra smooth slip clutch TAYLOR DEVICES INC Shock absorbers/isolators
TRUST AUTOMATION High-power linear drive Editorial ULTRA MOTION Precision linear actuators



CRYSTAL SYSTEMS Stock windows online EDMUND OPTICS Stock and custom volume optics
ELECTRON TUBES Photomultiplier power supplies G-S PLASTIC OPTICS Precision polymer optics
HERAEUS QUARTZ AMERICA LLC Optics for demanding applications IMPERX, INC. Bobcat industrial cameras LACROIX OPTICAL Precision optics MAD CITY LABS Nanopositioning systems
OCEAN OPTICS Near-infrared spectrometer OFS OPTICS Dispersion control modules Editorial
OPHIR-SPIRICON Laser beam analysis system OPTIMAX SYSTEMS Precision optics in 1 week
PHOTOMACHINING INC Used laboratory equipment PHOTON ENGINEERING Optical engineering consulting, software PI Piezo stages Editorial POLYMICRO TECHNOLOGIES Hard clad optical fiber
RECOM LED drivers Editorial ROCKY MOUNTAIN INSTRUMENT Custom optics & coatings
SAINT-GOBAIN CRYSTALS Damage-resistant mirrors Editorial STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS Laser diode controller THE IMAGING SOURCE LED lighting modules Editorial
VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERS Portable x-ray power supply WELCH ALLYN Miniature halogen lamps Editorial



ARLINGTON MACHINE AND TOOL CNC machining, hydraulic torque wrenches
AUTODESK INC Digital prototyping
DIMENSION Personal 3D printers
MASTER BOND INC Technical expertise for your adhesive needs
MFG.COM Source for quality custom parts
NEI SOFTWARE FEMAP Velocity Series: FEA made easy
PROTOMOLD COMPANY INC Real CNC machined parts in one day
SONIC-MILL Machining technical ceramics & glass



AMERICAN AEROSPACE CONTROLS Compact, mission-critical transducers ASM SENSORS, INC Magnetic angle sensors and encoders FARRAND CONTROLS Position transducers
MICRO-EPSILON Non-contact displacement and position sensors MICROSTRAIN Attitude heading reference system MICROSTRAIN Micro-miniature gauging DVRT displacement sensor
MINCO Flexible heaters -- free design guide NOVOTECHNIK U.S., INC Non-contact rotary sensors
TEMPCO ELECTRIC HEATER Electric heaters, controls & sensors


AUTODESK INC Simulation solution for digital prototyping COMSOL Multiphysics introduction CDs
COMSOL Realistic simulation using multiphysics PTC 3D CAD software THE MATHWORKS INC Model-based design


Company YET2.COM New, licensable inventions


AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES Power supplies DATAFORTH CORPORATION Isolated analog signal conditioners
MICROSTRAIN Wireless sensing system MISTRAS SOFTWARE & SYSTEMS Non-contact ultrasonic testing
MOHR ENGINEERING Metallic TDR cable testers NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Green engineering resources
NEI SOFTWARE NEi Fusion: FEA for designers OMEGA ENGINEERING INC 100,000 process control and measurement products


CCS, INC Enclosure Design and Planning for Design Engineers
FASTWEL LTD. Advanced PC/104 CPU Boards: New Challenges and Opportunities
FASTWEL LTD. The Great Revival of 2eSST Computing with Embedded Intel CPUs
IEEE Ultra-Lightweight Space Power From Hybrid Thin Film Solar Cells
KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS Improving the Repeatability of Ultra-High Resistance and Resistivity Measurements MERCURY COMPUTER SYSTEMS 5 Critical Factors to Consider When Choosing a Processing Solution for Your HPC Application MERCURY COMPUTER SYSTEMS Solving High-Bandwidth, High-Compute-Density, Low-Latency Problems with ATCA
MERCURY COMPUTER SYSTEMS Using ATCA for Low-Latency Control-Loop Applications
MINCO Balancing Electrical & Mechanical Requirements of Flexible Circuits
MOCANA NanoPhone Suite for Android Mobile Platform NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Basics of ZigBee Transmitter Testing NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Perform RF Streaming Successfully
PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES Platform Economics: How to Chart a Cost-Effective Course
TYCO ELECTRONICS Coordinated Circuit Protection Helps Manufacturers Meet Requirements of GR-1089-CORE, Issue 4 Z CORPORATION 3D Scanners: Selection Criteria for Common Applications

KINETICSYSTEMS COMPANY Technical Series on Data Acquisition: Data Sampling PENTEK Critical Techniques for High-Speed A/D Converters in Real-Time Systems
UNITED ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Data Acquisition, Part One: Analog Inputs VTI INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION Practical Strain Gage


DALSA INC Electronic Shuttering for High-Speed Machine Vision Applications DALSA INC FPGAs Accelerate Machine Vision DALSA INC Making the Move from Analog to Digital
MERCRON The Common Behavior of White LEDs & Fluorescent Lamps: Temperature vs. Performance NOVELX Compact Field Emission SEM for Low Voltage Imaging


ARNOLD MAGNETIC TECHNOLOGIES Energy Savings With Thin Gauge MAGNET APPLICATIONS INC. Permanent Magnet Design Guidelines NEI SOFTWARE Finite Element Implementation of Advanced Failure Criteria for Composites NUSIL TECHNOLOGY Evaluation of Phosphor Settling Rate in Silicone Encapsulant



BIRD PRECISION Unique Method for Orifice Production DYNAPAR Encoder 101: Selecting the Right Output



ALIO INDUSTRIES Nano-Precision Motion in a Vacuum DYNAPAR Encoders Go Barrier-Less in Hazardous Locations NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PACs for Industrial Control, the Future of Control
PERFORMANCE MOTION DEVICES INC Motion Control Components and System Architecture: OEM Design Choices YASKAWA ELECTRIC AMERICA Present State and a Futuristic Vision of Motor Drive Technology


CARGILLE LABORATORIES Immersion Oil and the Microscope CARGILLE LABORATORIES Introduction to Optical Liquids MERCRON Integrating Fluorescent Illumination: A Hot Topic



AUTODESK INC Complementary Digital and Physical Prototyping Strategies: Avoiding the Product Development Crunch FARO TECHNOLOGIES Aerospace Tooling: Laser Trackers Shrink Aircraft Size Manufacturing Problems FARO TECHNOLOGIES VIDEO: Expanding Quality with the Latest Generation of the FaroArm FARO TECHNOLOGIES VIDEO: Large Part Inspection with the FARO Laser Tracker
KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS New Test Sequencing Instruments Lower Cost of Test for Device Manufacturers MINCO Prototyping Techniques for Etched-Foil Heaters
NADCA Effective Risk Management Strategies Reduce Commodity Volatility for Die Casters PROTOMOLD COMPANY INC Prototyping Processes: Choosing the Best Process for Your Project
REDEYE RPM Direct Digital Manufacturing -- Bridge to Tooling Z CORPORATION Achieving New Efficiencies in Rapid Prototyping: 3 Case Studies Z CORPORATION Mobile Handheld 3D Scanners Enable New Applications: 3 Case Studies



MERCURY COMPUTER SYSTEMS Converged Sensor Networking: Bringing IP Networking to the Tactical Edge MINCO Ten Tips for Successful Product Development
NANMAC CORPORATION Unique Thermocouple to Measure the Temperature of Squibs, Ignitors, Propellants & Rocket Nozzles NOVOTECHNIK U.S., INC How New Angular Positioning Sensor Technology Opens a Broad Range of New Applications


MAPLESOFT MapleSim: Technological Superiority in Multi-Domain Physical Modeling & Simulation
MAPLESOFT Vehicle Dynamics MOCANA Implementing Secure Shell (SSH) on Devices
MOCANA Six Flaws in Open Source Security: A Free Guide NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Going Parallel with LabView Delivers Test Throughput Gains NEI SOFTWARE NEINastran Nonlinear Analysis Handbook NEI SOFTWARE NEiNastran v9.1 64-Bit (64-Bit Solver)
PTC Five Things You Should Know About 3D CAD Software REAL-TIME INNOVATIONS Implementing Net-Centric Tactical Warfare Systems



ASSOCIATED RESEARCH INC Electrical Safety Testing Explained DATA TRANSLATION Advances in Ultra-Accurate Temperature Measurement Design FARO TECHNOLOGIES VIDEO: Cutting Edge Technology Leads to Victory on the Road Course FARO TECHNOLOGIES VIDEO: Introduction to Laser Scanning GAGE APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES Choosing a High-Speed Instrument: Stand-Alone Instruments vs. PC-Based Digitizers KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS Obtaining More Accurate Resistance Measurements Using the 6-Wire Ohms Measurement Technique KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS Pulse Testing for Nanoscale Devices NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Advanced RFID Measurements: Basic Theory to Protocol Conformance Test NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Simplify Your DMM: Five Tools & Tips for Easier Automated Measurements RDP ELECTROSENSE Understanding Transducer Characteristics & Performance VTI INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation (LXI): Revolutionizing Calibration ZTEC INSTRUMENTS Modular Oscilloscopes vs. Digitizers



ACCES I/O PRODUCTS Nano I/O server CD AEROFLEX Fault-tolerent SPARC-based processor
AITECH DEFENSE SYSTEMS COTS embedded sub-systems ALL ELECTRONICS CORP Electronic surplus store AONIX SMP virtual machine Editorial ASIC ADVANTAGE Radiation tolerent ICs
ATMEL CORPORATION Touchscreen controller ICs Editorial AVNET Avnet Express intelligent part search
BAE SYSTEMS Rad-hard, non-vilatile, high-density C-RAM COMSOL Multiphysics introduction CDs CONGATEC AG Qseven computer module Editorial
DIGI-KEY CORPORATION 400,000 electronic components in stock EIC SOLUTIONS New air conditioned DVR enclosure EMBEDDED SYSTEMS CONFERENCE Embedded systems conference
EVANS "6-pack" capacitor banks IMEC 3D stacked IC technology Editorial
INNODISK USA Solid state drives, DRAM modules INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER Space DC-DC converters ITOX Micro-ATX motherboard Editorial
KONTRON AMERICA AC/DC switching power supply Editorial LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES Bluetooth modules Editorial LIPPERT EMBEDDED COMPUTERS Smallest COM module
M.S. KENNEDY CORP Radiation hardened micro electronics MACRAIGOR SYSTEMS LLC On-chip debug solutions Editorial MAPLE SYSTEMS Gold series panel PCs Editorial
MEN MICRO FPGAs for harsh & mobile apps Editorial
MEN MICRO Rugged PowerPC MICRO/SYS, INC. Stackable USB boards Editorial
MILL-MAX MFG CORP Interconnect design guide online MILL-MAX MFG CORP Machined interconnect components MINCO Free flex circuits design guide
MODULAR DEVICES, INC Proton rad hard DC-DC converters NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Graphical system design platform NEWARK 3.7 million electronic products online
OK LABS Using virtualization to secure mobile devices Editorial OMEGA ENGINEERING INC Benchtop controllers Editorial OMRON ELECTRONICS LLC Multi-function counter Editorial
POLYRACK TECH GROUP Electronics packaging solutions
POWEREX Integrated heatsink technologies REAL-TIME INNOVATIONS Real-time data distribution Editorial RENESAS TECHNOLOGY AMERICA Reference design platform Editorial
SGI Pleiades supercomputer Editorial STEALTH COMPUTER CORPORATION Little PCs
SUNSTONE CIRCUITS Easy online PCB ordering TAPESWITCH CORPORATION GDCI power supply Editorial TERN 586-based industrial controller TRI-M ENGINEERING PC/104+ mobile power supply VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERS High voltage surface mount diodes and multipliers VPT INC Avionics/military catalog of DC-DC converters WIN SYSTEMS INC. STB bus x8b-based SBC Editorial YET2.COM Innovative cooling technology for circuit boards with LED lights Editorial


ACCES I/O PRODUCTS USB embedded I/O solutions ASTRO-MED INC 32-channel high frequency data recorder CAPTRONIC SYSTEMS Remote monitoring system Editorial
DATAFORTH CORPORATION DAQ system for rugged industrial applications DEWETRON INC Portable data acqusition systems with video GAGE APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES Multi-channel, high speed 16-bit digitizers IOTECH INC Dynamic signal analyzer
MADGETECH Multiple channel thermocouple logger MEASUREMENT COMPUTING USB, Ethernet, and wireless temperature measurement MICRO/SYS, INC. Single board computers, microcontrollers, I/O boards NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Simple, secure, wi-fi DAQ
OMEGA ENGINEERING INC New Horizons in Data Acquisition, Volume 23 VTI INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION VXI Class A Switch/DMM


ALLISON PARK GROUP Camera enclosures AMETEK/VISION RESEARCH First 1,000,000 pps active-pixel CMOS camera AMETEK/VISION RESEARCH Phantom digital high-speed camera
AXIS COMMUNICATIONS HDTV network security camera Editorial AZ DISPLAYS Rugged, color LCD monitors Editorial BAUMER ELECTRIC LTD Gigabit Ethernet cameras Editorial
DALSA INC Free white paper: Making the move to digital in machine vision Editorial DALSA INC Genie GigE cameras DIGITAL VISION NETWORK Smart, GigE, USB cameras
EDMUND OPTICS 523 styles of imaging lenses EPIX INC Frame grabber with camera power
FEI First personal electron microscope IMPERX, INC. BOBCAT industrial cameras IMPERX, INC. SDI frame grabber KODAK CCD image sensors Editorial
LOREX TECHNOLOGY Network IP camera Editorial MALVERN INSTRUMENTS Near-infrared chemical imaging system Editorial MATROX IMAGING Image processing tools
MELEXIS USA CMOS image sensor Editorial MICRO-EPSILON World's smallest IR imager
MIKRON INFRARED INC Thermal imaging camera Editorial OLYMPUS INDUSTRIAL AMERICA High-speed video cameras RESOLVE OPTICS Motorized zoom lens Editorial
SCHNEIDER OPTICS Makro-symmar SR lenses SENSORS UNLIMITED/GOODRICH Near-infrared cameras SONY 100 Series smart cameras TOSHIBA IMAGING SYSTEMS DIVISION Ultra-compact color 3CCD HD camera UNIVERSE KOGAKU 1000s of lens sizes VIDEOLOGY IMAGING SOLUTIONS Video recording server Editorial VISION COMPONENTS GMBH Smart cameras



ALCONOX INC. Free guide to critical cleaning CATALYX NANOTECH INC Platelet graphite nano fibers COTRONICS CORP High temperature epoxy, ceramic & specialty materials
ELLSWORTH ADHESIVES Free paper: Selection criteria for medical device adhesives GOODFELLOW CORPORATION Glass ceramic materials Editorial
HERAEUS QUARTZ AMERICA LLC High purity synthetic FS materials MASTER BOND INC Adhesives, sealants, and coatings MASTER BOND INC Electrically conductive adhesives
MILLER-STEPHENSON CO Krytox fluorinated lubricants MILLER-STEPHENSON CO Performance PTFE release agents/dry lubricants MINALEX Aluminum extrusions
NUSIL TECHNOLOGY Silicone coatings ROYAL ADHESIVES & SEALANTS Extra fast setting epoxy SPECIALTY POLYMERS & SERVICES Custom & specialty adhesives
STEVENS PRODUCTS INC Fiberglass laminated epoxy STOCKWELL ELASTOMERICS EMI shielding gaskets


AERO TEC LABS R&D bladder prototypes BIRD PRECISION Precision orifices & filters
BOKER'S INC Free washers catalog FLUID METERING Valveless metering pumps
GENERAL POLYGON SYSTEMS Ultimate mechanical connections INTECH CORPORATION Self-lubricating gear solutions SEAL MASTER CORPORATION Inflatable seals
SMALLEY STEEL RING COMPANY Bearing preload springs STOCK DRIVE PRODUCTS Shaftloc fastening device SUPERBOLT INC Bolting solutions


ADVANCED ANTIVIBRATION COMPONENTS Vibration & shock absorbing components
ALL MOTION Miniature DC servo DYNAPAR BiSS encoders
FARRAND CONTROLS Position transducers HAYDONKERK MOTION SOLUTIONS Precision linear motion products HEIDENHAIN CORPORATION Linear, angular, rotary encoders
MAD CITY LABS Piezo nanopositioners PI Nano-positioning motors & stages
STOCK DRIVE PRODUCTS Inch & metric drive component catalogs


AMETEK/VISION RESEARCH World's first 1,000,000 pps active-pixel CMOS camera ELECTRON TUBES Photomultiplier power supplies GENERAL SCANNING Lightning digital scanners IMPERX, INC. Dual input base camera link frame grabber for laptops
KEYENCE CORP OF AMERICA Safety light curtains Editorial OMLEY Custom vacuum brazing
OPTIMAX SYSTEMS Prototype optics in 1 week PHOTOMACHINING INC Porous ceramic vacuum chuck



DIMENSION Personal 3D printers MFG.COM Source for quality custom parts
MILL-MAX MFG CORP Machined interconnects - free design guide NEI SOFTWARE FEMAP Velocity Series: FEA made easy OBJET GEOMETRIES High-quality 3D printing
PROTOMOLD COMPANY INC One-day turn-around of injection molded parts QUICKPARTS Instant quotes on custom parts REDEYE RPM Digital manufacturing on demand SUNSTONE CIRCUITS 2-6 layer, quickturn proto-boards


AMERICAN AEROSPACE CONTROLS Transducer catalog online MICROSTRAIN Attitude heading reference sensor MINCO Temperature and humidity sensors Editorial
MOLEX INC Capacitive switches and sensors Editorial MOREHOUSE INSTRUMENT COMPANY, INC. Force calibration services TEMPCO ELECTRIC HEATER Electric heaters, controls & sensors


AUTODESK INC Simulation solution for digital prototyping
CCE Multi-CAD viewing and translation Editorial COMSOL Free CD: Learn from 275 simulation projects COMSOL Unifying multiphysics simulation environment
DASSAULT SYSTEMES-PLM AMERICAS Prediction of B-Pillar failure in automobile bodies Editorial MACKICHAN SOFTWARE Standard for mathematical publishing MSC SOFTWARE CORP Live Webcast: Bring Medical Device Concepts to Life Faster
NEI SOFTWARE New FEA white papers ORIGINLAB CORP Complete data analysis and graphing workspace PTC 3D CAD software
SPATIAL CORP 3D geometric modeling Editorial TECPLOT, INC. CFD visualization
THE MATHWORKS INC Model-based design WOLFRAM RESEARCH INC Mathematica 7 computational software Editorial ZUKEN USA Windows based electrical design Editorial
ZWCAD SOFTWARE CAD software with native DWG compatibility Editorial



AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES Low-cost function generator
DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE PLUS Differential pressure gauges MADGETECH Spectral vibration recorder MICROSTRAIN Attitude heading reference sensor, inertial measurement unit
MISTRAS SOFTWARE & SYSTEMS Aerospace nondestructive testing solutions MODULINE CABINETS Aluminum storage cabinets and countertops MOHR AND ASSOCIATES Metallic TDR cable testers MOREHOUSE INSTRUMENT COMPANY, INC. Force calibration lab
NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS LabView graphical programming NEI SOFTWARE NEi Fusion: FEA for designers OMICRON ELECTRONICS CORP Vector network analysis
RAYTEK CORPORATION Infrared linescanner Editorial SHIMADZU High-speed testing of precision parts SPACE MICRO INC. Space dosimeter card Editorial
STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS Residual gas analyzers TESEQ ESD simulation system Editorial VTI INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION High-density switch & measure/control system

IMAGING/CAMERAS : Companies from NASA Tech ,US Defense tech :

B&W TEK Video microscope sampling system , COASTAL OPTICAL SYSTEMS Corrective lens ,
COGNEX Vision sensors eliminate manufacturing defects , CURTISS-WRIGHT CONTROLS Video windows processor , DAITRON Dual channel image processor ,DALSA INC 4K resolution camera , GREAT RIVER TECHNOLOGY Video cards , IMPERIUM INC. Ultrasound imaging camera Editorial
IMPERX, INC. 16-megapixel thermo electric-cooled CCD cameras , IMPERX, INC. Bobcat industrial cameras , IMPERX, INC. Programmable 11 megapixel camera , INFRARED CAMERAS Infrared camera systems Editorial , SONY 4K SXRD projectors , ULTRA ELECTRONICS -DNE PacketAssure service delivery manager , UNIVERSE KOGAKU 1000s of lens sizes in stock , VISION RESEARCH Digital high-speed camera Editorial


CERAMOPTEC Specialty optical fibers Editorial , EDMUND OPTICS Stock and custom volume optics
ELECTRON TUBES Photomultiplier power supplies , FIBERGUIDE INDUSTRIES Optical fibers and cables Editorial , GAMMA SCIENTIFIC LED optometer Editorial , GENERAL SCANNING Lightning digital scanners , HERAEUS QUARTZ AMERICA LLC Optics for demanding applications
IMPERX, INC. 16-megapixel thermo electric-cooled CCD cameras , LABSPHERE, INC Light measurement system Editorial , MAD CITY LABS Nanopositioning systems
MISTRAS SOFTWARE & SYSTEMS Non-contact ultrasonic testing , OCEAN OPTICS Optical transmittance spectrometer Editorial , OPTIMAX SYSTEMS Prototype optics in 1 week
OPTO DIODE CORP. Silicon photodiode preamplifier Editorial , OPTRONIC LABS Comprehensive line of LED test solutions , OSRAM OPTO SEMICONDUCTORS White LEDs Editorial
PHOTON ENGINEERING Total optical engineering solutions , RADIANT IMAGING Light source software Editorial , REVEO DNA sequencing technique Editorial , ROCKY MOUNTAIN INSTRUMENT Thermal imaging optics , STINGRAY OPTICS Large-format MWIR lens Editorial
STOCKER YALE Laser beam shaping module Editorial , TRUMPF Trudisk industrial lasers Editorial


AUTODESK INC Digital prototyping , CATALYX NANOTECH INC High purity nanomaterials at practical prices , FOTOFAB Precision etching of custom metal parts , IMPERX, INC. Bobcat industrial cameras , MFG.COM Source for quality custom parts , NEI SOFTWARE FEMAP Velocity Series: FEA made easy , OPTIMAX SYSTEMS Prototype optics in 1 week , PHOTOMACHINING INC Laser micromachining Editorial , PROTOMOLD COMPANY INC Real injection molded parts in one day


AMERICAN AEROSPACE CONTROLS Transducer catalog , BANNER ENGINEERING Voltage sensor Editorial , FARRAND CONTROLS Position transducers , KIONIX Accelerometer Editorial
LION PRECISION Eddy-current displacement/position sensor Editorial , MICRO-EPSILON Non-contact displacement and position sensors , MICROSTRAIN Attitude heading reference sensor, microminiature gaging sensors , MTS SENSORS Magnetostrictive sensing technology Editorial
OMEGA ENGINEERING INC Electric heaters , OMEGA ENGINEERING INC New Horizons in Temperature, Flow and Pressure , OMEGA ENGINEERING INC Pressure, strain and force handbook
PEPPERL+FUCHS Industrial sensors , R. M. YOUNG COMPANY Meteorological instruments


YET2.COM New, licensable inventions


AERO TEC LABS R&D bladder prototypes , AURORA BEARING COMPANY Spherical bearings, rod ends, bushings , BESWICK ENGINEERING Miniature ball valve ,BIRD PRECISION Precision orifices & filters , DYNAPAR BiSS encoders , HELICAL PRODUCTS Machined springs , M.S. KENNEDY CORP Brushless DC torque amplifiers , MAD CITY LABS Nano positioner , MBO OSSWALD Linking technology - bolts, clevises, angle/ball joints , RENISHAW Optical encoder Editorial , SEAL MASTER CORPORATION Inflatable seals , SERVOMETER/PMG, LLC Metal bellows , SMALLEY STEEL RING COMPANY Spiral retaining rings , STOFFEL POLYGON SYSTEMS Shaft-to-hub connections , THOMAS PRODUCTS DIV. Innovative pump and compressor solutions


ADVANCED MACHINE & ENGINEERING CO, Rod clamp, ADVANTECH Servo motor control, ALL MOTION Miniature DC servo , ALLISON PARK GROUP Protection for your machine vision system , AMETEK Brush, brushless and stepper motors , ANIMATICS CORPORATION Servo motors , BEI KIMCO MAGNETICS Voice coil actuators, BISON GEAR & ENGINEERING CORP AC gearmotor, CYCLO-INDEX Index drives , DESCHNER CORP. Leak-proof speed regulator
DIODES, INC Smart motor controller, DYNAPAR Heavy-duty encoders, resolvers , FESTO Complete industrial automation solution , GENERAL DEVICES Slides , HAWE HYDRAULICS Hydraulic power pack , HAYDON SWITCH & INSTRUMENT Clean room motor , HAYDON SWITCH & INSTRUMENT Customized leadscrew and nut assemblies , INTELLIGENT MOTION SYSTEMS, INC. Integrated motor/drive Editorial , INTELLIGENT MOTION SYSTEMS, INC. Over 156,000 integrated motion control solutions , LIN ENGINEERING Step motor technology
M.S. KENNEDY CORP Motor drive power blocks , MAD CITY LABS Nanopositioning systems
MASTER BOND INC Adhesives, sealants and coatings , MAXON PRECISION MOTORS High precision drives, DC motors , MIDWEST MOTION PRODUCTS CO. DC gearmotor Editorial
MIGA MOTOR PCB-mounted shape memory actuator (SMA) motor , MTS SENSORS Connector system with mobile hydraulic sensor Editorial , NANOMOTION Flex DC multi-axis controller
NATIONAL APERTURE Miniature micropositioning linear and rotary stages , NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Simplify motion control , NEW SCALE TECHNOLOGIES Position sensor Editorial
NEXEN GROUP INC Linear drive system Editorial , OMEGA ENGINEERING INC Automation handbook and encyclopedia , PEPPERL+FUCHS Safely stopping motion using discrete wiring Editorial
PERFORMANCE MOTION DEVICES INC Motion cards Editorial , PI Precision motion control for biotech & medical design , POLYCLUTCH Ultra smooth slip clutch
R+W AMERICA Servo couplings , RENISHAW High-resolution linear and rotary optical encoders Editorial , RENISHAW World's first 13-bit solid state encoder
SCHUNK Robotic gripper Editorial , STEINMEYER, INC Micro manipulator stage Editorial
TAIYO YUDEN USA INC Choke coil Editorial , TURCK INC Multi-turn encoders Editorial
ULTRA MOTION Precision linear actuators , WAGO CORP. Bearing monitoring module Editorial
YASKAWA ELECTRIC AMERICA Servomotors and controllers Editorial


AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RF spectrum analyzer , AMETEK Digital force tester
BIRD TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, DRANETZ-BMI Electrical safety analyzer Editorial
NEI SOFTWARE , OMEGA ENGINEERING INC 100,000 process control and measurement products
OMEGA ENGINEERING INC Flow, level and environmental handbook and encyclopdia , OMEGA ENGINEERING INC New horizons in strain gages , OMEGA ENGINEERING INC Temperature Measurement Handbook and Encyclopedia , OMICRON ELECTRONICS CORP Vector network analysis , PICARRO INC Hydrogen sulfide gas analyzer , QOSINA Oxygen flow meter ,
SAKOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Hybrid vehicle battery test system Editorial , STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS 300 MHz amplifier , STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS Analog PID controller , TAYLOR HOBSON Surface and roundness measurement systems ,
THE MODAL SHOP, INC 3D coordinate digitizer , YOKOGAWA CORP OF AMERICA The next generation of oscilloscopes
Computer : companies :
OCULAR Human/machine interface systems ,OMEGA ENGINEERING INC ,



SOFTWARE : Companies :

AUTODESK INC FEA fuses science with technology , AUTODESK INC Free software
COMSOL Free CD -- Learn from 275 simulation projects , COMSOL The unifying multiphysics simulation environment , FEKO 3D EM simulation software , LMS INTL Innovative approach to shaker testing Editorial , MACKICHAN SOFTWARE Gold standard for mathematical publishing
MSC SOFTWARE CORP Live Webcast: Bring Medical Device Concepts to Life Faster
NEI SOFTWARE New FEA white papers , ORIGINLAB CORP Complete data analysis and graphing workspace , PTC 3D human modeling software Editorial
REMCOM INC EM simulation software Editorial , SOLIDWORKS 3D design software

CATALYX NANOTECH INC Platelet graphite nano fibers , COTRONICS CORP Adhesives you can tie in knots , EAGLE STAINLESS TUBE CORP Stainless steel and titanium components , ELLSWORTH ADHESIVES Medical device assembly adhesives , EMERSON & CUMING INC RF/microwave materials for interference control , HAWTHORNE RUBBER Custom rubber molding
MASTER BOND INC Advanced adhesives,sealants, coatings, & potting technology
MASTER BOND INC Fast curing epoxy adhesive , MILLER-STEPHENSON CO Chemicals for the aerospace industry , NUSIL TECHNOLOGY Silicone coatings , OPTOSIGMA CORPORATION Thin film coatings , ROYAL ADHESIVES & SEALANTS Extra fast setting epoxies , SPECIALTY POLYMERS & SERVICES Custom & specialty adhesives , STEVENS PRODUCTS INC Fiberglass laminated epoxy , STOCKWELL ELASTOMERICS EMI shielding gaskets , TRAUMACURE Mineral product stops arterial bleeding Editorial

COTS embedded sub-systems ALL ELECTRONICS CORPElectronic surplus store AONIX
SMP virtual machine Editorial ASIC ADVANTAGERadiation tolerent ICs
ATMEL CORPORATIONTouchscreen controller ICs Editorial
AVNETAvnet Express intelligent part search
BAE SYSTEMSRad-hard, non-vilatile, high-density C-RAM
COMSOL Multiphysics introduction CDs
CONGATEC AG Qseven computer module Editorial
DIGI-KEY CORPORATION 400,000 electronic components in stock
New air conditioned DVR enclosure
Embedded systems conference
"6-pack" capacitor banks
3D stacked IC technology Editorial
Solid state drives, DRAM modules
Space DC-DC converters
Micro-ATX motherboard Editorial
AC/DC switching power supply Editorial
Bluetooth modules Editorial
Smallest COM module
Radiation hardened micro electronics
On-chip debug solutions Editorial
Gold series panel PCs Editorial
FPGAs for harsh & mobile apps Editorial
Rugged PowerPC
Stackable USB boards Editorial
Interconnect design guide online
Machined interconnect components
Free flex circuits design guide
Proton rad hard DC-DC converters
Graphical system design platform
3.7 million electronic products online
Using virtualization to secure mobile devices Editorial
Benchtop controllers Editorial
Multi-function counter Editorial
Electronics packaging solutions
Integrated heatsink technologies
Real-time data distribution Editorial

Reference design platform Editorial
Pleiades supercomputer Editorial
Little PCs
Easy online PCB ordering
GDCI power supply Editorial
586-based industrial controller
PC/104+ mobile power supply
High voltage surface mount diodes and multipliers
Avionics/military catalog of DC-DC converters
STB bus x8b-based SBC Editorial

Innovative cooling technology for circuit boards with LED lights Editorial

USB embedded I/O solutions
32-channel high frequency data recorder
Remote monitoring system Editorial
DAQ system for rugged industrial applications
Portable data acqusition systems with video
Multi-channel, high speed 16-bit digitizers
Dynamic signal analyzer
Multiple channel thermocouple logger
USB, Ethernet, and wireless temperature measurement

Single board computers, microcontrollers, I/O boards
Simple, secure, wi-fi DAQ
New Horizons in Data Acquisition, Volume 23
VXI Class A Switch/DMM


Camera enclosures
First 1,000,000 pps active-pixel CMOS camera

Phantom digital high-speed camera

HDTV network security camera Editorial
Rugged, color LCD monitors Editorial

Gigabit Ethernet cameras Editorial

Free white paper: Making the move to digital in machine vision Editorial

Genie GigE cameras

Smart, GigE, USB cameras
523 styles of imaging lenses

Frame grabber with camera power
First personal electron microscope

BOBCAT industrial cameras

SDI frame grabber

CCD image sensors Editorial

Network IP camera Editorial

Near-infrared chemical imaging system Editorial

Image processing tools
CMOS image sensor Editorial

World's smallest IR imager

Thermal imaging camera Editorial

High-speed video cameras

Motorized zoom lens Editorial

Makro-symmar SR lenses

Near-infrared cameras

100 Series smart cameras

Ultra-compact color 3CCD HD camera

1000s of lens sizes
Video recording server Editorial
Smart cameras

Free guide to critical cleaning
Platelet graphite nano fibers
High temperature epoxy, ceramic & specialty materials

Free paper: Selection criteria for medical device adhesives

Glass ceramic materials Editorial

High purity synthetic FS materials

Adhesives, sealants, and coatings

Electrically conductive adhesives

Krytox fluorinated lubricants

Performance PTFE release agents/dry lubricants

Aluminum extrusions

Silicone coatings

Extra fast setting epoxy

Custom & specialty adhesives

Fiberglass laminated epoxy

EMI shielding gaskets

R&D bladder prototypes

Precision orifices & filters

Free washers catalog

Valveless metering pumps

Ultimate mechanical connections

Self-lubricating gear solutions

Inflatable seals

Bearing preload springs

Shaftloc fastening device

Bolting solutions


Vibration & shock absorbing components

Miniature DC servo

BiSS encoders
Position transducers
Precision linear motion products

Linear, angular, rotary encoders

Piezo nanopositioners

Nano-positioning motors & stages

Inch & metric drive component catalogs

World's first 1,000,000 pps active-pixel CMOS camera

Photomultiplier power supplies

Lightning digital scanners

Dual input base camera link frame grabber for laptops

Safety light curtains Editorial

Custom vacuum brazing

Prototype optics in 1 week

Porous ceramic vacuum chuck


Personal 3D printers

Source for quality custom parts

Machined interconnects - free design guide

FEMAP Velocity Series: FEA made easy
High-quality 3D printing

One-day turn-around of injection molded parts

Instant quotes on custom parts

Digital manufacturing on demand

2-6 layer, quickturn proto-boards

Transducer catalog online

Attitude heading reference sensor

Temperature and humidity sensors Editorial

Capacitive switches and sensors Editorial

Force calibration services

Electric heaters, controls & sensors

Simulation solution for digital prototyping

Multi-CAD viewing and translation Editorial

Free CD: Learn from 275 simulation projects
Unifying multiphysics simulation environment

Prediction of B-Pillar failure in automobile bodies Editorial

Standard for mathematical publishing

Live Webcast: Bring Medical Device Concepts to Life Faster

New FEA white papers
Complete data analysis and graphing workspace

3D CAD software

CAM software Editorial

3D CAD software

3D geometric modeling Editorial

CFD visualization

Model-based design

Mathematica 7 computational software Editorial

Windows based electrical design Editorial

CAD software with native DWG compatibility Editorial

Low-cost function generator

Differential pressure gauges

Spectral vibration recorder

Attitude heading reference sensor, inertial measurement unit

Aerospace nondestructive testing solutions

Aluminum storage cabinets and countertops

Metallic TDR cable testers
Force calibration lab
LabView graphical programming
NEi Fusion: FEA for designers

Vector network analysis
Infrared linescanner Editorial
High-speed testing of precision parts
Space dosimeter card Editorial

Residual gas analyzers

ESD simulation system Editorial
High-density switch & measure/control system

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only ,if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 03-04-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Even Hindu terrorist who did extreme level crime against humanity =genocide , even then .,like 2008 Orrisa ,2008 Karnataka , 2002 Gujarat Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009 , ,11-04-2009
Terrorist expert from India =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A !!

Pl, I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , ,…,Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Please recently in 2008 March , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008=concern Anti terror .and sensor .
Note : Pl ,I was facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =8 Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =total 16 international level publication,
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !!
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India ,
society of Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada
15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my all vote to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 ! My Voter ID RJ/18/143/238028

Posted 1 month ago | Delete discussion

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional

See all Ruhel’s discussions »

Comments (27)
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices . ,
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Please in my view UN, USA ,EU= CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, UNODC ,Interpol ,FBI , Europol, Should ban these mention organizations = Hidutava terrorist groups= VHP,Bajrang dal ,RSS people ,make this people in list of those organizations those are doing crime against humanity =Genocide , murder, live burn , looting ++ they are safe in India =Hindu rich nation =Please put this man = VHP President= Praveen Togadiya in Hindu terrorist list of UN ,USA,EU this man is safe in india !!??
Loop holes in Charge sheet =4528 pages , made and submit in Mumbai High court , by ATS-MH=Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , concern Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .
The explosive instrument used was IED =Improvised explosive device ,(Notable thing is this also used by Al-Quida in Iraq ,from past 2001 to till now to kill innocent Iraqi ) and explosives are RDX , Ammonium nitrate , ammonium nitrite ,
Now Loop Holes :
(1) ATS Mumbai ,did not touch =interrogate ,the Himani Saverkar ,who did married with Mahatma Gandhi Murder family person ,who is near daughter of Saverkar one of founder of RSS =Hindu terrorist group , she is clearly saying in open conferences that reply bomb is only bomb !!??
(2) ATS Mumbai did not touch =interrogate , Abhinav Bharat Group , which
ATS Given videos talk of this group members taking about , bomb explosions in India ,destroy Indian democracy, these people were doing open talk to produce hate against Indian constitute in Hindu Youth of India +NRI, only that part of Indian constitute which supporting Indian minorities , and hate against Indian democracy which supporting Indian minorities !!??
(3) Abhinav Bharat Group , are taking about the Hindu Army Rule in India, and ATS Given 2000 pages proofs ,videos recordings , against Abhinav Bharat Group those were taking conferences , meeting like these talks !
(4) But ATS Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , Did not taken any step to counter and put them in Court and jails after open trails !!??\
(5) ATS =MH, left , the groups of Indian army officers ,those are working ,and retired ,concern , involvement in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blasts !!!?? these groups of Indian army officers intension is clear to make Hindu Nation on behalf of kill ,murder ,bomb blasts ++
(6) ATS –MH also Left , (1) Ramesh Sivajee Upadhaya , Raikar = former Indian army official , he was commanded in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune , he given this place to train the Hindu terrorist for Bomb explosions in India , (7) ATS –MH also Left one more former Indian army officer =Sanat Kumar Bhatee , He was also involved in these bomb blasts ,
(8) ATS –MH , And ATS Pune taken hand ,to open the complete link between the Indian army and these bomb blasts in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .
(9) ATS Given clean chits to all Indian army officials , ATS taken them as only witness !?
(10) while ATS –MH And pune attend the special training from these mention Indian army officials !?
(11) ATS –MH,Pune left ,the two times BJP Member of parliament = Cornel Dhar and Delhi based one doctor = RP Singh , those were supporting to make new nation like Abhinav Bharat , these people were active member of these things !!
(12) ATS –MH ,Pune keep mum on link with these two , Cornel Dhar and RP Singh , + Abhinav Bharat Group , with other BJP Leaders those are political powerful !!??
(13) ATS –MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of cornel Purohit , =Indian army official ,concern which , ATS –MH ,Pune given video recording in that he was telling , (14) ATS MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of people working in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune and Akanssha resorts where the Hindu terrorist trainings were taken place !!?? and ATS –MH,Pune shown very politeness on these two organizations !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
* 10 years experience with Analytical technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS
* One year with SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , ( SABIC mention in global top 10 companies )
* Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ),
* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK
* We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants
* have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in1989 , I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist !
* I got Invitation for , speaker presentations for upcoming event of ,: Pharma R&D Opportunities
* Please I am invited to submit suggestion to improvement Pittsburgh conference 2006,2007 ,


2008 Jan-2008 Dec (31st ) : Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , here I was Middle management
* For All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate ,
* The technology provider = Licensor = was KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,


* ACS (American Chemical Society ) 2001-2009 !
* Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry ) 2001-2009!
* Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 14-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India
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Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While this nation voter =millions , promoted Mr. Modi as Gujarat ruler =Chief minister for 2003-2008 then 2008 to 2013 !! two more terms !! whose Ministers ,Police officer were openly accused for 2002 Gujarat genocide !!
Now Naveen Patnayak given again one more term for Chief minister , In Orissa ,who was chief minister of Orissa 2008 ,when Christen genocide taken place !! Where victims of genocide still getting threat from Criminals ,genociders ,raper ,police officers !! Please note it tell that Indian Voters are Maximum Hindus those like to do Orrisa 2008 ,Christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka Christen genocide ,2002 Gujarat genocide and they are electing again that Government which protected genocider ,criminals ,raper, again election that Police officers those did support in all these High level human crime !! notable thing is these voters are in millions population !! these are concentrate Hindus ,these are crime lover ,these genocide lover ,in my view these voter are Taliban ,these are terror !!?? note Indian 50 million to 60 million voter love BJP =Genocider of christen ,Muslims !! and its when India is member of UN All branches ,its in 2100 Era !! ??
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
Note : In My view ,FBI ,Interpol ,UN Anti terror branch= CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, UNODC ,Europol ,should take all Data ,proofs ,from Indian government ,concern Hindu terrorism !! and these international anti terror organizations will get the ways of Hindu terror probes !!??
should ask to Indian government to permit for interrogate to Lt colonel Parsad Purohit + Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia + LK Advani + ,at least they will able to know that is Hindu terrorism !! how smart these people are !!? what is definitions of Hindu terrorism if you do investigation in India only against Hindu terrorism !! Ruhel at least they will get the range and tactics of this Hindu terror !!?? Ruhel Date 03-01-2009 while I like to mention here that ATS - Anti terror squad –Maharastra , public prosecutor =Ajay Misar lodge a complain in Sarkarwada Police station that on 16th Nov 2008 ,that he got one threat
At his phone , from Hindu terror group , for him and for ATS Chief = Hemant Karkare ,who got killed in 26/11 Mumbai terror attack just 9 days later !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on 13th Jan 2009 , Hubbali- WB , press conference ,the northern range , Inspector general of police , =Mr Ragvandra Oradcar , given , speech that behind , Hubbali –Court Bomb blast ,on may 2008 , there was Hindu terrorist ,not SIMI !! while in may 2008 there was Karnataka Election ,and BJP taken full benefit to win ,maximum seats !! b’se BJP try to prove that these Bomb blast did by Indian minorities !!?? the man find behind this blast was =Nagraj Gangabi , he was PA of one Concentrate Hindu politician , they found nine =9 other Hindu terrorist in link this !!??
Ramesh Pavaar , Ling Raj Jalagar , ++, While this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi was member of Shri Ram Sena ,who is doing attacks on girls and boys ,at Pubs = high society - Bar at Banglour now a days they did attack on three pubs =bar !!?? this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi is very closed to Pramod Mutallik founder of Shri Ram sena ,who is Like Praveen Togadia of Karnataka !!?? the full other part can be found at The Indian express, Only one news paper of India who is writing against Hindu terror !!Only one !!?? from all news papers ,news media ,includes NDTV , this news channel is not allowed in Udaipur –RAJ , B’se here all Channels providers are from BJP=RSS=VHP=Bdal =Hindu terror wings !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 06-02-2009 , while this state police (all) is still in link ,getting order from former BJP=RSS Home minister (2003 -2008) =Gulab Chand Kataria (2003-2008) !!??
Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(b) while it found and discussed in Indian -parliament ,Rajya sabha ,by Members of parliament that 29 September , two -bomb blasts at Malegaon (Maharastra ) and Modasa ( Gujarat ) done by Hindu hardliners =Bajrangdal and Hindu Jagran Manch ,the probed reached to RSS Student wig= ABVP= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad , both blast taken place simultaneously , at two different places , (its all bomb blasts after the Banglour , Ahemdabd , Delhi bomb blasts ) they used RDX to do these bomb blasts !! Pleased note it !!!??
while it found that , SanatKumar Rajvithal Bhate , trained 115 Hindu activates ,to do bomb blasts ,from gelatin ,And RDX !! He got 300 gelatins ,from Bhosale Military school Nasik ,Pune ,
it found that these Hindu Hardliner put two motorcycles (1) at SIMI Office at Malegaon (Maharastra ) (2) At Modasa ( Gujarat ) they put with the Islamic sticker , and forensic investigator found that it attempt to mislead them , the motorcycles used were LML-Freedom and these Hindu hardliner , these people used main frame ,and engine ,from two different vehicles . and they erased the engine number , chassis number , but after forensic method it found that these numbers were , of Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur , which was registered at Surat RTO –Gujarat =Number = GJ 05 BR 1920 ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While these Hindu terrorist used fake number plate but it was , on her name , Pragya Singh Thakur ,this was not sold ,and thief And second motorcycle was on name of =ABVP person ,who is running NGO in Indore =MP (Madhya Pradesh) –India , P-1,P-4 24 October ,2008 The Indian express ) the Malegaon (Maharastra ) bomb blast
taken six humen life , its taken place when 20,000 =twenty thousand Indian minorities were gathered at they holy time !! now surprised thing is national level political leader , Uma Bharti of BJS =Bharatis Bhartiya Janshakti Party , offer to Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur ,her party ticket ,form Mahdaya Pardesh =MP ,for MLA Election = political leader of India !!?? its when Pragya Singh Thakur is in police custody , with Maharastra Anti terror squad , this thing did not stop here BJP president also support her = Pragya Singh Thakur !!!?? P- 4, 31 October ,2008 ,The Indian express .
while it found that her father was RSS –worker !!?? while ATS = Anti terror squad have proof against her as her motorcycle ,and her 400 minutes conversation with Shyam Bhavarlal Sahu !!!?? after these all this offer to her are there !!??? =offer for MLA Election,from BJP president !!?? Ruhel date 30-12-2008 –Udaipur –raj India . Sir I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in india !!?? while about these all probes my view is that India is Hindu nation and what I seen the result of Justice Nanavatti committee report on Gujarat 2002 genocide !! it tell me that like this all probes are complex !! and its when Hindu terror name came it very typical to get 100% truth ,from Hindu police officials it self against Hindu terror !! its very rare and typical !!!??? Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 .
It open by Maharastra Police that Hindu terrorist Rajesh Dhavade (Malegaon Bomb accused) ,got training on Make Bomb ,by two chemistry -Hindu professors , from Pune , based Narsujee Vadiya college , professors names are Dr Sharad Kuntee (he was former VHP –head at Pune city) ,and Dr Dav , these two chemistry -Hindu professors teach them to make pipe –bombs , it also found that one more ABVP active Mr. Sameer Kulkanii ,who was involved in Jabalpur –MP ,riots ,he was main accused to provoke to riots !!?? ABVP= RSS Student wig= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad !!??Ruhel Date 30-12-2008 .
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??

While Made in india =Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report , concern Base of Gujarat 2002 genocide ! = Godhara –train case ! =
The LOOP HOLES of this report= Justice Nanavatti –Mehta report ,
(1) This commission made by Mr Narandara Modi it self =BJP=RSS ,6 years ago !!??
(2) There is no witness of , who burn Train =Godhara Train 2002 ,
(3) There was 200 total witness none of given talk ,proof to court that Train burn by Muslim -gathered !!??
(4) No body know ,that train was having Hindu car sevak , except BJP=RSS people ,even Gujarat government official -do not know !!
(5) Train was more then 5= more then five hours late , if any plan was there it was easily failed due to unlimited late train =that is also more then 5 hours !!?? it also tell that criminal were related to done Party only !!??
(6) Commission told that train Westuval was cut ,if it was cut then why , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission do not kept it as proof ,and sold to Kabadi = used thing buyer !!??
(7) During Court talk ,it proved by 200 witness that , train was stop by pulling it chain and it stop by Car sevak only ,b’s e few car sevak was left on station it self !!??
(8) Forensic experts , given proof that , by calculation by height of Train track and height of train window it is not possible to throw petrol like that in train !!??
(9) It is not east to cut Westuval of train with in few time !!??
(10) This Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission ignored many very important witness !!??
(11) While in 2002 the rail minister was Nitish Kumar =BJP Supporter that’s why he did not given any , investigation from railway official +railway police officer !!??
(12) There is no ,any record of justice UC Benarjee report in , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report !!?? While its very important !!??
(13) Justice Nanavatti –Mehta refused to take investigation of Narandara Modi = why !!?? this commission made many dual talk about , why ,burn train !!??
(14) while one honest - Police officer = RB Shri Kumar told to commission that he is getting threat from criminal that if he told true then he will loose the life !!? and this honest police office given record - proof of that threat telephone call in court also !!?? that also ignored by Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission = Mr Narandara Modi made =RSS=BJP Made !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(a) Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
while its well known that mahatma Gandhi was killed by RSS person =Nathuram Godsae , a Marathi guy !!?? and Australian father Graham steen and kids=Christen ,murder and killer to live burn them = Dara Singh is Bajrang Dal person !!?? while Darasingh , lawyer was , brother of BJP Leader =Dealip singh Judev , who taken case of Hindu terrorist who was killer of three human ,Australian christen ,his case taken for free him by BJP Leader brother !!!?? Now BJP =RSS is telling that they will provide lawyer to Sadhvii Pragya Singh Thakur , !! while in India there is no rights for fake - framed Indian Muslim for terrorism !!?? but BJP is supporter of Hindu terrorist for Hindu lawyer in India !!!??
Kanpur UP –India ,two =2 ,Bajrang dal Person got killed during making bomb at home and many other got injured , Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps , (c) in Bhunashvar –India also one BJP leader kid and his friends were captured by police during making bomb CBI Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps !!!??? (d) in Karnataka =Danavgeer ,also there were attack on Indian christen taken place , , by VHP= RSS ,Bajrang Dal people ,and local police did directly support of this , and this local police made fake cases on 16 fathers =christen –holy people , and local police did not made single FIR against RSS ,BJP people ,while VHP,Bajrang Dal people taken directly responsibility of these attacks in front of media ,and local media ,as there is BJP is in power =ruling Karnataka, these VHP,Bajrang Dal people destroy the churches ,destroy the Jesus stachu ,
On 14 September 2008 , the VHP ,Bajrang Dal people attack on church at manglor the burn Bible , once nun called police ,police asked many question to nuns ,like is there =nun organizations in international ,is they are getting money from foreign !!!?? they =police did not taken any action against VHP, Bajrang Dal people ,one more incident in Karnataka , permuunar , Sant Sabsteen church , huge christen people were gathered there , suddenly Bajrang Dal ,VHP people came there , and start to through stones ,and brutally beaten to nuns ,father , and local police also directly support these Hidutava groups , the burn bible , destroy mother marry stachu , while one more incident , at Kodral church , there local police brutally beaten to nuns ,father plus school kids which is near to church and beaten to one 72 years old lady !!! Karnataka chief minister is Mr BS Yeddyurappa ,he refused to ban Bajrangdal !!??these all tell that BJP is sees it self at next ruling party in centre =new Delhi –HQ , Bajrang Dal have its branches called as Sri ram sena , now Bajrang Dal is planning to made Hindu suicide squad , there will be training to youth for die on cost of Hindu nation =Nationalist !!!?? these people will get training from Hindu police officials , Hindu Army officials, these things told by Pramod Mutalik ,head of Sri ram sena = Bajrang Dal !!! P -5, 22 September 2008 ,,=The Indian express ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
e) while in Rajasthan also ,my living place =birth state , after jaipur bomb blast Home minister of Rajasthan Order to police , to torture Indian Muslim ,bangala speaking people , and attack on Indian christen also taken place example are Jodhpur ,Bayavar , Its all to get Hindu votes as 5 states - election were very near , and at last BJP got win in two states =MP=Madhya Pradesh ,Zharkhand !!! this all movement was to make Hindu India !!?? Ruhel date 23-12-2008 –Udaipur –Raj India while in Udaipur –Raj India =whole Rajasthan all Jain =Baniya and Marvadii , have good support to BJP=RSS =VHP =Bajrangdal by money ,plus other !!??
While in Rajasthan , 3 October 2008, at Dungarpur Raj India , BJP ,Bajrang Dal ,VHP people , did destroy and burn the Indian minorities shops (only shops ) to destroy there economic foundation , the maximum loss was 50=40+10 lacks to Dr Kurashi ,dental clinic ,
While in Andrapradesh –India , VHP=Bajrang Dal people did live burn of 6 =5+1 =six ,Indian Muslim, it included 3 kids ,one woman ,two man , its was incident of 10 October 2008 , these all were just before Indian state elections so that ,so that Indian 80% Hindu vote change to BJP=RSS=VHP=Bajrang Dal !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India
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Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
(1) Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,
While ATS –Pune , put cheating , forgery cases on Lt Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit , he did forged document for weapon ,and did made fake ARMY- ID =ARMY Identification Card , for Chaturvedi , who was active member of Abhinav Bhart ,=a group who tell bomb reply is bomb !!?? it found that he given proofs that he and Chaturvedi did attends all meetings , leading up to Bomb blasts , up to Malegaon bomb blast !!??

Sir Bajrangdal is Hindu –Al-Quida , (its to kill Indian minorities only ) ,and VHP=is Hindu LeT (Lakshre Toiba ) to kill Indian minorities only !!)) Ruhel Date 27-12-2008
While MH Chief minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh told for ATS –Pune , that why LK Advani , and several BJP Leaders , asking to change the present ATS- Anti terrorist wing –Pune, and conduct judicial inquire into , charge made by Sadvi Pragya singh Thakur , !!!?? while ATS was carrying in to its probe , with out POTA , TADA which was made by BJP !!?? and used on innocent Indian Muslim +other !!??
While BJP future prime minister of India =LK Advani meet national security Adviser ,MK Narayana , and intelligence bureau director , PC Halder concern sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur !!?? while national security Adviser ,MK Narayana told him that he will look into !!??
I want all type of terrorist groups should be ban and killed !! it tell that USA,EU ,UN should ban and kill to RSS ,VHP=Bdal those killing only innocent Indian minorities = crime against humanity !! while Islamic terrorist are killing only innocent USA ,Israeli and other western people= crime against humanity !!??
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Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While the reality of Indian Law enforcement system can be understand by these points :
(1) Justice Krishna commission report = concern 1989-1993 Mumbai riots , and role of Mumbai Police in Riots , they given video ,Audio , personal interview with victims +recording to telephonic talks +mobile talk of police officers ,ministers =mainly from BJP ,Shiv Sena ,all were telling that How Mumbai Police was involved in to provoke Riots ,and fully support of Mumbai Hindu Mainly Martha !! these happened b’se there was no minority Police offer was in Job that time all police officer was Hindus !! and fully like to kill minorities Life ,business ,Home + allowed to Hindu rioter to do kill and rape ~!! ?? this Justice was proved alone Laws and order person who given truth about whole 1989 to 1993 Mumbai riots !!!?? he given the telephone records of Mumbai police officers and ministers those were at work that time and in power that time !!?? these all proofs are with National minority commission ,National human right commission !! he given these proof 4 years back till now none of that Police officer get terminated put behind the bar !! put on then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? and same way none of Hindu Ministers +few Minority ministers , put behind the Bar + then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? that time in Mumbai Shiv Sena –BJP was ruling !!?? while from past 5 years Mumbai Have Congress party ,its allies are ruling !! noting happened to , riot provoker Police officers +ministers put behind the bar + serious charges !!?? Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 Udaipur-Raj India 313001.
(2) While the reality of Gujarat, 2002 March riots ,genocide , the Laws enforcement independent agencies try ot got Telephonic ,mobile talk records of Gujarat police officers ,ministers, but they were not able to get ,even they reached to supermen court get order aloes !!?? till now they did not get any telephonic ,mobile ,recodes of Gujarat police ,ministers those were enveloped in this genocide !!?? b’se Modi used his power ,to fail all system of records !! they told they destroy the records ,due to instrument fault !!??
(3) These all things tell that Home Minister of India is indirectly supporter of HINDU nation where these things will be consider as normal !!?? and this nation have all rights for Hindus only weather they are Narandara Modi ,weather they are LK Advani ,weather they are Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,whether they are Mumbai police officer , weather they are Mumbai police officers and ministers in 1989 to 1993 ,weather they are Gujarat 2002 march time police officers and ministers !!??

Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj 313001 India.
While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,with use of providing money to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by ??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While I can understand from my real life ,that Indian IB,MI,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,did not allowed single
Indian minorities ,in Physics ,Engineering ,Chemistry , at international Jobs , higher degrees , even it tell these MI,IB ,RAW means these people killed 10000, to 20 lacks =20,00000 intelligent brains of Assam ,Kashmir , those can be good physicist ,engineers ,chemists but there brain got killed by MI,IB,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,
B’se they are minorities of this nation , even may be few of them have publications like me at USA ,EU ,Canada, Germany , but this nation =India did not allowed them to get good degree ,jobs future in EU ,USA !!?? May be there names also used by this Hindu rich nation to get technology ,from USA defense ,NASA !!?? to got rise in DRDO ,ISRO ,IITs ,IISc !!?? it also tell that may be MI , did make fake –internet cases on them , put them in fake criminal activities , on these all innocent physicist ,engineers ,chemist b’se they are Indian minorities !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on October 2008 , Justice Sacher committee received first reply , concern , number of Muslim employee in IIM-A,IIM-C,BHU,NCMEI ( National commission fro minorities educational institute , ) , NIIE =National institute industrial engineering ,ut told following facts =
IIM-A have following grades =classes = Grade A , 3 Minority from 30 , grade B =Class B , 8 Minority ,from 76 , grade C =Class =15 minority ,from 161 , class D =Grade D, zero minority ,from 94,
IIM-C have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 =ZERO Minority from 85 , grade B =Class B , 2 Minority ,from 48 , grade C =Class =6 minority ,from 126 , class D =Grade D, 11 minority ,from 87,
BHU have following grades =classes = Grade A , 83 Minority from 1465, grade B =Class B , 6 Minority ,from 185, grade C =Class =124 minority ,from 2008, class D =Grade D, 24 minority ,from 2544,
NCMEI have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 Minority from 4 grade B =Class B , 4 Minority ,from 6 grade C =Class =1 minority ,from 5, class D =Grade D, 1 minority ,from 6,
NIIE have following grades =classes = Grade A , 1 Minority from 54 grade B =Class B , 1 Minority ,from 25 grade C =Class =0 minority ,from 128, class D =Grade D, 5 minority ,from 114

While Assam university have , 6 minority employee out of 245 !!!???
This is the first report get by Justice Sacher committee ,now other department report will came later on !! one by one !!??
Its first impact , of Justice Sacher committee is the start of minorities scholarships ,( Christen ,Muslim ,Sikh ,Parsis ,Buddhists)
India’s following states given the scholarships to minorities students ( at IIT’s ,IIM’s ,NIFT, SPA , Medical college ,Regional engineering college ,Universities +++) ,
Kerla given = 29,380 minorities scholarships , they got 14 X100000 applications , UP –Mayavatti , given 67,420 minorities scholarships ,they got 10.5 X100000 applications , West Bengal –Where communist are ruling ,given , 44,460 minorities scholarships They got 7.5 X100000 application, Karnataka –where BJP is ruling ,given , 16,640 minorities scholarships ,they got , 2X10,0000 applications , Tamil Nadu ,(DMK Ruling ) they given , 15,340 minorities scholarships ,they got 3X100000 applications ,
While on date 14-04-2009 ,Hindu ISI Hacked my membership web at SABIC Network , for which I got Accepted by its ambassador , on date 13-04-2009 ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While recently , in UP =Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Bajerdeeha , UP Hindu police did open fire , with out warning ,and with out stick attack ,and with out tearing gas , on Indian Muslims , 11 march 2009 , they did not only killed Indian Muslim but also put 500 serious cases on 500 Indian Muslim ,=IPC 307 , =Indian panel court , 307 ,the cause was also done by Hindu only they used to throw Color on Their mosque , from past 10 years on every Holi =Hindu religion festival , even they =Indian Muslim are complaining from past 10 years at all level !!?? and there is not Hindu home near mosque , in this firing two Indian Muslim got killed ,10 serious injured !!?? the police officer name are =Shamsheer Bahdur Singh , the BJP leaders behind this name are =Durga Babu Lal Khurdia , his son Rajkumar , b’se from Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Murlee Mahnohar Joshi is BJP –leader for this 2009 election !!?? and RSS want Religious riots in UP and Varanasii , to win the election on basis of Hindutava and Hindu Rights !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from EU –Command ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 29-05-2009 Time : 10:05 AM
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 30-05-2009 Time : 10:25 AM , Its=MI,IB,RAW ,CID , thinking that whole world like Hindus And want be part of these all activities what I mention !! Ruhel
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Please I sent my work against anti Terror =Against Arabic Terror , at =UNSC - CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, on 27-04-2008 ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia = Title : How the terror related webs are possible from ME=Gulf ! why none of international crime ,terror prevention Bodies able to stop them ! and why they are not getting the IP Address , and telephone number of them !!? I sent it from SABIC=Saudi Kayan My –own Office PC ,I have confirmation of this work with me .But when I try to sent my one more work = Against –Hindu terrorism .from Udaipur –Raj India 2009 Jan .Feb ,,from my Laptop ,and its internet connection at Telephone number =00912942488521 , Then I was not allowed by Hindu IT terror =Hindu RAW ,MI,IB !!?? I try it from past 2=two month but I was not allowed !!?? I doubt that CTED web hacked by Hindu IT terrorist !!?? you can understand the reality of Indian government concern anti Terrorism !!?? =India have only one direction =Anti –Indian Muslim ,Anti Indian christen !!?? and used these people kids ,young on name of terrorism !!?? like doing in Kashmir ,Assam !!??
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim employees in IITs , IIT-B.IIT-K,IIT-D,IIT-M,IIT-G, are as follows ,
Zero= Grade A in three IITs , 1 one = Grade B in Three IITs . 6 six=, Grade C , three IITs , 12 = Grade D in three IITs ,
Ruhel Chisty Date 10-04-2009 , while , you can understand the Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim Students percentage in These IITs !!??
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was among top two !!
Neuro science and corrupt Humen rich city and nation !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!??
Posted 22 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 11-06-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from - Find Lobbyist, Government Relations, Advocacy, and Public Policy jobs ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 12-06-2009 Time ;12:15 PM
Posted 16 days ago | Delete comment

Visit of Hillary Clinton from 16th July 2009 to 18th July 2009 ,at Mumbai =INDIA, and My Life =Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A, Life !!??

I was going by Bus for Walk in Interview at SABIC =IBN ZAHR for Chemist post = Job ID =05104, to Mumbai =Bombay 800 Kilo meters Far from Udaipur Raj , on date 15-07-2009 ,
I start to face torture by udaipur Hindus in Bus and bus driver that You =Ruhel Chisty is terrorist , by brain waves 0,160 ,220 cps , they did torture in whole path forced me to accept terrorist ! I keep my self cam =easy as much as possible , b’se I was going for interview to get Job and freedom from this poverty rich Hindu nation ,huge population 1.266 billion !!??
When I reached to Mumbai on 16th July 2009 at 10.30 AM ,there also I start to face torture by Mumbai based people forced me that you are terrorist !!
When I reached to guest House ,there also I faced torture , from 16th July to 18th July till walk in interview date 18th July 2009 ,these Hindus and Indian Muslims at Dungarii ,Mumbai was torturing me that you are terrorist !! I was thinking that these Indian are like this only , doing these things that I will fail in interview +will not got job !!?? But on date 18-07-2009 after walk in interview time finished I see news paper I found that , US Secretary of state –Hillary Clinton was in Mumbai ,from 16-18 July 2009 !!?? for this whole torture RAW ,IB,MI =PMO Dr Manmohan Singh office was supporting torturer by satellite technology +TV Free voice mode ,cell ,telephone !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj India 313001 .

While on date 14-04-2009 ,Hindu ISI Hacked my membership web at SABIC Network , for which I got Accepted by its ambassador , on date 13-04-2009 ,
Actually these Indian =Hindus want to make me Ruhel Chisty ,RChisty , peon of PMO ,HM ,RAW,IB,MI from past 18 years ,1991 to 2009 !! Not any official , a peon who will accept all kicks of Hindus from past 18 years ,1991 to 2009 ,13 April ,and will give the thanks to this Nation =India =Hindus nation where 82% are Hindu ,while in Shri Lanka 80% Singhal ,see the condition of Shri Lanka by there own citizens ,not outer side its due to high injustice with Tamils in Jobs ,business ,future , life ,prospects which all theft by Singhal due to 82% Vote bank ,like India have 82% vote bank of Hindu so India all IB,MI,RAW ,HM,PMO Posts captured by Hindu only ,or Hindu Minorities =Sikh ,Jain ,Not Indian christen ,Not Indian Muslims ,and PMO ,HM Action on Assam Christen from past 30 years , Kashmir Muslim ,from past 30 years ,My real life case ,from past 18 years it all tell about High level injustice with Non Hindu minorities in this Hindu Nation ,India !! Ruhel Chisty Date 13-04-2009
Now I am thinking that my birth is not for this huge population ,lowest human quality nation =India, to face these people are all where , still 80 nations are in world those have best human quality then this nation its UN Data ,not any Indian data , any Indian !!?? to waste my life all good in between these Low quality human !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 20-04-2009 ,
and I Have to face these democratic terror -people in Dubai ,Saudi Arabia=GULF =ME also and as my birth is in this Hindu Rich – Nation=India , so these people human society , think me as there property like these people were doing in old Era of India ,with OBCs ,ST/SC !!!?? while I do not meet with my kid=F. Chisty ,from past 1999 to till now ,as Indian religion -laws ,have complexity ,while his age is now 12 years ,this is also one torture to person like me , as root birth , in this Hindu nation =India !!!??
While this Con Hindu ISI,IB , and Con , secular Indian Muslim neighbors of me are using Satellite technology , my laptop , telecommunication technology , to torture ,me at my laptop ,which is connected to internet , and then using , its secular Indian Muslim neighbors , using 3G Mobiles , other recording system ,to put that torture and my voice ,at You tube ,other charity webs for video , In such way , these is rise to this Hindu nation at UN ,EU,USA ,ME =Saudi Arabia 2008 Jan to 2008 Dec !! ??
This is all to rise Indian who have only con brain , and the award of this these Udaipur - secular Hindu are giving huge business to these , secular Indian Muslim neighbors of me !!
And This Hindu ISI ,was threaten me at my laptop by voice mode , by use of Hindu’s satellite technology , , that This nation is Hindu nation ,you have to follow its norms to live here , after that I was not able to start my own discussion forum , after that I was not able to Sent my messages to SABIC network other members , it was all misuse of satellite technology , it tell me that Canada did given India first Nuclear reactor in 1968 ,on charity basis , to get energy only , But , what India did it made 50 nuke bombs ,of 800 kgs, same way Russia also given satellite ,missile technology , on charity basis what Indian Hindu ISI is doing now !! if these Hindu ISI can do on me like this ,can use Udaipur Human , kishan pole street human from past 1991 to 2009, =18 years as Human dogs , who obey its instructions , !!?? it tell me that What this Hindu ISI ,can do on Assam ,Kashmir based Indian minorities !!??
Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,Date 14-04-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India 313001,
While from past 4 months I am getting threat at my brain by kishan Pole based Indian Muslim kids , including Naveed Chisty , maximum of this street kids are from illiterate parents , these people +these parents are tool of Hindu ISI ,from past 1991 to till now , by TV Free voice mode , and these people using brain waves ,voice rays in night and day torture , while India is forcing to world to help this huge population nation =1.26 b , poor ,poverty rich nation to provide it advance technology on name of Human population !!?? while its human like Kishan Pole Indian Muslim +Udaipur Hindu society !!?? and have full conversion from Hindu ISI !!??
While from past few month I am getting threat from Udaipur Human society , Kishan Pole Indian Muslim ,in night torture ,that again Indian will keep me forced unemployed ,like 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 Jan , b’se I am writing truth of this City Udaipur ,and India , if these people =PMO New Delhi ,Hindu ISI , put me again like that I am promising my self that in future life if I became like Nelson Mendal ,then many of these people will get lesson in life either in prison of in Foreign Just all deserved thing and many of Hindu ISI official will be in prison and unemployed ,no pension ,no salary ,no future !!?? I will taken it from Indian history it self , not from other nation !!?? b’se this threat telling me about reality of India ,its Hindu ISI ,PMO Reality !!?? Ruhel date 11-04-2009 ,
Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

(1) From past 1 months , Udaipur based Hindus are doing these things with me =Ruhel Chisty , these people stop 23 AA ,and other 7 houses light =Power continuous 10 times ,up to 1 hour to 5 hours , while rest of all Udaipur ,even my street other all people light is on ,whole Udaipur light is on ,even Slum area of this Udaipur is light on ,but only these 8 houses ,including 23 AA is closed !!? this Gulab Bagh based electric house =power house is have BMS =Bharitiya Majdoor sangh worker union !!?? which is only controlling this power house ,from past 18 years , and this is RSS =BJP Worker force !!??
!!?? these people have leader Gulab Chand Karatiya , who given threat ,through Nagger parishad, to Dr MS Agwani and other residence of Ahinsapuri ,people that he will make 15 feet short to DR MS Agwani house ,Plus other to make Proud road =BJP Proud road , , from Fethah Pura to Sukhar ,this threat was given up to 1 years from 2003 to 2008 , even these all people buy those homes in legal way , but that threat was on , acquisition of some rule of Government to acquired any home for national benefit =state benefit !! !!?? while After this Dr MS Agwani =friend of Dr Manmohan Singh , friend of Jagat Mehta ,friend president Jail Singh , was under threat up to 1 years !! , B’se Gulab chand katariya was BJP ,Home minister of Rajasthan and belong to Udaipur city ,he was that time MLA from Udaipur city ,come In charge of all Rajasthan police !!??

The Hindu Police Gujarat , did Two Fake encounters of 4-16 Innocent Indian Minorities
And proved that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba Terrorist want to kill, Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??

These Fake encounters done by Anti terrorist Squad Gujarat + Higher police official of Gujarat ,
It open By , metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, submit 246 Pages report to High court MH ,SP New Delhi , after conducting enquire under section 176 ,of the CrPC ,
on fake encounters of 19 years old Student =Ishrat Jahan from Maharatra student at Guru Nanak Khalsa College ,Maharastra , + Prenesh Palli + Javed Shaikh –MH , , these all kidnapped By , Ahamdabad-Gujarat Crime branch officials from Mumbai , and three days later these all shoot , alleged at Ahamdabad on date , 15th June 2004 ,
, by Anti terrorist Squad - Gujarat , by putting in media that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba people want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
this fake encounter done by following Police officers =(1) IPS Officer , PP Pande (2) IPS Officer –DG Vangara (he is already in Jail ,for one more fake encounter of So-rubiddin and his wife Kosar Bi ) (3) GL Singhal (4) NK Amin (5) KM Waghela (6)
JG Parmar ( 7) VD Vanav (8) SP Agrawat (9) DH Goswami (10) RI Patel (11) BA Chavda ( 12) Taraun Barot (13) KS Deasi these all are Higher rank police officials
Now police constable with them = (14) Ibrahim Chauhan ( indain Muslim ) (15) , Mukash Vyas (16) Nizamuddin Burhanmiya ( Indian Muslims )
These all people did this fake encounter of these innocent Indian Minorities , to get promotion in their Jobs ,and to get apperception from Gujarat Chief minister = Mr. Narandra Modi . these people killed by AK47, Riffles used by these Hindu police officers !! to kill these Innocents Indian Minorities .
metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, told that they found that , IPS –Officer DG vangara , did same Pattern Fake encounter of Sohrabuddin and his wife =Kosar Bi ,
with support of Udaipur Raj India 313001 ,Police , fake encounter date =26th November 2005 ,at Ahamdabad- Nrola Chohraya , Gujarat
as its highlighted in all local ,National level news Paper Former Police officer = Denish Kumar MN ,IPS officer , Udaipur raj india 313001 who is on Bail , + one Indian Muslim police officer , Abdul Rehman –former circle Inspector ,Pratap Nagar Police station –Udaipur –Raj (he is still under investigation ) , Abdul Rehman is person who shoot =Kill to Sohrabuddin ,while Kosar Bi , was killed by IPS –Officer DG vangara , by kept her Neck tight till her death ,
IPS –Officer DG vangara was chief of Anti terrorist squad Gujarat ,he have RSS =BJP Back ground in his life , he did his police education in RSS –Hostel !!??
P-1 , The Times of india Date 08-09-2009 +other news papers +my own word ,
This all to ,proved Whole Hindi =Hindus Media = TV News channels ,All English News papers of india ,that we Killed LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba -Terrorist ,those want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
It all encounters shown to IBN -7 ,Aaj-Tak ,Star TV , IBN-CNN , Sahara News , NDTV , The Times of india , The Hindu ,The Hindutustan Times , +The Indian express , ++ in 2004,2005 , to get Benefits from Bush Jr =Republicans !! poor Brains , to given message on India war against terror !!?? Mr. Narandar Modi War against terror =against Indian Minority all News Channels shown these Things for whole days to 5 days continues !!?? at Hot Page ,Top page !!??
While one more fake encounter done by New Delhi Police , of two Hindu businessmen ,
As there families were rich +Hindu ,so they put FIR +Court case against fake encounter
, and they got result in 10 years continuous fight in court , in there favor , if in stead of these rich ,Hindu businessman , some poor ,Indian Minorities families was there , they were not allowed to FIR it self , and there families were captured by Police , and put cases on them of terrorism +put in them in jail as terrorist !!and then kill !!?? in fake encounters it all told by Advocates + magistrate during this case 10 years time .
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
(While I want to mention one real point that in 2004 also Many news Papers +TV Channels +her mother , other relative try to prove that , Ishrat Jahan +other were innocent , and many Muslims –leaders from Mumbai ,Maharastra ,also try to prove , she is innocent ,and few Muslims minister given donation of lacks Indian rupees also to Ishrat Jahan family as she was alone member who was earning , But after few months Mr. Modi try to prove that his police killed , LeT =Terrorist only , and Ishrat Jahan was terrorist !! then all these Muslims minister came on Back foot !! that we given charity b’se TV News channels +Leading English news papers were telling like that !!?? this I am putting here bse its only way of life for minorities ,innocent , Minorities ministers ,leaders also !!?? they have to came on Back foot + see the Hindu Nation Hindu police , Hindu laws drama !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India )

Article : A land of God ,goddess and technology in 2009 , And Hindu ISI !!?? it giving Video hallucination and Audio Hallucination to Indian minorities by using satellite technology ,telecommunication technology ,TV Voice mode !!??

(1) Please I Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A , have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!??

(1) Indian police ,Hindu ISI ,Indian army , is forcing world that these Indian are facing terrorist attacks , and these people are illiterate in technology so these attacks happened ,so Russia ,Israeli should help India Police ,Hindu ISI ,Indian army to make international level up date by providing help in all ways !!!??
(2) PMO = Prime minister office forcing world that , Indian police do not have Internet experts in its team , Do not have latest arms ,do not have chemical detector sensors ,which can detect IED =Integrated explosive devices N-based explosives , Like , Ammonium nitrate , ammonium nitrite ,as these things used by Hindu terrorist Groups in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done + RDX also !!?? India , do not have CCTV at every place like UK ,USA ,EU ,all world 120 nations have !!?? while if you asked PMO ,they will tell India is future G-8 member ,India is Future E-5 =Economic power -5 !!??
(3) Do not have instrument to pervious -determination of Bomb blast like UK USA have .
(4) India forcing world to help Indian Police ,RAW ,MI=Military intelligence which have proven records of murder ,kill ,force mental cases huge cases from past 30 years in Kashmir , Assam !!?? CBI ,CID –K ,CID-A , IB ??? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
(5) Now My real life case ,what actual they are : Pl, I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!??
I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,even that time I had , 6 years experience was Analytical Chemist /R&D Chemist =Scientist , from , here I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , to check , purity to 99.95% to 100 % of fine chemicals , even I had experience with , GC/FID , UV/VIS ,IR + doing wet chemistry ,even I was working with , Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! even , I had , 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and integration=mathematics at BSc level , But even after all these Hindu –ISI = CID –Rajasthan based Rajputs Police , Police used satellite technology +Internet technology +its Human power +telecommunication technology , to kept me forced unemployed continuous 3 years ,Just b’se I am Indian minority ,did complain against , Torture at international level =Torture by brain waves ,voice rays ,0 to 160 cps to 1200 cps =Body rays !!?? While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 ,

(6) Then again = from Feb 2003 to 2008 Jan =5 years continuous kept me forced unemployed , this Hindu ISI =CID-Rajasthan , high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! 5 years continuous ,even that time I had 9 years experience as Analytical Chemist , environmental chemist worked with IR 418.1 Method for HC/THC -Worked on GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) , US-EPA ,APHA ,ASTM ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002 Accredited & Dubai municipality approved laboratory ,From Dubai =UAE = =3 years experience+ for Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity , • Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other) Environmental analysis it self ,did air monitoring ,stack monitoring , with latest instruments =Chemio sensors , +other ) with US-EPA Parameters ,
While that time I had 4=Four , publications at international level ,,,, I had one publication against Bio Terror =Against Al-Quida =(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor , P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada
(7) But problem again I am Indian minority , OBC =other back word class scientist , I had one publication against Bio Terror =Against Al-Quida , while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
(8) Its =Hindu ISI = giving Video hallucination and Audio Hallucination to Indian minorities by using satellite technology ,telecommunication technology ,TV Voice mode !!?? By using its Human society like Udaipur City 313001,313002 Rajasthan from 1991 to till 2001 ,2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan ,then again 2008 Dec to 2009 March !!?? it using Udaipur City Human at tool ,Instrument ,to given = Audio Hallucination !! Torture by brain waves ,voice ,rays 0-160 cps ,1200 cps =Body rays , !!?? if these can do in Udaipur Raj India , I can understand what these Hindu –ISI ,MI=military intelligence is doing in Assam ,Kashmir ,from past 30 years !!?? may be Hindu –ISI ,MI=military intelligence made many human =Indian christen ,Indian Muslim Audio Hallucination ,video Hallucination in Assam and Kashmir , Just b’se they are Not Hindu !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 15-03-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 , I know that MI Made 95,000 mental cases in past 30 years , in Kashmir ,while it made 60,000 mental cases in Assam !!
(9) Hindu –ISI ,MI=military intelligence , kill lacks of Indian Muslim in Kashmir ,lacks of Indian christen in Assam !!!?? these people also destroy lacks =20,00000 human business in Kashmir , and Assam !!?? Indian christen ,Indian Muslim Just b’se they are Not Hindu !!??
(10) Now again I am in India ,from past Dec 17 2008 to till now =15th March 2009, But Now ,I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!??
(11) Now I have ~10 years experience with Analytical technique , one year with SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , here I was Middle management =”Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis “=GC=Gas Chromatography ,wet chemistry , UV/VIS =Colorimetric analysis +Other analysis ,On line analyzers –(Inside - technology ) ,for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate , Pl I have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc -Chemistry –,We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants ,
(12) While from Saudi Arabia , I did one more publication against , Al –Quida =15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 .
(13) But again I am facing torture ,from Hindu –ISI ,CID –Rajasthan ,that have maximum Rajputs =Hindu !!??
(14) They are doing fowling things with my Life ,career ,future ,
(12-a) These people hacked my Laptop ,internet connection to it , at telephone =0091-294-2488521 , IP Address = And IP v4= ,My cell number =0091-9636919708 ,My given Fax number =0091-294-2411992 ,Telephone number =00912942488521 ,These all hacked by Hindu ISI from 18th , Decmber 2008 it self

(12-b) These people =Hindu ISI =CID-Rajasthan ,hacked ACS career web , ,from where I am applying for jobs from past 2001 to till now =past 8 years as I am ACS Senior member now !!?? (1) USA President = respected Barack Obama = , (2) Democratic party USA Web (3) USA first minority - President = respected Barack Obama official web where I had my 40 =forty blogs from Saudi Arabia from 2008 April to 5th December 2008 , (4) web , where I sent my application !!?? (5) where I have my account , (6) USA President = respected Barack Obama = .
(12-c) This Hindu ISI is , doing following things when I am sending fax for Job ,My real life case at USA ,EU ,UN Officials , ME =Gulf officials , it changing fax number to telephone number answering machine of USA ,EU ,UN so that I will not able to send fax , my money will waste =200 X of Indian rupees ,to list answering machine talk !!
(12-d) Hindu ISI is , changing fax number to any unconcern fax number of USA ,EU ,UN so that they will throw my fax in dust bin ,here I am paying 200 X Indian rupees for that fax also to Hindu Business man !!??
Its when My complain is at UN ,USA,EU level ,from past 1999 to 2001 ,to till now !!??
(12-d) While I can understand from my real life ,that Indian IB,MI,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,did not allowed single Indian minorities ,in Physics ,Engineering ,Chemistry , at international Jobs , higher degrees , even it tell these MI,IB ,RAW means these people killed 10000, to 20 lacks =20,00000 intelligent brains of Assam ,Kashmir , those can be good physicist ,engineers ,chemists but there brain got killed by MI,IB,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,
B’se they are minorities of this nation , even may be few of them have publications like me at USA ,EU ,Canada, Germany , but this nation =India did not allowed them to get good degree ,jobs future in EU ,USA !!?? May be there names also used by this Hindu rich nation to get technology ,from USA defense ,NASA !!?? to got rise in DRDO ,ISRO ,IITs ,IISc !!?? it also tell that may be MI , did make fake –internet cases on them , put them in fake criminal activities , on these all innocent physicist ,engineers ,chemist b’se they are Indian minorities !!??
Its going on from past 30-20 years , now I open it ,from my real life !!?? it tell that MI,IB,RAW make JOKE of Assam ,Kashmir 20,00000 people physicist brain ,engineering brain ,chemist brain and killed them Just , b’se they are Not Hindu they are Indian christen ,Indian Muslim !!??

(12-e) Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .

(12-f) Sir I sent my work against anti Terror =Against Arabic Terror , at =UNSC - CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, on 27-04-2008 ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia = Title : How the terror related webs are possible from ME=Gulf ! why none of international crime ,terror prevention Bodies able to stop them ! and why they are not getting the IP Address , and telephone number of them !!? I sent it from SABIC=Saudi Kayan My –own Office PC ,I have confirmation of this work with me ,they =SABIC people allowed me b’se they want to finished terrorism =Al-Quida BUT . when I try to sent my one more work = Against –Hindu terrorism .from Udaipur –Raj India 2009 Jan .Feb ,,from my Laptop ,and its internet connection at Telephone number =00912942488521 , Then I was not allowed by Hindu IT terror =Hindu RAW ,MI,IB !!?? I try it from past 2=two month but I was not allowed !!?? I doubt that CTED web hacked by Hindu IT terrorist =Hindu ISI !!?? you can understand the reality of Indian government concern anti Terrorism !!?? =India have only one direction =Anti –Indian Muslim ,Anti Indian christen !!?? and used these people kids ,young on name of terrorism !!?? like doing in Kashmir ,Assam !!?? Same way I like tom open that These Indian Hindu IT Terror hacked , the respected Barack Obama official web , where I had my 40 blogs ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia , 30 from my own-Office PC = SABIC PC , and with in few month only after my reach in India , this official web of respected Barack Obama hacked by Hindu IT terror =OR Hindi RAW ,IB,MI = Hindu ISI !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 16-02-2009 ,Udaipur –Raj India 313001 .
(12-g) Pl I sent my real life case to NHRC =to kept me continuous 5 years , forced unemployed ,torture ,discriminate ,harassed , to NHRC =national human right commission ,New Delhi , on date 5th May 2007 ! now you=UN Officials ,visit NHRC Web= & See at Complain =put this Case Number= 28251/CR-2007 ,Pl you will get my address =Ruhel Chisty New Delhi ,Delhi !! & while my address is 23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur Raj 313001 India ! Please see the corruption level in India at this level ,people are changing address ,matters in Human right cases also Ruhel Chisty date 05-03-2009 !! & I am sent their , Courier with full case +all my Degrees ,College position certificate +ACS, IUPAC + BSc degree +List of publications +list of nominations !! even then they mention this thing & address at web !! I think -either the Udaipur based Courier agent changed my whole data of my send & my address , Now on date , 19-02-2009 again I sent my real life case to protect my self and Talented brain from minorities =Indian christen ,Indian Muslim those want to get jobs in ME=Gulf +USA ,Europe ,
By courier = Blaze Flash courier limited , C.N= 292193465 , with my Physics resume +Chemistry New resume mentioned My work =10 years experience analytical chemist +one year work with SABIC , , Petrochemical and Global company which is 10th global rank in Petro chemical and 321 Global rank in over all global companies . + list of my publications , my memberships with ACS, IUPAC, RACI, Plus I clearly mention that , I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(1) One super computer at New Delhi ,IB,MI ,RAW –HQ ,and all calls = Telephones ,faxes ,emails , Cell phones ,from International , to international , from India , and Minorities ,discrimination !? ( This super computer connected to 7=seven other super computers , and few spy – satellites !!?? )

(2) Actually this was method was invented to Counter terror , national safety ,national security , in USA ,Europe ,
(3) but What RAW ,MI,IB ,CID ,CBI are doing they are countering Indian minorities at Assam ,Kashmir and Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , , STs, SCs ,OBCs =Other back ward classes talented people
(4) emails ,telephone ,faxes ,cell phones +Home -watch also from past 30-20 years !!?? of these discriminated communities from past many years =1000 of 1000 years !!

(5) Just few super computers and few spy – satellites !!??
(6) They are putting SPAM ,deleting their Job option ,deleting their goods emails , keeping only Negatives emails , changing their resume, Cover Letter , making them not able to read !!?? of Indian minorities ,STs, SCs ,OBCs =Other back ward classes talented people emails !!

(7) While same Internet is 100% Good for Indian Hindus =4%-8%-20% Indian Hindus those have money , their kids ,young are allowed to sent 100% emails with out spasm added by RAW ,MI,IB CID at super computer New Delhi !!??
(8) Indian Hindu are allowed to sent 100% faxes in readable way !! at USA ,EU !! But same faxes for we people is not good , even we are paying 100% their demanded money to fax machine shop !!
(9) RAW ,MI,IB CID at super computer New Delhi using Modem of Fax machine at any place of India , when its of Indian minorities !!??
(10) This technique used to make Hindu Nation =Hindu world ,by throwing Indian Hindus Kids ,Young’s to USA ,EU UN, but keeping SPAM, negatives , not readable emails ,faxes , for Indian minorities ,STs, SCs ,OBCs =Other back ward classes talented people ,Those are discriminated communities from past many years =1000 of 1000 years !!
(11) And India’s all Goods are for rich Indian Hindus 4% to 8% to 20% of total Indian population these are maximum Jain ,Brahmin , Marvaddi ,Patel’s !!??
(12) The main reason of this is as Home minister have its 99.99% employees as Indian Hindus from these 4% to 8% to 20% rich Indian Hindus =from Total population of India
(13) Same way RAW ,MI ,IB ,CIDs ,CBI also have 99.999% Its officers ,staffs Indian Hindus only !! they do not want to take Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim in these jobs !! if they will be their as officer then they will able to know what’s going on against their communities !!
(14) They will able to stop that crime against their communities !!
(15) But from past 64 years , RAW ,MI ,IB ,CIDs ,CBI also have 99.999% Its officers ,staffs Indian Hindus only !! those are also from rich Indian Hindus 4% to 8% to 20% of total Indian population ,rich then other population of India !!
(16) And Indian maximum money are also with these 4% to 8% to 20% rich Hindu people only !! ??= these are maximum Jain ,Brahmin , Marvaddi ,Patel’s !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A date 27-03-2009 , Udaipur Raj India .

When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!
(6) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(7) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College ,
(8) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry
(9) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !!
(10) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .
While recently PM in list , LK Advanni told in media that he will send Indian army to Support Pakistan to fight Against Taliban ! But his party RSS=BJP ,police was doing full support to rioters , killers, rappers in Orrisa 2008 Christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka genocide , RSS=BJP Ruled police were torturing the victims ,do to put cases in Police station, those faced all on body ,family !!??
While this Party was in New Delhi in 2002 Gujarat genocide , Prime Minister was Atal Bihari Vajpayee , Home minister was =LK Advanni it self !! that time also he sent 3 days complete genocide of Indian Muslims , in Gujarat 2002 ! while its in INDIA it self , there is also Indian army reached not on 6th hour ,not on 12th hour , not on 18th hour ,but after 3 days ,all things finished ,is as was per guidance of Mr. .Narandra Modi !! while war against Taliban require to cross two borders one –India-Pakistan ,second near Pakistan -Afghan border !!?? !!???
While today Night , this Raza Colony =Kishan Pole street , based Indian Muslim young +kid ,were torturing me by brain waves ,from 11.45 PM to 6.00 AM ,
Forcing me that , You are Kassab !!?? we Indian people are good that why we did only 1999 to 2001 =3 years forced unemployed to you , then 2003 to 2008 =5 years forced unemployed to you !! we are good as we are doing lots of silent kills on Innocent Assam based Indian citizens , we are good that we are doing lots of silent kills of Kashmir based innocent Indian citizens , we are so good that my nation army taken any one young Indian christen =Assam ,young Indian Muslim =Kashmir on name of Terror with out any laws , and doing remand =3rd degree and we do not find any thing from him ,we like to kill him and put his body in side the CID-Assam ,CID Kashmir , floor , deep , but things open when , the CID ,New building construction did ,and they were left that building for other department ,and new Department director was making new room , new style for that he order to dig !!
They found 6-10 bodies skeletons !! and after DNA it found that they all were Young of Kashmir , those were in lost list of Police !! and they were killed ,and they tortured also by CID –Kashmir !!?? all were innocent !!!??
While india is one , farm where 1$ ,1.5 $ ,2.0 $ per day ,huge population human are living ,every day , producing kids , and this is first nation where 85%, to 91% on sent , charity money ,from world bank ,ADB ,Europe banks are going in pocket of rich ,middle rich Hindus =in corruption only !!?? and only 15% to 9% is used for what it came ,from world bank ,ADB ,EU Banks !!??
While Rajasthan police =Hindu ISI , do not have any instrument ,laws to stop this night torture ,but they are supporting these torturer = Indian Muslim Young that are not even 8th standard pass out in Hindi medium it self !!?? at their cell =mobile , Udaipur Hindu Police is 100% sure that once they will ask me ,they will reach to my father ,who will tell them there is no existence of brain waves torture =0-160 cps ,220 cps , and its will be case of Indian medical science , =Indians in Olympic 2008 China ,with tow medals ,one gold ,one bronze ,only Two from 1.24 Billion population ,and it have only 6 Nobel Prizes ,from 1900 to till 2008 !! only 6 from 1.24 Billion population !! Nobel have two branches =Medical science ,and Physics also !! I think india =PMO , , want to win Nobel Peace on Real life case of Ruhel Chisty MRACI ,CChem A ,from 1991 to 2009 !!?? while Indian history tell india was golden bird ,while I know Malaysia ,Indonesia , Singapore was golden land in old time =same time ,I think golden land in more rich then small size bird !!?? it was due to drug herbs productions at both lands !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 15-05-2009
There was no PMO just in 1940 era !! 1920 Era ,1900 era ,1550 Era ,1450 era !!there was no PMO !!?? there was Indian those were asking human rights !! these india were not member of UN ,all branches ,included world bank !??

While as per QD Chisty , Dr Sushil Karad and Indian medical science ,plus Indian medical Journals, This brain waves ,rays torture 0-160-1200 Cps is brain disorder !! have to face it plus take these forced - medicines = which direct forced -effect on Brain mechanism !!?? surprise thing is this torture is open at society level from past 1991 to till now =17 years continuous and India have such type of humen society =Udaipur ,Mumbai , Indian in Saudi Arabia 2008 Jan to 2008 Dec ,Indian in Dubai April 2001 to Feb 2003 ,and these Indian have 750 Nuke missile , 50 Nuke bomb =500 Kg , 40 satellite in sky ,But do not have single real physicist ,engineer which can have instrument to record these waves , while QD Chisty is teacher of India is force me from past 1999 to till now 2009 ,that he was doing tuitions on cycle , from past 1980 to 1994 !! but it does not meant that you will use some one life for your own benefits in this Cruel , corrupt Indian politics , this man is telling this torture is not torture its just a brain disorder Called audio hallucination !!?? and Sushil Karad is also teacher in RNT Medical college teaching Indian doctors , I think both are failed teacher of India in Physics ,Human science ,they only suitable in Politics and Corruption that also India like nation , and India is prodding on both from past 1991 to till now -2009 March !! !!?? as Indian !!?? and what type of student these type of Indian teacher will produced !!!?? what they will do for world good !!?? , Ruhel Chisty date 24-03-2009
While the example of Udaipur Indian Muslim are -so supportive to Udaipur Humen society
,One Indian Muslim lady attack on me by telling that Take my this girl ,she told by human voice , when I was passing through the Gulab Bagh area road , and her daughter was making face like Jugnu ,= 98,5% Okay Indian Muslim !! and this attack was to provoke me ,actually there was two European families were passing through there with their kids =mainly girls and one elder girl , this attack was to provoke me up to shout level !! but I keep mum !! this incident is of date 08-04-2009 Udaipur time was 11.20 AM !!??? this city humen society is so con these people are dealing with foreign tourist from past 50 years , and these all Udaipur people are so interlink that these people used to make movement to make me provoke as these people seen any tourist passing through that road where in am going to be !! so that he ,she ,they will feel some ,forced talk abut me which these people already feed them !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 08-04-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India ,
While I think ,God Brahma-Brain , Ordered to all Indian =all Hindus to kept me forced unemployed !?? like what these did form 1999 to 2001 =3 years , then 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan ,=5 years =Total =8 Years , so that these people will able to made Hindu World =Dubai Sindhi Businessman 2001 !!??
(God Brahma is god of knowledge ,God of future , God of present ,past ,future !!?? As per Hindu Mythology is called God Brahma !!?? =Like Bagvat Geeta other !!?? ) Ruhel Date 19-03-2009 ,
Sir I had Sanskrit language , in 7th Std ,8th Std ,9th Std ,10 std =4 years continuous , as compulsory Subject !!?? sol I can understand Hindu Mythological Literature , in their origin language not in Hindi !!??

Pl, I was in topper student in VBRI College Udaipur =Five star given by NAAC ,UGC , these were my good professors ! B’se I got 2nd position in class ,college 1988 =1st year three degree course ,while that time topper was Mr. Moladina Ammin ,he was Kenyan student got 75.56% in First year 1988 ! he was bronze medal in whole university ! I got 67.68% & 2nd position even his medal reached to VBRI College also & it given to him ! while 3rd position was also with Kenyan student =Mr. Ochieng Ombaka
!! he got 63.65% ,1988 first year BSc exams ! sir I know have Its branch in Kenya =As Head quarter of UN at Africa =Nairobi ! sir you can ask to Kenyan Foreign ministry !! sir after this Mr. Moladina Ammin did engineering from malviya regional engineering college Jaipur ! due to his merit list in university ,he selected directly on merit list as he was foreigner student ,so he did not required to given entrance exam for engineering =PET=Pre engineering test that time ! while Mr Ochieng Ombaka did MSc chemistry with me from college of science in 1992 +
+then he did PhD from college of science till 1997!! His % also reduced in MSc =55% ,from BSc -63% !!
sir then I got 69.11 % in second year BSc exams ,and I was third position in college & class ,that time first position was with Mr Amit he got 77% & second position in university =!! And second position was with Mr Lalit Gupta , who got 70.6% !! & while Ochieng Ombaka got 5th position on college ! =Kenyan student ! in third year also I got 3rd position in college &these both got first ,second position !! again Ochieng Ombaka
got 5ths position in college ! sir you can send my this letter to Kenyan =prime minister ,+ miniseries +UN –Offices in Kenya !! Sir Dr Ochieng Ombaka address = Dr Ochieng Ombaka P.O Box 207, Mbita Via Homa –Bay Kenya , sir this address is still with me in my diary !! Pl I was among best student in Physics ,chemistry in college ! =VBRI College =I got 75% in Physic 1989 –BSc 2nd year =total 70% BSc physic ! & I got 82% in organic chemistry in 1988 ,first year !! my physics professor was , Dr Shri S.P. Mathur , & organic -chemistry professor was Dr Subhash Chandra Sharma ! Sir I got 82% while Moladina Amin got 92% in Organic chemistry !! in 1988 ! sir one more thing when I was in first year ,1988 that time , My friend Mr Moladina Amin ,told me one day ,in his room=hostel –VBRI College , that , Ruhel ,I was tried to make Mad !! & disturb from education by ,my room partner , Mr MK Jain in night so that my percentage get down fall !! b’se this MK Jain ,was Hindu ,he was 1st position in 2nd year BSc ! he was in 3rd year BSc that time ! Moladina Amin was also topper !But He was Kenyan Muslim –Christen mix !! b’se this father was Muslim ,mother was christen ! that time all Indian people were toward ,Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri mosque –atmosphere inner side !! then Moladina Amin request to Hostel management to given his separate room with out any room partner !! & he got 75.76% =with first position & bronze medal from university !! while Mr Amit also received Silver medal from college which send by university !! sir you can got address of Moladina Amin ,from Ochieng Ombaka ,I 100% sure that Moladina Amin is in USA & he will be among leading scientist there !!, sir Mr MK Jain is now director ,and running his own MK Jain institute in this Hindu land !!=India !!? for IIT ,PET ,PMT =Indian institute of technology ,engineering entrance test ,medical entrance test ,preparation institute in Udaipur city it self !!

Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .
While I found that Hindu ISI =Udaipur –Raj -Intelligence ,hacked my emails ,Cell ,phone , all and deleting all good job offer ,interview offer ,from past 3 months after my reach at India !!?? these people are deleting all SMS ,Call at my cell number =00919636919708 ,Tel : 00912942488521 ,Emails,,,,, !!??plus people call to me from international those know my real life human right ,social science case !!??
this is same trend of this nation =India which I faced in July 1999 to 2001=3 years ,then Feb 2003 to 2008 Jan , forced unemployed ness up to 8 years approx continuous 8 years force unemployed ness ,torture !!?? plus ,torture , harassment , discrimination !??
Ruhel Chisty date 03-03-2009, then this Hindu nation is using me to take advanced technology ,from Space ,Defense industries of USA ,Europe , from past 2002 to till now !! b’se Indian are banned by USA ,EU ,due to nuke bomb blast in 1974 –By Indra Gandhi ,and 1998 by Atal Bihari Vajpayee =twice after all international pressure not to do nuke bomb blast !!?? now these Nuke - Power nation - people, have these activities (Nuke reactor from Canada 1969 !) .
While I found ,that this Hindu ISI – Hacked respected Barack Obama Official web = where I have 34 blogs from KSA , But once I try to put my blogs from This fake democratic nation =India ,then this Hindu ISI start to add abusing words in these blogs , which are not acceptable at international parameter and name is coming of me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,=RChistry , not only this but also this Hindu ISI hacked one more official web of USA President = respected Barack Obama = , where I also have my web ,this also hacked by this Hindu ISI , to tell world that change is coming in India from 1991 to till now from Ruhel Chisty real life !!?? Not only this , Hacked ACS Career web also !! from where I am applying for jobs from past 2002 to till now !!?? in USA ,EU !!??
These all are gift of this Hindu nation to me =Indian minority and OBCs =Other backward class scientist .,from this land =India !! Ruhel Chisty date 04-03-2009 Time 9:10 PM , Udaipur Raj India ,

Today I try to submit my application at , for post of Instructional Lab Coordinator , for , which I got one email ,from,
Joan.Howard@ ! to apply for this post at web site = =Montgomery College Human resource Tel=240-567-7243 , But I was not allowed by secular -Hindus ISI ,it stop the formation next step ! as it think that this post will also good for Secular Hindus from India !!?? so that future H1b visas ,Greens cards ,Blue visas will be also with Secular Hindus !! Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-05-2009 ,time : 10:40 AM

I got one point that Hindu ISI is doing hack of webs = (1) USA President = respected Barack Obama = , (2) Democratic party USA Web (3) USA first minority - President = respected Barack Obama official web where I had my 40 =forty blogs from Saudi Arabia from 2008 April to 5th December 2008 ,
(4) web , where I sent my application !!?? (5) where I have my account (6) ACS web ,from where I am applying for jobs from past 2001 to till now =past 8 years as I am ACS Senior member now !!??
Now procedure of Hack ,this Hindu ISI ,did asked me in these all to login fro email ID ,not ID as I was doing from past 8 years at ACS career web , past 1 years =2008 , at USA President = respected Barack Obama !! and I got doubt just after few time that these all webs hacked by Hindu ISI to kill my case =Make me zero and get rise to this Type of India !!!?? these people are doing these things openly ,from past many years , its when I put my case all EU ,UN ,USA ,All scientific people place ,through Faxes ,Fed Ex Courier , emails 2008 from Saudi Arabia =Jubail now I can say that this nation have only one direction rise to Hindus thoughts , if these written things found to be 100% truth ,then I like to request to UN ,EU ,USA that they should avoid India IT person in their jobs !! these people are Vampires of IT !! Those are killing by Their IT talent to person like me from past 1994 when internet came in India !! it 99.8% benefits to Hindus only !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 13-03-2009 Time ; 9:12 AM
Note : Please while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? even Congress party also providing Z-Security =Commando to these Hindu terrorist !!??

My account at web also hacked by Hindu ISI =Udaipur CID Police ,to show me plus world that these Indian are real deserved money from USA concern war against terror ! and India deserved technology from NATO AND USA from past 1991 to till now !!?? I have also doubt that these Hindu ISI will soon do like this on my ACS account also !!??
While from 1960 to till now none of Indian Journalist dare to reached in Afghanistan to shoot the Russian –Afghan war which taken place for 20 years !! and these 20 years none of Indian Journalist dare to reached there !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A Date 12-03-2009 Time : 11.00PM

While Hindu ISI =MI ,removed , my blogs from My ID at , concern My blogs Titles :
After removed these blogs , with out my permission ,Hindu ISI =All people became God Ram at Seat at PMO ,asked Dr Manmohan for promotion in India like Director of MI –Assam ,Director of MI-Kashmir ,or provide letter of recommendation to do job in UNSC for UN World as per India polices in Kashmir ,Assam from past 30 years , !!??
The removed As removed blogs were not good for Indian future plans =Hindu justice for Hindu world ,from past 64 years of India freedom !!??

Removed: Posted blog entry
'Dear Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil
: Pl ,I was facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination !!
,from Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in Udaipur –Raj India ,
by BJP=RSS =Udaipur city 2009-03-11 17:56:21

Removed: Posted blog entry 'Now on date , 19-02-2009 again
I sent my real life case to protect my self and Talented brain from minorities
=Indian christen ,Indian Muslim those want to get jobs in ME=Gulf +USA ,Europe
, By courier = Blaze Flash courier 2009-03-11 19:04:44

Removed: Posted blog entry 'The social science justice =huge discrimination in Job hiring of all - Indian Petrochemical companies like reliance= Reliance Industries Limited = = ++ other ,
these have more then 99.8% of their employee are Hind 2009-03-11 17:56:00

Removed: Posted blog entry 'if Indian petrochemical companies had good % of
Indian christen and Indian Muslims then I am sure SABIC Like to hire first these
discriminated communities !!?? as Indian petrochemical companies do not have 3%
Indian christens ,1 2009-03-11 17:55:19

While I taken prints of these all blogs from My own printer =Laser printer ,on that posted time it self =40 pages each blogs , ,I am Indian I faced all these torture from past 18 years as Indian only !!?? no I have some money =Not Hindu Businessman money =Not PMO =Prime Minster of India Fund !!?? not any Indian money !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A Date 13-03-2009 ,Time : 2:55 PM

While on date 05-03-2009 ,Hindu ISI=Hindu hacked my www. ,ID =rchisty20091 , hen I was trying to up load new pictures , it tell that I ma still slave by this Hindus those were slave for 500 EU,USA , ME , then slave of Indian land lord for 2000 years !!?? those were doing all things like this with other Indians !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009 , and not only this , these Hindu deleted my HP Laser jet P1007 ,driver also ,so that I will not able to convert Word resume in PDF !!?? b’se I was on internet ,which given by US Defense on charity basis to world ,with out patent charge !! and these Hindus = Bangalore based and Hindus ISI is using like this !!?? Ruhel Date 05-04-2009 ,
While Udaipur based Humen society ,like to do open attack on my uncle second uncle brain , = MU Agwani , up to abused level ,at road , to other people his know ,going to be relatives for his daughter , but these people have no option to live here in India , b’se he is getting pension ,from Rajasthan mines and geology department !!?? as he was recruited there in old era =1963 era he was recruit as geologist reached to superintend level in 1992 !!?? !! now there are also very less Minorities in Mines and geology department of Rajasthan , due to RSS=BJP , hired only Hindu scheme !!??
While this Hindu ISI is telling me at my laptop , by voice mode ,that This man became like this after reached Arabic people ,=ME=Gulf , means as per these Hindu ISI I have to live like past 1991 to 2009 ,where these Hindus are not giving me basics rights it self , while what I am doing ,from past dec 24th 2008 , to till now ,5 April 2009 ,complaining just !?? and trying to improve Indian minorities human quality specially Indian christen !!?? and just emails ,blogs , !!?? these Hindu ISI are more dangerous then Taliban in future these people will try to make Hindu world ,Please note it now it self ,watch these people activities at RAW ,IB ,MI New Delhi HQs !!?? !!??
While I left this company = Saudi Kayan Petrochemical, P.O. Box 10302 Jubail Industrial City 31961 Saudi Arabia , (Saudi kayan is a SABIC Company ) on 16/31 -December 2008 .here I worked approx 1 year. As Lab-Specialist -QA ,Grade -11 ,for Phenolic project =Hydrocarbons = polycarbonate Base = engineering plastic base .= ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) and I did work for Amine project also =its all chemical analysis =Gas chromatography +other all ,

Pl, I was in topper student in VBRI College Udaipur =Five star given by NAAC ,UGC , these were my good professors ! B’se I got 2nd position in class ,college 1988 =1st year three degree course ,while that time topper was Mr. Moladina Ammin ,he was Kenyan student got 75.56% in First year 1988 ! he was bronze medal in whole university ! I got 67.68% & 2nd position even his medal reached to VBRI College also & it given to him ! while 3rd position was also with Kenyan student =Mr. Ochieng Ombaka
!! he got 63.65% ,1988 first year BSc exams ! sir I know have Its branch in Kenya =As Head quarter of UN at Africa =Nairobi ! sir you can ask to Kenyan Foreign ministry !! sir after this Mr. Moladina Ammin did engineering from malviya regional engineering college Jaipur ! due to his merit list in university ,he selected directly on merit list as he was foreigner student ,so he did not required to given entrance exam for engineering =PET=Pre engineering test that time ! while Mr Ochieng Ombaka did MSc chemistry with me from college of science in 1992 +
+then he did PhD from college of science till 1997!! His % also reduced in MSc =55% ,from BSc -63% !!
sir then I got 69.11 % in second year BSc exams ,and I was third position in college & class ,that time first position was with Mr Amit he got 77% & second position in university =!! And second position was with Mr Lalit Gupta , who got 70.6% !! & while Ochieng Ombaka got 5th position on college ! =Kenyan student ! in third year also I got 3rd position in college &these both got first ,second position !! again Ochieng Ombaka
got 5ths position in college ! sir you can send my this letter to Kenyan =prime minister ,+ miniseries +UN –Offices in Kenya !! Sir Dr Ochieng Ombaka address = Dr Ochieng Ombaka P.O Box 207, Mbita Via Homa –Bay Kenya , sir this address is still with me in my diary !! Pl I was among best student in Physics ,chemistry in college ! =VBRI College =I got 75% in Physic 1989 –BSc 2nd year =total 70% BSc physic ! & I got 82% in organic chemistry in 1988 ,first year !! my physics professor was , Dr Shri S.P. Mathur , & organic -chemistry professor was Dr Subhash Chandra Sharma ! Sir I got 82% while Moladina Amin got 92% in Organic chemistry !! in 1988 ! sir one more thing when I was in first year ,1988 that time , My friend Mr Moladina Amin ,told me one day ,in his room=hostel –VBRI College , that , Ruhel ,I was tried to make Mad !! & disturb from education by ,my room partner , Mr MK Jain in night so that my percentage get down fall !! b’se this MK Jain ,was Hindu ,he was 1st position in 2nd year BSc ! he was in 3rd year BSc that time ! Moladina Amin was also topper !But He was Kenyan Muslim –Christen mix !! b’se this father was Muslim ,mother was christen ! that time all Indian people were toward ,Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri mosque –atmosphere inner side !! then Moladina Amin request to Hostel management to given his separate room with out any room partner !! & he got 75.76% =with first position & bronze medal from university !! while Mr Amit also received Silver medal from college which send by university !! sir you can got address of Moladina Amin ,from Ochieng Ombaka ,I 100% sure that Moladina Amin is in USA & he will be among leading scientist there !!, sir Mr MK Jain is now director ,and running his own MK Jain institute in this Hindu land !!=India !!? for IIT ,PET ,PMT =Indian institute of technology ,engineering entrance test ,medical entrance test ,preparation institute in Udaipur city it self !! sir one more thing ,Concern my one more reference = Mr Shabbir Hussain Itarsi , he was my officer ,when I was chemist in pesticide Industries limited Udaipur –Raj 313001 ! from 1993 to 1998 July !! sir I did >1000 samples analysis ,for international projects =Japan ,Gulf =Jordan ,Iran ,Saudi ++ ,Singapore , Australia , ++ Canada ,we were sending then chemicals =purity >95% to 99.995% , as fro PFP project we were sending chemical 99.5% to 99.995% purity ! I send here ~10,000 kgs sample analysis reports with in 1.6 years !! =>400 chromatograms =GC-FID !! ++ Same way I send >10,000 kgs chemical= Phorate technical =export quality !! that was >95% pure !! sir my work was to maintain quality control of all these chemicals !! it was my responsibilities ,that at any cots result should not be less then given % !! to companies =international companies !! b’se any rebound of report will effect on business of Company !! specially when chemical & analysis reports are going to international level !! you should be 100% sure what you did !! b’se that international companies are not fool that they will take all report given by you with out re-analysis by there own chemist ,scientists !! b’se they also have staff !! chemicals +instruments !! same as you have but they are not manufacturer of that particular chemical ,except that they are making other chemicals !! sir ,from my sended report ,none of analysis rebound to me !! while from international level ,few report were rebounded to Pesticides industries =that chemist & QC Officer were Mr Jadish Kurimi ! & Dr PK Agarawaal !! they both did two wrong analysis of two different projects !! then international company pay Pesticides lee money as per purity !!what actual was !! But these both get letters from company owner =as black name !! sir I was doing ~>40 analysis per day !! for ~40 chemicals ,per day !! included >15 chromatograms per day !! for different chemicals !! =GC-FID with two GC-FID instrument ,I was handling in depended laboratory work !! sir pl you send this letter to Japan ,company =simitomo !! so you will
get reality of me +other !! +you can get list of all international companies ,from pesticides industries limited my given projects analysis reports ! can send my this letter there also !!
Pl I am getting few emails ,offer to published Original paper in Journals ,The lancet Neurology ,J. Medicine and creativity ,The Lancet(special Journal) , Journal Schizophrenia research ++ these are best journals ,of Europe ,those published only original & very high - quality work , Yours Ruhel Chistry=RChisty , =for paper like =Ruhel –audio Hallucination =Ruhel –Scizophrenia !! like papers ,&
Actually , BJP =Bhartiya Jangang party =Bharitiya Janta Party ,its converted from Jansang party to BJP ! !!?? Ruhel Chisty
its example of , India’s , inhuman use of satellite technology =ISRO ,PMO ,the use of Indian Population like instrument !!? Now from past 4 months ,after my reach in India ,Hindu ISI =is deleting all emails concern Job in USA,EU,ME =Gulf ,=deleting from Dec 2008 to 2009 March , as it was doing from Feb 2003 to 2008 Jan !! while again I am applying through ACS .New scientist , The Times of India , Naukri ,Bayt , !!?? It tell that secular Hindu are again given some Message to world !!??like Hindu idea =Today’s Political party given by kill of Mahatma Gandhi !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A date 19-03-2009 ,
,I found that these Saudi based internet cafes administrators were deleting and adding unwanted things in my UN JOBS application process , where 3900 words required to filled in every application why you apply for that job ,!! its when I have my complain in UN from 2003 ,2003 it self , or 1999 ,2000 it self !! its when I faced continuous 5 years forced unemployed ness !! while during this 5 =five years forced unemployed period ,I got wound at my down foot ,due to every day walk up to 24 kms to apply for jobs at internet ,b’se no money to have internet at home ! there also this Hindu nation internet café s administrator were hacking my emails , deleting jobs ,adding unwanted things , and keeping me forced unemployed ! and they were getting full support of Hindu Inelegancy ,its when I was paying every time money !!??

While I am facing attack on my brain ,by my younger brother ,Wife , She is just 10+1 pass ,from Village level businessman family , she is illiterate + low profile , she is doing what she was doing her family , while I was asked some money help , from my younger brother and I given him with out hesitation as he is my younger brother even after attacks on my brain ! I am writing as I am face up with this lady ,its abused , it way of living in this family !!?? while this lady age is just 27 years !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 03-04-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India ,
Please few things about 23 AA ,37 Ahinsa Puri ,17 Kishan pole , these people + kids are going on English medium schools ,watching Discover channel , National Geography channel from past 1990 to till now 2009 March , both discover ,national geography channel are given depth of latest innovations , like IR rays ,UV Rays , Missiles , Dolphins society talk , al latest innovation , forensic investigation and these people are those who are supporting this Nation ,concern Brain waves ,voice ,rays torture 0-160 cps ,1200 cps ,from past 1991 to till now !! and as per these people its my brain disorder , not torture ,as these people want to take full benefits of this nation =India , form past 1991 to till now !!?? while these channel are Discovery India ,national geography India and these channels explaining all things in Hindi ,so no language problem at these people to understand these advanced technology !! and these channels all watching by all Udaipur based girls ,Boys of All English medium school from past 19 years , many of them are in USA ,EU and maximum of them are Hindus only !! now what These people are you can understand now ,my real life article !! this is real article of me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty .date 03-04-2009 Udaipur raj India ,
While these people are those also who liked to listen Hindu ISI ,torture to me at TV Free voice mode , from Feb 2003 to December . 2008 ,continuous 5 years , 3 years torture at internet ,mail system from 1999 to 2001 , not given single job offer , at mail +emails ,by hacked +forced !!?? this TV Free voice torture is in normal - human voice which is very easy to record by any electronic system =cell ,tape recorder , MP6, ++any !!?? but these people did not record that also b’se these are Indian Minorities ,those want to give benefits to India ,from USA,EU ,UN on my real life case !! to rise this corrupt nation ,cruel nation , India and want to get Good salaries +good jobs +good education +good food , ,from Indian people on account t of this support !!?? from past 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan ,and then 2008 Feb. to 2008 Dec at Jubail ,Saudi Arabia the Hindu ISI Used to satellite technology , and for these people that torture from TV Free voice mode is not a problem !! as these are Indian Minority from poor family want to live with respect +benefits + all good of these huge population , nation India !!!!?? please note its not a talk of one day every day from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Dec = 5 years ,every day when I want to watch TV News ,discovery ,National geography + I have to face torture by this Hindu ISI , and these 23 AA people were keeping mum +asking me to whom you are talking !! ?? this tell that these people are those who can give any proof to international level to rise this huge population ,corrupt nation , for own good !!?? at any level !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 03-04-2009 , Udaipur Raj India , its me who was blood relation of these people ,what about others !!?? these people act like good friend of Hindu ISI ,from Past 8 years , get order ,did full fill it !! and still living in this nation with respect !!?? while I like to resign from Indian citizenship as soon as possible ,so no next such type of torture I will face from any Indian !!?? even Indian in Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,USA ,EU ,UN any Indian I do not want to live with these people in next nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty , Udaipur Raj India date 03-04-2009 ,
While 23 AA ,Kishan pole ,Udaipur people are forcing me ,from past 3 months of 2009 by brain waves ,voice that A. Shamali –your manager was telling you Banda , and these Udaipur people are forcing me brain waves ,voice ,from past Jan 2009 , that you =Ruhel Chisty was like one mental young in Udaipur from past 1991 to till 2001 ,
While Hindu ISI ,CID police Udaipur ,Udaipur people are threaten me at my lap top
By use of satellite technology , that we will kept you again forced unemployed , so your brain will became okay, your all fate will removed , as you are complaining at International level by blogs ,Emails !! while this nation India is telling at world it self democratic nation ,
And own constitute ,which do not have single words about satellite , TV Free voice mode torture , society level torture , used of super computers at new Delhi RAW-HQ ,to given benefits only to Hindus at all international emails, telephones ,cells ,faxes, and using it against Indian minorities ,from past many years ,
Ruhel Chisty date 02-04-2009 ,

While recently , in UP =Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Bajerdeeha , UP Hindu police did open fire , with out warning ,and with out stick attack ,and with out tearing gas , on Indian Muslims , 11 march 2009 , they did not only killed Indian Muslim but also put 500 serious cases on 500 Indian Muslim ,=IPC 307 , =Indian panel court , 307 ,the cause was also done by Hindu only they used to throw Color on Their mosque , from past 10 years on every Holi =Hindu religion festival , even they =Indian Muslim are complaining from past 10 years at all level !!?? and there is not Hindu home near mosque , in this firing two Indian Muslim got killed ,10 serious injured !!?? the police officer name are =Shamsheer Bahdur Singh , the BJP leaders behind this name are =Durga Babu Lal Khurdia , his son Rajkumar , b’se from Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Murlee Mahnohar Joshi is BJP –leader for this 2009 election !!?? and RSS want Religious riots in UP and Varanasii , to win the election on basis of Hindutava and Hindu Rights !!??
While my real life case is best example of Ill =sick democracy ,Cruel democracy ,this point for world 51 democracy nation ,for next list 2009,2010 , Kishan Pole ,Back to Keseriya Kerana store based Indian Muslim , and Udaipur based Indian Hindu , are torturing me by brain waves ,voice rays , from past 1991 to till now 2009 , maximum of these people are illiterate , Hindu businessman ,not consuming single penny in education , literacy , advanced education , and since these people are huge in population , have link with Dr Girija Vayas , Gulab chand kataria , Former MLA Kham raj Katara , and these are Huge vote bank ,while I am single vote , so
These torturer , are heavy weight then me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A ,from past 1991 to till now 2009 ,In this nation =India ,just due to ill =sick democracy , not consuming single penny in education , literacy , advanced education , due to huge vote bank only !!??
While I have one brother Z. Chisty , he is government teacher in Rajasthan Hindi medium , for up 8th standard school , on date 06-04-2009 he tortured by telling that your shirt is smelling , and you kick out from 4 companies , till now , as he is selected for main exams of RAS =Rajasthan administrative service , and his interview , is in may with Indian administrative people ,so he will get Indian government job with salary + car +all government administrative level benefits !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 06-04-2009 , a Indian human ,future administrator in this Hindu nation ,and Indian minority !!?? b’se these people came to know that I am applying for , DEFRA =UK Corporate jobs !!?? his wife + other people came to know !!?? he told b’se Hindu ISI is watching my life by ISRO satellites ,from past 1991 to till now !!?? so he will get good remarks at Committee of RAS Selection , by these Hindu ISI, Ruhel Chisty date 06-04-2009 .

Please few things about 23 AA ,37 Ahinsa Puri ,17 Kishan pole , these people + kids are going on English medium schools ,watching Discover channel , National Geography channel from past 1990 to till now 2009 March , both discover ,national geography channel are given depth of latest innovations , like IR rays ,UV Rays , Missiles , Dolphins society talk , al latest innovation , forensic investigation and these people are those who are supporting this Nation ,concern Brain waves ,voice ,rays torture 0-160 cps ,1200 cps ,from past 1991 to till now !! and as per these people its my brain disorder , not torture ,as these people want to take full benefits of this nation =India , form past 1991 to till now !!?? while these channel are Discovery India ,national geography India and these channels explaining all things in Hindi ,so no language problem at these people to understand these advanced technology !! and these channels all watching by all Udaipur based girls ,Boys of All English medium school from past 19 years , many of them are in USA ,EU and maximum of them are Hindus only !! now what These people are you can understand now ,my real life article !! this is real article of me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty .date 03-04-2009 Udaipur raj India ,
While when I was forced unemployed ,from Feb 2003 to 2008 Jan, This City MLA = Gulab Chand Kataria =BJP =RSS Home minister bring one Police officer =Dinesh Kumar MN , who did 8=eight encounters ,maximum of them were Indian Minorities !!?? he used to do encounters with out laws and order , =take the person ,with his force killed him in night ,proved in lost !!?? this man was police officer in Udaipur up to 2-3 years , in this period and every day I have face torture by Udaipur -Hindu police people , b’se I was doing complain against this Forced unemployed ,torture at international level =UN ,UNPAN ,UNODC ,Interpol , USA ,EU ,ME =Gulf , and complain against Udaipur based BJP =RSS Based Hindu torturers !!?? and I used to have floppies in my pocket and used to Walk on foot , every day 24 Kms to sent complain and apply for jobs via internet b’se that time I did not have any money with me =even 200 Indian rupees it self !!?? while I know that Mukesh Ambanni , is earning very second 10000 Indian rupees from his business , , Tata also earning 8500 Indian rupees per second from his business , Ruhel Chisty Date 21-03-2009 , but he= Dinesh Kumar MN ,got caught in his 9th encounter of two Human =One male ,one female !! female was wife of male and both were Indian Muslims !!?? this man ==Dinesh Kumar MN stop them in MP , in night when they were traveling in video couch to MP, he and his force stop video couch by telling that it have two Terrorists !!?? one male ,one female ,and on same night he ,and his force torture them and killed by shoot ,and burn them !!?? and put in police record that both are lost !!?? but one police man who was human also ,he complained this direct kill to National human right commission + PMO !!?? and this talk open at India level !!??
Ruhel Chisty Date 21-03-2009 ,
Sir India is using Kishan Pole =My living street , like Indian Muslim Kids ,Young’s ,from past 3.5 months to do nigh torture =Forced dreams from 10:30 PM to 6:30 AM ,and from past few days they are sparing pesticide liquid , also at second door of my sleeping room , due to which I am getting bone pain , Teeth pains , its continuous from past 4 months , and these people have full support from Udaipur CID Police ,RAW ,MI ,IB =Hindu ISI !! these people elders ,parents are those who used to do day torture by brain waves ,voice rays 0-160 cps , !! these people are really Indian !! these people are not good UN World !! please watch these people now it self !! these people are world Indian world =Hindu world !!?? that will be more dangerous then Hitler , and Stalin=that Hindu world =India world !!??
Actually these people are illiterate and have 1000 =thousand in population ,from these 6 =six , families person are working in Rajasthan roadways , 4 drives ,1 machinist ,I ticket window =60 people are feeding from Roadways !! out of these 400= four hundred given vote to BJP =RSS ,from past 18 years , as these people are Vote bank of Indian politician and Indian democracy based on such type of vote bank !!?? these people are used to make torture , pain to other literate living in these area , those are literate as good , these people want to threat to take their homes , by doing these activities and want to live in their home free of charge , try to force them sell home on very less amount and quit from this area , as these people are poor ,cone , illiterate Indian Muslim !?? Ruhel date 2-04-2009 , actually India want to get world power =UNSC power =on such type of huge population ,corrupt democracy , these people made by BJP=RSS ,from past 1991 to till now ,to counter person like me at all India level , from Indian minorities , I am sure these people can do murder also if BJP =RSS Order these people =Indian Muslim Kishan Pole these people were getting full support from BJP =RSS to do like these torture activities !!??? and these people are night torture part of Udaipur human mafia , supporter of Udaipur this cruel activities form past 1991 to till now =2009 March !!?? India have such type of Indian Muslim from past 1991 to till now =March 2009 , , Ruhel Chisty Date 28-03-2009
Sir India is first nation in world where human right case at international level ,was try to convert in to mental case by use of its human society like Udaipur city 313001/313002 ,and CID Police Udaipur ,who is using TV Free voice mode to order this city human society ,for torture by forcing 23 AA people ,to tell abused level talk about me +my brain ,then ordering Udaipur human society to do more torture by using that talk happened in 23 AA Home !!?? b’se people are so smart that till TV Free voice mode +satellite technology +telecommunication technology this type to sin =Cruel use none of any nation did But India is proudly nation to use it up to this level !!?? its open from past 1991 to till now 2009 March !!??
While from my real life case I understand 100% , This City Udaipur Hindu CID Police throw many Indian Hindu Kids in USA ,EU By use of internet +many Hindu kids from all India , while if same this internet we Indian minorities try to use then This Nation RAW ,IB ,MI ,CID ,police are cutting us , killing us making us name in fraud cases ,making us emails as spam !! if Hindu Kid is using same internet then there will be 100 good , there will be no spam on their emails !!?? As I know that Internet is best Job application tool then any mail system included fax Courier and I am reading all benefits of internet from past 20 years ,all from National level English , news papers ,
,while I am the person who is facing this Hindu CID Police hack at my emails ID ,Mails ,from past 1998 to till now !! if these Hindu can hacked my emails IDs, Mails ,form past 11 years , what these can do in Kashmir ,Assam based Indian minorities ,and what these people can do in Whole India based Indian minorities !!! its when I am complaining at international, level from past 1998 it self to past 11 years , about these activities of Udaipur based Human society +its Hindu police =CID !!??
Please I want to request to USA ministry of immigration ,EU minister of immigration that they find out the numbers of Hindu kids ,Young reached USA ,EU by just use of internet !!?? and on same time how many Indian Minorities were able to reached there just by use of internet !!?? a real life article of Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,date 23-03-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,

While This Nation =India =Huge population ,Poor ,poverty rich nation , have 23 AA Kishan pole Like Indian Minorities ,those did support this Hindu Nation ,in my force unemployed ness ,from past 2003 ,Feb. to 2008 Jan ,And from 1999 to 2001 =3 years =Total 8 Years forced unemployed ness , ,support in torture ,support in abused to my brain , my respect ,b’se these people were getting order ,from Hindu ISI =RAW,IB,MI from TV Voice mode from past 1999 to till now ,even Indian was getting order in Saudi Arabia 2008 Jan to 2008 Dec and Dubai 2001 April to 2003 Feb !! order to Abuse to my brain mean tell me mental ,sick ,ill , and no hesitation that I am facing forced torture by Udaipur City from past 1991 to till now !! as these people are Indian minority ,and shame less Indian minorities have think for own stomach ,own rise on cost of my life ,my family life that’s why these , people till now did not try to meet my own Kid =F Chisty ,who is living with His mother !! These Types of human are full in India !! these people understand the mean of satellite , Advanced technology these people also understand that India have 2000 ,7500 Km range missiles , 1500 , 5000 Kms Missiles , India have 50 nuke bombs , India have 40 satellite in sky , 5 among them able to do remote sensing , 5 among them able to do spy in Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Dubai ,Saudi Arabia , These people fully support Hindu ISI =RAW ,MI ,IB to get many webs from NASA ,those have Details electronic structures ,different types of sensors , different types of satellites ,their depth , many latest instruments of NASA ,those were innovated , by MIT ,Caltech , Harvard ++all leading USA Universities ,scientists , for NASA , , these all webs and their details I was getting at this email ID at this ID I was getting many PDFs ,detailed structure of Satellites , Its work ,its inner configuration , !!!?? Now its all real ,I can understand that what these RAW ,MI,IB ,CID are ,were doing in Assam and Kashmir talented physicist ,chemist ,Mathematician brains !! may be there also using Kishan pole Kacchi basti like India Muslim , 23 AA ,17 Kishan pole like Indian Muslim !!?? Date 22-03-2009 Ruhel Chisty Udaipur –Raj India , this city this street ,23 AA ,17 Kishan pole made by RAW ,IB MI for experimental basis to do next for Hindu India =Hindu world !! By use of satellite technology =TV Free voice mode ,from 1999 to till now !! actually India was divided in more then 2000 Dynasties , those have their own rules regulation ,on way of living , on taxes , own Law and order !! then India was Under rule of UK for 100 years , then under rule of Mugal for 400 years !!?? now this free Hindu - democratic India is doing these types of experiments on its human society on life of person like me from past 1991 to till now !!??
I confirmed that RAW ,IB,MI Idea was this to prepared Nationalist Indian Muslim , those can do any thing on name of nation =India , and after this India will ask to EU ,USA ,UN ,F-35 Fighter planes ,F-22 Fighter planes ,USA Pilots free , Gulf Fuel Free , missiles free ,Defense latest instrument free ,on name of war against terrorism from EU ,BBC ,CNN ,ABC , AP, Reuters ,Aljajeera , Telegraphy , ++ !!?? free ,on name of nation =-India on name of Udaipur humen society from 1991 to 2001 ,on name of Jubail based Indian human society Jen 2008 to Dec 2008 , =Nationalist =On name of Dubai based Indian human society Feb 2001 to Feb 2003 , !!!??
but these things are fail in front of these Huge corrupt Human pollution =India if you are living in them , you are working with them !!?? these people are lowest of human !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 16-03-2009 ,
While here I like to mention the Udaipur Based Police reality ,these people are those who is supporting of this torture ,by brain waves voice rays from past 1991 to 2009 ,Till now !! while these people have all instrument which can talk at TV Voice mode , means DRDO Provide these Udaipur based police advance instruments , in 1992 it self !! But these people used is towards kill the minorities like me !!?? and these people have ability to records these brain waves torture in 1992 it self !! But as India is Hindu rich nation ,so its police is supporter of Hindus old thought when China few historian like to see India History in real sense !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-03-2009 ,
While in Rajasthan maximum Police officer ,constables are Rajputs only ,they hired in Police department on basis of their Cast ,B’se more then 90% police people are Rajputs only !! either they got job on basis on their cast =Rajputs , or they paid some money and got police jobs !!?? behind all these Rajputs hire , Former Rajasthan chief minister Bhrau Singh Shekavat is there ,who ruled this Rajasthan 15 years as Chief minister only !!?? while in Rajasthan Christen Police officer are zero ,christen police constable are Zero !! while Indian Muslim Police office are 2% none of them may be honest !!?? while Indian Muslim population in Rajasthan is 8% , and as per 15 Points given by Dr Manmohan Singh and as per Indian constitute 1960 !! these posts should be 8% ,not 2% !!!?? while Indian Christine are 3% in Rajasthan
While as per honesty Rajasthan police may be do not have 3 =three police officer as Honest !!?? Ruhel Date 05-03-2009 ,
While Udaipur Hindutava Lover people made Kishan Pole Kacchi Bastii = back to Keseriya Kerana Store =My living street people those are Maximum illiterate , LOW Profile Indian Minorities , as tool to use these people for any wrong , up to any level of human , and these people fully support this City Hindu people in Torture by Brain waves ,voice ,rays ,even these people added new ideas also !! notable thing is this was open torture in day ,evening ,nigh ,and this torture by Udaipur Human society fully support by Udaipur based all police officers lower post police people ,from past 19991 to till 2001 ,and till now 2009 !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 06-03-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,

while during this 5 =five years forced unemployed period ,I got wound at my down foot ,due to every day walk up to 24 kms to apply for jobs at internet ,b’se no money to have internet at home ! there also this Hindu nation internet café s administrator were hacking my emails , deleting jobs ,adding unwanted things , and keeping me forced unemployed ! and they were getting full support of Hindu Inelegancy ,its when I was paying every time money !!?? now due to this 24 Km every day walk up to 5 years continuous , I have Join problem ,I am feeling pain when I am going to up steer ! =violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!?
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!??
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 ,

While when I was making this list of companies where I request to white papers ,videos ,literature , I was facing high torture ,by 23 AA based kids ,ladies , up to abuse level to my brain ,if I had one scientific instrument then I like to records these torturer voice ,reality to put at UN Court of justice ,for next step !! b’se these people were doing same torture with my respect ,prospect ,from past 19991 to till now !!?? b’se these are not much talent Indian Muslim ,but like to serve for Hindu ISI ,RAW ,IB ,MI !! from past 1991 to till now =2009 !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty date 19-03-2009 , note 23 AA is place in Udaipur where I have one room from past 1991 to till now ,Note, only room Ruhel !! !!!?? actually these people belong to Dr MS Agwani family and now days this is only way to rise in India for Indian Muslims like Dr MS Agwani these real relatives and these are enjoying India from past 1991 to till now ,and real life case is at international level concern torture ,and my basics rights !!??
Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =Ruhel Chistry =RChistry date 19-03-2009 , these people also like to support Indian RAW ,MI =Military intelligence =IB ,CID , PMO ,from past 1991 to till now !!??
B’se these people are real human of India which is on international literatures !!?? if time permit these people these people will no hesitation to make me properly of India for rise in 2100 Era advance technology ,like what these people did from past 18 years 1991 to till now -2009 !!
While I know NASA taken pictures of Mars – Ice lands , taken samples of Mars soil ,did analysis of these ,taken pictures of many earth like places in galaxy those are 100 time far then Mars from earth up to scientific level !!??
While I think ,God Brahma-Brain , Ordered to all Indian =all Hindus to kept me forced unemployed !?? like what these did form 1999 to 2001 =3 years , then 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan ,=5 years =Total =8 Years , so that these people will able to made Hindu World =Dubai Sindhi Businessman 2001 !!??
(God Brahma is god of knowledge ,God of future , God of present ,past ,future !!?? As per Hindu Mythology is called God Brahma !!?? =Like Bagvat Geeta other !!?? ) Ruhel Date 19-03-2009 ,
Pl, even , I was giving , My Uncle ,E-mails +Address +Phone ! to save my Career +Life +scientific brain ! even for UN Jobs , other chemistry Jobs !! my real -uncle is Ex member ,, =sir its =NMC ,concern Human rights ! sir he is my mother real brother !! mean, from same mother both birth taken place !

And he was Professor from JNU-New Delhi ,Sir JNU =Jawaharlal Nehru University ,New Delhi !!=former vice chancellor JNU –new Delhi .from 1988-1993 !! as I know all Indian foreign ministers got educations from this university professors only !! even Indian all foreign administrative services ,=IFS are also getting education from this university professors only !! he was/is working with this university from past 45 years !! even he was adviser to prime minister indra Gandhi & ++Next all prime minister ,and advisers to all president of india ,from past 35 years ! b'se is Middle east expert for india !! even then I was facing this forced unemployed ness , past 5 Years ! while My this uncle daughter get got trapped in Kuwait 1999 ! when Iraq attack on Kuwait ! then by first flight she and her husband ,kids came from Kuwait ! b'se he contact top that time prime minister Mr I.. Gujraaal & Foreign minister & while there were lot of other people were also suffering form high tension +life risk , one daughter is Well settle in Dubai & Kuwait from past 30 years ! he is only who help them to got best career in USA ,Dubai ,Kuwait ! what's wrong in this poor nation =India !!!! but when other hand relatives like me in trouble than these Indian Gandhi are thinking like common man !
Pl see these people level ,thinking them self P-1 &Over UNSC -Ruhel Date 14-02-2009 Udaipur Raj India
While , my two emails IDs got hacked ,,, Where, complete hacked from Dec 2008, it self , ,But hacked by One Udaipur based Hindu =Jain =Baniya on date 6th Feb 2009 time 8:30 AM to 8 Feb 2009 time 6:00 AM , for two days ,and after two days he given back my ID ,by putting same passwords !! but in these two days he may used it to read all my personal things ,views ,where I sent my emails ,may be he used for some crime ,to put me in bad name ,may be he USED for some fraud on my name !!?? Ruhel date 08-02-2009

Please few things about 23 AA ,37 Ahinsa Puri ,17 Kishan pole , these people + kids are going on English medium schools ,watching Discover channel , National Geography channel from past 1990 to till now 2009 March , both discover ,national geography channel are given depth of latest innovations , like IR rays ,UV Rays , Missiles , Dolphins society talk , al latest innovation , forensic investigation and these people are those who are supporting this Nation ,concern Brain waves ,voice ,rays torture 0-160 cps ,1200 cps ,from past 1991 to till now !! and as per these people its my brain disorder , not torture ,as these people want to take full benefits of this nation =India ,frfom past 1991 to till now !!?? this is real article of me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty .date
03-04-2009 Udaipur raj India ,

While concern , Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition =USA Defense , I got only two Months this magazine ,from past 6 years =Note Please only two=2=1+1 , its hacking done and going on by Hindu ISI= MI=Military Intelligence ,IB,RAW and they are sending these magazines to their Hindu Kids ,at IITs ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , indian all -Universities Physics ,engineering department , at their emails , and these people do not have any shame on these activities !!?? taking my basics -rights from past many years and growing their kinds making engineers and scientists !!?? may be many other Indian minorities scientists like me are facing like this ,also many Asian minorities scientist are facing in their nations !!?? and after all these MI ,RAW ,IB doing what in Assam ,Kashmir with their innocent people ,Ladies ,Girls ,Kids ,I can understand from my real life of past 1991 to till now after BSc 70% Physics ,
These Indian did not provide me any Jobs in DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service ,Indian civil services , ,from past 18 years =1991 to till now !!?? And I faced these things ,Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A !!??


While on date 08-03-2009 ,I found and taken proof , that Hindu –ISI ,Udaipur –CID , when I was submitting article on call for paper at IEEE Communication magazine , when I was submitting article = Best instrument in speech and imagine ,bse I was facing forced night dream ,forced brain waves ,voice torture 0 to 160 cps , forced body rays 60 cps at human extract organ , and when I was taking print of this article ,from the web of IEEE Communication magazine , I got shocked ,that the top of All prints have these things = Barack Obama and the Change we need =Ruhel Chisty MRACI C Chem , and bottom of all prints have =
I understand that Hindu ISI =Udaipur –CID want to make me in some problem ,b’se it tell that these people are doing lot of things like this against me with out my permission ,to make my reputation like India !!?? which was among top 15 corrupt nation in 2005 ,shown by Indian channel it self !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =Date 08-03-2009 Udaipur –Raj India ,

While India have 23 AA like people those were forcing me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,to accept this torture =By brain waves ,voice ,rays 0-160 cps , as Brain disorder while its going on from past 1991 to till now ,
In front of all Kishan pole kacchi Bastii people =Indian Minorities rich !! But none of then try to complain At
NHRC ,NMC but these support this torture , this poor nation have 23 AA ,17 Kishan pole Like Indian Minorities !! those like to support this torture for their own benefits !!?? and this support to torture is going on from past 17 years ,it tell that these people are like Sudan Based janjaveer like people !! I am writing after faced continuous
3 month torture in Udaipur from December 2008 to march 2009 !!?? while India have Nuke Missile ,Spy satellite ,Nuke Bomb !!?? and 40 Satellites ,IITs ,IISC,DRDO ,ISRO !! But it have Hindu ISI also !!??
and over this Hindu ISI Kept me force unemployed ness from 1999 to 2001 , b’se I complain against this torture at International level =UN Level in 1999,2000 by use of internet !! while this nation technology is to protect these types of torture =Murder , at society level ,and his nation have nuke Missile , Nuke bomb=50 Nuke bomb , 40 Satellite at sky !!!?? it all tell that this nation policies are clear for minorities like me +Kashmir +Assam !! ?? Ruhel date 01-03-2009 ,Udaipur .
While this Hindu –ISI was taking ,torturing me by TV Voice mode ,from past 2003 to 2009 ,Then also these 23 AA people were listing like its part of their life ! if I speak some thing ,then these 23AA people were forcing me to whom you are talking !! means indirectly forcing me brain disorder !! I am putting these things here B’se This poor nation =India –Hindu ISI may be using this technology on Kashmir Assam many minorities families !!
Its also tell that UNSC should know the reality of this Hindu rich nation =India !!?? these people are 1.26 Billion in population !!?? while These 23 AA people are so smart that once I bring my Kid F Chisty with me in 1999 to live with me ,only after permission of her mother ,b’se my kid was interested to live with me when his age was 2.5 years , then I was not allowed by my mother she forced me to send him back to his mother !!?? this 23 AA People are that Indian those will like to take full benefit of this Corrupt ,cruel ,Democratic nation !! b’se these people do not have any option to live except this Nation =India !!?? Ruhel Chisty and these are only those are supporting Indian Politics ,Indian Intelligence to do any high level crime for Political benefit at National ,or international level !!??

While these Indian are trying to demolished my respect ,+destroy my brain ,its scientific attitude ,from past 17 years , and that is maximum after my complain at UN ,USA, EU level ,after 1998,1999 !!??
While Tasleema Nasreen was got freedom from Bangladeshi torture just in 2 =Two years !! B’se that nation was Bangladesh ,and she was also of same religion what Bangladesh maximum people have !! but in my case here =India , maximum people are Hindu ,and I am Indian minority ,so these Hindu nation =India ,think some thing extra then world for me !! that’s why these people torture is continuous from past 17 years , even in Jubail Saudi Arabia Jan 2008 to Dec 2008 ,Dubai =UAE=Feb 2001 to Feb 2003 , even my complain is at World bank publication department ,UNSC ,UNPAN ,UNODC , Respected Barack Obama official web !!??
While I know that Mugambee =Zimbabwe president family and close relatives are ,were enjoying the
Zimbabwe money ,power , while those were facing huge tension , high risk of life ,were telling to international media ,international NGOs ,international people , that they do not want Mugambee and that time , and today’s , Zimbabwe , they were telling at boarder of south Africa ,they were telling at Border of other African countries , that they were facing huge tension ,plus high risk of life ,but still , Mugambee =Zimbabwe president family and close relatives are enjoying , Zimbabwe money ,power , which is also democratic nation like India !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =RChisty , Date 12-03-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
While, l like to open one special types of Family members , those have no hesitation to support RAW ,IB MI ,from past 10 years , which is giving them order via TV Free Voice mode , ,to do act against me up to abuse level to my Brain ,My respect , and they are doing b’se these people are Indian Minority with Family ,with kids ,with Jobs in India !! have think of their future their business !!?? same way this RAW ,IB ,MI giving order to Kishan pole Kacchi Bastii people ,Udaipur people , and they are using God given Biochemical bio sensing system to torture , harassment ,Discrimination , abused to my rights from past 1991 to till now !!
Please note 23 AA ,people are world special level self thinker up to this level ,from past 10 years !!? Ruhel Chisty Date 18-03-2009 ,
While after my publication and complain at international level these Udaipur based Indian start high attack on my respected up to dignity level !!?? these people =Udaipur are forcing world that they also have to treat me=Ruhel Chisty , like what these Indian are treating me from past 17=seventeen years !!?? , Ruhel Chisty date 17-02-2009 ,

Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!??

While the reality of Indian Law enforcement system can be understand by these points :
(1) Justice Krishna commission report = concern 1989-1993 Mumbai riots , and role of Mumbai Police in Riots , they given video ,Audio , personal interview with victims +recording to telephonic talks +mobile talk of police officers ,ministers =mainly from BJP ,Shiv Sena ,all were telling that How Mumbai Police was involved in to provoke Riots ,and fully support of Mumbai Hindu Mainly Martha !! these happened b’se there was no minority Police offer was in Job that time all police officer was Hindus !! and fully like to kill minorities Life ,business ,Home + allowed to Hindu rioter to do kill and rape ~!! ?? this Justice was proved alone Laws and order person who given truth about whole 1989 to 1993 Mumbai riots !!!?? he given the telephone records of Mumbai police officers and ministers those were at work that time and in power that time !!?? these all proofs are with National minority commission ,National human right commission !! he given these proof 4 years back till now none of that Police officer get terminated put behind the bar !! put on then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? and same way none of Hindu Ministers +few Minority ministers , put behind the Bar + then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? that time in Mumbai Shiv Sena –BJP was ruling !!?? while from past 5 years Mumbai Have Congress party ,its allies are ruling !! noting happened to , riot provoker Police officers +ministers put behind the bar + serious charges !!?? Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 Udaipur-Raj India 313001.
(2) While the reality of Gujarat, 2002 March riots ,genocide , the Laws enforcement independent agencies try ot got Telephonic ,mobile talk records of Gujarat police officers ,ministers, but they were not able to get ,even they reached to supermen court get order aloes !!?? till now they did not get any telephonic ,mobile ,recodes of Gujarat police ,ministers those were enveloped in this genocide !!?? b’se Modi used his power ,to fail all system of records !! they told they destroy the records ,due to instrument fault !!??
(3) These all things tell that Home Minister of India is indirectly supporter of HINDU nation where these things will be consider as normal !!?? and this nation have all rights for Hindus only weather they are Narandara Modi ,weather they are LK Advani ,weather they are Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,whether they are Mumbai police officer , weather they are Mumbai police officers and ministers in 1989 to 1993 ,weather they are Gujarat 2002 march time police officers and ministers !!??

Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj 313001 India.
While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,with use of providing money to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by ??
While I can understand from my real life ,that Indian IB,MI,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,did not allowed single
Indian minorities ,in Physics ,Engineering ,Chemistry , at international Jobs , higher degrees , even it tell these MI,IB ,RAW means these people killed 10000, to 20 lacks =20,00000 intelligent brains of Assam ,Kashmir , those can be good physicist ,engineers ,chemists but there brain got killed by MI,IB,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,
B’se they are minorities of this nation , even may be few of them have publications like me at USA ,EU ,Canada, Germany , but this nation =India did not allowed them to get good degree ,jobs future in EU ,USA !!?? May be there names also used by this Hindu rich nation to get technology ,from USA defense ,NASA !!?? to got rise in DRDO ,ISRO ,IITs ,IISc !!?? it also tell that may be MI , did make fake –internet cases on them , put them in fake criminal activities , on these all innocent physicist ,engineers ,chemist b’se they are Indian minorities !!??
Its going on from past 30-20 years , now I open it ,from my real life !!?? it tell that MI,IB,RAW make JOKE of Assam ,Kashmir 20,00000 people physicist brain ,engineering brain ,chemist brain and killed them Just , b’se they are Not Hindu they are Indian christen ,Indian Muslim !!??
as this city =Udaipur and Kishan pole Kacchibastii what I face from 1991 to till now ,the use of satellite technology ,and 23 AA ,17 Kishan pole ,37 Ahinsapuri , PI Industries limited , Udaipur humen society did support to DRDO this technology use like this !!?? , ++Kishan pole Kacchibastii =my street =back to Keseriya Keran store ,Kishan pole make JOKE of my life ,my brain ,my literacy ,my good human ,my future ,my career , my prospect ,like that MI ,IB RAW ,CID-Assam ,Kashmir made Joke =Kill of 20lacks innocent talented brains ,from Assam and Kashmir !! Ruhel date 26-02-2009 ,Udaipur –raj India 313001,
while smartness of this Nation is that it providing full benefit of this nation to those who are supporting these types of kills , what I face from 1991 to till now 2009 March , =18 years continuous , and it tell me that This nation RAW ,IB=Hindu ISI , used many politician in Assam ,Kashmir ,to protect kill , destroy the future of many families , kids , talented young generation ,those killed by this Hindu ISI ,by many tactics ,,and this nation provide full benefits to all political power full people like 23 AA ,37 Ahinsapuri , 17 Kishan POLE !!?? Ruhel date 08-03-2009 ,Udaipur -Raj India ,
The important thing is that India ,did not take them in IITs ,IISc,ISRO ,DRDO ,but killed thee brain , =20 lacks innocent ,talented brains from Assam ,Kashmir !! as I can seen from my real life !!?? Ruhel date 26-02-2009 ,Udaipur –raj India 313001,
While I can understand one more thing ,that Kashmir and Assam are India’s top corrupt states , means there is huge corruption in every level , it also tell me that there are political power full families like 17 Kishan pole Udaipur ,23 AA ,37 Ahinsapuri , those are /were supporting this nation intelligence ,from past 1991 to till now !!=17 years ,if this is going on possible ,that I can understand that in Kashmir , Assam only political powerful people are doing all things for their own benefit ,from Hindu ISI =IB,MI,RAW =PMO !! And these people are supporting kill of many talented ,innocent brains from Assam ,Kashmir !! as I can see +say !! Ruhel Chisty Date 03-3-2009 I am mention it for UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU to save talented brain like me Ruhel Chisty =RChisty from Assam and Kashmir ,those killed make mental =89,000 in Kashmir ,60,000 Assam kids became mental by activities of Indian Hindu –ISI =RAW,,MI ,IB =PMO !!!?? While I know that Unemployed rate is very high in Kashmir ,Assam as these people are Indian minorities and Indian Hindu rich politics do not have any intension to make them and other part of world =Happy and healthy !!?? b’se they are Not Hindu they are Indian christen ,Indian Muslim !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 03-03-2009 Udaipur Raj India .
Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? sir there result will tell you reality of india ! while Mr Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN +other also !!?? But what effect taken place !!?? Ruhel Date 21-02-2009 , while he is still president of many organizations !!??
While Udaipur –Raj India 313001/313002 is world first city which have humen society ,those are using mental ill people of this city as instrument ,tool ,to torture , and given proof in front of Foreign tourist concern self talk , talking at open air , anger talk , so they will be able to prove world that Ruhel Chisty =RChisty among these people not what he is telling and not what is mentioning on Blogs , real - article Publications at World Bank , Publication at UN Branches , Real life at Respected Barack Obama , Official web , !!??
I will tell you one fact ,if any mental ill person passing through the road as it got order ,from Udaipur Mafia , and I pass out from there then this City people start to torture me by brain voice rays ,up to extreme level , not only this these people will distribute these talk after torture to all Udaipur Human society for enjoyment !!
For Udaipur people mental ill person like God ,Goddess , to make my scientific brain zero !!??
While other face of this city ,this do not have single Doctor ,its group who can help these mental ill people to became normal !!?? But this Udaipur city Humen society like to used its mental ill people as Instrument =Tool !!?? Ruhel Chisty 2006 -2009 March !!??
While I did sent request to World bank ,WHO , to provide Charity to Udaipur Based Psychologist ,Neurologist by sending them medicines so they can do one day out of 15 day as Human work for these Udaipur based mental ill people !!! while Udaipur based Human mafia is so smart that these people like to used these mental ill people ,as tool ,instrument ,but do not like to provide them medicines ,mental support , Human support !! the lowest quality of Human Mafia is Udaipur –Raj 313001 ,313002 People !! Ruhel Chisty date 14-03-2009 !!??
While Udaipur City ,Plus its CID –Udaipur Police =Rajputs only ,and High level corrupt ,low profile CID- Police of Udaipur Rajasthan , is doing new innovation ,with Satellite technology and telecommunication technology , from past 1991 to till now -2009 Marc18 years , that they are using TV Voice mode ,from 1991 to till now ,to command ,Udaipur Human society ,and Kishan pole Street my Living street illiterate Indian Muslim , to given one special type Hindu nation ,where illiterate Indian Muslim +few less educated but High conned +rest all Udaipur Hindu society , did made one special type of mafia ,those are using Human brain waves, voice rays and TV Free ,And telecommunication , as innovation to do torture ,enjoy the illiteracy ,and to get Hindu India target , and on other hand these people accepting that Brain waves ,voice ,rays is Audio hallucination for Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =Ruhel Chistry =RChistry ,
Means as he is telling that he is facing brain waves ,voice rays torture so he is Audio Hallucination person ,But these all Udaipur people, =Indian human +its CID –Udaipur -=Rajputs =Most corrupt ,low profile CID Police officers those did work in Udaipur from past 1992 to till now only these all most low profile ,high corrupt CID Police officers !!??
and later on these all Illiterate Indian Muslim converted in to BJP Vote bank , as these people are illiterate ,torturer and doing support of BJP –Want India =Hindu nation where these type of illiterate - Indian Muslim will have some power +some of them with money also =Like FK Nayak !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 12-03-2009 Udaipur –Raj India ,
while FK Nayak ,two kids are getting education in English medium , one boy one girl , they will get Degrees from
Belarus , Other former part of Russia , in medical or engineering on basis on his father money !!??

While I found that BSNL – Hiranmagri -Udaipur, based Indian Hindu , Raj –CID - Indian Hindu, which have 90% more then Rajputs ,=Hindu , Hindu - RAW ,IB,MI =Its Like Afghanistan Intelligence with out support of USA,NATO !!?? , is hiding the countries name in at , ,and state where n/a is required to fill , and then Pin code !! so that if I like to send my Real life case at Respected , Barack Obama web= !! then I will not able to send ,but here some other Indian who is Hindu and have relation with this Hindu RAW,IB,MI and only Just Hindu and educated and few publications ,will send his Resume for this job by proving him self Indian Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for Indian Hindus !! while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!??
While I got two emails from , from counselor Canadacutjobs and recruiter , as these people seen my resume at webs search , one is for my best life in Canada ,on ,but both place I was not allowed by Udaipur –Raj based Hindu police =CID ,as per these people these are for Indian Hindu candidates ,so they hacked in these following webs and even I try to send them email also that also not allowed by These Hindu based Hindu terrorist in police dress !!?? its happened on dates 2 Feb. 2009 and 12 Feb. 2009 !!?? it Clearly tell that Udaipur police =Hindu terrorist Police is towards demolished economic foundation of minorities like me ,as these people did in Kapassan -Raj -2007 ,Dungarpure –Raj 2008 , Jodhpur -raj 2008 ,Jaipur 2007,2006,2005 with Fathers =Christens bishops !!?? Ruhel date 12-02-2009 ,
While after these huge open high torture . Udaipur citizens are telling what is wrong if we spread the real thing of india concern You =Ruhel Chisty , that you was mental , you was treated like animal by 23 AA people , your wife was also treated like animal that’s why we =Indian like to spread these real talk at USA,EU,ME=Gulf= U world by our =Indian human power !!!??? it’s a talk of 16 Feb 2009 !!??

Note : On 21 -09-2008 I submit one Article to My officials = = for good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .. Ruhel Chisty( MRACI-C.Chem) =Ruhel Chistry ( MRACI-C.Chem)
Date 22-09-2008 Time : 5:58 AM .
This article come from my independent work as Research and development chemist /scientist with my previous company ,where I was getting many samples ,from four =4 ,Scientific managers ,those were making new ,new chemicals frequently , were doing all research and development to get maximum purity and maximum yield ,and I was analyzing these different chemicals =final product ,raw material
Every week with new method and with columns . I was able to get data what they are doing there in synthesis steps ,like changing PH , changing catalysts ,changing some time Raw materials =by changing root . some of them doing formulation also .
Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! who had 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and integration=mathematics at BSc level , did work for Japan project=Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure - did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & worked on this project ~2 years With Japan Quality control ,where our sent samples were counter checked by Japan Scientist /chemist ,none of sample return back except initial stage .when both team were working to finalize method . GC method .
. have 70% BSc Physics ,68% BSc chemistry +have 10 years experienced as Analytical chemistry=chemist/scientist , included, ~3 years from ISO -9002 ,BVQI , Dubai municipality accredited lab ,=International experience . I am member of ACS ,IUPAC Now Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.= ,
Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) . Date 22-09-2008 ,Time : 6:05 AM .Its Ramadan Time in KSA =Saudi’s ,area !!!??? if you will get depth of these people religion best only !!?? then you will understand what ‘s mean of this why I did submit in this time only !!?? Actually this article was for conference ANTEC 2009, !! this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++ either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical companies Ruhel Chisty Date 06-11-2008 with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!??
And on date 07-02-2009 ,I got my all dues from My worked company =Saudi Kayan =SABIC =which was good amount and it tell that SABIC is good company ,in real sense its world ranked = 325 company at global 500 top business company ,Ruhel Chisty date 09-02-2009 ,
Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years . (3) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 18-07-2008 KSA .
Note 2.2 : Pl I Get Nominate for "Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006" (Pl its UN Award = , Please it's Middle East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices
B’se I open the naked fact to Dubai Government=Dubai municipality , that how the testing laboratories in ME=Gulf are making money on the life of ME=Gulf people By make fool in environmental analysis system +many other methods , by did change in US EPA methods ,APAH methods to make money only !! ?? . My independent work to protect world environmental ,which I send to UN +US-EPA +ISO-9002 ,APHA, White house advisory board to environmental protection ,ACS advisers to Environmental ,IUPAC Advisers to environmental ,to improve world environmental analytical – analysis, these people where destroying mainly ME=Gulf living - people health’s only !!=Dubai ,UAE ,Saudi ,Oman ,Kuwait ,Qatar , Bahrain ,++??

While when I was cutting one list of active member of parliament ,India , those have records of serious Courts cases on them , like Riots ,rape , murder , genocide , and they were in Jail for 10 Years ,7 years ,3 years ,2 years , Total such type active member of parliament are 98 =90+8 ,Ninety eight , from them BJP =RSS have 23=20+3 =congress party have 17 =10+7 , I faced attack by voice , at me by kishan pole street , one criminal lady home ,, family members she is Indian Muslim , she have one lady friend whose brother is second top criminal of this City Udaipur , he is Don =Top high profile criminal of this City Udaipur -Raj India 313001 ,313002 !!??

While recently I read Japanese scientists from ATR Computational neuroscience laboratory , succeeded to develop technology , to processing and displaying images directly from Human brain !!?? this report published , in American Journal , Neuron , from cell publishing group .The chief scientist who did is Yukiyasu Kamitani .=Japanese scientist , Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 .
While these Indian are trying to demolished my respect ,+destroy my brain ,its scientific attitude ,from past 17 years , and that is maximum after my complain at UN ,USA, EU level ,after 1998,1999 !!??
While Tasleema Nasreen was got freedom from Bangladeshi torture just in 2 =Two years !! B’se that nation was Bangladesh ,and she was also of same religion what Bangladesh maximum people have !! but in my case here =India , maximum people are Hindu ,and I am Indian minority ,so these Hindu nation =India ,think some thing extra then world for me !! that’s why these people torture is continuous from past 17 years , even in Jubail Saudi Arabia Jan 2008 to Dec 2008 ,Dubai =UAE=Feb 2001 to Feb 2003 , even my complain is at World bank publication department ,UNSC ,UNPAN ,UNODC , Respected Barack Obama official web !!??
While after my publication and complain at international level these Udaipur based Indian start high attack on my respected up to dignity level !!?? these people =Udaipur are forcing world that they also have to treat me=Ruhel Chisty , like what these Indian are treating me from past 17=seventeen years !!?? , Ruhel Chisty date 17-02-2009 ,
While I am two examples ,from my real life ,which will tell you what is Udaipur mafia !!??
(1) From My street =Kishan pole , in this street in year 1985-1987 one man made Home , and once it completed ,he came to live here ,but with in few months ,one Indian Muslim criminal of this street threat him ,to give home in few Indian rupees only =few thousand only , he refuse then after few days that criminal did attack by long knife at his hand , that was strong threat to live home or give home , as that criminal is giving money to this area police officials , and these things is normal in India at Micro level and Mega level !!!?? and with in few days that home owner ,left this street given his own build home in few thousand only !!?? same type threat on us also =23 AA people ,b’se this street people are con , criminal ,poor !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A date 14-03-2009 , =this called Udaipur Muslim mafia to get any thing by threat !!??
(2) Udaipur Mafia : these people start to telling abused level about my real uncle , brain to father ,mother , whom his daughter marriage talk was going on , that done by Brain waves ,voice ,rays , by 1-2000-5000 Udaipur people , those were passing through his small shop , they were doing abused to my uncle brain ,respected both who is director level person in Geology ,Technology about his these Udaipur mafia were telling like that !!??
this reality of Udaipur people =Human mafia !! Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A Date 14-03-2009 ,

from past 2 days this Hindu nation citizen =BSNL ,RAW ,IB ,MI are deleting my IDs ,password in USA Defense =jobs fair = Corporate Gray Online , while this organization higher official know about me =my case ,my list of publications +work ,b’se they know that I put my real life case what I mention above ,at world bank publication ,and research division ,RSC ,ACS , RACI , UN ,UNSC ,UNPAN , And top most = USA first minority - President = respected Barack Obama level , !!?? thought emails ,faxes ,courier =FedEx ,from Saudi Arabia =Jubail ,where one South Indian minority was in charge of FedEx –Jubail city branch !!?? not from India !!?? as I know about this nation=India , name in honesty ,democracy both at international level = this Ill =Sick democracy Ruhel Date 09-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India

While on date 10-03-2009 ,I faced torture from Hindu –ISI ,MI,IB,RAW , CID-Udaipur , and Udaipur Mafia , forcing me that you got Money from SABIC due ton their charity only !!?? while You was Mad , and they kick out you from job !!??
While from past few days ,Mr. Naveed Chisty and his friend of this 23 AA street =Indian Muslim ,were torturing me by brain waves voice up to abuse level to my brain !!?? so that I should left from Room and laptop , to move to Udaipur city to face one more huge torture by this City humen mafia !!?? that now this Man came in City ,after kick out from 23 AA =Home !! ?? Ruhel Chisty Date 10-03-2009 , Udaipur –raj India
in total this repot was joke ,on ways of Indian judicial system !!?? it also tell that people seated on high posts are not given truth due to their own mentality or due to money or due to fear !!??
This is one part of report came in 6 years ,still few more parts are there which will take next 6+6+6 years = 12 years ,18 years !!??
It well know factor to international level that laws is very slow in india +its corrupt also !!?? one case taken 20 to 30 years to get its result !!?? if you have time you put case !!?? that’s why 425 fortune companies are in China ,not in india !!?? now they are towards Poland !!??
it tell that in future (2050 ) India , is bad time for world –Humanity ! if formation of Hindu world taken place , the Hindu will kill other religion people like Orissa 2008 ( christen murder=like genocide ) ,Karnataka 2008 (christen murder=like genocide ) ,Gujarat 2002 (Muslim murder=like genocide ) !!?? and kill will be open and india even to media, also where these huge population Hindu are killing, Indian government will make commission’s those will give these types of reports and will make fool to world and will support Hindu world formation ,just by rise population in nation and out side also !!??
While these types of Hindu population in india is 60 cr to 80 cr = 4 times Population of Bangladesh ,and 4 times of Pakistan !!??
While I can understand from my real life ,that Indian IB,MI,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,did not allowed single
Indian minorities ,in Physics ,Engineering ,Chemistry , at international Jobs , higher degrees , even it tell these MI,IB ,RAW means these people killed 10000, to 20 lacks =20,00000 intelligent brains of Assam ,Kashmir , those can be good physicist ,engineers ,chemists but there brain got killed by MI,IB,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,
B’se they are minorities of this nation , even may be few of them have publications like me at USA ,EU ,Canada, Germany , but this nation =India did not allowed them to get good degree ,jobs future in EU ,USA !!?? May be there names also used by this Hindu rich nation to get technology ,from USA defense ,NASA !!?? to got rise in DRDO ,ISRO ,IITs ,IISc !!?? it also tell that may be MI , did make fake –internet cases on them , put them in fake criminal activities , on these all innocent physicist ,engineers ,chemist b’se they are Indian minorities !!??
Its going on from past 30-20 years , now I open it ,from my real life !!?? it tell that MI,IB,RAW make JOKE of Assam ,Kashmir 20,00000 people physicist brain ,engineering brain ,chemist brain and killed them as this city =Udaipur and Kishan pole Kacchibastii what I face from 1991 to till now ,the use of satellite technology ,and 23 AA ,17 Kishan pole ,37 Ahinsapuri , PI Industries limited , Udaipur humen society did support to DRDO this technology use like this !!?? , ++Kishan pole Kacchibastii =my street =back to Keseriya Keran store ,Kishan pole make JOKE of my life ,my brain ,my literacy ,my good human ,my future ,my career , my prospect ,like that MI ,IB RAW ,CID-Assam ,Kashmir made Joke =Kill of 20lacks innocent talented brains ,from Assam and Kashmir !! Ruhel date 26-02-2009 ,Udaipur –raj India 313001,
The important thing is that India ,did not take them in IITs ,IISc,ISRO ,DRDO ,but killed thee brain , =20 lacks innocent ,talented brains from Assam ,Kashmir !! as I can seen from my real life !!?? Ruhel date 26-02-2009 ,Udaipur –raj India 313001,

While this poor Nation india have ,23 AA Like people ,specially Shabanna Chisty , who is like to torture me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty during eat it self , notable things is she is wife of my younger brother ,You know Real younger brother , she was doing these things in my forced unemployed ness period Feb 2003 to 2008 Jan also attack on my brain , after that I have to face torture from Udaipur City human society those are getting all briefings from CID Udaipur Hindu Police , concern what this lady did told about my brain !!?? the abused at high level then torture by Udaipur human society this was a tactics developed by Udaipur human society form past 1998 to till now !! have full support from Udaipur CID Police ,RAW ,IB ,MI from past 1991 to till now !! the reality of India +the technology used like this !!?? sir what you can think when you are already forced unemployed +then torture up to abused level to your brain +then torture by Udaipur human society this is only real Indian those are toward Indian world =Hindu world !!?? Indian means 23 AA , Shabanna Chisty Like Indian ,and sir she is Indian lady !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 24-03-2009 , what I can do except this as literate person ,write at international level , b’se she belong to Businessman family of Nathudvara , , her one brother is at Manager level in KSA !! So for her ,and her elders , and his husband it self permit this to do with me this torture !!??
by brain voice ,rays ,waves =0-160 cps , While this nation have Hindu ISI , who is like to torture me during Read the Advanced technology ,from NASA space industries ,USA Defense industries ,EU Space and defense industries !! At my Laptop ,PC by use of its voice mode !!?? its when its not connected to internet then it self !! ?? but what a gentleman like me can do except this !!?? to write at international level !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty Date 18-03-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India ,

It means this nation =India toward kill to my brain ,its scientific attitude ,its reality from all level !!?? these 23AA ,people are doing like this from past 1999 to till now !! after my complain at international level and these people promote by this poor huge population nation !!?? Ruhel Date 21-02-2009 –Udaipur –raj India , these all activities to live with respect +prospect in india ,for both 23 AA +Hindu ISI ,on other respected + other hard work with science At International level +UN Level !!?? its when I am living in 12 X 14 feet one room of this 23 AA !! Just living !! ?? Ruhel Date 17-02-2009 Udaipur Raj india .
While its famous in India ,that Indian police have some doubt on any human ,they will watch ,captured , take in custody that Human , just of behalf of doubt !!?? but I am surprise that whole India ,Hindu police ,did not got single doubt on Narandara Modi , LK Advani , Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Uma Bharti , Vinay Katiyar, Praveen Togadia , Ashok Singhal ,Babu Bajnaggii !! those have proven record to provoke to riots ,murder ,gang rape , genocide of Indian minorities 1989-1993 whole India ,2002 march Gujarat ,2008 Orissa, 2008 Karnataka ,these whole India Hindu police ,did not taken any custody ,3rd degree =Remand of these mention Hindu leaders =Hindu terrorist !! b’se these whole India police are Hindu police !! while these people killed many human ,women in Kashmir ,Assam just on doubt ,no record !! its you can get from There local news papers ,ask to common man of Kashmir ,Assam !!?? they are facing 3rd degree =remand ,murder ,torture just on doubt ,no proof !!?? b’se they are Indian christen ,Indian Muslim NOT Indian Hindu !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 12-02-2009 Udaipur –raj India 313001 ,
while these named Hindu terror people have huge amount of money ,power , Hindu respect may be huge Amount of Euro and Dollar in Swiss bank !!?? ,none of Udaipur based Indian Muslim able to put comment on them ,torture them by brain waves, voice ,rays ,even any talk against them even unable to reach there living area ,b’se these Udaipur based Indian Muslim are treated as unwanted thing in there living areas !!?? these Hindu terror - kids will be also rich ,may be future members of parliament , may be future rich businessman in India !! ?? but none of Hindu Police ,RAW,IB,CID will dare to ask them single question forget watch there personal life and used satellite technology to torture them from past 1999 to till now !! b’se these all know that BJP=RSS =VHP =Bajrangdal , ruled this nation 13 years ,may can came again !!?? this is the reality of Udaipur based Indian Muslim +India total population ,Hindu democracy !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While I found that these Indian are torturing me in Udaipur ,Mumbai !!! also by body rays ,brain voice ,waves , from past 1.2 months !!!?? same what these people were doing in Al-Jubail Industrial city Saudi Arabia !!?? even when I was giving interview for Job for ME =Gulf at Mumbai !!!?? in front of UK Citizen delegate !!!?? at President Hotel Mumbai !!!?? torture were Cream brain in plant operation of this Hindu rich nation !!??
B’se from this nation none is came like that Great man ,and here only came are Narandara Modi ,Atal Bihari Vajpayee, LK Advani ,Shiv Raj Patil ,Indian one more Home minister who have very good link with RSS and its philosophy !!?? this is reality of this Hindu terrorist rich and Hindu terror like RAWMIB,MI ,Police !!?? b’se its base of this Hindu nation =India !!?? which is in real like this but world know its other face !!?? Ruhel Date 19-01-2009 Udaipur Raj 313001 India .
While I found that Rajasthan based BJP=RSS forced start The TIMES OF INDIA ,Jaipur =Not new -Delhi edition at all Rajasthan ,Library ,Hocker !! as Jaipur edition , -which do not have all good job opportunity ,from ME =Gulf +other !! like what The TIMES OF INDIA ,New Delhi have !!?? it going on from past 1 years !!
When I found this I got shock !! that again I will loose 5 years force unemployed ness in this Hindu nation poor state =Rajasthan !!?? b’se here BJP =RSS Ruled up to 5 years ,from 2003 to 2008 Dec !!?? and I found that BJP =RSS did try to destroy the economic foundation of Indian minorities in Rajasthan ,India, you can take cases at riots at Jodhpur , riots at Jaipur , riots at Dungarpure , and my real life case it self !! these all tell that BJP=RSS =VHP =Bajrangdal intension is clear !!!?? Ruhel Date 27-01-2009
same way I found that Internet service provider at Udaipur –My Laptop =BNSL Hiranmagri is hiding=or removing , all latest , jobs of Chemists ,scientist ,from Petrochemicals companies , fine chemical companies in ME=Gulf !! so that I have only one option to apply other then these jobs those are low post +salary +those are other then my did field !!these all tell that to finished economic foundation of Rajasthan minority ,Rajasthan Christen ,Rajasthan Muslim those are getting money from ME =Gulf jobs only !! !!?? there talent up to my level !!?? as this attack is going on me also !!?? Ruhel Date 25-01-2009 , while this state is backward state and this state want money from UN ,World bank ,other international organization to develop !! while what these Indian Hindu are doing!!?? Ruhel Date 27-01-2009

while 1.25 b , Indian’s are telling them self competitor of China in Games =Olympics ,technology =defense ,missile ,space ,Tech-Products sell at world wide ,honesty , social science , economic science !!? while Indian , activities are just like Old USSR !! many nation separate from that USSR b’se that KGB of USSR was doing kill like today’s RAW,MI,IB of India==Its Like Afghanistan Intelligence with out support of USA,NATO !!?? !!
Why I am writing all these points ,b’se I read all about Assam ladies ,Young boys ,Kids those are suffering due to Indian army action rules ,from past 18 years ,Indian army are torturing ,killing their basic right of human ,from past 18 years , that’s why 8-11 Ladies did naked protest in front of Indian army office at Assam capital ,they were telling that do now rape to us !! as you are doing with our young girls with out permission !!?? same way I read about Kashmir people those have 89,000 forced metal cases ,just in past 20 years ,these all were young and became mental due to Indian army actions at their land ,and continuous war ,murder, riots ,army firing , terror activities !!?? I can understand why many people do not like Indian army in Assam ,Kashmir +UP-Bihar-Chattisgarh – Orissa poor areas !!?? b’se they are just loosing their basic right , not getting any thing from this Ill dmocracy !!?? Ruhel date 09-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj 313001 India .
this tactic =torture is going on from past 1998 to till now openly ,at my brain , and these Hindu do not have any instrument to record these torture , but these Hindu have 38 satellite at sky =!! Have Nuke Bombs =50 Nuke bombs ,have Nuke missile =5000 Nuke missile range up to 5000-7000 Kms !! these Hindus are so smart ,that able to use one Minority Physicist=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,life from past 1998 to till now !! to rise this Ill =Sick democracy =Cruel ,ill ,poor Indian democracy which have 1.00 billion Hindus !! Ruhel Date 09-02-2009 ,
But I like to open to UN ,USA ,EU -Humen , That this Poor , huge population nation =India , have 23 AA ,Kishan pole Kacchibastii like Indian Muslim, those can give any proof to International people against Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,for rise india +Own –own ,from past 1999,2000,2001 And ,after - 9/11 Al-Quadia attack on USA !!?? even 1999 ,2000 , 2001 ,2002,2003 ,2004,2005 ,2007,2008, EVEN 2009 !!??
Actually these poor ,huge population , Indian was taking my life benefit to rise India as Asian power ,which have 23AA ,37 Ahinsapuri ,Kishan pole Kacchibastii like Indian Muslim !! Those are not Pakistani ,Bangladeshi Muslim But those are ,what world is looking and understanding !!?? after 9/11 Al-Quadia attack on USA , these people are those who do not like to take this Brain waves torture as torture which proved in Jubail Saudi Arabia ,Dubai also !!?? where 182 Nation people are living and thinking about this Torture Those are engineer also ,doctor also ,physicists also ,scientist also and they are UN Human !!?? these people are those who accept this torture as brain disorder of me !! B’se these poor ,Huge population nation have nuke missile ,40 satellite , IITs’ ,IISC ,but do not have single instrument ,Physicist !!??? which can record these open torture and can given to PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh ,from past 2003 to till now !!?? who is in charge of PMO = MI ,IB ,RAW ,CBI +++ All police of India +ISRO +DRDO =40 satellite plus remote sensing technology of today Era !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 15-02-2009 ,Udaipur Raj india !!??

While I found that Rajasthan based BJP=RSS forced start The TIMES OF INDIA ,Jaipur =Not new -Delhi edition at all Rajasthan ,Library ,Hocker !! as Jaipur edition , -which do not have all good job opportunity ,from ME =Gulf +other !! like what The TIMES OF INDIA ,New Delhi have !!?? it going on from past 1 years !!
When I found this I got shock !! that again I will loose 5 years force unemployed ness in this Hindu nation poor state =Rajasthan !!?? b’se here BJP =RSS Ruled up to 5 years ,from 2003 to 2008 Dec !!??
same way I found that Internet service provider at Udaipur –My Laptop =BNSL Hiranmagri is hiding=or removing , all latest , jobs of Chemists ,scientist ,from Petrochemicals companies , fine chemical companies in ME=Gulf !! so that I have only one option to apply other then these jobs those are low post +salary +those are other then my did field !!these all tell that to finished economic foundation of Rajasthan minority ,Rajasthan Christen ,Rajasthan Muslim those are getting money from ME =Gulf jobs only !! !!?? there talent up to my level !!?? as this attack is going on me also !!?? Ruhel Date 25-01-2009 , while this state is backward state and this state want money from UN ,World bank ,other international organization to develop !! while what these Indian Hindu are doing!!??
While I found that this Hindu Nation =Home ministry = Hindu RAW ,Hindu IB ,Hindu MI was in thinking that these Hindu -people will control the ME=Gulf based Philippine ,Bangladeshi ,Pakistani , Saudi ,UAE Local - Nepali , by use of my name =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,by use of Free TV ,Voice mode ,satellite technology by torture him in his room at Saudi Arabia ,Jubail and Dubai =UAE b’se This Hindu businessman have 38 satellites in sky !! was thinking that UNSC will bonus point to this Hindu Home ministry=Hindu RAW ,Hindu MI ,to work like this torture me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , in Others nation !! and side by side open torture by Indian will going on to me =Ruhel Chisty at Road ,Office ,Home ,night by brain waves ,voice ,rays even in Dubai ,even in Saudi Arabia ,even in India Feb 2003 to 2008 Jan !!This Hindu nation will get full world support ,from all nations !!?? by thinking that these all people will act like Indian minorities .from past 63 years of Indian freedom !! those do not get any benefit like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , from this Hindu nation except given their life in this nation ,for this Hindu Nation international policies !!?? =Hindu world formation !!where minorities like me ,from India will live like that !!?? and this nation Shindi –Hindu Business man will talk about Hindu world in Dubai 2001 !!??

From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
(1) Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,
(2) Karnataka , district effected =7 , churches burn ,destroy = 33, Injured nuns and ladies =20,
(3) Kerla : churches burn ,destroy = 3
(4) MP=Madaya Pradesh , churches burn ,destroy = 4,
(5) New Delhi : churches burn ,destroy = 1=0+1 , Try to riots =4
(6) Tamil Naadu : churches burn ,destroy =3,
(7) UP=Uttrapradesh : old Father ,and worker killed =2 ,

= in my view behind this is Indian Hindu RAW ,IB,MI ,CID =Its Like Afghanistan Intelligence with out support of USA,NATO !!?? Brain !!!??? Its Like Afghanistan Intelligence with out support of USA,NATO !!?? !! while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? this called as congress party =so called secular party ,soft Hindutava !!??
Please note from past 1989 to till now 2009 Jan , those did riots ,murder, genocide ,gang rape ,,from Hindu Religion ,in whole, India ,till now did not get any prison , any case against them !!?? they are free ,they have bail ,from Indian Hindu courts !!?? they are free to do again riots ,gang rape ,murder , genocide of Indian minorities =Indian christen ,Indian Muslim !!?? its proven records of this Hindu nation India ,even ruled by BJP =RSS ,OR congress party ,or Indian communist party !!?? any party of this Hindu nation India !!?? while these named Hindu terror people have huge amount of money ,power , Hindu respect may be huge Amount of Euro and Dollar in Swiss bank !!?? ,none of Udaipur based Indian Muslim able to put comment on them ,torture them by brain waves, voice ,rays ,even any talk against them even unable to reach there living area ,b’se these Udaipur based Indian Muslim are treated as unwanted thing in there living areas !!?? these Hindu terror - kids will be also rich ,may be future members of parliament , may be future rich businessman in India !! ?? but none of Hindu Police ,RAW,IB,CID will dare to ask them single question forget watch there personal life and used satellite technology to torture them from past 1999 to till now !! b’se these all know that BJP=RSS =VHP =Bajrangdal , ruled this nation 13 years ,may can came again !!?? this is the reality of Udaipur based Indian Muslim +India total population ,Hindu democracy !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,
Only in Orissa ,there are 1 lacks VHP –work force is there !!?? RSS have 6000 branches there !!?? RSS have 1,50000 Work force there in Orissa !!?? same way Bajrangdal , Durgavahanni have there branches there !!?? they are active there from past 36 years !!?? Hindu terror groups are using freedom of religion act ,to make fake cases against Indian christens !!?? and putting them in jail ,by use of Hindu police officials !!?? and these Hindu terror groups are force converting Indian christen in to Hindu religion !!?? every years 1000 Indian christen force to change there religion !!??

It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While one note to UN ,UNESCO ,EU =European Union ,that from past 7=6+1 =seven years I have continuous publications in Physics innovation ,and use of physics in counter terrorism from 2002 to till now !!?? But I found that Indian Hindu RAW ,IB,MI ,CID =Its Like Afghanistan Intelligence with out support of USA,NATO !!?? are deleting my jobs offer ,from USA ,EU based industries ,Organization !! .from past 7 years I do not have single Job offer in my hand !! and from past 7 years I applied to USA ,EU Based jobs through new Scientist ,ACS ,Science ++ for Innovation and physics Jobs !! but it look like that this Hindu nation =India think only the USA ,EU based jobs should be with Indian Hindu only !! not from any Indian minority who is like me it self !! b’se by this I will be strongly sound in economic and this Hindu nation want only economic sound with Hindu Jain ,Brahmin , ++other higher cast Hindu only !!?? that’s why from past 63 years ,the maximum Green cards ,business in USA ,EU are with Indian Hindus only ,from India ,as it look from my real life !!?? while if any Hindu had these publications in Counter terror +other he had go job as director of any Indian based Hindu organization =ISRO,DRDO +Any other !!?? where 98% jobs are with Hindus only !!?? there is no place fro person like me from past 1988 to 2008 Jan !!!?? or he may be promoted by any Hindu scientist to USA,EU for good job +salary ,from India it self !!?? Ruhel Date 19-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj 313001. its real open example of Hindu democracy =Hidden Hindu dynasty !!?? Pleas note it !!??= Hidden Hindu dynasty !!?? !!
While I found that BSNL – Hiranmagri based Indian Hindu , Raj –CID - Indian Hindu, which have 90% more then Rajputs ,=Hindu , Hindu - RAW ,IB,MI is hiding the countries name in at , ,and state where n/a is required to fill , and then Pin code !! so that if I like to send my Real life case at Respected , Barack Obama web= !! then I will not able to send ,but here some other Indian who is Hindu and have relation with this Hindu RAW,IB,MI and only Just Hindu and educated and few publications ,will send his Resume for this job by proving him self Indian Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. !! B’se from this nation none is came like that Great man ,and here only came are Narandara Modi ,Atal Bihari Vajpayee, LK Advani ,Shiv Raj Patil ,Indian one more Home minister who have very good link with RSS and its philosophy !!?? this is reality of this Hindu terrorist rich and Hindu terror like RAWMIB,MI ,Police !!?? b’se its base of this Hindu nation =India !!?? which is in real like this but world know its other face !!?? Ruhel Date 19-01-2009 Udaipur Raj 313001 India .
While in this city=Udaipur –Raj India , maximum Indian Muslim are world top low profile ,highly con ,very selfish !! these are those who want all good of this Poor Hindu nation on cost of other ,which proved from past 10 years ,1999 to till 2009!!??
here in Rajasthan Christen police officers are zero % !! Note please !!?? while Rajasthan christen % is 2% !!??
While this State BJP Government removed all Indian Muslim police officers by different charges on them !! some of them corruption charges ,some of force – Pension !!?? means from past 17 years BJP covenant removed approx 100-200 Indian Muslims police officer and new recruitment also less then 2% while in Rajasthan total Indian Muslim pollution is 8.2% !!?? here in Rajasthan Christen police officers are zero % !! Note please !!?? Ruhel
While in India, one German researcher (come mother ) told to media ,and her embassy ,that once she complain against
One rich family , mighty , concern his son did rape her 14 years old girl , in Goa , she told that we have learnt the bitter truth , that the making genuine complain against the rich and powerful , they faced murderous attack on her counsel =Aires Rodriges , the raped did by Goa education minister’s son = Rohit Monservatle , !! she faced torture from Goa police also !!!?same thing is true in my real life case also !

While I , in 1999 ,2000 I did complain against inhumanity=torture ,from 1991 to 2001, with me =my scientific - brain , done by Udaipur –Raj India ,based humen society =torture by brain waves ,voice ,rays at UN ,international human organizations ,commissions , and hence this Hindu Nation –RAW,MI,IB take its emails against this Hindu nation reality !!?? these Hindu Intelligence taken its as crime against nation reality !!?? and from this Hindu land =India all rights are with Hindu only and ,partially Hindu!!??
While the reality of Indian action concern Body rays at my human extract organ ,and torture by brain waves ,voice ,rays against me =Ruhel Chisty , can be confirm from Good humen = one Turkey girl = TURKEY Citizen ,one Ukraine girl ,one Russian Girl those were forced by Indian ,to accept some abuse level about me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , in Dubai !! Turkey Girl did confirm their forced abuse to my Ruhel Chisty , human rights one night , in 2002 !! b’se I was with these girls in Dubai in one flat .412 Al-Khazana centre Karama ,Dubai , ,from 2001 to 2003 !!!? ,that time it self these Indian was towards destroy my human respect up to dignity level the main point is they did not stop here they like to broaden that inhumanity with my human respect at 182 nation citizens in Dubai and Whole, ME =Gulf also ,so that they can also listen what these Indian did with me =Torture !!?? Ruhel Date 28-01-2009
While Udaipur based BSNL ,Hiranmagri ,Hindu Hacker (Internet provider ) + RAW ,IB,MI (head is one south Indian + PMO=Dr Manmohan Singh From 2003 to till now ,) ==Its Like Afghanistan Intelligence with out support of USA,NATO !!?? using internet ,satellite technology to change my Job application at respected , Barack Obama ,Government at last , and my all emails IDs ,and their passwords hacked already ,and deleting of emails ,from past 10 years going on while I am heavy weigh then 1.2 billion India ,many Indian physicist ,Indian scientist those are working in ISRO ,DRDO ,PMO as its advisers !! this is reality of this Hindu nation =India !!!?? to keep me again forced torture ,force unemployed ness =as had me past 8 years ,like what India had me from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 Feb. to 2008 !! with use of Hindu satellite technology !!=ISRO!!?? in my view India should asked to reign from UN memberships ,concern UNESCO ,UNSC, UNPAN ,UNODC ++ with out my permission , while in reality India do not have single Indian christen ,Indian Muslim as it’s Prime Minister , Home Minister till now 63 years of Indian freedom !!?? this is all b’se in 1999 ,2000 I did complain against inhumanity=torture ,from 1991 to 2001=10 years continuous , with my scientific brain , done by Udaipur –Raj India ,based humen society =torture by brain waves ,voice ,rays up to dignity , at UN ,international human organizations ,commissions , and hence this Hindu Nation –RAW,MI,IB =these head is one south Indian + PMO=Dr Manmohan Singh From 2003 to till now , take these emails against this Hindu nation reality !!?? actually these Indian RAW ,MI,IB are doing these types of activities with Indian minorities ,from Kashmir ,Assam , Other part of India those are like me in Physics ,Chemistry ,Math’s ,instead providing them future killing like this from past 63 years of formation of this Hindu rich nation =India !! those will make Prime minister also ,like Atal Bihari =Who was RSS president in 1969 =Hindu terror group president in 1969 , who is brain of VHP ,Bajrang Dal , !! who have next PM of BJP is Narandara Modi who was Gujarat RSS Chief in 1971 !! these are those who have 32% Indian population are strong supporter of this Hindu terror group !! these RAW ,MI,IB is like to keep mum b’se getting salary from these people only to kill like this !!?? Ruhel date 07-01-2009 Udaipur –Raj India , Now also this Hindu nation , is thinking to use me =Ruhel Chisty at UN level ,UNSC ,level , UNPAN level ,UNESCO level , Sweden Government level , USA ,EU Government level for anti terror against only One religion not against Hindu religion against this huge discrimination ,torture with Indian minorities except Sikh , Jain ?? from past 63 years of freedom in real sense !!?? While India have 23 AA ,37 Ahinsapuri like literate Indian minorities ,for them 0-160 cps rays ,waves, voice =Brain voice torture is not torture ,from past 1991 to till now=past 17 years !!?? ,for them its India reality in physics ,electronic ,Medical science !! b’se they are getting order from this Hindu nation RAW,IB,MI to tell like that at international level +to me also !!??? while I know that This Huge population nation=Ill Democracy =sick democracy =Cruel ,corrupt ,poor Indian people =low quality humen nation ,future is /will be with these type corruptions only !!?? I think this real life case will give direction to USSC ,UNGA ,how to deal with India like nation =ill ,sick , Cruel ,corrupt ,poor Indian people 1.25 billion people nation !!??
These people so smart that these people used my life ,from 1999 to 2009 to rise Hindu Foreign polices at USA,EU ,ME=Gulf ,UN level !! Now I think these people got real position in world ,where these people should be !!?? by use of real technology =5,600 USA satellite , 4800 EU Satellite ,those are doing good ,and good for UN world ,and person like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,from 1999 to till now !!!??? Ruhel Date 09-02-2009 ,
while Bush , and G8 people allowed these Huge population nation to seat with them !!?? Its Like Afghanistan Intelligence with out support of USA,NATO !!?? !! while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!??
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India weather that ruling party is Hindu groups or So called secular party =congress party !!?? which is now ruled by Dr Manmohan Singh !!??
While Udaipur –Raj ,And Whole Rajasthan Police if under influence of BJP =RSS Former Home minister ,Gulab Chand Kataria , who ruled police from 2003 to 2008 Dec !!=and that time whole Rajasthan minorities faced 10 Riots at Kapassan -Chittorgarh ,Jodhpur, Dungarpure ++ there intension was clear to destroy the economic foundation of Indian minorities , there were having Motor cycles ,they have youth to kill people ,they were coming on motor cycles, they have take all records of minorities home , farms , shops , bikes ,to destroy them ,burn them !!?? they did not stop here they brutally beaten to Indian christen Fathers ,Bishops ,who is National and international award holder , who have link with EU Christen association and USA Christen association !!?? he is now living in New Delhi after international pressure from USA ,EU To Dr Manmohan Singh=PMO !!?? they used e –government made by BJP =RSS for one of this purpose only !!! and they used also like Gujarat 2002 march ,Hindu terrorist did get all data’s of Indian minorities economic foundation = all records of minorities home , farms , shops , bikes ,to destroy them ,burn them !!?? Ruhel Date 29-01-2009 Udaipur Raj India .

Please one special note : please I request for advanced technology literature, White papers ,videos to 350 Space ,defense companies ,listed at NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS , from the web provide by , =( by Editorial board of NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ) ,these 350 companies are working for NASA ,USA - Defense advanced technology , I did this literature request on 18th June and 28 September 2008 ,But till now I got only 16 companies literatures , rest 330 companies literatures , from NASA tech only , all -thief by Indian Post office mafia =Hindu India supporter =Hindu thinker =Hindu world thinker ! I did not did any request from Defense tech !!?? Please note that same request I did from India also in 2005 ,from that I got only 4 CDs literatures at My home address =23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj India . Rest all kept by Post office mafia given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC , ,Physics department ,for PhD students ,MSc ,BSc Btech , now also I am thinking that these all literature , White papers ,videos Emails ,PDF given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC based all universities physics department ,IITs ,IISC !! with out my permission To make India as techno Power ,by Keep Hacked ID of physicists like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry , to use innovators name ,email IDs, Mail address , to get advanced technology with out their permission and keep them literate bonded labor , or forced unemployed to continuous 5 years , as I was kept from Feb 2003 to 22 Jan 2008 in India !! with out think !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . , A christen Date 10 -02-2009 , Please recently on 13 August ,2008 I got one more email ,from NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ,that , Subject: New Products & Technologies Presented by Tech Briefs
Actually NASA want make me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty advanced technology scientist ,but will you believe
Pl same way I was getting New instrument innovation ,webs ,from NASA Instrument innovation department , Officially from David L. Tomko , Manager NASA ,HQ , ,At my Email ID ,from past 2002 Feb to till 2003 Sept !! he start to given me B’se my list of publications ,Like Ruhel –Sensor =against terror ,bio terror , ++ He accept my request ,my interest in innovation ,and that time I proved my self in innovation field , !! sir at this email ID I was getting ,many webs from NASA ,those have Details electronic structures ,different types of sensors , different types of satellites ,their depth , many latest instruments of NASA ,those were innovated , by MIT ,Caltech , Harvard ++all leading USA Universities ,scientists , for NASA , , these all webs and their details I was getting at this email ID at this ID I was getting many PDFs ,detailed structure of Satellites , Its work ,its inner configuration , ! But that also hacked by Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – those are supporting Hindu terrorist ,from past 63 Years , they know that I am minority ,so it is not good for me =Ruhel Chisty ,so they given this their Hindu organizations = ISRO &DRDO ,UGC , Universities += so that Hindu Physicist ,s Hindu students will bale to learn advanced technology from directly NASA ,Advanced instruments ,this was Hindu world first step ,to use my name ,my work to get advanced technology from NASA ,B’se NASA already ban these people =ISRO ,DRDO from past 1976 !! After nuke bomb blast ,even international pressure was there not to do nuke bomb blast !! send to ISRO ,DRDO ,Udaipur ,even Rajasthan ,even India all universities based physic student , engineering students , with out my permission , so that Indian all physicists ,engineers will take over to China ,USA ,Europe !! on other hand this Hindu RAW ,IB ,MI was using email IDs to prove me criminal ,so that world will given support to this Hindu nation =India =RAW ,IB,MI !!??
sir I take this action of Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – as knifing in my heart ,Brain ! I will request to All NASA Officials ,That they should rise this case in front of President Barack Obama , White house officials ,Congress , committees ,Senators !! so that some discussion taken place ! sir , for this Illegal activities of Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – + Udaipur based BJP =RSS =Hindu- police support to these Udaipur IT Booms ! even central police ,IB ,RAW ,PMO ,President house also support these people , simultaneously these people start to rise my name=Ruhel Chistry ,RChisty , as terrorist ,criminal ,mental =Schizophrenic=Mad ,by my IDs only !! sir did you do not think that these people did wrong !! sir as I know India till 2003 Feb , did not have these advancement in satellite ,Missile =ISRO ,DRDO !! But after get these webs only these people were able to made new Advanced - satellites ,like NASA !! Like ESA !! they used continuous this email, web’s with out my permission with out think of me !! ,for ~1 year or more till 2004,2005 !! ,may be even more ,I Try to complain NASA Officials those were given me these webs !! I think that till now my complain , did not reached to NASA officials !! B’se of Udaipur IT Boom !!they did some thing on my email IDs & it show me mail send !! but I think that was make me fool !! Pl my request You send this case to NASA Officials it self &they will get depth of this & will take action against concern IT Boom & who every related to it ! will give them punishment as per NASA Rules !! these Udaipur –IT boom ,kill respected of my Name & my publications & all my human rights & my progress & future !! , now also I am thinking that these all literature , White papers ,videos Emails ,PDF given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC based all universities physics department ,IITs ,IISC !! with out my permission To make India as techno Power ,by Keep Hacked ID of physicists like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry , to use innovators name ,email IDs, Mail address , to get advanced technology with out their permission and keep them literate bonded labor , or forced unemployed to continuous 5 years , as I was kept from Feb 2003 to 22 Jan 2008 in India !! with out think !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . , A christen Date 12-02-2009 , in this Hindu nation =India !!!?? while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!??
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry Date 12-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India 313001 . Pl , Now I doubt that these webs & these magazines are distribution (Cyclo- style =Photo state copies !!+CDs ++Pen drive ++) among –Physics ,engineering student of Udaipur based all schools ,Colleges ,universities & Rajasthan based all schools ,colleges ,universities +India’s all colleges ,schools ,universities ! only to Hindu students =7% to 17% Population =Crème layer –Middle crème layer Hindu students !! OR May be possible to 83% Hindu students ! so that these people will ,defect to china ,USA ,European union !! just with any thing consumed !! except ruhel Chisty time & list of publications values &list of nomination values !! &ruhel - life !! sir pl ,do proper action !
Same way ,Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News" . But ,Pl I did not got Journal till today !! I think post office –mafia !! are Thieving them !! Ruhel Date 09-06-2007 ,While I filled that "form " ,in November 2006 it self !! 1st Address, Ruhel Chistry , 23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj 313001 , 2nd address Ruhel Chistry C/S Dr MS Agwani ,37 Ahinsa Puri , Udaipur Raj India 313001 ,, Pl same way Pl The Oxford press , Books are , (1) Computer Engineering ,Circuits, Programs, and Data P. P. Silvester and D. A. Lowther ISBN13: 9780195059434,ISBN10: 0195059433 ,hardback, 400 pages Sep 1989, In Stock Keyword ISBN Author Title Corporate (2) Software and Hardware Engineering Motorola M68HC12 Fredrick M. Cady and James Sibigtroth ISBN13: 9780195124699 ,ISBN10: 0195124693 ,paper, 592 pages Feb 2000, In Stock ,(3) Software and Hardware Engineering ,Motorola M68HC11 Fredrick M. Cady ISBN13: 9780195110463 ,ISBN10: 0195110463 , paper, 336 pages Feb 1997, In Stock,(4) Principles of Software and Hardware Engineering Fredrick M. Cady ISBN13: 9780195110081 ,ISBN10: 0195110080 ,hardback, 272 pages Feb 1997, In Stock ,(5) Software Engineering Fundamentals
Ali Behforooz and Frederick J. Hudson ISBN13: 9780195105391,ISBN10: 0195105397 ,hardback, 688 pages Apr 1996, In Stock ,But till today I did not got any books !! Date 09-06-2007 ,Ruhel Chistry -Udaipur-raj-313001 ,India ,Pl, you can send my this letter to these all mention companies +mention emails +NASA Tech all officials !!Pl note its official magazine from NASA it self !! pl do it !!Pl for your ,confirmation !! Pl , Now I doubt that these webs & these magazines are distribution (Cyclo- style =Photo state copies !!+CDs ++Pen drive ++) among –Physics ,engineering student of Udaipur based all schools ,Colleges ,universities & Rajasthan based all schools ,colleges ,universities +India’s all colleges ,schools ,universities ! only to Hindu students =7% to 17% Population =Crème layer –Middle crème layer Hindu students !! OR May be possible to 83% Hindu students ! so that these people will ,defect to china ,USA ,European union !! just with any thing consumed !! except ruhel Chisty time & list of publications values &list of nomination values !! &ruhel - life !! sir pl ,do proper action ! sir it will give India, huge amount of Nobel laureates , in all subjects , from, This - population=kids ,young generation +their parents many be ! !those were nothing before this technology !but after this these will Nobel Laureate in all subjects = world will fear with these people !! & All, just free with out my =Ruhel Chistry =RChisty , permission ! with out - think for my privacy +My life +my career +my This huge torture !!? !Please it’s not crime in my nation !! Pl same way , I was getting Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK +Other leading poetry publisher at my emails That also hacked by Udaipur based IT Boom !! Pl Yours Truly Ruhel Chistry Date 18-06-2007 , Udaipur –Raj –India -313001 , !! Pl you can confirm my this complain , from "Drug discover news" ,advisers =By search their web , from "Google" & by send my this letter to them !! Yours Truly Ruhel Chistry -22-06-2007 , 23 AA Kishan pole , Udaipur –RAJ-313001-INDIA !! ? while sir from 1989 to 2001 , I did not got any hard copy ,email ,offer of research ,Fellowship ,scholarships , any thing from ISRO ,DRDO IITs ,IISC !! while same Ruhel Chistry =RChisty accepted as scientist at International level !! these Indian still not recognized me as scientist it self !! these Whole Indian population ~120 million ,did act as they did act in Ramanuz ! =Great UK Mathematician !! =who was not accepted as mathematician till Hardy –UK Mathematician call him in UK !! while he send him just few papers =hand written papers of some –Hypothetical theories of mathematics ! while he was just clerk in india !! and living like peon !! till hardy ,given name to him +respects to his hypothesis +work for mathematics !! that time also india have national mathematics commission ,list of mathematician =Indian genius Math’s power ! if these people will keep mum world math’s will stop to work !!?? that Hardy was person who given name to ramanuz !! and paid him full money to reached UK + to work as officer in UK !! while in my case ,Indian used my human right case also to rise national technology !! nation laws and order !! used bush War against terror to rise ,Indian foreign policies !! Indian Hindu acts with person like Ruhel Chisty =Minority !! with support of Udaipur city all people !!
Pl same way I got invitation ,from,for ,NASA Tech Briefs & Defense Tech Briefs =international -FREE Subscription, But sir till today I did not got any copy=Hard copies of magazines= (1) NASA Tech Briefs & (2) Defense Tech Briefs on my address =Ruhel Chistry 23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj 313001 –India !! & Ruhel Chistry C/F ,Dr MS Agwani , 37 Ahinsa puri -Udaipur Raj 313001 India !! same way I am not getting UN Jobs +other jobs offer also !! sir , is from Sweden company & he is highest officer from !! they are working for Physics +IT Technology !! & I know Sweden is top honest nation in world then Norway ! People are very honest there ,
This all data as per minister of minority affair , AR Antulay P-2, 4 November ,2008 the Indian express .
Pl one very notable point : Pl my family people was not much bother about my life tension& how much tension I am facing at My Brain & Heart from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan !! Even they did not complain about this case to National Human right commission india-Delhi !! = ! seem , thinking to take benefit for Rajasthan -Minorities, & own , At my life +career +future +this huge tension at ,my brain &heart ! from ,2008 -2003 !! Sir my father is retired teacher & National congress person (secular !) , Pl my father ,His brother - have link with local political-Leaders =Like Dr Girija vayas =Member of parliament for 10 years ,from Udaipur –Raj district &Now chairperson of national woman commission ,New Delhi !!=Means Human right ! But she did not meet me till these 5 years !!& provide me any help !! sir Her email ,when she was MP from 1999 2003 ! =Vyas, Dr.(Kum.) Girija , !! ? Pl see did she full fill human rights activities at any level !! =Like human right activate !! forget national commission , chairperson like !!? even I was facing high tension ,think that 23 AA people are supporting to Indian government ,for this kill !! Pl I am getting few emails ,offer to published Original paper in Journals ,The lancet Neurology ,J. Medicine and creativity ,The Lancet(special Journal) , Journal Schizophrenia research ++ these are best journals ,of Europe ,those published only original & very high - quality work , Yours Ruhel Chistry=RChisty , =for paper like = Ruhel –audio Hallucination =Ruhel –Schizophrenia !! like papers

Pl, even , I was giving , My Uncle ,E-mails +Address +Phone ! to save my Career +Life +scientific brain ! even for UN Jobs , other chemistry Jobs !! my real -uncle is Ex member , www., =sir its =NMC ,concern Human rights ! sir he is my mother real brother !! mean, from same mother both birth taken place !

And he was Professor from JNU-New Delhi ,Sir JNU =Jawaharlal Nehru University ,New Delhi !!=former vice chancellor JNU –new Delhi .from 1988-1993 !! as I know all Indian foreign ministers got educations from this university professors only !! even Indian all foreign administrative services ,=IFS are also getting education from this university professors only !! he was/is working with this university from past 45 years !! even he was adviser to prime minister indra Gandhi & ++Next all prime minister ,and advisers to all president of india ,from past 35 years ! b'se is Middle east expert for india !! even then I was facing this forced unemployed ness , past 5 Years ! while My this uncle daughter get got trapped in Kuwait 1999 ! when Iraq attack on Kuwait ! then by first flight she and her husband ,kids came from Kuwait ! b'se he contact top that time prime minister Mr I.. Gujraaal & Foreign minister & while there were lot of other people were also suffering form high tension +life risk , one daughter is Well settle in Dubai & Kuwait from past 30 years ! he is only who help them to got best career in USA ,Dubai ,Kuwait ! what's wrong in this poor nation =India !!!! but when other hand relatives like me in trouble than these Indian Gandhi are thinking like common man !
Pl see these people level ,thinking them self P-1 &Over UNSC -Ruhel Date 14-02-2009 Udaipur Raj India
While , my two emails IDs got hacked ,,, Where, complete hacked from Dec 2008, it self , ,But hacked by One Udaipur based Hindu =Jain =Baniya on date 6th Feb 2009 time 8:30 AM to 8 Feb 2009 time 6:00 AM , for two days ,and after two days he given back my ID ,by putting same passwords !! but in these two days he may used it to read all my personal things ,views ,where I sent my emails ,may be he used for some crime ,to put me in bad name ,may be he USED for some fraud on my name !!?? Ruhel date 08-02-2009
While my living state ,birth state –Rajasthan ,=Backward state till now did not given any minorities scholarships !! as this news do not have any data ,here BJP was ruling !!!??
While I am facing continuous torture in day ,night ,by brain waves voice ,rays ,from past 1991 to till now ,in Udaipur –City –Raj ,313001,313002, by This city 3 lacks people ,it open at all level !!?? this city have medical college ,Physics University, it have electronic ,and electrical engineering college ,they are talking about bio-electronic engineering college !!?? means this city have given , 10,000 Medical students ,1000 electrical ,electronic student to India for Job !! but none of them think that this is torture ,not medical disorder =Audio hallucination !! b’se this brain waves ,source is Indian humen !!?? and they do not think to record these waves 0-160 cps ,very easy physics ,bioelectronics physics !!?? I think one of the reason was I am minority of this nation, and these maximum Indian consider us as property of this nation ,those have vote power ,but is not countable ,as India have 20% minorities only !!?? as it have 80% Hindus nation ,it tell till now that all these think my case =open torture by brain waves, voice ,rays as a part of Indian life concern I am /was Indian minority so my life ,force tension is not problem to this UN member nation =India =Hindu rich nation up to this open level !!?? these people are so cruel ,low profile that after torture ,these people like to distributed at all City people in their way ,to make Hindu India =Hindu world first step !! as this torture is going on ,from past 1991 to till now ,it tell that 80% Hindu of India ,think what!!?? While recently I read Japanese scientists from ATR Computational neuroscience laboratory , succeeded to develop technology , to processing and displaying images directly from Human brain !!?? this report published , in American Journal , Neuron , from cell publishing group .The chief scientist who did is Yukiyasu Kamitani .=Japanese scientist , Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 . You can think the difference of human societies !!?? one human end is Indian ,one end is EU people ,those are doing good and goods only ,and India are doing As what it tell it I wrote on date 07-02-2009 after faced continuous 17 years in this City -313001,313002 Raj India !!?? the example of torture is like that ,these people will torture me that Saudi Arabia based Southern Asian people were telling to you =Ruhel Chisty ,that you are Mad ,even they are given money to you =salary !! it all by brain voice ,waves , , this reached to these Udaipur people by Hindu RAW ,MI who is using satellite technology up to this level =38 satellite !!?? what will be your brain condition when you listen these type of cruel talk about your self respect =dignity !!?? and as I can not do any this b’se this India is under among top corrupt 25 nations in all level !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 07-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India , while I found that Udaipur –Raj based Rajputs Police =which have >90% Hindu –Rajputs ,was using satellite technology , to given command Udaipur city people at TV Voice mode , ,to use brain voice ,rays ,waves to torture ,Ruhel Chisty in such way that he unable to think ,!!?? B’se I wrote against this city ,torture by brain waves ,voice rays at International level in 1998 ,1999 ,2000 = UN ,International human right organizations ,from Lee explorer internet café which was exist till 2008 !!?? so this Hindu police think to kill my scientific brain ,respect to dignity level ,by use of Udaipur Human society ,Kishan pole Kacchibastii Indian Muslims !!!?? it was going on from 1999 to till now 2009 !!?? Ruhel date 08-02-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India 313001 ,
While just after wrote this ,I start to face attack by brain voice ,waves ,rays at my brain =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , .from F K Nayak Family and Kishan pole Kacchi Bassti Based Indian Muslims !! and they are forcing me to take Indian medical treatment for neuro science =Brain disease ,instead of writing these resume ,Cover letter ,Blog !!!??? its reality of Udaipur people !!?? Ruhel date 23-12-2008 ,Udaipur –raj India .
In my view india do not have single Journalist at Russia –Afghan war 1970 to 1990 =20 years continuously
B’se it life threat to do journalist at Afghanistan , Russia war ,and it also tell that as Russia is friend of india
Concern defense technology supply ,and space technology supply , while the all journalist who rep[ort this war was from USA,EU Only .
While in India ,Nanavatti commission given clean chit to Mr Narandara Modi ,And its police from 2002 Gujarat genocide !!!?? it means all Indian journalist ,video recording ,live proofs ,victims proofs ,all became fake !!?? that’s why , Justice JS Verma and 2002 NHRC =National human right commission Chairman told that its far from truth !!??
While this man =Justice Nanavatti ,was appointed by this Mr Narandara Modi only .and this = Justice Nanavatti was former supreme court judge !!!??
While 22 =20+2 innocent Indian Muslim young man ,got tortured by Hyderabad police , there way of torture are like this !! stripping , physical abuse , electric shock , two liter water Bottle at penis , beaten ,hang with hand and leg tied !!?? and these all innocent Indian Muslim kept for 6 months ,9 months custody , now Andrapredesh Government told that these all were innocent ,but they got wrong clue ,so it happened !!? and now they are providing them 30,000 Indian rupees to each + 80,000 Indian rupees for start new business !!?? Ruhel date 02-01-2009
Few there names are Ibrahim Junail , M Abdual karnner ,M. Keren , A Wasay , !!??
While till now Indian government did not asked any BEOS Tests =brain electrical oscillation profiling of any BJP ,RSSS,VHP, political leaders from Gujarat 2002 march genocide ,Included Mr Narandara Modi , its police officials those were involved to support genocide !!?? even they did not taken of Babu Bajrangee who accept the kill ,rape ,riots in Gujarat in front of hidden camera of Leading Indian media !!???its proof are still with international media also !!??
While my father QD Chisty is now telling by brain voice ,not human voice , !!!??he have one e-letter of me (with out my signature ) ,which I wrote from other nation not India ,and this Indian teacher till now did not show to me =Ruhel Chisty , from past 16 years !! as these Hindu devil =IB,RAW,MI are telling about this e-letter ,I hope this devil given that letter to FBI ,UNODC ,MI-6 ,Interpol !!?? if still not given then it =RAW,IB,MI can give now –just now !!!?? that should be from my name =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , with my e – signature , I was Indian minority ,OBC scientist (I like to resign from this nation=Hindu nation =India citizenship ,in future ,now also !!??) and I want that there should be no Indian in my new joining company and that place where I will take room +house !! =non Asian locality =may be non Indian , Philippine , Bangladeshi ,+= non -southern Asian locality !!??
= Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , ,…,I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hidutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!??
while I faced force torture ,by body rays =60-160 cps ,are putting at my human extract organ ,at Mumbai =Bombay also ,when I gone there to attend interview +medical test for Saudi Arabia !!?? there was high torture faced by me up to 8 days total !!!?? Ruhel while Mumbai is India secular Capital !!!?? even at time of interview +medical tests also !!??
while ,from pats 20 days of my life in Udaipur –Raj India I found that , Hindu Intelligence = CID –Rajasthan ,RAW ,IB,MI is deleting my Jobs offer ,interview offer from USA ,Europe ,UN , ME=Gulf ++ all place (I am not Appling Indian companies - jobs !!?? ) !! as what these people were doing from past 1999 to till 2001 ,then 2003 to 2008 !! by use of satellite technology + Internet at their laptops !! and advanced satellite technology also at laptop ,
and these Hindu Intelligence are now taking my advanced technology literature, White papers ,videos to 350 Space ,defense companies ,listed at NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS , from the web provide by , =( by Editorial board of NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ) ,these 350 companies are working for NASA ,USA - Defense advanced technology , to take use for Hindu space ,Hindu defense !!?? these all things all just in 20 days of my life in Udaipur Raj India !! Ruhel date 07-01-2009
While Rajasthan CID =Rajasthan Intelligence ,RAW ,IB,MI , did new innovation ,by use of satellite technology +TV Free voice mode, they used Udaipur city Humen as tool ,instrument ,by commanding them by use of TV voice mode !! and they are doing these things ,from past 1999 to till now !!!?? and Udaipur City ,Rajasthan India became so perfect ,that they can do any thing like trained dog !!which have only animal brain !!?? Ruhel Date 07-01-2009
While on date 05-02-2009 Udaipur City Humen used Indian Muslim lady and other Indian +Hindu business man , to abused my brain up to torture level !!?? while on date 05-02-2009 ,I try to seed fax at , KSA ,where my job option is going on ,But these Hindu Afghanistan –Intelligence =Indian intelligence , cut my sending fax ,three time ,and these Hindu intelligence , change the fax tone in to telephone tone of one Higher official ,from UK who is working in KSA ,where my Job option is going on !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 05-02-2009 , I paid till now 90 Indian rupees for one page fax at KSA !!?? Still I am in dough weather this fax reached there or not !! its reality of this Hindu nation =where Hindu Terrorists are rime minister ,chief minister having 10-5 cars ,10-5 bellows ,lot of peons +huge money , ,lot of Hindu police officials ,Hindu military officials reaching there home every day ,for next step of India !!?? and person like me from Indian minority =Indian christen , ,who have 6 publications against terror is facing these things in this Hindu terror rich nation =India !!?? Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India !!??
While as per QD Chisty , Dr Sushil Karad and Indian medical science ,plus Indian medical Journals, This brain waves ,rays torture 0-160-1200 Cps is brain disorder !! have to face it plus take these forced - medicines = which direct forced -effect on Brain mechanism !!?? surprise thing is this torture is open at society level from past 1991 to till now =17 years continuous and India have such type of humen society =Udaipur ,Mumbai , Indian in Saudi Arabia 2008 Jan to 2008 Dec ,Indian in Dubai April 2001 to Feb 2003 ,and these Indian have 750 Nuke missile , 50 Nuke bomb =500 Kg , 40 satellite in sky ,But do not have single real physicist ,engineer which can have instrument to record these waves , while QD Chisty is teacher of India !!?? and Sushil Karad is also teacher in RNT Medical college and India is prodding on both from past 1991 to till now -2009 March !! !!?? as Indian !!??
While the reality of Indian Law enforcement system can be understand by these points :
(4) Justice Krishna = concern 1989-1993 Mumbai riots , and role of Mumbai Police in Riots , they given video ,Audio , personal interview with victims +recording to telephonic talks +mobile talk of police officers ,ministers =mainly from BJP ,Shiv Sena ,all were telling that How Mumbai Police was involved in to provoke Riots ,and fully support of Mumbai Hindu Mainly Martha !! these happened b’se there was no minority Police offer was in Job that time all police officer was Hindus !! and fully like to kill minorities Life ,business ,Home + allowed to Hindu rioter to do kill and rape ~!! ?? this Justice was proved alone Laws and order person who given truth about whole 1989 to 1993 Mumbai riots !!!?? he given the telephone records of Mumbai police officers and ministers those were at work that time and in power that time !!?? these all proofs are with National minority commission ,National human right commission !! he given these proof 4 years back till now none of that Police officer get terminated put behind the bar !! put on then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? and same way none of Hindu Ministers +few Minority ministers , put behind the Bar + then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? that time in Mumbai Shiv Sena –BJP was ruling !!?? while from past 5 years Mumbai Have Congress party ,its allies are ruling !! noting happened to , riot provoker Police officers +ministers put behind the bar + serious charges !!?? Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 Udaipur-Raj India 313001.
(5) While the reality of Gujarat, 2002 March riots ,genocide , the Laws enforcement independent agencies try ot got Telephonic ,mobile talk records of Gujarat police officers ,ministers, but they were not able to get ,even they reached to supermen court get order aloes !!?? till now they did not get any telephonic ,mobile ,recodes of Gujarat police ,ministers those were enveloped in this genocide !!?? b’se Modi used his power ,to fail all system of records !! they told they destroy the records ,due to instrument fault !!??
(6) These all things tell that Home Minister of India is indirectly supporter of HINDU nation where these things will be consider as normal !!?? and this nation have all rights for Hindus only weather they are Narandara Modi ,weather they are LK Advani ,weather they are Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,whether they are Mumbai police officer , weather they are Mumbai police officers and ministers in 1989 to 1993 ,weather they are Gujarat 2002 march time police officers and ministers !!??
Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj 313001 India.
While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,with use of providing money to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by ??
While I found that , these Hindu Talabanii =Indian RAW ,MI,IB +Udaipur –Raj local Rajputs Police ,have many tactics ,to get rise at international level , these people able to used Indian humen =Society at any level ,they are attacking on my brain =up to abused level ,from past 17 years =1991-2009 , by brain waves , physical like torture , these people are giving order to their Human society ,by TV Free voice mode, order to fulfill !!?? this tactic is going on from past 1998 openly ,at my brain , and these Hindu do not have any instrument to record these torture , but these Hindu have 38 satellite at sky =!! Have Nuke Bombs =50 Nuke bombs ,have Nuke missile =5000 Nuke missile range up to 5000-7000 Kms !! these Hindus are so smart ,that able to use one Minority Physicist=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,life from past 1998 to till now !! to rise this Ill =Sick democracy =Cruel ,ill ,poor Indian democracy which have 1.00 billion Hindus !! Ruhel Date 09-02-2009 ,
While I found that Hindu ISI =Udaipur –Raj -Intelligence ,hacked my emails ,Cell ,phone , all and deleting all good job offer ,interview offer ,from past 3 months after my reach at India !!?? these people are deleting all SMS ,Call at my cell number =00919636919708 ,Tel : 00912942488521 ,Emails,,,,, !!??plus people call to me from international those know my real life human right ,social science case !!??
this is same trend of this nation =India which I faced in July 1999 to 2001=3 years ,then Feb 2003 to 2008 Jan , forced unemployed ness up to 8 years approx continuous 8 years force unemployed ness ,torture !!?? plus ,torture , harassment , discrimination !??
Ruhel Chisty date 03-03-2009, then this Hindu nation is using me to take advanced technology ,from Space ,Defense industries of USA ,Europe , from past 2002 to till now !! b’se Indian are banned by USA ,EU ,due to nuke bomb blast in 1974 –By Indra Gandhi ,and 1998 by Atal Bihari Vajpayee =twice after all international pressure not to do nuke bomb blast !!?? now these Nuke - Power nation - people, have these activities (Nuke reactor from Canada 1969 !) .
While I found ,that this Hindu ISI – Hacked respected Barack Obama Official web = where I have 34 blogs from KSA , But once I try to put my blogs from This fake democratic nation =India ,then this Hindu ISI start to add abusing words in these blogs , which are not acceptable at international parameter and name is coming of me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,=RChistry , not only this but also this Hindu ISI hacked one more official web of USA President = respected Barack Obama = , where I also have my web ,this also hacked by this Hindu ISI , to tell world that change is coming in India from 1991 to till now from Ruhel Chisty real life !!?? Not only this , Hacked ACS Career web also !! from where I am applying for jobs from past 2002 to till now !!?? in USA ,EU !!??
These all are gift of this Hindu nation to me =Indian minority and OBCs =Other backward class scientist .,from this land =India !! Ruhel Chisty date 04-03-2009 Time 9:10 PM , Udaipur Raj India ,

While now a days these Indian are forcing me to accept that I wrote some e mail concern to kill Foreigners !!?? from Dubai , 2001,2002 , and this forced is by brain waves ,voice rays !! and these Indian are those who like to enjoy the fall down of US$??
B’se by that the rise of Indian economic take place !!?? you can understand whose economic from India !!only one religion =Hindu !!?? while I think that India will dance with 38 satellites =30+8 satellite like these people did in old era of temples ,b’se these are killing person like me from past 63 years by use of its Hindu technology !!?? Ruhel date 19-01-2009
while I faced force torture ,by body rays =60-160 cps ,are putting at my human extract organ ,at Mumbai =Bombay also ,when I gone there to attend interview +medical test for Saudi Arabia !!?? there was high torture faced by me up to 8 days total !!!?? Ruhel while Mumbai is India secular Capital !!!??
while this Poor Hindu rich nation have Indian minorities like 23 AA Kishan pole like ,those can do any thing on me =Ruhel Chisty ,its up to abused level talk for my brain ,my respect !! b’se this India have 23 AA Like Indian minorities !! and this nation was thinking that By my real life ,that will be able to cover Bangladesh ,Pakistan based Muslims , and will get USA ,EU Support to Pakistan on war against terror !!?? b’se India opened many Hindu terrorist al world level and put them in prison and behind Indian laws =like Narandara Modi ,Uma Bharti ,Vineya Katiyaar , Sadahvii Ritumbaraa +++ !!!?? =80 b$ from USA ,40 b $ from EU !!??
and this all is due to pressure of Hindu RAW ,IB,MI , And Hindu people of this city =Udaipur !! and I have to face these all ,b’se this is not torture in Indian constitute and even this Poor nation do not have any laws for Brain waves ,voice ,rays torture ,from past 1991 to till now !! but this nation have 75,000 IIT students in USA ,50,000 IIT student in EU !!!?? IIT Means Indian institute of technology =which have physic ,electronic ,Social science ,++ all subjects !! and As per Indian government its best technical institute of India !!?? these 125,000 IIT’s also not able to record these brain waves ,voice ,rays torture which is open in Udaipur ,from past 1991 to till now ,and even New Delhi 1994,1995,1996, and Mumbai 2009 !!?? this is reality of this poor nation India !!?? Ruhel Date 01-02-2009 .
while I know the global 500 top companies of world executives are telling that in India ,laws and order are slow and lengthy one case here take place 30 – 40 years to solve there also to pay Indian lawyer !! that ‘s why global top 500 companies like to stabilized their R&D in China b’se they are honest an not like India except Zingjan Case =china’s minorities ,those are facing like Kashmir ,Assam !! That’s why china have 430 Global companies R&D there and India have only 74!!!?? While one NRI stabilized R&D Center for new innovation in computer in pune –MH !! his all R&D secrete data thieved by few Indian given to other Indian that Indian start product on less prize then this original man !!?? he got loss of 400 Corer Indian rupees !! he try to put case in court ,but he aware of Indian laws and order reality to 30-40 years one case +Indian lawyer !!?? he shifted to Australia and start his new R&D there with peace of brain , believe of good laws and order like European countries up to extreme honesty now he is Australia citizen , get good of his own innovation s !!?? Ruhel Date 29-12-2008 .
b’se when I was going to Saudi Arabia in 2008 Jan that time also this Hindu devils =RAW,IB,MI was torturing me that these have one email ,or few emails ,from me (with out my signature ) ,now came from Saudi Arabia ,after one more publications against Al-Quida plus list of human work ,social science work ,international environmental protection work at IAF ,ILAC=, Secretariat+ EEA =European Environmental agency ( Ellen Johannesen ) then aging this Hindu Devil are telling about same email !! this tell that these Hindu devils do not have any things except this !! and will like continuous these activities till I am live whether till that I have 200 publications against terror ,included 50 against Hindu terror ,IB ,RAW,MI with proof satellite ,telephonic , CCTV , +++ THE PARTUICIPATION OF Hindu IB ,RAW ,MI to kill Indian minorities with different tactics !!?? as Hindu terror is not terror in India !!!?? its Human rights of Indian Hindu ,like what this RAW,IB ,MI is doing with me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty is also Hindu human rights !!!??
it tell that Indian are in real sense world top corrupt ,dim , cruel people !!?? these people are those believe in advanced technology , but do not like to believe its truth –of advanced real technology !!= NASA ,ESA ,JAXA, China space, Australian space !!?? Date 27-12-2008 Udaipur-Raj India . while this man =QD Chisty is one of world top corrupt human who like to enjoy the Indian politics on life of person like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty, this man is congress party human , and will like to talk the Indian intelligence =RAW,IB ,MI , VIA Free TV !! its when my 6 publications against terror ,two against Al-Quida !! actually these Indian existence only due to these type high level crimes only !!? you see the Chain 2008 Olympic results what Indian have there from 1,25 billion population ,just one golf ,one Bronzed medal !!?? it self tell these huge corrupt people population includes Indian army ,Indian police Indian intelligence it self forget Indian politician ,Indian civil servants they most corrupt , these people are noting at international level included peace ,science , medicine ,literature , except economic that also 7.0 from 10.1 !!?? while these Indian (2008 Indian ) do not like to comparer with china in honesty ,there is maximum taught prison to corrupt human ,even to hang till death on basis of corruption , but in Indian as maximum corrupt human he will be promoted by local people to political leader , if you see the history of Indian political leaders ,corruption ,other crime they have lists of these type activities ,then want about common man of India !! these people are in comparison to Zimbabwe like nation , Chad like nation ,Niger like nation these all are African countries ,except good African countries !!?? that why in Indian exams IIM , IIT , CAT , IAS ,IPS ,, Medical exams there is papers selling is going on and coming in national level news papers in English also !!?? Ruhel date 28-12-2008 ,
It tell that Indian are living on these type of activities only ,when I join the Saudi Arabia , as Lab-Specialist till that time Indian Intelligence was telling that they have one e-mail, from me ,while till that time I had 5 publications against terror , now from Saudi Arabia also I had one more publication against Al-Quida , now again Indian Intelligence and its Hindu population telling about same old one email ,from me !!?? for that these people kept me 5 years forced unemployed ,torture ,discriminate !!?? while as I know Indian have fear to work against Al-Quida !! and Afghan 1970 to 1990 war of Russia ,and Afghan !! b’se these things are dangerous to life ,and Indian are intelligent + like this only!!!?? It also tell that UN Should stop to believe the Indian proofs against person like me ,from past 1999 to till now !!?? and UN Should take action against Indian intelligence =MI,IB,RAW these people are only killing person like me ,in Kashmir ,Assam ,Poverty rich area of UN ,Zharkhand ,MP,MH ,
The Hindutava groups those are direct attack =like all above cases are called as Illiterate Hindu terrorist .while those are like Udaipur , SABIC=Saudi Kayan based 1200 Indian, AND Al-Jubail industrial city ,like are called as literature Hindu terrorist ,these literate only are working for Hindu world where person like me will suffer fro all things ,and these people will do murder ,rape ,genocide ,will get political power in India =Hindu rich nation !!?? with support of Udaipur –Raj Indian like minorities !!??? specially Kishan pole ,Khanjepper ,Like Indian minorities !!??
Ruhel Date 27-12-2008
while important point is RSS Founder =Golwalkar was also not against , Hitler purging of Jews under Nazi fascism 1939 ,
In my view the CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, UNODC ,Interpol ,FBI , Europol ,should take all Data ,proofs ,from Indian government ,concern Hindu terrorism !! and these international anti terror organizations will get the ways of Hindu terror probes !!??
While , Three Hindu police officers ,from Delhi ,(1) Vinay Tyagi (2) Ravinder Tyagi ( 3) Subash Vats
These taken two innocent Indian Muslim boys , and frame them terrorist !! But now CBI found that these two Indian Muslim boys were innocent ,and now CBI is asking for these three Hindu police officers in case !!?? those given many fake plotted evidence ,many plotted explosives ,plotted piston !!??
While in Hyderabad ,the 22 young Innocent Indian Muslim are facing, social boycott , one of them A. Majead
Afraid to steps out of home , these days, as people are calling him as ISI agent , B’se Indian TV Media ,News media highlighted him as ISI agent !! these all 22 people lost their all friends ,they lost their jobs ,they are facing very typical life for them +their wife’s +kids !!?? as maximum of them are married ! while Indian Court given them innocent certificate , removed all charges from them !!?? now in my view these all 22 people should complain to UN Human right commission , plus UN Refugee commission !! so at least in new nation they can live as human being !! instead of this nation =India !!?? while recently in Kanpur –UP –India, two Bajrang Dal got killed during making bomb at their home !! till now Central based congress party did not taken any strong action against Bajrangdal !! to ask them what they want with Bomb !1 why they were making bomb !!?? to whom they want to kill !! by which religion name ,by which nation name !!?? till now Dr Manmohan Singh , P Chidambaram did not asked directly to Bajrang dal +VHP !!?? Ruhel Date 03-01-2009 ,
While in Maldives ,the former political prisoner won the Maldives first democratic president election he defeat ,The M. Gayoom who ruled 30 years to Maldives !!!??
While recently ,UN Secretary general = Ban-Ki Moon , told to press , that they listen lot of criticism , that UN have no any transparency , and its effectiveness is very less , now he , had very versatile, multifunction , multi skill staffs , they try to enhance the sense of transparency , and accountability , for development issues , peace ,security , and to protect human rights at any place of world .
While these all activities of Indian =Hindu =At BJP Ruled States =Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Madhya Parades ,Rajasthan ,it me that India will be in near future –Hindu –Afghanistan !!?? Ruhel Date 09-01-2009 ,with the support of Hindu Taliban=VHP=Bajrangdal =RSS =BJP !! AND there is one more terminology called as Literate Hindu Taliban these are Udaipur –raj India like people !! this you can understand from my life past 17 years pass out in these people torture = brain voice ,rays ,waves =0-160 cps !! these people for this getting full support from BJP Government , Hindu businessman =JAIN ,Baniya ,Marvadii !!?? and these Literate Hindu Taliban are getting full support from RAW ,IB ,MI ,like what Kashmir CID ,MI Getting full support ,to kill innocents Kashmiri ,from past 20 years !! while this RAW ,IB ,MI is not killing Narandara Modi ,Atal ,LK Advani ,RSS Presidents , VHP President ,Bajrang Dal president state wise !! it all tell that these people =RAW ,IB,MI prepared to kill only Indian minorities =Indian christen ,Indian Muslim and their talented students like me ,from all part of India !!?? Ruhel Date 09-01-2009 and this tell me that India is towards Hindu world !! with the use of these Literate Hindu Taliban ,from all part of India !!!???

While I found that now Udaipur based -BSNL – Internet service provider ,or CID-Rajasthan , OR RAW,IB,MI did hacked my all new emails passwords ,and deleting my jobs offer ,interview offer ,from EU,USA ,Canada +ME !!
Even I am not allowed to send my resume to ACS =American chemical society , companies those are gathered there for 2009 , Salt –Lake national meeting ,jobs fair !! even this Hindu nation people ,weather common man ,or it’s Hindu police ,Hindu Intelligence =CID -Rajasthan (where local police is strong support of Gulab Chand kataria ,who was BJP –Home minister of Rajasthan and was Powerful chief of all Rajasthan police officials=Hindu Police ,RAW,IB,MI !! Are now not allowing me to apply even ME =Gulf jobs ,where my Experience is best suitable !! =Petrochemical companies !! through , , !! while I try to apply for jobs !!, even these Hindu are not allowing me to apply , Wipro technology for its USA Pharmaceutical jobs !! even in =Saudi International petrochemical Company =there are many posts for laboratory chemists ,and last date is 09-01-2009 !!!?? its hiding many jobs which are my experience level , from ME-Gulf ,and international at Naukri,com,!!
While I know that RAW ,IB,MI is under strong -control of Dr Manmohan Singh from past 5 years = so called -secular party prime Minster =Sikh also but not Indian christen ,Indian Muslim ,yes he is Indian minority !!!?? but what I am getting ,from his Hindi force !!?? it tell me that why Kashmir ,Assam ,cases rise in India ,b’se this nation government is killing talented ,genuine people from these part of India ,from past 20 years !! those are asking for ,genuine rights ,like I am asking at present was asking ,from 2003 to 2008 !!?? Ruhel Date 03-01-2009
b’se these Hindu know that now my salary will be very good =high and its not acceptable to this Hindu who kept me forced unemployed from 2003 Feb to 2008 ,even 1999 to 2001 !! b’se I did complain against torture = Brain waves ,voice ,rays =0-160 cps at International level from Udaipur based internet café =Lee explorer in 1999 ,2000,2001 ,b’se that time I was unable to accept this high level inhumanity !!!??
while I know that None of Indian have publications at UK,USA level conferences Against Al-Quida !!?? But !!?? Ruhel date 03-01-2009
while in this city =Udaipur –Raj , BJP =Hindu party have strong hold from past 20 years ,its vote bank are 40% to 49% ,and these Udaipur people are those who were, are torturing me from past 1991 to till now ,by use of brain waves ,voice ,rays ,here also now body rays =60-160 cps ,are putting at my human extract organ ,its form past 8 days going on !!?? these are those who like to became , UN ,HQ by these types of activities !! want to make India as UN –Main power !!?? b’se these have Udaipur like citizens ,CID-Udaipur like police ,RAW,IB,MI =Hindu Intelligence !! what else world want !!?? what else person like me want !!?? Ruhel date 03-01-2009 .

While Sonal Shah (Indian American ) became the advisory board member ,of USA president !!?? and she is telling that she do not have any like with VHP,RSS!!?? Ruhel Date 02-01-2009
While in India, one German researcher (come mother ) told to media ,and her embassy ,that once she complain against
One rich family , mighty , concern his son did rape her 14 years old girl , in Goa , she told that we have learnt the bitter truth , that the making genuine complain against the rich and powerful , they faced murderous attack on her counsel =Aires Rodriges , the raped did by Goa education minister’s son = Rohit Monservatle , !! same thing is true in my real life case also !!=

While this Hindu Nation RAW =IB=MI , is thinking them self -Abrahim Linkon = US President , these people are using internet ,satellite technology to change my Job application at Barack Obama , Team at last =US President team at last , with out my permission , while in reality India do not have single Indian christen ,Indian Muslim as it’s prime Minister , Home Minister till now 63 years of Indian freedom !!?? and as I read Home minister India old data it tell that they do doubt on all Indian Muslim ,and Indian christen for Higher posts in Home Ministry ,PMO !!?? where the reality of India is not hided !! that departments !!?? as they are Indian minorities like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty !!??
This happened on date 01-01-2009 this is reality of Indian change !!??

While I am living in 23 AA Kishan pole ,these people are Indian +like enjoy and rise with it’s corrupt ,low profile ,cheap politics which is up to attack on my brain ,my respect ,my talent !!?? b’se they are watching by Indian intelligence =RAW ,IB, MI !! So they want to make happy this Hindu nation inelegancy by doing torturing me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty from 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan ,then from 18 December 2008 to till now !!!?? and from 1999 to 2001 ,Feb also !!!?? and these are Indian minorities !!??Date 31-12-2008 .

I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , ,…,I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hidutava terror groups ,which came from real life in india !!?? and few against India’s so call secularity !!??
Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here !
Pl one very notable point : Pl my family people was not much bother about my life tension& how much tension I am facing at My Brain & Heart from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan !! Even they did not complain about this case to National Human right commission india-Delhi !! = ! seem , thinking to take benefit for Rajasthan -Minorities, & own , At my life +career +future +this huge tension at ,my brain &heart ! from ,2008 -2003 !! Sir my father is retired teacher & National congress person (secular !) , Pl my father ,His brother - have link with local political-Leaders =Like Dr Girija vayas =Member of parliament for 10 years ,from Udaipur –Raj district &Now chairperson of national woman commission ,New Delhi !!=Means Human right ! But she did not meet me till these 5 years !!& provide me any help !! sir Her email ,when she was MP from 1999 2003 ! =Vyas, Dr.(Kum.) Girija , !! ? Pl see did she full fill human rights activities at any level !! =Like human right activate !! forget national commission , chairperson like !!? even I was facing high tension ,think that 23 AA people are supporting to Indian government ,for this kill !! Pl I am getting few emails ,offer to published Original paper in Journals ,The lancet Neurology ,J. Medicine and creativity ,The Lancet(special Journal) , Journal Schizophrenia research ++ these are best journals ,of Europe ,those published only original & very high - quality work , Yours Ruhel Chistry=RChisty , =for paper like = Ruhel –audio Hallucination =Ruhel –Schizophrenia !! like papers

Pl, even , I was giving , My Uncle ,E-mails +Address +Phone ! to save my Career +Life +scientific brain ! even for UN Jobs , other chemistry Jobs !! my real -uncle is Ex member , www., =sir its =NMC ,concern Human rights ! sir he is my mother real brother !! mean, from same mother both birth taken place !

And he was Professor from JNU-New Delhi ,Sir JNU =Jawaharlal Nehru University ,New Delhi !!=former vice chancellor JNU –new Delhi .from 1988-1993 !! as I know all Indian foreign ministers got educations from this university professors only !! even Indian all foreign administrative services ,=IFS are also getting education from this university professors only !! he was/is working with this university from past 45 years !! even he was adviser to prime minister indra Gandhi & ++Next all prime minister ,and advisers to all president of india ,from past 35 years ! b'se is Middle east expert for india !! even then I was facing this forced unemployed ness , past 5 Years ! while My this uncle daughter get got trapped in Kuwait 1999 ! when Iraq attack on Kuwait ! then by first flight she and her husband ,kids came from Kuwait ! b'se he contact top that time prime minister Mr I.. Gujraaal & Foreign minister & while there were lot of other people were also suffering form high tension +life risk , one daughter is Well settle in Dubai & Kuwait from past 30 years ! he is only who help them to got best career in USA ,Dubai ,Kuwait ! what's wrong in this poor nation =India !!!! but when other hand relatives like me in trouble than these Indian Gandhi are thinking like common man !
Pl see these people level ,thinking them self P-1 &Over UNSC -Ruhel Date 14-02-2009 Udaipur Raj India

Pl CNN, BBC, Have Video, Proof , , provoke , to Riots +kill@60,000 people form 1990 to 2005 !!=1989,90,91,92 ......!!~@RamjanamBhumi Babari mosque demolish ,which shown to all world- !! But !! till today ,no Case +no-Jail +no-penalty like **ban +economic ban +technology ban +other ban to BJP +Adwani +other !! @Killed , to people ~60,000 people !!Pl, till today @107 Corer human nation !!which have VIP+MPS+ Scientists +Scholars +all quality of human !!+political leaders +Lawyers+ Juries+ Human activates +human !!But still !! + have ,(15-Nobel peace) * Nominated *from India !! 1990,-2005 But still ,Laws application ,is required to penalties these people !!
Pl ++, Indian channels +Indian court Video recording +radio recording +tape –recording + have proof ,against Lal Krishan Advvani +Atal Bihari Vajpaee + Umaa Bharti + Ritumbhraa + Ashok Singhal + …to provoke for attack at RamjanamBumibabri mosque demolished +for riots +for kill !!which taken ~60,000 human life’s, in 1989 ,1990,1991,1992 Dec 6th to till today ! !Pl these recording did in 1989 to 1992 dec +submitted in to Indian court also !! But till today no case +no jail + no penalization ,to these people ,who killed /ordered to kill about ~60,000 people from 1989 to till today !! @Human !! This is when all proof is with CNN,BBC ,Indian court ,these proof are not
** e- letters** !!But real worked proof ,those did kill , not only 1989 ,but also 19991,1992,2002 ,!!! , Pl you see the Hindu human ,these **re-elected** these BJP people = PM (Atal Bihari Vajpaee ) +Vice PM (Lal Krishan Advvani) +Chief minister ,( Narandra -Modi ),, pl –Re- -re-elected =continues 15 years chief minister !!means these people like God RAM +God Krishnan !! for 57 corer Hindus !! those are voting **BJP +Shiv shena **!! +Udaipur people ,also like to vote , BJP ,56% Votes from 8 lacks people =4,50000 people liked BJP in 2004 ,now also in 2008 election ,from this Udaipur City ,BJP=RSS Win !! after Gujarat riots +murder !! +mine case is form this city @from 1999,19995,2000,2001 ,2003,2004,2005 !! mine e-litters to you people from 1999 itself! Pl ,I came in contact to UN ,to save mine life from Udaipur people But you know what I did +what I get !! !! form India +Udaipur + Rajasthan !!

While it look like that 23 AA people =My living place in india =Udaipur-Raj ,are still tool of Indian inelegancy b’se these people kids will get food ,work ,jobs ,.,respect ,future from Indian only !!?? these people are those who do not believe in international organizations like world bank ,Pittcon ,IUPAC ,RSC, EAS ,DHS , ++ These people believed in Indian universities +IITs ,IISC ++ Indian civil servant exams +Suhail Agwani as reviewer for sensor !!??
!! and Indian inelegancy work in Saudi Arabia from 2008 Jan to 2008 December !!?? by these activities these Indian are thinking to over take China technology +social justice for their own citizen includes Chinese minorities !!??
Ruhel date 24-12-2008 Udaipur –Raj India
While these Hindus allowed me to join job in 2008 Jan ,after continuous 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , that also by walk in interview ,and direct selection by SABIC ,Saudi Kayan official !!??
b’se these Hindu think tank got order from astrologist , pamist that this man =Ruhel Chisty have one strong life line +rise in west to allowed him once ,in Saudi Arabia only !!?? and used our human work force those are working there to torture this man by brain voice ,rays ,waves ,so this man will forced to left that company and will forced to live in India till his life with out job , money ,what ever money he will earn we will finished by some tactic !!!?? its well known that Indian maximum politicians are strong believer of astrologist , pamist and these all are following there direction in many things !!?? while I Ruhel Chisty was facing brain voice ,rays ,waves torture in Udaipur from past 1991 to 2001 ,and 2003 to 2008 Jan ,now from 17 December to till now !!!?? these all b’se I did complain at international, level concern = brain voice ,rays ,waves torture up to dignity level =up to kill to my scientific brain level , in 1998 July ,1999,2000 that time I know how to sent emails ,what is value of internet at international level !!!?? while these people allowed me in Saudi Arabia ,b’se these people were thinking that Saudi Arabia is strong believer of look at east policy at any level even we =Indian will do high torture at open level ,up to dignity even hen Saudi Arabia will support India +Indian ,b’se these activities only is reality of Indian at international level !!?? its today’s 2 Asian power nation !!?? today’s Gandhi !!?? actually I wrote against this high level torture ,to my brain by brain voice ,rays ,waves by Udaipur city people , continuous from 1991 to 2001 =every day ,every minutes ,every seconds ,at UN ,International human right organizations ,so that Indian Intelligences agencies came action to hide this by watch these things and kept me forced un employed from 1999 to 2001 by use of free TV ,Satellite technology !!? b’se my that emails ,from Udaipur raj was against India human right reputations ,but actually that was my right to live with respect plus with talent of me own !!?? my right to get job international like other Hindu Indian getting in USA,EU,ME=GULF !!?? Actually this city Udaipur is capital of tribal “s of Rajasthan =Dalits , and this city people are backwards ,but con ,but smart criminals ,these people know all lop holes of Indian constitute ,Indian laws and order these people know all human rights cases and their results in India !! after that these people are doing this high level torture , and Indian have 38 satellite , advanced technology but it for rise Indian Hindu polices at UN level on cost of person like me life ,respect !!?? like now a days USA Congress have one Hindu pray in their congress house !!?? like that these people want in UHGC ,UNSC !!?? While person like me +Kishan pole Kacchi Basiii ,Khanjeepper ,23 AA ,37 Ahinsapuri are the toll to put this nation at USGC ,UNSC level !!?? on the cost of my life pleaser ,my life all good my life all hard work to save my brain reputation !!?? on cost of my reputation to dignity level !!?? that is not acceptable to me !!?? Ruhel Chisty 28-12-2008 ,
while these Hindu devils =RAW ,IB ,MI are confident b’se these people have lists of innocent human murder ,with out any case ,just to kill on name of nation security= this Hindu nation =India ,from Assam ,Kashmir based innocent people !! b’se they do not have any option then to face this , b\se they are forced part of this Hindu nation =India !!?? as I am literate ,I did already read all these things from past 2003 to till now !!??
Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , ++ ++ Pl see what's going on even india have central government ,called as secular government !! is ruling by Dr Manmohan Singh +Sonia Gandhi !! =Related to Nehru +Gandhi !! Pl see !!?? while home ministry of india Have Shiv Raj patil who have soft corner to RSS =BJP =Hindu terror group ! and he is controlling Indian all police +IB+RAW !! Pl see !! ?? Pl I changed my religion to christen ,
Pl these are data's for Indian minorities(Indian christen +Indian Muslim ) ,at Indian government jobs +other !! (1) about Indian Muslim ,IAS=Indian civil servant =Indian administrative services = 116 =2.99% till 1981 Census survey ,while total Hindu IAS = 3883 ,While Indian christen condition is very bad then Indian Muslim ! IPS = Total Hindu IPS =1753 ,till 1981 ,IPS =Indian Police services

Indian Muslim IPS =50 =2.85% while total Indian Muslim population was ~12.6% that time ! total Students appeared in X Board exams in Delhi 1978 were =54,000 ! Indian Muslim were 907 only ! while 27 got first division ! now , total Indian Judiciary is =~93% for Indian Hindu ,while Indian Muslim are 4.2% ,Indian christen are 0.3% , Pl One note ,from N.C saxena =Sr IAS officer , that " we india are most discriminating people on earth & we are not given even chance to Indian Muslim to discriminate ! b'se , we can discriminate them only when they , qualify and compete ! b'se in 1987 ,Delhi University have following data for Indian Muslim ! BA students = 1.47% Indian Muslim !& very bad condition for Indian christen , BSc students =1.35% Indian Muslim , engineering students = 1.30% medical students =1.04 % !! While Indian christen condition was worst , then Indian Muslim ! !& very bad condition for Indian christen , while population of Delhi Muslim was 9.5% !! & Delhi christen is 1.5%

Pl these data taken from Book =communal violence in india ,By P.R Raj Gopal ,(IPS ,President police medal for Gallantry , Padam Shri ++) ,ISBN=81-85024-14-6 ,while total riots in india from 1955 to 1985 are as per , 1964 total riots=Hindu –Muslim riots , =1070 ,human life loss =1919 , injured =2053 !! like this data are from past 1955 to 1985 !! that may be few % less !! but data are ~same !! !! ~ every years riots taken place +loss of life + injury taken places !!
Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , ++ ++ Pl see what's going on even india have central government ,called as secular government !! is ruling by Dr Manmohan Singh +Sonia Gandhi !! =Related to Nehru +Gandhi !! Pl see !!?? while home ministry of india Have Shiv Raj patil who have soft corner to RSS =BJP =Hindu terror group ! and he is controlling Indian all police +IB+RAW !! Pl see !! ?? Pl I changed my religion to christen ,
Pl these are data's for Indian minorities(Indian christen +Indian Muslim ) ,at Indian government jobs +other !! (1) about Indian Muslim ,IAS=Indian civil servant =Indian administrative services = 116 =2.99% till 1981 Census survey ,while total Hindu IAS = 3883 ,While Indian christen condition is very bad then Indian Muslim ! IPS = Total Hindu IPS =1753 ,till 1981 ,IPS =Indian Police services

Indian Muslim IPS =50 =2.85% while total Indian Muslim population was ~12.6% that time ! total Students appeared in X Board exams in Delhi 1978 were =54,000 ! Indian Muslim were 907 only ! while 27 got first division ! now , total Indian Judiciary is =~93% for Indian Hindu ,while Indian Muslim are 4.2% ,Indian christen are 0.3% , Pl One note ,from N.C saxena =Sr IAS officer , that " we india are most discriminating people on earth & we are not given even chance to Indian Muslim to discriminate ! b'se , we can discriminate them only when they , qualify and compete ! b'se in 1987 ,Delhi University have following data for Indian Muslim ! BA students = 1.47% Indian Muslim !& very bad condition for Indian christen , BSc students =1.35% Indian Muslim , engineering students = 1.30% medical students =1.04 % !! While Indian christen condition was worst , then Indian Muslim ! !& very bad condition for Indian christen , while population of Delhi Muslim was 9.5% !! & Delhi christen is 1.5%

Pl these data taken from Book =communal violence in india ,By P.R Raj Gopal ,(IPS ,President police medal for Gallantry , Padam Shri ++) ,ISBN=81-85024-14-6 ,while total riots in india from 1955 to 1985 are as per , 1964 total riots=Hindu –Muslim riots , =1070 ,human life loss =1919 , injured =2053 !! like this data are from past 1955 to 1985 !! that may be few % less !! but data are ~same !! !! ~ every years riots taken place +loss of life + injury taken places !!

Note :- sir my real life case ,which tell that I did not get any benefits from India +its government ! as minority +OBCs=other backwards class- Scientist !!+they did not given me even PhD!! Even I am 68% - BSc chemistry +>51% MSc chemistry +had 9 years professional chemist /scientist experience !! even I am minority +OBCs =Other back ward class scientist !! +Any job in Government + its chemical - laboratories +Physics laboratories +Police department as Forensic science ,research officer !! !! while there are Hindu student with only 61% BSc Physics is scientist & Jr Scientist !! while I was 70% BSc Physics !! even I did not got call +get post in these leading organizations !! any Indian defense research officer !! those are innovation sensors +detectors + satellite !! +ISRO=Indian space research organization +IITs=Indian institute of technology +DRDO=Defense research and development organization +IISC =Indian institute of science +IIMs=Indian institute of management !! so that I can be able to got >15,000 $ per month offer from USA/EU !! As scientist & management officer !! that why , Indian whole money +Business+H-1B Visas (99.5%) +Green cards(99,5%) of USA +EU Visa +work permits are , with Creamy +Middle creamy layer of Hindus=9% Population of india ! its form 1947 to till today !! Sir I know many Gujarati ,Marvaddi,Sindhi ,Sikh !! are living in USA/EU by doing hose work +low profile work !! here also Indian Hindus are only !! sir from my this university , maximum gold medal are only 64% to 69% in BSc /BA/BCom /MSc Chemistry ,Physics !! While my Majority=Hindu friends !! ,those were just 48% to 58 % to 63% in BSc Physics ,chemistry !! +Just 48 to 56% in MSc Got PhD Degrees from Universities ! just ,B’se , their birth in majority = Hindu religion ! While I have ~70% physics BSc (1990) +>51% in MSc (1992) Physical chemistry ! here also we people are not allowed !! B’se they are reaching there by Human trafficking !! Indian police +border securities , allowed here also Hindus only , with fair deal with them !! while I am 70% BSc physics &Indian minority &OBCs scientist !! then why they did not call me & send me offer !! ??? why they did not contact universities& college for top 20 students in Physics –BSc !! its going on in USA/.EU /++Gulf+ +other places !! sir even in general merit also I am under top 20 student in Physics BSc -1988 to1989 to 1990 !! & I was top third student in college VBRI=Vidya Bhavan Rural institute ,Udaipur –Raj =Part of Vidya Bhavan education society –its now B++ with five star =***** given by NAAC & UGC !! But till today I am not Doctor Ruhel Chistry ! sir while in IITs ,IISC ,DRDO the Hindu candidates with just 60% are working there as scientist ,Jr Scientist !! while I was not called just b’se I am not Hindu !! they will got all benefits from Indian science & technology ,b’se they are Hindu !!with 60%BSc Physic &OR BTech !! & I will not got b’se I am 70% BSc physics !! !! Even that time from 1993 to till now , I am /was working with Journals ,Periodicals ,selects +other scientific literature +I was professional R&D- chemist /Scientist in Pesticides industries Ltd Udaipur -Raj -India ! I was made fool only ! even I was 70% Physics +68% chemistry BSc ! While I have ~70% physics BSc (1990) +>51% in MSc (1992) Physical chemistry ! Pl my * %Reduced * form 70% BSc -1990 to >51% MSc -1992 !! due to communal riots ,Murder atmosphere of INDIA !!
while when I was writing this note I faced high torture by Kishan pole Kacchi basti based Indian Muslim by brain waves ,voice rays those were getting order from Indian intelligence via Free TV +local Udaipur city people !!!?? It’s my street Area from past 1985 I am living in this area !!??and these people are those who did disturb my MSc ,plus future education by get in provoked by Udaipur based BJP =RSS =VHP=Bdal people plus these people own interest in politics of city local !!!?? that\s why till now these people are attacking on my brain !!!?? Ruhel Chisty
Date 26-12-2008 Udaipur –raj 313001 !!?? please these people are illiterate but con ,highly selfish !!??
please note it look me like VHP=Bajrangdal future planning to kill literally to person like me in India =Hindu nation !! what they are doing in other part of India =Hindu nation !!!?? in that case these people will used illiterate Indian Muslim to kill brain like this +other !!?? b’se from Udaipur based BJP=RSS ,And congress party it’s Indian Muslim those are doing all things for BJP=RSS and congress party of Udaipur, I am absolutely sure that these people kids will get benefits from Local politician for done these activities , and these type of torture I faced in Udaipur from past 1991 to 2001 ,and now from 2002 Dec 17 to till now !!?? while I am facing force nigh torture from 3 am to 5.30 am , during day 2.30 pm to 4 .00 pm !! its by this , Kishan pole Kacchi basti based Indian Muslim +Local Udaipur people those are passing through roads ,from my living street main road which is going to Gulab Bagh=rose garden + Hiran magri !!?? its just 40 feet far from my room !!??
while this Hindu nation IB=MI=RAW Again start to talk with me that it have one email of me written by me ( with out e signature ) telling some theoretical crime !!?? its only talent of these Hindu terrorist support Hindu =BJP=RSS and congress party Intelligence =RAW =IB=MI ,to win the world =USA ,UN ,EU Support ,till now only Kashmir /Assam based people were putting these types of proofs against this Hindu Intelligence ,=MI,RAW ,b’se they were loosing life of their loving one !!?? b’se these Hindu - people have huge population where we minorities are born for this only =kill ,torture only ,as I was even not allowed to get any Indian Defense scientist ,Indian police official posts ,b’se these posts are for Sharma, Kumavat ,Jain +++ =Hindus only =as this nation is Hindu nation , and these IB =RAW =MI will get benefit from torture it self ,b’se they are trying to prove some things from person like me from past 16 years by brain waves .rays ,voice torture !! its with me =person like me =75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , ,…,I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hidutava terror groups ,which came from real life in india !!??
while I know the global 500 top companies of world executives are telling that in India ,laws and order are slow and lengthy on case here take place 30 – 4o years to solve !! that ‘s why global top 500 companies like to stabilized their R&D in China !! That’s why china have 430 Global companies there and India have only 74!!!?? While one NRI stabilized R&D Center fro computer in pune –MH !! his all R&D secrete data thieved by few Indian given to other Indian that Indian start product on less prize then this original man !!?? he got loss of 400 Corer Indian rupees !! he try to put case in court ,but he aware of Indian laws and order reality to 30-40 years on case !!?? he shifted to Australia and start his new R&D there with peace of brain , believe of good laws and order like European countries up to extreme honesty now he is Australia citizen , get good of his own innovation s !!?? Ruhel Date 29-12-2008 .
its also tell me , what about Kashmir ,and Assam based innocent talented ,college students minorities those do not have single publications anti terror ,plus contact to international people , even do not have Dr MS Agwani (former vice chancellor JNU ,former member of national minorities commission India =I am also minority !!?? ) like relative ,who ‘s named used in my life to destroy my career ,future , b’se that man is eating ,seating with Indian politician + Indian foreign service ,higher rage level people ,and this man is that who is shame less to tell his birth in this world top corrupt nation !!?? his nation MI=-RAW =IB these type of activities ,even he do not like to wrote against such Hindu nation at UN ,UNGC ,UNSC level !!?? only like to get pension from this Hindu nation +royalty of his 140 books those are like to hide the facts of this Hindu nation ,you can understand , he reality of this nation PMO =prime minister office which is controlling MI ,RAW,IB , Police , defense ,military , and the reality of these types of commission in India !!!?? , I think now it look like that Saudi Kayan based ,Saudi Arabic - official did not allowed me to attend RSC Conference for my publication against Al-Quida b’se that time it self this Indian IB=RAW,MI from Riyadh , given order them to not allow me =Ruhel Chisty , to reach UK ,Hull university , b’se there I , 100% meet anti terror group and scientist those are working against Al-Quida ,LTTE ,!!, of UK ,USA ,EU , in advanced technology , so that these Hindu will take benefits of this =not to meet with anti terror experts , later on to torture me =Ruhel Chisty by use of TV Free voice mode will try to prove me mental ,criminal =what ever these Hindu IB.RAW.MI want !!?? ,Its one of example of look at east - policy of Arabs to India !! actually Indian are working and acting like wild animal ,for my case ,b’se only in wild area there no law and order ,only wild laws and order take place , these 1.25 Billion Indians are looking ,acting just wild animal not a single human kind , while in Australia there were one lawyer ,one laws agency president +huge human stand for wrong happened and case finished within 25 days ,man allow to work +move from Australia , while these Indian animal are torturing me from past 16 years , with use of free TV voice mode ,from past 8 years =8X365 days = 2920 days ,still these Hindu terrorist =RAW, IB,MI in process to prove some data , in 2001 to 2008 continuous , while I move from this animal rich nation to Saudi Arabia for new life +peace there also these Indian animal were doing attack on my brain ,peace up to dignity level even then my 8 continuous publication against Al-Quida ,LTTE ,Hindu terror groups !! while in 2008 march I have one more publication against Al-Quida at royal society of chemistry ,UK !! and once I came in India in 2008 December 17 , to search new job at USA ,EU,+ +Canada, again this animal rich nation IB,RAW,MI is torturing me by use of Free TV , voice mode +its animal like human !!?? its tell that India have only wild animals !! and those are follower of animal laws and order not human kind !! this is reality of India and its laws and order to wild animal like , those are 1.25 billion now , and these type of proof these are giving to Bush administration ,from past 9/11 -2001 , =Indian war against Indian - reality Ruhel date 28-12-2008 .
b’se I =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty birth taken place fro this ,Hindu nation where QD Chisty ,MS Agwani like corrupt Indian Muslims birth taken place ,those are Indian Muslim and like to grow +rise like this only !!?? these all are Indian Muslim but Mr. Bush like these type pf Indian !! and thinking that UN ,UNSC ,UNGC will also, like these Indian !!?? these people can kill direct then in their walls ,with out police cases !! As they are doing and opening by DNA tests !! it’s Indian news media report that about real !!?? it tell me that Indian military ,CID ,MI ,IB ,RAW may killed huge quality of civilized - human in Kashmir and Assam from past 30 years ,b’se these Hindu devil =RAW =IB =MI can torture me =Ruhel Chisty , in 2008 December then what about them those are college student ,school, student ,recently Indian army killed one school student at Bangalore ,he was Indian Muslim student it happened on date 28-12-2008 !!?? I think UN should dismissed Indian membership from UNSC ,UNGC ,UNESCO ,WHO ,world bank ,IMF !!?? It look like that these Indian Hindu - devils = Indian intelligence will kept me aging forced un employed ,torture ,discriminate by use of TV Free , Internet +telephone +cell by there Hindu satellite +Hindu population will able to make Hindu world in 2021 !!?? !!?? as they did in 1999 to 2001 !!!?? it tell me Indian RAW ,IB ,MI are world most dangerous Hindu terror support organization deserved to ban by UNSC ,UNGC it self !!?? it also tell me that that RAW ,IB ,MI intension to take Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,Shri lank by face cases ,fake proofs !! to part of Indian land !!?? Ruhel date 28-12-2008 .
which I wrote from other nation not India ,and this Indian teacher till now did not show to me =Ruhel Chisty , from past 16 years !! as these Hindu devil =IB,RAW,MI are telling about this e-letter ,I hope this devil given that letter to FBI ,UNODC ,MI-6 ,Interpol !!?? if still not given then it =RAW,IB,MI can give now –just now !!!?? that should be from my name =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , with my e – signature , I was Indian minority ,OBC scientist (I like to resign from this nation=Hindu nation =India citizenship ,in future ,now also !!??) and I want that there should be no Indian in my new joining company and that place where I will take room +house !! =non Asian locality =may be non Indian , Philippine , Bangladeshi ,+= non -southern Asian locality !!??
= Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , ,…,I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hidutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!??
b’se when I was going to Saudi Arabia in 2008 Jan that time also this Hindu devils =RAW,IB,MI was torturing me that these have one email ,or few emails ,from me (with out my signature ) ,now came from Saudi Arabia ,after one more publications against Al-Quida plus list of human work ,social science work ,international environmental protection work at IAF ,ILAC=, Secretariat+ EEA =European Environmental agency ( Ellen Johannesen ) then aging this Hindu Devil are telling about same email !! this tell that these Hindu devils do not have any things except this !! and will like continuous these activities till I am live whether till that I have 200 publications against terror ,included 50 against Hindu terror ,IB ,RAW,MI with proof satellite ,telephonic , CCTV , +++ THE PARTUICIPATION OF Hindu IB ,RAW ,MI to kill Indian minorities with different tactics !!?? as Hindu terror is not terror in India !!!?? its Human rights of Indian Hindu ,like what this RAW,IB ,MI is doing with me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty is also Hindu human rights !!!??
it tell that Indian are in real sense world top corrupt ,dim , cruel people !!?? Ruhel Date 29-12-2008 Udaipur Raj India .
while I read the book =The making of Obama ,By Todd Purdum ( reader digest ) ,which mention that “ He =Barack Obama join the civil rights law firm and began , teaching constitutional laws part time at University of Chicago Law school ,P-196 Reader Digest ,December 2008 , it tell me that I have to ask “ respected Barack Obama ,to do think again and again about Indians social science ,human right ,war against terror , use of satellite technology to kill level Indian minorities like me =Ruhel Chisty ,use of its human society to train like Hindu arms !!?? from past 9/11 ,India is using terror ward as tool to rise Hindu India foreign policies ,and to get rise as Asian power !!??? on cases like me =,I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!??
please till now none of Mr. Narandara Modi , Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,LK Advani , and Indian police officer in UP 1989 to 1993, and Gujarat 2002 march ,now in Orrisa ,Karanataka , !! did asked for forensic tests , up to UNODC level !!??even not Indian level ,with fake software in brain mapping instrument !!?? Ruhel date 29-12-2008 .
while in Mumbai , MNS –people ,attack on non Marathi students those are came to Mumbai ,from North India ,like UP ,Bihar , for Railways exams ,
(A) While I note that now there is no MSc ,selection for ,it tell me that these Saudi Arabic based internet café people hide this MSc based selection for Post Doc fellowship in NAS ,NRC USA ,B’se in india when I was try to applying her there was MSc students can applied for Post Doc fellowship in NAS ,NRC USA if they have experience and list of publication ,where I was selected in 2005/6 by FDA =US-FDA , by NRC Adviser , Dear Ron Waynant (Waynant, Ronald W ) = RWW@CDRH.FDA.GOV, !!
(B) These Saudi based internet café are not allowing me to apply for jobs in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++
While I have cordially invite to submit Resume at DuPont career web, this offer I get through ACS Career web , !!? !! same way I have few more encouragement offer to apply few other International companies !! but there also Saudi based internet café are not allowing me !!
© I found that these Saudi based Internet cafes administrators are deleting and adding unwanted things in my UN Jobs application process , where 3900 words required to filled in every application why you apply for that job ,!! Its when I have my complain in UN from 2003 ,2003 it self , or 1999 ,2000 it self !! its when I faced continuous 5 years forced unemployed ness !!
I was thinking that now I will get UN Jobs offer at my hand !! It look like that Sea pirates at attacking on UN –Food ships those are going towards –deserved place where human –food problems is going on like Dr Congo ,Haiti ++ !!???As I am thinking that now I deserved for UN Job for environmental ,Human right ,social science , UNESCO , And I am also thinking that Person like me from Indian minorities ,Asian minorities should not came in Saudi Arabia specially for jobs !!??? horrible torture!!
but here also India +Saudi Arabia Intelligence is working to kill level !! while surprise that why UN Have Saudi ,and Indian its jobs and for what !!?? Ruhel Date 28-11-2008 .why Arabic language is still in UN why they are not consider like Hindi !!??? in my view these people are very cruel !!??
(D) The things did not stop here after that these people are torturing me badly ,by use of there human society , up to inhuman level ,b’se they have order from Local official to do torture !!?? !! it tell me that Any talented person like me from Indian minorities +Asian minorities deserved to get job in Europe ,USA ,so that they will not face this type of human society !! plus this level torture !! and they should not came to ME =Gulf like highly inhuman nations for work !!???? here UN And its branches can play a role to save such brains to this much high level torture ,inhumanity !!?? via world bank loan to India +other Asian countries for this propose only !!! =for Asian countries minorities kids higher educations in USA ,Europe thought World bank loan !! in that case all inhumanity with person like me will became zero and they will not see the face of ME=Gulf people there human behaviors !!!?? they can do what Indian Upper middle class Hindu are doing from past 62 years !! they are sending there kids in USA ,Europe for higher education + then they are settle in USA ,Europe !! Ruhel Date 28-11-2008 .
Please , If I got few good emails ,due to my good work =article =real life work to protect world environmental ,and global warming , say emails , from IAF ,ILAC=, Secretariat+ EEA =European Environmental agency ( Ellen Johannesen ) ,then these Saudi Kayan =SABIC working , Indian mafia =So called secular Indian, will stat to torture me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , badly up to extreme of inhuman level Openly at Building 2 =by brain waves ,rays ,talk ,and these people will not hesitate to use to Bangladeshi peon =tea boys and Pilipino people working in this company to more torture me as in this company Indian are more then 1200 =75% of total staff , !!?? the torture will so high that normal person can quite from job ?? even he worked in this Saudi Kayan = SABIC for 1 year continuous from Jan 2008 to till now ??and these Indian will torture b’se they are getting this news from MI =intelligences agencies (India +Saudi both ) those are using satellite technology and free TV to spread that talk to every where in Al-Jubail Industrial city and Saudi Arabia +India +ME =Gulf other parts in English ,Arabic ,Hindi +++
( the Title of my work which I sent to ILAC ,IAF : Please real life article for ME =Gulf testing laboratories and accreditation !!??
Title : How the testing laboratories (environmental ) are making money from the environmental samples ,from Sea water ,soil of the petroleum products extraction ,exploration areas , =Organic analysis =THC ,HC, PAH ,PCBs ,+++ VOCs ,BTEX ,++ Pesticides ,….=Toxics , This things is maximum in ME =Gulf areas … ) But as there is not accreditation system for these analysis = No accreditation system for Organic analysis , The ME =Gulf countries government have only accreditation system for Waste water of their nations. Ruhel date 18/19/20 -11-2008
While , my first paper =abstract was against terror =Al Quaida ,from Saudi Arabia = April /march 2008 in prime conference of royal society of chemistry ,UK = !! and my second paper =Abstract is On 21 -09-2008 I submit to My officials = = for good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++ either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical companies Ruhel Chisty Date 13-11-2008
with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!??
while at present I am in Udaipur -Raj –India ,its Rajasthan New Delhi in terms of environmental pollution ,specially air pollution and water pollution !!?? here all Bike s two and four wheelers are throwing huge amount of pollutes, lead ,diesel related ,petrol related through huge amount of black fumes at there end !!!??
while this city is my birth city , here I faced torture –brain voice ,waves ,rays 0-160 cps ,from past 1991 to till now !!!!?? and that time was India towards Hindu nation =VHP=Bajrangdal =RSS =BJP Nation what they are real that nation ,I was openly known as Indian minorities ,so I was facing this open torture at open level !!!?? that’s why I do not have any job from Indian government Laboratory ,Indian any leading company and even in SRO=Indian space research organization +IITs=Indian institute of technology +DRDO=Defense research and development organization +IISC =Indian institute of science +IIMs=Indian institute of management !!
while now from 2002 on wards I am getting name at international level due to my physics only !!?? and I was not accept as physicist in India till 2001 ,2008 !!?? Ruhel Date 26-12-2008
Sir I know that Old Africa ,Old india also taken freedom from Old Britain , +Other but none of there old people killed innocent by bomb blast like what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan ,there one religion typical people are killing innocents for freedom by Human bomb ,and bomb blasts and due to high rate of unemployed ness !! But these things may be in Old Africa and old india when they were Under rule of Old Britain +other !!?? but there was kill of their own citizen was zero like this bomb blasts to kill innocent people !!?? Ruhel date 18/19/20 -11-2008 Time : 5:20 AM .
Recently on 27-11-2008 terror attack taken place in Mumbai , it was on foreigner ,it tell, that it 90% chance is done by Islamic people
10% chance may be Hindu terror group , what type of religion is this ,these types of Islamic people are killing future ,career , prospects of talented Indian Muslim students ,people those are already not getting deserved jobs ,posts in india and foreign except ME =Gulf !! these terrorists are killing the future ,career ,prospects of incoming Indian Muslims kids !! while these people got funded from some Islamic groups ,those like these types of activities !! these types of terrorist people only deserved death !! But still what these types of attacks going tell that these people are getting proper training +fund from Islamic people ,those like terrorism and these types of activities !!??
It look to me that my publications against terrorism and my this Resume =cover letter =Blog is looking to Saudi Arabian living -people that I worked against , people religion and reality , !! so when ever some terror attack taken place in any where in world these people =Saudi Based there Human societies start to attacks on me ,torture me badly , by body rays ,brain voice , B’se it look that May be these types of torture activities is part of these people life !! to torture innocents ,kill innocents in old era !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 27-11-2008 ,
Pl these are data's for Indian minorities(Indian christen +Indian Muslim ) ,at Indian government jobs +other !! (1) about Indian Muslim ,IAS=Indian civil servant =Indian administrative services = 116 =2.99% till 1981 Census survey ,while total Hindu IAS = 3883 ,While Indian christen condition is very bad then Indian Muslim ! IPS = Total Hindu IPS =1753 ,till 1981 ,IPS =Indian Police services Indian Muslim IPS =50 =2.85% while total Indian Muslim population was ~12.6% that time ! total Students appeared in X Board exams in Delhi 1978 were =54,000 ! Indian Muslim were 907 only ! while 27 got first division ! now , total Indian Judiciary is =~93% for Indian Hindu ,while Indian Muslim are 4.2% ,Indian christen are 0.3% , Pl One note ,from N.C saxena =Sr IAS officer , that " we india are most discriminating people on earth & we are not given even chance to Indian Muslim to discriminate ! b'se , we can discriminate them only when they , qualify and compete ! b'se in 1987 ,Delhi University have following data for Indian Muslim ! BA students = 1.47% Indian Muslim !& very bad condition for Indian christen , BSc students =1.35% Indian Muslim , engineering students = 1.30% medical students =1.04 % !! While Indian christen condition was worst , then Indian Muslim ! !& very bad condition for Indian christen , while population of Delhi Muslim was 9.5% !! & Delhi christen is 1.5%
Pl these data taken from Book =communal violence in india ,By P.R Raj Gopal ,(IPS ,President police medal for Gallantry , Padam Shri ++) ,ISBN=81-85024-14-6 ,while total riots in india from 1955 to 1985 are as per , 1964 total riots=Hindu –Muslim riots , =1070 ,human life loss =1919 , injured =2053 !! like this data are from past 1955 to 1985 !! that may be few % less !! but data are ~same !! !! ~ every years riots taken place +loss of life + injury taken places
It look like that ME =Gulf Intelligence is playing important role in to rise terrorisms , Its I look plus feel once I am facing torture by Today’s working nation intelligence they are using TV Voice mode to torture me +they are using this nation local to order Its working human societies , to torture by brain waves /voice !!??
Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here !
While on date 17-12-2008 I reached in Udaipur –Rajasthan –India ,there also on date 20-12-2008 I faced high torture twice by one Fair color Young Hindu boy and one Indian color illiterate Hindu young man , this is because this city is pillar of RSS =BJP from past 28 years here RSS=BJP win is 20 years ! in recent election also this Udaipur city MLA is RSS=BJP =Person is winner , Ruhel Date 21-12-2008 , it tell that this city literate people like RSS =BJP ,
That may be Hindu Doctor ,Hindu engineer ,Hindu Civil servant ,Hindu police officer !!?? this torture was so high !!??
Sir , I am Asian minority and how many like me you will get from Asian minority ,those are doing there best to secure USA/UK / National security at Best of the international conferences by doing publications against Bio terror ,terror ,anti explosives ++ Publications in Human rights ,social science ,environmental !! how many like me !!??? sir while I know that Pakistan is getting huge benefits from USA =White house as it is strong partner of USA In war against terror !!?? while on other hand same white house part is doing nothing for me =Ruhel Chisty=RChisty !!?? no single support like Pakistan is enjoying !!?? from past 50 years !!?? I know that they got F-16, NOW F-18, NOW F-22 ,may be F-35 also ++many other benefited =Billions $ from past many years + advanced technology also to counter terrorism ,same is with Afghanistan government also !!?? Ruhel date 27-11-2008
Sir while from these 1200 Indian =At Saudi Kayan =SABIC , 50% are from South India ,20% from Gujarat , 15% from Konkarni Zone =Maharastra , 15% are from other sates of india , from all these 1200 , 55% are Indian Hindu +44% are Indian Muslim , may be 1% will be Indian christen !! Then these people are torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia !!??
During this torture the Saudi Kayan –Management will keep mum b’se they know about there nation look at east policy =Look at India ,and they know one more thing that Saudi Kayan will come in exist only due to Indian work force ,where 1200 Indian employee are working on upper posts +~20,000 Indian workers are working on contraction part of Saudi Kayan ,=Plants +other while this torture is open at office level ,Other level also ,from Jan 2008 it self ,now it’s at its maximum =evilest level !!??? Ruhel date 18/19/20 -11-2008 b’se after 3 years in this Saudi Kayan =only 1% work force will be from india ,say 30 people will from india ,rest all posts will be take over by Saudi’s and that time Saudi Kayan will be in smooth run ,means you have to take fix places samples ,you will get 99.6% purity results ,from all plants final products ! But as per 3rd world ,2nd world
These people providing good salary per month ,person can save money !!?? but as per work condition this is unacceptable level of torture to me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,from Jan 2008 it self ,no human will like to accept this torture during work ,when you are good brain And doing good for this petrochemical company and ,good human and Humanlike me =Ruhel Chisty=RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry , date 20/11-2008
These all things =Real things I am writing to world level so that people can understand the religion and its followers people ,from India +ME =Gulf +southern Asian countries is there only religion impact or there living environment also impact or its due to genetically which is not in control of particular religion or society they are doing these types of things b’se they are used to do more bad then these things in pasts 500 ,1000 ,1500 years back even now we are living UN world ,even we are towards more good human ,people but these things are real !!?? Ruhel date 18/19/20 -11-2008 Time : 7:20 AM
Here in ME =Gulf these tea boy =Peon are acting like The boss of criminals have there hard core criminals ,if you are force to meet with their boss then his hard core criminal will act ,same like act is from these ME =Gulf Tea boy=Peon ,they will insult you , even you are highly literate then these local of ME =Gulf =boss !!?? b’se if you search any international journal ,conference you will not find there any Arabic ,b’se these Arabic are busy in these types of stuff to used their tea boys ,peon like this +9/11,7/7 !!??
best work person ,even you are extra ordinary ,even you are more talented then these ME=Gulf living people ,but its normal in ME =Gulf ,here peon ,tea boy are your boss ,b’se they are Arabic nation tea boy ,not any developed nation tea boy !! and you are working there b’se you came for that they also hired by Arabic ,you also !!????
While the Good people rich nations like Canada , There Prime minister given 84 Lacks Canadian $ compensation to one innocent –human (poor Arab country ) ,b’se he was tortured by Canadian police on fake high crime case ! same way Australian government did not hesitate to open support to one South Indian doctor ,who was tortured by Australian police , even that great Nation =Australia had one social worker –lawyer also who handle his case with out money and win the case also and whole thing finished in 25 days to 1.30 days only!! But if the talk come on corrupt ,cruel Islamic Arabic nations and corrupt ,cruel Hindu nation like India +two nations of ME =Gulf they are so cruel that they do not hesitate to use there Intelligence to use satellite technology =TV Free , to watch my life from past 8-16 years and torture me by use of satellite technology =TV Free technology !! b’se they have one email with out my signature , they till now did not shown to me Till now continuous from 8 years ,means these least people = cruel Islamic Arabic +,cruel Hindu , forgot these people will give me compensation to me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty who have 5 publications against terrorism +list of human work ,list of world environmental protection ,list of human right and social science worm !! it self tell that what Arabic and Hindu are at any point these nations does not have even 1% good people in them those are power full also like Austrian lawyer +Canadian prime minister !!!!??? Ruhel Chisty date 24-11-2008 . while these nations are using there human societies to torture me by Brain waves ,rays ,voice from Jan 2008 to till now ++..
. Sir , I am Asian minority and how many like me you will get from Asian minority ,those are doing there best to secure USA/UK / National security at Best of the international conferences by doing publications against Bio terror ,terror ,anti explosives ++ Publications in Human rights ,social science ,environmental !! how many like me !!??? sir while I know that Pakistan is getting huge benefits from USA =White house as it is strong partner of USA In war against terror !!?? while on other hand same white house part is doing nothing for me =Ruhel Chisty=RChisty !!?? no single support like Pakistan is enjoying !!?? from past 50 years !!?? I know that they got F-16, NOW F-18, NOW F-22 ,may be F-35 also ++many other benefited =Billions $ from past many years + advanced technology also to counter terrorism ,same is with Afghanistan government also !!?? Ruhel date 19-11-2008 Time : 5:20 AM .
Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here !
Sir I like to give my Forensic tests =Which acceptable by UN ,and UNODC ,UNESCO ,b’se I faced extreme level inhumanity ,from Indian ,Indian government ,from past 1991 to till now !!!??
I faced extreme torture ,by Brain waves ,voice ,rays 0 to 160 cps , at Udaipur –Raj India ,313001 ,by this city people , Kishan Pole Kacchibastii =Kishan pole ,Khanjepper , area !! and then I was facing other high torture ,by deleting my jobs offer , interview offer ,from Udaipur internet cafés from 1999 to 2001, and then 2003 to 2008 !! = 7 years continuous forced unemployed ness !!!?? b’se I did complain against this torture = Brain waves ,voice ,rays =0-160 cps at International level from Udaipur based internet café =Lee explorer in 1999 ,2000,2001 ,b’se that time I was unable to accept this high level inhumanity !!!?? then this Hindu nation CID –Rajasthan ,RAW ,IB,MI also torturing me from past 2001 to till now !! by use of TV Free voice mode , Satellite technology ,and internet !!!?? sir if I found 100% true then I want you people take strong action against such City ,such nation ,such intelligence= Hindu nation ,while this Hindu nation government do no want to show the videos ,of Mr Narandara Modi ,Atal Bihari Vajpayee , Lal Krishan Advani those were provoking to riots ,murder rape of innocent Indian minorities in 1989 ,1990,1991,1992,1993 ,2002 march few of them are with CNN ,BBC ,Other international news media ,and did not want to take action against these people those did provoke to genocide !!?? But even congress party =Dr Manmohan ,Sonia Gandhi party till now did not taken that action !!?? these people did not put by them ,at Criminal court of justice , Netherlands !!?? like what Sudan president is now facing who kill many innocent Christen ,other minorities !!!?? like what happened in Serbia !!?? that genociders now in prison to death , of international defense ,they captured these men ,those did genocide of many Muslim of Serbia and near by that area !! USA Also did air attack and stop genocide , by order of Bill Clinton due to huge pressure of international human right organization ,one Nobel peace laureate ,in this case International community did not think about Muslim religion they think about real what should be do !!?? and they did !! while in this Hindu nation those provoked to did genocides of Indian minorities ,like Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,Narandara Modi , LK Advani , ++ Are in top list of Prime minister of India= top power of all India !!?? what you think about India now !!??? Ruhel Date 04-01-2009

On date 20-11-2008 ,I found that these Saudi based Internet cafes administrators are deleting and adding unwanted things in my UN Jobs application process , where 3900 words required to filled in every application why you apply for that job ,!! Its when I have my complain in UN from 2003 ,2003 it self , or 1999 ,2000 it self !! its when I faced continuous 5 years forced unemployed ness !!
Things did not stop here , Saudi Intelligence =Arabic Islamic people did add some software in my Cell =Mobile ,which is cutting=broking my words =talk when I am taking to USA ,Europe people concern my job , membership ,++ real life case !!
The things did not stop here my 11 months of Saudi Arabia and use of internet +faxes is look like that these Saudi added many unwanted things in my resume ,cover letter +case which is going to international level ,and its not seeing =looking to me its look to other end people ,the things did not stop here from past 11 months I sent lot of faxes at international level =UN ,USA,EU concern my case ,there also these Saudi’s are taking money but 60% faxes are not going on specially EU , b’se these Saudi =Arabic people think that USA is enemy of Arab Islam ,and EU is look like friend !! the things did not stop here these Saudi’s few of its
hired human , are killing me in Courier system also =FedEx !! here also other end people are telling that they did not get any courier ,and what mention person on fed Ex tracking web he is not working there ,none of that name person is there !! Ruhel Chisty ,who try to open at international level what is Arabs, what is Saudi ‘s ,what is these people laws and order ,what people these people are !!these people are those who hired me from india , and after that like to make me torture =insult approx every day through Indian , and these people are those who like deleted my jobs offer from USA ,Europe ,from past 11 months which I applied through ACS ,New scientist ,UN Jobs !!! Ruhel Chisty =RChisty date 21-11-2008
it tell me that Why UN is still consider Arabic language and why Arabic people are working in UN Jobs !! why they are not consider like Hindi Language ,why they are still not treated like what these people are !!?? its all real and I like to be mention at international level ,to be understand what Arabs are !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty date 21-11-2008
I can say that how ME=Gulf people are selecting innocent humen from Asian countries and forcing them to do crimes then high crime ,crime against humanity , !! b’se from past 10 months of my life I was facing forced torture =night ,day at office bus wait time .,Night torture 100% by Saudi’s =My living building ,and day is 50% Indian +50% Saudi ‘s this day torture is open at road , on date 25-11-2008 it was so high that I was thinking that is was very good if I was attend the Royal society of chemistry conference in Hull university ,for my paper against Al-Qaida and other terrorist groups , b’se that time I was able to tell Scientific people RSC ,UK ,USA concern my real life case +new job options in Europe ,USA in innovation !! (This whole point is good for UN Anti terror commission ,USA ,EU anti terror commission to save life of innocent people from ME =Gulf terrorism !!??? b’se these Arabic people are doing like what is going on in DR Congo ,Uganda , Cambodia , Iraq , Somalia ,Sudan !!?? there these people are forcing kids to take arms or these people are cutting there hands plus body other parts !! its going on from past 10-20 years same activities !!??)
While from past 10 months of my life I am facing Indian torture at my human extract organ during company work ,and during bus travel to and fro !! and this torture is also open in office by brain waves ,body rays !! there work will not suffer ,on there will be no any effect ,effect only came to me if I did not did my work to 100% accurate !!?? b’se I am maintaining my self to ignore this high torture on work proficiency !! while this company =Saudi Kayan have 1200 Indian ,they are doing b’se I dare to complain against Indian in UN ,World bank ,USA ,EU level through my real life case concern my real life human right ,social science ,scientific case !!?? , !!?? now from past few months these Indian based chemists ,technicians are telling abused level to my brain ability =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty brain ability even in front of Saudi QA - Officials ,while these people are doing torture in front of Saudi other officials , in front of South Korean officials of this company =Saudi Kayan =SABIC !!?? it all tell me that what ever international people are talking about Saudi Arabia is true ,It also tell me that India was having only one human –Mahatma Gandhi while India name is coming as Mahatma Gandhi’s nation it ‘s wrong Indian are toward Indian world ,where talented Indian minorities like me will face torture ,harassment in india +ME =Gulf =Dubai And Saudi Arabia ,up to the cruel level = where you are forcing to feel like Human extract ,b’se this city =Al-Jubail Industrial city ,living work force from India +other southern Asian countries people are throwing body rays at human extract organ b’se they are ordered by this city Arabic = some of there gene did 9/11 ,7/7 !!?? and USA is thinking these people as diplomatic friend ,just b’se petrol !!?? b’se ME =Gulf is looking at East policy =not China ,India !!?? and international people are providing nuke ,space ,defense advanced technology to these type of Mahatma Gandhi’s nation people !!?? !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 25-11-2008 Time : 22:30 PM . b’se I submit my real life blog at President Barack Obama official web site ,there I have 20 blogs of me which submitted by me rest 7 blogs by hacker ,from Al-Jubail Industrial city internet cafes , b’se these Saudi did not provide me my own intern et connection b’se these people want to use my life thought there internet cafes and then want to torture me force ,me to face these cruel people ,and its work force cruelty !!?? and other things also !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 25-11-2008 Time : 22:50PM
Please one special note : please I request for advanced technology literature, White papers ,videos to 350 Space ,defense companies ,listed at NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS , from the web provide by , =( by Editorial board of NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ) ,these 350 companies are working for NASA ,USA - Defense advanced technology , I did this literature request on 18th June and 28 September 2008 ,But till now I got only 16 companies literatures , rest 330 companies literatures , all -thief by Saudi –IT Hacker =Internet café administrators with out my permission OR , Indian Post office mafia! Please note that same request I did from India also in 2005 ,from that I got only 4 CDs literatures at My home address =23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj India . Rest all kept by Post office mafia given to ISRO ,DRDO , ,Physics department ,fro PhD students , now also I am thinking that these all literature , White papers ,videos Emails ,PDF given to Saudi Defense ,Saudi space ,and in India to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC based all universities physics department ,IITs ,IISC !! with out my permission To make strong Link of ME =Gulf and India to this level =wild level !!?? its new technique developed in India AND ME=Gulf , to use innovators name ,email IDs,Mail address , to get advanced technology with out their permission and keep them literate bonded labor , or forced unemployed to continuous 5 years , as I was kept from Feb 2003 to 22 Jan 2008 in India !! with out think !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . , A christen Date 06-11-2008 .
Actually my life past 8 years =7+1 years , finished in Diplomatic link of ME =Gulf and India to cruel level !! Please recently on 13 August ,2008 I got one more email ,from NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ,that , Subject: New Products & Technologies Presented by Tech Briefs
Actually NASA want make me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty advanced technology scientist ,but will you believe that my using internet café Saudi IT –Administrator ,at Al Jubail industrial city ,KSA , near shoal petrol pump 2 , will use it for his own rise ,+they will sent all literature ,PDF to Saudi Defense ,Saudi space , with out my permission ,by hack my email IDs !!?? Please I found that these Saudi IT –Administrator , at Al Jubail industrial city ,KSA , near shoal petrol pump 2 applying for NASA,USA Defense advanced technology literatures on my name =Ruhel Chisty name with out my permission !! ?? they will read it they will use it = all literature Emails ,PDF given to Saudi Defense ,Saudi space !!??
violation of U.N.G.A Res. 1904(XVIII) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217A (III) =Human rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??

it may be possible that Again , Few more emails ,from my email account ,sent to Criminal Brains , from past 10 months of my life in KSA ,Al Jubail industrial city , (with out my e-signature ) ,that email may be forwarded by Saudi IB ,Police to UN ,USA,EU , to get benefits of international level ,on name of Ruhel Chisty =RChisty ,Ruhel Chistry , so that USA Will provide Advanced technology like USA Given to India ,to counter China power in Asia , to show USA that we are doing war against few emails (with out e-signatures )
written by Ruhel Chisty from Dubai in 2001 only ,2001 May ,June !!?? so like to request UN ,USA,EU that they should give awards ,rewards to Dubai Police ( open torture to Ruhel Chisty by brain waves ,voice by >89% South Indian population and driver sultan Ahamed Jammel =Tamil Muslims !!)) ,Then Indian police (my life continuous -forced Unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =No sex !! ,from Feb 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =Continuous 5 years in India and open torture by brain waves ,voice in night !!? ) then to Saudi Police , open torture to Ruhel Chisty by brain waves ,voice by >65% Indian population in Al-Jubail industrial city ,KSA ,)
So by this way will accept that this way of justice is applicable in Gentleman Human societies !! where there is no single human is there from ~3 billion human =ME +Indian total population !!??
Please , while from past 10 months of My life in Al-Jubail industrial city ,Saudi Arabia , I am doing human works only ,I try to open the fact sheet= The reality of social science , human science , reality of Indian IB=RAW ,reality of Indian people intension =Indian world , reality of 4% to 20% Rich people of india , with rest 40% to 80% poor population of india =OBCs =Other back ward class ,Minorities ,STs,SCs ,1% -5% of them are like me but they are getting kill in india and ME=Gulf ,by South Indian think tank !!?? ME=Gulf Arabs ,controlled by South Indian only !!?? these people acting like mafia in ME=Gulf ,with people other then south Indian , now I think I will again get one email ,from Saudi Government , like I got from Dubai Government ,which was indirectly telling that our city =Dubai is neat in human science ,problem is some where else !!?? but now today 13-10-2008 I can say that problem is with Al-Jubail living Indian +local –Arabic !! b’se after all these still I am facing torture !!?? by Brain waves ,voice ,rays =0=160 cps ,Mainly south Indian +other southern Asian country people !!?? I can not do any thing against these people except emails to UN ,USA,EU+international human right organizations +published papers in conferences ,journals concern neuro science , +++ like I try in 1998 ,1999 ,2000 from Udaipur –Raj india !!??? Ruhel Chisty date 13-10-2008 KSA ,Al-Jubail industrial city !!??while Mr. Bush think that india is Mahatma Gandhi like people nation !!?? while on fourteen days continuous =12-10-2008,13-10-2008 ,14-10-2008,15-10-2008,18-10-2008,19-10-2008,20-10-2008 , to till today 02-11-2008 =Continuous 14 =13+1 =fourteen days torture up to extreme inhumanity , it make me feel like what One case happened in Nigeria ,where One lady got order to killed by through stone on her face ,body to kill here b’se she did sex with one boy when her age was less then 17 years ,so as per Nigeria Islamic laws its crime !!?? so there Islamic juries order to open kill by stones by those people those are doing lot of crime but they are Nigeria male !!??
But this case reached to international level ,and due to international pressure ,Nigeria did stop this murder ,while previously lot of girls and ladies did killed like this by throwing stones of body till kill !!?? and then due to this case Nigeria faced lot of international losses !!?? which was due to pressure of international human rights organizations ,those did records of all like cases in Nigeria in past years !!?? Ruhel .
If I got some good email ,due to my good work to protect world environmental ,and global warming , say from IAF ,ILAC=, Secretariat ,then these Saudi Kayan =SABIC working Indian mafia will stat to torture me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,and these people will not hesitate to use to Bangladeshi peon =tea boys and Pilipino working in this company to more torture me !!?? the torture will so high that normal person can quite from job ?? even he worked in this SABIC for 1 year continuous ??and they will torture b’se they are getting this news from MI =intelligences agencies those are using satellite technology and free TV to spread that talk to every where in Al-Jubail Industrial city and Saudi Arabia +India in English ,Arabic ,Hindi +++
( the Title of my work which I sent to ILAC ,IAF : Please real life article for ME =Gulf testing laboratories and accreditation !!??
Title : How the testing laboratories (environmental ) are making money from the environmental samples ,from Sea water ,soil of the petroleum products extraction ,exploration areas , =Organic analysis =THC ,HC, PAH ,PCBs ,+++ VOCs ,BTEX ,++ Pesticides ,….=Toxics , This things is maximum in ME =Gulf areas …
) But as there is not accreditation system for these analysis = No accreditation system for Organic analysis , The ME =Gulf countries government have only accreditation system for Waste water of their nations. Ruhel date 18-11-2008 .
Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here !
Please even today’s also these ME =Gulf working people are using peon =tea boy to insult some one image ,example my image ,and these all are from one religion only , tea boy =peon ,and provoker to insult !! Ruhel Date 10-11-2008
As I read recently in Indonesia there is high alert for Indonesian security forces =b’se there government did killed three Islamic terrorist ,b’se they killed 220 innocents humen ,=Bali Bomb blast ,there is high alert in whole Indonesia it tell that these type of terror activities =bomb blast to kill innocent ,liked by few live - Indonesians so that whole nation required to high alert to prevent next other incidents blast at foreigner + their embassies =USA /Australia embassies in Indonesia +others . !! may be behind it there religious education which taken place in hide areas ,isolated areas !!?? Ruhel Date 10-11-2008
I faced high torture by brain voice ,rays and body rays at human extract organ ,which is high level that common man can do shit ,if he faced continuous body rays by other human at human extract organ ,while I am not doing it but its painful , and it make you feel human abused level !!!???= violation of my human dignity , plus brain ,In which these torturer ,forced me that you are living in office like dog ,your work duty like dog=not secure , the office people are treating you as dog , as they consider you mental =psycho ,and I should not come to Saudi Arabia for job
,I should be at home only !! !!?? You are shameless person so you are working there ,this torture was open at road ,where every minutes 100-200 people are passing thought cars , and 50% of them are Southern Asian +50% are Saudis !! and approx 2% are European !!?? which was so high that my human was unable to accept it in morning office time at 6:10 Am to 6:40 AM =Continuous 30 minutes, at place 2 km far from my living place ,where I am waiting for bus !!?? this torture was did by south Indian +other southern Asian people +Local –KSA=Arabs !!?it’s when all world hate to extreme with ME=Gulf people ,but these people did not want to change them self and they do not want to change there paid human societies also ,those are working here b’se these Arabs only hire them and those are doing these types of work !!??? surprising thing is that from there ~200-500 European passing through that road ,where this open naked torture is going on but none of them rise=put this case =inhumanity by brain waves ,voice ,rays at International level through internet +fax =UN level ,And international human right ,it tell me that these people became like Saudi –Arabs human ,in human wise !!?? it tell me that these South Indian +other southern human became here in ME =Gulf like mafia ,those are professional to do such type of crime up to extreme inhuman level =100 % successful level ,
the thing did not stop here these cruel people will distribute this every day torture to All people home by brain waves, voice ,rays ,so that they also enjoy this torture =they like enjoy this !!?? its not stop here they will distribute to my office people =1200 Indian +500 Saudi +100 European ,maximum of them will like to take benefit from that !!
!!?? b’se these Arabs are those like to see the camel race ,on which 7=12 years human kids work as rider !! during this race many kids die , wounded ,and Arabs like to enjoy that race !!?? this city =Al-Jubail industrial city Arabs are like that only !!?? these people only order to South Indian +other to do this torture and then these people enjoy that !!?? Date 27-10-2008 , even in office also 80% Indian Hindu are telling me by brain voice =that these = Saudi -kayan people did not did one thing with you that they through you out by hold your hand the mainly by UP-India based Hindu told like that , who is from place of Ms Myavatti -Chief minister UP-India +body rays at my human extract organ is going on by MH =Maharastra based Hindu Chemist ,Lab Specialist ,technicians ,these all are Hindus from Maharastra –India ,this they are doing b’se these people want me to feel uneasy during work ,while Indian politics telling that MH = Maharastra is secular state of india , from where out of 62 years ,55 years congress party win ,but this is also true Ruhel , , other wise this order of torture ,body rays ,brain voice is given to do by My Direct –Boss =technical Supt , and he is Saudi Human while it also have one Saudi gentleman =a higher official then it !!!?? who hired me directly from Mumbai –Taj Hotel !!?? Ruhel date 02-11-2008 .
While I am going to office through one bus full kayan people ,it’s driver is south Indian =Keralite (Kerela ) he and 4 Philippino did high level attack on my respect =up to dignity level on date 01-11-2008 ,by telling abused to my brain ,literacy , experience ,my list publications ,my list of human work all at international level !!!?? while the fact sheet of india is it’s maximum presidents are from Kerela only ,Shashi Throoor was also Kerela Brahmin =Old upper class Hindu !!?? and these people =Kerela people are only doing body rays torture to me at my human extract organ, so that
I should feel uneasy and will feel like in am in toilet !!!?? while I am sorry to say that india will again nominate one more Kerela person for president and UN –Secretary general post from india !!??? while person like me =Ruhel Chisty =Ruhel Chistry =RChisty =RChistry will face these high level inhuman activities in real life !!?? one more thing that MS Sonia Gandhi have two PA =personal assistant ,both are from Kerela only !!?? while I know that MS Sonia Gandhi is most powerful lady in india ,but she is getting only those letter which given by these types of Keralite !!?? Ruhel date 02-11-2008 . while I think Philippino are doing these things b’se they are among 80 nations those support USA ,by sending its troops at international war , I think till now Philippino sent approx 8000 troops till now to USA War support ! after face this huge forced body rays torture I found The Human extract organ ,and central of stomach have most sensitive human sensory system ,which can easily affected by forced body rays 0-160 cps , and its god Joke that he made such type of human societies in world also those are using his given gift to torture ,his given body mechanism =sensory system to torture =0-160 cps !! I think he will only do some thing against such human societies those are misusing his =God gift !!??? Ruhel Date 10-11-2008 KSA . from the past 10 months of Saudi Arabia and 2 years =2.8 years of Dubai =UAE ,I found that in ME =Gulf the Indian are doing some extra ordinary level criminal activities under the face of democracy , the have in ME =Gulf two main lobby those are maximum in Jobs South Indian ( =Keralite ,Tamil ,++) And Konkarni Zone , these people have mafia like actives to get all the posts of ME =Gulf if you see the Indian HR Agents in Mumbai ,Delhi ,Chennai, Banglor you will found that maximum are south Indian =>80% and rest are Konkarni 20% ,
While on other hand from past 13 days ,my neighbor living flat Saudi’s =4-5 Saudi Arabian ,are using exhaust fan of their bath room , to through white poisonous fumes with lobban flavor , means they are thronging at my bath room poisonous white good smell fumes ,which is caused me cough ,cold , some other problems , as their bath room is open at my bath room window ,and there is no other open place , while this is second human made disorder , forced cough ,cold by use of poisonous white good smell fumes through exhaust fan and few of these Saudi are working in SABIC !!??? it tell me that How Al Quaida is getting high level cruel =evil talented Saudi’s in their organization to do 9/11 ,7/7 like terror act !!??? Ruhel date 28-10-2008 , while this Nation =Saudi Arabia have 6 lacks Indonesian also ,about them world know that they doing terror activities due to their jihad thinking ,
, as past years terror activities data at international level tell , what I seen that Al-Jubail industrial city based Indonesian are also like to support this torture ,and they are telling (by Brain voice ) that if they do not do this they can not do work , in Company =Kayan , means they have force to do support in torture ,from the Indian those are 1200 =more then 70% and from Saudi’s=Kayan working those like torture activities , and like to enjoy that !!??
Again on date 15-10-2008 I try to published my article ,on Journal Nature its braches to neurology , Internet , just to tell world best - neuroscientist =editors about this torture !!?? while in day I am facing same like torture in office ,by Indian +Saudi ‘s , same like what I mention up =extreme inhuman level , by brain waves ,voice rays , =act like hunting dogs attack on their hunt !!?? As I know that till 2020/2030 US ,EU will get many elements on mars ,those will provide energy to world These elements will take place the position of Petro energy !! As I think 2082 there will not petrol , on earth And till that time Saudi Arabian all posts =all jobs will be with Saudi’s only , and as I am looking from US ,EU policies that they are thinking of their own energy resources ,they do not want to buy petrol from ME=Gulf ,in condition like to borrow 1700 Billion $ from China and given to Saudi Arabia !!?? if these type of activities like my real case will continuous in ME=Gulf I can say the future of ME=Gulf !! Ruhel Date 20-10-2008
While these people are trying from past 10 months ,to forced me to take Either Arabia Doctor ,OR Indian doctor treatment ,these are those who will take its as Audio –Hallucination ,While in my view its torture at open level as these types of people did with Taslima Nasreen ,a writer who wrote some naked facts about some nation ,she is till now facing these types of people as recently in Hyderabad –India , while she is doctor so she can save her brain ,but can not save life , by attack from such type of people , !!?? while from past 10 months I am not allowed to apply for jobs in Dow ,Dupont , Shell ,BP , Exxon ,GE ,from original web , also I am not allowed to apply for UN jobs with mew PHP =Changes =as per recent update !!?? And after that I am facing all these sin ,evil level people ,attack on life ,brain ,sleep ,work ,All goods those are coming to me , like My Luck was calling me in Hull University ,where my first paper from Saudi Arabia got selected that was against A-Quaida , there I had chance to meet world best Innovators scientists ,professors in Innovation in ,analytical chemistry at , !!?? means it look like that these Arabic people are doing all these things to make happy india +their long term relation with india ,and on other hand it look like that these people want to make my life ,future as hell !!?? as these people are as such !!??
!!?? But I was not allowed by –IT Administrator ,they hide the place of down load paper !!??
My that article =Title was= Ruhel instrument= Ruhel –electronic +optical = sensors ,to stop new forced – brain waves /voice torture 0-160 cps ==Forced body rays 60 cps to 160 cps at human – sex organ ,Food extract organ its Attack on your dignity ,its very painful to literate ,gentle person it look like slavery ? torturer are few – cruel - human societies=southern Asian +this city local ,day and night torture its open to all in city have human population 3 lacks ! , and this is not Audio hallucination ,this is torture , ,means the victim have to face this torture till his life if he is willing to live +work in these mentions nations =forcing to live below human ,with out dignity !!?!! =New way of torture=way of teasing tactic develop by least human right ,and highly corrupt , least laws and order - nations people like India and ,ME-Gulf during job, work +sleep !!? (20%-80 % of total their - society) here people are using human biological science as instrument to torture !!?? And torturer will be try to get benefits at UN ,USA ,EU level by use of corruption !!?? Will tell that this is hallucination =schizophrenia ,with their own proofs !?? ,while my first publication in 2002-3 was it self anti terror at IUPAC from Dubai =UAE ,now 5th ,at , from this land =Saudi Arabia in March 2008 , it self was to prevent terror attack on Aramco +SABIC +Like these other petrochemical companies =Mobil ,Total ,BP ,Shell ,DOW ,Dupont ++ that paper selected in RSC =Royal society of chemistry which have >10-90 Nobel laureates in its membership , Ruhel ,while UN know, that what is mean of Saudi Aramco +SABIC for Saudi Arabia =its government !!?? these people are doing these things b’se these people think that is bear with out teeth and nail and only torturer nation have nail and teeth , with intelligence agency = either Indian IB or Saudi IB, ,trained human dog society ,by use of TV voice mode ,this training is going on from past 16-8 years ,to society level ,to this cruel level ,what these cruel people will do later on to UN world !!?? Ruhel date 26-09-2008 , victim have to face these teeth ,nail , b’se these people know that Indian/ME=Gulf medical science is considering these brain waves ,voice as Audio hallucination=a medical corruption to nations build =these types of nations !!? ,means the victim have to face this torture till his life if he is willing to live +work in these mentions nations =forcing to live below human ,with out dignity !!?!! = a abuse level use of satellite technology, Ruhel date 16-10-2008 KSA This is also not allowed by –IT Administrator !!?? You can understand how is Arab’s relation with Indian !!?? What these people will do for world !!??
I found that on all internet cafes there are internet cafes administrator are also working with my same email ID ,Article by adding some thing ,by changing some thing ,by not allowing to open webs ,by adding some criminals work in my sent e-letter + my sent article !! its I found from past 10 months of my life in Al-Jubail industrial city ,While I did try to get internet connection at my own PC , but local al-Jubail industrial city Saudi’s did not allow me till now while I month internet charge at home is 199 SR ,for 528 MB , and 300 SR for 1 GB I am ready to pay this but I am not allowed till now ,and if I try to tell world in reality what I am facing here then these internet café administrator will use the South Indian +Other southern Asian countries people to torture me by telling that this man =Ruhel Chisty is mental so writing like this about this city reality its when these internet café administrator are using my name ,Email IDs when I am working on internet from past 10 months, they are doing its when I paying full charges of their asked =3SR per hour !!??
Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here !
if you are Asian minorities innovator =extra talented in physics =innovation ,then you will face different torture in ME =Gulf and your birth nation ,b’se these nations are banned at USA ,Europe level to get advanced technology ,from NASA ,ESA ,USA Defense related companies !! these people can put you in trouble , after your name at international level , like Pittcon ,IUPAC ,EAS,DHS ,SAM2006 ,SAM 2008 , += these people can sent crime related email ,from your email to USA ,Europe ,UN to put you in hard time ++ and then will use you =your scientific career ,work , emails to get advanced technology from NASA ,EAS,JAXA which is coming to your name in space ,physics ,chemistry ,environmental !! till case is not open at international level and you became free from hard time !!?? as I am Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, , , ,SAM-2006 , ,…,Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,

Note 1 : Sir I was selected for , NRC –post doc -Fellowship/FDA , Final Best - candidate for that time project !!?? =National Research council ,USA , which funded by FDA =US-FDA , by NRC Adviser , Dear Ron Waynant (Waynant, Ronald W ) = RWW@CDRH.FDA.GOV, , ( Senior optical engineer for the Food and Drug Administration ) & adjunct professor at Catholic University, Washington, D.C , , published more than 60 journal papers , 70 presentations. seven patents, has edited three books, editor-in-chief of the IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine. ) for period 2005-2006 !! But I was not allowed further NRC –Administrators !! ,Just due to My maximum degree is/was MSc ,Not PhD !! but now from 2006 , NRC,NAS is taking MSc students ,also for post doc fellowship directly with out PhDs , =Those are MSc , and experienced , have publications at PITTCON ,EAS, IUPAC , , ,.are getting post doc fellowships from NRC,NAS –USA .with out PhDs !!
Note 2: Please , I did work for Japan project=Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure -I did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & I worked on this project ~2 years . Pl I have 70% BSc Physics ,68% BSc chemistry +have 9 years experienced as Analytical chemistry=chemist/scientist , included, ~3 years from ISO -9002 ,BVQI , Dubai municipality accredited lab ,=International experience
(1) Note : please even now a days these Al-Jubail Industrial city internet café administrators ,are hacking during my submission of Abstracts =papers at international conferences ,Like IEEE ,IUPAC 2009 ,Pittcon ,EAS ,.. so that none of my paper got selected there and I will never able to attend conferences as author , so that I have to work ,work here in highly inhuman atmosphere , torture , one more thing I am applying to jobs thought ACS =C&EN NEWS ,New Scientist , from past 5 months ,there reply also these people are deleting so that I have to work here in torture ,harassed condition , have to accept all of these people !!?? even these people make corrupt to my all attached resume at these webs ,so that they=employer will never able to open My resume !!.
(2) while I try to get internet connection to my name for my own PC ,I applied 3 months back for internet connection till now I did not got internet connection ,it also tell that Al-Jubail local administrators are also supporting what every going here !!?? Sir , as per my knowledge , even in under develop nations it self we can get internet connection easily !!??
Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here !
Special Note : Sir my today’s working company have 800 Indians ,they all are brutally torture me during work at Office by brains waves ,voice +other ,b’se my case reached to UN ,UNPAN ,UNODC , concern continuous 5 years forced unemployed ness , it reach to world bank Publication division also , so these people acting like Terrorist group ,against that I did wrote to international level ,and my company officials also keeping mum b’se this company have 600 Indian employees out of 900 !! and these all did high level torture to me from past 5 months !!?? if I did join = Analytical Research Forum 2008 , them I should have one more job in my hand ,and I did not faced this brutally torture till 150 days continuous !! now I am waiting for my new paper selection in EDAS , IUPAC ,PITTCON , EAS , ACS , and I will join there and I will talk for new job + freedom from this brutally torture + brutally society !! sir you tell me is you was thinking that Indian are like this ,Is You was thinking Saudi are like this !! if not ,this is real case .Ruhel . sir now a days these Indian those are working in my today’s working company , are doing continuous -high torture = brutally , me during work ,by brain voice , so that I will do mistake ,and company official will get that mistakes , b’se every day I have to work on computer ~ 6-7 .30 hours , and these Indian are doing so high torture that some time I am thinking which hell , I am working where none is human forget my today’s working nation citizen these are proved high level - inhuman ! but there are few European people also working in this company !! but ??? Ruhel Date 23-07-2008 .please these Indian are torture me by putting comments like MAD ,PAGAL ,Benda, in front of you when you are working in company ,when you are eating food at Office , even its when you are that time working in ME =Gulf only one global company .company official will not stop them b’se they know they are due to Indian ,Philippino ,+ work force only !!??
Please a real life article ,for social equity ,empower , for Scientific minorities people ,like me from southern Asian countries , those are facing harassment in their birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=Gulf countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,Europe , from India and ME . I am Indian Minority ,OBCs =Other back word class candidate =christen !!?? Please if I can not got job in USA ,Europe ,from India ,ME=Gulf then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? sir if these Indian can do these inhuman activities with me in KSA =Al Jubail Industrial city , then I can real sense understand what is going on in India with minorities ,b’se in 2002 march Gujarat-India , BJP =RSS =Bdal =VHP people got all list of minorities house ,shops ,bikes , farms ,by use of NGO survey= government data ,did by Management students , and fast use of computer ,to make one list ,and then destroy all these things !!, same way recently in Rajasthan ,kapasan 2006 September ,jaipur ,they used computer ,and government data =NGO survey Destroy the minorities house ,farms ,bikes , ++ by planed work , same way in Jaipur also these BJP=RSS =VHP Bdal people hit to three - Christen father = 3 Bishop , to kill level , and shown to media also to fear in Minorities , after all these things my request to UN to make one independent UN team which will watch the Minorities kids exams results ,b’se these people will now destroy there kids exams results also ,so less percentage , in exams even they did good papers , b’se now these people can take their names list via computer and will give them less marks ,in exams from 5th standard to BSc ,to MSc to BE ,ME ,Btech ,MTech ,MBBS ++ level so minorities student % will move to less ,less ,and so no career ,no future only they will force to crime ,criminal activities !!?? if it did not watch by UN independent team !! all Indian minorities ,OBCs ,STs ,SCs students exams paper what they wrote via computers !!!??? Ruhel date 06-11-2008 .
violation of U.N.G.A Res. 1904(XVIII) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217A (III) =Human rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here !
sir I can understand the ZERO peace in Kashmir (Jammu and Kashmir ) is mainly due to the role of Military intelligence of india =MI india , I think this problem is due to 90% role of MI India +10% due to MI –Pakistan !!! As I know that When the Hindu –Brahmin King of Old Kashmir request to merge in india that time they also made one Kashmir constitute and they tell that they want Kashmir own prime minister in Kashmir who will act in Kashmir only +they will follow that only !! they will not follow Indian constitute +Indian prime minister !! while that time Kashmir Population was 60% of Indian minorities religion they were not Hindu but king was Hindu !! as I am facing torture from MI ,PAW ,IB in india from 1998 July to 2001 28th Jan (~ 3 years forced unemployed ness as I complained at international level against torture was going on to me by 0-160 cps brain waves /voice by Udaipur city people , then I faced same Indian MI,IB,RAW torture in Dubai also at TV –Voice mode ,from April 2001 to 2003 Feb !! then I faced same Indian MI ,RAW,IB torture in Udaipur –Raj from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan =continuous 5 years forced un employed ness +torture !! then I am facing same Indian MI,IB,RAW torture in Saudi Arabia also at TV –Voice mode ,from Feb 2008 to till now !! sir surprise thing is that ME =Gulf these mention countries are allowing Indian MI ,RAW,IB to use there air space to this level !! (please note Ruhel Date 13-11-2008 ) ,it also tell me that why till now none of Indian christen +Indian Muslim got prime minister of india +home minister of india post + Senior IAS ,IPS in PMO , And home minister !! why !!?? why they given only president posts to these Indian christen +Indian Muslim only !!?? b’se these new Delhi based south Indian Hindu lobby + north Indian Hindu lobby know that if some of these Indian christen +Indian Muslim got these posts then they will came to know the reality of india policies fro Indian christen +Indian Muslim !! at nation development level on cost of minorities human like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =Ruhel Chistry =RChistry !! whose first paper =abstract was against terror =Al Quaida ,from Saudi Arabia = April /march 2008 !! and his second paper =Abstract is On 21 -09-2008 I submit one Article to My officials = = for good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++ either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical companies Ruhel Chisty Date 13-11-2008
with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!??
Sir I know that Old Africa ,Old india also taken freedom from Old Britain , +Other but none of there old people killed innocent by bomb blast like what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan ,there one religion typical people are killing innocents for freedom by Human bomb ,and bomb blasts and due to high rate of unemployed ness !! But these things may be in Old Africa and old india when they were Under rule of Old Britain +other !!?? but there was kill of their own citizen was zero like this bomb blasts to kill innocent people !!?? Ruhel date 13-11-2008 Time : 11:30 AM .
While these Islamic militant =Al-Quaida +its branches killed More then 97% of total human toll in Iraq , it may be 60,000 these all were innocent Iraqi human ,kids ,women ,girls , these Militants do not have any human sense ,they just want to out fear in people
While only 3% of this total toll did killed by International army in Iraq , and US army people toll is 4001 US Human , same way in Afghanistan also Al Quaida plus its branches killed More then 97% of total human toll ,same way in Pakistan also Al Quaida plus its branches killed More then 97% of total human toll it tell that Islamic militant are killing innocents only to put fear in them , and these people are doing this to rise their religion putting this work as Jihad !!?? and these all belong to one religion , killer and killed innocent person !!?? this is only this religion toady’s condition !!?? while I am surprise that these killer are getting from where money to kill innocent people !!?? from which human region they getting money !!?? Same way from past 10.5 months I am facing torture in Saudi Arabia by body rays ,brain waves at my Human extract organ , actually these Indian + Arabic laws and order want to make feel me =Ruhel Chisty as human extract it self b’se after body rays at my human extract organ it forced me to fell like think about human extract !!?? while this nation =Saudi Arabia laws and order is supporting to these torture ,its provoking these torture to do more cruel activities then this ,and this was also exist in Dubai from April 2001 to 2003 , But this body rays torture was not in india ( from Feb. 2003 to 2008 22 Jan = 5 years , except forced unemployed ness , I used to go at Lal Ghat area of Udaipur at library =Jadish Chock library , where=Lal Ghat area 9 lacks==9,00000 international tourist used to came every year , from Europe , China ,Korea , USA ,Japan , Israeli from them 55 % were girls ,from European countries ,few of then were beautiful , But this forced body rays torture at my human extract organ was never taken place , I use to go in that area every day for 2-3 hours continuous from 2004 to 2008 ,20th Jan ,I worked there on internet café also to sent my real life case at Sweden ministries ,Reuters , Hitachi research centre , ++ , where near by me few foreigners were seating and doing email ,or telephone via internet ! !! But these ME =Gulf people work force ,and laws and order are very cruel ,not stooping forced body rays torture ,but promoting them !!?? this activity to kill innocent ,torture innocent is maximum in Arabic living people only !! as still this torture do not stop it will tell that it’s cause root of Arabic + its like religion cruelty and corruption to humen kill level !!?? its when whole world hate one categories of people , those are living in particular areas , they did not want to stop crudity ,their cruel laws and order these people are thinking that these people will put some innocent human and scientific man name at international level he will help these people b’se he is from poor democratic , nation those have 185 in honesty at TI level =transparency international =UN Branch to watch corruption level , out of 192 nations ,while there Bangladesh is 188 !! ?? Niger is 190 !!?? !!?? Sweden is on 3 , Norway is 1=top honest , Ireland is 2ntop honest nation USA is 18t UK is 25 !!?? Ruhel A human both to proudly date 14-11-2008
While from past few months the mobile service provider added one software in my Cell =Mobile which is broking my talk when I am taking to USA ,Europe people say AAAS ,ACS ,PITTCON ++ they are not able to listen what I am saying to them , while I am paying full money fro that talk at Saudi telecommunication = mobile service provider ,like that till now my 1000 SR consumed with out result , I am getting tension and they are not able to listen my talk , my talk is going to be broken at there end !!?? these all people complain to me + told me to talk through land line ,not cell ,mobile !!?? But there will also same thing will happened !! as I think that my work against Al-Quaida did not liked by Saudi think tank =Saudi IB ,MI ,intelligence agencies or there permitted Indian IB in Riyadh or new Delhi those are using Saudi Arabia air base= Satellite base =Saudi TV –Range !!??
like this to talk me to torture me to discriminate me from past 11 months of Saudi Arabia !!?? as my fifth publication at international level =RSC Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world !!?? while first is , New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada , This is also against Al –Quaida = specially Osman Bin Laden !!?? actually it was to kill him = to search this terrorist +then kill , this I published in 2002 /2003 from Dubai =UAE at IUPAC level !!?? Ruhel Date 16-11-2008 .
please while I have , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs
It look to me that my publications against terrorism and my this Resume =cover letter =Blog is looking to Saudi Arabian people that I worked against these people religion and reality , !! so when ever some terror attack taken place in any where in world these people =Saudi Based there Human societies start to attacks on me ,torture me badly , by body rays ,brain voice , B’se it look that May be these types of torture activities is part of these people life !! to torture innocents ,kill innocents in old era !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 27-11-2008 ,
Sir , I am Asian minority and how many like me you will get from Asian minority ,those are doing there best to secure USA/UK / National security at Best of the international conferences by doing publications against Bio terror ,terror ,anti explosives ++ Publications in Human rights ,social science ,environmental !! how many like me !!??? sir while I know that Pakistan is getting huge benefits from USA =White house as it is strong partner of USA In war against terror !!?? while on other hand same white house part is doing nothing for me =Ruhel Chisty=RChisty !!?? no single support like Pakistan is enjoying !!?? from past 50 years !!?? I know that they got F-16, NOW F-18, NOW F-22 ,may be F-35 also ++many other benefited =Billions $ from past many years + advanced technology also to counter terrorism ,same is with Afghanistan government also !!?? Ruhel date 27-11-2008 Time : 5:20 AM .On date 17-11-2008 One Secular Maharastraian Hindu chemist was forcing me to accept that my all publications in Physics ,Space ,innovation are fake =these accept as publication b’se Indian Intelligence have one email (with out my signature concern some Crime !) so they given that email to USA ,EU all officials , and My Name Ruhel Chisty ,to all professors ,scientist of USA ,EU ! so they are selecting my publications to make Ruhel Chisty =RChisty as international joke =or kill in other way !!?? But now I want to mention these secular Indian are those who were forcing to world that Ruhel Chisty ,BSc degree is fake !! Ruhel Chisty got these 75% marks in Physics ,82% in Organic chemistry due to link with professors of University !! while same these secular Indian like keep mum on Ruhel Chisty MSc degree ,10th ,11th Class marks !! b’se they were less then BSc marks !! this point I mention here because I want to tell world still in india there are 20 corer Indian minorities few of there kids may be like me , may be many kids like I was from 8th standard to MSc !! as I know about Gujarat what Administrative level do by get detail of all minorities people house ,bank accounts ,lands ,farms ,bikes += and in 2002 march Riots they destroy all things up to maximum level , it tell that Indian Hindu can do any thing can get any data by use of IT Technology , Indian government all
work at IT level =just on one click , and few forms you will able to get all data of any required person =any Indian citizen !!?? same thing these Hindu did in Rajasthan also in 2007 !!?? use of IT technology to get detail of all minorities people house ,bank accounts ,lands ,farms ,bikes +=at kapasan , Bdal people burn ,destroy these things of Indian minorities by getting detail by use of IT technology Chittorgarh Rajasthan area in Rajasthan BJP =RSS Government is working from past 2004 !!! ?? and Rajasthan government is now towards e-government !!?? Ruhel date 18-11-2008 .
If I got some good email ,due to my good work to protect world environmental ,and global warming , say from IAF ,ILAC Secretariat ,then these Saudi Kayan =SABIC working Indian mafia will stat to torture me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,and these people will not hesitate to use to Bangladeshi peon =tea boys and Pilipino working in this company to more torture me !!?? the torture will so high that normal person can quite from job ?? even he worked in this SABIC for 1 year continuous ?? Ruhel Chisty date 18-11-2008
(add the Title of my work which I sent to ILAC ,IAF :-- )
Sir these ME =Gulf living people are so inhuman =brutal that these people are do not allowing us =person like me from minorities ,OBCs to apply at international jobs ,in real way ,as well as these people are not allowing us to immigrate at Canada ,New Zealand , if we try these people will used their human dog society to torture up to extreme level of inhumanity=extreme brutal level at your brain ,at your work , at your dignity all extreme level with out hesitation with out any fear of UN ,UNHRC ,UNODC ,ICJ ,EU Ruhel Date 2409-2008 !!?? it I faced in real life of KSA ,from past 8 months , as I try to apply world leading companies in Fine chemical ,chemical ,like DuPont ,Dow ,Exxon Mobil , ++ these people did not allow me to make my own job application at these companies webs , so if you can not apply for job ,you will not get job and you have to face these today’s ,inhuman ME =Gulf living people ,those will laugh at you after these all ,will try to force you to accept these people companies as best your life options !!!?? and you are not so talent that you will; able to get jobs in Europe ,USA ,Canada ,New Zealand , you will only able to get negatives emails reply only !!?? if you allow to apply through New Scientist ,ACS ,Nature from ME =Gulf, b’se these people =Internet café administrator will watch your emails ,and will deleted as you positive email for your better future ,these people will keep only negative emails , will torture ,harassed ,and laugh at you after all these !!?? these all things happened after my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of = Analytical Research Forum 2008, anti -chemical terror
These people do not allowed me to join this conference while that time I want to meet world best innovation scientist and want to tell them my real life case =forced unemployed ness ,torture continuous 5 years ,Feb. 2003 to JAN 22,2008 !! ?? As these people =Saudi Arabia want to help Indian government , want to make strong to look at India =east !!?? these people try to make my case internet ,internet only =No real meet with international people these people have only one religion no human thought =Arabs only !!?? Ruhel
Even I try to get my own internet connection , I reached to Saudi telecommunication office ( , at Al-Jubail industrial city , I submit application for that also ,they given me application number =697611258 , it is incident of 5 months back , till now these people did not provide me internet connection , neither telephone line attached internet nor , mobile =Cell connected internet ,while the charges fro that 1 GB is 100 SR per month ,its of Cell =Mobile ,while for telephone internet is 199 SR per month for 528 Kbite ,I am ready to pay both but these people are not providing me ,b’se what ever is going in my life is supported by KSA =Saudi Arabia Government they are supporting directly to Indian government putting me in hell like condition ,torture form all side , at office ,at café ,at living building and at road also by brain waves ,voice =0-160 cps !!??? Ruhel date 22-09-2008 .now a days due to night torture , there is slight pain –mild high pain in my central brain , due to continuous night torture from past 8 months of this Saudi Arabia , and I found that The people those are living in Al-Jubail industrial city are world lowest human , high level cruel ,those are enjoying this brutally torture in Day ,night to me !!??
And I found that in this torture there is full support of either Saudi IB, Or Indian IB =Intelligence agency , these people are using satellite technology ,communication technology ,to watch my every day life and proving them =torturer =Indian (maximum south Indian and Konkarni +other human dog society by use of TV =Voice mode of TV !!??
Sir its going on from past 1998 October, to 2001 Jan 28th , B’se from that day I start to wrote complain against brain waves, voice torture to me at Udaipur city at international level human right organizations thought internet ,via search by, , , that time its self I know the power of internet , so these Indian intelligence service came in action !! they start to use my living neighbors =Like Farooq Khan Nayak ,his wife , Other neighbors , these people start to use TV Voice mode ,to request =Order then to torture Ruhel Chisty ,in night in such a way that he will never able to understand ,and will loose his brain +all !!?? its just simple keep torture in night +do not allow to get jobs !! that why I was kept forced Unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination , from 1998 October to 2001 2 Feb also !! this is the reality of Indian IB =abused level use of satellite technology =TV !!?? same things these Indian IB =RAW & Saudi IB are doing here also !!!??
Surprising thing is that those Indian who will support Indian IB =RAW abused level work will get rise in india ,will get full benefit of Hindu government !!?? this Farooq Khan Nayak is just 11th pass Man ,and his father is diploma in Civil engineers , but he get rise ,Got PA ,of MLA Udaipur rural ,Kham raj Katara (who was Dalit Rajasthani) ,and this man = Farooq Khan Nayak torture me from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan continuous in night !!?/as he was /is my neighbors ,from past 25 years , now he have two cars ,two JCBs +huge bank balance ,its all given by BJP Government +congress party ,to provide then good business in Udaipur and Rajasthan !!?? its all mean is those who will support the Hindu nation policies to any level they will get rise in that nations !!?? if you see the history of Gujarat riots ,there also two Muslim police inspectors got rise in career as they support in riots ,to Rioters = BJP Government !!?? now they are High post police officer !! while in these people area ~200 people killed +many houses burn ,looting take place !! but they get reward from Gujarat government =Mr. Narandra Modi government !!?? same way here in KSA I will get penalized as I am against terrorism at international level +proved . and its continuous from past 2002 to till now =My first Anti terror publication = Ruhel Sensor at ,to Now RSC !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 06-11-2008 ,
,As I read that Religious Muslim people are talking about Fire of hell , I think these ME=Gulf people want to make my life and this city as fire of hell for me as this land is Muslim land !!??
.As I know that Mahatma Gandhi was try to kill =murder , 19 =10+9 times by Hindu only by poison in food and at last he was killed =Shoot by bullet that was also Hindu , same way Dyanand Sarasvatii was also try to given poising in food 19 time =10+9 times by Hindu only !!?? same Rajeev Gandhi was also blast by Hindu lady =Tamil =LTTE –lady !!?? with me one driver worked =Sultan ,at LTS-Dubai he was also Tamil was hating to Rajeev - Gandhi family !!?? FBI- DHS , should take his Brain mapping ,Brain finger print by f-MRI ,instrument concern reality , and better world , he worked 10 years in KSA ,10 years in Dubai , here in ME =Gulf Tamil is very powerful lobby like Keralite=Kerela ,by money wise ,population wise , impact on ME =Gulf policies ,
please I can understand that Kashmir ,Assam ,Naksallite problems of India are made by Indian ,only mainly NRI =Non residence Indian (prime brain of India living in USA ,EU,ME =Gulf ) and 4% to 20% high level living status of Indian Population , as I am looking from my real life these NRI –those are in Al-Jubail industrial city ,KSA ,And Dubai =UAE are not allowing me to live as Human ,they are torturing me ,discriminating me , forcing me to live below human ,with out dignity !!?? its when I have list of human work ,list of publications ,list of nominations , then I am facing these all torture , I can understand that what’s Indian government is doing in Kashmir =reply of peace march by Bullet, open kill ,open murder innocent common men women , same way Assam , poorer area of Zharkhand ,Bihar =Naksallite area !!?? these are also India are made by Indian ,only mainly NRI =Non residence Indian + 4% to 20% high level living status of Indian Population ,!!?? Recently one case cited in Indian news channels (like NDTV ,Indian express ) ,that Indian CID –Kashmir branch ,killed 6 innocent Kashmiri and put their body in down to earth of CID office building , But this case open b’se CID vacant building due to new building formation , and when new construction taken place ,so worker found body skeletons, when their DNA taken place they found those innocent young male of Kashmir and those were in lost list of Kashmir CID Police !?? b’se there family people complain to Kashmir human right commission ,that their young boy are missing ,may be taken by Kashmir Police !!?? its after DNA its proved that were All -6 young boy those complain was in Kashmir human right commission against police !!?? while India have KPS Gill like anti terrorist police officials ,who have one formula only to kill all Sikhs those were suspected to Terrorist ,it was cited in Punjab human right commission that during KPS Gill time ,he killed =or his police killed 25,000 innocent Sikhs =on account of terrorism !!?? it found that Punjab Police was killing human and burning their bodies back to police station with out any laws and order !!??
this man= KPS Gill now a days is advisory to Zharkhand Government , from to kill Naksallite !!??? and I am 100% sure that here also he will kill 50 ,000 innocent tribal and poor people of Zharkhand ,Bihar ,UP , on account of Naksallite or Indian terrorism !!??
Ruhel Date 02-09-2008 .
Please I think ME=Gulf have lowest level of human science ,at diplomatic relation with India to make happy Indian people living in KSA ,they can do any thing at me ,my brain ,my real life case !! !!??
Sir I found that here in my living village =city , these people have South Korean ,those are living near my living place , after 7=6+1 months continuous seen there activities I am sorry to say that they like to became 7th level Human society in ME=Gulf those can accept any thing to increased there business in ME =Gulf ,their =South Korean ,they can support to my living nation people to any level ???!! even which tell to kill humanity also !!?? and this city have 3 lacks Local , also those actually lost Human science in complete way ,they are now just Like with out humanity ,those can do , force to do any thing , just for ME =Gulf rise with support of Indian people=up to kill of humanity ,kill of any thing !!??? Ruhel date 30-08-2008 A Real talk !!??
Please on date 06-09-2008 ,I was torture badly by Indian , from time 7:30 AM To 10:00 AM b’se that time my today’s working company ,only Hindus and christen were working (as I am christen ) ,b’se in KSA, here is Ramadan ,so all Muslims are coming at 10 :00 am , And I am doing all work from past 7=6+1 months in high torture condition , and that also up to professional level of this company desired =SABIC level =global 231 in fortune magazine , while none of this company official stop torture during work, I think ME =Gulf is base of India to finished human right ,social science ,scientific cases !!?? and these Arabia are taking this opportunity to help India And Indian government to any level !!?? Ruhel date 06-09-2008 .
On date 14-09-2008 I was torture badly by Indian morning time , when I was going to take office bus at 2 Km far from my living place , and then in office also I was torture badly , Open , and I found that there is no education bar , to torturer ,there is no post bar , to torturer ,there is no salary bar ,means the Indian engineer also torturing me , Indian other official post also Indian chemist also !!?? b’se its disorder in Indian and there is no cure and no medicine is there !!?? b’se this land =Al Jubail industrial city have 70% to 80% Indian only ,and my today’s working company also have 70% to 80% Indian only !!?? its Ramadan time of KSA =Saudi Arabia !!?? then also torture is going on !!?? this torture is up to abuse level to my dignity , its was very cruel , all thing was going on open in company =Saudi-KAYAN =SABIC ,none of company 200=100+100 Saudi official stop this those are manager ,GM ,Vive president ,president of this company ,they all are keeping mum on this high humanity volition, this these people did b’se these people came to know that Ruhel Chisty =Ruhel Chistry is trying to get better future in USA ,Europe ,so these people became angry ,that how can this man can get better future ,he=Ruhel only deserved inhuman ,torture ,up to abuse level of humanity , he only deserved works of human life , he can not deserved like Any UN Work force , treatment any International civil servant treatment ,any scientific treatment which fit on him =Ruhel as his work till now at international level , these Indian are those did torture me during forced unemployed ness period also !!?? like why you are not getting job in ME =Gulf and India ,even you are 9 years experience as analytical ,R&D Chemist ,you have 10 publications at international level ,you have few publication against terrorism , you are nominate for UN awards , NASA Award , Rolex award , Harvard university award , this torture in faced in every day life of India ,from Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 !!?? not only by other people but family people also !!?? these people came to know through Indian +Saudi IB =TV Voice mode =cruel use of satellite technology =a abuse level use of satellite technology to these least human rights nations !!??
, it tell that in future Saudi Arabia will be defense base of India ,like at present India have its two Muslim nations as defense base =Ajarbajjan , some how Iran one part , it means the fighter plane ,Nuke –Plane will flight from here to defense activity against humanity !!?? it also tell that ME =Gulf will support India to got P8 -P10 position at UNSC ,while India will support Saudi Arabia for P 15-P20 !!!?? and there humanity ,human rights, will cry , !!??? and these people will be power at UNSC !!?? it tell that these Indian & ME=Gulf people will kill lot of human like me =Ruhel ,while my first publication from this land =Saudi Arabia it self was to prevent terror attack on Aramco +SABIC +Like these other petrochemical companies =Mobil ,Total ,BP ,Shell ,DOW ,Dupont ++ that paper selected in RSC =Royal society of chemistry which have >10-90 Nobel laureates in its membership , Ruhel .
Sir I read that China ,have one region =Uygur =Xinjiang Uighur, these chinies=china government ,
are doing with these people same as Indian government doing with Kashmir (Indian part ) , actually Kashmir king sign deal in 1946 with India that they will a join India but there will there own- Kashmir constitute ,not Indian constitute will applicable there , there will Kashmir prime minister , in Kashmir ,not India prime minister though will work there !!?? that time Kashmir king (India part ) was Hindu , but its population is 65% Muslims ,35% Hindu , while from past 15-20 years ,Indian government treating them as land ,their people thought as unwanted thing .even treating 65% Kashmiri as terrorist ! same as China ,is promoting at international level ,to Uygur =Xinjiang Uighur as terrorist !!?? while the reality is some other !!? may be there 1% people will towards crime ,high level crime !! but rest are not !!?? just like Kashmir –India part , Ruhel date 06-11-2008 .
Sir recently Mr Karadzic, who is accused of genocide =8000 kill , and crimes against humanity, was arrested in Serbia's capital, Belgrade. Due to the Serbia's government will to do like that ,good for their minorities , sir this man will put in front of UN tribunal=UN war crimes court at The Hague. , This is European country justice .it tell that Serbia's people till live !!!?? there humen still live !!?? now that killer = Mr Karadzic is in Hague jail =UN Jail !!??
,now we have Sudan President killer of 3.5 lacks human =genocide , that is African justice till now he not behind UN Court bar !!? it tell that Sudan’s people dead =huge population it also tell that Arab’s those supporting kill in Sudan by providing arms to Arab radicals are dead ,as human !!!Now we have Mr. Narandra Modi ,=Gujarat 2002 march , 2000 human genocide ,he is prompting to next prime minister of India by BJP =RSS =VHP , he win the 2007 chief minister election also !! it tell that Indian people dead , t there no human live !! all are either Hindu ,OR Supporters of Modi’s work directly and indirectly !!?? they are just cruel human , cruel Hindu population 1.3 billion , even there is congress party also indirectly supporter of BJP ,these activities ,to make happy Indian Hindu population included STs,SCs ,OBCs =Other back word class ,And most important the farmer and villagers , they are also dead ,they are also cruel Hindu only !!!?? it also tell that so called secular south Indian population also dead !! none of them did like Serbia's government , Serbia's people !!?? now my this resume is telling one more case ME=Gulf justice with diplomatic deal with Indian government !!!”?? to this level it self !! Please think what these people are !!?? what extra these people =ME=Gulf AND Indian can do !!!??
I found that Indian living in ME=Gulf ,and southern Asian people living in ME =Gulf are more cruel then RSS =VHP=Bdal=BJP people !!!?? same true with ME =Gulf citizens also !!!?? these people are attacking on my dignity openly at Road , by Brain waves ,voice ,and it look me that here in Al-Jubail industrial city ,0.0001% people are not up to human level =forget UN Human resolution 217 –III-A !!?? while this city population is 4 lacks ,it have 25% local citizens ,while rest are Indian ,Bangladeshi ,++ other southern Asian country people !!?? Ruhel date 06-11-2008 .
These Indians those are living in ME =Gulf are forcing=by brain waves torture , me from past 7 months that these people have one email of crime from me =Ruhel Chisty , and these people shown that email to Dr MS Agwani also !!??
My real uncle ,so Indian government make my case as political case ,from Feb 2003 to till now !!??
But I want to put one question here ,neither Indian government shown me that email ,nor Dr MS Agwani =my real uncle ,then these people are telling them self democratic people , and want UN ,maximum best posts like Secretary general , ++ Other higher official posts !!?? but !!?? like Indian government promote Shashi throor as UN Secretary general !! whose salary is 1 lacks $ per month +other benefits !!?? while in night I am facing force night dream =torture from 12.30 AM to 3.30 AM by few Saudi +few Bangladeshi +few South Indian living in my living building from past 7 months !!??? = its Ramadan time of KSA =Saudi Arabia !!?? then also torture is going on !!??
While I know that Indian government=Indian army ,CID , made 89,000 mental cases in Kashmir (from past 1990 to till now ) These people are those who are secular ,who are literate , who are bit educated but their brain did not able to face this highly inhuman atmosphere in Kashmir ,and Indian army action with these people ,there are <30% unemployed rate , while the ratio of religion is 60% to 40% ,
Same way there are 50,000 metal cases made by Indian government=Indian army in Assam , from past era , same way there are 70,000 mental cases in Israeli , 80,000 mental cases in philistine , these are also like those , who are bit educated but their brain did not able to face this highly inhuman atmosphere in their zone , Ruhel date 06-11-2008 KSA .
While in this al-Jubail industrial city , main market area there is one 5-10% mild brain disorder man is wondering , he is Asian African based Saudi citizen , but he can get best life if he take alprazolam pill 5 mg per night , so that he will get good sleep + will not wonder here and there will get Saudi citizen benefits , like other Saudi’s are getting ??? Ruhel date 07-09-2008 KSA .
While on date 29-06-2008 I sent my resume this resume to = . , Mary Kowalczyk --Administrative Assistant
, Human Resources-Employment and Placement, Argonne National Laboratory, Phone: (630) 252-2972
, "HR-Partners in the Mission”, I applied for job here from Saudi Arabia also ! as she got my case in 2007 , she told me to apply at Argonne National Laboratory jobs by plain resume , I applied in this USA Government company , 6 jobs of chemist ,plus other jobs , but !! I know what is mean to got job here , what human benefits ,to what level talent these people ask to apply for job .from this company HR Person it self . and I got one email ,from = = VP of Technology , ADCO Products
He told me to sent my resume in (.Doc) ,from ,I sent it also twice ,I doubt that also did not reach to him ,due to Arabia hacker=Internet café owner , even I try to contact him at telephone =001-800-248-4010. I know what is mean of VP=Vice president technology , !!! Ruhel date 24-07-2008 , A example of look at East=India policy of ME =Gulf people to this level it self !! Please think what these people are !!?? what extra these people =ME=Gulf AND Indian can do !!!?? Ruhel date 24-07-2008
Even recent on date 24 ,23 may 2008 , I sent my application for NZ Immigration as ISSL =Immediate skill Shortage List ,for analytical chemist = ANZSCO Number =234211 , my professions is very demanded there , and I have 10 years experience in analytical chemist ,not two year !! and I am member of ACS ,IUPAC Now RSC !! ISSL =Immediate skill Shortage List ,which published by Department of labor ,NZ Government , November 2007 , My this occupation= analytical chemist is mention there on top 4th position , this I sent to New Zealand immigration official web site ,there reply also deleted by South Indian or Arabic local =hacker !! even I got one email ,from Dear Ralph Juchheim (= President JULABO East & West ) ( ) , Hello, If interested pls send the resume in Word or PDF Format. There is no visible resume enclosed.
Thank you, Best, Ralph Juchheim, President JULABO East & West , on date Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:30 AM, From: ACS Careers [] he /she got my recent resume through ACS career web , I sent him my resume in word format attachment , now that reply also deleted !!
Even I got cell =mobile call ,from SAMUEL.TAN( ) : concern IBC-China , they were telling that you come here ,you will meet with 200 world best companies owners ,higher officials ,scientist , and you will add up in there professional list for further communication ,and career advancement , Ruhel date 24-07-2008
violation of U.N.G.A Res. 1904(XVIII) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217A (III) =Human rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Note 7 : Please I Get cordially invite to submit Resume at DuPont career web, this offer I get through ACS Career web , !!? But I am also not allowing by south Indian hacker ,internet administrator , Arabic Internet administrators ,they do not want that I should get job in DuPont ,as I know its global top 2 rank company ,from past many years ,I know its human science will be best in world and salary also ,as per its work at international level , while I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ,even then I am not allowed ,so you can understand what is real ME=Gulf people inside !!?? its when I faced forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years , and I want peace in life , But I am getting torture ,harassment , even these ME=Gulf people are trying to take benefits of that Inhuman activity of Hindu democratic nation =India , did with me to rise ME=Gulf policies to work force= polices for future employee in these nation !! while if you see the DuPont web ,what benefits they are providing there employees , Pension , diversity , affiliations, celebrating Dr Martin Luther King ,Jr days , for celebrate the life and teachings of Dr King , to hire and retain top talent ,creativity and innovation goof work life ! these all tell that this company is real global company with top position ,which they deserved , while I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! who had 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and integration=mathematics at BSc level , did work for Japan project=Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure ,Ruhel
Note 8 : Please till now I have 53=Fifty one =50+3 interviews request ,from USA ,Europe companies at ACS Career web portal ,From past 30 Days , for conference = Spring 2008 National Meeting & Exposition , now that conference finished , Now I found that all jobs offer for me , deleted by Internet café administrator =hacker those are mainly south Indians –Minorities ,and administrator from internet service provider in Al-Jubail city ! means these people kill my brain ,my chance of progress , chance to got best life in USA,Europe , with good job !!
and emails deleting going on ,form past 4.5 months ,even any good email ,for my brain ,career ,future are deleting here ,in my today’s working g nation , they are keeping only negative emails !! a example of modern ear bonded labor ,sir here in Gulf =ME 65% -90% Jobs are with Indian only ,from that also 80% jobs are with south Indian !! I am facing same as Indian deleted my UN Jobs offers from past 2004 to 2008 ! =As I applied 340 UN Jobs ,in my forced unemployed ,torture ,discriminate period in India , continuous 5 years ! forced unemployed/torture to person like me !! pl if you select me for JOB ,Then Please , send my case to USA State department , UNPAN = department of economic and social affair to UN ,And UNSC !! ,European Union for my freedom ,final settlement in USA ,Europe ,b’se my pass port is with company , its they are taking passports of all employee ,with all companies in ME =Gulf , those hired in ME=Gulf !! they will not give me/other - till they want to give !! ??? please while I have , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs
its all because ME=Gulf people want to make happy to Indian think tanks =Indian polices makers , b’se ME=Gulf is looking at East policy =mainly India ,even not china ,b’se ME =Gulf main work force in all ME=Gulf companies are from India only , 65%-92% work force , ME=Gulf do not have work force from china , may be 1000 ,2000 china’s
people are working in whole ME=Gulf= from past 61-50 years ,while here in ME 70 lacks human are working from India , so ME =Gulf will make happy to Indian government ,to any level even they can make my case =scientific human right case , in favor of Indian think tank !!? its when ME=Gulf all countries are member of UN ,WHO ,UNESCO , World bank ,ADB ,, India also !!?? while my today working company =Saudi Arabia ,have 700 – 800 employee from India only , 50 Indonesian , 200 Local Saudi , 50 will be Philippino!!?
,while FROM past 4 months I am facing body rays ,torture at Human extract organ , during office –computer work , documentation of Phenolic projects =whole Phenolic project ,its under me = Which is using to made Polycarbonate ,PC, =engineering plastics , its=Poly carbonate global demand exceeds to 1.5 million tons , petrochemical industry major part , which used to made BPA =Bis Phenol A , through condensation of phenol and acetone I I am working on polycarbonate project from past !5-6 months , ,this torture ,by one MH =Maharastra Chemist , he is from Indian majority religion , and belong to so called secular state of India , and its found that this torture by Body rays =50 cps to 160 cps is done by Local Arabic also , who is seating back to me in office so that I will quite from job ,due to forced torture ,extortion, harassment ,abused condition , none of this company official stop this ,b’se they are thinking for Look at east policy ,to make happy India !! this policy just came after 9/11, 2001 !!??
While I am facing torture by Bangladeshi peons also that also in office , ,those are getting order to torture me ,insult me ,from Local Arabic officials ,And Indians from past 5 months continuous ,its from first day of job it self , !!? this is normal in ME =Gulf , its happing with ~10% Talented brain from Asian countries those are trying jobs ,future in USA,Europe from ME=Gulf , Please you can do research on this and put to World bank , ADB , UNSC , WHO ,that these local people are producing high torture condition ,brain disorder also , by use of peon , my case is different , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , so I have to accept this insult ,to earn till I can move to Canada .NZ , Australia , USA ,Europe , But other person should not accept this inhumanity ,to this level , even I know my this real life case is at world bank publication web site , its cited case in human right social science , neuro science , justice ,…
its when this company is first Global company from Arab=ME=Gulf , cited in top Global 50 companies in petrochemical , even this company top official know about me and my case at international level ,even I have to face this extreme inhumanity , same I faced in Dubai =Lone star technical services also then I did work every day 12-16 hours ,by faced all insult ,then I sent my work to protect world environmental , that how testing laboratories are making fool to international bodies , ISO ,APHA , USEPA ,ASTM , in environmental analysis , This work recognized by Dubai government and Dubai Municipality ,and they sent that work to Dubai international award 2003,2004,2005 ,by nomination me fro this award which reach to UN , ,its UN Branch ,= Ruhel date 22-06-2008 ,Time : 2:30 AM . just one news came that Bahrain government left the ban on Bangladeshi , means now Bangladeshi can work in Bahrain !! while in Saudi Arabia .15 lacks Bangladeshi are working , 15 lacks Indian , 10 lacks Philippino , 6 lacks Indonesian , this 15 lacks Bangladeshi work force is here b’se it meet to my today’s working nation people mentality !! what I am facing /was facing thought Bangladeshi peon is also show this working nation people mentality !!??
I was listing that my this today living country is worst in whole ME=Gulf concern work environmental ,human right condition , way of human relation ,I found that is true , these local reached to lowest of human level that why these things is going on with person like me it self ,and no body is stopping , putting at international level ,even this company have few pure -European engineers also those are watching all these inhumanity , But !! I think they like first them self ,then their family then they are thinking to long live in ME=Gulf with good salaries !!? even they are pure European .not from least develop nation , even they get birth in best human environment , with best human science ,from their government .
violation of U.N.G.A Res. 1904(XVIII) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217A (III) =Human rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
The notable point is that the Indian IB/RAW ,And my -working land- ME =Gulf - IB /RAW ,is using satellite technology , to given my positive point from my every day life ,as good news that I can get job +nomination for award , research offer in Canada ,USA ,New Zealand , Austria, UN ,UNESCO ,UNODC , and these IB/RAW people are forcing Indian population in Al Jubail city through TV ,Radio , by brain voice ,dual voice , to make these all positive point ,what I am getting from USA,EU,UN level ,to negative , and this work is good for working land - , so they are promoting Indians +Saudi’s of this city , to make zero of my case +zero to my futures ,zero to my prospects !!?? its that technology that is reaching to this city local police at there wireless system , but advancement is these people are able to watch me through satellite technology ,TV technology at any place of this land ,earth can listen my talk at any place of this land and earth as Indian IB/RAW was doing from past Feb 2003 to till now !!?? as per these people =IB its their peace work ,to do these activities !!?? to misuse satellite technology to this level ??
Its going on from past 8 years =Dubai 2001 Nov to 2003 Feb , then India 2003 Feb to 2008 22 Jan ,=my forced unemployed period =5 years continuous forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , then 2008 23 Jan to till now !!??=a world highly inhuman crime by use of satellite technology +democratic Indian population in Me=Gulf and INDIA ,while surprising thing is this ME=Gulf also providing money to Philistines people ,from past 20 years ,also to Sudan !! but I can understand ,after that what these people are doing with their kids , other population !! I can understand as I am facing in real life !?? Ruhel date 08-09-2008 .
the satellite technology , to watch my every day life , by use of remote sensing technology ,they are able to watch me and listen my talk in my room ,kitchen ++ office =work place ,other all place by use of satellite it self , no microphone required , no other thing required , its so advanced technology that these people are able to watch me ,listen me ,read me by only satellite technology up to accuracy 100 % , there is possibility of hindrance =obstruct to Satellite rays !! not give all data , even this land internet café administrators are sending 5-10 emails ,to those email address where I am sending 1 OR 2 email , not 3-10 emails continuous ,even many time , so that email received person became angry on me why I am sending him 5-10 emails !!?? he/she will tell to me that do not sent him email !! a simple mechanism ,develop by these internet café administrators to make my whole email zero + my name zero !! Ruhel date 02-07-2008 ,KSA ,Al-Jubail Industrial city ,KSA .
these people are deleting my attachments =Resume ,(.Doc ) ,(.Pdf) form , publications with paper title and date , other scientist paper title also ,in PDF form from published scientific conference ,and putting there own attachment =SPAM , so that that other end email ,computer will be in trouble ,if they do not have SPAM stop software !!
in old India ,and today’s India , 85% - 70% population are farmer , its famous in India that once farmer taken money from Indian businessman =Baniya , then that businessman will ask him to sign one paper ,which was /is written in that language that will not understandable to farmer =Hindu business man language , ,as farmers are needy ,b’se his family people required food , demands to live ,so they will fill the form , that base of his land ,village home !!??
But after that these farmer will loss there land ,home !! and will pay the borrow money years to years , family to family
will full taken money +its interest in 2-10% even they will pay interest +taken money also but they will not able to taken back there land +home !! b’se they sign the Indian businessman asked letter !! which they did not able to read !! b’se of there innocent , illiterate !! now I am looking these things in my life that Indian IB /RAW have some my written letter ,with them that they did not show me till now due to link of Bush to Manmohan Singh to provide the freedom of nuclear power ,to freedom to torture ,to freedom of use satellite technology with out any border , and limit of exporter !! its my innocent that I am just complaining to world wide about this use of satellite technology !! its also tell that its will force to other cruel nations also to do same like what Indian RAW /IB is doing !!?? now it look like that ME=gulf businessman =Muslim Baniya also on same path of Indian businessman !!?? and ME =Gulf IB /RAW also on same path !!! ?? while on date 18-10-2008 I can say that e-letter (with out my signature ) is reality of Arab’s religion and Hindu Religion !! B’se this is only way to increased these people population at UNSC level=World power =these =Arabs+ Indian .!! while these people will torture ,kill person like Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . Ruhel Date 18-10-2008 ,
sir , if some one like me =Ruhel Chisty ,try to open the Arabs ,here living people reality ,concern Al Quaida reality in Arabs , as I did then these people will put behind you their human dog societies ,mainly South Indian ,Other southern Asian countries people !! these will torture you to extreme level , will take your sleep ,will try take your job ,will try to loot you , discriminate you as I faced , Ruhel Chisty date 10-10-2008 ,
violation of U.N.G.A Res. 1904(XVIII) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217A (III) =Human rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
A Note to UN ,UNESCO ,World bank , WHO : sir as I seen in my real life , India, and Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,have advanced technologies , space ,defense , But till now none of their any physicist ,scientist try top record these torture brain waves ,rays , while this torture is at society level !! it tell that these people advanced technology is for other then human work , a work good for humanity ,it tell that to provide advanced technology to these mentality people will not give any benefits to human society !! a note from real life after face ,seen the reality of these societies !! sir my physicist word mean is, who is able to invent electronic instrument which can record waves 0-40 cps to 160 cps !! and can put record these waves in Advanced cameras , and put in front of UN ,UNESCO ,UNODC ,World bank ,WHO !!??
But these 2.2 billion human do not have single physics with them !!?? a real article , to think !!?
Note : Pl ,sir , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in ,1989= 2nd year BSc , of MLS University ,Udaipur-Raj India 313001 . Pl attached scans = [College –BSc ,position certificate + 75% in Physics in1989 2nd year BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc + Membership –of, - +Mine picture +LTS ,Dubai =UAE , Experience certificate=US +PI Ltd Exp +BS Degree +MSc –(Spec ) -Physical chemistry Degree Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs – scientist ,Your Truly Ruhel Chistry Date 14-04-2008
Note : Pl I was facing continuous -forced Unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =No sex !! ,from Feb 2003 to till 22jan 2008 ! =Continuous 5 years in India !!? even Indian was not given me UN Jobs it self ??
Pl my UN Jobs , IDs=RChisty90 , my password = 1458253 , Pl you check your self by My-UN , at My UN Jobs RChisty90 -portal Sir today my age is ~40.6 years , Pl I have 10 publications at, ,, , ++included four publications to anti terror ,anti bio terror +explosives +two papers to Neuro –science=Ruhel-Audi –hallucination =Ruhel –Schizophrenia +one paper to forensic science=God Ram -Gods - Goddess gene and ways of Nobel peace =a comment ! ! Pl sir I am 70% BSc physics & 68% Chemistry –BSc & have ~18 potion in university 1989 (BSc) & 3rd position in college 1990 (BSc) !! Pl I applied to ~ 340 ,UN-Jobs,
Note 3: Please can I get , political asylum in USA ,Europe !! Please my few more papers you can see at ,
ICSE2008 Ruhel instrument= Ruhel –electronic +optical = sensors ,to stop new forced - brain disorder =Forced body rays 60 cps to 160 cps at human - sex organ ,Food extract organ ! by few -human societies =New way of torture May 31, 2008 11:59 PM --
NGMAST'08 Ruhel advanced Mobile with advanced internet for Common man those are living <3$ per day =for project . past --
RAID 2008 Ruhel –Micro Printer ,which can kept in pocket ,its best for Mobile, laptop –Data printing ,Best for businessman ,scientist ,professionals , and papers will be in car ,can buy immediately from market ,and paper may be in Bike –store place . past --
RAID 2008 how the terror related webs are possible from ME=Gulf ! why none of international crime ,terror prevention Bodies able to stop them ! and why they are not getting the IP Address , and telephone number of them !!? past --
WSNS 2008 Ruhel –weight sensor ,combined with potentiometer ,to stop illegal immigrants from Mexico gulf to Arizona state ,through the wire lines !! active Fri, July 4, 2008 23:59 EDT There is a printing problem and email has been sent to maintainer.May 29, 2008 7:48 AM columns
May 29, 2008 7:48 AM font
SAS 2009 The use of Ruhel –Brain waves ,rays =20 cps to 160 cps , sensor and amplifier , by watch them through BMW’s new FIR Night vision system , with thermo graphic system ,=Autoliv Night vision system ,=sensitive FIR camera active Mon, September 15, 2008 23:59 EDT
WPMC'08 - Workshops Ruhel –new Chemists –Software and Ruhel –eye sensor which can be able to make flow diagrams of chemical plant =petrochemicals and other ,for presentations plus other just in few minutes . past --
Dial M-POMC 2008 Title :Ruhel advanced Mobile with advanced internet for Common man those are living <3$ per day =for project . past --
SWCC2008 Inhuman use of IT technology , in Least human rights nations , to rise few particular communities ,on the career ,futures of genius minorities brains from Asian countries !! =Those are talented scientist at international level !? but they are Not south I Jun 16, 2008 12:00 AM --
DFRWS'08 Ruhel New concept to anti –chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attach at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world past --
Please I sent few faxes of above this letter ,concern political asylum ,and Job at Fax numbers = 001-2025-235020 ,on date 02 may 2008 ,time 3:08 PM Saudi Arabia , (Its result was OK , Mode was EC 503 ,Fax was of Toshiba company ,Japan , this Fax number of USCIRF ,The US Commission on international religion freedom , then Fax number =001-212-9638-712 ,its result was OK , its fax number of , It I sent on date 02 may 2008 , then I sent to RIKEN –JAPAN ,Fax number =0081-48-463-3687 ,result was OK ,the real fax number was (=048-463-3687) but when it sent the 0 from 048 removed by fax sender and told me it not required !!?, this I sent on date 29 May 2008 ,Time 8:55 AM Saudi Arabia , then I sent fax to AFP , =for Intelligence Officer Job International candidate ,for Anti terror ,Fax number = 0061-261-267-900 ,result was OK , then I sent my analytical chemist Cover letter ,to NZ Immigration office , in NZ it self , at Fax Number =0064-79573217 , result was OK , then I sent same analytical chemist Cover letter ,at NZ Immigration office in NZ it self= 0064-9915-4118 ,its result was also OK , these I sent on 29 May 2008 , 9:12 AM,

Note 9 : today I am thinking that these people think that I do not have life ,only these people have !!?? Life=Human life & with human brain & feelings !!?? As I know that South Korean genius brain are doing ~ 5000 patents per year , USA genius brain doing ~ 10,000 to 25,000 patent per year , Sweden genius brain are doing ~ 5000 patens per year ,Norway genius brain are doing ~2000 to 5000 paten per annum while their population is in 30 lacks to 1 Crore !! while Indian are doing 100 patens per annum ,ME=Gulf doing patents may be 12=10+2 patent per annum !! while these people total population is ~ billion !! b’se India & ME name in corruption , and other activities !!? =cases like me ,in this field these people can do patent in their own nations !!? that patent will be unbeatable !!? b’se that will against humanity ,against human science , against human nature ,in general !!?=you can say that patent will be abused to humanity !!?

even my Resume reached to , = for Foreign - Researchers , ,for next step !! But I doubt that also deleted by South Indian=internet café administrators !! they are deleting these emails ,when I am using internet ,at internet café ,and office !!! these people are deleting my emails ,job offer ,research offer ,even I sent my this case to , even to Federal Office of Police (fedpol).
while this Hindu nation IB=MI=RAW Again start to talk with me that it have one email of me written by me ( with out e signature ) telling some theoretical crime !!?? its only talent of these Hindu terrorist support Hindu =BJP=RSS and congress party Intelligence =RAW =IB=MI ,to win the world =USA ,UN ,EU Support !!?? b’se these cheap people have huge population where we minorities are born fro this only =kill ,torture and these IB =RAW =MI will get benefit from torture it self ,b’se they are trying to prove some things from person like me from past 16 years !! its with me what about Kashmir ,and Assam based innocent minorities those do not have single publications anti terror ,plus contact to international people , , I think now it look like that Saudi Kayan based ,Saudi Arabic - official did not allowed me to attend RSC Conference for my publication against Al-Quida b’se that time it self this Indian IB=RAW,MI from Riyadh , got order them to not allow me =Ruhel Chisty , to reach UK ,Haul university , b’se there I 100% meet anti terror group and scientist those are working against Al-Quida ,LTTE ,!!, of UK ,USA ,EU so that these Hindu will take benefits of this later on to torture me =Ruhel Chisty by use of TV Free voice mode will try to prove me mental ,criminal =what every these Hindu want !!?? ,Its one of example of look at east - policy of Arabs to India !! actually Indian are working and acting like wild animal ,for my case ,b’se only in wild area there no law and order ,only wild laws and order take place , these 1.25 Billion Indians are just wild animal ,while in Australia there were one lawyer ,one laws agency president +huge human stand for wrong happened and case finished within 25 days ,man allow to work +move from Australia , while I move from this animal rich nation to Saudi Arabia for new life +peace there also these Indian animal were doing attack on my brain ,peace up to dignity level even then my 6 continuous publication against Al-Quida !! in 2008 march At royal society of chemistry ,UK !! and once I came in India to search new job at USA ,EU,+ +Canada again this animal rich nation IB,RAW,MI is torturing me by use of Free TV , voice mode +its animal like human !!?? its tell that India have only wild animals !! and those are follower of animal laws and order not human kind !! Ruhel date 28-12-2008 .
b’se I =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty birth taken place fro this ,Hindu nation where QD Chisty ,MS Agwani like corrupt Indian Muslims birth taken place ,those are Indian Muslim and like to grow +rise like this only !!?? these all are Indian Muslim but Mr. Bush like these type pf Indian !! and thinking that UN ,UNSC ,UNGC will also, like these Indian !!?? these people can kill direct then in their walls ,with out police cases !! As they are doing and opening by DNA tests !! it’s Indian news media report that about real !!?? it tell me that Indian military ,CID ,MI ,IB ,RAW may killed huge quality of human in Kashmir and Assam from past 30 years ,b’se these Hindu devil =shits =RAW =IB =MI can torture in 2008 December then what about them !!?? I think UN should dismissed Indian membership from UNSC ,UNGC ,UNESCO ,WHO !!?? It look like that these Indian devils = Indian intelligence will kept me aging forced un employed ,torture ,discriminate by use of TV Free , Internet +telephone +cell !!?? as they did in 1999 to 2001 !!!?? it tell me Indian RAW ,IB ,MI are world most dangerous Hindu terror support organization deserved to ban by UNSC ,UNGC it self !!?? it alos tell me that that RAW ,IB ,MI intension to take Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,Shri lank by face cases ,fake proofs !! to part of indian land !!??
Ruhel date 28-12-2008 .

Note 5 for DHS, UNODC, UN ,UNESCO , UNPAN = department of economic and social affair to UN : And Please ,I want the change in UK, Europe ,USA - foreign polices for minorities +Other back ward class scientist ,chemist from Asian countries !!?? many of then are like me but there brain were
killed there in their birth nations =Asia ,and brain killing going on !! ! and one more thing after that the brain kill going on in ME=Gulf ,where they hired after tough completion ,harassment ,discrimination in their birth nation ,from majorities at HR-Agents ,and education system ,and then professional experience as minorities and OBCs =Other back word class scientist ,And minority scientist ,then again we are cutting by ME=Gulf policies makers those are not allowing us to move USA ,Europe ,from ME=Gulf ! they think that we did some bit good then Their birth nation ,so now they are slave for us , they are robot for us ,those hire fro growth of ME=Gulf only ,not for them ,not their community .not for their discriminated ,harassed community which is facing all pressure of majority in their nation !! if these talented Minority ,OBCs scientist move from ME=Gulf to USA, Europe they will try to get other scientist from their community ,=economic rise ,social rise their community , but these ME=Gulf=ruler =Dynastic ruler=means those are at keys post of ME =Gulf do not want this benefits to minorities community from Asian countries ,those can get ,direct top USA ,Europe Jobs ,And via ME=gulf jobs !! But these ME=Gulf people do not want .these people think that we hired slave ,we hired robot ,we hire bio electronic instrument !!

These people=ME =Gulf internet café will not allow you , to sign in ACS member net work !! b’se then you are able to share your interests , accomplishments ,you will be connected with employers you will able to chat with employers , you will able to make your friends =chemistry ,physics those are member of ACS =only 70,000 people are member of ACS from whole world !!?? and you will not able to get good job in USA ,Europe ,good link in USA,Europe direct with talented people in world !!?? can not able to say your real life case and chat with them on line ,cell ,mobile !!??

(E-3) these people will not allow you to make your account in = Congressional Research Service, Washington DC ,even you are allowed by Dear D. Andrew Druliner = to
must apply for specific vacancies (job openings) through CRS’s merit selection process, which uses an online applicant system to assess candidates. Please visit our employment website (,
= Capitol Hill, = Library of Congress Employment Office, which is located at 101 Independence Avenue SE, Room LM-107, Washington DC 20540-2295. for posts like = Research assistant
Middle East and Africa,+++ even you are member of ACS (American Chemical Society
IUPAC , Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.= !!!??

Ruhel -Effect of Sociological factor :- Please recent research ,tell that Girls do as well as boys in mathematics , while similar study conduct 20 years ago found that girls were have worse results in mathematics and physics , now girls are showing equal result ,it found that its due to Sociological factor , means girls were not allowed to do lot of things in old era , but they have equal freedom to do all things as boys , same Sociological factor can be found for Indian STs,SCs ,OBCs ,And Indian minorities =80% population of India !! they are also not allowed to got good jobs ,good business , from past 800 years , even after 62 years India freedom , b’se they are not accepted as talented as they are , you can understand by my real life case it self I am Indian minorities and OBCs =Other back word class , and have 70% BSc Physics ,68% BSc chemistry ,have 12 publications at international level =USA ,Canada ,Germany ,.. but I was not called for any Job ,research from IITs,IISC, IIMs , ISRO ,DRDO ++ any government job ,even police officer job , army scientific officers !!?? while many Indian majority boy ,girls with less then my % are officers and scientist in these organizations b’se they are from Indian majority religion =Hindus !!??
The UNESCO ,world bank ,ADB , WHO , UNHRC must do this research also for Ruhel -Effect of Sociological factor , they will found my this article true and will get force from heart to do some thing in this Sociological factor for STs,SCs ,OBCs ,And Indian minorities =80% population of India = Ruhel -Effect of Sociological factor !! Ruhel Date 29-07-2008 Time : 5:40 AM .
Note : actually sir ,my experience as analytical chemist /scientist is from 1992 July to till now =16 Years ,but my these 6 years= 1998 July to 2001 ,22 Jan , then Feb 2003 to till 20 Jan 2008 , taken by Indian IB/RAW by keeping me forced unemployed ,torture ,discriminate ,Harassed me =To person like me who is just Indian minority ,and
just b’se I complained against Indian government ,concern Brain waves ,rays torture ,=Ruhel Audio hallucination =Ruhel schizophrenia, at international human right organizations in 1998 July , so these people start to deleted my job offer at internet ,mail =post office , this process is going on till now !! by use of internet hacking ,softwares ,by use of space technology , ++ to kill my scientific career ,future , brain =Physicist brain !!? Ruhel date 30-05-2008.
Please my real life article for All- person like me from Asian countries ,please I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class scientist , it will tell we are facing harassment in birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=Gulf countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,Europe , from India and ME But we are tortured when we want to get these .. ,from India +ME it’s when I am Indian Minority !!?? you can understand about ME =Gulf reality =reality of Arabic policies !!??
Please note ,form past 100 days =3 months ,my now a days working company ,hired 5=4+1 Indian chemists those are working in lunch time also ! except 7 =6+1 hours company working time, and I have to work every day ~7 hours continuously on computer with very few rest !my eyes are given me lot of signals !! and they are not getting any eye problems !! while in night I am facing forced dreams ,forced wake =torture up at 1 AM OR 2AM !! then no sleep , b’se these people got expert to break sleep cycle , and due to this also my eye in paining !!? !! its found that this torture done by Saudi , and Bangladeshi those are this building care taker also !! b’se till night 2 am they are working to clean the vacant rooms , those left by temporary renters , b’se this place where I am living is approx 7 kms far from main city , and the flat rent , this building is for bachelor only , open to 24 hours any one can come in night ,
But these torture are house care taker ,in other words few are security guard also !!? b’se this I found after 4 months continuous living in this building !!on rent 2000 SR per month ,bachelor flat accommodation !!? a costly house but this level people are living near by me , and to face these all shits !?? recently this house owner increased 500 SR per month rent for me , while there is no increased in salary , while Saudi Arabia have inflammation rate~ 14% , unemployed ness rate is ~11% ,. And I have to pay this increased rent 500 SR per month=2500 SR total per month ,have to face night torture by Saudi , Bangladeshi it self !!?? look like that this nation laws is supportive to these torturer !! not for me ,person like me !!?? a minority genius ,talent from Asian country !!??
A Reality ,from heart .Ruhel Chisty Date 025-08-2008 . notable thing is these chemists are also
from MH = Maharastra,= so called secular state of India , And all are from Indian majority religion !! it found that this night torture is doing by this my living house one of care taker =Who is from South India ,and one is from Bangladesh , both are poor people countries !!? it I found after 4 month continues study of the pattern of night torture which I faced , in past 3 months ,Ruhel
,please from past 3 months I have face torture by Indian during travel to and fro to office by Mini Bus , b’se my office is 25 km from living city I have only one option to travel with Indians only ,those are working in my hired company , b’se its only way to work and live like others !
, the problem root is Middle east controlled by Indian only= ME 65% -90% Jobs are with Indian only ! and my case is against Indian injustice ,inequity , no social science only ,which came from my real life ,past 16 =10+6 years , Indian are working in ME=Gulf from past 61 years ,so these local Gulf =ME people accept there contribution to develop ME =Gulf ! that’s why these people=ME=Gulf , are supporting Indian policies ,even in my case also ! they did support to Indian government polices =request to Riyadh for finished my case by this way !!?? even in this condition , I am getting HR-team reply ,that , We are unable to decipher. your application materials ,Few are telling that they get pop off email =unable to read email ,its all about my sent job applications !!?? means these people do not want that I can get a job in USA ,Europe +Life +Freedom of progress +peace to brain +sprit + can enjoy the full human life !!
Even these people are not allowing me to add new resume at ,at Defense intelligence agency =DIA , And then apply to different Space companies ,those have list at web , and then to apply at defense scientist job !! I did only made my new account by not allowed by South Indian ,internet café administrator =Hacker !! to fill resume =add resume !! and then apply ! to view all posts on these webs !!
FROM past 2 months I am facing body rays ,torture at Human extract organ , during office –computer work , documentation of Phenolic projects =whole Phenolic project ,its under me ,
=petrochemical industry major part , which used to made BPA =Bis Phenol ,this torture ,by one MH =Maharastra Chemist , he is from Indian majority religion , and belong to so called secular state of India ,
=MH , from where Congress party win is 55 years ,from 62 years of India freedom ! this man is reality of Indian so called secularity ,is found that this body rays torture =abused is done by Saudi technicians also those are seating back to me !!? b’se ME=Gulf is looking at EAST ,not west !! b’se of Indian GDP is 10.1 ,while India whole money’s 80% is with top 10 Indian Business men, rest 20% money is distributed in 1.2 billion Indian !!? while in ME=Gulf , I=Indian minority =Ruhel Chisty ,is not allow to make my own , Account at Career webs like DuPont , Dow , All USA, Europe companies ,that software will not allow me to fill the passwords ,emails !! I am not able to submit their cover letter ,resume it self ! even I am cordially invite to submit Resume at DuPont career web !!? But I am also not allowed by south Indian !! while if you see the DuPont web ,what benefits they are providing there employees , Pension , diversity , affiliations, celebrating Dr Martin Luther King ,Jr days , for celebrate the life and teachings of Dr King , to hire and retain top talent ,creativity and innovation goof work life ! these all tell that this company is real global company with top position ,which they deserved , But what I am facing ,torture by body rays , at my extract body place , during work by Indian and Arabic ,this body rays attack like Sharp laser rays = knife ,it’s when I am doing work for good of company , its continuous form past 2.5 months ,
and then I have no option to face these Indian ,And ME=Gulf local ,abused ,torture ,harassment , I have no option except work in this high inhuman condition , b’se in India , I faced continuous forced 5 years forced unemployed ness torture ,discrimination ,harassment ,and no money ,these people are good then in India in one point at least these people are providing me salary after work +lunch time food !! while in India there was no job ,no salary ,then torture also !! at least these people are given me 2,500 $ per month salary !! for my specialist work till now !! Ruhel . while I know that ME =Gulf contribution in Budget is less then 1% =whole ME =gulf ,while ,USA have 19% ,Japan have 16% ,Italy have 17% , while Indian contribution in UN Budget is less then 0.2% ,from past 50 years !! Ruhel .
What I faced in India that was Hindu business men and Hindu nation massage to world ,concern person like me , But here in Gulf =ME , These people are even hiding the resume download ,place in New Zealand immigration web =new Zealand Ministry of labor ,which=Resume , will viewable to all New Zealand companies for international hiring , so that they can call me ,or they can sent me visa +residence application , this web was given to me by New Zealand immigration department only in 2008 Jan . b’se they know about my whole case , till now , and these people thinking that by this way these people will able to captured talented people in ME=Gulf for work !!? its when my case is highlighted at UN Level ,World bank level ,UNPAN Level . , UNODC level . its again tell me that ME=Gulf is looking at East=India !! even any level !!? it also tell me that What ME =Gulf is doing in philistine case !!??? it look like that these people are Arabic businessmen !!?? While in ME=gulf Room rent is from 20000=10000+10000 Indian rupees per month for bachelor accommodation , two room ,small kitchen ,small bath room , while in sharing for two person in one room is 7500 Indian rupees per month for each person !! here per month food cost is 5000 to 7500 Indian rupees per month=common man food
!! now you can understand what is condition for person who is earning 15000 Indian rupees to 30,000 Indian rupees per month in ME=Gulf !! its data for common man those are working in ME =Gulf from past 10 years !! how they are living , please this note fro World bank to do research !! now globalization is going on !!? person like me is not allowed to work in USA ,Europe by both nations =India ,AND Saudi AND Dubai !!?? by these tactics only !!?? making me =person like m e forced labor for ME=Gulf and India like nations !!?? over that these ME=Gulf thinker are not providing any citizen to talented people from past 50 years !! while we are hire here for 2 years contract period , but after that what !! what we will do ,we have to think for future , career, life , other human activities also !!?
and Doing these activities to keep talented person like me ,in this way , from past many years !! I think these people only develop this tactic with support of Hindu nation India ,for minorities person like me from India where 20 Crore to 80 Crore are poor and minorities and OBCs ,ST,SC =poor and poorer !! and then we are facing these things in ME =Gulf !! that also Indian government think tank =Thinker ideas we are facing !!?? while you can see in real life what is USA ,Europe they respect talent from past 100 years , now what they are ,they are techno leaders ,they are supreme power , they respect talented from world wide , so they given best of them to USA,Europe , its not from now it’s from past 100 years . they =USA,Europe people are providing them best salaries then their own citizen ,that why Indian and Chinese are best salaries getting nation then others , in USA,Europe , even they are providing them best living conditions there form past 100 years of living conditions of that time to till now !!
I sent my above physics Cover letter ,resume to President innovation plastics SABIC , I sent it to keys officials of SABIC , but they did not reply me till now ,I sent them 5 days to 15 days back !! it tell that SABIC do not respect innovation brain ,those are like me !! you can understand what I am saying !! after that also I am facing all these odds ,torture , harassment !!? Ruhel . from heart !!?? those have more that 10 publications all are new innovation , few touch to real humanity !!! and these key people intension is 2020 SABIC =World top one leader in petrochemicals !! ?? how it will be possible ,only by more extortion =taking out and exploration of petroleum from their own land till its in land =2040 ,or 2050 !!?? but not by innovation !!?
B’se on date 18-07-2008 ,I faced high torture by Brain waves ,voice by Philippino Mafia at internet café , ,those are living in Al-Jubail Industrial city ,they were forcing me that You wrote some terror related letter in past ! this torture was to me who have 5 publications against terror , at international level =USA ,Canada ,UK =IUPAC ,RSC ,Pittcon ,DHS ,SAM2006 !? and I am alone person from ME =Gulf ,India who is doing publication against terror =Against Al-Qaida , LTTE ,RSS ,VHP , Bdal ++
While if you ask Ellis salsby Ltd UK ,here my first publication to anti terror was reached its branch for =royal society of chemistry conference =ARF08, here my address = Ruhel Chistry , Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Co, P.O. Box 10302 Jubail Industrial City 31961 Saudi Arabia , while if you ask to Royal Society of chemistry membership division they have my address= Ruhel Chistry , Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Co, Najd Commercial centre ,Najd Area P.O. Box 10302 Jubail Industrial City 31961 Saudi Arabia , this Najd Commercial centre ,Najd Area words added by Internet café administrator from where I sent my emails !! like this Al-Jubail industrial city Internet café administrator are adding many unwanted things in my emails with out my permission
to make me bad name ,criminal at international level !!?? till now I used mainly two internet cafes =1 Deena internet café , 2 =Zahret Al- Khalij Internet . these are near SHOLA - Petrol pump 2 =Saudi crude petrol pump 2 Jubail Industrial City KSA ,
while on date 18-10-2008 I can say that e-letter (with out my signature ) is reality of Arab’s religion and Hindu Religion !! B’se this is only way to increased these people population at UNSC level=World power =these =Arabs+ Indian .!! while these people will torture ,kill person like Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . Ruhel Date 18-10-2008 ,
violation of U.N.G.A Res. 1904(XVIII) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217A (III) =Human rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years . (3) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 18-07-2008 KSA .
Please one special note : please I request for advanced technology literature to 250 Space ,defense companies ,listed at NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS , from the web provide by , =( by Editorial board of NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ) ,these 250 companies are working for NASA ,USA - Defense advanced technology , I did this literature request on 18th June ,But till now I got only 16 companies literatures , rest 230 companies literatures I think these all -thief by Saudi –IT Hacker =Internet café administrators with out my permission OR , Indian
Post office mafia! Please note that same request I did from India also in 2005 ,from that I got only 4 CDs literatures at My home address =23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj India . Rest all kept by Post office mafia given to ISRO ,DRDO , ,Physics department ,fro PhD students , now also I am thinking that these all literature Emails ,PDF given to Saudi Defense ,Saudi space ,and in India to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC based all universities physics department ,IITs ,IISC !! with out my permission !!?? its new technique developed in India AND ME=Gulf , to use innovators name ,email IDs,Mail address , to get advanced technology with out their permission and keep them literate bonded labor , or forced unemployed to continuous 5 years , as I was kept from Feb 2003 to 22 Jan 2008 in India !! with out think !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . , A christen Date 20-07-2008 .
Actually my life past 8 years =7+1 years , finished in Diplomatic link of ME =Gulf and India to cruel level !! Please recently on 13 August ,2008 I got one more email ,from NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ,that , Subject: New Products & Technologies Presented by Tech Briefs
Actually NASA want make me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty advanced technology scientist ,but will you believe that my using internet café Saudi IT –Administrator ,at Al Jubail industrial city ,KSA , near shoal petrol pump 2 , will use it for his own rise ,+they will sent all literature ,PDF to Saudi Defense ,Saudi space , with out my permission ,by hack my email IDs !!??
Please my real life article for All- person like me from Asian countries ,please I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class scientist , it will tell we are facing harassment in birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=Gulf countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,Europe , from India and ME But we are tortured when we want to get these .. ,from India +ME it’s when I am Indian Minority !!?? you can understand about ME =Gulf reality =reality of Arabic policies !!??
I found one special tactics in ME=Gulf ,that if some talented Asian person got his (1) publications at International level from ME =Gulf AND (2) Got Job offer=interview offer at top 50 Global companies USA ,Europe (Due to their own capability ) then these = His employer will used their human dogs =it may be Indian ,it may be Bangladeshi it many be Philippine it may be Indonesian =cast of human dogs !!?? they will tortured you by different tactics = up to attack on brain level ,attack on his all human concepts ,attack on his talent , so that he will never dare try to got jobs ,try to do publications at international level ,even its when Science Citation Index =SCI Publications ,Thomson ruture tell Gulf =ME . have 4 to 10 publications per annum , World best Awards ,like Nobel prize ,world best game like Olympic ,medals score also tell same thing !!it means these people can get awards in other then these best respected awards ,medals !!?? b’se these are real ,honest ,respected awards ,here talent ,honesty required ,these people do not have these things !!?? today’s index of Olympic medals 2008 , tell about ME=Gulf , India ,Philippine ,Bangladesh , Indonesian ,that they have population >3.0 Billions but they have what =7 medals , Sir if human was harassed, bite by any pet animal of some human =like dog , then victim have right to make case in Court , and court will ask to pet animal owner ,to keep inside hose or will ask him to given that pet animal to police for next step to captured that dog !!??? but here we can not do any thing as here human society act as human dogs for their own development !!?
if world bank ,UN ,UNESCO ,UNPAN will do research they will found that it will be true for 10% Asian minorities genius brains those have list of publications in USA ,Europe But ,while these genius people will not got even their own basic human rights in birth nation like India ++B’se they are minorities of that nation
I found that here at my working nation ( at present) these people do not have shame to thief my gifted Nature Journals =(1 ) Nature method ( 2 ) Nature drug discover review ,till now these people thief 3=2+1 Journals And it look like that their intension to continuous this thief !?? surprising is that my given address is one of Best company of ME =Gulf ,if this thief can take place of my gifted Nature Journals what they are keeping other international people working in ME=Gulf !!??
(V) Sir in 2007 Justice Krashnavatti commission report ,came on 1993 Mumbai riots and blast he give 600 – 700 pages report
With audio records ,video records , different high level literate victims recording , where he mention the Telephonic recording police officials of Riots area ,how they were provoking to rioters to destroy the minorities home ,business , to do riots ,and kill
Live recording from BSNL -=Indian government telephone data that is only in all Mumbai police stations ,he open the action of shiv sena ,BJP ,RSS ,VHP ,Bdal involvement in riots !!?? involvement of congress party few ministries also in riots !!?? he given proof of Video recording did by victims =international channels =CNN,BBC + other ,TV Channels , News papers !! But that whole report reached to Maharastra Government ,that is controlled by Congress party ,Shard pavar party = which have soft corner with Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena !! so till now noting happened to those all police officers , means they did not terminated from jobs !!?? none of Shiv Sena ,Other party leader get caught and put behind bar then terminated from Ministry + political power !! none of congress party leader get terminated from congress party membership +put behind bar !!?? while Justice Krashnavatti is Padama Bhusan Awardees , he was chief Justice of three states of India ,he start his career as Jury only !!?? his name is in few of highest honest jury !!?? while this report reached to Dr Manmohan Singh =prime minister of India ,Ms Sonia Gandhi also !! but noting happened !!?? b’se congress party is based on Shard pavar party ministers in MH =Maharastra and to be in rule !! and Shard pavar do not want to take any action against Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena +BJP +RSS +VHP !! So !!???
while Mumbai riots taken 2000 human life ,maximum loss of Mumbai minorities =Christen +Muslims !! there business ,there jobs , career there home !!?? total effected was 80000 to 140000 people !!?? I think this Justice Krashnavatti commission report 2007 also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ???
sir I know Ex CBI- Chief =RAW =IB =Indian intelligence officials ,who finished -all proofs , those were - at crime places & given to CBI -By Victims by thinking the safest place of Indian earth !!? , those were against Lal Krishan Advanni &Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Uma Bharii ,Sadavii Ritium Bharaa ++ , those provoke to lot of Hindu- Muslim riots & murder in form 1989 to 1993 !in whole india ,at Open conferences ,at many places in india & UP &Delhi &Rajasthan !!? due to Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri mosque case ! in 1994-1998 He =CBI Chief , was –awarded, as Member of National human right commission= ! by ,that time , Prime minister-India (BJP) , (Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee) in 2002 , Pl note these riots taken ~2500 human life +~1 lacks home less & ~4 Million Career less & future less !! & made cases like me=Ruhel –Chistry & & made whole Indian Hindu high communal & few criminal brain , Indian- minorities, got -offer from BJP to made Progress of life on cost of Minorities life it self !! ?=As My street Kishan pole –Udaipur –Raj 313001 people !! I think I think this also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ???
(X) While I know that =Athalka magazine ,editor open by hidden video - recording of fact that how Mr. Jorge Franardish ( former Defense minister of BJP ) and Mr. .Y.Mishra was involved in 5000 corer= 50 Billion Indian rupees defense corruption , Athalka magazine ,editor did open this hidden video recording at all Leading nation TV news =Zee News ,Star TV += in 2001 -2002 , there were 4-5 ministers also involved there , 4-5 Defense official also involved in this ,but what happened after that
Mr. Jorge Franardish did not given resign from his defense minister posts , + other ministers also + Defense officials also did not resign !! while these people put local police + army intelligence against Athalka magazine ,editor +put him in economic ban !! force to all other news media +business man do not support him +give him money !! he face high economic torture to 3.5 years continuous !! b’se he did work against BJP Ruled party ministers in 2001 -2005!!??
(XI) while india’s 80 MPs=Member of parliament have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++
Same way 180 to 1800 MLA =of different states have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++
But they are political leaders in india ,and have all benefits of power +money + respected + ++ and cases going on in Indian courts for which people are telling that there are corrupt juries ,corrupt advocates !!?? while for these MP ,MLA Indian police is lay down ,Indian IB is lay down ,Indian defense is lay down !!Maximum of this MP ,MLAare Hindus !!?? these Indian are telling me from past 8 years that these people have some e-letter to do some crime from me !! with out my e-signature + with out international laws and order they did not show me that email till now !! and these Indian have full support from ME =Gulf two countries =Dubai ,KSA !!
(XII) sir I know that in 1992 -1993 , Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri mosque case , Mr. Lal Krishan Advanni & Mr. . Atal Bihari Vajpayee (former prime minister of india ) & Uma Bharii ,Sadavii Ritium Bharaa ++ was recorded by CNN ,BBC +Other international media =reuter ,AP ,++ to provoke for riots ,murder ,demolish the old pray place !!?? that time whole india minorities was in fear of life ,home ,business ,career ,future , b’se all place of india was riots ,murder ,fire !!??
But what happened respected Indian democracy made Mr. . Atal Bihari Vajpayee as prime minister of india , BJP =RSS =VHP=Bdal like Hindu social group =Hindu terror group got in power !! none of Indian Police official able to ask any of mention people to put behind bar !! none of literate Hindu was able to ask to Indian justice department to put these mention people behind bar !!?? respected Indian people did not accept video recording of international media =Like Reuters ,AP , CNN,BBC +++ +Audio recording !! while they = respected Indian people given these mention people are prime minister ,chief minister , minister posts !!??
While these riots taken 2000 human life ,maximum loss Of minorities =Christen +Muslims !! there business ,there jobs , career there home !!?? total effected was 800000 to 20000000 people !!?? I was that time in MSc chemistry previous !! my % reduced from 70% BSc to 52 % MSc !!!??
While , Indian government anti terror work you can understand by these cases !! ??
In 2006-2007 ,Maharastra =Indian state ,One village =Nandad , two different time ,months bomb blast taken place in home +shop
,due to accident only !!?? ,it happened in one Bajrang Dal person houses +shop , one person killed and one injured , whole house damage , that was of Hindu Maratha house ,
They were making local bomb experimental basis to best result ,they used urea ,ammonium nitrate + sharp nails =Metal nails !!+other chemical , this area MLA is from BJP , that blast voice reached to 1-5 km zone !! but that area police ,finished the case as some other explosion taken place ,as they got order from BJP =RSS officials new Delhi while new Delhi also congress party is ruling , while this Maharastra was under congress party ruled !! the surprising thing is this case opened due to few secular News papers =Like Mid-Day of Mumbai ,they high lighted this case all over Maharastra , But will you believe none of TV Channel from india high lighted this =NDTV ,Aaaj Tak ,Shara TV ,DDTV ++IBN ++ None of Indian leading news paper try to high lighted this !!?? b’se it effect on Indian Home ministry policy for minorities !! b’se this blast tell that Bajrang Dal is trying to frame Indian Muslim in terrorism b’se once it high lighted in Mid Day ,leading Indian human right organization like senior justice peace organization ,reached with their forensic experts team to find out the depth of bomb blast they found that there were Muslim dresses =Like ThaMat , Fake Muslim beard , Muslim caps ++many other Muslim dress it all tell that these Bajrang Dal people were try to frame Indian Muslim religion in terror activities !! while this bomb pattern used in all bomb blasts of india from past 5 years !!
All terror blast =train in Mumbai , serial blast in Mumbai, banglor ,UP ,New Delhi serial blast , lasted 2008 bomb blast also !! =,they used urea ,ammonium nitrate + sharp nails =Metal nails !!+other chemical ,

But after that that mid day news paper is now not opening these types of bomb blast where Hindu get caught , due to accident only !!?? while may be that reporter get terminated from Job ++while this new paper got threat to economic ban ++!!?? Ruhel Chisty date
02-10-2008 KSA .
I found that These three -corrupt nations and least nations , thinker made mew innovation that we have one email from Ruhel Chisty (with out my e-signature ) ,which is telling about some crime !!?? so these three nations =least develop nation laws maker think that we can use this man =Ruhel Chisty personal life to spy ,and to get all Advanced technology literatures ,white papers ,video from NASA ,USA Defense companies ,NASA Tech , Defense tech companies which is coming to Ruhel Chisty Name at his email address , and we will use just corruption at internet and we will prove to world that this man =Ruhel Chisty is criminal ,so we can do spy his life ,we can use our trained cruel humen dog societies to torture him in every day ,night !! b’se this is the best use of satellite technology !! one of them is telling it self world largest respected democratic nation =India that nation till now did not show me any e-letter from past 8 years ,But its have 1.2 billion people democracy !!?? okay ,ME=Gulf every body know about these nation least human right !! so we can talk about this But India !!?? ,b’se these nations do not have any law to stop this torture as these having laws and order , of 1800 Era which we have to accept in today’s era those laws made by British ,while UK did implemented there laws and order many times in there nation but here still 1800 Era laws and order ! , and this is not Audio hallucination ,this is torture , ,means the victim have to face this torture till his life if he is willing to live +work in these mentions nations =forcing to live below human ,with out dignity !!?!! =
Pl Note : Pl Pl will you check the % of Dalit =ST/SC + minority= + Indian christen + Indian Muslims +Indian Buddha +Indian Tibetan + Assami +naga's +that area people ,+ , (Not Jain +Shikh !!=Rich Minorities ) ,,these people are not getting good jobs +jobs in India= IITs /ISRO /DRDO /IISC !! ? + IIMs !!+Others !! +benefits from ,central government from past 58 years of freedom like other part of India like South India !! Pl % these brain ,reached to USA/Canada /UK !! from past 58 years of freedom of India !! will be <1% of their talent !!+Pl , did it tell did we get justice to our talent + Brain in USA ++ @Indian policies which is just due to population of Hindus !!that is due to **Vote power ** is with Hindus =82% population +all posts filed by them only ! in India ! +these people do not have good brain like we people have =B'se we reach to high %-education +high posts (=<1%) !,after all discrimination +hurdles put by these- Hindus of high posts !!!! while these people are just Gold /silver spoon =due to all high posts +middle posts captured by Hindus =Higher middle class +rich class !!!! just due to their population+ Vote power in that ratio !! +few stupidest minorities (those do not have character +they are just own +family thinker !! Pl I sure , it will be only 0.0005% of total Green card issued till today from 1947 -2005 !! Pl a high level of Exploitation to Dalit + minorities (Indian christen + Indian Muslims +Indian Buddha +Indian Tibetan + ...) Talents from India !!
Note : Pl this case tell you reality that Indian gov kill lots minorities talented brain +their incoming business =as mine innovation +technology !! =good human like me in J& Kashmir ,Assam ,Tripura ,Nagaland, in south =Haydrabad &Bihar ,Jharkhand =Naksaaliies !! =minorities =(=Indian christen ,Buddha’s ,Indian Tibetan ,Indian Muslim !!) from past 58 years ! just b’se they are minorities of India +born in India where >900 million Hindus ! +>99% jobs of USA/Europe jobs +99% Indian gov ,jobs +Indian industries jobs are with Hindus only !!Middle +rich layer Hindus , all Leading India posts =scientist ,technologist ,innovators ,….are with Hindus only !! all IITs /IISC/ISRO/DRDO Scientist +technologist +Directors +professors post is with Hindus only !!+All branches of Indian army full of Hindus !! =>99.5% army people are Hindus !! not in one year ,or 12 year but from past 58 years !! + +>99% industries of India +MNC -Industries settle by USA/Europe =800 industries in India are with Hindus !! @their population but devil brain !!+there (=in these industries ) person like me will be just peon ,or trainee Chemist !! those have ~70% BSc +>50% in MSc chemistry (1992 -riots +kill atmosphere !) but born in minorities !!
Note 2.2 : Pl I Get Nominate for "Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006" (Pl its UN Award = , Please it's Middle East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices
B’se I open the naked fact to Dubai Government=Dubai municipality , that how the testing laboratories in ME=Gulf are making money on the life of ME=Gulf people By make fool in environmental analysis system +many other methods , by did change in US EPA methods ,APAH methods to make money only !! ?? . My independent work to protect world environmental ,which I send to UN +US-EPA +ISO-9002 ,APHA, White house advisory board to environmental protection ,ACS advisers to Environmental ,IUPAC Advisers to environmental ,to improve world environmental analytical – analysis, these people where destroying mainly ME=Gulf living - people health’s only !!=Dubai ,UAE ,Saudi ,Oman ,Kuwait ,Qatar , Bahrain ,++??
Pl these are factors which forcing to Indian minorities toward crime +poverty ! b’se for them there is no option left except crime +poverty ! that why Minorities have list of History sitter +mental disorder +mad!! B’se they so discriminate ,depressed +not allow to get good jobs +higher education +advanced technology !! from IITs /ISRO /DRDO /IISC !! ? + IIMs !!
( ) Note: Please recently my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!?? May be they want that I should not meet in real life with Physicists ,Innovators , scientists and can not tell my real life case to ask them to sent at UN ,UNHRC , USA Congress , White House ,EU Parliament +++ UNPAN ,UNODC ++
things did not stop here these people are spreading my every day life negative points to torture by forced – brain waves /voice torture 0-160 cps ==Forced body rays 60 cps to 160 cps at human – sex organ ,Food extract organ its Attack on your dignity ,its very painful to literate ,gentle person it look like slavery of old time , its when I am nominated for who’s who magazines , nomination for The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 =NASA Award , I am reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research, nomination for ROLEX AWARD , for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ,. given by Harvard university .,USA !! have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,,SAM-2006 , , = Analytical Research Forum 2008 & surprise thing is these ME Nation will accept this offer of Indian government with out shame ,will give the desired results ,surprising thing these types of nation having member ship of UN !!?? it also tell me that ME=Gulf people are just Arabs !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 30-09-2008 Time : 4:30 PM ,
(2) From past 8=7+1 months of KSA these Indian and south Indian want to prove that Ruhel Chisty ,did wrote emails (with out signature ) concern crime ,from Dubai =UAE , and we Indian are so honest and law full that after such email we like make his life like dog up to near -kill of him==Ruhel Chisty by torture with brain voice /waves ,Rays 0-160 cps ,and he is still live, B’se of his uncle Dr MS Agwani is power man in India from 1990 to till now !!?? while if some body ask to me I have few Medical proofs ,from Indian approved MD –psychology which is telling that I was facing this brain waves ,voice rays torture from 1991 to 1996 also, I gone through his medical consultancy continuous 5 years !! and after that I did complain to International human right organizations , UN human right organization in 1998 July 1999 ,2000!!??through internet ,from Udaipur-Raj India !!? b’se in 2001 I was first time came to ME =Gulf and just from 3 days it self I was start to face brain waves ,voice talk , from the south Indian those are >89% in Dubai but that was good talk ,but continuous talk at road , many time I told do not talk with me by brain voice ,waves =0=160 cps ,but these people did not stop , and from April ,south Indian start to insult me=human abuse level !!?? =torture me on road ,office , home !! that time I was with one south Indian =Tamil Hindu scientist, room partner ,he used to do torture activities !! Once these torture continuous , first I wrote few emails to Dubai ministers ,that time Dubai government have web site have there ministers emails ,there I mention clearly them that I am facing brain waves ,voice torture , 0-160 cps , I given them my pass port number ,work permit number also ,my resume also !! for that emails I sent from Philippino internet administrator café ,there was one girl ,two Philippino boys !! this café is in Karama ,Dubai area !!( these email was also with out my signature ) then after few days =15 days since this torture continuous , I wrote one commented email ,(with out my signature ) with my resume , address ,pass port number , education qualification !! this I sent from South Indian internet café (administrator south Indian this is also in Karama ,just few shops near to Philippino internet café ,8-14 shops ) , while foreign scientist did recorded Dolphins /elephants” brain waves/voice” talk in“1940,1960” it self ! while Indian Gov !!! while Foreigner scientists are doing now , =Human brain signals ,are detect “by “MRI Scanner “=magnetic resonance imagine Scanner “ which will relayed to Robotic hand + robots !! + I read The language of translation ! & Functional brain arrays ! ,MRI , PET, SPECT ,Functional MRI on the basis ,Functional MRI on the experiment
even when I came in Saudi Arabia 2008 March my first publication was against Al Quaida !! which selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , may be that time it self Arabic think tank decided to use my life =Ruhel Chisty life to get strong relation ship of india =strong look at east policy !!?? sir , Royal society of chemistry which have >10-90 Nobel laureates in its membership , its when I have list of human work ,list of publications ,list of nominations , then I am facing these all torture , I can understand that what’s Indian government is doing in Kashmir =reply of peace march by Bullet, open kill ,open murder innocent common men women , same way Assam , poorer area of Zharkhand ,Bihar =Naksallite area !!?? Now I am looking that Indian government is effective in ME=Gulf also !! same as they are effective in Kashmir !! there also they killed lot of innocent by frame them as criminal ,or terror !! sir my point is these Arabic are not human being !! these people are just Arabic !! !! b’se till now from Dubai to KSA ,these people just support Indian polices in my case !! you can think about these people and Indian relation up to this level !!?? My request please remove Indian name from UNODC ,Interpol !! b’se like this india are doing kill of many talented minorities brain !!
Sir ,one point connecting to my this case ! Pl, Delhi/UP- Police ,have few -video Records ,as proof at Supreme court of india against Lal Krishan Advaani ,Uma Bharti , Vinayak Katariya ,! ,who was provoking to Riots ,Murder ! to huge population in 1989 to 1992 !& which did action & that month ~2,000 riots ,kill ,murder taken place ! But with in few years ,all these Video- proof s ! thieves from Supreme court ! Sir this news was came in -Leading news paper of india , so Lal Krishan Advaani became Vice Prime minister of india ! Ruhel Chisty ! A fact of Indian laws and order +its way of common - life ! & Concern me , Pl till today ,I did not got any letter from Government why & what & till what ! this Inhuman-action on me !? even no Courier=Fed Ex ,UPS , DHL , I got !? concern this case ,even that email (with out my signature ) which have by Dubai IB ,RAW ,IB ,KSA-IB !!
sir , if some one like me =Ruhel Chisty ,try to open the Arabs ,here living people reality ,concern Al Quaida reality in Arabs , as I did then these people will put behind you their human dog societies ,mainly South Indian ,Other southern Asian countries people !! these will torture you to extreme level , will take your sleep ,will try take your job ,will try to loot you , discriminate you as I faced , Ruhel Chisty date 10-10-2008 ,
Sir , We seen that USA >60 % people given vote against Bush Jr =President ,concern War on Iraq !! & now >57% people are against Bush foreign affair policies =Iraq ++ other to send more 20,000 troops++ !! !! it came on BBC world News channel it self !! means USA People given lesson to Bush with in 2.5 years !! while my case is going on from 1999 & 2000 &2001 & 2003 &2004 &2005 &2006 &2007 !! But these south Indian = ME=Gulf living south india have some e- letter (with out my signature ) , these people living - graph will not fall down, these people self respect graph did not fall down b’se they are Indian living in ME=-Gulf !!?? will get name from Indian democracy !!?? b’se these people are least people ,not like USA people those are literate ,best ,good then all world people , those are quick decider !! even Ms Sarah Palin is telling abused words about Barack Obama , but after second live discussion , Barack Obama graph rise , and it will continuous ,From 59% of total Votes to 68% total votes in favor of Barack Obama .at final election level they =USA voter did not count Ms Sarah Palin abused words !!??
Please if you see the Indian president 2002 March , (Dalit ,Keralite president ) he did not sent Indian army to kill rioters ,those were doing genocides in Gujarat !! he sent army after 3 days of genocide completed !! same was in 1984 Sikh genocides =Sikh riots !! that time president was also did not sent any army in new Delhi +other place of india !!??
Note :While as per Indian Science =Medical ,Physics, Chemistry ,Human science its audio-hallucination =Schizophrenia !! If you are also thinking like that Please Nominate Indian for medical ,physics ,and literature and peace =All Nobel's !!? from my real life case +reality of India +its all government bodies of all ruling parties !!?? please these people are torturing me from Past 16 years , in Udaipur ,then in Dubai ,Now in KSA ,By brain voice /waves ,Rays 0-160 cps, Pl you open , , search for Ruhel Chisty , you will find one web ,= CIA - Sophia's Children TOC= un expected use of brain voice Ruhel Chisty 7/11/01. !! which will tell you mine real life at internet in 2001 11th July ,Its did with me =Him !! = Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel –Schizophrenia !!

(3) Pl I am facing high torture =by brain waves/voice /rays =Delta –Rays ++& forced dreams ,to see ,worst for next life =no sex ,no future ,no career ,no good life !! , by Udaipur (City) –RAJASTHAN -313001 ,- human society ,from 1991 to 2008 !! Pl note its continuous ,torture ! at which human brain is sensitive ,Sir note these criminals are advanced in Neuro science !! They Know about Brain best-rest time=sleep & know the loop hole of Indian laws & order !& it’s not crime in India as it’s not under IPA+ constitute ! This Constitute is ~ 150 Years old ! these brain waves are low frequency =”main”-brain waves = Beta wave ( 13-30, cps=Cycle per second ) ,Alpha wave ( 8-13 ,cps) ,theta wave (4-7, Cps) , Delta wave ( 0-4 ,cps) waves = + at which human brain is sensitive , (Please these Brain waves - Pictures attached ! ) ,while foreign scientist did recorded Dolphins /elephants” brain waves/voice” talk in“1940,1960” it self ! while Indian Gov !!! while Foreigner scientists are doing now , =Human brain signals ,are detect “by “MRI Scanner “=magnetic resonance imagine Scanner “ which will relayed to Robotic hand + robots !! + I read The language of translation ! & Functional brain arrays ! ,MRI , PET, SPECT ,Functional MRI on the basis ,Functional MRI on the experiment

(4) & it was just B’se , Indian science & technology & medical science is “ low quality” +Indian law and order also low quality &which think for Majorities only =Hindu only !! & its proved from past 60 years !! that when Hindu is doing crime ,it will not recorded in Police station ,but when any minority+ Dalits +tribal did crime its recorded & they put in jail !! that ‘s why all Indian police station full of Indian minorities ,while very less Indian Hindus are there !! & it to show world that minorities are criminals & t show that police station in charged , good record at national *state level to next promotion . & best future !!? &
Pl I read Scientist - used EEG-technology ,to detect Human brain waves and it used as “Brain computer interface “ to help Deaf person & I read that JohnDonoguade& his team , made Brain gate , =Brain sensor -device ! & I also read , that Honda research institute used ,where ,Human - brain signal will detect “by “MRI Scanner “=magnetic resonance imagine Scanner “ which will relayed to Robotic hand+ machine !! Robotic arm +robotic surgery +help to move spinal injury people !
Sir I read scientific -literature of Dr Joseph C Sharp , +his work on Hypnotis +I read total mechanism of his instrument +his hypothesis ! concern waves effect on Human brain ! (Dr Joseph C Sharp , from Walter Reed Army Institute of Research) +his instrument in detail ! then I am writing you
Note-2 : Pl, I am aware of following instruments (1) High Resolution MRI (2) f-MRI (3) DTI= Diffusion Tensor imaging (4) LORETA= Low resolution electromagnetic tomography (Images) ++B’se I want invented new instrument in Brian –analysis , to help brain disorder people ,from develop and under develop nation ! & hence I invented one Ruhel-Far-brain sensor which Accepted for publication in PITTCON 2005 , & I aware of following brain parts:- , CBI receptors , antagonist ,agonist densities , cannabism , GABA (A) ,use of MRI Scans in Brain analysis =% Volume of brain densities decreased !! , immunuhistochemistry , electrophysiology , ++ hypo activation , ++ Brain parts =gray matter volume ,Middle temporal Gyrus , amygdaloidal , Thalami , inferior temporal gyrus , Superior temporal gyrus =Its use in Auditory and Linguistic ++
Note 2.1: I have original my handwritten ,notes = I send my human right case =To save my life +career +brain ,from torture ,from forced unemployed ness ,at 1999 Oct to 2001 28th Jan ! & torture from Brain waves ,voice by Udaipur-City - people !
To United Nation Human right commission Geneva Switzerland ,Pl I send my case at this email, !! Pl check with them=UN !! & to , !! sir this email is of International court of justice !I send here my case in 1999 ,2000 ,2001 ,Pl I know its world top most , Court for Justice ! Sir you can confirm with them , this email also I did from lee explorer ,internet café Udaipur –Raj !! b’se its emails of 1999,2000,2001 ! Pl confirm with them ,did they get ,Pl it prove , that Indian -Intelligence agency =Hindu intelligence , was active that time it self !! to kill me !! Just like today ,from Feb 2003 to till now !! b’se that time BJP =RSS=VHP=Bdal was in power at whole India ! & now BJP Ruling at Rajasthan !!
Sir and I have all these proof still with me in my Diary ,which I send there & I maintain my proofs till now ! as I know it is/was human right case ! Now sir you take decision provide me Freedom from this world highest inhuman society =Udaipur &Indian !! where Human rights and laws ,order are hidden in corruption ! where maximum people are corrupt and like to enjoy this nation with corruption & with kill person like me ! ! Pl that time also I did send my case ,to
all possible international human right organization ! to save my life +career +future +Brain !! ,from this very inhuman ,cruel torture ! by this type of Human society ! and these people did forced unemployed ,torture discrimination ,harassment to me in 1999 Oct to 2001 July ! Juts like Today condition but that time it was very ,very high torture !!
Pl one notable point :Pl due to this huge torture in night ,continuously past 4 years ,
,I used to get less sleep ~4 -5 hours only ! so in day ,as these Udaipur city local people ,Doing torture =by forced brain waves, voice ,rays at Road =Udaipur city road , at my brain,
Pl as I seen ,at National geography channel ,Discovery – channels ,forensic - cases ! & recently CNN-IBN ,shown that FBI Department of USA & Police of USA ,used to find depth of all crimes+ criminals .sp no next such crime +to made , crime &criminal -map !! . before panelized them !! Pl my request to you ,to get depth of this case to USA& EU & UN level & then pl take my brain mapping ,brain finger print ,Brain detection +Norco’s analysis to Best for Human society of today generation ! then all tests of all criminals involved in this case !! so no next such case at world human society !! Date 28-04-2007 .Sir recently it came ,Gandhi Nager & Hyderabad based Government forensic laboratories have pirated software=fake software ! =DOC, for Brain mapping instrument ,Which is not capable to record traces of brain waves to actual level=micro level ! & this software are not accredited ! it told by Dr B .Mohan (Director &Head of Banglour forensic science laboratory (Government ) ) & he send the copy of this complain , to home ministry New Delhi &PMO New Delhi & CBI New Delhi !! it means what ever Brain mappings, did in Gandhi Nagar & Hyderabad till now was fake !! Ruhel Chistry date 28042007 .( It came on NDTV –channel (Hindi news ) shown on date 27/04/2007 at time :10:20 AM .
&sir I know till today ,none of Indian politician ,who have illegal –work ,cases on them & even ,got caught on News channel ,hidden video camera recording= ,did not like to accepted to given Brain scans tests +even any murder cases & Rape &gang murder & genocide & Riots & looting cases - criminals not ,given brain scans !! B’se in Indian maximum Forensic test if Norco’s analysis !! very –very - rare cases =as Telgii –Stamp papers case , ,he was order to brain scans +Norco’s analysis ,both !! here Indian politician do not like to resign ,from there posts !! even there cases, came on news channels &news papers !!Like ex Defense minister J. Farnasdish =JD- &BJP !! & then other 9 minister in BJP Government !! but they do not resign !! while in foreign ,on single prove email ,telephone , fax to corruption forced to their- human, resign them self !! &they are doing =few Japanese ministers ,Israeli minister , ++ UK Minister given their resign on the spot !! if they were wrong !!
Note :Pl I am writing my auto -biography ,from past Feb 2003 to till today ,to show world , what , real I am facing =torture ,discrimination ++ some good=all emails for awards ,nominations to me =Ruhel Chistry , +offer for speaker proposal from named Scientific originations to me , &UN Officials ,letters to me , apply for UN Jobs !! UN Officials ,from UNODC & UNPAN ,in 2003 ,2004 it self !! even then these Indian are doing these activities sir one more fact if you talk about to get USA .Europe jobs ,if you have publications at international level ,you good % in your Degree , then your hirer company will put few criminal brain people behind you ,Like Lone star technical service put behind me Mr. R Krishnan, Zuber Anwar , Sultan (Driver ) Abel Denial (last both are south Indian, first also ) and then these people try to provoke you so that you do speak some thing wrong ,you wrote some thing wrong !! and then these people will record that through Mobile =Nokia , and will use internet and forward to CBI ,RAW =Indian intelligence they are so shame less ,maximum of them are south Indian only ,so they will use that data to rise at UN level but never call you ,ask you before use of that data !! !! like my case !! Ruhel Chisty case !! try to frame them in crime related things ,in stead given them jobs ,education , good living status !! Indian are killing them ,framing them !! sir you can think ME =Gulf local people are Just brain less body and their brain are south Indian !! these are only maximum in RAW ,IB ,civil services , Ministry , brain of Indian maximum ministers !!=their letter ,there speech , maximum written by Civil servants only !! Many time I heard that we killed many people , weather they are innocent of not ,just there name came on crime !! its words from Indian maximum people !! even single email ,with out signature , from past 8 years Indian RAW ,IB trying to get few proofs against me =Ruhel Chisty ,b’se of that email ,with out signature !!?? sir did you do not think that email was commented email ,which telling that these Indian are torture me in Dubai also , Indian were tortured me in Indian also ,from past 1991 to till now 2008 !! b’se india is under least nation ,most corrupt nation , least human rights nation , Dubai +KSA are also same !!?? here human right violation is more done by Indian only !!?? that may be Dubai IB =Police forward to Indian intelligence !! none of Dubai police official contact to me concern this !! but Indian RAW ,IB is taking benefit of that email ( only bad email ,not telling about that emails which I sent to Dubai ministers !!?? ,from past 8 years !! even Indian IB did not come directly to me , they are using Satellite technology ,from past 8 years ,to get some crime related proof ,of me !! even internet crime !!?? I can think now Indian will tell you that Ruhel Chisty ,wrote from crime related email from india also !! then please ask them to forward that email to UNODC ,Interpol , I am ready to given my brain mapping ,and brain finger print but after that I was that you remove India name from UN list !! sir while I had four publications against terror ,against Al Quaida ,from past 2002 to till 2006 !! violation of U.N.G.A Res. 1904(XVIII) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217A (III) =Human rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!?? actually these Arabs +Indian have some e-letter ,which is with out my signature , telling some thing to do crime !! from past 8 years ,so these people are using satellite technology to find out the depth of Ruhel Chisty life from past 16 years =Ruhel –Audio Hallucination =Ruhel Schizophrenia !! while these Arabs +Indian do not have single video recording of Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,Uma Bharti ,Ashok Singhal ,+= 1989 to 1993 genocides all over india ,,Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 march genocides =video recording of genocides, even they will have but Indian will keep mum for Hindu world =So call secular world and Arabs will keep mum b’se now india is economic power in Asia +future 2nd power of Asia so these Arabs can not rise their voice against genocide but they have one email with out my signature ,from past 8 years to 16 years !!?? while on other hand Indian news media it self have lot off video proof of genocides but Indian RAW ,IB is part of that so Indian satellite is part of genocide and Arabs are mum b’se that are not proof ,that are only video . as india is 2nd Asian power in future so they are mum for Arabs future benefits and these Arabs will like talk about Palestine at UN level =UNSC level , ,b’se philistine people are Arabic, But same these Arabs will keep mum all other cases from Asian countries up to genocide level of Asian minorities with religion bar !!?? but they have e letter with out my signature !!??? which till now did not shown to me by any Indian official at UN Level even Indian level same way by any Dubai –Arabic official at UN level and Dubai level ,same way by any Saudi Official at UN level and Saudi level !!?? while India is called democratic nation ,did it fulfill democratic ways !! And ME=Gulf are dynasty to UN Part ,did it full fill UN level !!?? Thanks . Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) =Ruhel Chistry ( MRACI-C.Chem) date 20-07-2009
 Reply:   my interview taken by director from Pakistan
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (25/Sep/2009)

I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
I selected for three =3 Jobs in Gulf=International Jobs ,from 1996 to 1998 (1) Oman copper Industries Co , S.A.O.G ,1996 , They offered me salary =~15,000 Indian rupees per month + free furnished accommodation +food free , they send me VISA +Air ticket ,at my home address But my former wife stopped me, b’se she was Teacher in Rajasthan government +our marriage that time pas out only 8 months !(we divorced in 2001 ) ,2nd interview telegram from NAMA =Saudi government =Arabian industrial development company ,on 1998 , Pl my , 3rd interview & international selection in Abdullah Hashim Gas company , in 1997 they offer me ~29,000 Indian rupees per month . ! I want to mention one special thing that here my interview was taken director of chemistry division who was from Pakistan and manager ,Hindus from south india , they taken my interview for 30 minutes , director of chemistry div asked me many questions concern depth of Gas chromatography , he shown me many problems diagrams concern Gas chromatography problems asked me the all possible solutions , he asked me 20 question with diffract problems in GC , and all possible answers , as I given 96% true answers , he select me on the spot it self , and
Asked me to Join the company , this I mention that in all interview at india there should be one Pakistani , Arabic Chemistry ,physics, engineering person should be there , so that it will be good for person like me =Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A =Minority , if he was not there then that south Indian manager was taken south Indian person on this Job also !!??
Pl I did not got any Job in Indian private chemical industries =Tata ,Birla ,Reliance ,++Any privet chemical industries +Indian Government petrochemical company +Indian government chemical company from 1980 to 2009 =Birth to till now !! it tell me that There is , Reservation for Hindu only !! or they like to cut ,Minorities ,OBCs ,ST/SC jobs offer just by looking there names !! Like me =Ruhel Chistry it look like christen !! now time to start Pure –Minorities ,OBCs ,STs, SCs industries ,where only these people will work & will got ownerships & all management post will be with them only !! & they can given jobs to Hindu Crème layer & middle creamy layer to 50% Hindu Population !! Sir when 27% Reservation to OBCs was given in 1990 =Social justice & affirmative action plan =this was opposed by FICCI =the federation of Indian chamber of commerce and industries & Also opposed By ASSOCHAM= Association chamber of commerce and industries ! P- 148 ,ISBN:81-7835-270-2(Vol 3) ,
Pl Note I was not got job in Any Private industries which is member of these organization in india ! these Indian industries shave 100% reservation for Hindus only ! =creamy layer middle creamy layer Hindus ! & these are Just 20-50% % of Indian pollution ! it tell that india is for Hindu only ! & all benefits for Hindu like Modi =15=10+5 years chief minister Gujarat ! Atal Bihari Vajpayee +Lal Krishan Advanni =Prime minister & Vice PM of india 10 years ! & these are those who did kill many Humen from minorities ! By Riots & riots only !! & these are controller of FICCI & ASSOCHAM !!
Notable thing that when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Give interview for gulf companies he have 98% successful results , But when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Given interview to India companies s=Hindu companies he did not selected =100% fail result ,that why I did not like to give any interview to Indian =Hindu =Secular from 2003 to till now =6 ,bse its wasting of time plus to get tension only to meet Indian +Hindu !!?? while see Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Georgia , Norway ,Sweden , Australia , Libya , morocco + Poland , Malaysia ,Ukraine , Kazakhstan ,Ireland , these all got freedom in 1950,1970 ,1990 era , they have there own Religion scientist , chemical industries , Banks , Space ,defense ++++ they all were slave of UK ,or France , OR Portugal !!?? but they believe on there brain ,human power , they do not think like Hindu =Indian =secular !!??
While I found that Hindu territories =RAW, IB ,MI, CID-Rajputana ,Innovation are FK Nayak , Guddi , Kishan pole street Indian Muslims =support for Own ,benefit to Hindu world night torture 0,160,220 cps with support of Satellite technology=with Hindu terrorists =RAW,IB,MI from 1991 to till now 2009 15th September !!?? actually these are Genetic Hindu only !! like father of Pakistan Jinna was genetically Kashmiri Brahmin =Hindu !!??
Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO , Now Not allowing me to apply Direct company job like =Chemist Analytical development , QC Chemist at,= ,, Saudi Arabia ,As they did NOT -keep any Indian HR agent as Mediator= third party , here they will directly came india will take interview +will provide selection letter +Visa ,air ticket !! and this Hindu Terrorist do not want that HR Agents money should go from poor Hindu nation ! it Hindu want that HR agents should be there and RAW,IB,MI will ask him to follow Hindu Norms –Atal ,Dr Manmohan Singh Norms =not to give Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A resume +selection letter to Gulf =ME Company !!??
I like to recommended that after Pakistan solid ,honest work on war against Taliban ,Al Quida from Jan 2009 to till now , ME =Gulf all companies should hire Pakistani also in Jobs in equal % then Indian !!?? 50% jobs to Pakistani +50% Jobs to Indian !!??
Pl I have with me still all telegrams +courier +Fax +VISA +Air tickets ! till 1998
Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .
Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, by Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode by Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO=Prime minister office New Delhi !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!?? while USA =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !!

we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? while RAW ,IB ,MI is working like pet dogs for LK Advanni , Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time , then Karnataka chief Minster =Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all are again reelected chief minister by Hindus !! and RAW,IB,MI ,CIDs ,police of India are working like pet dogs for these all people !! those did support in Christen ,Muslim genocide from 2008 to 2002 !!?? as these all are Hindu ,Dr Manmohan Singh is Hindu !! so prime minister of india support to Hindus up to this level !!?? while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about them as Its Hindu nation !!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like , While USA =develop nation =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !! it all approved by USA Congress !! while in india Assam 30 years ,Kashmir 30 years , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Life forced unemployed by Hindu terrorist ,from 1999 to 2009 ,and Orissa 2008 , christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 genocide ,Chhtisgarh 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 genocides approved by Hindu Congress at these states + New Delhi !! the difference between developed christen nation =USA and Hindu Nation =india !!
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .
she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive
(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .
(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,
to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India
Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,
While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India
I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,
Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.
MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,
Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,
AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land
ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )
IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )
Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=
INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )
Passport Number:-E-6884179
Date Of Birth 26-08-1966
Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)
ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009
Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,
Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)
Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10 Honest nation , USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates top 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,for my work to protect world environmental + global warming , Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work +it fear that ME =Gulf Muslims religion people will got rise over Indian =Hindu ,poor ,huge population !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption data in INDIA at Transparency international web !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,
I want to mention that once in will get USA ,Canada ,EU Citizenship +work there I will put my all money in Christen banks + will get interest of my saving money till I have money , bse from past 2009 Jan to till now 20 Sept 2009 , I am getting threat from Indian =Hindu +Muslims , that you are getting interest of your saving gin india only !!?? other nations =USA ,EU ++ UN =world bank are not providing !!??

From Feb. 2008 to Dec 2008 ,RAW==India intelligence= A Hindu terrorist organization, Used Indian living in Juabil ,Saudi Arabia specially muffseer apartment , one flat =6 Indian =Operator level , low profiles Indian + Indian working in Saudi Kayan 2200 =two thousand two hundred Indian = Upper level to lower level =G12 Upper to G3 lower , there was only 7=Seven Pakistani ,100 Indonesian , 100 Pilipino were hired in Saudi Kayan , for Jobs !! But from Jan 2008 it self these Indian start to torture me by Body rays ,brain voice 0,160 ,220 to 2500 Cps !!?? and night torture was also from 11.30 PM to 2.30 AM by Indian living in muffseer apartment , these Indian =Secular !!it was continuous from Jan 2008 to till December 2008 ,=whole 1 years !! every day torture By Indian in front of USA,UK ,Korean , China
, European ,Pakistani ,Local Saudi , Qatar ,Kuwaiti ,with out any shame =with think Indian are great !!
intension was clear that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A should do not have nay job in hand +no money !!?? should go back to Kalam ,Dr Manmohan Singh nation + live there unemployed +see the secular Indian !!??? + see the play of RAW =Hindu terrorist intelligence !!?? now I can say ,SABIC Should hire Pakistani , as 1000 ,1200 + Saudi governments , ,they have good records of Counter terrorism from Jan 2009 to till now , they are not like secular !! india which I seen +face in Saudi Arabia +india !!??there work against terrorist is accept world level !!?? proved work !!??
Saudi Kayan have 30 USA , 200 UK , 200 Europe , 100 Korean +2 China !!?? =working for Licensor = KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,
And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .
As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??
New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!
(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(its my real life case !)
(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist
(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya
(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan
(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why
PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009
This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,
a leading global market research provider, and your participation is
critical. Here's why:

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Enroll today, and select two Welcome Gifts! Choose from movie
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If you haven't already done so, join now.

Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser
Product Marketing Director
Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??
That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,
In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?
As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,
Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,
(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??
China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!
The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??
(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!
(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??
(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??
(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??
(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!
That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??
What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??
Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!
=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .
While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??
Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??
This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .
They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??
(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??
(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .
(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??
(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .
It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,
While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .
While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??
His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )
He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??
Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!
I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,
If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!
these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and
I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,
Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??
The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !
(its my real life article !)
On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM
I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !
I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !
But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala
On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,
does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??
I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009
and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??
(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .
(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .
Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)
Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??
They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??
but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??
This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak
to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

Bcc:,,, Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry , Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry ,
Dear Oelrich, Ivan ( Acting President of the Federation of American Scientists

RAW =A Hindu terrorist organization for Indian minorities it self =those are Non Hindu !!??
(Real Article : From My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life )

RAW =Research analysis wing have killing activities for Indian Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists from past 30 years =Non Hindu =RAW is terrorist organization for we minorities also then Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,ME =Gulf =Specially UAE , Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Malaysia, And China +Assam +Kashmir !!??

1 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia : ( Its controlled by PMO= Dr Manmohan Singh!! from 2003 to till now ) )
RAW existence I face in Saudi Arabia =Jubail at Mufssir Apartment at My flat 1/11 Saudi Arabia

At My TV , from Feb 2008 to 2008 December, this Hindu terrorist organization was active there , its have power full satellite technology got from KGB =Russian International terrorist organization founded by Stalin !!??

RAW have ability from Satellite , to listen talk at Any place of Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,india !! ?? can see you in dark ,can see your dress in dark , can see you at depth of 20 feet inside Building ,can listen your talk there , with out any problem all through satellite technology !!?? can see you in Bath room , can see you in Bedroom in nigh =Dark night !!?? this much power is with Hindu Now !!?? =it control by Prime minister office Only !!?? it =RAW is not responsible to give answers of any question to any body else in India included Any Minister !!any Army officer !!??

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! (1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

Then in 2008 = again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world = federation of American scientist issued report on ,

RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka ,

RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west

Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan,

!!??specially from east Pakistan ,RAW Reached at East Pakistan in 1960 it self !!?? RAW Trained Mukti Bahini ,but also Arms to worker of Mukti Bahini in 1970 !!??

This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!??

Not only this about RAW ,Shri Lanka one leading news Paper =Daily Mirror , told that RAW , is playing heinous role in regional counties to destabilized them , having rise nursed and fortified to LTTE , =Liberation Tiger of Tamil eelam , ,this news paper mention that RAW ,employee are , bankrupt and spiritually barren , like Ravi Nair 1975 having , allegedly affair with other nation spy , and 2004 , Rabinder singh , he escaped to CIA =USA with copies of several highly confidential documents ,having affair with US embassy based female spent time in resorts at Delhi JAIPUR HIGH WAY !!??

RAW is doing one more work , in UK ,Canada ,USA , ME =Gulf ,on fighting against its separatist =Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikh , separatist , it getting annually 250 millions to counter these separatist in USA, Candaa, UK !!??

It doing illegal funding to Political candidates in USA in 1996 it given 46,000 $ illegal fund to Political candidates at USA , for federal election , the Indian , man caught was Lalit H Ghadia , who put in front of USA Court ,he accept that he worked through Indian embassy , and various Indian American organization ,

Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!??

RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!??

about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board ,

Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??
( Parts from FAS + Ali Sukhanver =Pakistan based nation and international strategic and defense affair )

I like to mention one point here UK -Police shoot +Hang two Hindus =Chanadra Shekar , Baghat singh , for India they were real Hindu ,But for UK Police they were militants !!?? that why they died !! same way Mr. Narandra Modi , Naven Patnayak , Rao =Gujarat ,Orissa ,Karnataka , Chhatisgarh Chief minister are Real Hindu for India , so they have power to legally rule india as Chief ministers again and again !! But for international people they are Hindu criminals =Hindu terrorist !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 23-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

RAW was torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , at my TV by TV Free voice mode , and using its Indian population =those are 50% population of Jubail working in Petrochemical companies there !!? using Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!?? it was using Indian =Secular Hindu ,Indian Muslims at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,Riyadh ,Bahrain !!?? =these are 3.5 lacks in Population at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,while there are 10,000 people of UK ,10000 people from USA ,10000 from South Korea , 5000 from China , 50,000 from Pakistan ,50,000 from Bangladesh , 50000 from Philippine in Jubail in front of these all Indian were torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A at open level !!?? !!
B;se I am not Hindu =I am Minority !!??
while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !!

2 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india , up to abused in terror level!! : (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

Udaipur Raj INDIA , Hindus Human society research=Torture ,on Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =Rchisty , Minority scientist ,By use of RAW + Satellite technology ,TV Free voice mode ,+0,160,220 cps Brain waves torture By order of RAW =PMO =Prime minister office India , going on from 1991 to 2009 ,18th September )
Hindu Defense -experiment , working for use of its huge population , training like as Bio robot by satellite + TV free voice mode At Udaipur Rajasthan INDIA 313001 ,313002, this city have 2.6 lacks are Hindu ,75,000 are Indian Muslim !! also fully supporting this torture to minority scientist=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , ,as these are Con ,poor ,Corrupt , !! AS THIS POOR NATION HAVE HUGE POPULATION=So huge BIO Robots for Hindu world !!??this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? so these Hindu =Indian will captured whole world in 2137 those having Kalam ,Sharuk Khan Nayak ,Amir Khan , M Agwani ,S Agwani ,Q Chisty , FK Nayak , like Indian Muslims +5000 Illiterate Indian Muslims from Kishan pole Udaipur =BJP =RSS Lover getting EU , NGOs $ ,to these poor Indian Muslims also !! !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!?? have to live like Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A from 1991 to till now !!??This Hindu terrorist Organization =RAW , have one Indian Muslims = Dr MS Agwani ,

Who was teaching to Nation foreign affair Officials ,India , National Defense academic , upper level Hindu army people , National civil servants , from past 1955 to till now !! who is from Udaipur Raj india ,who is advisor to Prime minister ,president of india from 1964 to 2009 !! he also have full support to RAW and Udaipur Hindu society brain waves torture 0,160,220 cps from 1991 to till now ,18 September 2009 !!?? he is representing India at international level ,for diplomatic level +peace !!?? actually he is part of RAW ,IB,MI ,PMO as he have good relation ships of all former presidents Like Gayanni Jail Singh + Nelam snajev Reddy + Dr Manmohan Singh + Indra Gandhi as he was Prof in JNU ,and vice chancellor in JNU !!?? these type of profs ,advisors to PMO India are ,those fuel kill of Innocent Assam ,Kashmiri , Minorities at all india level =At all Hindu nation level as these type of Indian professors are getting good salaries +respected what RAW =Hindu terrorist organizations getting from prime ministers of this Hindu nation =India directly !!?? 250 Million $ annually to RAW for international activities only !!?? like this Hindu nation PMO providing fukll money to these types of JNU +Other universities professors also those deal with International affairs + diplomatic channels if this Hindu nation ,yes these may be Indian Muslims +Indian Sikh ,Pharisee + Indian Buddha !!??

Ruhel Chisty date 18-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

3 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Dubai =UAE =International level !!?? (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

RAW was torturing me in Dubai also from Feb 2001 to 2003 Feb. by use of Indian living there in Dubai =LTS =Lone start technical service Dubai !!?? this company is Indian Company = torture by use of Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

RAW was using its Population at ME =Gulf different countries and Indian embassies there !!?? to use its power at International level to prove Asian power !!?? =By Hindu terrorist organization !!?? like KGB was doing on innocent Russian people !!?

these people enjoying these things from 1991 to 2001 in Udaipur Raj India , and from 2008 23rd Jan in Bahrain , 2008, 24th Jan to 2008 ,16th dec in Jubail ,Riyadh =Saudi Arabia ,Indian did open torture by brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in front of 182 nations people =EU ,USA ,Korea ,Japan , Canada ++++Australia ++ as Jubail =KSA have 60% its population from india only ,those are working there in petrochemical companies !!?? then from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb in Dubai ,Abu Dhabi ,Shajarha , Oman , Ajman ,Fujarah , its was all open done by Indian !!?? while Udaipur Raj 313001 .02 INDIA was place for this research on Human !! it was Hindu defense research to use its Poverty rich ,corrupt Human population to produced , Ruhel Bipolar Disorder ,By 0,160,220 cps ,use of satellite technology + TV Free voice mode to guide to these Hindus , !!??

RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india from 1991 to 2009 ,20th September It train Udaipur Human dogs Like Dog , trainer are training ,these people=RAW , given huge money to udaipur people =Hindu Muslims both, the money this Poor Hindu + Indian , got from NGOs in Europe +world bank –Japan +Korea + Germany ,France for ,Handicaps ,blind ,ill ,Mental !! and Distributed to Hindu +Kishan pole street like Indian Muslims 5000 Indian Muslims these are illiterate ,con even not educated up to 10 standard it self in Hindi medium But these are RAW ,=Indian terrorist organization faith full Human dogs !!??
In 1990 there was no good home in this street which can be confirmed by UN Satellite ,ESA ,NASA satellite pictures also !!?? But not these illiterate Indian Muslim having 5 story buildings , Government jobs +huge bank balance as these all support to RAW , =New idea = Bio robots , + these illiterate Indian Muslim like to give Vote to BJP + few congress also !!?? these can be used by RAW to do Bomb blast in Pakistan ,Shri lanka , + other part of world !! as these are also getting good per month amount from RAW = Hindu intelligence for its project =Bio robots from satellite technology !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-09-2009 ,These all points for Interpol ,UNODC ,UNSC ,UNGA , EU ,USA =FBI ,Europol !!??

Compare of ME =Gulf and India = Hindu =secular !!?? = Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular = given many proof to Bush jr =poor Brain +Republicans !!??

I found that ME =Gulf (these are non Hindu =Non Indian ) people are best for Indian Minorities =Like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! But from Feb 2003 to 2008 =Continuous 5 years Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh Human –dogs start to bark on me that your wrote against UN =UNGA , UNSC from Dubai !! it came to us =Hindu =Secular !!?? they 1.0 Billion Hindu=Secular start to rise voice at Bush Jr =republicans that we have some email from Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,that do not have by Dubai government which he wrote from Dubai !! the maximum voice rise by Udaipur Hindu +kishan pole Street Indian Muslims =secular By Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Then this Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO kept me forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 By use satellite technology =TV free voice mode ,Internet , Mobile ,Fax, Emails , Mail = by kidnapped these all !!??
while Indian government =Secular =Dr Manmohan Singh !! providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?
While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??
Then in 2008 =Again I reached to ME =Gulf =Saudi Arabia again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

While this secular =Hindu =Dr Manmohan Singh =People =Human did , (In India =A Hindu nation ) = Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide , ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Victims still suffering from Justice , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10, USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,
for my work to protect world environmental + global warming ,
Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption in INDIA !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,

This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!?? finally these people given kicked on his face and put him in blood and unconscious !!!??

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!
if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

While from date 21-09-2009 , Indian Hindu Eid =Indian Muslims Eid !!? these Udaipur Hindu +Indian Muslim start to attack on me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , up to abused level +by one Bohara =Indian Muslim like community ,who have shop in Bapu Bazar –Stationary shop from there I am buying All stationary items from past 9 months ,he also like to abuse my brain when some foreigner is coming of some Hindu police is passing through his shop and I am standing there = !! by torture up abused levl from 2009 Jan to till now !!?? b’se I did support Pakistan army +Government those are doing Hard work against Terrorism from past Jan 2009 to till now , even from 2001 to 2009 Jan also !! given gift to Bush Jr 600 Al-Quida ,live from Afghan –Pakistan border !!?? But pointing thing is India have 37 Ahinsapuri ,23 AA kishan pole ,167 Loha bazaar Udaipur Raj India, like Indian Muslims !! those have one Dr Agwani , who is getting promotion in jobs =in Hindu diplomacy =By Indian Politician ,those are under r world top 100 corrupt high level political nation !!?? who one work to tell all possible wrong about Pakistan government all policies =Local plus foreign ,and he living in India with respect , with promotion ,good salaries from past 1950 to till now 2009 !! and live also !! as he is doing abused to , Pakistan Muslims , Pakistan government , Pakistan policies , =its all work at UN ,USA ,EU from 1947 to till now !!?? that why he got best Hindu awards =Padama Bhusan =Padam award , Rajiv Gandhi , !!?? from Indian Politician =where 82% Hindu are living =1260 millions population as he is Indian Muslim ,he like to stay in India in 1942-1947 after all communal Hindu Muslims riots ,murder , looting !!?? So !!?? his birth 1924 !!?? while Dr Agwani have 67% in BA from , and due to this he have Gold medal , And he have 66% in MA -Political science here also due to this he have gold medal from !! while Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A have 70% Physics BSc from ,and 68% Chemistry BSc from !! so I have to face Hindu Terrorist , Hindu ,Secular !! = from 1991 to till now !!?? as 70% and 68% are less then 66% !!??
As this Bohara =Indian Muslim like community is filling his stomach in This Udaipur city =Hindu nation =Hindu nation =Secular !! where Hindu customers also coming other religion customer also coming !!?

(12-e) Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .
I like to mention one point here UK -Police shoot +Hang two Hindus =Chanadra Shekar , Baghat singh , for India they were real Hindu ,But for UK Police they were militants !!?? that why they died !! same way Mr. Narandra Modi , Naven Patnayak , Rao =Gujarat ,Orissa ,Karnataka , Chhatisgarh Chief minister are Real Hindu for India , so they have power to legally rule india as Chief ministers again and again !! But for international people they are Hindu criminals =Hindu terrorist !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 23-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,

The US Administrative nudging india to closed its consulates =embassy in Afghanistan , at Jalalabad , Herat , as US Found that India =RAW is involving to destabilized to US –Pakistan war \Against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,and destabilizing Afghan –Pakistan relation ,it found that India is using its consulates at to Jalaabad , Heart , to provoke terrorism activities in Pakistan By use of these area afghan !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 24-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India .

While USA =develop nation =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !! it all approved by USA Congress !! while in india Assam 30 years ,Kashmir 30 years , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Life forced unemployed by Hindu terrorist ,from 1999 to 2009 ,and Orissa 2008 , christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 genocide ,Chhtisgarh 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 genocides approved by Hindu Congress at these states + New Delhi !! the difference between developed christen nation =USA and Hindu Nation =india !! Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 24-09-2009 Udaipur raj india ,

I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
I selected for three =3 Jobs in Gulf=International Jobs ,from 1996 to 1998 (1) Oman copper Industries Co , S.A.O.G ,1996 , They offered me salary =~15,000 Indian rupees per month + free furnished accommodation +food free , they send me VISA +Air ticket ,at my home address But my former wife stopped me, b’se she was Teacher in Rajasthan government +our marriage that time pas out only 8 months !(we divorced in 2001 ) ,2nd interview telegram from NAMA =Saudi government =Arabian industrial development company ,on 1998 , Pl my , 3rd interview & international selection in Abdullah Hashim Gas company , in 1997 they offer me ~29,000 Indian rupees per month . ! I want to mention one special thing that here my interview was taken director of chemistry division who was from Pakistan and manager ,Hindus from south india , they taken my interview for 30 minutes , director of chemistry div asked me many questions concern depth of Gas chromatography , he shown me many problems diagrams concern Gas chromatography problems asked me the all possible solutions , he asked me 20 question with diffract problems in GC , and all possible answers , as I given 96% true answers , he select me on the spot it self , and
Asked me to Join the company , this I mention that in all interview at india there should be one Pakistani , Arabic Chemistry ,physics, engineering person should be there , so that it will be good for person like me =Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A =Minority , if he was not there then that south Indian manager was taken south Indian person on this Job also !!??
Pl I did not got any Job in Indian private chemical industries =Tata ,Birla ,Reliance ,++Any privet chemical industries +Indian Government petrochemical company +Indian government chemical company from 1980 to 2009 =Birth to till now !! it tell me that There is , Reservation for Hindu only !! or they like to cut ,Minorities ,OBCs ,ST/SC jobs offer just by looking there names !! Like me =Ruhel Chistry it look like christen !! now time to start Pure –Minorities ,OBCs ,STs, SCs industries ,where only these people will work & will got ownerships & all management post will be with them only !! & they can given jobs to Hindu Crème layer & middle creamy layer to 50% Hindu Population !! Sir when 27% Reservation to OBCs was given in 1990 =Social justice & affirmative action plan =this was opposed by FICCI =the federation of Indian chamber of commerce and industries & Also opposed By ASSOCHAM= Association chamber of commerce and industries ! P- 148 ,ISBN:81-7835-270-2(Vol 3) ,
Pl Note I was not got job in Any Private industries which is member of these organization in india ! these Indian industries shave 100% reservation for Hindus only ! =creamy layer middle creamy layer Hindus ! & these are Just 20-50% % of Indian pollution ! it tell that india is for Hindu only ! & all benefits for Hindu like Modi =15=10+5 years chief minister Gujarat ! Atal Bihari Vajpayee +Lal Krishan Advanni =Prime minister & Vice PM of india 10 years ! & these are those who did kill many Humen from minorities ! By Riots & riots only !! & these are controller of FICCI & ASSOCHAM !!
Notable thing that when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Give interview for gulf companies he have 98% successful results , But when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Given interview to India companies s=Hindu companies he did not selected =100% fail result ,that why I did not like to give any interview to Indian =Hindu =Secular from 2003 to till now =6 ,bse its wasting of time plus to get tension only to meet Indian +Hindu !!?? while see Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Georgia , Norway ,Sweden , Australia , Libya , morocco + Poland , Malaysia ,Ukraine , Kazakhstan ,Ireland , these all got freedom in 1950,1970 ,1990 era , they have there own Religion scientist , chemical industries , Banks , Space ,defense ++++ they all were slave of UK ,or France , OR Portugal !!?? but they believe on there brain ,human power , they do not think like Hindu =Indian =secular !!??
While I found that Hindu territories =RAW, IB ,MI, CID-Rajputana ,Innovation are FK Nayak , Guddi , Kishan pole street Indian Muslims =support for Own ,benefit to Hindu world night torture 0,160,220 cps with support of Satellite technology=with Hindu terrorists =RAW,IB,MI from 1991 to till now 2009 15th September !!?? actually these are Genetic Hindu only !! like father of Pakistan Jinna was genetically Kashmiri Brahmin =Hindu !!??
Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO , Now Not allowing me to apply Direct company job like =Chemist Analytical development , QC Chemist at,= ,, Saudi Arabia ,As they did NOT -keep any Indian HR agent as Mediator= third party , here they will directly came india will take interview +will provide selection letter +Visa ,air ticket !! and this Hindu Terrorist do not want that HR Agents money should go from poor Hindu nation ! it Hindu want that HR agents should be there and RAW,IB,MI will ask him to follow Hindu Norms –Atal ,Dr Manmohan Singh Norms =not to give Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A resume +selection letter to Gulf =ME Company !!??
I like to recommended that after Pakistan solid ,honest work on war against Taliban ,Al Quida from Jan 2009 to till now , ME =Gulf all companies should hire Pakistani also in Jobs in equal % then Indian !!?? 50% jobs to Pakistani +50% Jobs to Indian !!??
Pl I have with me still all telegrams +courier +Fax +VISA +Air tickets ! till 1998

(V) Sir in 2007 Justice Krashnavatti commission report ,came on 1993 Mumbai riots and blast he give 600 – 700 pages report

With audio records ,video records , different high level literate victims recording , where he mention the Telephonic recording police officials of Riots area ,how they were provoking to rioters to destroy the minorities home ,business , to do riots ,and kill

Live recording from BSNL -=Indian government telephone data that is only in all Mumbai police stations ,he open the action of shiv sena ,BJP ,RSS ,VHP ,Bdal involvement in riots !!?? involvement of congress party few ministries also in riots !!?? he given proof of Video recording did by victims =international channels =CNN,BBC + other ,TV Channels , News papers !! But that whole report reached to Maharastra Government ,that is controlled by Congress party ,Shard pavar party = which have soft corner with Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena !! so till now noting happened to those all police officers , means they did not terminated from jobs !!?? none of Shiv Sena ,Other party leader get caught and put behind bar then terminated from Ministry + political power !! none of congress party leader get terminated from congress party membership +put behind bar !!?? while Justice Krashnavatti is Padama Bhusan Awardees , he was chief Justice of three states of India ,he start his career as Jury only !!?? his name is in few of highest honest jury !!?? while this report reached to Dr Manmohan Singh =prime minister of India ,Ms Sonia Gandhi also !! but noting happened !!?? b'se congress party is based on Shard pavar party ministers in MH =Maharastra and to be in rule !! and Shard pavar do not want to take any action against Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena +BJP +RSS +VHP !! So !!???
while Mumbai riots taken 2000 human life ,maximum loss of Mumbai minorities =Christen +Muslims !! there business ,there jobs , career there home !!?? total effected was 80000 to 140000 people !!?? I think this Justice Krashnavatti commission report 2007 also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ??? while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about them as Its Hindu nation !!?? and All Police officer =HINDU are still working in India !! as they are Hindu and supporting riots to kill minorities !! Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi are Top leader due to Hindu only !! Secular !!?? and UN ,USA ,EU ,ME =Gulf should accept these secular Leaders !! from India =Hindu nation =Secular !!?? but Sonia Gandhi have to take action basically she is Christen ,and pass some part of life in Foreign from birth !!?? that time she was honest !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,


sir I know Ex CBI- Chief =RAW =IB =Indian intelligence officials ,who finished -all proofs , those were - at crime places & given to CBI -By Victims by thinking the safest place of Indian earth !!? , those were against Lal Krishan Advanni &Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Uma Bharii ,Sadavii Ritium Bharaa ++ , those provoke to lot of Hindu- Muslim riots & murder in form 1989 to 1993 !in whole india ,at Open conferences ,at many places in india & UP &Delhi &Rajasthan !!? due to Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri mosque case ! in 1994-1998 He =CBI Chief , was –awarded, as Member of National human right commission= ! by ,that time , Prime minister-India (BJP) , (Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee) in 2002 , Pl note these riots taken ~2500 human life +~1 lacks home less & ~4 Million Career less & future less !! & made cases like me=Ruhel –Chistry & & made whole Indian Hindu high communal & few criminal brain , Indian- minorities, got -offer from BJP to made Progress of life on cost of Minorities life it self !! ?=As My street Kishan pole –Udaipur –Raj 313001 people !! I think I think this also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ???

(X) While I know that =thalka magazine ,editor open by hidden video - recording of fact that how Mr. Jorge Franardish ( former Defense minister of BJP ) and Mr. .Y.Mishra was involved in 5000 corer= 50 Billion Indian rupees defense corruption , thalka magazine ,editor did open this hidden video recording at all Leading nation TV news =Zee News ,Star TV += in 2001 -2002 , there were 4-5 ministers also involved there , 4-5 Defense official also involved in this ,but what happened after that

Mr. Jorge Franardish did not given resign from his defense minister posts , + other ministers also + Defense officials also did not resign !! while these people put local police + army intelligence against Athalka magazine ,editor +put him in economic ban !! force to all other news media +business man do not support him +give him money !! he face high economic torture to 3.5 years continuous !! b'se he did work against BJP Ruled party ministers in 2001 -2005!!??

(XI) while india's 80 MPs=Member of parliament have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++

Same way 180 to 1800 MLA =of different states have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++

But they are political leaders in india ,and have all benefits of power +money + respected + ++ and cases going on in Indian courts for which people are telling that there are corrupt juries ,corrupt advocates !!?? while for these MP ,MLA Indian police is lay down ,Indian IB is lay down ,Indian defense is lay down !!Maximum of this MP ,MLAare Hindus !!?? these Indian are telling me from past 8 years that these people have some e-letter to do some crime from me !! with out my e-signature + with out international laws and order they did not show me that email till now !! and these Indian have full support from ME =Gulf two countries =Dubai ,KSA !!

Pl, Delhi/UP- Police ,have few -video Records ,as proof at Supreme court of india against Lal Krishan Advaani ,Uma Bharti , Vinayak Katariya ,! ,who was provoking to Riots ,Murder ! to huge population in 1989 to 1992 !& which did action & that month ~2,000 riots ,kill ,murder taken place ! But with in few years ,all these Video- proof s ! thieves from Supreme court ! Sir this news was came in -Leading news paper of india , so Lal Krishan Advaani became Vice Prime minister of india ! Ruhel Chisty ! A fact of Indian laws and order +its way of common - life ! & Concern me , Pl till today ,I did not got any letter from Government why & what & till what ! this Inhuman-action on me !? even no Courier=Fed Ex ,UPS , DHL , I got !? concern this case ,even that email (with out my signature ) which have by Dubai IB ,RAW ,IB ,KSA-IB !!
Sir , We seen that USA >60 % people given vote against Bush Jr =President ,concern War on Iraq !! & now >57% people are against Bush foreign affair policies =Iraq ++ other to send more 20,000 troops++ !! !! it came on BBC world News channel it self !! means USA People given lesson to Bush with in 2.5 years !! while my case is going on from 1999 & 2000 &2001 & 2003 &2004 &2005 &2006 &2007 !! But these south Indian = ME=Gulf living south india have some e- letter (with out my signature ) , these people living - graph will not fall down, these people self respect graph did not fall down b'se they are Indian living in ME=-Gulf !!?? will get name from Indian democracy !!?? b'se these people are least people ,not like USA people those are literate ,best ,good then all world people , those are quick decider !! even Ms Sarah Palin is telling abused words about Barack Obama , but after second live discussion , Barack Obama graph rise , and it will continuous ,From 59% of total Votes to 68% total votes in favor of Barack Obama .at final election level they =USA voter did not count Ms Sarah Palin abused words !!??

Please if you see the Indian president 2002 March , (Dalit ,Keralite president ) he did not sent Indian army to kill rioters ,those were doing genocides in Gujarat !! he sent army after 3 days of genocide completed !! same was in 1984 Sikh genocides =Sikh riots !! that time president was also did not sent any army in new Delhi +other place of india !!??

Loop holes in Charge sheet =4528 pages , made and submit in Mumbai High court , by ATS-MH=Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , concern Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group . The explosive instrument used was IED =Improvised explosive device ,(Notable thing is this also used by Al-Quida in Iraq ,from past 2001 to till now to kill innocent Iraqi ) and explosives are RDX , Ammonium nitrate , ammonium nitrite , = All terror blast =train in Mumbai , serial blast in Mumbai, banglor ,UP ,New Delhi serial blast , lasted 2008 bomb blast also !! =,they used urea ,ammonium nitrate + sharp nails =Metal nails !!+other chemical ,

Now Loop Holes :
(1) ATS Mumbai ,did not touch =interrogate ,the Himani Saverkar ,who did married with Mahatma Gandhi Murder family person ,who is near daughter of Saverkar one of founder of RSS =Hindu terrorist group , she is clearly saying in open conferences that reply bomb is only bomb !!??
(2) ATS Mumbai did not touch =interrogate , Abhinav Bharat Group , which
ATS Given videos talk of this group members taking about , bomb explosions in India ,destroy Indian democracy, these people were doing open talk to produce hate against Indian constitute in Hindu Youth of India +NRI, only that part of Indian constitute which supporting Indian minorities , and hate against Indian democracy which supporting Indian minorities !!??
(3) Abhinav Bharat Group , are taking about the Hindu Army Rule in India, and ATS Given 2000 pages proofs ,videos recordings , against Abhinav Bharat Group those were taking conferences , meeting like these talks !
(4) But ATS Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , Did not taken any step to counter and put them in Court and jails after open trails !!??\
(5) ATS =MH, left , the groups of Indian army officers ,those are working ,and retired ,concern , involvement in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blasts !!!?? these groups of Indian army officers intension is clear to make Hindu Nation on behalf of kill ,murder ,bomb blasts ++
(6) ATS –MH also Left , (1) Ramesh Sivajee Upadhaya , Raikar = former Indian army official , he was commanded in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune , he given this place to train the Hindu terrorist for Bomb explosions in India , (7) ATS –MH also Left one more former Indian army officer =Sanat Kumar Bhatee , He was also involved in these bomb blasts ,
(8) ATS –MH , And ATS Pune taken hand ,to open the complete link between the Indian army and these bomb blasts in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .
(9) ATS Given clean chits to all Indian army officials , ATS taken them as only witness !?
(10) while ATS –MH And pune attend the special training from these mention Indian army officials !?
(11) ATS –MH,Pune left ,the two times BJP Member of parliament = Cornel Dhar and Delhi based one doctor = RP Singh , those were supporting to make new nation like Abhinav Bharat , these people were active member of these things !!
(12) ATS –MH ,Pune keep mum on link with these two , Cornel Dhar and RP Singh , + Abhinav Bharat Group , with other BJP Leaders those are political powerful !!??
(13) ATS –MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of cornel Purohit , =Indian army official ,concern which , ATS –MH ,Pune given video recording in that he was telling , (14) ATS MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of people working in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune and Akanssha resorts where the Hindu terrorist trainings were taken place !!?? and ATS –MH,Pune shown very politeness on these two organizations !!??
While this nation voter =millions , promoted Mr. Modi as Gujarat ruler =Chief minister for 2003-2008 then 2008 to 2013 !! two more terms !! whose Ministers ,Police officer were openly accused for 2002 Gujarat genocide !!
Now Naveen Patnayak given again one more term for Chief minister , In Orissa ,who was chief minister of Orissa 2008 ,when Christen genocide taken place !! Where victims of genocide still getting threat from Criminals ,genociders ,raper ,police officers !! Please note it tell that Indian Voters are Maximum Hindus those like to do Orrisa 2008 ,Christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka Christen genocide ,2002 Gujarat genocide and they are electing again that Government which protected genocider ,criminals ,raper, again election that Police officers those did support in all these High level human crime !! notable thing is these voters are in millions population !! these are concentrate Hindus ,these are crime lover ,these genocide lover ,in my view these voter are Taliban ,these are terror !!?? note Indian 50 million to 60 million voter love BJP =Genocider of christen ,Muslims !! and its when India is member of UN All branches ,its in 2100 Era !! ??
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
Note : In My view ,FBI ,Interpol ,UN Anti terror branch= CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, UNODC ,Europol ,should take all Data ,proofs ,from Indian government ,concern Hindu terrorism !! and these international anti terror organizations will get the ways of Hindu terror probes !!??
should ask to Indian government to permit for interrogate to Lt colonel Parsad Purohit + Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia + LK Advani + ,at least they will able to know that is Hindu terrorism !! how smart these people are !!? what is definitions of Hindu terrorism if you do investigation in India only against Hindu terrorism !! Ruhel at least they will get the range and tactics of this Hindu terror !!?? Ruhel Date 03-01-2009 while I like to mention here that ATS - Anti terror squad –Maharastra , public prosecutor =Ajay Misar lodge a complain in Sarkarwada Police station that on 16th Nov 2008 ,that he got one threat
At his phone , from Hindu terror group , for him and for ATS Chief = Hemant Karkare ,who got killed in 26/11 Mumbai terror attack just 9 days later !!??
While on 13th Jan 2009 , Hubbali- WB , press conference ,the northern range , Inspector general of police , =Mr Ragvandra Oradcar , given , speech that behind , Hubbali –Court Bomb blast ,on may 2008 , there was Hindu terrorist ,not SIMI !! while in may 2008 there was Karnataka Election ,and BJP taken full benefit to win ,maximum seats !! b’se BJP try to prove that these Bomb blast did by Indian minorities !!?? the man find behind this blast was =Nagraj Gangabi , he was PA of one Concentrate Hindu politician , they found nine =9 other Hindu terrorist in link this !!??
Ramesh Pavaar , Ling Raj Jalagar , ++, While this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi was member of Shri Ram Sena ,who is doing attacks on girls and boys ,at Pubs = high society - Bar at Banglour now a days they did attack on three pubs =bar !!?? this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi is very closed to Pramod Mutallik founder of Shri Ram sena ,who is Like Praveen Togadia of Karnataka !!?? the full other part can be found at The Indian express, Only one news paper of India who is writing against Hindu terror !!Only one !!?? from all news papers ,news media ,includes NDTV , this news channel is not allowed in Udaipur –RAJ , B’se here all Channels providers are from BJP=RSS=VHP=Bdal =Hindu terror wings !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 06-02-2009 , while this state police (all) is still in link ,getting order from former BJP=RSS Home minister (2003 -2008) =Gulab Chand Kataria (2003-2008) !!??
Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(b) while it found and discussed in Indian -parliament ,Rajya sabha ,by Members of parliament that 29 September , two -bomb blasts at Malegaon (Maharastra ) and Modasa ( Gujarat ) done by Hindu hardliners =Bajrangdal and Hindu Jagran Manch ,the probed reached to RSS Student wig= ABVP= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad , both blast taken place simultaneously , at two different places , (its all bomb blasts after the Banglour , Ahemdabd , Delhi bomb blasts ) they used RDX to do these bomb blasts !! Pleased note it !!!??
while it found that , SanatKumar Rajvithal Bhate , trained 115 Hindu activates ,to do bomb blasts ,from gelatin ,And RDX !! He got 300 gelatins ,from Bhosale Military school Nasik ,Pune ,
it found that these Hindu Hardliner put two motorcycles (1) at SIMI Office at Malegaon (Maharastra ) (2) At Modasa ( Gujarat ) they put with the Islamic sticker , and forensic investigator found that it attempt to mislead them , the motorcycles used were LML-Freedom and these Hindu hardliner , these people used main frame ,and engine ,from two different vehicles . and they erased the engine number , chassis number , but after forensic method it found that these numbers were , of Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur , which was registered at Surat RTO –Gujarat =Number = GJ 05 BR 1920 ,
While these Hindu terrorist used fake number plate but it was , on her name , Pragya Singh Thakur ,this was not sold ,and thief And second motorcycle was on name of =ABVP person ,who is running NGO in Indore =MP (Madhya Pradesh) –India , P-1,P-4 24 October ,2008 The Indian express ) the Malegaon (Maharastra ) bomb blast
taken six humen life , its taken place when 20,000 =twenty thousand Indian minorities were gathered at they holy time !! now surprised thing is national level political leader , Uma Bharti of BJS =Bharatis Bhartiya Janshakti Party , offer to Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur ,her party ticket ,form Mahdaya Pardesh =MP ,for MLA Election = political leader of India !!?? its when Pragya Singh Thakur is in police custody , with Maharastra Anti terror squad , this thing did not stop here BJP president also support her = Pragya Singh Thakur !!!?? P- 4, 31 October ,2008 ,The Indian express .
while it found that her father was RSS –worker !!?? while ATS = Anti terror squad have proof against her as her motorcycle ,and her 400 minutes conversation with Shyam Bhavarlal Sahu !!!?? after these all this offer to her are there !!??? =offer for MLA Election,from BJP president !!?? Ruhel date 30-12-2008 –Udaipur –raj India . Sir I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in india !!?? while about these all probes my view is that India is Hindu nation and what I seen the result of Justice Nanavatti committee report on Gujarat 2002 genocide !! it tell me that like this all probes are complex !! and its when Hindu terror name came it very typical to get 100% truth ,from Hindu police officials it self against Hindu terror !! its very rare and typical !!!??? Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 .
It open by Maharastra Police that Hindu terrorist Rajesh Dhavade (Malegaon Bomb accused) ,got training on Make Bomb ,by two chemistry -Hindu professors , from Pune , based Narsujee Vadiya college , professors names are Dr Sharad Kuntee (he was former VHP –head at Pune city) ,and Dr Dav , these two chemistry -Hindu professors teach them to make pipe –bombs , it also found that one more ABVP active Mr. Sameer Kulkanii ,who was involved in Jabalpur –MP ,riots ,he was main accused to provoke to riots !!?? ABVP= RSS Student wig= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad !!??Ruhel Date 30-12-2008 .
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??

While Made in india =Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report , concern Base of Gujarat 2002 genocide ! = Godhara –train case ! =
The LOOP HOLES of this report= Justice Nanavatti –Mehta report ,
(1) This commission made by Mr Narandara Modi it self =BJP=RSS ,6 years ago !!??
(2) There is no witness of , who burn Train =Godhara Train 2002 ,
(3) There was 200 total witness none of given talk ,proof to court that Train burn by Muslim -gathered !!??
(4) No body know ,that train was having Hindu car sevak , except BJP=RSS people ,even Gujarat government official -do not know !!
(5) Train was more then 5= more then five hours late , if any plan was there it was easily failed due to unlimited late train =that is also more then 5 hours !!?? it also tell that criminal were related to done Party only !!??
(6) Commission told that train Westuval was cut ,if it was cut then why , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission do not kept it as proof ,and sold to Kabadi = used thing buyer !!??
(7) During Court talk ,it proved by 200 witness that , train was stop by pulling it chain and it stop by Car sevak only ,b’s e few car sevak was left on station it self !!??
(8) Forensic experts , given proof that , by calculation by height of Train track and height of train window it is not possible to throw petrol like that in train !!??
(9) It is not east to cut Westuval of train with in few time !!??
(10) This Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission ignored many very important witness !!??
(11) While in 2002 the rail minister was Nitish Kumar =BJP Supporter that’s why he did not given any , investigation from railway official +railway police officer !!??
(12) There is no ,any record of justice UC Benarjee report in , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report !!?? While its very important !!??
(13) Justice Nanavatti –Mehta refused to take investigation of Narandara Modi = why !!?? this commission made many dual talk about , why ,burn train !!??
(14) while one honest - Police officer = RB Shri Kumar told to commission that he is getting threat from criminal that if he told true then he will loose the life !!? and this honest police office given record - proof of that threat telephone call in court also !!?? that also ignored by Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission = Mr Narandara Modi made =RSS=BJP Made !!??
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(a) Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
while its well known that mahatma Gandhi was killed by RSS person =Nathuram Godsae , a Marathi guy !!?? and Australian father Graham steen and kids=Christen ,murder and killer to live burn them = Dara Singh is Bajrang Dal person !!?? while Darasingh , lawyer was , brother of BJP Leader =Dealip singh Judev , who taken case of Hindu terrorist who was killer of three human ,Australian christen ,his case taken for free him by BJP Leader brother !!!?? Now BJP =RSS is telling that they will provide lawyer to Sadhvii Pragya Singh Thakur , !! while in India there is no rights for fake - framed Indian Muslim for terrorism !!?? but BJP is supporter of Hindu terrorist for Hindu lawyer in India !!!??
Kanpur UP –India ,two =2 ,Bajrang dal Person got killed during making bomb at home and many other got injured , Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps , (c) in Bhunashvar –India also one BJP leader kid and his friends were captured by police during making bomb CBI Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps !!!??? (d) in Karnataka =Danavgeer ,also there were attack on Indian christen taken place , , by VHP= RSS ,Bajrang Dal people ,and local police did directly support of this , and this local police made fake cases on 16 fathers =christen –holy people , and local police did not made single FIR against RSS ,BJP people ,while VHP,Bajrang Dal people taken directly responsibility of these attacks in front of media ,and local media ,as there is BJP is in power =ruling Karnataka, these VHP,Bajrang Dal people destroy the churches ,destroy the Jesus stachu ,
On 14 September 2008 , the VHP ,Bajrang Dal people attack on church at manglor the burn Bible , once nun called police ,police asked many question to nuns ,like is there =nun organizations in international ,is they are getting money from foreign !!!?? they =police did not taken any action against VHP, Bajrang Dal people ,one more incident in Karnataka , permuunar , Sant Sabsteen church , huge christen people were gathered there , suddenly Bajrang Dal ,VHP people came there , and start to through stones ,and brutally beaten to nuns ,father , and local police also directly support these Hidutava groups , the burn bible , destroy mother marry stachu , while one more incident , at Kodral church , there local police brutally beaten to nuns ,father plus school kids which is near to church and beaten to one 72 years old lady !!! Karnataka chief minister is Mr BS Yeddyurappa ,he refused to ban Bajrangdal !!??these all tell that BJP is sees it self at next ruling party in centre =new Delhi –HQ , Bajrang Dal have its branches called as Sri ram sena , now Bajrang Dal is planning to made Hindu suicide squad , there will be training to youth for die on cost of Hindu nation =Nationalist !!!?? these people will get training from Hindu police officials , Hindu Army officials, these things told by Pramod Mutalik ,head of Sri ram sena = Bajrang Dal !!! P -5, 22 September 2008 ,,=The Indian express ,
e) while in Rajasthan also ,my living place =birth state , after jaipur bomb blast Home minister of Rajasthan Order to police , to torture Indian Muslim ,bangala speaking people , and attack on Indian christen also taken place example are Jodhpur ,Bayavar , Its all to get Hindu votes as 5 states - election were very near , and at last BJP got win in two states =MP=Madhya Pradesh ,Zharkhand !!! this all movement was to make Hindu India !!?? Ruhel date 23-12-2008 –Udaipur –Raj India while in Udaipur –Raj India =whole Rajasthan all Jain =Baniya and Marvadii , have good support to BJP=RSS =VHP =Bajrangdal by money ,plus other !!??
While in Rajasthan , 3 October 2008, at Dungarpur Raj India , BJP ,Bajrang Dal ,VHP people , did destroy and burn the Indian minorities shops (only shops ) to destroy there economic foundation , the maximum loss was 50=40+10 lacks to Dr Kurashi ,dental clinic ,
While in Andrapradesh –India , VHP=Bajrang Dal people did live burn of 6 =5+1 =six ,Indian Muslim, it included 3 kids ,one woman ,two man , its was incident of 10 October 2008 , these all were just before Indian state elections so that ,so that Indian 80% Hindu vote change to BJP=RSS=VHP=Bajrang Dal !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
(1) Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,
While ATS –Pune , put cheating , forgery cases on Lt Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit , he did forged document for weapon ,and did made fake ARMY- ID =ARMY Identification Card , for Chaturvedi , who was active member of Abhinav Bhart ,=a group who tell bomb reply is bomb !!?? it found that he given proofs that he and Chaturvedi did attends all meetings , leading up to Bomb blasts , up to Malegaon bomb blast !!??

Sir Bajrangdal is Hindu –Al-Quida , (its to kill Indian minorities only ) ,and VHP=is Hindu LeT (Lakshre Toiba ) to kill Indian minorities only !!)) Ruhel Date 27-12-2008
While MH Chief minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh told for ATS –Pune , that why LK Advani , and several BJP Leaders , asking to change the present ATS- Anti terrorist wing –Pune, and conduct judicial inquire into , charge made by Sadvi Pragya singh Thakur , !!!?? while ATS was carrying in to its probe , with out POTA , TADA which was made by BJP !!?? and used on innocent Indian Muslim +other !!??
While BJP future prime minister of India =LK Advani meet national security Adviser ,MK Narayana , and intelligence bureau director , PC Halder concern sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur !!?? while national security Adviser ,MK Narayana told him that he will look into !!??
I want all type of terrorist groups should be ban and killed !! it tell that USA,EU ,UN should ban and kill to RSS ,VHP=Bdal those killing only innocent Indian minorities = crime against humanity !! while Islamic terrorist are killing only innocent USA ,Israeli and other western people= crime against humanity !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While the reality of Indian Law enforcement system can be understand by these points :
(1) Justice Krishna commission report = concern 1989-1993 Mumbai riots , and role of Mumbai Police in Riots , they given video ,Audio , personal interview with victims +recording to telephonic talks +mobile talk of police officers ,ministers =mainly from BJP ,Shiv Sena ,all were telling that How Mumbai Police was involved in to provoke Riots ,and fully support of Mumbai Hindu Mainly Martha !! these happened b’se there was no minority Police offer was in Job that time all police officer was Hindus !! and fully like to kill minorities Life ,business ,Home + allowed to Hindu rioter to do kill and rape ~!! ?? this Justice was proved alone Laws and order person who given truth about whole 1989 to 1993 Mumbai riots !!!?? he given the telephone records of Mumbai police officers and ministers those were at work that time and in power that time !!?? these all proofs are with National minority commission ,National human right commission !! he given these proof 4 years back till now none of that Police officer get terminated put behind the bar !! put on then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? and same way none of Hindu Ministers +few Minority ministers , put behind the Bar + then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? that time in Mumbai Shiv Sena –BJP was ruling !!?? while from past 5 years Mumbai Have Congress party ,its allies are ruling !! noting happened to , riot provoker Police officers +ministers put behind the bar + serious charges !!?? Ruhel Date 25-09-2009 Udaipur-Raj India 313001. ,
while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about them as Its Hindu nation !!??

(2) While the reality of Gujarat, 2002 March riots ,genocide , the Laws enforcement independent agencies try ot got Telephonic ,mobile talk records of Gujarat police officers ,ministers, but they were not able to get ,even they reached to supermen court get order aloes !!?? till now they did not get any telephonic ,mobile ,recodes of Gujarat police ,ministers those were enveloped in this genocide !!?? b’se Modi used his power ,to fail all system of records !! they told they destroy the records ,due to instrument fault !!??
(3) These all things tell that Home Minister of India is indirectly supporter of HINDU nation where these things will be consider as normal !!?? and this nation have all rights for Hindus only weather they are Narandara Modi ,weather they are LK Advani ,weather they are Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,whether they are Mumbai police officer , weather they are Mumbai police officers and ministers in 1989 to 1993 ,weather they are Gujarat 2002 march time police officers and ministers !!??

Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj 313001 India.
While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,with use of providing money to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by ??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While I can understand from my real life ,that Indian IB,MI,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,did not allowed single
Indian minorities ,in Physics ,Engineering ,Chemistry , at international Jobs , higher degrees , even it tell these MI,IB ,RAW means these people killed 10000, to 20 lacks =20,00000 intelligent brains of Assam ,Kashmir , those can be good physicist ,engineers ,chemists but there brain got killed by MI,IB,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,
B’se they are minorities of this nation , even may be few of them have publications like me at USA ,EU ,Canada, Germany , but this nation =India did not allowed them to get good degree ,jobs future in EU ,USA !!?? May be there names also used by this Hindu rich nation to get technology ,from USA defense ,NASA !!?? to got rise in DRDO ,ISRO ,IITs ,IISc !!?? it also tell that may be MI , did make fake –internet cases on them , put them in fake criminal activities , on these all innocent physicist ,engineers ,chemist b’se they are Indian minorities !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on October 2008 , Justice Sacher committee received first reply , concern , number of Muslim employee in IIM-A,IIM-C,BHU,NCMEI ( National commission fro minorities educational institute , ) , NIIE =National institute industrial engineering ,ut told following facts =
IIM-A have following grades =classes = Grade A , 3 Minority from 30 , grade B =Class B , 8 Minority ,from 76 , grade C =Class =15 minority ,from 161 , class D =Grade D, zero minority ,from 94,
IIM-C have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 =ZERO Minority from 85 , grade B =Class B , 2 Minority ,from 48 , grade C =Class =6 minority ,from 126 , class D =Grade D, 11 minority ,from 87,
BHU have following grades =classes = Grade A , 83 Minority from 1465, grade B =Class B , 6 Minority ,from 185, grade C =Class =124 minority ,from 2008, class D =Grade D, 24 minority ,from 2544,
NCMEI have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 Minority from 4 grade B =Class B , 4 Minority ,from 6 grade C =Class =1 minority ,from 5, class D =Grade D, 1 minority ,from 6,
NIIE have following grades =classes = Grade A , 1 Minority from 54 grade B =Class B , 1 Minority ,from 25 grade C =Class =0 minority ,from 128, class D =Grade D, 5 minority ,from 114

While Assam university have , 6 minority employee out of 245 !!!???
This is the first report get by Justice Sacher committee ,now other department report will came later on !! one by one !!??
Its first impact , of Justice Sacher committee is the start of minorities scholarships ,( Christen ,Muslim ,Sikh ,Parsis ,Buddhists)
India’s following states given the scholarships to minorities students ( at IIT’s ,IIM’s ,NIFT, SPA , Medical college ,Regional engineering college ,Universities +++) ,
Kerla given = 29,380 minorities scholarships , they got 14 X100000 applications , UP –Mayavatti , given 67,420 minorities scholarships ,they got 10.5 X100000 applications , West Bengal –Where communist are ruling ,given , 44,460 minorities scholarships They got 7.5 X100000 application, Karnataka –where BJP is ruling ,given , 16,640 minorities scholarships ,they got , 2X10,0000 applications , Tamil Nadu ,(DMK Ruling ) they given , 15,340 minorities scholarships ,they got 3X100000 applications ,
While on date 14-04-2009 ,Hindu ISI Hacked my membership web at SABIC Network , for which I got Accepted by its ambassador , on date 13-04-2009 ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While recently , in UP =Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Bajerdeeha , UP Hindu police did open fire , with out warning ,and with out stick attack ,and with out tearing gas , on Indian Muslims , 11 march 2009 , they did not only killed Indian Muslim but also put 500 serious cases on 500 Indian Muslim ,=IPC 307 , =Indian panel court , 307 ,the cause was also done by Hindu only they used to throw Color on Their mosque , from past 10 years on every Holi =Hindu religion festival , even they =Indian Muslim are complaining from past 10 years at all level !!?? and there is not Hindu home near mosque , in this firing two Indian Muslim got killed ,10 serious injured !!?? the police officer name are =Shamsheer Bahdur Singh , the BJP leaders behind this name are =Durga Babu Lal Khurdia , his son Rajkumar , b’se from Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Murlee Mahnohar Joshi is BJP –leader for this 2009 election !!?? and RSS want Religious riots in UP and Varanasii , to win the election on basis of Hindutava and Hindu Rights !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from EU –Command ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 29-05-2009 Time : 10:05 AM
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 30-05-2009 Time : 10:25 AM , Its=MI,IB,RAW ,CID , thinking that whole world like Hindus And want be part of these all activities what I mention !! Ruhel
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

While Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim employees in IITs , IIT-B.IIT-K,IIT-D,IIT-M,IIT-G, are as follows ,
Zero= Grade A in three IITs , 1 one = Grade B in Three IITs . 6 six=, Grade C , three IITs , 12 = Grade D in three IITs ,
Ruhel Chisty Date 10-04-2009 , while , you can understand the Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim Students percentage in These IITs !!??
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was among top two !!
Neuro science and corrupt Humen rich city and nation !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!??

The Hindu Police Gujarat , did Two Fake encounters of 4-16 Innocent Indian Minorities
And proved that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba Terrorist want to kill, Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??

These Fake encounters done by Anti terrorist Squad Gujarat + Higher police official of Gujarat ,
It open By , metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, submit 246 Pages report to High court MH ,SP New Delhi , after conducting enquire under section 176 ,of the CrPC ,
on fake encounters of 19 years old Student =Ishrat Jahan from Maharatra student at Guru Nanak Khalsa College ,Maharastra , + Prenesh Palli + Javed Shaikh –MH , , these all kidnapped By , Ahamdabad-Gujarat Crime branch officials from Mumbai , and three days later these all shoot , alleged at Ahamdabad on date , 15th June 2004 ,
, by Anti terrorist Squad - Gujarat , by putting in media that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba people want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
this fake encounter done by following Police officers =(1) IPS Officer , PP Pande (2) IPS Officer –DG Vangara (he is already in Jail ,for one more fake encounter of So-rubiddin and his wife Kosar Bi ) (3) GL Singhal (4) NK Amin (5) KM Waghela (6)
JG Parmar ( 7) VD Vanav (8) SP Agrawat (9) DH Goswami (10) RI Patel (11) BA Chavda ( 12) Taraun Barot (13) KS Deasi these all are Higher rank police officials
Now police constable with them = (14) Ibrahim Chauhan ( indain Muslim ) (15) , Mukash Vyas (16) Nizamuddin Burhanmiya ( Indian Muslims )
These all people did this fake encounter of these innocent Indian Minorities , to get promotion in their Jobs ,and to get apperception from Gujarat Chief minister = Mr. Narandra Modi . these people killed by AK47, Riffles used by these Hindu police officers !! to kill these Innocents Indian Minorities .
metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, told that they found that , IPS –Officer DG vangara , did same Pattern Fake encounter of Sohrabuddin and his wife =Kosar Bi ,
with support of Udaipur Raj India 313001 ,Police , fake encounter date =26th November 2005 ,at Ahamdabad- Nrola Chohraya , Gujarat
as its highlighted in all local ,National level news Paper Former Police officer = Denish Kumar MN ,IPS officer , Udaipur raj india 313001 who is on Bail , + one Indian Muslim police officer , Abdul Rehman –former circle Inspector ,Pratap Nagar Police station –Udaipur –Raj (he is still under investigation ) , Abdul Rehman is person who shoot =Kill to Sohrabuddin ,while Kosar Bi , was killed by IPS –Officer DG vangara , by kept her Neck tight till her death ,
IPS –Officer DG vangara was chief of Anti terrorist squad Gujarat ,he have RSS =BJP Back ground in his life , he did his police education in RSS –Hostel !!??
P-1 , The Times of india Date 08-09-2009 +other news papers +my own word ,
This all to ,proved Whole Hindi =Hindus Media = TV News channels ,All English News papers of india ,that we Killed LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba -Terrorist ,those want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
It all encounters shown to IBN -7 ,Aaj-Tak ,Star TV , IBN-CNN , Sahara News , NDTV , The Times of india , The Hindu ,The Hindutustan Times , +The Indian express , ++ in 2004,2005 , to get Benefits from Bush Jr =Republicans !! poor Brains , to given message on India war against terror !!?? Mr. Narandar Modi War against terror =against Indian Minority all News Channels shown these Things for whole days to 5 days continues !!?? at Hot Page ,Top page !!??
While one more fake encounter done by New Delhi Police , of two Hindu businessmen ,
As there families were rich +Hindu ,so they put FIR +Court case against fake encounter
, and they got result in 10 years continuous fight in court , in there favor , if in stead of these rich ,Hindu businessman , some poor ,Indian Minorities families was there , they were not allowed to FIR it self , and there families were captured by Police , and put cases on them of terrorism +put in them in jail as terrorist !!and then kill !!?? in fake encounters it all told by Advocates + magistrate during this case 10 years time .
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
(While I want to mention one real point that in 2004 also Many news Papers +TV Channels +her mother , other relative try to prove that , Ishrat Jahan +other were innocent , and many Muslims –leaders from Mumbai ,Maharastra ,also try to prove , she is innocent ,and few Muslims minister given donation of lacks Indian rupees also to Ishrat Jahan family as she was alone member who was earning , But after few months Mr. Modi try to prove that his police killed , LeT =Terrorist only , and Ishrat Jahan was terrorist !! then all these Muslims minister came on Back foot !! that we given charity b’se TV News channels +Leading English news papers were telling like that !!?? this I am putting here bse its only way of life for minorities ,innocent , Minorities ministers ,leaders also !!?? they have to came on Back foot + see the Hindu Nation Hindu police , Hindu laws drama !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India )
(1) By Knowing that this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!??
 Reply:   2007 Justice Krashnavatti report Mumbai riots and blast =INDIA
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (24/Sep/2009)

(V) Sir in 2007 Justice Krashnavatti commission report ,came on 1993 Mumbai riots and blast he give 600 – 700 pages report

With audio records ,video records , different high level literate victims recording , where he mention the Telephonic recording police officials of Riots area ,how they were provoking to rioters to destroy the minorities home ,business , to do riots ,and kill

Live recording from BSNL -=Indian government telephone data that is only in all Mumbai police stations ,he open the action of shiv sena ,BJP ,RSS ,VHP ,Bdal involvement in riots !!?? involvement of congress party few ministries also in riots !!?? he given proof of Video recording did by victims =international channels =CNN,BBC + other ,TV Channels , News papers !! But that whole report reached to Maharastra Government ,that is controlled by Congress party ,Shard pavar party = which have soft corner with Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena !! so till now noting happened to those all police officers , means they did not terminated from jobs !!?? none of Shiv Sena ,Other party leader get caught and put behind bar then terminated from Ministry + political power !! none of congress party leader get terminated from congress party membership +put behind bar !!?? while Justice Krashnavatti is Padama Bhusan Awardees , he was chief Justice of three states of India ,he start his career as Jury only !!?? his name is in few of highest honest jury !!?? while this report reached to Dr Manmohan Singh =prime minister of India ,Ms Sonia Gandhi also !! but noting happened !!?? b'se congress party is based on Shard pavar party ministers in MH =Maharastra and to be in rule !! and Shard pavar do not want to take any action against Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena +BJP +RSS +VHP !! So !!???
while Mumbai riots taken 2000 human life ,maximum loss of Mumbai minorities =Christen +Muslims !! there business ,there jobs , career there home !!?? total effected was 80000 to 140000 people !!?? I think this Justice Krashnavatti commission report 2007 also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ???


sir I know Ex CBI- Chief =RAW =IB =Indian intelligence officials ,who finished -all proofs , those were - at crime places & given to CBI -By Victims by thinking the safest place of Indian earth !!? , those were against Lal Krishan Advanni &Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Uma Bharii ,Sadavii Ritium Bharaa ++ , those provoke to lot of Hindu- Muslim riots & murder in form 1989 to 1993 !in whole india ,at Open conferences ,at many places in india & UP &Delhi &Rajasthan !!? due to Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri mosque case ! in 1994-1998 He =CBI Chief , was –awarded, as Member of National human right commission= ! by ,that time , Prime minister-India (BJP) , (Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee) in 2002 , Pl note these riots taken ~2500 human life +~1 lacks home less & ~4 Million Career less & future less !! & made cases like me=Ruhel –Chistry & & made whole Indian Hindu high communal & few criminal brain , Indian- minorities, got -offer from BJP to made Progress of life on cost of Minorities life it self !! ?=As My street Kishan pole –Udaipur –Raj 313001 people !! I think I think this also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ???

(X) While I know that =thalka magazine ,editor open by hidden video - recording of fact that how Mr. Jorge Franardish ( former Defense minister of BJP ) and Mr. .Y.Mishra was involved in 5000 corer= 50 Billion Indian rupees defense corruption , Athalka magazine ,editor did open this hidden video recording at all Leading nation TV news =Zee News ,Star TV += in 2001 -2002 , there were 4-5 ministers also involved there , 4-5 Defense official also involved in this ,but what happened after that

Mr. Jorge Franardish did not given resign from his defense minister posts , + other ministers also + Defense officials also did not resign !! while these people put local police + army intelligence against Athalka magazine ,editor +put him in economic ban !! force to all other news media +business man do not support him +give him money !! he face high economic torture to 3.5 years continuous !! b'se he did work against BJP Ruled party ministers in 2001 -2005!!??

(XI) while india's 80 MPs=Member of parliament have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++

Same way 180 to 1800 MLA =of different states have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++

But they are political leaders in india ,and have all benefits of power +money + respected + ++ and cases going on in Indian courts for which people are telling that there are corrupt juries ,corrupt advocates !!?? while for these MP ,MLA Indian police is lay down ,Indian IB is lay down ,Indian defense is lay down !!Maximum of this MP ,MLAare Hindus !!?? these Indian are telling me from past 8 years that these people have some e-letter to do some crime from me !! with out my e-signature + with out international laws and order they did not show me that email till now !! and these Indian have full support from ME =Gulf two countries =Dubai ,KSA !!

Sir ,one point connecting to my this case ! Pl, Delhi/UP- Police ,have few -video Records ,as proof at Supreme court of india against Lal Krishan Advaani ,Uma Bharti , Vinayak Katariya ,! ,who was provoking to Riots ,Murder ! to huge population in 1989 to 1992 !& which did action & that month ~2,000 riots ,kill ,murder taken place ! But with in few years ,all these Video- proof s ! thieves from Supreme court ! Sir this news was came in -Leading news paper of india , so Lal Krishan Advaani became Vice Prime minister of india ! Ruhel Chisty ! A fact of Indian laws and order +its way of common - life ! & Concern me , Pl till today ,I did not got any letter from Government why & what & till what ! this Inhuman-action on me !? even no Courier=Fed Ex ,UPS , DHL , I got !? concern this case ,even that email (with out my signature ) which have by Dubai IB ,RAW ,IB ,KSA-IB !!
Sir , We seen that USA >60 % people given vote against Bush Jr =President ,concern War on Iraq !! & now >57% people are against Bush foreign affair policies =Iraq ++ other to send more 20,000 troops++ !! !! it came on BBC world News channel it self !! means USA People given lesson to Bush with in 2.5 years !! while my case is going on from 1999 & 2000 &2001 & 2003 &2004 &2005 &2006 &2007 !! But these south Indian = ME=Gulf living south india have some e- letter (with out my signature ) , these people living - graph will not fall down, these people self respect graph did not fall down b'se they are Indian living in ME=-Gulf !!?? will get name from Indian democracy !!?? b'se these people are least people ,not like USA people those are literate ,best ,good then all world people , those are quick decider !! even Ms Sarah Palin is telling abused words about Barack Obama , but after second live discussion , Barack Obama graph rise , and it will continuous ,From 59% of total Votes to 68% total votes in favor of Barack Obama .at final election level they =USA voter did not count Ms Sarah Palin abused words !!??

Please if you see the Indian president 2002 March , (Dalit ,Keralite president ) he did not sent Indian army to kill rioters ,those were doing genocides in Gujarat !! he sent army after 3 days of genocide completed !! same was in 1984 Sikh genocides =Sikh riots !! that time president was also did not sent any army in new Delhi +other place of india !!??

Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .
Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, by Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode by Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO=Prime minister office New Delhi !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!?? while USA =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !!

we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? while RAW ,IB ,MI is working like pet dogs for LK Advanni , Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time , then Karnataka chief Minster =Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all are again reelected chief minister by Hindus !! and RAW,IB,MI ,CIDs ,police of India are working like pet dogs for these all people !! those did support in Christen ,Muslim genocide from 2008 to 2002 !!?? as these all are Hindu ,Dr Manmohan Singh is Hindu !! so prime minister of india support to Hindus up to this level !!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like , While USA =develop nation =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !! it all approved by USA Congress !! while in india Assam 30 years ,Kashmir 30 years , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Life forced unemployed by Hindu terrorist ,from 1999 to 2009 ,and Orissa 2008 , christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 genocide ,Chhtisgarh 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 genocides approved by Hindu Congress at these states + New Delhi !! the difference between developed christen nation =USA and Hindu Nation =india !!
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .
she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive
(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .
(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,
to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India
Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,
While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India
I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,
Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.
MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,
Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,
AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land
ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )
IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )
Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=
INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )
Passport Number:-E-6884179
Date Of Birth 26-08-1966
Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)
ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009
Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,
Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)
Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10 Honest nation , USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates top 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,for my work to protect world environmental + global warming , Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work +it fear that ME =Gulf Muslims religion people will got rise over Indian =Hindu ,poor ,huge population !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption data in INDIA at Transparency international web !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,
I want to mention that once in will get USA ,Canada ,EU Citizenship +work there I will put my all money in Christen banks + will get interest of my saving money till I have money , bse from past 2009 Jan to till now 20 Sept 2009 , I am getting threat from Indian =Hindu +Muslims , that you are getting interest of your saving gin india only !!?? other nations =USA ,EU ++ UN =world bank are not providing !!??

From Feb. 2008 to Dec 2008 ,RAW==India intelligence= A Hindu terrorist organization, Used Indian living in Juabil ,Saudi Arabia specially muffseer apartment , one flat =6 Indian =Operator level , low profiles Indian + Indian working in Saudi Kayan 2200 =two thousand two hundred Indian = Upper level to lower level =G12 Upper to G3 lower , there was only 7=Seven Pakistani ,100 Indonesian , 100 Pilipino were hired in Saudi Kayan , for Jobs !! But from Jan 2008 it self these Indian start to torture me by Body rays ,brain voice 0,160 ,220 to 2500 Cps !!?? and night torture was also from 11.30 PM to 2.30 AM by Indian living in muffseer apartment , these Indian =Secular !!it was continuous from Jan 2008 to till December 2008 ,=whole 1 years !! every day torture By Indian in front of USA,UK ,Korean , China
, European ,Pakistani ,Local Saudi , Qatar ,Kuwaiti ,with out any shame =with think Indian are great !!
intension was clear that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A should do not have nay job in hand +no money !!?? should go back to Kalam ,Dr Manmohan Singh nation + live there unemployed +see the secular Indian !!??? + see the play of RAW =Hindu terrorist intelligence !!?? now I can say ,SABIC Should hire Pakistani , as 1000 ,1200 + Saudi governments , ,they have good records of Counter terrorism from Jan 2009 to till now , they are not like secular !! india which I seen +face in Saudi Arabia +india !!??there work against terrorist is accept world level !!?? proved work !!??
Saudi Kayan have 30 USA , 200 UK , 200 Europe , 100 Korean +2 China !!?? =working for Licensor = KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,
And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .
As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??
New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!
(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(its my real life case !)
(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist
(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya
(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan
(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why
PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009
This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,
a leading global market research provider, and your participation is
critical. Here's why:

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Enroll today, and select two Welcome Gifts! Choose from movie
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If you haven't already done so, join now.

Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser
Product Marketing Director
Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??
That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,
In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?
As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,
Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,
(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??
China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!
The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??
(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!
(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??
(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??
(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??
(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!
That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??
What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??
Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!
=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .
While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??
Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??
This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .
They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??
(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??
(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .
(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??
(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .
It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,
While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .
While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??
His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )
He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??
Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!
I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,
If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!
these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and
I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,
Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??
The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !
(its my real life article !)
On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM
I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !
I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !
But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala
On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,
does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??
I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009
and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??
(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .
(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .
Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)
Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??
They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??
but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??
This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak
to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

Bcc:,,, Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry , Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry ,
Dear Oelrich, Ivan ( Acting President of the Federation of American Scientists

RAW =A Hindu terrorist organization for Indian minorities it self =those are Non Hindu !!??
(Real Article : From My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life )

RAW =Research analysis wing have killing activities for Indian Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists from past 30 years =Non Hindu =RAW is terrorist organization for we minorities also then Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,ME =Gulf =Specially UAE , Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Malaysia, And China +Assam +Kashmir !!??

1 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia : ( Its controlled by PMO= Dr Manmohan Singh!! from 2003 to till now ) )
RAW existence I face in Saudi Arabia =Jubail at Mufssir Apartment at My flat 1/11 Saudi Arabia

At My TV , from Feb 2008 to 2008 December, this Hindu terrorist organization was active there , its have power full satellite technology got from KGB =Russian International terrorist organization founded by Stalin !!??

RAW have ability from Satellite , to listen talk at Any place of Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,india !! ?? can see you in dark ,can see your dress in dark , can see you at depth of 20 feet inside Building ,can listen your talk there , with out any problem all through satellite technology !!?? can see you in Bath room , can see you in Bedroom in nigh =Dark night !!?? this much power is with Hindu Now !!?? =it control by Prime minister office Only !!?? it =RAW is not responsible to give answers of any question to any body else in India included Any Minister !!any Army officer !!??

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! (1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

Then in 2008 = again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world = federation of American scientist issued report on ,

RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka ,

RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west

Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan,

!!??specially from east Pakistan ,RAW Reached at East Pakistan in 1960 it self !!?? RAW Trained Mukti Bahini ,but also Arms to worker of Mukti Bahini in 1970 !!??

This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!??

Not only this about RAW ,Shri Lanka one leading news Paper =Daily Mirror , told that RAW , is playing heinous role in regional counties to destabilized them , having rise nursed and fortified to LTTE , =Liberation Tiger of Tamil eelam , ,this news paper mention that RAW ,employee are , bankrupt and spiritually barren , like Ravi Nair 1975 having , allegedly affair with other nation spy , and 2004 , Rabinder singh , he escaped to CIA =USA with copies of several highly confidential documents ,having affair with US embassy based female spent time in resorts at Delhi JAIPUR HIGH WAY !!??

RAW is doing one more work , in UK ,Canada ,USA , ME =Gulf ,on fighting against its separatist =Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikh , separatist , it getting annually 250 millions to counter these separatist in USA, Candaa, UK !!??

It doing illegal funding to Political candidates in USA in 1996 it given 46,000 $ illegal fund to Political candidates at USA , for federal election , the Indian , man caught was Lalit H Ghadia , who put in front of USA Court ,he accept that he worked through Indian embassy , and various Indian American organization ,

Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!??

RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!??

about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board ,

Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??
( Parts from FAS + Ali Sukhanver =Pakistan based nation and international strategic and defense affair )

I like to mention one point here UK -Police shoot +Hang two Hindus =Chanadra Shekar , Baghat singh , for India they were real Hindu ,But for UK Police they were militants !!?? that why they died !! same way Mr. Narandra Modi , Naven Patnayak , Rao =Gujarat ,Orissa ,Karnataka , Chhatisgarh Chief minister are Real Hindu for India , so they have power to legally rule india as Chief ministers again and again !! But for international people they are Hindu criminals =Hindu terrorist !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 23-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

RAW was torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , at my TV by TV Free voice mode , and using its Indian population =those are 50% population of Jubail working in Petrochemical companies there !!? using Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!?? it was using Indian =Secular Hindu ,Indian Muslims at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,Riyadh ,Bahrain !!?? =these are 3.5 lacks in Population at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,while there are 10,000 people of UK ,10000 people from USA ,10000 from South Korea , 5000 from China , 50,000 from Pakistan ,50,000 from Bangladesh , 50000 from Philippine in Jubail in front of these all Indian were torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A at open level !!?? !!
B;se I am not Hindu =I am Minority !!??
while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !!

2 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india , up to abused in terror level!! : (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

Udaipur Raj INDIA , Hindus Human society research=Torture ,on Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =Rchisty , Minority scientist ,By use of RAW + Satellite technology ,TV Free voice mode ,+0,160,220 cps Brain waves torture By order of RAW =PMO =Prime minister office India , going on from 1991 to 2009 ,18th September )
Hindu Defense -experiment , working for use of its huge population , training like as Bio robot by satellite + TV free voice mode At Udaipur Rajasthan INDIA 313001 ,313002, this city have 2.6 lacks are Hindu ,75,000 are Indian Muslim !! also fully supporting this torture to minority scientist=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , ,as these are Con ,poor ,Corrupt , !! AS THIS POOR NATION HAVE HUGE POPULATION=So huge BIO Robots for Hindu world !!??this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? so these Hindu =Indian will captured whole world in 2137 those having Kalam ,Sharuk Khan Nayak ,Amir Khan , M Agwani ,S Agwani ,Q Chisty , FK Nayak , like Indian Muslims +5000 Illiterate Indian Muslims from Kishan pole Udaipur =BJP =RSS Lover getting EU , NGOs $ ,to these poor Indian Muslims also !! !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!?? have to live like Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A from 1991 to till now !!??This Hindu terrorist Organization =RAW , have one Indian Muslims = Dr MS Agwani ,

Who was teaching to Nation foreign affair Officials ,India , National Defense academic , upper level Hindu army people , National civil servants , from past 1955 to till now !! who is from Udaipur Raj india ,who is advisor to Prime minister ,president of india from 1964 to 2009 !! he also have full support to RAW and Udaipur Hindu society brain waves torture 0,160,220 cps from 1991 to till now ,18 September 2009 !!?? he is representing India at international level ,for diplomatic level +peace !!?? actually he is part of RAW ,IB,MI ,PMO as he have good relation ships of all former presidents Like Gayanni Jail Singh + Nelam snajev Reddy + Dr Manmohan Singh + Indra Gandhi as he was Prof in JNU ,and vice chancellor in JNU !!?? these type of profs ,advisors to PMO India are ,those fuel kill of Innocent Assam ,Kashmiri , Minorities at all india level =At all Hindu nation level as these type of Indian professors are getting good salaries +respected what RAW =Hindu terrorist organizations getting from prime ministers of this Hindu nation =India directly !!?? 250 Million $ annually to RAW for international activities only !!?? like this Hindu nation PMO providing fukll money to these types of JNU +Other universities professors also those deal with International affairs + diplomatic channels if this Hindu nation ,yes these may be Indian Muslims +Indian Sikh ,Pharisee + Indian Buddha !!??

Ruhel Chisty date 18-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

3 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Dubai =UAE =International level !!?? (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

RAW was torturing me in Dubai also from Feb 2001 to 2003 Feb. by use of Indian living there in Dubai =LTS =Lone start technical service Dubai !!?? this company is Indian Company = torture by use of Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

RAW was using its Population at ME =Gulf different countries and Indian embassies there !!?? to use its power at International level to prove Asian power !!?? =By Hindu terrorist organization !!?? like KGB was doing on innocent Russian people !!?

these people enjoying these things from 1991 to 2001 in Udaipur Raj India , and from 2008 23rd Jan in Bahrain , 2008, 24th Jan to 2008 ,16th dec in Jubail ,Riyadh =Saudi Arabia ,Indian did open torture by brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in front of 182 nations people =EU ,USA ,Korea ,Japan , Canada ++++Australia ++ as Jubail =KSA have 60% its population from india only ,those are working there in petrochemical companies !!?? then from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb in Dubai ,Abu Dhabi ,Shajarha , Oman , Ajman ,Fujarah , its was all open done by Indian !!?? while Udaipur Raj 313001 .02 INDIA was place for this research on Human !! it was Hindu defense research to use its Poverty rich ,corrupt Human population to produced , Ruhel Bipolar Disorder ,By 0,160,220 cps ,use of satellite technology + TV Free voice mode to guide to these Hindus , !!??

RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india from 1991 to 2009 ,20th September It train Udaipur Human dogs Like Dog , trainer are training ,these people=RAW , given huge money to udaipur people =Hindu Muslims both, the money this Poor Hindu + Indian , got from NGOs in Europe +world bank –Japan +Korea + Germany ,France for ,Handicaps ,blind ,ill ,Mental !! and Distributed to Hindu +Kishan pole street like Indian Muslims 5000 Indian Muslims these are illiterate ,con even not educated up to 10 standard it self in Hindi medium But these are RAW ,=Indian terrorist organization faith full Human dogs !!??
In 1990 there was no good home in this street which can be confirmed by UN Satellite ,ESA ,NASA satellite pictures also !!?? But not these illiterate Indian Muslim having 5 story buildings , Government jobs +huge bank balance as these all support to RAW , =New idea = Bio robots , + these illiterate Indian Muslim like to give Vote to BJP + few congress also !!?? these can be used by RAW to do Bomb blast in Pakistan ,Shri lanka , + other part of world !! as these are also getting good per month amount from RAW = Hindu intelligence for its project =Bio robots from satellite technology !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-09-2009 ,These all points for Interpol ,UNODC ,UNSC ,UNGA , EU ,USA =FBI ,Europol !!??

Compare of ME =Gulf and India = Hindu =secular !!?? = Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular = given many proof to Bush jr =poor Brain +Republicans !!??

I found that ME =Gulf (these are non Hindu =Non Indian ) people are best for Indian Minorities =Like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! But from Feb 2003 to 2008 =Continuous 5 years Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh Human –dogs start to bark on me that your wrote against UN =UNGA , UNSC from Dubai !! it came to us =Hindu =Secular !!?? they 1.0 Billion Hindu=Secular start to rise voice at Bush Jr =republicans that we have some email from Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,that do not have by Dubai government which he wrote from Dubai !! the maximum voice rise by Udaipur Hindu +kishan pole Street Indian Muslims =secular By Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Then this Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO kept me forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 By use satellite technology =TV free voice mode ,Internet , Mobile ,Fax, Emails , Mail = by kidnapped these all !!??
while Indian government =Secular =Dr Manmohan Singh !! providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?
While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??
Then in 2008 =Again I reached to ME =Gulf =Saudi Arabia again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

While this secular =Hindu =Dr Manmohan Singh =People =Human did , (In India =A Hindu nation ) = Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide , ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Victims still suffering from Justice , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10, USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,
for my work to protect world environmental + global warming ,
Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption in INDIA !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,

This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!?? finally these people given kicked on his face and put him in blood and unconscious !!!??

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!
if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

While from date 21-09-2009 , Indian Hindu Eid =Indian Muslims Eid !!? these Udaipur Hindu +Indian Muslim start to attack on me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , up to abused level +by one Bohara =Indian Muslim like community ,who have shop in Bapu Bazar –Stationary shop from there I am buying All stationary items from past 9 months ,he also like to abuse my brain when some foreigner is coming of some Hindu police is passing through his shop and I am standing there = !! by torture up abused levl from 2009 Jan to till now !!?? b’se I did support Pakistan army +Government those are doing Hard work against Terrorism from past Jan 2009 to till now , even from 2001 to 2009 Jan also !! given gift to Bush Jr 600 Al-Quida ,live from Afghan –Pakistan border !!?? But pointing thing is India have 37 Ahinsapuri ,23 AA kishan pole ,167 Loha bazaar Udaipur Raj India, like Indian Muslims !! those have one Dr Agwani , who is getting promotion in jobs =in Hindu diplomacy =By Indian Politician ,those are under r world top 100 corrupt high level political nation !!?? who one work to tell all possible wrong about Pakistan government all policies =Local plus foreign ,and he living in India with respect , with promotion ,good salaries from past 1950 to till now 2009 !! and live also !! as he is doing abused to , Pakistan Muslims , Pakistan government , Pakistan policies , =its all work at UN ,USA ,EU from 1947 to till now !!?? that why he got best Hindu awards =Padama Bhusan =Padam award , Rajiv Gandhi , !!?? from Indian Politician =where 82% Hindu are living =1260 millions population as he is Indian Muslim ,he like to stay in India in 1942-1947 after all communal Hindu Muslims riots ,murder , looting !!?? So !!?? his birth 1924 !!?? while Dr Agwani have 67% in BA from , and due to this he have Gold medal , And he have 66% in MA -Political science here also due to this he have gold medal from !! while Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A have 70% Physics BSc from ,and 68% Chemistry BSc from !! so I have to face Hindu Terrorist , Hindu ,Secular !! = from 1991 to till now !!?? as 70% and 68% are less then 66% !!??
As this Bohara =Indian Muslim like community is filling his stomach in This Udaipur city =Hindu nation =Hindu nation =Secular !! where Hindu customers also coming other religion customer also coming !!?

(12-e) Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .
I like to mention one point here UK -Police shoot +Hang two Hindus =Chanadra Shekar , Baghat singh , for India they were real Hindu ,But for UK Police they were militants !!?? that why they died !! same way Mr. Narandra Modi , Naven Patnayak , Rao =Gujarat ,Orissa ,Karnataka , Chhatisgarh Chief minister are Real Hindu for India , so they have power to legally rule india as Chief ministers again and again !! But for international people they are Hindu criminals =Hindu terrorist !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 23-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,

The US Administrative nudging india to closed its consulates =embassy in Afghanistan , at Jalalabad , Herat , as US Found that India =RAW is involving to destabilized to US –Pakistan war \Against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,and destabilizing Afghan –Pakistan relation ,it found that India is using its consulates at to Jalaabad , Heart , to provoke terrorism activities in Pakistan By use of these area afghan !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 24-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India .

While USA =develop nation =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !! it all approved by USA Congress !! while in india Assam 30 years ,Kashmir 30 years , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Life forced unemployed by Hindu terrorist ,from 1999 to 2009 ,and Orissa 2008 , christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 genocide ,Chhtisgarh 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 genocides approved by Hindu Congress at these states + New Delhi !! the difference between developed christen nation =USA and Hindu Nation =india !! Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 24-09-2009 Udaipur raj india ,

(V) Sir in 2007 Justice Krashnavatti commission report ,came on 1993 Mumbai riots and blast he give 600 – 700 pages report

With audio records ,video records , different high level literate victims recording , where he mention the Telephonic recording police officials of Riots area ,how they were provoking to rioters to destroy the minorities home ,business , to do riots ,and kill

Live recording from BSNL -=Indian government telephone data that is only in all Mumbai police stations ,he open the action of shiv sena ,BJP ,RSS ,VHP ,Bdal involvement in riots !!?? involvement of congress party few ministries also in riots !!?? he given proof of Video recording did by victims =international channels =CNN,BBC + other ,TV Channels , News papers !! But that whole report reached to Maharastra Government ,that is controlled by Congress party ,Shard pavar party = which have soft corner with Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena !! so till now noting happened to those all police officers , means they did not terminated from jobs !!?? none of Shiv Sena ,Other party leader get caught and put behind bar then terminated from Ministry + political power !! none of congress party leader get terminated from congress party membership +put behind bar !!?? while Justice Krashnavatti is Padama Bhusan Awardees , he was chief Justice of three states of India ,he start his career as Jury only !!?? his name is in few of highest honest jury !!?? while this report reached to Dr Manmohan Singh =prime minister of India ,Ms Sonia Gandhi also !! but noting happened !!?? b'se congress party is based on Shard pavar party ministers in MH =Maharastra and to be in rule !! and Shard pavar do not want to take any action against Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena +BJP +RSS +VHP !! So !!???
while Mumbai riots taken 2000 human life ,maximum loss of Mumbai minorities =Christen +Muslims !! there business ,there jobs , career there home !!?? total effected was 80000 to 140000 people !!?? I think this Justice Krashnavatti commission report 2007 also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ???


sir I know Ex CBI- Chief =RAW =IB =Indian intelligence officials ,who finished -all proofs , those were - at crime places & given to CBI -By Victims by thinking the safest place of Indian earth !!? , those were against Lal Krishan Advanni &Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Uma Bharii ,Sadavii Ritium Bharaa ++ , those provoke to lot of Hindu- Muslim riots & murder in form 1989 to 1993 !in whole india ,at Open conferences ,at many places in india & UP &Delhi &Rajasthan !!? due to Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri mosque case ! in 1994-1998 He =CBI Chief , was –awarded, as Member of National human right commission= ! by ,that time , Prime minister-India (BJP) , (Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee) in 2002 , Pl note these riots taken ~2500 human life +~1 lacks home less & ~4 Million Career less & future less !! & made cases like me=Ruhel –Chistry & & made whole Indian Hindu high communal & few criminal brain , Indian- minorities, got -offer from BJP to made Progress of life on cost of Minorities life it self !! ?=As My street Kishan pole –Udaipur –Raj 313001 people !! I think I think this also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSA- Government =KSA Police !!?? ???

(X) While I know that =Athalka magazine ,editor open by hidden video - recording of fact that how Mr. Jorge Franardish ( former Defense minister of BJP ) and Mr. .Y.Mishra was involved in 5000 corer= 50 Billion Indian rupees defense corruption , Athalka magazine ,editor did open this hidden video recording at all Leading nation TV news =Zee News ,Star TV += in 2001 -2002 , there were 4-5 ministers also involved there , 4-5 Defense official also involved in this ,but what happened after that

Mr. Jorge Franardish did not given resign from his defense minister posts , + other ministers also + Defense officials also did not resign !! while these people put local police + army intelligence against Athalka magazine ,editor +put him in economic ban !! force to all other news media +business man do not support him +give him money !! he face high economic torture to 3.5 years continuous !! b'se he did work against BJP Ruled party ministers in 2001 -2005!!??

(XI) while india's 80 MPs=Member of parliament have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++

Same way 180 to 1800 MLA =of different states have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++

But they are political leaders in india ,and have all benefits of power +money + respected + ++ and cases going on in Indian courts for which people are telling that there are corrupt juries ,corrupt advocates !!?? while for these MP ,MLA Indian police is lay down ,Indian IB is lay down ,Indian defense is lay down !!Maximum of this MP ,MLAare Hindus !!?? these Indian are telling me from past 8 years that these people have some e-letter to do some crime from me !! with out my e-signature + with out international laws and order they did not show me that email till now !! and these Indian have full support from ME =Gulf two countries =Dubai ,KSA !!

Sir ,one point connecting to my this case ! Pl, Delhi/UP- Police ,have few -video Records ,as proof at Supreme court of india against Lal Krishan Advaani ,Uma Bharti , Vinayak Katariya ,! ,who was provoking to Riots ,Murder ! to huge population in 1989 to 1992 !& which did action & that month ~2,000 riots ,kill ,murder taken place ! But with in few years ,all these Video- proof s ! thieves from Supreme court ! Sir this news was came in -Leading news paper of india , so Lal Krishan Advaani became Vice Prime minister of india ! Ruhel Chisty ! A fact of Indian laws and order +its way of common - life ! & Concern me , Pl till today ,I did not got any letter from Government why & what & till what ! this Inhuman-action on me !? even no Courier=Fed Ex ,UPS , DHL , I got !? concern this case ,even that email (with out my signature ) which have by Dubai IB ,RAW ,IB ,KSA-IB !!
Sir , We seen that USA >60 % people given vote against Bush Jr =President ,concern War on Iraq !! & now >57% people are against Bush foreign affair policies =Iraq ++ other to send more 20,000 troops++ !! !! it came on BBC world News channel it self !! means USA People given lesson to Bush with in 2.5 years !! while my case is going on from 1999 & 2000 &2001 & 2003 &2004 &2005 &2006 &2007 !! But these south Indian = ME=Gulf living south india have some e- letter (with out my signature ) , these people living - graph will not fall down, these people self respect graph did not fall down b'se they are Indian living in ME=-Gulf !!?? will get name from Indian democracy !!?? b'se these people are least people ,not like USA people those are literate ,best ,good then all world people , those are quick decider !! even Ms Sarah Palin is telling abused words about Barack Obama , but after second live discussion , Barack Obama graph rise , and it will continuous ,From 59% of total Votes to 68% total votes in favor of Barack Obama .at final election level they =USA voter did not count Ms Sarah Palin abused words !!??

Please if you see the Indian president 2002 March , (Dalit ,Keralite president ) he did not sent Indian army to kill rioters ,those were doing genocides in Gujarat !! he sent army after 3 days of genocide completed !! same was in 1984 Sikh genocides =Sikh riots !! that time president was also did not sent any army in new Delhi +other place of india !!??

Loop holes in Charge sheet =4528 pages , made and submit in Mumbai High court , by ATS-MH=Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , concern Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group . The explosive instrument used was IED =Improvised explosive device ,(Notable thing is this also used by Al-Quida in Iraq ,from past 2001 to till now to kill innocent Iraqi ) and explosives are RDX , Ammonium nitrate , ammonium nitrite , = All terror blast =train in Mumbai , serial blast in Mumbai, banglor ,UP ,New Delhi serial blast , lasted 2008 bomb blast also !! =,they used urea ,ammonium nitrate + sharp nails =Metal nails !!+other chemical ,

Now Loop Holes :
(1) ATS Mumbai ,did not touch =interrogate ,the Himani Saverkar ,who did married with Mahatma Gandhi Murder family person ,who is near daughter of Saverkar one of founder of RSS =Hindu terrorist group , she is clearly saying in open conferences that reply bomb is only bomb !!??
(2) ATS Mumbai did not touch =interrogate , Abhinav Bharat Group , which
ATS Given videos talk of this group members taking about , bomb explosions in India ,destroy Indian democracy, these people were doing open talk to produce hate against Indian constitute in Hindu Youth of India +NRI, only that part of Indian constitute which supporting Indian minorities , and hate against Indian democracy which supporting Indian minorities !!??
(3) Abhinav Bharat Group , are taking about the Hindu Army Rule in India, and ATS Given 2000 pages proofs ,videos recordings , against Abhinav Bharat Group those were taking conferences , meeting like these talks !
(4) But ATS Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , Did not taken any step to counter and put them in Court and jails after open trails !!??\
(5) ATS =MH, left , the groups of Indian army officers ,those are working ,and retired ,concern , involvement in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blasts !!!?? these groups of Indian army officers intension is clear to make Hindu Nation on behalf of kill ,murder ,bomb blasts ++
(6) ATS –MH also Left , (1) Ramesh Sivajee Upadhaya , Raikar = former Indian army official , he was commanded in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune , he given this place to train the Hindu terrorist for Bomb explosions in India , (7) ATS –MH also Left one more former Indian army officer =Sanat Kumar Bhatee , He was also involved in these bomb blasts ,
(8) ATS –MH , And ATS Pune taken hand ,to open the complete link between the Indian army and these bomb blasts in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .
(9) ATS Given clean chits to all Indian army officials , ATS taken them as only witness !?
(10) while ATS –MH And pune attend the special training from these mention Indian army officials !?
(11) ATS –MH,Pune left ,the two times BJP Member of parliament = Cornel Dhar and Delhi based one doctor = RP Singh , those were supporting to make new nation like Abhinav Bharat , these people were active member of these things !!
(12) ATS –MH ,Pune keep mum on link with these two , Cornel Dhar and RP Singh , + Abhinav Bharat Group , with other BJP Leaders those are political powerful !!??
(13) ATS –MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of cornel Purohit , =Indian army official ,concern which , ATS –MH ,Pune given video recording in that he was telling , (14) ATS MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of people working in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune and Akanssha resorts where the Hindu terrorist trainings were taken place !!?? and ATS –MH,Pune shown very politeness on these two organizations !!??
While this nation voter =millions , promoted Mr. Modi as Gujarat ruler =Chief minister for 2003-2008 then 2008 to 2013 !! two more terms !! whose Ministers ,Police officer were openly accused for 2002 Gujarat genocide !!
Now Naveen Patnayak given again one more term for Chief minister , In Orissa ,who was chief minister of Orissa 2008 ,when Christen genocide taken place !! Where victims of genocide still getting threat from Criminals ,genociders ,raper ,police officers !! Please note it tell that Indian Voters are Maximum Hindus those like to do Orrisa 2008 ,Christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka Christen genocide ,2002 Gujarat genocide and they are electing again that Government which protected genocider ,criminals ,raper, again election that Police officers those did support in all these High level human crime !! notable thing is these voters are in millions population !! these are concentrate Hindus ,these are crime lover ,these genocide lover ,in my view these voter are Taliban ,these are terror !!?? note Indian 50 million to 60 million voter love BJP =Genocider of christen ,Muslims !! and its when India is member of UN All branches ,its in 2100 Era !! ??
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
Note : In My view ,FBI ,Interpol ,UN Anti terror branch= CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, UNODC ,Europol ,should take all Data ,proofs ,from Indian government ,concern Hindu terrorism !! and these international anti terror organizations will get the ways of Hindu terror probes !!??
should ask to Indian government to permit for interrogate to Lt colonel Parsad Purohit + Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia + LK Advani + ,at least they will able to know that is Hindu terrorism !! how smart these people are !!? what is definitions of Hindu terrorism if you do investigation in India only against Hindu terrorism !! Ruhel at least they will get the range and tactics of this Hindu terror !!?? Ruhel Date 03-01-2009 while I like to mention here that ATS - Anti terror squad –Maharastra , public prosecutor =Ajay Misar lodge a complain in Sarkarwada Police station that on 16th Nov 2008 ,that he got one threat
At his phone , from Hindu terror group , for him and for ATS Chief = Hemant Karkare ,who got killed in 26/11 Mumbai terror attack just 9 days later !!??
While on 13th Jan 2009 , Hubbali- WB , press conference ,the northern range , Inspector general of police , =Mr Ragvandra Oradcar , given , speech that behind , Hubbali –Court Bomb blast ,on may 2008 , there was Hindu terrorist ,not SIMI !! while in may 2008 there was Karnataka Election ,and BJP taken full benefit to win ,maximum seats !! b’se BJP try to prove that these Bomb blast did by Indian minorities !!?? the man find behind this blast was =Nagraj Gangabi , he was PA of one Concentrate Hindu politician , they found nine =9 other Hindu terrorist in link this !!??
Ramesh Pavaar , Ling Raj Jalagar , ++, While this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi was member of Shri Ram Sena ,who is doing attacks on girls and boys ,at Pubs = high society - Bar at Banglour now a days they did attack on three pubs =bar !!?? this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi is very closed to Pramod Mutallik founder of Shri Ram sena ,who is Like Praveen Togadia of Karnataka !!?? the full other part can be found at The Indian express, Only one news paper of India who is writing against Hindu terror !!Only one !!?? from all news papers ,news media ,includes NDTV , this news channel is not allowed in Udaipur –RAJ , B’se here all Channels providers are from BJP=RSS=VHP=Bdal =Hindu terror wings !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 06-02-2009 , while this state police (all) is still in link ,getting order from former BJP=RSS Home minister (2003 -2008) =Gulab Chand Kataria (2003-2008) !!??
Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(b) while it found and discussed in Indian -parliament ,Rajya sabha ,by Members of parliament that 29 September , two -bomb blasts at Malegaon (Maharastra ) and Modasa ( Gujarat ) done by Hindu hardliners =Bajrangdal and Hindu Jagran Manch ,the probed reached to RSS Student wig= ABVP= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad , both blast taken place simultaneously , at two different places , (its all bomb blasts after the Banglour , Ahemdabd , Delhi bomb blasts ) they used RDX to do these bomb blasts !! Pleased note it !!!??
while it found that , SanatKumar Rajvithal Bhate , trained 115 Hindu activates ,to do bomb blasts ,from gelatin ,And RDX !! He got 300 gelatins ,from Bhosale Military school Nasik ,Pune ,
it found that these Hindu Hardliner put two motorcycles (1) at SIMI Office at Malegaon (Maharastra ) (2) At Modasa ( Gujarat ) they put with the Islamic sticker , and forensic investigator found that it attempt to mislead them , the motorcycles used were LML-Freedom and these Hindu hardliner , these people used main frame ,and engine ,from two different vehicles . and they erased the engine number , chassis number , but after forensic method it found that these numbers were , of Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur , which was registered at Surat RTO –Gujarat =Number = GJ 05 BR 1920 ,
While these Hindu terrorist used fake number plate but it was , on her name , Pragya Singh Thakur ,this was not sold ,and thief And second motorcycle was on name of =ABVP person ,who is running NGO in Indore =MP (Madhya Pradesh) –India , P-1,P-4 24 October ,2008 The Indian express ) the Malegaon (Maharastra ) bomb blast
taken six humen life , its taken place when 20,000 =twenty thousand Indian minorities were gathered at they holy time !! now surprised thing is national level political leader , Uma Bharti of BJS =Bharatis Bhartiya Janshakti Party , offer to Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur ,her party ticket ,form Mahdaya Pardesh =MP ,for MLA Election = political leader of India !!?? its when Pragya Singh Thakur is in police custody , with Maharastra Anti terror squad , this thing did not stop here BJP president also support her = Pragya Singh Thakur !!!?? P- 4, 31 October ,2008 ,The Indian express .
while it found that her father was RSS –worker !!?? while ATS = Anti terror squad have proof against her as her motorcycle ,and her 400 minutes conversation with Shyam Bhavarlal Sahu !!!?? after these all this offer to her are there !!??? =offer for MLA Election,from BJP president !!?? Ruhel date 30-12-2008 –Udaipur –raj India . Sir I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in india !!?? while about these all probes my view is that India is Hindu nation and what I seen the result of Justice Nanavatti committee report on Gujarat 2002 genocide !! it tell me that like this all probes are complex !! and its when Hindu terror name came it very typical to get 100% truth ,from Hindu police officials it self against Hindu terror !! its very rare and typical !!!??? Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 .
It open by Maharastra Police that Hindu terrorist Rajesh Dhavade (Malegaon Bomb accused) ,got training on Make Bomb ,by two chemistry -Hindu professors , from Pune , based Narsujee Vadiya college , professors names are Dr Sharad Kuntee (he was former VHP –head at Pune city) ,and Dr Dav , these two chemistry -Hindu professors teach them to make pipe –bombs , it also found that one more ABVP active Mr. Sameer Kulkanii ,who was involved in Jabalpur –MP ,riots ,he was main accused to provoke to riots !!?? ABVP= RSS Student wig= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad !!??Ruhel Date 30-12-2008 .
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??

While Made in india =Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report , concern Base of Gujarat 2002 genocide ! = Godhara –train case ! =
The LOOP HOLES of this report= Justice Nanavatti –Mehta report ,
(1) This commission made by Mr Narandara Modi it self =BJP=RSS ,6 years ago !!??
(2) There is no witness of , who burn Train =Godhara Train 2002 ,
(3) There was 200 total witness none of given talk ,proof to court that Train burn by Muslim -gathered !!??
(4) No body know ,that train was having Hindu car sevak , except BJP=RSS people ,even Gujarat government official -do not know !!
(5) Train was more then 5= more then five hours late , if any plan was there it was easily failed due to unlimited late train =that is also more then 5 hours !!?? it also tell that criminal were related to done Party only !!??
(6) Commission told that train Westuval was cut ,if it was cut then why , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission do not kept it as proof ,and sold to Kabadi = used thing buyer !!??
(7) During Court talk ,it proved by 200 witness that , train was stop by pulling it chain and it stop by Car sevak only ,b’s e few car sevak was left on station it self !!??
(8) Forensic experts , given proof that , by calculation by height of Train track and height of train window it is not possible to throw petrol like that in train !!??
(9) It is not east to cut Westuval of train with in few time !!??
(10) This Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission ignored many very important witness !!??
(11) While in 2002 the rail minister was Nitish Kumar =BJP Supporter that’s why he did not given any , investigation from railway official +railway police officer !!??
(12) There is no ,any record of justice UC Benarjee report in , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report !!?? While its very important !!??
(13) Justice Nanavatti –Mehta refused to take investigation of Narandara Modi = why !!?? this commission made many dual talk about , why ,burn train !!??
(14) while one honest - Police officer = RB Shri Kumar told to commission that he is getting threat from criminal that if he told true then he will loose the life !!? and this honest police office given record - proof of that threat telephone call in court also !!?? that also ignored by Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission = Mr Narandara Modi made =RSS=BJP Made !!??
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(a) Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
while its well known that mahatma Gandhi was killed by RSS person =Nathuram Godsae , a Marathi guy !!?? and Australian father Graham steen and kids=Christen ,murder and killer to live burn them = Dara Singh is Bajrang Dal person !!?? while Darasingh , lawyer was , brother of BJP Leader =Dealip singh Judev , who taken case of Hindu terrorist who was killer of three human ,Australian christen ,his case taken for free him by BJP Leader brother !!!?? Now BJP =RSS is telling that they will provide lawyer to Sadhvii Pragya Singh Thakur , !! while in India there is no rights for fake - framed Indian Muslim for terrorism !!?? but BJP is supporter of Hindu terrorist for Hindu lawyer in India !!!??
Kanpur UP –India ,two =2 ,Bajrang dal Person got killed during making bomb at home and many other got injured , Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps , (c) in Bhunashvar –India also one BJP leader kid and his friends were captured by police during making bomb CBI Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps !!!??? (d) in Karnataka =Danavgeer ,also there were attack on Indian christen taken place , , by VHP= RSS ,Bajrang Dal people ,and local police did directly support of this , and this local police made fake cases on 16 fathers =christen –holy people , and local police did not made single FIR against RSS ,BJP people ,while VHP,Bajrang Dal people taken directly responsibility of these attacks in front of media ,and local media ,as there is BJP is in power =ruling Karnataka, these VHP,Bajrang Dal people destroy the churches ,destroy the Jesus stachu ,
On 14 September 2008 , the VHP ,Bajrang Dal people attack on church at manglor the burn Bible , once nun called police ,police asked many question to nuns ,like is there =nun organizations in international ,is they are getting money from foreign !!!?? they =police did not taken any action against VHP, Bajrang Dal people ,one more incident in Karnataka , permuunar , Sant Sabsteen church , huge christen people were gathered there , suddenly Bajrang Dal ,VHP people came there , and start to through stones ,and brutally beaten to nuns ,father , and local police also directly support these Hidutava groups , the burn bible , destroy mother marry stachu , while one more incident , at Kodral church , there local police brutally beaten to nuns ,father plus school kids which is near to church and beaten to one 72 years old lady !!! Karnataka chief minister is Mr BS Yeddyurappa ,he refused to ban Bajrangdal !!??these all tell that BJP is sees it self at next ruling party in centre =new Delhi –HQ , Bajrang Dal have its branches called as Sri ram sena , now Bajrang Dal is planning to made Hindu suicide squad , there will be training to youth for die on cost of Hindu nation =Nationalist !!!?? these people will get training from Hindu police officials , Hindu Army officials, these things told by Pramod Mutalik ,head of Sri ram sena = Bajrang Dal !!! P -5, 22 September 2008 ,,=The Indian express ,
e) while in Rajasthan also ,my living place =birth state , after jaipur bomb blast Home minister of Rajasthan Order to police , to torture Indian Muslim ,bangala speaking people , and attack on Indian christen also taken place example are Jodhpur ,Bayavar , Its all to get Hindu votes as 5 states - election were very near , and at last BJP got win in two states =MP=Madhya Pradesh ,Zharkhand !!! this all movement was to make Hindu India !!?? Ruhel date 23-12-2008 –Udaipur –Raj India while in Udaipur –Raj India =whole Rajasthan all Jain =Baniya and Marvadii , have good support to BJP=RSS =VHP =Bajrangdal by money ,plus other !!??
While in Rajasthan , 3 October 2008, at Dungarpur Raj India , BJP ,Bajrang Dal ,VHP people , did destroy and burn the Indian minorities shops (only shops ) to destroy there economic foundation , the maximum loss was 50=40+10 lacks to Dr Kurashi ,dental clinic ,
While in Andrapradesh –India , VHP=Bajrang Dal people did live burn of 6 =5+1 =six ,Indian Muslim, it included 3 kids ,one woman ,two man , its was incident of 10 October 2008 , these all were just before Indian state elections so that ,so that Indian 80% Hindu vote change to BJP=RSS=VHP=Bajrang Dal !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
(1) Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,
While ATS –Pune , put cheating , forgery cases on Lt Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit , he did forged document for weapon ,and did made fake ARMY- ID =ARMY Identification Card , for Chaturvedi , who was active member of Abhinav Bhart ,=a group who tell bomb reply is bomb !!?? it found that he given proofs that he and Chaturvedi did attends all meetings , leading up to Bomb blasts , up to Malegaon bomb blast !!??

Sir Bajrangdal is Hindu –Al-Quida , (its to kill Indian minorities only ) ,and VHP=is Hindu LeT (Lakshre Toiba ) to kill Indian minorities only !!)) Ruhel Date 27-12-2008
While MH Chief minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh told for ATS –Pune , that why LK Advani , and several BJP Leaders , asking to change the present ATS- Anti terrorist wing –Pune, and conduct judicial inquire into , charge made by Sadvi Pragya singh Thakur , !!!?? while ATS was carrying in to its probe , with out POTA , TADA which was made by BJP !!?? and used on innocent Indian Muslim +other !!??
While BJP future prime minister of India =LK Advani meet national security Adviser ,MK Narayana , and intelligence bureau director , PC Halder concern sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur !!?? while national security Adviser ,MK Narayana told him that he will look into !!??
I want all type of terrorist groups should be ban and killed !! it tell that USA,EU ,UN should ban and kill to RSS ,VHP=Bdal those killing only innocent Indian minorities = crime against humanity !! while Islamic terrorist are killing only innocent USA ,Israeli and other western people= crime against humanity !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While the reality of Indian Law enforcement system can be understand by these points :
(1) Justice Krishna commission report = concern 1989-1993 Mumbai riots , and role of Mumbai Police in Riots , they given video ,Audio , personal interview with victims +recording to telephonic talks +mobile talk of police officers ,ministers =mainly from BJP ,Shiv Sena ,all were telling that How Mumbai Police was involved in to provoke Riots ,and fully support of Mumbai Hindu Mainly Martha !! these happened b’se there was no minority Police offer was in Job that time all police officer was Hindus !! and fully like to kill minorities Life ,business ,Home + allowed to Hindu rioter to do kill and rape ~!! ?? this Justice was proved alone Laws and order person who given truth about whole 1989 to 1993 Mumbai riots !!!?? he given the telephone records of Mumbai police officers and ministers those were at work that time and in power that time !!?? these all proofs are with National minority commission ,National human right commission !! he given these proof 4 years back till now none of that Police officer get terminated put behind the bar !! put on then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? and same way none of Hindu Ministers +few Minority ministers , put behind the Bar + then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? that time in Mumbai Shiv Sena –BJP was ruling !!?? while from past 5 years Mumbai Have Congress party ,its allies are ruling !! noting happened to , riot provoker Police officers +ministers put behind the bar + serious charges !!?? Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 Udaipur-Raj India 313001.
(2) While the reality of Gujarat, 2002 March riots ,genocide , the Laws enforcement independent agencies try ot got Telephonic ,mobile talk records of Gujarat police officers ,ministers, but they were not able to get ,even they reached to supermen court get order aloes !!?? till now they did not get any telephonic ,mobile ,recodes of Gujarat police ,ministers those were enveloped in this genocide !!?? b’se Modi used his power ,to fail all system of records !! they told they destroy the records ,due to instrument fault !!??
(3) These all things tell that Home Minister of India is indirectly supporter of HINDU nation where these things will be consider as normal !!?? and this nation have all rights for Hindus only weather they are Narandara Modi ,weather they are LK Advani ,weather they are Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,whether they are Mumbai police officer , weather they are Mumbai police officers and ministers in 1989 to 1993 ,weather they are Gujarat 2002 march time police officers and ministers !!??

Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj 313001 India.
While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,with use of providing money to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by ??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While I can understand from my real life ,that Indian IB,MI,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,did not allowed single
Indian minorities ,in Physics ,Engineering ,Chemistry , at international Jobs , higher degrees , even it tell these MI,IB ,RAW means these people killed 10000, to 20 lacks =20,00000 intelligent brains of Assam ,Kashmir , those can be good physicist ,engineers ,chemists but there brain got killed by MI,IB,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,
B’se they are minorities of this nation , even may be few of them have publications like me at USA ,EU ,Canada, Germany , but this nation =India did not allowed them to get good degree ,jobs future in EU ,USA !!?? May be there names also used by this Hindu rich nation to get technology ,from USA defense ,NASA !!?? to got rise in DRDO ,ISRO ,IITs ,IISc !!?? it also tell that may be MI , did make fake –internet cases on them , put them in fake criminal activities , on these all innocent physicist ,engineers ,chemist b’se they are Indian minorities !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on October 2008 , Justice Sacher committee received first reply , concern , number of Muslim employee in IIM-A,IIM-C,BHU,NCMEI ( National commission fro minorities educational institute , ) , NIIE =National institute industrial engineering ,ut told following facts =
IIM-A have following grades =classes = Grade A , 3 Minority from 30 , grade B =Class B , 8 Minority ,from 76 , grade C =Class =15 minority ,from 161 , class D =Grade D, zero minority ,from 94,
IIM-C have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 =ZERO Minority from 85 , grade B =Class B , 2 Minority ,from 48 , grade C =Class =6 minority ,from 126 , class D =Grade D, 11 minority ,from 87,
BHU have following grades =classes = Grade A , 83 Minority from 1465, grade B =Class B , 6 Minority ,from 185, grade C =Class =124 minority ,from 2008, class D =Grade D, 24 minority ,from 2544,
NCMEI have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 Minority from 4 grade B =Class B , 4 Minority ,from 6 grade C =Class =1 minority ,from 5, class D =Grade D, 1 minority ,from 6,
NIIE have following grades =classes = Grade A , 1 Minority from 54 grade B =Class B , 1 Minority ,from 25 grade C =Class =0 minority ,from 128, class D =Grade D, 5 minority ,from 114

While Assam university have , 6 minority employee out of 245 !!!???
This is the first report get by Justice Sacher committee ,now other department report will came later on !! one by one !!??
Its first impact , of Justice Sacher committee is the start of minorities scholarships ,( Christen ,Muslim ,Sikh ,Parsis ,Buddhists)
India’s following states given the scholarships to minorities students ( at IIT’s ,IIM’s ,NIFT, SPA , Medical college ,Regional engineering college ,Universities +++) ,
Kerla given = 29,380 minorities scholarships , they got 14 X100000 applications , UP –Mayavatti , given 67,420 minorities scholarships ,they got 10.5 X100000 applications , West Bengal –Where communist are ruling ,given , 44,460 minorities scholarships They got 7.5 X100000 application, Karnataka –where BJP is ruling ,given , 16,640 minorities scholarships ,they got , 2X10,0000 applications , Tamil Nadu ,(DMK Ruling ) they given , 15,340 minorities scholarships ,they got 3X100000 applications ,
While on date 14-04-2009 ,Hindu ISI Hacked my membership web at SABIC Network , for which I got Accepted by its ambassador , on date 13-04-2009 ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While recently , in UP =Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Bajerdeeha , UP Hindu police did open fire , with out warning ,and with out stick attack ,and with out tearing gas , on Indian Muslims , 11 march 2009 , they did not only killed Indian Muslim but also put 500 serious cases on 500 Indian Muslim ,=IPC 307 , =Indian panel court , 307 ,the cause was also done by Hindu only they used to throw Color on Their mosque , from past 10 years on every Holi =Hindu religion festival , even they =Indian Muslim are complaining from past 10 years at all level !!?? and there is not Hindu home near mosque , in this firing two Indian Muslim got killed ,10 serious injured !!?? the police officer name are =Shamsheer Bahdur Singh , the BJP leaders behind this name are =Durga Babu Lal Khurdia , his son Rajkumar , b’se from Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Murlee Mahnohar Joshi is BJP –leader for this 2009 election !!?? and RSS want Religious riots in UP and Varanasii , to win the election on basis of Hindutava and Hindu Rights !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from EU –Command ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 29-05-2009 Time : 10:05 AM
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 30-05-2009 Time : 10:25 AM , Its=MI,IB,RAW ,CID , thinking that whole world like Hindus And want be part of these all activities what I mention !! Ruhel
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

While Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim employees in IITs , IIT-B.IIT-K,IIT-D,IIT-M,IIT-G, are as follows ,
Zero= Grade A in three IITs , 1 one = Grade B in Three IITs . 6 six=, Grade C , three IITs , 12 = Grade D in three IITs ,
Ruhel Chisty Date 10-04-2009 , while , you can understand the Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim Students percentage in These IITs !!??
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was among top two !!
Neuro science and corrupt Humen rich city and nation !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!??

The Hindu Police Gujarat , did Two Fake encounters of 4-16 Innocent Indian Minorities
And proved that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba Terrorist want to kill, Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??

These Fake encounters done by Anti terrorist Squad Gujarat + Higher police official of Gujarat ,
It open By , metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, submit 246 Pages report to High court MH ,SP New Delhi , after conducting enquire under section 176 ,of the CrPC ,
on fake encounters of 19 years old Student =Ishrat Jahan from Maharatra student at Guru Nanak Khalsa College ,Maharastra , + Prenesh Palli + Javed Shaikh –MH , , these all kidnapped By , Ahamdabad-Gujarat Crime branch officials from Mumbai , and three days later these all shoot , alleged at Ahamdabad on date , 15th June 2004 ,
, by Anti terrorist Squad - Gujarat , by putting in media that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba people want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
this fake encounter done by following Police officers =(1) IPS Officer , PP Pande (2) IPS Officer –DG Vangara (he is already in Jail ,for one more fake encounter of So-rubiddin and his wife Kosar Bi ) (3) GL Singhal (4) NK Amin (5) KM Waghela (6)
JG Parmar ( 7) VD Vanav (8) SP Agrawat (9) DH Goswami (10) RI Patel (11) BA Chavda ( 12) Taraun Barot (13) KS Deasi these all are Higher rank police officials
Now police constable with them = (14) Ibrahim Chauhan ( indain Muslim ) (15) , Mukash Vyas (16) Nizamuddin Burhanmiya ( Indian Muslims )
These all people did this fake encounter of these innocent Indian Minorities , to get promotion in their Jobs ,and to get apperception from Gujarat Chief minister = Mr. Narandra Modi . these people killed by AK47, Riffles used by these Hindu police officers !! to kill these Innocents Indian Minorities .
metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, told that they found that , IPS –Officer DG vangara , did same Pattern Fake encounter of Sohrabuddin and his wife =Kosar Bi ,
with support of Udaipur Raj India 313001 ,Police , fake encounter date =26th November 2005 ,at Ahamdabad- Nrola Chohraya , Gujarat
as its highlighted in all local ,National level news Paper Former Police officer = Denish Kumar MN ,IPS officer , Udaipur raj india 313001 who is on Bail , + one Indian Muslim police officer , Abdul Rehman –former circle Inspector ,Pratap Nagar Police station –Udaipur –Raj (he is still under investigation ) , Abdul Rehman is person who shoot =Kill to Sohrabuddin ,while Kosar Bi , was killed by IPS –Officer DG vangara , by kept her Neck tight till her death ,
IPS –Officer DG vangara was chief of Anti terrorist squad Gujarat ,he have RSS =BJP Back ground in his life , he did his police education in RSS –Hostel !!??
P-1 , The Times of india Date 08-09-2009 +other news papers +my own word ,
This all to ,proved Whole Hindi =Hindus Media = TV News channels ,All English News papers of india ,that we Killed LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba -Terrorist ,those want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
It all encounters shown to IBN -7 ,Aaj-Tak ,Star TV , IBN-CNN , Sahara News , NDTV , The Times of india , The Hindu ,The Hindutustan Times , +The Indian express , ++ in 2004,2005 , to get Benefits from Bush Jr =Republicans !! poor Brains , to given message on India war against terror !!?? Mr. Narandar Modi War against terror =against Indian Minority all News Channels shown these Things for whole days to 5 days continues !!?? at Hot Page ,Top page !!??
While one more fake encounter done by New Delhi Police , of two Hindu businessmen ,
As there families were rich +Hindu ,so they put FIR +Court case against fake encounter
, and they got result in 10 years continuous fight in court , in there favor , if in stead of these rich ,Hindu businessman , some poor ,Indian Minorities families was there , they were not allowed to FIR it self , and there families were captured by Police , and put cases on them of terrorism +put in them in jail as terrorist !!and then kill !!?? in fake encounters it all told by Advocates + magistrate during this case 10 years time .
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
(While I want to mention one real point that in 2004 also Many news Papers +TV Channels +her mother , other relative try to prove that , Ishrat Jahan +other were innocent , and many Muslims –leaders from Mumbai ,Maharastra ,also try to prove , she is innocent ,and few Muslims minister given donation of lacks Indian rupees also to Ishrat Jahan family as she was alone member who was earning , But after few months Mr. Modi try to prove that his police killed , LeT =Terrorist only , and Ishrat Jahan was terrorist !! then all these Muslims minister came on Back foot !! that we given charity b’se TV News channels +Leading English news papers were telling like that !!?? this I am putting here bse its only way of life for minorities ,innocent , Minorities ministers ,leaders also !!?? they have to came on Back foot + see the Hindu Nation Hindu police , Hindu laws drama !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India )
(1) By Knowing that this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!??
 Reply:   I did support Pakistan army +Government,Hard work against Terrorism
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (22/Sep/2009)

b’se I did support Pakistan army +Government those are doing Hard work against Terrorism from past Jan 2009 to till now , even from 2001 to 2009 Jan also !! given gift to Bush Jr 600 Al-Quida ,live from Afghan –Pakistan border !!?? But pointing thing is India have 37 Ahinsapuri ,23 AA kishan pole ,167 Loha bazaar Udaipur Raj India, like Indian Muslims !! those have one Dr Agwani , who is getting promotion in jobs =in Hindu diplomacy =By Indian Politician ,those are under r world top 100 corrupt high level political nation !!?? who one work to tell all possible wrong about Pakistan government all policies =Local plus foreign ,and he living in India with respect , with promotion ,good salaries from past 1950 to till now 2009 !! and live also !! as he is doing abused to , Pakistan Muslims , Pakistan government , Pakistan policies , =its all work at UN ,USA ,EU from 1947 to till now !!?? that why he got best Hindu awards =Padama Bhusan =Padam award , Rajiv Gandhi , !!?? from Indian Politician =where 82% Hindu are living =1260 millions population as he is Indian Muslim ,he like to stay in India in 1942-1947 after all communal Hindu Muslims riots ,murder , looting !!?? So !!?? his birth 1924 !!?? while Dr Agwani have 67% in BA from , and due to this he have Gold medal , And he have 66% in MA -Political science here also due to this he have gold medal from !! while Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A have 70% Physics BSc from ,and 68% Chemistry BSc from !! so I have to face Hindu Terrorist , Hindu ,Secular !! = from 1991 to till now !!?? as 70% and 68% are less then 66% !!??
Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .
Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!??
we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .
she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive
(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .
(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,
to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India
Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,
While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India
I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,
Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.
MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,
Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,
AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land
ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )
IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )
Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=
INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )
Passport Number:-E-6884179
Date Of Birth 26-08-1966
Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)
ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009
Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,
Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)
Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10 Honest nation , USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates top 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,for my work to protect world environmental + global warming , Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work +it fear that ME =Gulf Muslims religion people will got rise over Indian =Hindu ,poor ,huge population !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption data in INDIA at Transparency international web !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,
I want to mention that once in will get USA ,Canada ,EU Citizenship +work there I will put my all money in Christen banks + will get interest of my saving money till I have money , bse from past 2009 Jan to till now 20 Sept 2009 , I am getting threat from Indian =Hindu +Muslims , that you are getting interest of your saving gin india only !!?? other nations =USA ,EU ++ UN =world bank are not providing !!??

From Feb. 2008 to Dec 2008 ,RAW==India intelligence= A Hindu terrorist organization, Used Indian living in Juabil ,Saudi Arabia specially muffseer apartment , one flat =6 Indian =Operator level , low profiles Indian + Indian working in Saudi Kayan 2200 =two thousand two hundred Indian = Upper level to lower level =G12 Upper to G3 lower , there was only 7=Seven Pakistani ,100 Indonesian , 100 Pilipino were hired in Saudi Kayan , for Jobs !! But from Jan 2008 it self these Indian start to torture me by Body rays ,brain voice 0,160 ,220 to 2500 Cps !!?? and night torture was also from 11.30 PM to 2.30 AM by Indian living in muffseer apartment , these Indian =Secular !!it was continuous from Jan 2008 to till December 2008 ,=whole 1 years !! every day torture By Indian in front of USA,UK ,Korean , China
, European ,Pakistani ,Local Saudi , Qatar ,Kuwaiti ,with out any shame =with think Indian are great !!
intension was clear that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A should do not have nay job in hand +no money !!?? should go back to Kalam ,Dr Manmohan Singh nation + live there unemployed +see the secular Indian !!??? + see the play of RAW =Hindu terrorist intelligence !!?? now I can say ,SABIC Should hire Pakistani , as 1000 ,1200 + Saudi governments , ,they have good records of Counter terrorism from Jan 2009 to till now , they are not like secular !! india which I seen +face in Saudi Arabia +india !!??there work against terrorist is accept world level !!?? proved work !!??
Saudi Kayan have 30 USA , 200 UK , 200 Europe , 100 Korean +2 China !!?? =working for Licensor = KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,
And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .
As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??
New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!
(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(its my real life case !)
(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist
(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya
(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan
(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why
PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009
This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,
a leading global market research provider, and your participation is
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If you haven't already done so, join now.

Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser
Product Marketing Director
Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??
That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,
In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?
As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,
Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,
(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??
China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!
The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??
(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!
(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??
(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??
(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??
(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!
That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??
What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??
Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!
=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .
While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??
Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??
This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .
They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??
(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??
(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .
(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??
(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .
It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,
While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .
While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??
His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )
He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??
Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!
I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,
If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!
these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and
I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,
Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??
The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !
(its my real life article !)
On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM
I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !
I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !
But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala
On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,
does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??
I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009
and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??
(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .
(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .
Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)
Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??
They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??
but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??
This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak
to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

Bcc:,,, Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry , Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry ,
Dear Oelrich, Ivan ( Acting President of the Federation of American Scientists

RAW =A Hindu terrorist organization for Indian minorities it self =those are Non Hindu !!??
(Real Article : From My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life )

RAW =Research analysis wing have killing activities for Indian Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists from past 30 years =Non Hindu =RAW is terrorist organization for we minorities also then Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,ME =Gulf =Specially UAE , Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Malaysia, And China +Assam +Kashmir !!??

1 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia : ( Its controlled by PMO= Dr Manmohan Singh!! from 2003 to till now ) )

RAW existence I face in Saudi Arabia =Jubail at Mufssir Apartment at My flat 1/11 Saudi Arabia

At My TV , from Feb 2008 to 2008 December, this Hindu terrorist organization was active there , its have power full satellite technology got from KGB =Russian International terrorist organization founded by Stalin !!??

RAW have ability from Satellite , to listen talk at Any place of Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,india !! ?? can see you in dark ,can see your dress in dark , can see you at depth of 20 feet inside Building ,can listen your talk there , with out any problem all through satellite technology !!?? can see you in Bath room , can see you in Bedroom in nigh =Dark night !!?? this much power is with Hindu Now !!?? =it control by Prime minister office Only !!?? it =RAW is not responsible to give answers of any question to any body else in India included Any Minister !!any Army officer !!??

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! (1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

Then in 2008 = again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world = federation of American scientist issued report on ,

RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka ,

RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west

Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan,

!!??specially from east Pakistan ,RAW Reached at East Pakistan in 1960 it self !!?? RAW Trained Mukti Bahini ,but also Arms to worker of Mukti Bahini in 1970 !!??

This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!??

Not only this about RAW ,Shri Lanka one leading news Paper =Daily Mirror , told that RAW , is playing heinous role in regional counties to destabilized them , having rise nursed and fortified to LTTE , =Liberation Tiger of Tamil eelam , ,this news paper mention that RAW ,employee are , bankrupt and spiritually barren , like Ravi Nair 1975 having , allegedly affair with other nation spy , and 2004 , Rabinder singh , he escaped to CIA =USA with copies of several highly confidential documents ,having affair with US embassy based female spent time in resorts at Delhi JAIPUR HIGH WAY !!??

RAW is doing one more work , in UK ,Canada ,USA , ME =Gulf ,on fighting against its separatist =Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikh , separatist , it getting annually 250 millions to counter these separatist in USA, Candaa, UK !!??

It doing illegal funding to Political candidates in USA in 1996 it given 46,000 $ illegal fund to Political candidates at USA , for federal election , the Indian , man caught was Lalit H Ghadia , who put in front of USA Court ,he accept that he worked through Indian embassy , and various Indian American organization ,

Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!??

RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!??

about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board ,

Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??

( Parts from FAS + Ali Sukhanver =Pakistan based nation and international strategic and defense affair )

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

RAW was torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , at my TV by TV Free voice mode , and using its Indian population =those are 50% population of Jubail working in Petrochemical companies there !!? using Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!?? it was using Indian =Secular Hindu ,Indian Muslims at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,Riyadh ,Bahrain !!?? =these are 3.5 lacks in Population at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,while there are 10,000 people of UK ,10000 people from USA ,10000 from South Korea , 5000 from China , 50,000 from Pakistan ,50,000 from Bangladesh , 50000 from Philippine in Jubail in front of these all Indian were torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A at open level !!?? !!

B;se I am not Hindu =I am Minority !!??

while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !!

2 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india , up to abused in terror level!! : (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

Udaipur Raj INDIA , Hindus Human society research=Torture ,on Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =Rchisty , Minority scientist ,By use of RAW + Satellite technology ,TV Free voice mode ,+0,160,220 cps Brain waves torture By order of RAW =PMO =Prime minister office India , going on from 1991 to 2009 ,18th September )

Hindu Defense -experiment , working for use of its huge population , training like as Bio robot by satellite + TV free voice mode At Udaipur Rajasthan INDIA 313001 ,313002, this city have 2.6 lacks are Hindu ,75,000 are Indian Muslim !! also fully supporting this torture to minority scientist=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , ,as these are Con ,poor ,Corrupt , !! AS THIS POOR NATION HAVE HUGE POPULATION=So huge BIO Robots for Hindu world !!??this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? so these Hindu =Indian will captured whole world in 2137 those having Kalam ,Sharuk Khan Nayak ,Amir Khan , M Agwani ,S Agwani ,Q Chisty , FK Nayak , like Indian Muslims +5000 Illiterate Indian Muslims from Kishan pole Udaipur =BJP =RSS Lover getting EU , NGOs $ ,to these poor Indian Muslims also !! !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!?? have to live like Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A from 1991 to till now !!??This Hindu terrorist Organization =RAW , have one Indian Muslims = Dr MS Agwani ,

Who was teaching to Nation foreign affair Officials ,India , National Defense academic , upper level Hindu army people , National civil servants , from past 1955 to till now !! who is from Udaipur Raj india ,who is advisor to Prime minister ,president of india from 1964 to 2009 !! he also have full support to RAW and Udaipur Hindu society brain waves torture 0,160,220 cps from 1991 to till now ,18 September 2009 !!?? he is representing India at international level ,for diplomatic level +peace !!?? actually he is part of RAW ,IB,MI ,PMO as he have good relation ships of all former presidents Like Gayanni Jail Singh + Nelam snajev Reddy + Dr Manmohan Singh + Indra Gandhi as he was Prof in JNU ,and vice chancellor in JNU !!?? these type of profs ,advisors to PMO India are ,those fuel kill of Innocent Assam ,Kashmiri , Minorities at all india level =At all Hindu nation level as these type of Indian professors are getting good salaries +respected what RAW =Hindu terrorist organizations getting from prime ministers of this Hindu nation =India directly !!?? 250 Million $ annually to RAW for international activities only !!?? like this Hindu nation PMO providing fukll money to these types of JNU +Other universities professors also those deal with International affairs + diplomatic channels if this Hindu nation ,yes these may be Indian Muslims +Indian Sikh ,Pharisee + Indian Buddha !!??

Ruhel Chisty date 18-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

3 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Dubai =UAE =International level !!?? (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

RAW was torturing me in Dubai also from Feb 2001 to 2003 Feb. by use of Indian living there in Dubai =LTS =Lone start technical service Dubai !!?? this company is Indian Company = torture by use of Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

RAW was using its Population at ME =Gulf different countries and Indian embassies there !!?? to use its power at International level to prove Asian power !!?? =By Hindu terrorist organization !!?? like KGB was doing on innocent Russian people !!?

these people enjoying these things from 1991 to 2001 in Udaipur Raj India , and from 2008 23rd Jan in Bahrain , 2008, 24th Jan to 2008 ,16th dec in Jubail ,Riyadh =Saudi Arabia ,Indian did open torture by brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in front of 182 nations people =EU ,USA ,Korea ,Japan , Canada ++++Australia ++ as Jubail =KSA have 60% its population from india only ,those are working there in petrochemical companies !!?? then from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb in Dubai ,Abu Dhabi ,Shajarha , Oman , Ajman ,Fujarah , its was all open done by Indian !!?? while Udaipur Raj 313001 .02 INDIA was place for this research on Human !! it was Hindu defense research to use its Poverty rich ,corrupt Human population to produced , Ruhel Bipolar Disorder ,By 0,160,220 cps ,use of satellite technology + TV Free voice mode to guide to these Hindus , !!??

RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india from 1991 to 2009 ,20th September It train Udaipur Human dogs Like Dog , trainer are training ,these people=RAW , given huge money to udaipur people =Hindu Muslims both, the money this Poor Hindu + Indian , got from NGOs in Europe +world bank –Japan +Korea + Germany ,France for ,Handicaps ,blind ,ill ,Mental !! and Distributed to Hindu +Kishan pole street like Indian Muslims 5000 Indian Muslims these are illiterate ,con even not educated up to 10 standard it self in Hindi medium But these are RAW ,=Indian terrorist organization faith full Human dogs !!??
In 1990 there was no good home in this street which can be confirmed by UN Satellite ,ESA ,NASA satellite pictures also !!?? But not these illiterate Indian Muslim having 5 story buildings , Government jobs +huge bank balance as these all support to RAW , =New idea = Bio robots , + these illiterate Indian Muslim like to give Vote to BJP + few congress also !!?? these can be used by RAW to do Bomb blast in Pakistan ,Shri lanka , + other part of world !! as these are also getting good per month amount from RAW = Hindu intelligence for its project =Bio robots from satellite technology !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-09-2009 ,These all points for Interpol ,UNODC ,UNSC ,UNGA , EU ,USA =FBI ,Europol !!??

Compare of ME =Gulf and India = Hindu =secular !!?? = Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular = given many proof to Bush jr =poor Brain +Republicans !!??

I found that ME =Gulf (these are non Hindu =Non Indian ) people are best for Indian Minorities =Like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! But from Feb 2003 to 2008 =Continuous 5 years Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh Human –dogs start to bark on me that your wrote against UN =UNGA , UNSC from Dubai !! it came to us =Hindu =Secular !!?? they 1.0 Billion Hindu=Secular start to rise voice at Bush Jr =republicans that we have some email from Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,that do not have by Dubai government which he wrote from Dubai !! the maximum voice rise by Udaipur Hindu +kishan pole Street Indian Muslims =secular By Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Then this Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO kept me forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 By use satellite technology =TV free voice mode ,Internet , Mobile ,Fax, Emails , Mail = by kidnapped these all !!??
while Indian government =Secular =Dr Manmohan Singh !! providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?
While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??
Then in 2008 =Again I reached to ME =Gulf =Saudi Arabia again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

While this secular =Hindu =Dr Manmohan Singh =People =Human did , (In India =A Hindu nation ) = Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide , ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Victims still suffering from Justice , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10, USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,
for my work to protect world environmental + global warming ,
Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption in INDIA !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,

This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!?? finally these people given kicked on his face and put him in blood and unconscious !!!??

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!
if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

While from date 21-09-2009 , Indian Hindu Eid =Indian Muslims Eid !!? these Udaipur Hindu +Indian Muslim start to attack on me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , up to abused level !! by torture b’se I did support Pakistan army +Government those are doing Hard work against Terrorism from past Jan 2009 to till now , even from 2001 to 2009 Jan also !! given gift to Bush Jr 600 Al-Quida ,live from Afghan –Pakistan border !!?? But pointing thing is India have 37 Ahinsapuri ,23 AA kishan pole ,167 Loha bazaar Udaipur Raj India, like Indian Muslims !! those have one Dr Agwani , who is getting promotion in jobs =in Hindu diplomacy =By Indian Politician ,those are under r world top 100 corrupt high level political nation !!?? who one work to tell all possible wrong about Pakistan government all policies =Local plus foreign ,and he living in India with respect , with promotion ,good salaries from past 1950 to till now 2009 !! and live also !! as he is doing abused to , Pakistan Muslims , Pakistan government , Pakistan policies , =its all work at UN ,USA ,EU from 1947 to till now !!?? that why he got best Hindu awards =Padama Bhusan =Padam award , Rajiv Gandhi , !!?? from Indian Politician =where 82% Hindu are living =1260 millions population as he is Indian Muslim ,he like to stay in India in 1942-1947 after all communal Hindu Muslims riots ,murder , looting !!?? So !!?? his birth 1924 !!?? while Dr Agwani have 67% in BA from , and due to this he have Gold medal , And he have 66% in MA -Political science here also due to this he have gold medal from !! while Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A have 70% Physics BSc from ,and 68% Chemistry BSc from !! so I have to face Hindu Terrorist , Hindu ,Secular !! = from 1991 to till now !!?? as 70% and 68% are less then 66% !!??

(12-e) Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .

While concern , Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition =USA Defense And Nature Photonic technology focus (hard copy ) , I got only Two ,Two =4 magazines , ,from past 6 years they sent me 72+72 = 144 Magazines =Note Please only two +two =4, these hacked + thief , done and going on by Udaipur post office mafia + Hindu ISI= MI=Military Intelligence ,IB,RAW and they are sending these magazines to their Hindu Kids ,at IITs ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian all -Universities Physics ,engineering department , at their emails , and these people do not have any shame on these activities !!?? taking my basics -rights from past many years and growing their kinds making engineers and scientists !!??

Please one special note : please I request for advanced technology literature, White papers ,videos to 350 Space ,defense companies ,listed at NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS , from the web provide by , =( by Editorial board of NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ) ,these 350 companies are working for NASA ,USA - Defense advanced technology , I did this literature request on 18th June and 28 September 2008 ,But till now I got only 16 companies literatures , rest 330 companies literatures , from NASA tech only , all -thief by Indian Post office mafia =Hindu India supporter =Hindu thinker =Hindu world thinker ! I did not did any request from Defense tech !!?? Please note that same request I did from India also in 2005 ,from that I got only 4 CDs literatures at My home address =23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj India . Rest all kept by Post office mafia given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC , ,Physics department ,for PhD students ,MSc ,BSc Btech , now also I am thinking that these all literature , White papers ,videos Emails ,PDF given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC based all universities physics department ,IITs ,IISC !! with out my permission To make India as techno Power ,by Keep Hacked ID of physicists like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry , to use innovators name ,email IDs, Mail address , to get advanced technology with out their permission and keep them literate bonded labor , or forced unemployed to continuous 5 years , as I was kept from Feb 2003 to 22 Jan 2008 in India !! with out think !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . , A christen Date 10 -02-2009 , Please recently on 13 August ,2008 I got one more email ,from NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ,that , Subject: New Products & Technologies Presented by Tech Briefs
Actually NASA want make me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty advanced technology scientist ,but will you believe
Pl same way I was getting New instrument innovation ,webs ,from NASA Instrument innovation department , Officially from David L. Tomko , Manager NASA ,HQ , ,At my Email ID ,from past 2002 Feb to till 2003 Sept !! he start to given me B’se my list of publications ,Like Ruhel –Sensor =against terror ,bio terror , ++ He accept my request ,my interest in innovation ,and that time I proved my self in innovation field , !! sir at this email ID I was getting ,many webs from NASA ,those have Details electronic structures ,different types of sensors , different types of satellites ,their depth , many latest instruments of NASA ,those were innovated , by MIT ,Caltech , Harvard ++all leading USA Universities ,scientists , for NASA , , these all webs and their details I was getting at this email ID at this ID I was getting many PDFs ,detailed structure of Satellites , Its work ,its inner configuration , ! But that also hacked by Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – those are supporting Hindu terrorist ,from past 63 Years , they know that I am minority ,so it is not good for me =Ruhel Chisty ,so they given this their Hindu organizations = ISRO &DRDO ,UGC , Universities += so that Hindu Physicist ,s Hindu students will able to learn advanced technology from directly NASA ,Advanced instruments ,this was Hindu world first step ,to use my name ,my work to get advanced technology from NASA ,B’se NASA already ban these people =ISRO ,DRDO from past 1976 !! After nuke bomb blast ,even international pressure was there not to do nuke bomb blast !! send to ISRO ,DRDO ,Udaipur ,even Rajasthan ,even India all universities based physic student , engineering students , with out my permission , so that Indian all physicists ,engineers will take over to China ,USA ,Europe !! on other hand this Hindu RAW ,IB ,MI was using email IDs to prove me criminal ,so that world will given support to this Hindu nation =India =RAW ,IB,MI !!??
sir I take this action of Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – as knifing in my heart ,Brain ! I will request to All NASA Officials ,That they should rise this case in front of President Barack Obama , White house officials ,Congress , committees ,Senators !! so that some discussion taken place ! sir , for this Illegal activities of Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – + Udaipur based BJP =RSS =Hindu- police support to these Udaipur IT Booms ! even central police ,IB ,RAW ,PMO ,President house also support these people , simultaneously these people start to rise my name=Ruhel Chistry ,RChisty , as terrorist ,criminal ,mental =Schizophrenic=Mad ,by my IDs only !! sir did you do not think that these people did wrong !! sir as I know India till 2003 Feb , did not have these advancement in satellite ,Missile =ISRO ,DRDO !! But after get these webs only these people were able to made new Advanced - satellites ,like NASA !! Like ESA !! they used continuous this email, web’s with out my permission with out think of me !! ,for ~1 year or more till 2004,2005 !! ,may be even more ,I Try to complain NASA Officials those were given me these webs !! I think that till now my complain , did not reached to NASA officials !! B’se of Udaipur IT Boom !!they did some thing on my email IDs & it show me mail send !! but I think that was make me fool !! Pl my request You send this case to NASA Officials it self &they will get depth of this & will take action against concern IT Boom & who every related to it ! will give them punishment as per NASA Rules !! these Udaipur –IT boom ,kill respected of my Name & my publications & all my human rights & my progress & future !! , now also I am thinking that these all literature , White papers ,videos Emails ,PDF given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC based all universities physics department ,IITs ,IISC !! with out my permission To make India as techno Power ,by Keep Hacked ID of physicists like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry , to use innovators name ,email IDs, Mail address , to get advanced technology with out their permission and keep them literate bonded labor , or forced unemployed to continuous 5 years , as I was kept from Feb 2003 to 22 Jan 2008 in India !! with out think !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . , A christen Date 12-02-2009 , in this Hindu nation =India !!!?? while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!??
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry Date 12-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India 313001 . Pl , Now I doubt that these webs & these magazines are distribution (Cyclo- style =Photo state copies !!+CDs ++Pen drive ++) among –Physics ,engineering student of Udaipur based all schools ,Colleges ,universities & Rajasthan based all schools ,colleges ,universities +India’s all colleges ,schools ,universities ! only to Hindu students =7% to 17% Population =Crème layer –Middle crème layer Hindu students !! OR May be possible to 83% Hindu students ! so that these people will ,defect to china ,USA ,European union !! just with any thing consumed !! except ruhel Chisty time & list of publications values &list of nomination values !! & ruhel - life !! sir pl ,do proper action !

Please I sent my work against anti Terror =Against Arabic Terror , at =UNSC - CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, on 27-04-2008 ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia = Title : How the terror related webs are possible from ME=Gulf ! why none of international crime ,terror prevention Bodies able to stop them ! and why they are not getting the IP Address , and telephone number of them !!? I sent it from SABIC=Saudi Kayan My –own Office PC ,I have confirmation of this work with me .But when I try to sent my one more work = Against –Hindu terrorism .from Udaipur –Raj India 2009 Jan .Feb ,,from my Laptop ,and its internet connection at Telephone number =00912942488521 , Then I was not allowed by Hindu IT terror =Hindu RAW ,MI,IB !!?? I try it from past 2=two month but I was not allowed !!?? I doubt that CTED web hacked by Hindu IT terrorist !!?? you can understand the reality of Indian government concern anti Terrorism !!?? =India have only one direction =Anti –Indian Muslim ,Anti Indian christen !!?? and used these people kids ,young on name of terrorism !!?? like doing in Kashmir ,Assam !!?? Same way I like tom open that These Indian Hindu IT Terror hacked , the respected Barack Obama official web , where I had my 40 blogs ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia , 30 from my own-Office PC = SABIC PC , and with in few month only after my reach in India , this official web of respected Barack Obama hacked by Hindu IT terror =OR Hindi RAW ,IB,MI = Hindu ISI !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 16-02-2009 ,Udaipur –Raj India 313001 .

When I was in Jubail = Saudi Arabia ,I had 36 Blogs at respected Barack Obama Official , President campaign web ,It was came not on Just one day ,it was there continuous 6-8 Months , But once I reached in India =Hindus nation , I got Gift of Corrupt Hindus democracy , My all Blogs got stop , when ever I try to submit new blog its start to came in light Black Line , you ,can not submit Blog !! While here In India every day I was facing torture by brain waves 0-160 cps ,220 cps , and threat to keep again unemployed , But India is Hindus nation and I am minority in this nation ,this nation support ,first Hindus right ! Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-05-2009 Udaipur raj India , it have 1.26 Billion population ,82 Million Hindus , means In this nation you have to face torture ,discrimination ,But you can not complain ,if you try ,your all emails ,mails ,cell number, telephone numbers will be captured by Hindus ISI =Big body ,Long size ,High weight Hindus ,then they will put your name in ,this nation enemies name list , and then these Hindu will start to keep you forced unemployed , then you will only get negative emails , so that your all brain will be get high tension , your Jobs application will not reached at other end , these people will put SPAM in them , so your Job application will not reached at Other end , your resume at Courier will also not reached ! these people =Big size, High weight Hindus will use TV Free voice mode ,Cell Voice mode to Guide them ,to torture you , means to HR Agent, courier agent , all place where you will got , these big size , heavy weigh Hindus will reached there , to make you torture , by use of 10 Super computers at New Delhi HQ, 43 Satellite which is forcing at world ,that these are for good work only , but there use is like this !!?? many of them get on low prizes from Old Russia , Israel !!?? will make your case, long on long on , means like that these people will keep you forced unemployed ,like 1999 to 2001 ,then 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan ! Its when person is like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , =RChisty ,Who had two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? And India demand is from USA to provide these people F16,F18, F22, Huge Billions $ on war against terror !! these all planes ,money will use against Assam ,Kashmir , Innocent Man ,women ,kids ,and person like me !!!?? and here udaipur City based 3.5 lacks secular Hindus ,Indian Muslim will get huge money from Jaipur , and new Delhi !! which these people got on 100 years loan basis ,from World bank on ZERO interest rate !! Ruhel , Pleas this whole note is real life of me ,its I put here for Publication where the democracy Honest calculation used to be done on many point basis ,about India already at international map that its have partially Freedom to press , But that 50% freedom also captured by corruption ,in that way , which is not looking from Far !!?? means in real sense here no freedom of press !!??

While concern , Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition =USA Defense And Nature Photonic technology focus (hard copy ) , I got only Two ,Two =4 magazines , ,from past 6 years they sent me 72+72 = 144 Magazines =Note Please only two +two =4, these hacked + thief , done and going on by Udaipur post office mafia + Hindu ISI= MI=Military Intelligence ,IB,RAW and they are sending these magazines to their Hindu Kids ,at IITs ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian all -Universities Physics ,engineering department , at their emails , and these people do not have any shame on these activities !!?? taking my basics -rights from past many years and growing their kinds making engineers and scientists !!?? may be many other Indian minorities scientists like me are facing like this ,also many Asian minorities scientist are facing in their nations !!?? and after all these MI ,RAW ,IB doing what in Assam ,Kashmir with their innocent people ,Ladies ,Girls ,Kids ,I can understand from my real life of past 1991 to till now after BSc 70% Physics ,
These Indian did not provide me any Jobs in DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service ,Indian civil services , ,from past 18 years =1991 to till now !!?? And I faced these things ,Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A !!?? actually India was divided in more then 2000 Dynasties , those have their own rules regulation ,on way of living , on taxes , own Law and order !! then India was Under rule of UK for 100 years , then under rule of Mugal for 400 years !!?? now this free Hindu - democratic India is doing these types of experiments on its human society on life of person like me from past 1991 to till now !!?? while these Hindus are thieving even my complain at international level , these people are shame less thief !!?? Ruhel date 12-04-2009 Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here ! Date 01-12-2008 KSA Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry .
 Reply:   Dear Saleem Anwar Chaudhary I Read your Story of Abduct
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (21/Sep/2009)

Dear Saleem Anwar Chaudhary =Please I Read your Story of Abduction . My Real life story = Scientific -Abduction By RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from 1991 to till now !!!??,,,,,,,,,,,

Dear Saleem Anwar Chaudhary ( Chairman) Asra-Norway (Association of Social Relations for All) Telephone. 0047 41315281


Dear Saleem Anwar Chaudhary =Please I Read your Story of Abduction . My Real life story = Scientific -Abduction By RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from 1991 to till now to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Cell 00919636919708 !!!??

Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .

Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate

even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!??

we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009

while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??

12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .

It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??

While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!

=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??

Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,

(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,

But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??

(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,

She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .

she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .

Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive

(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .

(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,

to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India

Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,

While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India

I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals

[ Please list of Publications ] :-

(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-

sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All

brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more

sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT

scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary

change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,

(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD

Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon

(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--

Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different

reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-

Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-

12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =

(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-

15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002

U.S.A , Montchanin, DE

( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)

(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's

24th international symposium on Chromatography

Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002

(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,

B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4

(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =

(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=

(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors

to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land

security (in process)

NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award

(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,

(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =

(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA

(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl

its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,

Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??

SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.



MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,

Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,

AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land


ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )

IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )

Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=

INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )

Passport Number:-E-6884179

Date Of Birth 26-08-1966

Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)

ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )

Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708


Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009

Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??

Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,

But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .

SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .

Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,

Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)

Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,

SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !

My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028

Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!

(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??

(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10 Honest nation , USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates top 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,

it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,

and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,for my work to protect world environmental + global warming , Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!

My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,

Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work +it fear that ME =Gulf Muslims religion people will got rise over Indian =Hindu ,poor ,huge population !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption data in INDIA at Transparency international web !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them

!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,

I want to mention that once in will get USA ,Canada ,EU Citizenship +work there I will put my all money in Christen banks + will get interest of my saving money till I have money , bse from past 2009 Jan to till now 20 Sept 2009 , I am getting threat from Indian =Hindu +Muslims , that you are getting interest of your saving gin india only !!?? other nations =USA ,EU ++ UN =world bank are not providing !!??

From Feb. 2008 to Dec 2008 ,RAW==India intelligence= A Hindu terrorist organization, Used Indian living in Juabil ,Saudi Arabia specially muffseer apartment , one flat =6 Indian =Operator level , low profiles Indian + Indian working in Saudi Kayan 2200 =two thousand two hundred Indian = Upper level to lower level =G12 Upper to G3 lower , there was only 7=Seven Pakistani ,100 Indonesian , 100 Pilipino were hired in Saudi Kayan , for Jobs !! But from Jan 2008 it self these Indian start to torture me by Body rays ,brain voice 0,160 ,220 to 2500 Cps !!?? and night torture was also from 11.30 PM to 2.30 AM by Indian living in muffseer apartment , these Indian =Secular !!it was continuous from Jan 2008 to till December 2008 ,=whole 1 years !! every day torture By Indian in front of USA,UK ,Korean , China

, European ,Pakistani ,Local Saudi , Qatar ,Kuwaiti ,with out any shame =with think Indian are great !!

intension was clear that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A should do not have nay job in hand +no money !!?? should go back to Kalam ,Dr Manmohan Singh nation + live there unemployed +see the secular Indian !!??? + see the play of RAW =Hindu terrorist intelligence !!?? now I can say ,SABIC Should hire Pakistani , as 1000 ,1200 + Saudi governments , ,they have good records of Counter terrorism from Jan 2009 to till now , they are not like secular !! india which I seen +face in Saudi Arabia +india !!??there work against terrorist is accept world level !!?? proved work !!??

Saudi Kayan have 30 USA , 200 UK , 200 Europe , 100 Korean +2 China !!?? =working for Licensor = KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .

Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!

(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !

(its my real life case !)

(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist

(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya

(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan

(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .

Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why

PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??

12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??

while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009

This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,

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Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser

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Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .

Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??

That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??

China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,

China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,

In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?

As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,

Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,

(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??

China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!

The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??

(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!

(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??

(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??

(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??

(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!

That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??

What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??

Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!

=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .

While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??

Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??

This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,

She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .

They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??

(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??

(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .

(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??

(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .

It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,

While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,

She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government

In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??

His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )

He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??

Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??

12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,

If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!

these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and

I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,

Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??

The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !

(its my real life article !)

On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM

I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !

I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !

But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala

On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,

does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??

I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009

and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??

(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!

(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!

(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!

(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .

(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!

Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .

Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)

Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??

They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??

but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??

This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,



Bcc:,,, Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry , Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry ,

Dear Oelrich, Ivan ( Acting President of the Federation of American Scientists

RAW =A Hindu terrorist organization for Indian minorities it self =those are Non Hindu !!??

(Real Article : From My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life )

RAW =Research analysis wing have killing activities for Indian Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists from past 30 years =Non Hindu =RAW is terrorist organization for we minorities also then Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,ME =Gulf =Specially UAE , Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Malaysia, And China +Assam +Kashmir !!??

1 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia : ( Its controlled by PMO= Dr Manmohan Singh!! from 2003 to till now ) )

RAW existence I face in Saudi Arabia =Jubail at Mufssir Apartment at My flat 1/11 Saudi Arabia

At My TV , from Feb 2008 to 2008 December, this Hindu terrorist organization was active there , its have power full satellite technology got from KGB =Russian International terrorist organization founded by Stalin !!??

RAW have ability from Satellite , to listen talk at Any place of Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,india !! ?? can see you in dark ,can see your dress in dark , can see you at depth of 20 feet inside Building ,can listen your talk there , with out any problem all through satellite technology !!?? can see you in Bath room , can see you in Bedroom in nigh =Dark night !!?? this much power is with Hindu Now !!?? =it control by Prime minister office Only !!?? it =RAW is not responsible to give answers of any question to any body else in India included Any Minister !!any Army officer !!??

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! (1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

Then in 2008 = again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world = federation of American scientist issued report on ,

RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka ,

RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west

Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan,

!!??specially from east Pakistan ,RAW Reached at East Pakistan in 1960 it self !!?? RAW Trained Mukti Bahini ,but also Arms to worker of Mukti Bahini in 1970 !!??

This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!??

Not only this about RAW ,Shri Lanka one leading news Paper =Daily Mirror , told that RAW , is playing heinous role in regional counties to destabilized them , having rise nursed and fortified to LTTE , =Liberation Tiger of Tamil eelam , ,this news paper mention that RAW ,employee are , bankrupt and spiritually barren , like Ravi Nair 1975 having , allegedly affair with other nation spy , and 2004 , Rabinder singh , he escaped to CIA =USA with copies of several highly confidential documents ,having affair with US embassy based female spent time in resorts at Delhi JAIPUR HIGH WAY !!??

RAW is doing one more work , in UK ,Canada ,USA , ME =Gulf ,on fighting against its separatist =Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikh , separatist , it getting annually 250 millions to counter these separatist in USA, Candaa, UK !!??

It doing illegal funding to Political candidates in USA in 1996 it given 46,000 $ illegal fund to Political candidates at USA , for federal election , the Indian , man caught was Lalit H Ghadia , who put in front of USA Court ,he accept that he worked through Indian embassy , and various Indian American organization ,

Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!??

RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!??

about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board ,

Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??

( Parts from FAS + Ali Sukhanver =Pakistan based nation and international strategic and defense affair )

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

RAW was torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , at my TV by TV Free voice mode , and using its Indian population =those are 50% population of Jubail working in Petrochemical companies there !!? using Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!?? it was using Indian =Secular Hindu ,Indian Muslims at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,Riyadh ,Bahrain !!?? =these are 3.5 lacks in Population at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,while there are 10,000 people of UK ,10000 people from USA ,10000 from South Korea , 5000 from China , 50,000 from Pakistan ,50,000 from Bangladesh , 50000 from Philippine in Jubail in front of these all Indian were torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A at open level !!?? !!

B;se I am not Hindu =I am Minority !!??

while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !!

2 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india , up to abused in terror level!! : (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

Udaipur Raj INDIA , Hindus Human society research=Torture ,on Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =Rchisty , Minority scientist ,By use of RAW + Satellite technology ,TV Free voice mode ,+0,160,220 cps Brain waves torture By order of RAW =PMO =Prime minister office India , going on from 1991 to 2009 ,18th September )

Hindu Defense -experiment , working for use of its huge population , training like as Bio robot by satellite + TV free voice mode At Udaipur Rajasthan INDIA 313001 ,313002, this city have 2.6 lacks are Hindu ,75,000 are Indian Muslim !! also fully supporting this torture to minority scientist=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , ,as these are Con ,poor ,Corrupt , !! AS THIS POOR NATION HAVE HUGE POPULATION=So huge BIO Robots for Hindu world !!??this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? so these Hindu =Indian will captured whole world in 2137 those having Kalam ,Sharuk Khan Nayak ,Amir Khan , M Agwani ,S Agwani ,Q Chisty , FK Nayak , like Indian Muslims +5000 Illiterate Indian Muslims from Kishan pole Udaipur =BJP =RSS Lover getting EU , NGOs $ ,to these poor Indian Muslims also !! !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!?? have to live like Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A from 1991 to till now !!??This Hindu terrorist Organization =RAW , have one Indian Muslims = Dr MS Agwani ,

Who was teaching to Nation foreign affair Officials ,India , National Defense academic , upper level Hindu army people , National civil servants , from past 1955 to till now !! who is from Udaipur Raj india ,who is advisor to Prime minister ,president of india from 1964 to 2009 !! he also have full support to RAW and Udaipur Hindu society brain waves torture 0,160,220 cps from 1991 to till now ,18 September 2009 !!?? he is representing India at international level ,for diplomatic level +peace !!?? actually he is part of RAW ,IB,MI ,PMO as he have good relation ships of all former presidents Like Gayanni Jail Singh + Nelam snajev Reddy + Dr Manmohan Singh + Indra Gandhi as he was Prof in JNU ,and vice chancellor in JNU !!?? these type of profs ,advisors to PMO India are ,those fuel kill of Innocent Assam ,Kashmiri , Minorities at all india level =At all Hindu nation level as these type of Indian professors are getting good salaries +respected what RAW =Hindu terrorist organizations getting from prime ministers of this Hindu nation =India directly !!?? 250 Million $ annually to RAW for international activities only !!?? like this Hindu nation PMO providing fukll money to these types of JNU +Other universities professors also those deal with International affairs + diplomatic channels if this Hindu nation ,yes these may be Indian Muslims +Indian Sikh ,Pharisee + Indian Buddha !!??

Ruhel Chisty date 18-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

3 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Dubai =UAE =International level !!?? (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

RAW was torturing me in Dubai also from Feb 2001 to 2003 Feb. by use of Indian living there in Dubai =LTS =Lone start technical service Dubai !!?? this company is Indian Company = torture by use of Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

RAW was using its Population at ME =Gulf different countries and Indian embassies there !!?? to use its power at International level to prove Asian power !!?? =By Hindu terrorist organization !!?? like KGB was doing on innocent Russian people !!?

these people enjoying these things from 1991 to 2001 in Udaipur Raj India , and from 2008 23rd Jan in Bahrain , 2008, 24th Jan to 2008 ,16th dec in Jubail ,Riyadh =Saudi Arabia ,Indian did open torture by brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in front of 182 nations people =EU ,USA ,Korea ,Japan , Canada ++++Australia ++ as Jubail =KSA have 60% its population from india only ,those are working there in petrochemical companies !!?? then from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb in Dubai ,Abu Dhabi ,Shajarha , Oman , Ajman ,Fujarah , its was all open done by Indian !!?? while Udaipur Raj 313001 .02 INDIA was place for this research on Human !! it was Hindu defense research to use its Poverty rich ,corrupt Human population to produced , Ruhel Bipolar Disorder ,By 0,160,220 cps ,use of satellite technology + TV Free voice mode to guide to these Hindus , !!??

RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india from 1991 to 2009 ,20th September It train Udaipur Human dogs Like Dog , trainer are training ,these people=RAW , given huge money to udaipur people =Hindu Muslims both, the money this Poor Hindu + Indian , got from NGOs in Europe +world bank –Japan +Korea + Germany ,France for ,Handicaps ,blind ,ill ,Mental !! and Distributed to Hindu +Kishan pole street like Indian Muslims 5000 Indian Muslims these are illiterate ,con even not educated up to 10 standard it self in Hindi medium But these are RAW ,=Indian terrorist organization faith full Human dogs !!??

In 1990 there was no good home in this street which can be confirmed by UN Satellite ,ESA ,NASA satellite pictures also !!?? But not these illiterate Indian Muslim having 5 story buildings , Government jobs +huge bank balance as these all support to RAW , =New idea = Bio robots , + these illiterate Indian Muslim like to give Vote to BJP + few congress also !!?? these can be used by RAW to do Bomb blast in Pakistan ,Shri lanka , + other part of world !! as these are also getting good per month amount from RAW = Hindu intelligence for its project =Bio robots from satellite technology !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-09-2009 ,These all points for Interpol ,UNODC ,UNSC ,UNGA , EU ,USA =FBI ,Europol !!??

Compare of ME =Gulf and India = Hindu =secular !!?? = Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular = given many proof to Bush jr =poor Brain +Republicans !!??

I found that ME =Gulf (these are non Hindu =Non Indian ) people are best for Indian Minorities =Like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! But from Feb 2003 to 2008 =Continuous 5 years Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh Human –dogs start to bark on me that your wrote against UN =UNGA , UNSC from Dubai !! it came to us =Hindu =Secular !!?? they 1.0 Billion Hindu=Secular start to rise voice at Bush Jr =republicans that we have some email from Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,that do not have by Dubai government which he wrote from Dubai !! the maximum voice rise by Udaipur Hindu +kishan pole Street Indian Muslims =secular By Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!

(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

Then this Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO kept me forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 By use satellite technology =TV free voice mode ,Internet , Mobile ,Fax, Emails , Mail = by kidnapped these all !!??

while Indian government =Secular =Dr Manmohan Singh !! providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?

While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??

While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??

Then in 2008 =Again I reached to ME =Gulf =Saudi Arabia again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

While this secular =Hindu =Dr Manmohan Singh =People =Human did , (In India =A Hindu nation ) = Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide , ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Victims still suffering from Justice , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!

(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??

(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10, USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,

it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,

and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,

for my work to protect world environmental + global warming ,

Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!

My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,

Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption in INDIA !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them

!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,

This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??

12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,

Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,

in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!

while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,

The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!?? finally these people given kicked on his face and put him in blood and unconscious !!!??

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??

By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??

with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!

if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

(12-e) Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .

Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) .

23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj , 313001

INDIA , Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chisty)

Mobile =0091-9636919708 Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )

Emails:, ,,

Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013

OBJECTIVE : A Middle Management Position ,required analytical ,technical ,creative skills


Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .

Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .


* 10 years experience with Analytical technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS

* One year with SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , ( SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies ), Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , GC=Gas Chromatography ,wet chemistry , UV/VIS =Colorimetric analysis +Other analysis ,On line analyzers –(Inside - technology ) ,for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate

* Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 Petrochemical companies ),

* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK

* We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants

* Worked with =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years ,for all Petrochemical analysis = DRO =diesel range organics ,GRO =Gasoline range organics , VOC=Volatile organic compounds ,BETX=benzene ,ethylene , toluene Xylene ,HC =hydro Carbon analysis ,THC =Total Hydrocarbon analysis ,PAH, PCB’s , + Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, · Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other ) Environmental analysis it self air monitoring ,stack monitoring , +other ) with ASTM , US-EPA , APHA ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002, Analysis of Gas ,Water , Condensate ,Sulphur ,steam ,portable water analysis , other bi products , sludge analysis

* have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in1989 , I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist !

* I got Invitation for , speaker presentations for upcoming event of ,: Pharma R&D Opportunities

* Please I am invited to submit suggestion to improvement Pittsburgh conference 2006,2007 ,

* Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,


2008 Jan-2008 Dec (31st ) : Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , here I was Middle management

* For All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate ,

* The technology provider = Licensor = was KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,

* I did set the all GC’s =Gas chromatography instrument inner configuration with detectors , columns .as team work with Agilent engineers and management . we had there more then 15 GCs for Phenolic Project

* I made LIMS excel sheets ,for Whole Phenolic Project . which was my work as QA –Management technical support .

* I made SOP’s =ISO Methods for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project .

* I made TLV/SLV data sheets =health hazards for Whole Phenolic Project

* I made hard copies ,soft copies of MSDS of Whole Phenolic Project .

* I made two presentations (1) Basics of gas chromatography (2) Phenolic project for Saudi Kayan – this specially for Saudi Arabic = Local - technicians , so that they can learn the Gas chromatography , basics in detail and beginning and advanced level !!?? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .

* I made list of Journals ,periodicals ,books for library of QA Laboratory=Saudi Kayan =SABIC

, this have 200 journals , periodicals ,books from the world best publishers like ACS ,RSC ,AAAS, +++ Cambridge university press ,oxford university press ,MIT Press ,+++these all journals ,books ,periodicals will buy by SABIC ,Saudi Kayan ,as I given 5 days for this selection from my real life work with professional chemistry to 16 years .

* I made JQP =Test questions =170 questions , and there answers for Lab –Technicians ,QA –technical support ,Phenolic project , they have to be get more then 60% in these tests ,to be continuous in job progress !!?? note : answers for management people only) this I made for specially for Saudi –Arabic =Local - technicians , so that they can learn the detail chemistry of Phenolic project =other projects at Saudi Kayan also !!? as I given answers of all questions that make them good Technician and chemist ,for Saudi Kayan =SABIC !!!??? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .

* I made Local Lab =plant Lab analysis methods data sheet =What analysis should be done for Local Lab Whole Phenolic Project .

* I worked for ISO-17025 at Saudikayan

* I made analysis methods for central labs for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project

* I know the procedure of inter-laboratory /international laboratory proficiency testing certificate .

* Have knowledge of incident investigation and reports

* Leading meetings , Understand and participate in department goals

* Please I did Also work for AMINES PROJECT =Ethanol amines ,and Ethoxylates at , =Mono Ethanol Amine ,Di Ethanol Amine ,Tri Ethanol Amines=100,000 TPA its ,made from Ethylene Oxide and , Ammonia (=NH3=From SAFCO) reaction , this By Licensor Oxiteno , Brazil Project , Ethoxylates= C12-C15 , Fatty Alcohol , Nonyl Phenol , Glycol (DEG,TEG) , Castor Oil ,Sorbitan Monooleate ,Tallow Amines .

* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Olefins = By Licensor = (1) Himout (Italia ) And (2) Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) (3) Basel- Poly Olefins

* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Carbonate By Licensor = Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , , for EC=Ethylene Carbonate ,DMC =Di Methyl Carbonate , DPC =Di phenyl Carbonate , PC =Poly Carbonate . I had there , all chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS of Phenolic and Amine Projects .

* as “Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis” I work for Saudi Kayan –All-Plants ,=,I had there all its chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS !And , also ,its analysis part by Davy Process technology ,and Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Raw material and product specification , chemical data sheet , = amine reaction , Ammonia Stripping ,Ammonia Absorption amine drying, MEA purification , DEA Splitting , TEA Purification , evaporation package unit, I work one year at SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co

2001 Feb -2003 Oct /Feb : Analytical Chemist , at =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years.

* Analytical technique (=Gas chromatography , IR,FTIR ,IR-412.8 ,Photometric ,colorimetric ,Potentiometer ,Micro biology , Environmental testing = Petro chemicals = HC,THC,PAH, PCB’s , +DRO,GRO, VOC ,BETX =~All -(Petrochemicals), ) , Soil , waste water ,drinking water ,air –analysis , stack analysis ,Sludge analysis ++

* Worked for IR 418.1 Method for HC/THC -Worked on GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS also +with US-EPA ,APHA ,ASTM ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002 Accredited & Dubai municipality approved laboratory

* Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, · Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other) Environmental analysis it self ,did air monitoring ,stack monitoring , with latest instruments =Chemio sensors , +other ) with US-EPA Parameters * Pl you can check this laboratory works ,form web

July 1992 –July 1998 : R & D Chemist , At =Udaipur –Raj India =6 years

* There I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ), to check , purity to 99.95% to 100 % of fine chemicals=Pl I did work for Japan project= Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 50 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure -I did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & I worked on this project ~2 years !!

* >95% Purity of different pesticides ,raw materials ,intermediate ,final products

* Pl I was independent handling laboratory shift work .here I was analyzing Plant organic chemicals , samples ,R&D Samples (where four scientist were making different innovative organic chemicals =Pesticides ,Fine chemicals ,++Other ,doing analysis of R&D Analytical products by GC/FID , UV/VIS ,IR + doing wet chemistry ,responsible for sampling collection ,analysis ,environmental regulations ,provision of technical assistance to operation at Pilot plant & main plant ,work with SOP& MSD ,did maintain proper chemical regime & operate various analysis follows standard work procedure and practice for - Japan project to purity 99.995% =fine chemicals & did control plant ,from ,lab to next steps & isolation !! undertake analysis of different raw materials ,finished product for Japan project ,fine chemical to purity 99.995%

* Pl I have 10 years experience with UV/VIS ,IR,FTIR,GC-FID /PID,-ECD =Gas chromatography latest instrument ,of HP& Perkins Elmer ,To analytical research ,Validation ,impurities profiling ,stabilities studies ,,etc , I have 6 years experience (R& D /QC/-Analytical chemist ) ,with , pesticides =insecticides ,herbicides++ & fine chemicals=PFP =Para Fluro phenols ,APF =Aniline Para phenols , PNCB ++

* Worked with Gas Chromatography , Spectrophotometer ,Infra Red analyzer , Flash tester + other instrument of Petrochemicals , Prepared Solutions ,standard solution , for tests , reporting of damage instrument , maintain records of chemical ,glassware , + other , for shift requirement ,


* ACS (American Chemical Society ) 2001-2009 !

* Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry ) 2001-2009!

* Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute


* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK


* BSc Physics ,chemistry ,Mathematics , 1990 , , India ,

* Note : Pl , sir , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in ,1989= 2nd year BSc , of MLS University ,Udaipur-Raj India 313001 . Pl attached scans = [College –BSc ,position certificate + 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in Integration and differential =Maths 1989 BSc

* MSc Chemistry ,1992 , , India ,

REFERENCES: available upon request

Note : On 21 -09-2008 I submit one Article to My officials = = for good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .. Ruhel Chisty( MRACI-C.Chem) =Ruhel Chistry ( MRACI-C.Chem) , This article come from my independent work as Research and development chemist /scientist with my previous company ,where I was getting many samples ,from four =4 ,Scientific managers ,those were making new ,new chemicals frequently , were doing all research and development to get maximum purity and maximum yield ,and I was analyzing these different chemicals =final product ,raw material

Every week with new method and with columns . I was able to get data what they are doing there in synthesis steps ,like changing PH , changing catalysts ,changing some time Raw materials =by changing root . some of them doing formulation also .

Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! who had 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and integration=mathematics at BSc level , did work for Japan project=Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure - did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & worked on this project ~2 years With Japan Quality control ,where our sent samples were counter checked by Japan Scientist /chemist ,none of sample return back except initial stage .when both team were working to finalize method . GC method .

. have 70% BSc Physics ,68% BSc chemistry +have 10 years experienced as Analytical chemistry=chemist/scientist , included, ~3 years from ISO -9002 ,BVQI , Dubai municipality accredited lab ,=International experience . I am member of ACS ,IUPAC Now Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.= ,

Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) . Date 22-09-2008 ,Time : 6:05 AM . Actually this article was for conference ANTEC 2009, !! this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++ either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical companies Ruhel Chisty Date 06-11-2008 with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!??
.I like to mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA ! Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013 17 attachments ACS-Ruhel Certificate.jpg 267K View Scan and download IUPAC.jpg 1048K View Scan and download LTS-Certificate.jpg 116K View Scan and download passport1.jpg 80K View Scan and download passport2.jpg 1533K View Scan and download Ruhel ChistyMRACI CChemA - Copy (2).jpg 80K View Scan and download Ruhel Picture-saudi Kayan-2[1][1].2-To sent.jpg 244K View Scan and download Ruhel Position certificate.jpg 128K View Scan and download Ruhel-RACI-Certificate.JPG 74K View Scan and download New Scientist Resume -20092009 -Udaipur Raj INDIA-II....doc 297K View as HTML Scan and download Oelrich, Ivan (, RAW , Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists-20092009-II......doc 288K View as HTML Scan and download In My view Pakistan Deserved all H-Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU.-I.doc 195K View as HTML Scan and download India second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device was Fizzle.,HT..doc 34K View as HTML Scan and download Transparency International = , must do research on these-II...doc 120K View as HTML Scan and download Ruhel Word Converter Scanner.pdf 904K View as HTML Scan and download Ruhel-Micro -GCMS..pdf 2266K View as HTML Scan and download Ruhel-Sensor-2003 IUPAC.pdf 331K View as HTML Scan and download
 Reply:   The Australian Federal Police ,Terrorist expert from India =Ruhel Chisty M
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (20/Sep/2009)


Dear Manager AFP=The Australian Federal Police :

Terrorist expert from India =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A !! OR Is LK Advanni =Home minister BJP =RSS =Hindu terror group 1995-2003 !!?? OR is Dr Manmohan Singh=Both Hindus = Made Business to use 9/11-2001 to till 14th September 2009 OR 2100 !!?? - for Rise Hindus !!?

Pl, I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??

While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??

Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??

12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my all vote to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 ! My Voter ID RJ/18/143/238028

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??

By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??

with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!

if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,

if my birth was in Pakistan ,USA ,EU –European Union ,ME, Gulf then I was a top class Officer ,advisory for Anti terrorist !! I was getting many jobs offers for Higher post ,defense scientist , Police Officer , civil servants !!??

but my birth is in Hindu Nation =India , which is ruled by Dr Manmohan Singh ,=Sikh Hindu Minority , from past 2003 to till now =6.5 years , and Atal Bihari Vajpayee from 1990 to till 2003 !! while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant from 1990 to till now !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!

(1) please I have my 36 blogs =Journalism , at respected Barack Obama ,official web= USA president , from my SABIC ,Saudi Kayan official computer +Internet cafes of Saudi Arabia =Jubail ,.world bank Research and development publication ,UN Branch =My auto biography Like , Then SANA , Poetry Vote , The Current affair Pakistan ,its foreign affair news paper of Pakistan , The Herald, My anti terrorist work at Linkedin , =20 pages , Then Christianity Today , The Dawn Blogs , Facebook , the , , SRF ,

Now see the comparison of East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government, Now it free nation =small nation ,

In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years Hindu Army special ruled , which allow them to Kill any person ,torture any person ,rape any Lady , Rape any kid if they think to do !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

its done by Hindu people = Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!?? Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??

12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,

While this nation voter =millions , promoted Mr. Modi as Gujarat ruler =Chief minister for 2003-2008 then 2008 to 2013 !! two more terms !! whose Ministers ,Police officer were openly accused for 2002 Gujarat genocide !!

Now Naveen Patnayak given again one more term for Chief minister , In Orissa ,who was chief minister of Orissa 2008 ,when Christen genocide taken place !! Where victims of genocide still getting threat from Criminals ,genociders ,raper ,police officers !! Please note it tell that Indian Voters are Maximum Hindus those like to do Orrisa 2008 ,Christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka Christen genocide ,2002 Gujarat genocide and they are electing again that Government which protected genocider ,criminals ,raper, again election that Police officers those did support in all these High level human crime !! notable thing is these voters are in millions population !! these are concentrate Hindus ,these are crime lover ,these genocide lover ,in my view these voter are Taliban ,these are terror !!?? note Indian 50 million to 60 million voter love BJP =Genocider of christen ,Muslims !! and its when India is member of UN All branches ,its in 2100 Era !! ??

(11) I like to recommended that Pakistan should rise the Kashmir , Assam , and RAW ,MI,IB activities in Afghan

and Bluchhistan , and My Real life case from 1991 to till now =Open torture ,and then discrimination ,forced unemployed at UNGA ,UNSC , forums , and human rights violations done by Hindu Army ,Hindu government !!?

Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate

even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 September =9 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 14-09-2009

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,

SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,

(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,

But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!?? I want to mention here ME=Gulf have Social justice ,honesty , Transparency , Jobs Offer for Indian Minorities is best then India =Hindu nation !! as we are not Hindu ,Sikh , we are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim !!??

(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,

She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .

she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

I selected for three =3 Jobs in Gulf=International Jobs ,from 1996 to 1998 (1) Oman copper Industries Co , S.A.O.G ,1996 , They offered me salary =~15,000 Indian rupees per month + free furnished accommodation +food free , they send me VISA +Air ticket ,at my home address But my former wife stopped me, b’se she was Teacher in Rajasthan government +our marriage that time pas out only 8 months !(we divorced in 2001 ) ,2nd interview telegram from NAMA =Saudi government =Arabian industrial development company ,on 1998 , Pl my , 3rd interview & international selection in Abdullah Hashim Gas company , in 1997 they offer me ~29,000 Indian rupees per month . ! I want to mention one special thing that here my interview was taken director of chemistry division who was from Pakistan and manager ,Hindus from south india , they taken my interview for 30 minutes , director of chemistry div asked me many questions concern depth of Gas chromatography , he shown me many problems diagrams concern Gas chromatography problems asked me the all possible solutions , he asked me 20 question with diffract problems in GC , and all possible answers , as I given 96% true answers , he select me on the spot it self , and

Asked me to Join the company , this I mention that in all interview at india there should be one Pakistani , Arabic Chemistry ,physics, engineering person should be there , so that it will be good for person like me =Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A =Minority , if he was not there then that south Indian manager was taken south Indian person on this Job also !!??

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO , Now Not allowing me to apply Direct company job like =Chemist Analytical development , QC Chemist at,= ,, Saudi Arabia ,As they did NOT -keep any Indian HR agent as Mediator= third party , here they will directly came india will take interview +will provide selection letter +Visa ,air ticket !! and this Hindu Terrorist do not want that HR Agents money should go from poor Hindu nation ! it Hindu want that HR agents should be there and RAW,IB,MI will ask him to follow Hindu Norms –Atal ,Dr Manmohan Singh Norms =not to give Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A resume +selection letter to Gulf =ME Company !!??

I like to recommended that after Pakistan solid ,honest work on war against Taliban ,Al Quida from Jan 2009 to till now , ME =Gulf all companies should hire Pakistani also in Jobs in equal % then Indian !!?? 50% jobs to Pakistani +50% Jobs to Indian !!??

Pl I have with me still all telegrams +courier +Fax +VISA +Air tickets ! till 1998

Pl I did not got any Job in Indian private chemical industries =Tata ,Birla ,Reliance ,++Any privet chemical industries +Indian Government petrochemical company +Indian government chemical company from 1980 to 2009 =Birth to till now !! it tell me that There is , Reservation for Hindu only !! or they like to cut ,Minorities ,OBCs ,ST/SC jobs offer just by looking there names !! Like me =Ruhel Chistry it look like christen !! now time to start Pure –Minorities ,OBCs ,STs, SCs industries ,where only these people will work & will got ownerships & all management post will be with them only !! & they can given jobs to Hindu Crème layer & middle creamy layer to 50% Hindu Population !! Sir when 27% Reservation to OBCs was given in 1990 =Social justice & affirmative action plan =this was opposed by FICCI =the federation of Indian chamber of commerce and industries & Also opposed By ASSOCHAM= Association chamber of commerce and industries ! P- 148 ,ISBN:81-7835-270-2(Vol 3) ,

Pl Note I was not got job in Any Private industries which is member of these organization in india ! these Indian industries shave 100% reservation for Hindus only ! =creamy layer middle creamy layer Hindus ! & these are Just 20-50% % of Indian pollution ! it tell that india is for Hindu only ! & all benefits for Hindu like Modi =15=10+5 years chief minister Gujarat ! Atal Bihari Vajpayee +Lal Krishan Advanni =Prime minister & Vice PM of india 10 years ! & these are those who did kill many Humen from minorities ! By Riots & riots only !! & these are controller of FICCI & ASSOCHAM !!

Notable thing that when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Give interview for gulf companies he have 98% successful results , But when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Given interview to India companies s=Hindu companies he did not selected =100% fail result ,that why I did not like to give any interview to Indian =Hindu =Secular from 2003 to till now =6 ,bse its wasting of time plus to get tension only to meet Indian +Hindu !!?? while see Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Georgia , Norway ,Sweden , Australia , Libya , morocco + Poland , Malaysia ,Ukraine , Kazakhstan ,Ireland , these all got freedom in 1950,1970 ,1990 era , they have there own Religion scientist , chemical industries , Banks , Space ,defense ++++ they all were slave of UK ,or France , OR Portugal !!?? but they believe on there brain ,human power , they do not think like Hindu =Indian =secular !!??

While I found that Hindu territories =RAW, IB ,MI, CID-Rajputana ,Innovation are FK Nayak , Guddi , Kishan pole street Indian Muslims =support for Own ,benefit to Hindu world night torture 0,160,220 cps with support of Satellite technology=with Hindu terrorists =RAW,IB,MI from 1991 to till now 2009 15th September !!?? actually these are Genetic Hindu only !! like father of Pakistan Jinna was genetically Kashmiri Brahmin =Hindu !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Cell =00919636919708

But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .

Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award

(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,

(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =

(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA

(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl

its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices . ,

Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,

Please in my view UN, USA ,EU= CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, UNODC ,Interpol ,FBI , Europol, Should ban these mention organizations = Hidutava terrorist groups= VHP,Bajrang dal ,RSS people ,make this people in list of those organizations those are doing crime against humanity =Genocide , murder, live burn , looting ++ they are safe in India =Hindu rich nation =Please put this man = VHP President= Praveen Togadiya in Hindu terrorist list of UN ,USA,EU this man is safe in india !!??

Loop holes in Charge sheet =4528 pages , made and submit in Mumbai High court , by ATS-MH=Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , concern Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .

The explosive instrument used was IED =Improvised explosive device ,(Notable thing is this also used by Al-Quida in Iraq ,from past 2001 to till now to kill innocent Iraqi ) and explosives are RDX , Ammonium nitrate , ammonium nitrite ,

Now Loop Holes :

(1) ATS Mumbai ,did not touch =interrogate ,the Himani Saverkar ,who did married with Mahatma Gandhi Murder family person ,who is near daughter of Saverkar one of founder of RSS =Hindu terrorist group , she is clearly saying in open conferences that reply bomb is only bomb !!??

(2) ATS Mumbai did not touch =interrogate , Abhinav Bharat Group , which

ATS Given videos talk of this group members taking about , bomb explosions in India ,destroy Indian democracy, these people were doing open talk to produce hate against Indian constitute in Hindu Youth of India +NRI, only that part of Indian constitute which supporting Indian minorities , and hate against Indian democracy which supporting Indian minorities !!??

(3) Abhinav Bharat Group , are taking about the Hindu Army Rule in India, and ATS Given 2000 pages proofs ,videos recordings , against Abhinav Bharat Group those were taking conferences , meeting like these talks !

(4) But ATS Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , Did not taken any step to counter and put them in Court and jails after open trails !!??\

(5) ATS =MH, left , the groups of Indian army officers ,those are working ,and retired ,concern , involvement in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blasts !!!?? these groups of Indian army officers intension is clear to make Hindu Nation on behalf of kill ,murder ,bomb blasts ++

(6) ATS –MH also Left , (1) Ramesh Sivajee Upadhaya , Raikar = former Indian army official , he was commanded in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune , he given this place to train the Hindu terrorist for Bomb explosions in India , (7) ATS –MH also Left one more former Indian army officer =Sanat Kumar Bhatee , He was also involved in these bomb blasts ,

(8) ATS –MH , And ATS Pune taken hand ,to open the complete link between the Indian army and these bomb blasts in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .

(9) ATS Given clean chits to all Indian army officials , ATS taken them as only witness !?

(10) while ATS –MH And pune attend the special training from these mention Indian army officials !?

(11) ATS –MH,Pune left ,the two times BJP Member of parliament = Cornel Dhar and Delhi based one doctor = RP Singh , those were supporting to make new nation like Abhinav Bharat , these people were active member of these things !!

(12) ATS –MH ,Pune keep mum on link with these two , Cornel Dhar and RP Singh , + Abhinav Bharat Group , with other BJP Leaders those are political powerful !!??

(13) ATS –MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of cornel Purohit , =Indian army official ,concern which , ATS –MH ,Pune given video recording in that he was telling , (14) ATS MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of people working in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune and Akanssha resorts where the Hindu terrorist trainings were taken place !!?? and ATS –MH,Pune shown very politeness on these two organizations !!??

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional


* 10 years experience with Analytical technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS

* One year with SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , ( SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies ), Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , GC=Gas Chromatography ,wet chemistry , UV/VIS =Colorimetric analysis +Other analysis ,On line analyzers –(Inside - technology ) ,for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate

* Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 Petrochemical companies ),

* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK

* We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants

* Worked with =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years ,for all Petrochemical analysis = DRO =diesel range organics ,GRO =Gasoline range organics , VOC=Volatile organic compounds ,BETX=benzene ,ethylene , toluene Xylene ,HC =hydro Carbon analysis ,THC =Total Hydrocarbon analysis ,PAH, PCB’s , + Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, · Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other ) Environmental analysis it self air monitoring ,stack monitoring , +other ) with ASTM , US-EPA , APHA ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002, Analysis of Gas ,Water , Condensate ,Sulphur ,steam ,portable water analysis , other bi products , sludge analysis

* have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in1989 , I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist !

* I got Invitation for , speaker presentations for upcoming event of ,: Pharma R&D Opportunities

* Please I am invited to submit suggestion to improvement Pittsburgh conference 2006,2007 ,

* Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,


2008 Jan-2008 Dec (31st ) : Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , here I was Middle management

* For All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate ,

* The technology provider = Licensor = was KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,


* ACS (American Chemical Society ) 2001-2009 !

* Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry ) 2001-2009!

* Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute

Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 14-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India

While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .

While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan

Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!

Note : In My view ,FBI ,Interpol ,UN Anti terror branch= CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, UNODC ,Europol ,should take all Data ,proofs ,from Indian government ,concern Hindu terrorism !! and these international anti terror organizations will get the ways of Hindu terror probes !!??

should ask to Indian government to permit for interrogate to Lt colonel Parsad Purohit + Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia + LK Advani + ,at least they will able to know that is Hindu terrorism !! how smart these people are !!? what is definitions of Hindu terrorism if you do investigation in India only against Hindu terrorism !! Ruhel at least they will get the range and tactics of this Hindu terror !!?? Ruhel Date 03-01-2009 while I like to mention here that ATS - Anti terror squad –Maharastra , public prosecutor =Ajay Misar lodge a complain in Sarkarwada Police station that on 16th Nov 2008 ,that he got one threat

At his phone , from Hindu terror group , for him and for ATS Chief = Hemant Karkare ,who got killed in 26/11 Mumbai terror attack just 9 days later !!??

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While on 13th Jan 2009 , Hubbali- WB , press conference ,the northern range , Inspector general of police , =Mr Ragvandra Oradcar , given , speech that behind , Hubbali –Court Bomb blast ,on may 2008 , there was Hindu terrorist ,not SIMI !! while in may 2008 there was Karnataka Election ,and BJP taken full benefit to win ,maximum seats !! b’se BJP try to prove that these Bomb blast did by Indian minorities !!?? the man find behind this blast was =Nagraj Gangabi , he was PA of one Concentrate Hindu politician , they found nine =9 other Hindu terrorist in link this !!??

Ramesh Pavaar , Ling Raj Jalagar , ++, While this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi was member of Shri Ram Sena ,who is doing attacks on girls and boys ,at Pubs = high society - Bar at Banglour now a days they did attack on three pubs =bar !!?? this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi is very closed to Pramod Mutallik founder of Shri Ram sena ,who is Like Praveen Togadia of Karnataka !!?? the full other part can be found at The Indian express, Only one news paper of India who is writing against Hindu terror !!Only one !!?? from all news papers ,news media ,includes NDTV , this news channel is not allowed in Udaipur –RAJ , B’se here all Channels providers are from BJP=RSS=VHP=Bdal =Hindu terror wings !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 06-02-2009 , while this state police (all) is still in link ,getting order from former BJP=RSS Home minister (2003 -2008) =Gulab Chand Kataria (2003-2008) !!??

Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,

From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??

(b) while it found and discussed in Indian -parliament ,Rajya sabha ,by Members of parliament that 29 September , two -bomb blasts at Malegaon (Maharastra ) and Modasa ( Gujarat ) done by Hindu hardliners =Bajrangdal and Hindu Jagran Manch ,the probed reached to RSS Student wig= ABVP= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad , both blast taken place simultaneously , at two different places , (its all bomb blasts after the Banglour , Ahemdabd , Delhi bomb blasts ) they used RDX to do these bomb blasts !! Pleased note it !!!??

while it found that , SanatKumar Rajvithal Bhate , trained 115 Hindu activates ,to do bomb blasts ,from gelatin ,And RDX !! He got 300 gelatins ,from Bhosale Military school Nasik ,Pune ,

it found that these Hindu Hardliner put two motorcycles (1) at SIMI Office at Malegaon (Maharastra ) (2) At Modasa ( Gujarat ) they put with the Islamic sticker , and forensic investigator found that it attempt to mislead them , the motorcycles used were LML-Freedom and these Hindu hardliner , these people used main frame ,and engine ,from two different vehicles . and they erased the engine number , chassis number , but after forensic method it found that these numbers were , of Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur , which was registered at Surat RTO –Gujarat =Number = GJ 05 BR 1920 ,

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While these Hindu terrorist used fake number plate but it was , on her name , Pragya Singh Thakur ,this was not sold ,and thief And second motorcycle was on name of =ABVP person ,who is running NGO in Indore =MP (Madhya Pradesh) –India , P-1,P-4 24 October ,2008 The Indian express ) the Malegaon (Maharastra ) bomb blast

taken six humen life , its taken place when 20,000 =twenty thousand Indian minorities were gathered at they holy time !! now surprised thing is national level political leader , Uma Bharti of BJS =Bharatis Bhartiya Janshakti Party , offer to Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur ,her party ticket ,form Mahdaya Pardesh =MP ,for MLA Election = political leader of India !!?? its when Pragya Singh Thakur is in police custody , with Maharastra Anti terror squad , this thing did not stop here BJP president also support her = Pragya Singh Thakur !!!?? P- 4, 31 October ,2008 ,The Indian express .

while it found that her father was RSS –worker !!?? while ATS = Anti terror squad have proof against her as her motorcycle ,and her 400 minutes conversation with Shyam Bhavarlal Sahu !!!?? after these all this offer to her are there !!??? =offer for MLA Election,from BJP president !!?? Ruhel date 30-12-2008 –Udaipur –raj India . Sir I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in india !!?? while about these all probes my view is that India is Hindu nation and what I seen the result of Justice Nanavatti committee report on Gujarat 2002 genocide !! it tell me that like this all probes are complex !! and its when Hindu terror name came it very typical to get 100% truth ,from Hindu police officials it self against Hindu terror !! its very rare and typical !!!??? Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 .

It open by Maharastra Police that Hindu terrorist Rajesh Dhavade (Malegaon Bomb accused) ,got training on Make Bomb ,by two chemistry -Hindu professors , from Pune , based Narsujee Vadiya college , professors names are Dr Sharad Kuntee (he was former VHP –head at Pune city) ,and Dr Dav , these two chemistry -Hindu professors teach them to make pipe –bombs , it also found that one more ABVP active Mr. Sameer Kulkanii ,who was involved in Jabalpur –MP ,riots ,he was main accused to provoke to riots !!?? ABVP= RSS Student wig= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad !!??Ruhel Date 30-12-2008 .

While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan

Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??

While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??

While Made in india =Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report , concern Base of Gujarat 2002 genocide ! = Godhara –train case ! =

The LOOP HOLES of this report= Justice Nanavatti –Mehta report ,

(1) This commission made by Mr Narandara Modi it self =BJP=RSS ,6 years ago !!??

(2) There is no witness of , who burn Train =Godhara Train 2002 ,

(3) There was 200 total witness none of given talk ,proof to court that Train burn by Muslim -gathered !!??

(4) No body know ,that train was having Hindu car sevak , except BJP=RSS people ,even Gujarat government official -do not know !!

(5) Train was more then 5= more then five hours late , if any plan was there it was easily failed due to unlimited late train =that is also more then 5 hours !!?? it also tell that criminal were related to done Party only !!??

(6) Commission told that train Westuval was cut ,if it was cut then why , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission do not kept it as proof ,and sold to Kabadi = used thing buyer !!??

(7) During Court talk ,it proved by 200 witness that , train was stop by pulling it chain and it stop by Car sevak only ,b’s e few car sevak was left on station it self !!??

(8) Forensic experts , given proof that , by calculation by height of Train track and height of train window it is not possible to throw petrol like that in train !!??

(9) It is not east to cut Westuval of train with in few time !!??

(10) This Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission ignored many very important witness !!??

(11) While in 2002 the rail minister was Nitish Kumar =BJP Supporter that’s why he did not given any , investigation from railway official +railway police officer !!??

(12) There is no ,any record of justice UC Benarjee report in , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report !!?? While its very important !!??

(13) Justice Nanavatti –Mehta refused to take investigation of Narandara Modi = why !!?? this commission made many dual talk about , why ,burn train !!??

(14) while one honest - Police officer = RB Shri Kumar told to commission that he is getting threat from criminal that if he told true then he will loose the life !!? and this honest police office given record - proof of that threat telephone call in court also !!?? that also ignored by Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission = Mr Narandara Modi made =RSS=BJP Made !!??

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,

From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??

(a) Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,

in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!

while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,

The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!??

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

while its well known that mahatma Gandhi was killed by RSS person =Nathuram Godsae , a Marathi guy !!?? and Australian father Graham steen and kids=Christen ,murder and killer to live burn them = Dara Singh is Bajrang Dal person !!?? while Darasingh , lawyer was , brother of BJP Leader =Dealip singh Judev , who taken case of Hindu terrorist who was killer of three human ,Australian christen ,his case taken for free him by BJP Leader brother !!!?? Now BJP =RSS is telling that they will provide lawyer to Sadhvii Pragya Singh Thakur , !! while in India there is no rights for fake - framed Indian Muslim for terrorism !!?? but BJP is supporter of Hindu terrorist for Hindu lawyer in India !!!??

Kanpur UP –India ,two =2 ,Bajrang dal Person got killed during making bomb at home and many other got injured , Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps , (c) in Bhunashvar –India also one BJP leader kid and his friends were captured by police during making bomb CBI Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps !!!??? (d) in Karnataka =Danavgeer ,also there were attack on Indian christen taken place , , by VHP= RSS ,Bajrang Dal people ,and local police did directly support of this , and this local police made fake cases on 16 fathers =christen –holy people , and local police did not made single FIR against RSS ,BJP people ,while VHP,Bajrang Dal people taken directly responsibility of these attacks in front of media ,and local media ,as there is BJP is in power =ruling Karnataka, these VHP,Bajrang Dal people destroy the churches ,destroy the Jesus stachu ,

On 14 September 2008 , the VHP ,Bajrang Dal people attack on church at manglor the burn Bible , once nun called police ,police asked many question to nuns ,like is there =nun organizations in international ,is they are getting money from foreign !!!?? they =police did not taken any action against VHP, Bajrang Dal people ,one more incident in Karnataka , permuunar , Sant Sabsteen church , huge christen people were gathered there , suddenly Bajrang Dal ,VHP people came there , and start to through stones ,and brutally beaten to nuns ,father , and local police also directly support these Hidutava groups , the burn bible , destroy mother marry stachu , while one more incident , at Kodral church , there local police brutally beaten to nuns ,father plus school kids which is near to church and beaten to one 72 years old lady !!! Karnataka chief minister is Mr BS Yeddyurappa ,he refused to ban Bajrangdal !!??these all tell that BJP is sees it self at next ruling party in centre =new Delhi –HQ , Bajrang Dal have its branches called as Sri ram sena , now Bajrang Dal is planning to made Hindu suicide squad , there will be training to youth for die on cost of Hindu nation =Nationalist !!!?? these people will get training from Hindu police officials , Hindu Army officials, these things told by Pramod Mutalik ,head of Sri ram sena = Bajrang Dal !!! P -5, 22 September 2008 ,,=The Indian express ,

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

e) while in Rajasthan also ,my living place =birth state , after jaipur bomb blast Home minister of Rajasthan Order to police , to torture Indian Muslim ,bangala speaking people , and attack on Indian christen also taken place example are Jodhpur ,Bayavar , Its all to get Hindu votes as 5 states - election were very near , and at last BJP got win in two states =MP=Madhya Pradesh ,Zharkhand !!! this all movement was to make Hindu India !!?? Ruhel date 23-12-2008 –Udaipur –Raj India while in Udaipur –Raj India =whole Rajasthan all Jain =Baniya and Marvadii , have good support to BJP=RSS =VHP =Bajrangdal by money ,plus other !!??

While in Rajasthan , 3 October 2008, at Dungarpur Raj India , BJP ,Bajrang Dal ,VHP people , did destroy and burn the Indian minorities shops (only shops ) to destroy there economic foundation , the maximum loss was 50=40+10 lacks to Dr Kurashi ,dental clinic ,

While in Andrapradesh –India , VHP=Bajrang Dal people did live burn of 6 =5+1 =six ,Indian Muslim, it included 3 kids ,one woman ,two man , its was incident of 10 October 2008 , these all were just before Indian state elections so that ,so that Indian 80% Hindu vote change to BJP=RSS=VHP=Bajrang Dal !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??

While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??

While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??

So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,

(1) Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

While ATS –Pune , put cheating , forgery cases on Lt Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit , he did forged document for weapon ,and did made fake ARMY- ID =ARMY Identification Card , for Chaturvedi , who was active member of Abhinav Bhart ,=a group who tell bomb reply is bomb !!?? it found that he given proofs that he and Chaturvedi did attends all meetings , leading up to Bomb blasts , up to Malegaon bomb blast !!??

Sir Bajrangdal is Hindu –Al-Quida , (its to kill Indian minorities only ) ,and VHP=is Hindu LeT (Lakshre Toiba ) to kill Indian minorities only !!)) Ruhel Date 27-12-2008

While MH Chief minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh told for ATS –Pune , that why LK Advani , and several BJP Leaders , asking to change the present ATS- Anti terrorist wing –Pune, and conduct judicial inquire into , charge made by Sadvi Pragya singh Thakur , !!!?? while ATS was carrying in to its probe , with out POTA , TADA which was made by BJP !!?? and used on innocent Indian Muslim +other !!??

While BJP future prime minister of India =LK Advani meet national security Adviser ,MK Narayana , and intelligence bureau director , PC Halder concern sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur !!?? while national security Adviser ,MK Narayana told him that he will look into !!??

I want all type of terrorist groups should be ban and killed !! it tell that USA,EU ,UN should ban and kill to RSS ,VHP=Bdal those killing only innocent Indian minorities = crime against humanity !! while Islamic terrorist are killing only innocent USA ,Israeli and other western people= crime against humanity !!??

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While the reality of Indian Law enforcement system can be understand by these points :

(1) Justice Krishna commission report = concern 1989-1993 Mumbai riots , and role of Mumbai Police in Riots , they given video ,Audio , personal interview with victims +recording to telephonic talks +mobile talk of police officers ,ministers =mainly from BJP ,Shiv Sena ,all were telling that How Mumbai Police was involved in to provoke Riots ,and fully support of Mumbai Hindu Mainly Martha !! these happened b’se there was no minority Police offer was in Job that time all police officer was Hindus !! and fully like to kill minorities Life ,business ,Home + allowed to Hindu rioter to do kill and rape ~!! ?? this Justice was proved alone Laws and order person who given truth about whole 1989 to 1993 Mumbai riots !!!?? he given the telephone records of Mumbai police officers and ministers those were at work that time and in power that time !!?? these all proofs are with National minority commission ,National human right commission !! he given these proof 4 years back till now none of that Police officer get terminated put behind the bar !! put on then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? and same way none of Hindu Ministers +few Minority ministers , put behind the Bar + then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? that time in Mumbai Shiv Sena –BJP was ruling !!?? while from past 5 years Mumbai Have Congress party ,its allies are ruling !! noting happened to , riot provoker Police officers +ministers put behind the bar + serious charges !!?? Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 Udaipur-Raj India 313001.

(2) While the reality of Gujarat, 2002 March riots ,genocide , the Laws enforcement independent agencies try ot got Telephonic ,mobile talk records of Gujarat police officers ,ministers, but they were not able to get ,even they reached to supermen court get order aloes !!?? till now they did not get any telephonic ,mobile ,recodes of Gujarat police ,ministers those were enveloped in this genocide !!?? b’se Modi used his power ,to fail all system of records !! they told they destroy the records ,due to instrument fault !!??

(3) These all things tell that Home Minister of India is indirectly supporter of HINDU nation where these things will be consider as normal !!?? and this nation have all rights for Hindus only weather they are Narandara Modi ,weather they are LK Advani ,weather they are Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,whether they are Mumbai police officer , weather they are Mumbai police officers and ministers in 1989 to 1993 ,weather they are Gujarat 2002 march time police officers and ministers !!??

Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj 313001 India.

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,with use of providing money to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by ??

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While I can understand from my real life ,that Indian IB,MI,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,did not allowed single

Indian minorities ,in Physics ,Engineering ,Chemistry , at international Jobs , higher degrees , even it tell these MI,IB ,RAW means these people killed 10000, to 20 lacks =20,00000 intelligent brains of Assam ,Kashmir , those can be good physicist ,engineers ,chemists but there brain got killed by MI,IB,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,

B’se they are minorities of this nation , even may be few of them have publications like me at USA ,EU ,Canada, Germany , but this nation =India did not allowed them to get good degree ,jobs future in EU ,USA !!?? May be there names also used by this Hindu rich nation to get technology ,from USA defense ,NASA !!?? to got rise in DRDO ,ISRO ,IITs ,IISc !!?? it also tell that may be MI , did make fake –internet cases on them , put them in fake criminal activities , on these all innocent physicist ,engineers ,chemist b’se they are Indian minorities !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??

While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??

While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??

So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While on October 2008 , Justice Sacher committee received first reply , concern , number of Muslim employee in IIM-A,IIM-C,BHU,NCMEI ( National commission fro minorities educational institute , ) , NIIE =National institute industrial engineering ,ut told following facts =

IIM-A have following grades =classes = Grade A , 3 Minority from 30 , grade B =Class B , 8 Minority ,from 76 , grade C =Class =15 minority ,from 161 , class D =Grade D, zero minority ,from 94,

IIM-C have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 =ZERO Minority from 85 , grade B =Class B , 2 Minority ,from 48 , grade C =Class =6 minority ,from 126 , class D =Grade D, 11 minority ,from 87,

BHU have following grades =classes = Grade A , 83 Minority from 1465, grade B =Class B , 6 Minority ,from 185, grade C =Class =124 minority ,from 2008, class D =Grade D, 24 minority ,from 2544,

NCMEI have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 Minority from 4 grade B =Class B , 4 Minority ,from 6 grade C =Class =1 minority ,from 5, class D =Grade D, 1 minority ,from 6,

NIIE have following grades =classes = Grade A , 1 Minority from 54 grade B =Class B , 1 Minority ,from 25 grade C =Class =0 minority ,from 128, class D =Grade D, 5 minority ,from 114

While Assam university have , 6 minority employee out of 245 !!!???

This is the first report get by Justice Sacher committee ,now other department report will came later on !! one by one !!??

Its first impact , of Justice Sacher committee is the start of minorities scholarships ,( Christen ,Muslim ,Sikh ,Parsis ,Buddhists)

India’s following states given the scholarships to minorities students ( at IIT’s ,IIM’s ,NIFT, SPA , Medical college ,Regional engineering college ,Universities +++) ,

Kerla given = 29,380 minorities scholarships , they got 14 X100000 applications , UP –Mayavatti , given 67,420 minorities scholarships ,they got 10.5 X100000 applications , West Bengal –Where communist are ruling ,given , 44,460 minorities scholarships They got 7.5 X100000 application, Karnataka –where BJP is ruling ,given , 16,640 minorities scholarships ,they got , 2X10,0000 applications , Tamil Nadu ,(DMK Ruling ) they given , 15,340 minorities scholarships ,they got 3X100000 applications ,

While on date 14-04-2009 ,Hindu ISI Hacked my membership web at SABIC Network , for which I got Accepted by its ambassador , on date 13-04-2009 ,

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While recently , in UP =Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Bajerdeeha , UP Hindu police did open fire , with out warning ,and with out stick attack ,and with out tearing gas , on Indian Muslims , 11 march 2009 , they did not only killed Indian Muslim but also put 500 serious cases on 500 Indian Muslim ,=IPC 307 , =Indian panel court , 307 ,the cause was also done by Hindu only they used to throw Color on Their mosque , from past 10 years on every Holi =Hindu religion festival , even they =Indian Muslim are complaining from past 10 years at all level !!?? and there is not Hindu home near mosque , in this firing two Indian Muslim got killed ,10 serious injured !!?? the police officer name are =Shamsheer Bahdur Singh , the BJP leaders behind this name are =Durga Babu Lal Khurdia , his son Rajkumar , b’se from Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Murlee Mahnohar Joshi is BJP –leader for this 2009 election !!?? and RSS want Religious riots in UP and Varanasii , to win the election on basis of Hindutava and Hindu Rights !!??

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from EU –Command ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 29-05-2009 Time : 10:05 AM

Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 30-05-2009 Time : 10:25 AM , Its=MI,IB,RAW ,CID , thinking that whole world like Hindus And want be part of these all activities what I mention !! Ruhel

Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

[ Please list of Publications ] :-

(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada

(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-

sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All

brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more

sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT

scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary

change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,

(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD

Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon

(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--

Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different

reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-

Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-

12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =

(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-

15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002

U.S.A , Montchanin, DE

( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)

(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's

24th international symposium on Chromatography

Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002

(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,

B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4

(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =

(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=

(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors

to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land

security (in process)

Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

Please I sent my work against anti Terror =Against Arabic Terror , at =UNSC - CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, on 27-04-2008 ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia = Title : How the terror related webs are possible from ME=Gulf ! why none of international crime ,terror prevention Bodies able to stop them ! and why they are not getting the IP Address , and telephone number of them !!? I sent it from SABIC=Saudi Kayan My –own Office PC ,I have confirmation of this work with me .But when I try to sent my one more work = Against –Hindu terrorism .from Udaipur –Raj India 2009 Jan .Feb ,,from my Laptop ,and its internet connection at Telephone number =00912942488521 , Then I was not allowed by Hindu IT terror =Hindu RAW ,MI,IB !!?? I try it from past 2=two month but I was not allowed !!?? I doubt that CTED web hacked by Hindu IT terrorist !!?? you can understand the reality of Indian government concern anti Terrorism !!?? =India have only one direction =Anti –Indian Muslim ,Anti Indian christen !!?? and used these people kids ,young on name of terrorism !!?? like doing in Kashmir ,Assam !!??

Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Government Administration Professional

While Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim employees in IITs , IIT-B.IIT-K,IIT-D,IIT-M,IIT-G, are as follows ,

Zero= Grade A in three IITs , 1 one = Grade B in Three IITs . 6 six=, Grade C , three IITs , 12 = Grade D in three IITs ,

Ruhel Chisty Date 10-04-2009 , while , you can understand the Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim Students percentage in These IITs !!??

Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

While on date 11-06-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from - Find Lobbyist, Government Relations, Advocacy, and Public Policy jobs ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 12-06-2009 Time ;12:15 PM

Posted 16 days ago | Delete comment

Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??

SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.



MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,

Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,

AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land


ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )

IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )

Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=

INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )

Passport Number:-E-6884179

Date Of Birth 26-08-1966

Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)

ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )

Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708


Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,

Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)

Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .

Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!

(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !

(its my real life case !)

(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist

(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya

(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan

(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .

Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why

PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??

12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??

while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009

This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,

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Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .

Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??

That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??

China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,

China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,

In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?

As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,

Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,

(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??

China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!

The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??

(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!

(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??

(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??

(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??

(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!

That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??

What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??

Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!

=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .

While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??

Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??

This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,

She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .

They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??

(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??

(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .

(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??

(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .

It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,

While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,

She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government

In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??

His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )

He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??

Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??

12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,

If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!

these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and

I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,

Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??

The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !

(its my real life article !)

On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM

I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !

I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A

Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !

But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala

On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,

does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??

I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009

and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??

(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!

(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!

(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!

(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .

(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!

Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .

Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)

Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??

They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??

but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??

This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

While concern , Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition =USA Defense And Nature Photonic technology focus (hard copy ) , I got only Two ,Two =4 magazines , ,from past 6 years they sent me 72+72 = 144 Magazines =Note Please only two +two =4, these hacked + thief , done and going on by Udaipur post office mafia + Hindu ISI= MI=Military Intelligence ,IB,RAW and they are sending these magazines to their Hindu Kids ,at IITs ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian all -Universities Physics ,engineering department , at their emails , and these people do not have any shame on these activities !!?? taking my basics -rights from past many years and growing their kinds making engineers and scientists !!??

Please one special note : please I request for advanced technology literature, White papers ,videos to 350 Space ,defense companies ,listed at NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS , from the web provide by , =( by Editorial board of NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ) ,these 350 companies are working for NASA ,USA - Defense advanced technology , I did this literature request on 18th June and 28 September 2008 ,But till now I got only 16 companies literatures , rest 330 companies literatures , from NASA tech only , all -thief by Indian Post office mafia =Hindu India supporter =Hindu thinker =Hindu world thinker ! I did not did any request from Defense tech !!?? Please note that same request I did from India also in 2005 ,from that I got only 4 CDs literatures at My home address =23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj India . Rest all kept by Post office mafia given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC , ,Physics department ,for PhD students ,MSc ,BSc Btech , now also I am thinking that these all literature , White papers ,videos Emails ,PDF given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC based all universities physics department ,IITs ,IISC !! with out my permission To make India as techno Power ,by Keep Hacked ID of physicists like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry , to use innovators name ,email IDs, Mail address , to get advanced technology with out their permission and keep them literate bonded labor , or forced unemployed to continuous 5 years , as I was kept from Feb 2003 to 22 Jan 2008 in India !! with out think !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . , A christen Date 10 -02-2009 , Please recently on 13 August ,2008 I got one more email ,from NASA TECH BRIEFS & DEFENSE TECH BRIEFS ,that , Subject: New Products & Technologies Presented by Tech Briefs

Actually NASA want make me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty advanced technology scientist ,but will you believe

Pl same way I was getting New instrument innovation ,webs ,from NASA Instrument innovation department , Officially from David L. Tomko , Manager NASA ,HQ , ,At my Email ID ,from past 2002 Feb to till 2003 Sept !! he start to given me B’se my list of publications ,Like Ruhel –Sensor =against terror ,bio terror , ++ He accept my request ,my interest in innovation ,and that time I proved my self in innovation field , !! sir at this email ID I was getting ,many webs from NASA ,those have Details electronic structures ,different types of sensors , different types of satellites ,their depth , many latest instruments of NASA ,those were innovated , by MIT ,Caltech , Harvard ++all leading USA Universities ,scientists , for NASA , , these all webs and their details I was getting at this email ID at this ID I was getting many PDFs ,detailed structure of Satellites , Its work ,its inner configuration , ! But that also hacked by Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – those are supporting Hindu terrorist ,from past 63 Years , they know that I am minority ,so it is not good for me =Ruhel Chisty ,so they given this their Hindu organizations = ISRO &DRDO ,UGC , Universities += so that Hindu Physicist ,s Hindu students will able to learn advanced technology from directly NASA ,Advanced instruments ,this was Hindu world first step ,to use my name ,my work to get advanced technology from NASA ,B’se NASA already ban these people =ISRO ,DRDO from past 1976 !! After nuke bomb blast ,even international pressure was there not to do nuke bomb blast !! send to ISRO ,DRDO ,Udaipur ,even Rajasthan ,even India all universities based physic student , engineering students , with out my permission , so that Indian all physicists ,engineers will take over to China ,USA ,Europe !! on other hand this Hindu RAW ,IB ,MI was using email IDs to prove me criminal ,so that world will given support to this Hindu nation =India =RAW ,IB,MI !!??

sir I take this action of Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – as knifing in my heart ,Brain ! I will request to All NASA Officials ,That they should rise this case in front of President Barack Obama , White house officials ,Congress , committees ,Senators !! so that some discussion taken place ! sir , for this Illegal activities of Hindu –RAW ,IB,MI – + Udaipur based BJP =RSS =Hindu- police support to these Udaipur IT Booms ! even central police ,IB ,RAW ,PMO ,President house also support these people , simultaneously these people start to rise my name=Ruhel Chistry ,RChisty , as terrorist ,criminal ,mental =Schizophrenic=Mad ,by my IDs only !! sir did you do not think that these people did wrong !! sir as I know India till 2003 Feb , did not have these advancement in satellite ,Missile =ISRO ,DRDO !! But after get these webs only these people were able to made new Advanced - satellites ,like NASA !! Like ESA !! they used continuous this email, web’s with out my permission with out think of me !! ,for ~1 year or more till 2004,2005 !! ,may be even more ,I Try to complain NASA Officials those were given me these webs !! I think that till now my complain , did not reached to NASA officials !! B’se of Udaipur IT Boom !!they did some thing on my email IDs & it show me mail send !! but I think that was make me fool !! Pl my request You send this case to NASA Officials it self &they will get depth of this & will take action against concern IT Boom & who every related to it ! will give them punishment as per NASA Rules !! these Udaipur –IT boom ,kill respected of my Name & my publications & all my human rights & my progress & future !! , now also I am thinking that these all literature , White papers ,videos Emails ,PDF given to ISRO ,DRDO ,UGC based all universities physics department ,IITs ,IISC !! with out my permission To make India as techno Power ,by Keep Hacked ID of physicists like me =Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry , to use innovators name ,email IDs, Mail address , to get advanced technology with out their permission and keep them literate bonded labor , or forced unemployed to continuous 5 years , as I was kept from Feb 2003 to 22 Jan 2008 in India !! with out think !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty=Ruhel Chistry =RChistry . , A christen Date 12-02-2009 , in this Hindu nation =India !!!?? while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!??

It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!?? Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry Date 12-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India 313001 . Pl , Now I doubt that these webs & these magazines are distribution (Cyclo- style =Photo state copies !!+CDs ++Pen drive ++) among –Physics ,engineering student of Udaipur based all schools ,Colleges ,universities & Rajasthan based all schools ,colleges ,universities +India’s all colleges ,schools ,universities ! only to Hindu students =7% to 17% Population =Crème layer –Middle crème layer Hindu students !! OR May be possible to 83% Hindu students ! so that these people will ,defect to china ,USA ,European union !! just with any thing consumed !! except ruhel Chisty time & list of publications values &list of nomination values !! & ruhel - life !! sir pl ,do proper action !

Please I sent my work against anti Terror =Against Arabic Terror , at =UNSC - CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, on 27-04-2008 ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia = Title : How the terror related webs are possible from ME=Gulf ! why none of international crime ,terror prevention Bodies able to stop them ! and why they are not getting the IP Address , and telephone number of them !!? I sent it from SABIC=Saudi Kayan My –own Office PC ,I have confirmation of this work with me .But when I try to sent my one more work = Against –Hindu terrorism .from Udaipur –Raj India 2009 Jan .Feb ,,from my Laptop ,and its internet connection at Telephone number =00912942488521 , Then I was not allowed by Hindu IT terror =Hindu RAW ,MI,IB !!?? I try it from past 2=two month but I was not allowed !!?? I doubt that CTED web hacked by Hindu IT terrorist !!?? you can understand the reality of Indian government concern anti Terrorism !!?? =India have only one direction =Anti –Indian Muslim ,Anti Indian christen !!?? and used these people kids ,young on name of terrorism !!?? like doing in Kashmir ,Assam !!?? Same way I like tom open that These Indian Hindu IT Terror hacked , the respected Barack Obama official web , where I had my 40 blogs ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia , 30 from my own-Office PC = SABIC PC , and with in few month only after my reach in India , this official web of respected Barack Obama hacked by Hindu IT terror =OR Hindi RAW ,IB,MI = Hindu ISI !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 16-02-2009 ,Udaipur –Raj India 313001 .

When I was in Jubail = Saudi Arabia ,I had 36 Blogs at respected Barack Obama Official , President campaign web ,It was came not on Just one day ,it was there continuous 6-8 Months , But once I reached in India =Hindus nation , I got Gift of Corrupt Hindus democracy , My all Blogs got stop , when ever I try to submit new blog its start to came in light Black Line , you ,can not submit Blog !! While here In India every day I was facing torture by brain waves 0-160 cps ,220 cps , and threat to keep again unemployed , But India is Hindus nation and I am minority in this nation ,this nation support ,first Hindus right ! Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-05-2009 Udaipur raj India , it have 1.26 Billion population ,82 Million Hindus , means In this nation you have to face torture ,discrimination ,But you can not complain ,if you try ,your all emails ,mails ,cell number, telephone numbers will be captured by Hindus ISI =Big body ,Long size ,High weight Hindus ,then they will put your name in ,this nation enemies name list , and then these Hindu will start to keep you forced unemployed , then you will only get negative emails , so that your all brain will be get high tension , your Jobs application will not reached at other end , these people will put SPAM in them , so your Job application will not reached at Other end , your resume at Courier will also not reached ! these people =Big size, High weight Hindus will use TV Free voice mode ,Cell Voice mode to Guide them ,to torture you , means to HR Agent, courier agent , all place where you will got , these big size , heavy weigh Hindus will reached there , to make you torture , by use of 10 Super computers at New Delhi HQ, 43 Satellite which is forcing at world ,that these are for good work only , but there use is like this !!?? many of them get on low prizes from Old Russia , Israel !!?? will make your case, long on long on , means like that these people will keep you forced unemployed ,like 1999 to 2001 ,then 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan ! Its when person is like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , =RChisty ,Who had two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? And India demand is from USA to provide these people F16,F18, F22, Huge Billions $ on war against terror !! these all planes ,money will use against Assam ,Kashmir , Innocent Man ,women ,kids ,and person like me !!!?? and here udaipur City based 3.5 lacks secular Hindus ,Indian Muslim will get huge money from Jaipur , and new Delhi !! which these people got on 100 years loan basis ,from World bank on ZERO interest rate !! Ruhel , Pleas this whole note is real life of me ,its I put here for Publication where the democracy Honest calculation used to be done on many point basis ,about India already at international map that its have partially Freedom to press , But that 50% freedom also captured by corruption ,in that way , which is not looking from Far !!?? means in real sense here no freedom of press !!??

While concern , Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition =USA Defense And Nature Photonic technology focus (hard copy ) , I got only Two ,Two =4 magazines , ,from past 6 years they sent me 72+72 = 144 Magazines =Note Please only two +two =4, these hacked + thief , done and going on by Udaipur post office mafia + Hindu ISI= MI=Military Intelligence ,IB,RAW and they are sending these magazines to their Hindu Kids ,at IITs ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian all -Universities Physics ,engineering department , at their emails , and these people do not have any shame on these activities !!?? taking my basics -rights from past many years and growing their kinds making engineers and scientists !!?? may be many other Indian minorities scientists like me are facing like this ,also many Asian minorities scientist are facing in their nations !!?? and after all these MI ,RAW ,IB doing what in Assam ,Kashmir with their innocent people ,Ladies ,Girls ,Kids ,I can understand from my real life of past 1991 to till now after BSc 70% Physics ,

These Indian did not provide me any Jobs in DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service ,Indian civil services , ,from past 18 years =1991 to till now !!?? And I faced these things ,Ruhel Chisty MRACI C.Chem A !!??

actually India was divided in more then 2000 Dynasties , those have their own rules regulation ,on way of living , on taxes , own Law and order !! then India was Under rule of UK for 100 years , then under rule of Mugal for 400 years !!?? now this free Hindu - democratic India is doing these types of experiments on its human society on life of person like me from past 1991 to till now !!?? while these Hindus are thieving even my complain at international level , these people are shame less thief !!??

Ruhel date 12-04-2009

Note : Please while I found that professors ,Associate professors from IIT’s (Indian Institute of technology) IISC (Indian Institute of science ( Bangalore) Have publications in Pittcon ,IUPAC,RSC , and I also have Publication here ! Date 01-12-2008 KSA Ruhel Chisty =RChisty =RChistry .

While I got ,from The Lancet Neurology = , invitation =claim your free trail to Neurology collection =full access to the entire Neurology collection = J .Head injury ,J .movement disorder , J .Neuromuscular disorder , ,J .neuro-oncology , J. Neurology –other , J. Neurology infection , J. Multiple sclerosis , J. Paediatric neurology ,

J .genetic ,J. headache and migration ,J .Peripheral nerve disorder , J.Dementias , but when I try to read full articles of J .Head injury ,J .movement disorder ,That hacked by Hindu –IT expert ,that may be Hindu CID –Raj ,Hindu RAW ,MI,IB ,those are like HIDNU –ISI =Hindu Afghan intelligence !! B’se after that I was not able to take PDF ,or read full article !! Now I have doubt that these all collection of the Lancet , Neurology collection will be distributed ,from this hack !!?? ,to RNT medical college –Udaipur ,And Rajasthan medical students ,and India other medical students just by e-mails =Hindu Charity !! to get best of neurology ,from My name ,my emails, my work !!?? Ruhel date 14-02-2009 ,so india will get best medical –Nobel laureate like this ,now on wards !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 14-02-2009 ,

While I got one email ,from respected Shannon Miller =SAIC ,Staffing and Recruiting that ” I came across your resume while conducting an Internet search and based on your background and experience hopefully you would be interested in hearing more about current opportunities that SAIC currently has available.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please apply online at our career site by requisition number. Your resume will be on the Recruiters desktop for immediate consideration.

I've included a job description for your consideration below. Please apply directly to the requisition.


Shannon Miller


Staffing and Recruiting

Job Description:

The Intelligence Researcher positions will support a contractor team of intelligence analysts, collection managers, and physical security specialists assigned to support the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Collectively this team will provide intelligence analysis support focused on detecting and preventing terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States as well as interdicting and seizing illegal drugs, and other contraband.

This position will assist contractor and CBP intelligence analysts in the intelligence analysis of terrorism and/or drug smuggling and/or human smuggling/trafficking. They will assist in collecting, reviewing, interpreting, evaluating, and integrating data from multiple domestic and foreign sources. Assist in the preparation and presentation of briefings on projects, studies and analyses.

These positions may require working 8-hour shifts during a 24-hour day, 7 days per week

Real cases at UNDP ,World bank ,ADP , UNGA ,UNSC + EU +USA the reality of Indian Social justice =equity = so called Secular Hindu social justice !!??

Case 1 : Please recently I seen the Rajasthan administrative service =RAS Results =RAS 2007 Final result at web site !! =

I found that there was 719 Candidates selected for Rajasthan state civil servants posts ,

= Rajasthan administrative service posts !!

But notable thing is there was only 1 or zero Candidates from Indian christen =Minority AND 2 or 3 =two or three Candidate =select was from Indian Muslims=Minority !! While these people population at India level is 2.8% Christen and 13% Indian Muslims !! according this there should be 21 candidates from Indian christen + 94 candidates from Indian Muslims !! but what actually =1 or zero Indian christen , 2 or three Indian Muslim got selected here !! while they called for final interview approx 5=five candidates s from Indian christen and 25 candidates Indian Muslims and taken only 1 and 3 !!??

While Rajasthan is ruling by Congress party ,controlled by Ashok Ghalot =Chief minister of Rajasthan !!?? and central controlled by Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? Sikh =Hindu Minority !!??

Mean there are 99% candidates are Hindu only ,OR Hindu Minority or Hindu OBCs !!?? literate - process of Hindu Nation ,under rule or Congress party =Hindu secular party !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india Time : 12;30 PM

Case 2: Please one real life case of one , Indian Minority ,which will tell you the truth of BJP =RSS ,how they discard , Indian minorities in Police department from past 17 years of there ruled !!!??

(2) Sir , now only 2.7-3% % Indian Minorities police officer are working in Rajasthan !! while none of them is Christen , while as per Rule ,As per Indian constitute it should be 10% as Indian Christen +Indian Muslim population in Rajasthan is 10% !!??

(3) Mr. ALTAF HUSSAIN ,Who given Sub Inspector Police combined competitive Exam-2001 ,

Who was selected in Preliminary Exam ,Then Main exam got 68.5% marks ,then Physical test got 100% marks who have 60% in BA , who have NCC certificate !!

,But he did NOT Selected !! by Interview only taken by BJP=RSS liked Hindus police officers !!

Mr. ALTAF HUSSAIN , father is retired Indian army person ,who selected for army,

lower post in 1948 that time was congress party= Nehru & Indra Gandhi party in whole India .

(4) Now the written exam marks = General Hindi =104/200 , General science = 170/200

Total marks in written exam = 274 /400 =68.5% + Physical effect test 100/100=100%

(5) His Interview marks = 26/ 50 =52% !!?? he got 69% in written and he given only 52% Marks in interview ,By Hindus police officer =BJP=RSS Made police officers ,

He NOT Selected by interview only !! just by 8 numbers only in interview =if he got 34 marks=68% in interview ,he make be today Indian minority police officer !!!??

Sir this man have approx 60 % in BA Exams , first class marks !!?? This man have NCC –C certificate also !! even then !!!??

(6) In this interview the selection committee did select only one Indian Muslims girl !

Note : Please these people were selection committee =Interview board Interview taken place on 25-06-2004 = (1) Chairman =C .R Choddhari

(2) A DG = B. S Chohan , (3) DIG= B. L Khadkavat (4) One psychologists

Total candidate give exam was 22,000 =22 Thousands ,

The candidates remaining in Interview , 117 candidate were called for OBCs =39 posts ,

670 candidates called for 134 Posts of ST / SC !!!??

36 candidate called for 12 posts of general !! ??

There was 39 posts for OBCs ,they did not taken any Indian minority Male =Boy in this exam =None of Indian christen ,None of Indian Muslim , male got selected here !! only one Indian Muslim girl got selected b’se his father is DIG Police !!?? all OBCs selected candidate were Hindus only !!??

Notable thing is from , past 1998 to 2004 =6 years , it was only one exam for Sub Inspector Police !!??

there were 3 Muslim Boy all of them discard by selection committee ,=NOT Selected by interview only he given less marks in interview ,all OBCs Other back word class , selected candidates were Hindus only ,none of them is, Indian christen Indian Muslim Male !!

Now the interviews questions :

His interview was taken on date , 25-06-2004 , time 1:00 PM to 1:10 PM

Questions asked :

(1) They asked when you did 10th ,11th ,12th education !!??

(2) They him his subjects in BA

He told , geography , political science , Hindi

(3) Asked tell five examples of ferrous ,and non ferrous each

He told , ferrous = Iron , Mn , Tungsten , Gypsums , Zink

Non ferrous = glass , Rock phosphate , Lime stone , asbestos ,

(4) where you will got line stone ,and Gypsum

He told , lime stone in Chittorgarh , Rajasthan , Gypsum in Nagor , Malvaa Bhadavasii

(5) what are uses of lime stone and gypsum

He told , these used to make cement

(6) tell all districts around Nagor

He told , Ajmer, Jaipur ,siker , Churu , Bikaner , Jodhpur

(7) what is global warming !?

he told answer

(8) what is shabano case !!

(9) why the formation of india ,Pakistan taken place ??

(10) who is famous editor on communal harmony of Hindu, Muslim

(11) why you want to make Sub Inspector police !!??

(12) why Iraq war taken place !!??

(13) where are shia ,sunni Muslims are living in india !!??

(14) which global incident taken place recently !!??

(15) I have one kid ,who failed in BA Exam , tell me the causes !!?

(9) It happened B’se these people have order from Gulab Chand Katariya =Home minister Of Rajasthan =RSS =BJP Political leader ,who selected from udaipur City , only as MLA !!??

its RSS=BJP Formula that removed maximum Indian Muslim ,Indian christen n from Police jobs !! (10) these all jobs those got in congress party ruled only !! BJP Removed 200 Indian Muslims police officers just in 15 years of there ruled ,it given them forced retirement before there date by putting charges on them of corruption ,while every body know that Police department if most corrupt department of government ,

(11) it =RSS=BJP did not removed Corrupt Hindu police office only removed Indian minorities !!??

its data of transparency international ,Delhi branch =UN Branch which watch Honesty !!

His Roll Number was =501474 , that time Total Posts of Sub Inspector Police was 200,

This examination taken place on 28-07-2002, he

I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

I selected for three =3 Jobs in Gulf=International Jobs ,from 1996 to 1998 (1) Oman copper Industries Co , S.A.O.G ,1996 , They offered me salary =~15,000 Indian rupees per month + free furnished accommodation +food free , they send me VISA +Air ticket ,at my home address But my former wife stopped me, b’se she was Teacher in Rajasthan government +our marriage that time pas out only 8 months !(we divorced in 2001 ) ,2nd interview telegram from NAMA =Saudi government =Arabian industrial development company ,on 1998 , Pl my , 3rd interview & international selection in Abdullah Hashim Gas company , in 1997 they offer me ~29,000 Indian rupees per month . ! I want to mention one special thing that here my interview was taken director of chemistry division who was from Pakistan and manager ,Hindus from south india , they taken my interview for 30 minutes , director of chemistry div asked me many questions concern depth of Gas chromatography , he shown me many problems diagrams concern Gas chromatography problems asked me the all possible solutions , he asked me 20 question with diffract problems in GC , and all possible answers , as I given 96% true answers , he select me on the spot it self , and

Asked me to Join the company , this I mention that in all interview at india there should be one Pakistani , Arabic Chemistry ,physics, engineering person should be there , so that it will be good for person like me =Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A =Minority , if he was not there then that south Indian manager was taken south Indian person on this Job also !!??

Pl I did not got any Job in Indian private chemical industries =Tata ,Birla ,Reliance ,++Any privet chemical industries +Indian Government petrochemical company +Indian government chemical company from 1980 to 2009 =Birth to till now !! it tell me that There is , Reservation for Hindu only !! or they like to cut ,Minorities ,OBCs ,ST/SC jobs offer just by looking there names !! Like me =Ruhel Chistry it look like christen !! now time to start Pure –Minorities ,OBCs ,STs, SCs industries ,where only these people will work & will got ownerships & all management post will be with them only !! & they can given jobs to Hindu Crème layer & middle creamy layer to 50% Hindu Population !! Sir when 27% Reservation to OBCs was given in 1990 =Social justice & affirmative action plan =this was opposed by FICCI =the federation of Indian chamber of commerce and industries & Also opposed By ASSOCHAM= Association chamber of commerce and industries ! P- 148 ,ISBN:81-7835-270-2(Vol 3) ,

Pl Note I was not got job in Any Private industries which is member of these organization in india ! these Indian industries shave 100% reservation for Hindus only ! =creamy layer middle creamy layer Hindus ! & these are Just 20-50% % of Indian pollution ! it tell that india is for Hindu only ! & all benefits for Hindu like Modi =15=10+5 years chief minister Gujarat ! Atal Bihari Vajpayee +Lal Krishan Advanni =Prime minister & Vice PM of india 10 years ! & these are those who did kill many Humen from minorities ! By Riots & riots only !! & these are controller of FICCI & ASSOCHAM !!

Notable thing that when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Give interview for gulf companies he have 98% successful results , But when Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Given interview to India companies s=Hindu companies he did not selected =100% fail result ,that why I did not like to give any interview to Indian =Hindu =Secular from 2003 to till now =6 ,bse its wasting of time plus to get tension only to meet Indian +Hindu !!?? while see Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Georgia , Norway ,Sweden , Australia , Libya , morocco + Poland , Malaysia ,Ukraine , Kazakhstan ,Ireland , these all got freedom in 1950,1970 ,1990 era , they have there own Religion scientist , chemical industries , Banks , Space ,defense ++++ they all were slave of UK ,or France , OR Portugal !!?? but they believe on there brain ,human power , they do not think like Hindu =Indian =secular !!??

While I found that Hindu territories =RAW, IB ,MI, CID-Rajputana ,Innovation are FK Nayak , Guddi , Kishan pole street Indian Muslims =support for Own ,benefit to Hindu world night torture 0,160,220 cps with support of Satellite technology=with Hindu terrorists =RAW,IB,MI from 1991 to till now 2009 15th September !!?? actually these are Genetic Hindu only !! like father of Pakistan Jinna was genetically Kashmiri Brahmin =Hindu !!??

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO , Now Not allowing me to apply Direct company job like =Chemist Analytical development , QC Chemist at,= ,, Saudi Arabia ,As they did NOT -keep any Indian HR agent as Mediator= third party , here they will directly came india will take interview +will provide selection letter +Visa ,air ticket !! and this Hindu Terrorist do not want that HR Agents money should go from poor Hindu nation ! it Hindu want that HR agents should be there and RAW,IB,MI will ask him to follow Hindu Norms –Atal ,Dr Manmohan Singh Norms =not to give Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A resume +selection letter to Gulf =ME Company !!??

I like to recommended that after Pakistan solid ,honest work on war against Taliban ,Al Quida from Jan 2009 to till now , ME =Gulf all companies should hire Pakistani also in Jobs in equal % then Indian !!?? 50% jobs to Pakistani +50% Jobs to Indian !!??

Pl I have with me still all telegrams +courier +Fax +VISA +Air tickets ! till 1998

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Cell =00919636919708

When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!

(6) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !

(its my real life case !)

(7) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist

(8) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya

(9) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan

(10) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) .

23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj , 313001

INDIA , Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chisty)

Mobile =0091-9636919708 Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )

Emails:, ,,

Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013

OBJECTIVE : A Middle Management Position ,required analytical ,technical ,creative skills


Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .

Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .


* 10 years experience with Analytical technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS

* One year with SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , ( SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies ), Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , GC=Gas Chromatography ,wet chemistry , UV/VIS =Colorimetric analysis +Other analysis ,On line analyzers –(Inside - technology ) ,for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate

* Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 Petrochemical companies ),

* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK

* We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants

* Worked with =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years ,for all Petrochemical analysis = DRO =diesel range organics ,GRO =Gasoline range organics , VOC=Volatile organic compounds ,BETX=benzene ,ethylene , toluene Xylene ,HC =hydro Carbon analysis ,THC =Total Hydrocarbon analysis ,PAH, PCB’s , + Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, · Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other ) Environmental analysis it self air monitoring ,stack monitoring , +other ) with ASTM , US-EPA , APHA ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002, Analysis of Gas ,Water , Condensate ,Sulphur ,steam ,portable water analysis , other bi products , sludge analysis

* have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in1989 , I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist !

* I got Invitation for , speaker presentations for upcoming event of ,: Pharma R&D Opportunities

* Please I am invited to submit suggestion to improvement Pittsburgh conference 2006,2007 ,

* Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,


2008 Jan-2008 Dec (31st ) : Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , here I was Middle management

* For All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate ,

* The technology provider = Licensor = was KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,

* I did set the all GC’s =Gas chromatography instrument inner configuration with detectors , columns .as team work with Agilent engineers and management . we had there more then 15 GCs for Phenolic Project

* I made LIMS excel sheets ,for Whole Phenolic Project . which was my work as QA –Management technical support .

* I made SOP’s =ISO Methods for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project .

* I made TLV/SLV data sheets =health hazards for Whole Phenolic Project

* I made hard copies ,soft copies of MSDS of Whole Phenolic Project .

* I made two presentations (1) Basics of gas chromatography (2) Phenolic project for Saudi Kayan – this specially for Saudi Arabic = Local - technicians , so that they can learn the Gas chromatography , basics in detail and beginning and advanced level !!?? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .

* I made list of Journals ,periodicals ,books for library of QA Laboratory=Saudi Kayan =SABIC

, this have 200 journals , periodicals ,books from the world best publishers like ACS ,RSC ,AAAS, +++ Cambridge university press ,oxford university press ,MIT Press ,+++these all journals ,books ,periodicals will buy by SABIC ,Saudi Kayan ,as I given 5 days for this selection from my real life work with professional chemistry to 16 years .

* I made JQP =Test questions =170 questions , and there answers for Lab –Technicians ,QA –technical support ,Phenolic project , they have to be get more then 60% in these tests ,to be continuous in job progress !!?? note : answers for management people only) this I made for specially for Saudi –Arabic =Local - technicians , so that they can learn the detail chemistry of Phenolic project =other projects at Saudi Kayan also !!? as I given answers of all questions that make them good Technician and chemist ,for Saudi Kayan =SABIC !!!??? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .

* I made Local Lab =plant Lab analysis methods data sheet =What analysis should be done for Local Lab Whole Phenolic Project .

* I worked for ISO-17025 at Saudikayan

* I made analysis methods for central labs for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project

* I know the procedure of inter-laboratory /international laboratory proficiency testing certificate .

* Have knowledge of incident investigation and reports

* Leading meetings , Understand and participate in department goals

* Please I did Also work for AMINES PROJECT =Ethanol amines ,and Ethoxylates at , =Mono Ethanol Amine ,Di Ethanol Amine ,Tri Ethanol Amines=100,000 TPA its ,made from Ethylene Oxide and , Ammonia (=NH3=From SAFCO) reaction , this By Licensor Oxiteno , Brazil Project , Ethoxylates= C12-C15 , Fatty Alcohol , Nonyl Phenol , Glycol (DEG,TEG) , Castor Oil ,Sorbitan Monooleate ,Tallow Amines .

* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Olefins = By Licensor = (1) Himout (Italia ) And (2) Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) (3) Basel- Poly Olefins

* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Carbonate By Licensor = Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , , for EC=Ethylene Carbonate ,DMC =Di Methyl Carbonate , DPC =Di phenyl Carbonate , PC =Poly Carbonate . I had there , all chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS of Phenolic and Amine Projects .

* as “Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis” I work for Saudi Kayan –All-Plants ,=,I had there all its chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS !And , also ,its analysis part by Davy Process technology ,and Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Raw material and product specification , chemical data sheet , = amine reaction , Ammonia Stripping ,Ammonia Absorption amine drying, MEA purification , DEA Splitting , TEA Purification , evaporation package unit, I work one year at SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co

2001 Feb -2003 Oct /Feb : Analytical Chemist , at =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years.

* Analytical technique (=Gas chromatography , IR,FTIR ,IR-412.8 ,Photometric ,colorimetric ,Potentiometer ,Micro biology , Environmental testing = Petro chemicals = HC,THC,PAH, PCB’s , +DRO,GRO, VOC ,BETX =~All -(Petrochemicals), ) , Soil , waste water ,drinking water ,air –analysis , stack analysis ,Sludge analysis ++

* Worked for IR 418.1 Method for HC/THC -Worked on GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS also +with US-EPA ,APHA ,ASTM ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002 Accredited & Dubai municipality approved laboratory

* Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, · Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other) Environmental analysis it self ,did air monitoring ,stack monitoring , with latest instruments =Chemio sensors , +other ) with US-EPA Parameters * Pl you can check this laboratory works ,form web

July 1992 –July 1998 : R & D Chemist , At =Udaipur –Raj India =6 years

* There I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ), to check , purity to 99.95% to 100 % of fine chemicals=Pl I did work for Japan project= Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 50 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure -I did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & I worked on this project ~2 years !!

* >95% Purity of different pesticides ,raw materials ,intermediate ,final products

* Pl I was independent handling laboratory shift work .here I was analyzing Plant organic chemicals , samples ,R&D Samples (where four scientist were making different innovative organic chemicals =Pesticides ,Fine chemicals ,++Other ,doing analysis of R&D Analytical products by GC/FID , UV/VIS ,IR + doing wet chemistry ,responsible for sampling collection ,analysis ,environmental regulations ,provision of technical assistance to operation at Pilot plant & main plant ,work with SOP& MSD ,did maintain proper chemical regime & operate various analysis follows standard work procedure and practice for - Japan project to purity 99.995% =fine chemicals & did control plant ,from ,lab to next steps & isolation !! undertake analysis of different raw materials ,finished product for Japan project ,fine chemical to purity 99.995%

* Pl I have 10 years experience with UV/VIS ,IR,FTIR,GC-FID /PID,-ECD =Gas chromatography latest instrument ,of HP& Perkins Elmer ,To analytical research ,Validation ,impurities profiling ,stabilities studies ,,etc , I have 6 years experience (R& D /QC/-Analytical chemist ) ,with , pesticides =insecticides ,herbicides++ & fine chemicals=PFP =Para Fluro phenols ,APF =Aniline Para phenols , PNCB ++

* Worked with Gas Chromatography , Spectrophotometer ,Infra Red analyzer , Flash tester + other instrument of Petrochemicals , Prepared Solutions ,standard solution , for tests , reporting of damage instrument , maintain records of chemical ,glassware , + other , for shift requirement ,


* ACS (American Chemical Society ) 2001-2009 !

* Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry ) 2001-2009!

* Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute


* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK


* BSc Physics ,chemistry ,Mathematics , 1990 , , India ,

* Note : Pl , sir , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in ,1989= 2nd year BSc , of MLS University ,Udaipur-Raj India 313001 . Pl attached scans = [College –BSc ,position certificate + 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in Integration and differential =Maths 1989 BSc

* MSc Chemistry ,1992 , , India ,

REFERENCES: available upon request

Note : On 21 -09-2008 I submit one Article to My officials = = for good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .. Ruhel Chisty( MRACI-C.Chem) =Ruhel Chistry ( MRACI-C.Chem) , This article come from my independent work as Research and development chemist /scientist with my previous company ,where I was getting many samples ,from four =4 ,Scientific managers ,those were making new ,new chemicals frequently , were doing all research and development to get maximum purity and maximum yield ,and I was analyzing these different chemicals =final product ,raw material

Every week with new method and with columns . I was able to get data what they are doing there in synthesis steps ,like changing PH , changing catalysts ,changing some time Raw materials =by changing root . some of them doing formulation also .

Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! who had 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and integration=mathematics at BSc level , did work for Japan project=Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure - did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & worked on this project ~2 years With Japan Quality control ,where our sent samples were counter checked by Japan Scientist /chemist ,none of sample return back except initial stage .when both team were working to finalize method . GC method .
. have 70% BSc Physics ,68% BSc chemistry +have 10 years experienced as Analytical chemistry=chemist/scientist , included, ~3 years from ISO -9002 ,BVQI , Dubai municipality accredited lab ,=International experience . I am member of ACS ,IUPAC Now Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.= , Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) . Date 22-09-2008 ,Time : 6:05 AM . Actually this article was for conference ANTEC 2009, !! this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++ either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical companies Ruhel Chisty Date 06-11-2008 with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!?? Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013 Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 15-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Cell 00919636919708 , 16 attachments ACS-Ruhel Certificate.jpg 267K View Scan and download IUPAC.jpg 1048K View Scan and download LTS-Certificate.jpg 116K View Scan and download passport1.jpg 80K View Scan and download passport2.jpg 1533K View Scan and download Ruhel ChistyMRACI CChemA - Copy (2).jpg 80K View Scan and download Ruhel Picture-saudi Kayan-2[1][1].2-To sent.jpg 244K View Scan and download Ruhel Position certificate.jpg 128K View Scan and download Ruhel-RACI-Certificate.JPG 74K View Scan and download ResumeACS -UN 224-18092009-Adel-Tanzanian,II Terrorist expert, ,JPHE,Qun Li.-IV.,WMD-VI.,Sikh ,Linkdn,HiTech,AnjumNiaz,ETimor,,Elihu Eli l,LTS.,RAW Terrrorist org......doc 1112K View as HTML Scan and download Ruhel Word Converter Scanner.pdf 904K View as HTML Scan and download Ruhel-Micro -GCMS..pdf 2266K View as HTML Scan and download Ruhel-Sensor-2003 IUPAC.pdf 331K View as HTML Scan and download Oelrich, Ivan (, RAW , Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists-18092009.doc 272K View as HTML Scan and download East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army,TH-I...doc 179K View as HTML Scan and download Terrorist expert from India =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A -Doc,PDF -08092009...doc 115K View as HTML Scan and download
 Reply:   Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (20/Sep/2009)

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10 Honest nation , USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates top 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,for my work to protect world environmental + global warming , Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work +it fear that ME =Gulf Muslims religion people will got rise over Indian =Hindu ,poor ,huge population !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption data in INDIA at Transparency international web !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,
I want to mention that once in will get USA ,Canada ,EU Citizenship +work there I will put my all money in Christen banks + will get interest of my saving money till I have money , bse from past 2009 Jan to till now 20 Sept 2009 , I am getting threat from Indian =Hindu +Muslims , that you are getting interest of your saving gin india only !!?? other nations =USA ,EU ++ UN =world bank are not providing !!??

Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .
Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!??
we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .
she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive
(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .
(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,
to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India
Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,
While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India
I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,
Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.
MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,
Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,
AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land
ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )
IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )
Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=
INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )
Passport Number:-E-6884179
Date Of Birth 26-08-1966
Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)
ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009
Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,
Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)
Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10 Honest nation , USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates top 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,for my work to protect world environmental + global warming , Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work +it fear that ME =Gulf Muslims religion people will got rise over Indian =Hindu ,poor ,huge population !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption data in INDIA at Transparency international web !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,
I want to mention that once in will get USA ,Canada ,EU Citizenship +work there I will put my all money in Christen banks + will get interest of my saving money till I have money , bse from past 2009 Jan to till now 20 Sept 2009 , I am getting threat from Indian =Hindu +Muslims , that you are getting interest of your saving gin india only !!?? other nations =USA ,EU ++ UN =world bank are not providing !!??

From Feb. 2008 to Dec 2008 ,RAW==India intelligence= A Hindu terrorist organization, Used Indian living in Juabil ,Saudi Arabia specially muffseer apartment , one flat =6 Indian =Operator level , low profiles Indian + Indian working in Saudi Kayan 2200 =two thousand two hundred Indian = Upper level to lower level =G12 Upper to G3 lower , there was only 7=Seven Pakistani ,100 Indonesian , 100 Pilipino were hired in Saudi Kayan , for Jobs !! But from Jan 2008 it self these Indian start to torture me by Body rays ,brain voice 0,160 ,220 to 2500 Cps !!?? and night torture was also from 11.30 PM to 2.30 AM by Indian living in muffseer apartment , these Indian =Secular !!it was continuous from Jan 2008 to till December 2008 ,=whole 1 years !! every day torture By Indian in front of USA,UK ,Korean , China
, European ,Pakistani ,Local Saudi , Qatar ,Kuwaiti ,with out any shame =with think Indian are great !!
intension was clear that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A should do not have nay job in hand +no money !!?? should go back to Kalam ,Dr Manmohan Singh nation + live there unemployed +see the secular Indian !!??? + see the play of RAW =Hindu terrorist intelligence !!?? now I can say ,SABIC Should hire Pakistani , as 1000 ,1200 + Saudi governments , ,they have good records of Counter terrorism from Jan 2009 to till now , they are not like secular !! india which I seen +face in Saudi Arabia +india !!??there work against terrorist is accept world level !!?? proved work !!??
Saudi Kayan have 30 USA , 200 UK , 200 Europe , 100 Korean +2 China !!?? =working for Licensor = KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,
And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .
As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??
New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!
(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(its my real life case !)
(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist
(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya
(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan
(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why
PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009
This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,
a leading global market research provider, and your participation is
critical. Here's why:

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If you haven't already done so, join now.

Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser
Product Marketing Director
Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??
That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,
In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?
As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,
Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,
(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??
China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!
The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??
(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!
(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??
(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??
(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??
(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!
That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??
What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??
Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!
=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .
While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??
Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??
This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .
They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??
(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??
(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .
(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??
(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .
It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,
While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .
While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??
His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )
He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??
Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!
I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,
If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!
these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and
I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,
Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??
The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !
(its my real life article !)
On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM
I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !
I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !
But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala
On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,
does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??
I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009
and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??
(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .
(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .
Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)
Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??
They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??
but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??
This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak
to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

Bcc:,,, Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry , Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry ,
Dear Oelrich, Ivan ( Acting President of the Federation of American Scientists

RAW =A Hindu terrorist organization for Indian minorities it self =those are Non Hindu !!??
(Real Article : From My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life )

RAW =Research analysis wing have killing activities for Indian Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists from past 30 years =Non Hindu =RAW is terrorist organization for we minorities also then Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,ME =Gulf =Specially UAE , Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Malaysia, And China +Assam +Kashmir !!??

1 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia : ( Its controlled by PMO= Dr Manmohan Singh!! from 2003 to till now ) )

RAW existence I face in Saudi Arabia =Jubail at Mufssir Apartment at My flat 1/11 Saudi Arabia

At My TV , from Feb 2008 to 2008 December, this Hindu terrorist organization was active there , its have power full satellite technology got from KGB =Russian International terrorist organization founded by Stalin !!??

RAW have ability from Satellite , to listen talk at Any place of Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,india !! ?? can see you in dark ,can see your dress in dark , can see you at depth of 20 feet inside Building ,can listen your talk there , with out any problem all through satellite technology !!?? can see you in Bath room , can see you in Bedroom in nigh =Dark night !!?? this much power is with Hindu Now !!?? =it control by Prime minister office Only !!?? it =RAW is not responsible to give answers of any question to any body else in India included Any Minister !!any Army officer !!??

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! (1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

Then in 2008 = again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world = federation of American scientist issued report on ,

RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka ,

RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west

Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan,

!!??specially from east Pakistan ,RAW Reached at East Pakistan in 1960 it self !!?? RAW Trained Mukti Bahini ,but also Arms to worker of Mukti Bahini in 1970 !!??

This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!??

Not only this about RAW ,Shri Lanka one leading news Paper =Daily Mirror , told that RAW , is playing heinous role in regional counties to destabilized them , having rise nursed and fortified to LTTE , =Liberation Tiger of Tamil eelam , ,this news paper mention that RAW ,employee are , bankrupt and spiritually barren , like Ravi Nair 1975 having , allegedly affair with other nation spy , and 2004 , Rabinder singh , he escaped to CIA =USA with copies of several highly confidential documents ,having affair with US embassy based female spent time in resorts at Delhi JAIPUR HIGH WAY !!??

RAW is doing one more work , in UK ,Canada ,USA , ME =Gulf ,on fighting against its separatist =Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikh , separatist , it getting annually 250 millions to counter these separatist in USA, Candaa, UK !!??

It doing illegal funding to Political candidates in USA in 1996 it given 46,000 $ illegal fund to Political candidates at USA , for federal election , the Indian , man caught was Lalit H Ghadia , who put in front of USA Court ,he accept that he worked through Indian embassy , and various Indian American organization ,

Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!??

RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!??

about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board ,

Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??

( Parts from FAS + Ali Sukhanver =Pakistan based nation and international strategic and defense affair )

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

RAW was torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , at my TV by TV Free voice mode , and using its Indian population =those are 50% population of Jubail working in Petrochemical companies there !!? using Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!?? it was using Indian =Secular Hindu ,Indian Muslims at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,Riyadh ,Bahrain !!?? =these are 3.5 lacks in Population at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,while there are 10,000 people of UK ,10000 people from USA ,10000 from South Korea , 5000 from China , 50,000 from Pakistan ,50,000 from Bangladesh , 50000 from Philippine in Jubail in front of these all Indian were torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A at open level !!?? !!

B;se I am not Hindu =I am Minority !!??

while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !!

2 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india , up to abused in terror level!! : (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

Udaipur Raj INDIA , Hindus Human society research=Torture ,on Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =Rchisty , Minority scientist ,By use of RAW + Satellite technology ,TV Free voice mode ,+0,160,220 cps Brain waves torture By order of RAW =PMO =Prime minister office India , going on from 1991 to 2009 ,18th September )

Hindu Defense -experiment , working for use of its huge population , training like as Bio robot by satellite + TV free voice mode At Udaipur Rajasthan INDIA 313001 ,313002, this city have 2.6 lacks are Hindu ,75,000 are Indian Muslim !! also fully supporting this torture to minority scientist=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , ,as these are Con ,poor ,Corrupt , !! AS THIS POOR NATION HAVE HUGE POPULATION=So huge BIO Robots for Hindu world !!??this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? so these Hindu =Indian will captured whole world in 2137 those having Kalam ,Sharuk Khan Nayak ,Amir Khan , M Agwani ,S Agwani ,Q Chisty , FK Nayak , like Indian Muslims +5000 Illiterate Indian Muslims from Kishan pole Udaipur =BJP =RSS Lover getting EU , NGOs $ ,to these poor Indian Muslims also !! !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!?? have to live like Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A from 1991 to till now !!??This Hindu terrorist Organization =RAW , have one Indian Muslims = Dr MS Agwani ,

Who was teaching to Nation foreign affair Officials ,India , National Defense academic , upper level Hindu army people , National civil servants , from past 1955 to till now !! who is from Udaipur Raj india ,who is advisor to Prime minister ,president of india from 1964 to 2009 !! he also have full support to RAW and Udaipur Hindu society brain waves torture 0,160,220 cps from 1991 to till now ,18 September 2009 !!?? he is representing India at international level ,for diplomatic level +peace !!?? actually he is part of RAW ,IB,MI ,PMO as he have good relation ships of all former presidents Like Gayanni Jail Singh + Nelam snajev Reddy + Dr Manmohan Singh + Indra Gandhi as he was Prof in JNU ,and vice chancellor in JNU !!?? these type of profs ,advisors to PMO India are ,those fuel kill of Innocent Assam ,Kashmiri , Minorities at all india level =At all Hindu nation level as these type of Indian professors are getting good salaries +respected what RAW =Hindu terrorist organizations getting from prime ministers of this Hindu nation =India directly !!?? 250 Million $ annually to RAW for international activities only !!?? like this Hindu nation PMO providing fukll money to these types of JNU +Other universities professors also those deal with International affairs + diplomatic channels if this Hindu nation ,yes these may be Indian Muslims +Indian Sikh ,Pharisee + Indian Buddha !!??

Ruhel Chisty date 18-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

3 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Dubai =UAE =International level !!?? (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

RAW was torturing me in Dubai also from Feb 2001 to 2003 Feb. by use of Indian living there in Dubai =LTS =Lone start technical service Dubai !!?? this company is Indian Company = torture by use of Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

RAW was using its Population at ME =Gulf different countries and Indian embassies there !!?? to use its power at International level to prove Asian power !!?? =By Hindu terrorist organization !!?? like KGB was doing on innocent Russian people !!?

these people enjoying these things from 1991 to 2001 in Udaipur Raj India , and from 2008 23rd Jan in Bahrain , 2008, 24th Jan to 2008 ,16th dec in Jubail ,Riyadh =Saudi Arabia ,Indian did open torture by brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in front of 182 nations people =EU ,USA ,Korea ,Japan , Canada ++++Australia ++ as Jubail =KSA have 60% its population from india only ,those are working there in petrochemical companies !!?? then from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb in Dubai ,Abu Dhabi ,Shajarha , Oman , Ajman ,Fujarah , its was all open done by Indian !!?? while Udaipur Raj 313001 .02 INDIA was place for this research on Human !! it was Hindu defense research to use its Poverty rich ,corrupt Human population to produced , Ruhel Bipolar Disorder ,By 0,160,220 cps ,use of satellite technology + TV Free voice mode to guide to these Hindus , !!??

RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india from 1991 to 2009 ,20th September It train Udaipur Human dogs Like Dog , trainer are training ,these people=RAW , given huge money to udaipur people =Hindu Muslims both, the money this Poor Hindu + Indian , got from NGOs in Europe +world bank –Japan +Korea + Germany ,France for ,Handicaps ,blind ,ill ,Mental !! and Distributed to Hindu +Kishan pole street like Indian Muslims 5000 Indian Muslims these are illiterate ,con even not educated up to 10 standard it self in Hindi medium But these are RAW ,=Indian terrorist organization faith full Human dogs !!??
In 1990 there was no good home in this street which can be confirmed by UN Satellite ,ESA ,NASA satellite pictures also !!?? But not these illiterate Indian Muslim having 5 story buildings , Government jobs +huge bank balance as these all support to RAW , =New idea = Bio robots , + these illiterate Indian Muslim like to give Vote to BJP + few congress also !!?? these can be used by RAW to do Bomb blast in Pakistan ,Shri lanka , + other part of world !! as these are also getting good per month amount from RAW = Hindu intelligence for its project =Bio robots from satellite technology !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-09-2009 ,These all points for Interpol ,UNODC ,UNSC ,UNGA , EU ,USA =FBI ,Europol !!??

Compare of ME =Gulf and India = Hindu =secular !!?? = Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular = given many proof to Bush jr =poor Brain +Republicans !!??

I found that ME =Gulf (these are non Hindu =Non Indian ) people are best for Indian Minorities =Like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! But from Feb 2003 to 2008 =Continuous 5 years Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh Human –dogs start to bark on me that your wrote against UN =UNGA , UNSC from Dubai !! it came to us =Hindu =Secular !!?? they 1.0 Billion Hindu=Secular start to rise voice at Bush Jr =republicans that we have some email from Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,that do not have by Dubai government which he wrote from Dubai !! the maximum voice rise by Udaipur Hindu +kishan pole Street Indian Muslims =secular By Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Then this Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO kept me forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 By use satellite technology =TV free voice mode ,Internet , Mobile ,Fax, Emails , Mail = by kidnapped these all !!??
while Indian government =Secular =Dr Manmohan Singh !! providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?
While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??
Then in 2008 =Again I reached to ME =Gulf =Saudi Arabia again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

While this secular =Hindu =Dr Manmohan Singh =People =Human did , (In India =A Hindu nation ) = Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide , ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Victims still suffering from Justice , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10, USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,
for my work to protect world environmental + global warming ,
Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption in INDIA !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,

This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!?? finally these people given kicked on his face and put him in blood and unconscious !!!??

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!
if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

(12-e) Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .

 Reply: , must do research untouched topics from India
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (20/Sep/2009)

Transparency International = , must do research on these following untouched topics from India like Huge population ,Corrupt ,poor ,frauds ,Hindus nation

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

(1) By Knowing that this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!??

(2) India =Hindus anti terrorism work is only to rise india =Hindus at International Map ,
Its Intelligence is doing lot of Illegal activities = at International map +national map !! = federation of American scientist issued report on ,
RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka , RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west
Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan, This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!??
Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!?? RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!?? about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board , Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??

(3) The Bomb Blast of Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast =Maharastra done by Hindu terrorist Group . = Bajrangdal Not only this , Samjotta Express (Train ) ,bomb blast also done by Hindu terrorist groups in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indian humen =Indian citizen +60 Pakistani Citizens !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani , !!
,I have doubt that these have support from RAW = India intelligence , so that india will able to tell world that these All Bomb blasts in India done by Muslims terrorist only from neighboring countries of India !! so that India can able to stop USA aids to Pakistan on war against Al Quida ,Taliban !!?? + will able to rise at Bush Jr =Poor brain And ,republican level !!

While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!
if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 20-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

The explosive instrument used was IED =Improvised explosive device ,(Notable thing is this also used by Al-Quida in Iraq ,from past 2001 to till now to kill innocent Iraqi ) and explosives are RDX , Ammonium nitrate , ammonium nitrite ,

Loop holes in Charge sheet =4528 pages , made and submit in Mumbai High court , by ATS-MH=Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , concern Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .

Now Loop Holes :
(1) ATS Mumbai ,did not touch =interrogate ,the Himani Saverkar ,who did married with Mahatma Gandhi Murder family person ,who is near daughter of Saverkar one of founder of RSS =Hindu terrorist group , she is clearly saying in open conferences that reply bomb is only bomb !!??
(2) ATS Mumbai did not touch =interrogate , Abhinav Bharat Group , which
ATS Given videos talk of this group members taking about , bomb explosions in India ,destroy Indian democracy, these people were doing open talk to produce hate against Indian constitute in Hindu Youth of India +NRI, only that part of Indian constitute which supporting Indian minorities , and hate against Indian democracy which supporting Indian minorities !!??
(3) Abhinav Bharat Group , are taking about the Hindu Army Rule in India, and ATS Given 2000 pages proofs ,videos recordings , against Abhinav Bharat Group those were taking conferences , meeting like these talks !
(4) But ATS Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , Did not taken any step to counter and put them in Court and jails after open trails !!??\
(5) ATS =MH, left , the groups of Indian army officers ,those are working ,and retired ,concern , involvement in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blasts !!!?? these groups of Indian army officers intension is clear to make Hindu Nation on behalf of kill ,murder ,bomb blasts ++
(6) ATS –MH also Left , (1) Ramesh Sivajee Upadhaya , Raikar = former Indian army official , he was commanded in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune , he given this place to train the Hindu terrorist for Bomb explosions in India , (7) ATS –MH also Left one more former Indian army officer =Sanat Kumar Bhatee , He was also involved in these bomb blasts ,
(8) ATS –MH , And ATS Pune taken hand ,to open the complete link between the Indian army and these bomb blasts in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .
(9) ATS Given clean chits to all Indian army officials , ATS taken them as only witness !?
(10) while ATS –MH And pune attend the special training from these mention Indian army officials !?
(11) ATS –MH,Pune left ,the two times BJP Member of parliament = Cornel Dhar and Delhi based one doctor = RP Singh , those were supporting to make new nation like Abhinav Bharat , these people were active member of these things !!
(12) ATS –MH ,Pune keep mum on link with these two , Cornel Dhar and RP Singh , + Abhinav Bharat Group , with other BJP Leaders those are political powerful !!??
(13) ATS –MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of cornel Purohit , =Indian army official ,concern which , ATS –MH ,Pune given video recording in that he was telling , (14) ATS MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of people working in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune and Akanssha resorts where the Hindu terrorist trainings were taken place !!?? and ATS –MH,Pune shown very politeness on these two organizations !!??
While this nation voter =millions , promoted Mr. Modi as Gujarat ruler =Chief minister for 2003-2008 then 2008 to 2013 !! two more terms !! whose Ministers ,Police officer were openly accused for 2002 Gujarat genocide !!
Now Naveen Patnayak given again one more term for Chief minister , In Orissa ,who was chief minister of Orissa 2008 ,when Christen genocide taken place !! Where victims of genocide still getting threat from Criminals ,genociders ,raper ,police officers !! Please note it tell that Indian Voters are Maximum Hindus those like to do Orrisa 2008 ,Christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka Christen genocide ,2002 Gujarat genocide and they are electing again that Government which protected genocider ,criminals ,raper, again election that Police officers those did support in all these High level human crime !! notable thing is these voters are in millions population !! these are concentrate Hindus ,these are crime lover ,these genocide lover ,in my view these voter are Taliban ,these are terror !!?? note Indian 50 million to 60 million voter love BJP =Genocider of christen ,Muslims !! and its when India is member of UN All branches ,its in 2100 Era !! ??
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
Note : In My view ,FBI ,Interpol ,UN Anti terror branch= CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, UNODC ,Europol ,should take all Data ,proofs ,from Indian government ,concern Hindu terrorism !! and these international anti terror organizations will get the ways of Hindu terror probes !!??
should ask to Indian government to permit for interrogate to Lt colonel Parsad Purohit + Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia + LK Advani + ,at least they will able to know that is Hindu terrorism !! how smart these people are !!? what is definitions of Hindu terrorism if you do investigation in India only against Hindu terrorism !! Ruhel at least they will get the range and tactics of this Hindu terror !!?? Ruhel Date 03-01-2009 while I like to mention here that ATS - Anti terror squad –Maharastra , public prosecutor =Ajay Misar lodge a complain in Sarkarwada Police station that on 16th Nov 2008 ,that he got one threat
At his phone , from Hindu terror group , for him and for ATS Chief = Hemant Karkare ,who got killed in 26/11 Mumbai terror attack just 9 days later !!??
While on 13th Jan 2009 , Hubbali- WB , press conference ,the northern range , Inspector general of police , =Mr Ragvandra Oradcar , given , speech that behind , Hubbali –Court Bomb blast ,on may 2008 , there was Hindu terrorist ,not SIMI !! while in may 2008 there was Karnataka Election ,and BJP taken full benefit to win ,maximum seats !! b’se BJP try to prove that these Bomb blast did by Indian minorities !!?? the man find behind this blast was =Nagraj Gangabi , he was PA of one Concentrate Hindu politician , they found nine =9 other Hindu terrorist in link this !!??
Ramesh Pavaar , Ling Raj Jalagar , ++, While this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi was member of Shri Ram Sena ,who is doing attacks on girls and boys ,at Pubs = high society - Bar at Banglour now a days they did attack on three pubs =bar !!?? this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi is very closed to Pramod Mutallik founder of Shri Ram sena ,who is Like Praveen Togadia of Karnataka !!?? the full other part can be found at The Indian express, Only one news paper of India who is writing against Hindu terror !!Only one !!?? from all news papers ,news media ,includes NDTV , this news channel is not allowed in Udaipur –RAJ , B’se here all Channels providers are from BJP=RSS=VHP=Bdal =Hindu terror wings !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 06-02-2009 , while this state police (all) is still in link ,getting order from former BJP=RSS Home minister (2003 -2008) =Gulab Chand Kataria (2003-2008) !!??
Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(b) while it found and discussed in Indian -parliament ,Rajya sabha ,by Members of parliament that 29 September , two -bomb blasts at Malegaon (Maharastra ) and Modasa ( Gujarat ) done by Hindu hardliners =Bajrangdal and Hindu Jagran Manch ,the probed reached to RSS Student wig= ABVP= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad , both blast taken place simultaneously , at two different places , (its all bomb blasts after the Banglour , Ahemdabd , Delhi bomb blasts ) they used RDX to do these bomb blasts !! Pleased note it !!!??
while it found that , SanatKumar Rajvithal Bhate , trained 115 Hindu activates ,to do bomb blasts ,from gelatin ,And RDX !! He got 300 gelatins ,from Bhosale Military school Nasik ,Pune ,
it found that these Hindu Hardliner put two motorcycles (1) at SIMI Office at Malegaon (Maharastra ) (2) At Modasa ( Gujarat ) they put with the Islamic sticker , and forensic investigator found that it attempt to mislead them , the motorcycles used were LML-Freedom and these Hindu hardliner , these people used main frame ,and engine ,from two different vehicles . and they erased the engine number , chassis number , but after forensic method it found that these numbers were , of Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur , which was registered at Surat RTO –Gujarat =Number = GJ 05 BR 1920 ,
While these Hindu terrorist used fake number plate but it was , on her name , Pragya Singh Thakur ,this was not sold ,and thief And second motorcycle was on name of =ABVP person ,who is running NGO in Indore =MP (Madhya Pradesh) –India , P-1,P-4 24 October ,2008 The Indian express ) the Malegaon (Maharastra ) bomb blast
taken six humen life , its taken place when 20,000 =twenty thousand Indian minorities were gathered at they holy time !! now surprised thing is national level political leader , Uma Bharti of BJS =Bharatis Bhartiya Janshakti Party , offer to Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur ,her party ticket ,form Mahdaya Pardesh =MP ,for MLA Election = political leader of India !!?? its when Pragya Singh Thakur is in police custody , with Maharastra Anti terror squad , this thing did not stop here BJP president also support her = Pragya Singh Thakur !!!?? P- 4, 31 October ,2008 ,The Indian express .
while it found that her father was RSS –worker !!?? while ATS = Anti terror squad have proof against her as her motorcycle ,and her 400 minutes conversation with Shyam Bhavarlal Sahu !!!?? after these all this offer to her are there !!??? =offer for MLA Election,from BJP president !!?? Ruhel date 30-12-2008 –Udaipur –raj India . Sir I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in india !!?? while about these all probes my view is that India is Hindu nation and what I seen the result of Justice Nanavatti committee report on Gujarat 2002 genocide !! it tell me that like this all probes are complex !! and its when Hindu terror name came it very typical to get 100% truth ,from Hindu police officials it self against Hindu terror !! its very rare and typical !!!??? Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 .
It open by Maharastra Police that Hindu terrorist Rajesh Dhavade (Malegaon Bomb accused) ,got training on Make Bomb ,by two chemistry -Hindu professors , from Pune , based Narsujee Vadiya college , professors names are Dr Sharad Kuntee (he was former VHP –head at Pune city) ,and Dr Dav , these two chemistry -Hindu professors teach them to make pipe –bombs , it also found that one more ABVP active Mr. Sameer Kulkanii ,who was involved in Jabalpur –MP ,riots ,he was main accused to provoke to riots !!?? ABVP= RSS Student wig= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad !!??Ruhel Date 30-12-2008 .
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 , the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr . Bhagwan
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen =Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??

While Made in india =Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report , concern Base of Gujarat 2002 genocide ! = Godhara –train case ! =
The LOOP HOLES of this report= Justice Nanavatti –Mehta report ,
(1) This commission made by Mr Narandara Modi it self =BJP=RSS ,6 years ago !!??
(2) There is no witness of , who burn Train =Godhara Train 2002 ,
(3) There was 200 total witness none of given talk ,proof to court that Train burn by Muslim -gathered !!??
(4) No body know ,that train was having Hindu car sevak , except BJP=RSS people ,even Gujarat government official -do not know !!
(5) Train was more then 5= more then five hours late , if any plan was there it was easily failed due to unlimited late train =that is also more then 5 hours !!?? it also tell that criminal were related to done Party only !!??
(6) Commission told that train Westuval was cut ,if it was cut then why , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission do not kept it as proof ,and sold to Kabadi = used thing buyer !!??
(7) During Court talk ,it proved by 200 witness that , train was stop by pulling it chain and it stop by Car sevak only ,b’s e few car sevak was left on station it self !!??
(8) Forensic experts , given proof that , by calculation by height of Train track and height of train window it is not possible to throw petrol like that in train !!??
(9) It is not east to cut Westuval of train with in few time !!??
(10) This Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission ignored many very important witness !!??
(11) While in 2002 the rail minister was Nitish Kumar =BJP Supporter that’s why he did not given any , investigation from railway official +railway police officer !!??
(12) There is no ,any record of justice UC Benarjee report in , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report !!?? While its very important !!??
(13) Justice Nanavatti –Mehta refused to take investigation of Narandara Modi = why !!?? this commission made many dual talk about , why ,burn train !!??
(14) while one honest - Police officer = RB Shri Kumar told to commission that he is getting threat from criminal that if he told true then he will loose the life !!? and this honest police office given record - proof of that threat telephone call in court also !!?? that also ignored by Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission = Mr Narandara Modi made =RSS=BJP Made !!??
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009

Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(a) Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
while its well known that mahatma Gandhi was killed by RSS person =Nathuram Godsae , a Marathi guy !!?? and Australian father Graham steen and kids=Christen ,murder and killer to live burn them = Dara Singh is Bajrang Dal person !!?? while Darasingh , lawyer was , brother of BJP Leader =Dealip singh Judev , who taken case of Hindu terrorist who was killer of three human ,Australian christen ,his case taken for free him by BJP Leader brother !!!?? Now BJP =RSS is telling that they will provide lawyer to Sadhvii Pragya Singh Thakur , !! while in India there is no rights for fake - framed Indian Muslim for terrorism !!?? but BJP is supporter of Hindu terrorist for Hindu lawyer in India !!!??
Kanpur UP –India ,two =2 ,Bajrang dal Person got killed during making bomb at home and many other got injured , Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps , (c) in Bhunashvar –India also one BJP leader kid and his friends were captured by police during making bomb CBI Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps !!!??? (d) in Karnataka =Danavgeer ,also there were attack on Indian christen taken place , , by VHP= RSS ,Bajrang Dal people ,and local police did directly support of this , and this local police made fake cases on 16 fathers =christen –holy people , and local police did not made single FIR against RSS ,BJP people ,while VHP,Bajrang Dal people taken directly responsibility of these attacks in front of media ,and local media ,as there is BJP is in power =ruling Karnataka, these VHP,Bajrang Dal people destroy the churches ,destroy the Jesus stachu ,
On 14 September 2008 , the VHP ,Bajrang Dal people attack on church at manglor the burn Bible , once nun called police ,police asked many question to nuns ,like is there =nun organizations in international ,is they are getting money from foreign !!!?? they =police did not taken any action against VHP, Bajrang Dal people ,one more incident in Karnataka , permuunar , Sant Sabsteen church , huge christen people were gathered there , suddenly Bajrang Dal ,VHP people came there , and start to through stones ,and brutally beaten to nuns ,father , and local police also directly support these Hidutava groups , the burn bible , destroy mother marry stachu , while one more incident , at Kodral church , there local police brutally beaten to nuns ,father plus school kids which is near to church and beaten to one 72 years old lady !!! Karnataka chief minister is Mr BS Yeddyurappa ,he refused to ban Bajrangdal !!??these all tell that BJP is sees it self at next ruling party in centre =new Delhi –HQ , Bajrang Dal have its branches called as Sri ram sena , now Bajrang Dal is planning to made Hindu suicide squad , there will be training to youth for die on cost of Hindu nation =Nationalist !!!?? these people will get training from Hindu police officials , Hindu Army officials, these things told by Pramod Mutalik ,head of Sri ram sena = Bajrang Dal !!! P -5, 22 September 2008 ,,=The Indian express ,
e) while in Rajasthan also ,my living place =birth state , after jaipur bomb blast Home minister of Rajasthan Order to police , to torture Indian Muslim ,bangala speaking people , and attack on Indian christen also taken place example are Jodhpur ,Bayavar , Its all to get Hindu votes as 5 states - election were very near , and at last BJP got win in two states =MP=Madhya Pradesh ,Zharkhand !!! this all movement was to make Hindu India !!?? Ruhel date 23-12-2008 –Udaipur –Raj India while in Udaipur –Raj India =whole Rajasthan all Jain =Baniya and Marvadii , have good support to BJP=RSS =VHP =Bajrangdal by money ,plus other !!??
While in Rajasthan , 3 October 2008, at Dungarpur Raj India , BJP ,Bajrang Dal ,VHP people , did destroy and burn the Indian minorities shops (only shops ) to destroy there economic foundation , the maximum loss was 50=40+10 lacks to Dr Kurashi ,dental clinic ,
While in Andrapradesh –India , VHP=Bajrang Dal people did live burn of 6 =5+1 =six ,Indian Muslim, it included 3 kids ,one woman ,two man , its was incident of 10 October 2008 , these all were just before Indian state elections so that ,so that Indian 80% Hindu vote change to BJP=RSS=VHP=Bajrang Dal !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
(1) Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,
While ATS –Pune , put cheating , forgery cases on Lt Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit , he did forged document for weapon ,and did made fake ARMY- ID =ARMY Identification Card , for Chaturvedi , who was active member of Abhinav Bhart ,=a group who tell bomb reply is bomb !!?? it found that he given proofs that he and Chaturvedi did attends all meetings , leading up to Bomb blasts , up to Malegaon bomb blast !!??

Sir Bajrangdal is Hindu –Al-Quida , (its to kill Indian minorities only ) ,and VHP=is Hindu LeT (Lakshre Toiba ) to kill Indian minorities only !!)) Ruhel Date 27-12-2008
While MH Chief minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh told for ATS –Pune , that why LK Advani , and several BJP Leaders , asking to change the present ATS- Anti terrorist wing –Pune, and conduct judicial inquire into , charge made by Sadvi Pragya singh Thakur , !!!?? while ATS was carrying in to its probe , with out POTA , TADA which was made by BJP !!?? and used on innocent Indian Muslim +other !!??
While BJP future prime minister of India =LK Advani meet national security Adviser ,MK Narayana , and intelligence bureau director , PC Halder concern sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur !!?? while national security Adviser ,MK Narayana told him that he will look into !!??
I want all type of terrorist groups should be ban and killed !! it tell that USA,EU ,UN should ban and kill to RSS ,VHP=Bdal those killing only innocent Indian minorities = crime against humanity !! while Islamic terrorist are killing only innocent USA ,Israeli and other western people= crime against humanity !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist =RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament ,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 05-04-2009
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While the reality of Indian Law enforcement system can be understand by these points :
(1) Justice Krishna commission report = concern 1989-1993 Mumbai riots , and role of Mumbai Police in Riots , they given video ,Audio , personal interview with victims +recording to telephonic talks +mobile talk of police officers ,ministers =mainly from BJP ,Shiv Sena ,all were telling that How Mumbai Police was involved in to provoke Riots ,and fully support of Mumbai Hindu Mainly Martha !! these happened b’se there was no minority Police offer was in Job that time all police officer was Hindus !! and fully like to kill minorities Life ,business ,Home + allowed to Hindu rioter to do kill and rape ~!! ?? this Justice was proved alone Laws and order person who given truth about whole 1989 to 1993 Mumbai riots !!!?? he given the telephone records of Mumbai police officers and ministers those were at work that time and in power that time !!?? these all proofs are with National minority commission ,National human right commission !! he given these proof 4 years back till now none of that Police officer get terminated put behind the bar !! put on then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? and same way none of Hindu Ministers +few Minority ministers , put behind the Bar + then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? that time in Mumbai Shiv Sena –BJP was ruling !!?? while from past 5 years Mumbai Have Congress party ,its allies are ruling !! noting happened to , riot provoker Police officers +ministers put behind the bar + serious charges !!?? Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 Udaipur-Raj India 313001.
(2) While the reality of Gujarat, 2002 March riots ,genocide , the Laws enforcement independent agencies try ot got Telephonic ,mobile talk records of Gujarat police officers ,ministers, but they were not able to get ,even they reached to supermen court get order aloes !!?? till now they did not get any telephonic ,mobile ,recodes of Gujarat police ,ministers those were enveloped in this genocide !!?? b’se Modi used his power ,to fail all system of records !! they told they destroy the records ,due to instrument fault !!??
(3) These all things tell that Home Minister of India is indirectly supporter of HINDU nation where these things will be consider as normal !!?? and this nation have all rights for Hindus only weather they are Narandara Modi ,weather they are LK Advani ,weather they are Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,whether they are Mumbai police officer , weather they are Mumbai police officers and ministers in 1989 to 1993 ,weather they are Gujarat 2002 march time police officers and ministers !!??

Ruhel Date 18-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj 313001 India.
While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,with use of providing money to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by ??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While I can understand from my real life ,that Indian IB,MI,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,did not allowed single
Indian minorities ,in Physics ,Engineering ,Chemistry , at international Jobs , higher degrees , even it tell these MI,IB ,RAW means these people killed 10000, to 20 lacks =20,00000 intelligent brains of Assam ,Kashmir , those can be good physicist ,engineers ,chemists but there brain got killed by MI,IB,RAW ,CID-Kashmir ,Assam ,
B’se they are minorities of this nation , even may be few of them have publications like me at USA ,EU ,Canada, Germany , but this nation =India did not allowed them to get good degree ,jobs future in EU ,USA !!?? May be there names also used by this Hindu rich nation to get technology ,from USA defense ,NASA !!?? to got rise in DRDO ,ISRO ,IITs ,IISc !!?? it also tell that may be MI , did make fake –internet cases on them , put them in fake criminal activities , on these all innocent physicist ,engineers ,chemist b’se they are Indian minorities !!??

While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people = Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat !!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on October 2008 , Justice Sacher committee received first reply , concern , number of Muslim employee in IIM-A,IIM-C,BHU,NCMEI ( National commission fro minorities educational institute , ) , NIIE =National institute industrial engineering ,ut told following facts =
IIM-A have following grades =classes = Grade A , 3 Minority from 30 , grade B =Class B , 8 Minority ,from 76 , grade C =Class =15 minority ,from 161 , class D =Grade D, zero minority ,from 94,
IIM-C have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 =ZERO Minority from 85 , grade B =Class B , 2 Minority ,from 48 , grade C =Class =6 minority ,from 126 , class D =Grade D, 11 minority ,from 87,
BHU have following grades =classes = Grade A , 83 Minority from 1465, grade B =Class B , 6 Minority ,from 185, grade C =Class =124 minority ,from 2008, class D =Grade D, 24 minority ,from 2544,
NCMEI have following grades =classes = Grade A , 0 Minority from 4 grade B =Class B , 4 Minority ,from 6 grade C =Class =1 minority ,from 5, class D =Grade D, 1 minority ,from 6,
NIIE have following grades =classes = Grade A , 1 Minority from 54 grade B =Class B , 1 Minority ,from 25 grade C =Class =0 minority ,from 128, class D =Grade D, 5 minority ,from 114

While Assam university have , 6 minority employee out of 245 !!!???
This is the first report get by Justice Sacher committee ,now other department report will came later on !! one by one !!??
Its first impact , of Justice Sacher committee is the start of minorities scholarships ,( Christen ,Muslim ,Sikh ,Parsis ,Buddhists)
India’s following states given the scholarships to minorities students ( at IIT’s ,IIM’s ,NIFT, SPA , Medical college ,Regional engineering college ,Universities +++) ,
Kerla given = 29,380 minorities scholarships , they got 14 X100000 applications , UP –Mayavatti , given 67,420 minorities scholarships ,they got 10.5 X100000 applications , West Bengal –Where communist are ruling ,given , 44,460 minorities scholarships They got 7.5 X100000 application, Karnataka –where BJP is ruling ,given , 16,640 minorities scholarships ,they got , 2X10,0000 applications , Tamil Nadu ,(DMK Ruling ) they given , 15,340 minorities scholarships ,they got 3X100000 applications ,
While on date 14-04-2009 ,Hindu ISI Hacked my membership web at SABIC Network , for which I got Accepted by its ambassador , on date 13-04-2009 ,
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While recently , in UP =Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Bajerdeeha , UP Hindu police did open fire , with out warning ,and with out stick attack ,and with out tearing gas , on Indian Muslims , 11 march 2009 , they did not only killed Indian Muslim but also put 500 serious cases on 500 Indian Muslim ,=IPC 307 , =Indian panel court , 307 ,the cause was also done by Hindu only they used to throw Color on Their mosque , from past 10 years on every Holi =Hindu religion festival , even they =Indian Muslim are complaining from past 10 years at all level !!?? and there is not Hindu home near mosque , in this firing two Indian Muslim got killed ,10 serious injured !!?? the police officer name are =Shamsheer Bahdur Singh , the BJP leaders behind this name are =Durga Babu Lal Khurdia , his son Rajkumar , b’se from Uttar Pradesh , Varanasii , Murlee Mahnohar Joshi is BJP –leader for this 2009 election !!?? and RSS want Religious riots in UP and Varanasii , to win the election on basis of Hindutava and Hindu Rights !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from EU –Command ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 29-05-2009 Time : 10:05 AM
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While on date 28-05-2009 ,29-05-2009 ,Hindu ISI =CID-Udaipur Raj ,deleted my account from AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ,with out my permission !! Ruhel Date 30-05-2009 Time : 10:25 AM , Its=MI,IB,RAW ,CID , thinking that whole world like Hindus And want be part of these all activities what I mention !! Ruhel
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Please I sent my work against anti Terror =Against Arabic Terror , at =UNSC - CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive directorate, on 27-04-2008 ,from Jubail =Saudi Arabia = Title : How the terror related webs are possible from ME=Gulf ! why none of international crime ,terror prevention Bodies able to stop them ! and why they are not getting the IP Address , and telephone number of them !!? I sent it from SABIC=Saudi Kayan My –own Office PC ,I have confirmation of this work with me .But when I try to sent my one more work = Against –Hindu terrorism .from Udaipur –Raj India 2009 Jan .Feb ,,from my Laptop ,and its internet connection at Telephone number =00912942488521 , Then I was not allowed by Hindu IT terror =Hindu RAW ,MI,IB !!?? I try it from past 2=two month but I was not allowed !!?? I doubt that CTED web hacked by Hindu IT terrorist !!?? you can understand the reality of Indian government concern anti Terrorism !!?? =India have only one direction =Anti –Indian Muslim ,Anti Indian christen !!?? and used these people kids ,young on name of terrorism !!?? like doing in Kashmir ,Assam !!??
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim employees in IITs , IIT-B.IIT-K,IIT-D,IIT-M,IIT-G, are as follows ,
Zero= Grade A in three IITs , 1 one = Grade B in Three IITs . 6 six=, Grade C , three IITs , 12 = Grade D in three IITs ,
Ruhel Chisty Date 10-04-2009 , while , you can understand the Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim Students percentage in These IITs !!??
Posted 29 days ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was among top two !!
Neuro science and corrupt Humen rich city and nation !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!??

The Hindu Police Gujarat , did Two Fake encounters of 4-16 Innocent Indian Minorities
And proved that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba Terrorist want to kill, Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??

These Fake encounters done by Anti terrorist Squad Gujarat + Higher police official of Gujarat ,
It open By , metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, submit 246 Pages report to High court MH ,SP New Delhi , after conducting enquire under section 176 ,of the CrPC ,
on fake encounters of 19 years old Student =Ishrat Jahan from Maharatra student at Guru Nanak Khalsa College ,Maharastra , + Prenesh Palli + Javed Shaikh –MH , , these all kidnapped By , Ahamdabad-Gujarat Crime branch officials from Mumbai , and three days later these all shoot , alleged at Ahamdabad on date , 15th June 2004 ,
, by Anti terrorist Squad - Gujarat , by putting in media that these all were LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba people want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
this fake encounter done by following Police officers =(1) IPS Officer , PP Pande (2) IPS Officer –DG Vangara (he is already in Jail ,for one more fake encounter of So-rubiddin and his wife Kosar Bi ) (3) GL Singhal (4) NK Amin (5) KM Waghela (6)
JG Parmar ( 7) VD Vanav (8) SP Agrawat (9) DH Goswami (10) RI Patel (11) BA Chavda ( 12) Taraun Barot (13) KS Deasi these all are Higher rank police officials
Now police constable with them = (14) Ibrahim Chauhan ( indain Muslim ) (15) , Mukash Vyas (16) Nizamuddin Burhanmiya ( Indian Muslims )
These all people did this fake encounter of these innocent Indian Minorities , to get promotion in their Jobs ,and to get apperception from Gujarat Chief minister = Mr. Narandra Modi . these people killed by AK47, Riffles used by these Hindu police officers !! to kill these Innocents Indian Minorities .
metropolitan magistrate , Mr SP Tamang, told that they found that , IPS –Officer DG vangara , did same Pattern Fake encounter of Sohrabuddin and his wife =Kosar Bi ,
with support of Udaipur Raj India 313001 ,Police , fake encounter date =26th November 2005 ,at Ahamdabad- Nrola Chohraya , Gujarat
as its highlighted in all local ,National level news Paper Former Police officer = Denish Kumar MN ,IPS officer , Udaipur raj india 313001 who is on Bail , + one Indian Muslim police officer , Abdul Rehman –former circle Inspector ,Pratap Nagar Police station –Udaipur –Raj (he is still under investigation ) , Abdul Rehman is person who shoot =Kill to Sohrabuddin ,while Kosar Bi , was killed by IPS –Officer DG vangara , by kept her Neck tight till her death ,
IPS –Officer DG vangara was chief of Anti terrorist squad Gujarat ,he have RSS =BJP Back ground in his life , he did his police education in RSS –Hostel !!??
P-1 , The Times of india Date 08-09-2009 +other news papers +my own word ,
This all to ,proved Whole Hindi =Hindus Media = TV News channels ,All English News papers of india ,that we Killed LeT =Lashkar -e-Taiba -Terrorist ,those want to kill Mr. Narandra Modi =Chief Minister of Gujarat from past 15 years =at INDIA !!??
It all encounters shown to IBN -7 ,Aaj-Tak ,Star TV , IBN-CNN , Sahara News , NDTV , The Times of india , The Hindu ,The Hindutustan Times , +The Indian express , ++ in 2004,2005 , to get Benefits from Bush Jr =Republicans !! poor Brains , to given message on India war against terror !!?? Mr. Narandar Modi War against terror =against Indian Minority all News Channels shown these Things for whole days to 5 days continues !!?? at Hot Page ,Top page !!??
While one more fake encounter done by New Delhi Police , of two Hindu businessmen ,
As there families were rich +Hindu ,so they put FIR +Court case against fake encounter
, and they got result in 10 years continuous fight in court , in there favor , if in stead of these rich ,Hindu businessman , some poor ,Indian Minorities families was there , they were not allowed to FIR it self , and there families were captured by Police , and put cases on them of terrorism +put in them in jail as terrorist !!and then kill !!?? in fake encounters it all told by Advocates + magistrate during this case 10 years time .
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
(While I want to mention one real point that in 2004 also Many news Papers +TV Channels +her mother , other relative try to prove that , Ishrat Jahan +other were innocent , and many Muslims –leaders from Mumbai ,Maharastra ,also try to prove , she is innocent ,and few Muslims minister given donation of lacks Indian rupees also to Ishrat Jahan family as she was alone member who was earning , But after few months Mr. Modi try to prove that his police killed , LeT =Terrorist only , and Ishrat Jahan was terrorist !! then all these Muslims minister came on Back foot !! that we given charity b’se TV News channels +Leading English news papers were telling like that !!?? this I am putting here bse its only way of life for minorities ,innocent , Minorities ministers ,leaders also !!?? they have to came on Back foot + see the Hindu Nation Hindu police , Hindu laws drama !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 08-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India )

(1) By Knowing that this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!??

 Reply:   Mr. ALTAF HUSSAIN ,Who given Sub Inspector Police combined competitiv
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (19/Sep/2009)

Real cases at UNDP ,World bank ,ADP , UNGA ,UNSC + EU +USA the reality of Indian Social justice =equity = so called Secular Hindu social justice !!??

Case 1 : Please recently I seen the Rajasthan administrative service =RAS Results =RAS 2007 Final result at web site !! =
I found that there was 719 Candidates selected for Rajasthan state civil servants posts ,
= Rajasthan administrative service posts !!

But notable thing is there was only 1 or zero Candidates from Indian christen =Minority AND 2 or 3 =two or three Candidate =select was from Indian Muslims=Minority !! While these people population at India level is 2.8% Christen and 13% Indian Muslims !! according this there should be 21 candidates from Indian christen + 94 candidates from Indian Muslims !! but what actually =1 or zero Indian christen , 2 or three Indian Muslim got selected here !! while they called for final interview approx 5=five dates from Indian christen and 25 candidates Indian Muslims and taken only 1 and 3 !!??
While Rajasthan is ruling by Congress party ,controlled by Ashok Ghalot =Chief minister of Rajasthan !!?? and central controlled by Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? Sikh =Hindu Minority !!??
Mean there are 99% candidates are Hindu only ,OR Hindu Minority or Hindu OBCs !!?? literate - process of Hindu Nation ,under rule or Congress party =Hindu secular party !!??

Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india Time : 12;30 PM
Case 2: Please one real life case of one , Indian Minority ,which will tell you the truth of BJP =RSS ,how they discard , Indian minorities in Police department from past 17 years of there ruled !!!??
(2) Sir , now only 2.7-3% % Indian Minorities police officer are working in Rajasthan !! while none of them is Christen , while as per Rule ,As per Indian constitute it should be 10% as Indian Christen +Indian Muslim population in Rajasthan is 10% !!??
(3) Mr. ALTAF HUSSAIN ,Who given Sub Inspector Police combined competitive Exam-2001 ,
Who was selected in Preliminary Exam ,Then Main exam got 68.5% marks ,then Physical test got 100% marks who have 60% in BA , who have NCC certificate !!
,But he did NOT Selected !! by Interview only taken by BJP=RSS liked Hindus police officers !!
Mr. ALTAF HUSSAIN , father is retired Indian army person ,who selected for army,
lower post in 1948 that time was congress party= Nehru & Indra Gandhi party in whole India .
(4) Now the written exam marks = General Hindi =104/200 , General science = 170/200
Total marks in written exam = 274 /400 =68.5% + Physical effect test 100/100=100%
(5) His Interview marks = 26/ 50 =52% !!?? he got 69% in written and he given only 52% Marks in interview ,By Hindus police officer =BJP=RSS Made police officers ,
He NOT Selected by interview only !! just by 8 numbers only in interview =if he got 34 marks=68% in interview ,he make be today Indian minority police officer !!!??
Sir this man have approx 60 % in BA Exams , first class marks !!?? This man have NCC –C certificate also !! even then !!!??
(6) In this interview the selection committee did select only one Indian Muslims girl !
Note : Please these people were selection committee =Interview board Interview taken place on 25-06-2004 = (1) Chairman =C .R Choddhari
(2) A DG = B. S Chohan , (3) DIG= B. L Khadkavat (4) One psychologists

Total candidate give exam was 22,000 =22 Thousands ,

The candidates remaining in Interview , 117 candidate were called for OBCs =39 posts ,

670 candidates called for 134 Posts of ST / SC !!!??

36 candidate called for 12 posts of general !! ??
There was 39 posts for OBCs ,they did not taken any Indian minority Male =Boy in this exam =None of Indian christen ,None of Indian Muslim , male got selected here !! only one Indian Muslim girl got selected b’se his father is DIG Police !!?? all OBCs selected candidate were Hindus only !!??
Notable thing is from , past 1998 to 2004 =6 years , it was only one exam for Sub Inspector Police !!??
there were 3 Muslim Boy all of them discard by selection committee ,=NOT Selected by interview only he given less marks in interview ,all OBCs Other back word class , selected candidates were Hindus only ,none of them is, Indian christen Indian Muslim Male !!

Now the interviews questions :
His interview was taken on date , 25-06-2004 , time 1:00 PM to 1:10 PM

Questions asked :

(1) They asked when you did 10th ,11th ,12th education !!??
(2) They him his subjects in BA
He told , geography , political science , Hindi
(3) Asked tell five examples of ferrous ,and non ferrous each
He told , ferrous = Iron , Mn , Tungsten , Gypsums , Zink

Non ferrous = glass , Rock phosphate , Lime stone , asbestos ,

(4) where you will got line stone ,and Gypsum
He told , lime stone in Chittorgarh , Rajasthan , Gypsum in Nagor , Malvaa Bhadavasii

(5) what are uses of lime stone and gypsum

He told , these used to make cement

(6) tell all districts around Nagor

He told , Ajmer, Jaipur ,siker , Churu , Bikaner , Jodhpur

(7) what is global warming !?

he told answer

(8) what is shabano case !!
(9) why the formation of india ,Pakistan taken place ??
(10) who is famous editor on communal harmony of Hindu, Muslim
(11) why you want to make Sub Inspector police !!??
(12) why Iraq war taken place !!??
(13) where are shia ,sunni Muslims are living in india !!??
(14) which global incident taken place recently !!??
(15) I have one kid ,who failed in BA Exam , tell me the causes !!?

(9) It happened B’se these people have order from Gulab Chand Katariya =Home minister Of Rajasthan =RSS =BJP Political leader ,who selected from udaipur City , only as MLA !!??
its RSS=BJP Formula that removed maximum Indian Muslim ,Indian christen n from Police jobs !! (10) these all jobs those got in congress party ruled only !! BJP Removed 200 Indian Muslims police officers just in 15 years of there ruled ,it given them forced retirement before there date by putting charges on them of corruption ,while every body know that Police department if most corrupt department of government ,
(11) it =RSS=BJP did not removed Corrupt Hindu police office only removed Indian minorities !!??
its data of transparency international ,Delhi branch =UN Branch which watch Honesty !!

His Roll Number was =501474 , that time Total Posts of Sub Inspector Police was 200,
This examination taken place on 28-07-2002, he

Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .
Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!??
we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .
she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive
(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .
(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,
to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India
Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,
While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India
I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,
Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.
MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,
Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,
AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land
ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )
IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )
Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=
INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )
Passport Number:-E-6884179
Date Of Birth 26-08-1966
Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)
ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009
Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,
Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)
Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,
And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .
As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??
New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!
(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(its my real life case !)
(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist
(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya
(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan
(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why
PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009
This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,
a leading global market research provider, and your participation is
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Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser
Product Marketing Director
Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??
That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,
In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?
As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,
Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,
(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??
China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!
The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??
(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!
(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??
(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??
(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??
(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!
That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??
What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??
Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!
=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .
While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??
Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??
This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .
They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??
(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??
(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .
(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??
(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .
It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,
While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .
While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??
His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )
He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??
Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!
I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,
If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!
these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and
I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,
Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??
The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !
(its my real life article !)
On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM
I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !
I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !
But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala
On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,
does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??
I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009
and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??
(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .
(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .
Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)
Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??
They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??
but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??
This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak
to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

Bcc:,,, Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry , Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry ,
Dear Oelrich, Ivan ( Acting President of the Federation of American Scientists

RAW =A Hindu terrorist organization for Indian minorities it self =those are Non Hindu !!??
(Real Article : From My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life )

RAW =Research analysis wing have killing activities for Indian Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists from past 30 years =Non Hindu =RAW is terrorist organization for we minorities also then Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,ME =Gulf =Specially UAE , Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Malaysia, And China +Assam +Kashmir !!??

1 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia : ( Its controlled by PMO= Dr Manmohan Singh!! from 2003 to till now ) )

RAW existence I face in Saudi Arabia =Jubail at Mufssir Apartment at My flat 1/11 Saudi Arabia

At My TV , from Feb 2008 to 2008 December, this Hindu terrorist organization was active there , its have power full satellite technology got from KGB =Russian International terrorist organization founded by Stalin !!??

RAW have ability from Satellite , to listen talk at Any place of Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,india !! ?? can see you in dark ,can see your dress in dark , can see you at depth of 20 feet inside Building ,can listen your talk there , with out any problem all through satellite technology !!?? can see you in Bath room , can see you in Bedroom in nigh =Dark night !!?? this much power is with Hindu Now !!?? =it control by Prime minister office Only !!?? it =RAW is not responsible to give answers of any question to any body else in India included Any Minister !!any Army officer !!??

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! (1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

Then in 2008 = again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world = federation of American scientist issued report on ,

RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka ,

RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west

Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan,

!!??specially from east Pakistan ,RAW Reached at East Pakistan in 1960 it self !!?? RAW Trained Mukti Bahini ,but also Arms to worker of Mukti Bahini in 1970 !!??

This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!??

Not only this about RAW ,Shri Lanka one leading news Paper =Daily Mirror , told that RAW , is playing heinous role in regional counties to destabilized them , having rise nursed and fortified to LTTE , =Liberation Tiger of Tamil eelam , ,this news paper mention that RAW ,employee are , bankrupt and spiritually barren , like Ravi Nair 1975 having , allegedly affair with other nation spy , and 2004 , Rabinder singh , he escaped to CIA =USA with copies of several highly confidential documents ,having affair with US embassy based female spent time in resorts at Delhi JAIPUR HIGH WAY !!??

RAW is doing one more work , in UK ,Canada ,USA , ME =Gulf ,on fighting against its separatist =Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikh , separatist , it getting annually 250 millions to counter these separatist in USA, Candaa, UK !!??

It doing illegal funding to Political candidates in USA in 1996 it given 46,000 $ illegal fund to Political candidates at USA , for federal election , the Indian , man caught was Lalit H Ghadia , who put in front of USA Court ,he accept that he worked through Indian embassy , and various Indian American organization ,

Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!??

RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!??

about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board ,

Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??

( Parts from FAS + Ali Sukhanver =Pakistan based nation and international strategic and defense affair )

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

RAW was torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , at my TV by TV Free voice mode , and using its Indian population =those are 50% population of Jubail working in Petrochemical companies there !!? using Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!?? it was using Indian =Secular Hindu ,Indian Muslims at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,Riyadh ,Bahrain !!?? =these are 3.5 lacks in Population at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,while there are 10,000 people of UK ,10000 people from USA ,10000 from South Korea , 5000 from China , 50,000 from Pakistan ,50,000 from Bangladesh , 50000 from Philippine in Jubail in front of these all Indian were torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A at open level !!?? !!

B;se I am not Hindu =I am Minority !!??

while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !!

2 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india , up to abused in terror level!! : (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

Udaipur Raj INDIA , Hindus Human society research=Torture ,on Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =Rchisty , Minority scientist ,By use of RAW + Satellite technology ,TV Free voice mode ,+0,160,220 cps Brain waves torture By order of RAW =PMO =Prime minister office India , going on from 1991 to 2009 ,18th September )

Hindu Defense -experiment , working for use of its huge population , training like as Bio robot by satellite + TV free voice mode At Udaipur Rajasthan INDIA 313001 ,313002, this city have 2.6 lacks are Hindu ,75,000 are Indian Muslim !! also fully supporting this torture to minority scientist=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , ,as these are Con ,poor ,Corrupt , !! AS THIS POOR NATION HAVE HUGE POPULATION=So huge BIO Robots for Hindu world !!??this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? so these Hindu =Indian will captured whole world in 2137 those having Kalam ,Sharuk Khan Nayak ,Amir Khan , M Agwani ,S Agwani ,Q Chisty , FK Nayak , like Indian Muslims +5000 Illiterate Indian Muslims from Kishan pole Udaipur =BJP =RSS Lover getting EU , NGOs $ ,to these poor Indian Muslims also !! !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!?? have to live like Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A from 1991 to till now !!??This Hindu terrorist Organization =RAW , have one Indian Muslims = Dr MS Agwani ,

Who was teaching to Nation foreign affair Officials ,India , National Defense academic , upper level Hindu army people , National civil servants , from past 1955 to till now !! who is from Udaipur Raj india ,who is advisor to Prime minister ,president of india from 1964 to 2009 !! he also have full support to RAW and Udaipur Hindu society brain waves torture 0,160,220 cps from 1991 to till now ,18 September 2009 !!?? he is representing India at international level ,for diplomatic level +peace !!?? actually he is part of RAW ,IB,MI ,PMO as he have good relation ships of all former presidents Like Gayanni Jail Singh + Nelam snajev Reddy + Dr Manmohan Singh + Indra Gandhi as he was Prof in JNU ,and vice chancellor in JNU !!?? these type of profs ,advisors to PMO India are ,those fuel kill of Innocent Assam ,Kashmiri , Minorities at all india level =At all Hindu nation level as these type of Indian professors are getting good salaries +respected what RAW =Hindu terrorist organizations getting from prime ministers of this Hindu nation =India directly !!?? 250 Million $ annually to RAW for international activities only !!?? like this Hindu nation PMO providing fukll money to these types of JNU +Other universities professors also those deal with International affairs + diplomatic channels if this Hindu nation ,yes these may be Indian Muslims +Indian Sikh ,Pharisee + Indian Buddha !!??

Ruhel Chisty date 18-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

3 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Dubai =UAE =International level !!?? (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

RAW was torturing me in Dubai also from Feb 2001 to 2003 Feb. by use of Indian living there in Dubai =LTS =Lone start technical service Dubai !!?? this company is Indian Company = torture by use of Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

RAW was using its Population at ME =Gulf different countries and Indian embassies there !!?? to use its power at International level to prove Asian power !!?? =By Hindu terrorist organization !!?? like KGB was doing on innocent Russian people !!?

these people enjoying these things from 1991 to 2001 in Udaipur Raj India , and from 2008 23rd Jan in Bahrain , 2008, 24th Jan to 2008 ,16th dec in Jubail ,Riyadh =Saudi Arabia ,Indian did open torture by brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in front of 182 nations people =EU ,USA ,Korea ,Japan , Canada ++++Australia ++ as Jubail =KSA have 60% its population from india only ,those are working there in petrochemical companies !!?? then from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb in Dubai ,Abu Dhabi ,Shajarha , Oman , Ajman ,Fujarah , its was all open done by Indian !!?? while Udaipur Raj 313001 .02 INDIA was place for this research on Human !! it was Hindu defense research to use its Poverty rich ,corrupt Human population to produced , Ruhel Bipolar Disorder ,By 0,160,220 cps ,use of satellite technology + TV Free voice mode to guide to these Hindus , !!??

(12-e) Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .

Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) .
23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj , 313001
INDIA , Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chisty)
Mobile =0091-9636919708 Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Emails:, ,,
Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013

OBJECTIVE : A Middle Management Position ,required analytical ,technical ,creative skills


Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

* 10 years experience with Analytical technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS
* One year with SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , ( SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies ), Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , GC=Gas Chromatography ,wet chemistry , UV/VIS =Colorimetric analysis +Other analysis ,On line analyzers –(Inside - technology ) ,for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
* Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 Petrochemical companies ),
* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK
* We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants
* Worked with =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years ,for all Petrochemical analysis = DRO =diesel range organics ,GRO =Gasoline range organics , VOC=Volatile organic compounds ,BETX=benzene ,ethylene , toluene Xylene ,HC =hydro Carbon analysis ,THC =Total Hydrocarbon analysis ,PAH, PCB’s , + Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, • Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other ) Environmental analysis it self air monitoring ,stack monitoring , +other ) with ASTM , US-EPA , APHA ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002, Analysis of Gas ,Water , Condensate ,Sulphur ,steam ,portable water analysis , other bi products , sludge analysis
* have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in1989 , I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist !
* I got Invitation for , speaker presentations for upcoming event of ,: Pharma R&D Opportunities
* Please I am invited to submit suggestion to improvement Pittsburgh conference 2006,2007 ,
* Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,


2008 Jan-2008 Dec (31st ) : Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , here I was Middle management
* For All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate ,
* The technology provider = Licensor = was KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
* I did set the all GC’s =Gas chromatography instrument inner configuration with detectors , columns .as team work with Agilent engineers and management . we had there more then 15 GCs for Phenolic Project
* I made LIMS excel sheets ,for Whole Phenolic Project . which was my work as QA –Management technical support .
* I made SOP’s =ISO Methods for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project .
* I made TLV/SLV data sheets =health hazards for Whole Phenolic Project
* I made hard copies ,soft copies of MSDS of Whole Phenolic Project .
* I made two presentations (1) Basics of gas chromatography (2) Phenolic project for Saudi Kayan – this specially for Saudi Arabic = Local - technicians , so that they can learn the Gas chromatography , basics in detail and beginning and advanced level !!?? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made list of Journals ,periodicals ,books for library of QA Laboratory=Saudi Kayan =SABIC
, this have 200 journals , periodicals ,books from the world best publishers like ACS ,RSC ,AAAS, +++ Cambridge university press ,oxford university press ,MIT Press ,+++these all journals ,books ,periodicals will buy by SABIC ,Saudi Kayan ,as I given 5 days for this selection from my real life work with professional chemistry to 16 years .
* I made JQP =Test questions =170 questions , and there answers for Lab –Technicians ,QA –technical support ,Phenolic project , they have to be get more then 60% in these tests ,to be continuous in job progress !!?? note : answers for management people only) this I made for specially for Saudi –Arabic =Local - technicians , so that they can learn the detail chemistry of Phenolic project =other projects at Saudi Kayan also !!? as I given answers of all questions that make them good Technician and chemist ,for Saudi Kayan =SABIC !!!??? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made Local Lab =plant Lab analysis methods data sheet =What analysis should be done for Local Lab Whole Phenolic Project .
* I worked for ISO-17025 at Saudikayan
* I made analysis methods for central labs for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project
* I know the procedure of inter-laboratory /international laboratory proficiency testing certificate .
* Have knowledge of incident investigation and reports
* Leading meetings , Understand and participate in department goals
* Please I did Also work for AMINES PROJECT =Ethanol amines ,and Ethoxylates at , =Mono Ethanol Amine ,Di Ethanol Amine ,Tri Ethanol Amines=100,000 TPA its ,made from Ethylene Oxide and , Ammonia (=NH3=From SAFCO) reaction , this By Licensor Oxiteno , Brazil Project , Ethoxylates= C12-C15 , Fatty Alcohol , Nonyl Phenol , Glycol (DEG,TEG) , Castor Oil ,Sorbitan Monooleate ,Tallow Amines .
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Olefins = By Licensor = (1) Himout (Italia ) And (2) Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) (3) Basel- Poly Olefins
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Carbonate By Licensor = Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , , for EC=Ethylene Carbonate ,DMC =Di Methyl Carbonate , DPC =Di phenyl Carbonate , PC =Poly Carbonate . I had there , all chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS of Phenolic and Amine Projects .
* as “Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis” I work for Saudi Kayan –All-Plants ,=,I had there all its chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS !And , also ,its analysis part by Davy Process technology ,and Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Raw material and product specification , chemical data sheet , = amine reaction , Ammonia Stripping ,Ammonia Absorption amine drying, MEA purification , DEA Splitting , TEA Purification , evaporation package unit, I work one year at SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co

2001 Feb -2003 Oct /Feb : Analytical Chemist , at =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years.
* Analytical technique (=Gas chromatography , IR,FTIR ,IR-412.8 ,Photometric ,colorimetric ,Potentiometer ,Micro biology , Environmental testing = Petro chemicals = HC,THC,PAH, PCB’s , +DRO,GRO, VOC ,BETX =~All -(Petrochemicals), ) , Soil , waste water ,drinking water ,air –analysis , stack analysis ,Sludge analysis ++
* Worked for IR 418.1 Method for HC/THC -Worked on GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS also +with US-EPA ,APHA ,ASTM ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002 Accredited & Dubai municipality approved laboratory
* Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, • Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other) Environmental analysis it self ,did air monitoring ,stack monitoring , with latest instruments =Chemio sensors , +other ) with US-EPA Parameters * Pl you can check this laboratory works ,form web
July 1992 –July 1998 : R & D Chemist , At =Udaipur –Raj India =6 years
* There I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ), to check , purity to 99.95% to 100 % of fine chemicals=Pl I did work for Japan project= Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 50 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure -I did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & I worked on this project ~2 years !!
* >95% Purity of different pesticides ,raw materials ,intermediate ,final products
* Pl I was independent handling laboratory shift work .here I was analyzing Plant organic chemicals , samples ,R&D Samples (where four scientist were making different innovative organic chemicals =Pesticides ,Fine chemicals ,++Other ,doing analysis of R&D Analytical products by GC/FID , UV/VIS ,IR + doing wet chemistry ,responsible for sampling collection ,analysis ,environmental regulations ,provision of technical assistance to operation at Pilot plant & main plant ,work with SOP& MSD ,did maintain proper chemical regime & operate various analysis follows standard work procedure and practice for - Japan project to purity 99.995% =fine chemicals & did control plant ,from ,lab to next steps & isolation !! undertake analysis of different raw materials ,finished product for Japan project ,fine chemical to purity 99.995%
* Pl I have 10 years experience with UV/VIS ,IR,FTIR,GC-FID /PID,-ECD =Gas chromatography latest instrument ,of HP& Perkins Elmer ,To analytical research ,Validation ,impurities profiling ,stabilities studies ,,etc , I have 6 years experience (R& D /QC/-Analytical chemist ) ,with , pesticides =insecticides ,herbicides++ & fine chemicals=PFP =Para Fluro phenols ,APF =Aniline Para phenols , PNCB ++
* Worked with Gas Chromatography , Spectrophotometer ,Infra Red analyzer , Flash tester + other instrument of Petrochemicals , Prepared Solutions ,standard solution , for tests , reporting of damage instrument , maintain records of chemical ,glassware , + other , for shift requirement ,

* ACS (American Chemical Society ) 2001-2009 !
* Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry ) 2001-2009!
* Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute

* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK

* BSc Physics ,chemistry ,Mathematics , 1990 , , India ,
* Note : Pl , sir , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in ,1989= 2nd year BSc , of MLS University ,Udaipur-Raj India 313001 . Pl attached scans = [College –BSc ,position certificate + 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in Integration and differential =Maths 1989 BSc
* MSc Chemistry ,1992 , , India ,
REFERENCES: available upon request
Note : On 21 -09-2008 I submit one Article to My officials = = for good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .. Ruhel Chisty( MRACI-C.Chem) =Ruhel Chistry ( MRACI-C.Chem) , This article come from my independent work as Research and development chemist /scientist with my previous company ,where I was getting many samples ,from four =4 ,Scientific managers ,those were making new ,new chemicals frequently , were doing all research and development to get maximum purity and maximum yield ,and I was analyzing these different chemicals =final product ,raw material
Every week with new method and with columns . I was able to get data what they are doing there in synthesis steps ,like changing PH , changing catalysts ,changing some time Raw materials =by changing root . some of them doing formulation also .
Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! who had 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and integration=mathematics at BSc level , did work for Japan project=Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure - did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & worked on this project ~2 years With Japan Quality control ,where our sent samples were counter checked by Japan Scientist /chemist ,none of sample return back except initial stage .when both team were working to finalize method . GC method .
. have 70% BSc Physics ,68% BSc chemistry +have 10 years experienced as Analytical chemistry=chemist/scientist , included, ~3 years from ISO -9002 ,BVQI , Dubai municipality accredited lab ,=International experience . I am member of ACS ,IUPAC Now Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.= ,
Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) . Date 22-09-2008 ,Time : 6:05 AM . Actually this article was for conference ANTEC 2009, !! this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++ either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical companies Ruhel Chisty Date 06-11-2008 with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!?? Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013
 Reply:   Dear ( : (1) RAW in Saudi Arabia (2 ) RAW in Dubai =UAE =
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (18/Sep/2009)

Dear Oelrich, Ivan (,, Acting President of the Federation of American Scientists

RAW =A Hindu terrorist organization for Indian minorities it self =those are Non Hindu !!??
(Real Article : From My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life )

RAW =Research analysis wing have killing activities for Indian Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists from past 30 years =Non Hindu =RAW is terrorist organization for we minorities also then Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,ME =Gulf =Specially UAE , Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Malaysia, And China +Assam +Kashmir !!??

1 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia : ( Its controlled by PMO= Dr Manmohan Singh!! from 2003 to till now ) )

RAW existence I face in Saudi Arabia =Jubail at Mufssir Apartment at My flat 1/11 Saudi Arabia
At My TV , from Feb 2008 to 2008 December, this Hindu terrorist organization was active there , its have power full satellite technology got from KGB =Russian International terrorist organization founded by Stalin !!??
RAW have ability from Satellite , to listen talk at Any place of Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,india !! ?? can see you in dark ,can see your dress in dark , can see you at depth of 20 feet inside Building ,can listen your talk there , with out any problem all through satellite technology !!?? can see you in Bath room , can see you in Bedroom in nigh =Dark night !!?? this much power is with Hindu Now !!?? =it control by Prime minister office Only !!?? it =RAW is not responsible to give answers of any question to any body else in India included Any Minister !!any Army officer !!??

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! (1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Then in 2008 = again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world = federation of American scientist issued report on ,
RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka ,
RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west
Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan,
!!??specially from east Pakistan ,RAW Reached at East Pakistan in 1960 it self !!?? RAW Trained Mukti Bahini ,but also Arms to worker of Mukti Bahini in 1970 !!??
This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!?? Not only this about RAW ,Shri Lanka one leading news Paper =Daily Mirror , told that RAW , is playing heinous role in regional counties to destabilized them , having rise nursed and fortified to LTTE , =Liberation Tiger of Tamil eelam , ,this news paper mention that RAW ,employee are , bankrupt and spiritually barren , like Ravi Nair 1975 having , allegedly affair with other nation spy , and 2004 , Rabinder singh , he escaped to CIA =USA with copies of several highly confidential documents ,having affair with US embassy based female spent time in resorts at Delhi JAIPUR HIGH WAY !!??

RAW is doing one more work , in UK ,Canada ,USA , ME =Gulf ,on fighting against its separatist =Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikh , separatist , it getting annually 250 millions to counter these separatist in USA, Candaa, UK !!??
It doing illegal funding to Political candidates in USA in 1996 it given 46,000 $ illegal fund to Political candidates at USA , for federal election , the Indian , man caught was Lalit H Ghadia , who put in front of USA Court ,he accept that he worked through Indian embassy , and various Indian American organization ,
Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!??
RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!??

about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board ,
Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??

( Parts from FAS + Ali Sukhanver =Pakistan based nation and international strategic and defense affair )

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

RAW was torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , at my TV by TV Free voice mode , and using its Indian population =those are 50% population of Jubail working in Petrochemical companies there !!? using Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!?? it was using Indian =Secular Hindu ,Indian Muslims at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,Riyadh ,Bahrain !!?? =these are 3.5 lacks in Population at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,while there are 10,000 people of UK ,10000 people from USA ,10000 from South Korea , 5000 from China , 50,000 from Pakistan ,50,000 from Bangladesh , 50000 from Philippine in Jubail in front of these all Indian were torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A at open level !!?? !!

B;se I am not Hindu =I am Minority !!??

while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !!

2 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india , up to abused in terror level!! : (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

Udaipur Raj INDIA , Hindus Human society research=Torture ,on Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =Rchisty , Minority scientist ,By use of RAW + Satellite technology ,TV Free voice mode ,+0,160,220 cps Brain waves torture By order of RAW =PMO =Prime minister office India , going on from 1991 to 2009 ,18th September )
Hindu Defense -experiment , working for use of its huge population , training like as Bio robot by satellite + TV free voice mode At Udaipur Rajasthan INDIA 313001 ,313002, this city have 2.6 lacks are Hindu ,75,000 are Indian Muslim !! also fully supporting this torture to minority scientist=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , ,as these are Con ,poor ,Corrupt , !! AS THIS POOR NATION HAVE HUGE POPULATION=So huge BIO Robots for Hindu world !!??this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? so these Hindu =Indian will captured whole world in 2137 those having Kalam ,Sharuk Khan Nayak ,Amir Khan , M Agwani ,S Agwani ,Q Chisty , FK Nayak , like Indian Muslims +5000 Illiterate Indian Muslims from Kishan pole Udaipur =BJP =RSS Lover getting EU , NGOs $ ,to these poor Indian Muslims also !! !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!?? have to live like Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A from 1991 to till now !!??This Hindu terrorist Organization =RAW , have one Indian Muslims = Dr MS Agwani ,
Who was teaching to Nation foreign affair Officials ,India , National Defense academic , upper level Hindu army people , National civil servants , from past 1955 to till now !! who is from Udaipur Raj india ,who is advisor to Prime minister ,president of india from 1964 to 2009 !! he also have full support to RAW and Udaipur Hindu society brain waves torture 0,160,220 cps from 1991 to till now ,18 September 2009 !!?? he is representing India at international level ,for diplomatic level +peace !!?? actually he is part of RAW ,IB,MI ,PMO as he have good relation ships of all former presidents Like Gayanni Jail Singh + Nelam snajev Reddy + Dr Manmohan Singh + Indra Gandhi as he was Prof in JNU ,and vice chancellor in JNU !!?? these type of profs ,advisors to PMO India are ,those fuel kill of Innocent Assam ,Kashmiri , Minorities at all india level =At all Hindu nation level as these type of Indian professors are getting good salaries +respected what RAW =Hindu terrorist organizations getting from prime ministers of this Hindu nation =India directly !!?? 250 Million $ annually to RAW for international activities only !!?? like this Hindu nation PMO providing fukll money to these types of JNU +Other universities professors also those deal with International affairs + diplomatic channels if this Hindu nation ,yes these may be Indian Muslims +Indian Sikh ,Pharisee + Indian Buddha !!??
Ruhel Chisty date 18-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

3 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Dubai =UAE =International level !!?? (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

RAW was torturing me in Dubai also from Feb 2001 to 2003 Feb. by use of Indian living there in Dubai =LTS =Lone start technical service Dubai !!?? this company is Indian Company = torture by use of Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

RAW was using its Population at ME =Gulf different countries and Indian embassies there !!?? to use its power at International level to prove Asian power !!?? =By Hindu terrorist organization !!?? like KGB was doing on innocent Russian people !!?

these people enjoying these things from 1991 to 2001 in Udaipur Raj India , and from 2008 23rd Jan in Bahrain , 2008, 24th Jan to 2008 ,16th dec in Jubail ,Riyadh =Saudi Arabia ,Indian did open torture by brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in front of 182 nations people =EU ,USA ,Korea ,Japan , Canada ++++Australia ++ as Jubail =KSA have 60% its population from india only ,those are working there in petrochemical companies !!?? then from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb in Dubai ,Abu Dhabi ,Shajarha , Oman , Ajman ,Fujarah , its was all open done by Indian !!?? while Udaipur Raj 313001 .02 INDIA was place for this research on Human !! it was Hindu defense research to use its Poverty rich ,corrupt Human population to produced , Ruhel Bipolar Disorder ,By 0,160,220 cps ,use of satellite technology + TV Free voice mode to guide to these Hindus , !!??

Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .
Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!??
we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .
she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive
(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .
(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,
to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India
Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,
While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India
I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,
Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.
MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,
Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,
AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land
ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )
IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )
Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=
INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )
Passport Number:-E-6884179
Date Of Birth 26-08-1966
Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)
ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009
Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,
Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)
Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,
And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .
As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??
New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!
(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(its my real life case !)
(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist
(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya
(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan
(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why
PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009
This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,
a leading global market research provider, and your participation is
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If you haven't already done so, join now.

Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser
Product Marketing Director
Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??
That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,
In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?
As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,
Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,
(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??
China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!
The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??
(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!
(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??
(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??
(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??
(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!
That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??
What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??
Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!
=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .
While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??
Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??
This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .
They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??
(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??
(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .
(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??
(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .
It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,
While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .
While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??
His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )
He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??
Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!
I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,
If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!
these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and
I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,
Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??
The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !
(its my real life article !)
On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM
I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !
I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !
But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala
On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,
does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??
I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009
and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??
(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .
(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .
Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)
Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??
They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??
but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??
This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak
to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) .
23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj , 313001
INDIA , Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chisty)
Mobile =0091-9636919708 Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Emails:, ,,
Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013

OBJECTIVE : A Middle Management Position ,required analytical ,technical ,creative skills


Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

* 10 years experience with Analytical technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS
* One year with SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , ( SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies ), Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , GC=Gas Chromatography ,wet chemistry , UV/VIS =Colorimetric analysis +Other analysis ,On line analyzers –(Inside - technology ) ,for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
* Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 Petrochemical companies ),
* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK
* We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants
* Worked with =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years ,for all Petrochemical analysis = DRO =diesel range organics ,GRO =Gasoline range organics , VOC=Volatile organic compounds ,BETX=benzene ,ethylene , toluene Xylene ,HC =hydro Carbon analysis ,THC =Total Hydrocarbon analysis ,PAH, PCB’s , + Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, • Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other ) Environmental analysis it self air monitoring ,stack monitoring , +other ) with ASTM , US-EPA , APHA ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002, Analysis of Gas ,Water , Condensate ,Sulphur ,steam ,portable water analysis , other bi products , sludge analysis
* have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in1989 , I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist !
* I got Invitation for , speaker presentations for upcoming event of ,: Pharma R&D Opportunities
* Please I am invited to submit suggestion to improvement Pittsburgh conference 2006,2007 ,
* Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

2008 Jan-2008 Dec (31st ) : Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , here I was Middle management
* For All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate ,
* The technology provider = Licensor = was KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
* I did set the all GC’s =Gas chromatography instrument inner configuration with detectors , columns .as team work with Agilent engineers and management . we had there more then 15 GCs for Phenolic Project
* I made LIMS excel sheets ,for Whole Phenolic Project . which was my work as QA –Management technical support .
* I made SOP’s =ISO Methods for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project .
* I made TLV/SLV data sheets =health hazards for Whole Phenolic Project
* I made hard copies ,soft copies of MSDS of Whole Phenolic Project .
* I made two presentations (1) Basics of gas chromatography (2) Phenolic project for Saudi Kayan – this specially for Saudi Arabic = Local - technicians , so that they can learn the Gas chromatography , basics in detail and beginning and advanced level !!?? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made list of Journals ,periodicals ,books for library of QA Laboratory=Saudi Kayan =SABIC
, this have 200 journals , periodicals ,books from the world best publishers like ACS ,RSC ,AAAS, +++ Cambridge university press ,oxford university press ,MIT Press ,+++these all journals ,books ,periodicals will buy by SABIC ,Saudi Kayan ,as I given 5 days for this selection from my real life work with professional chemistry to 16 years .
* I made JQP =Test questions =170 questions , and there answers for Lab –Technicians ,QA –technical support ,Phenolic project , they have to be get more then 60% in these tests ,to be continuous in job progress !!?? note : answers for management people only) this I made for specially for Saudi –Arabic =Local - technicians , so that they can learn the detail chemistry of Phenolic project =other projects at Saudi Kayan also !!? as I given answers of all questions that make them good Technician and chemist ,for Saudi Kayan =SABIC !!!??? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made Local Lab =plant Lab analysis methods data sheet =What analysis should be done for Local Lab Whole Phenolic Project .
* I worked for ISO-17025 at Saudikayan
* I made analysis methods for central labs for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project
* I know the procedure of inter-laboratory /international laboratory proficiency testing certificate .
* Have knowledge of incident investigation and reports
* Leading meetings , Understand and participate in department goals
* Please I did Also work for AMINES PROJECT =Ethanol amines ,and Ethoxylates at , =Mono Ethanol Amine ,Di Ethanol Amine ,Tri Ethanol Amines=100,000 TPA its ,made from Ethylene Oxide and , Ammonia (=NH3=From SAFCO) reaction , this By Licensor Oxiteno , Brazil Project , Ethoxylates= C12-C15 , Fatty Alcohol , Nonyl Phenol , Glycol (DEG,TEG) , Castor Oil ,Sorbitan Monooleate ,Tallow Amines .
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Olefins = By Licensor = (1) Himout (Italia ) And (2) Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) (3) Basel- Poly Olefins
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Carbonate By Licensor = Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , , for EC=Ethylene Carbonate ,DMC =Di Methyl Carbonate , DPC =Di phenyl Carbonate , PC =Poly Carbonate . I had there , all chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS of Phenolic and Amine Projects .
* as “Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis” I work for Saudi Kayan –All-Plants ,=,I had there all its chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS !And , also ,its analysis part by Davy Process technology ,and Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Raw material and product specification , chemical data sheet , = amine reaction , Ammonia Stripping ,Ammonia Absorption amine drying, MEA purification , DEA Splitting , TEA Purification , evaporation package unit, I work one year at SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co

2001 Feb -2003 Oct /Feb : Analytical Chemist , at =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years.
* Analytical technique (=Gas chromatography , IR,FTIR ,IR-412.8 ,Photometric ,colorimetric ,Potentiometer ,Micro biology , Environmental testing = Petro chemicals = HC,THC,PAH, PCB’s , +DRO,GRO, VOC ,BETX =~All -(Petrochemicals), ) , Soil , waste water ,drinking water ,air –analysis , stack analysis ,Sludge analysis ++
* Worked for IR 418.1 Method for HC/THC -Worked on GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS also +with US-EPA ,APHA ,ASTM ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002 Accredited & Dubai municipality approved laboratory
* Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, • Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other) Environmental analysis it self ,did air monitoring ,stack monitoring , with latest instruments =Chemio sensors , +other ) with US-EPA Parameters * Pl you can check this laboratory works ,form web
July 1992 –July 1998 : R & D Chemist , At =Udaipur –Raj India =6 years
* There I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ), to check , purity to 99.95% to 100 % of fine chemicals=Pl I did work for Japan project= Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 50 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure -I did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & I worked on this project ~2 years !!
* >95% Purity of different pesticides ,raw materials ,intermediate ,final products
* Pl I was independent handling laboratory shift work .here I was analyzing Plant organic chemicals , samples ,R&D Samples (where four scientist were making different innovative organic chemicals =Pesticides ,Fine chemicals ,++Other ,doing analysis of R&D Analytical products by GC/FID , UV/VIS ,IR + doing wet chemistry ,responsible for sampling collection ,analysis ,environmental regulations ,provision of technical assistance to operation at Pilot plant & main plant ,work with SOP& MSD ,did maintain proper chemical regime & operate various analysis follows standard work procedure and practice for - Japan project to purity 99.995% =fine chemicals & did control plant ,from ,lab to next steps & isolation !! undertake analysis of different raw materials ,finished product for Japan project ,fine chemical to purity 99.995%
* Pl I have 10 years experience with UV/VIS ,IR,FTIR,GC-FID /PID,-ECD =Gas chromatography latest instrument ,of HP& Perkins Elmer ,To analytical research ,Validation ,impurities profiling ,stabilities studies ,,etc , I have 6 years experience (R& D /QC/-Analytical chemist ) ,with , pesticides =insecticides ,herbicides++ & fine chemicals=PFP =Para Fluro phenols ,APF =Aniline Para phenols , PNCB ++
* Worked with Gas Chromatography , Spectrophotometer ,Infra Red analyzer , Flash tester + other instrument of Petrochemicals , Prepared Solutions ,standard solution , for tests , reporting of damage instrument , maintain records of chemical ,glassware , + other , for shift requirement ,

* ACS (American Chemical Society ) 2001-2009 !
* Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry ) 2001-2009!
* Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute

* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK

* BSc Physics ,chemistry ,Mathematics , 1990 , , India ,
* Note : Pl , sir , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in ,1989= 2nd year BSc , of MLS University ,Udaipur-Raj India 313001 . Pl attached scans = [College –BSc ,position certificate + 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in Integration and differential =Maths 1989 BSc
* MSc Chemistry ,1992 , , India ,
REFERENCES: available upon request
Note : On 21 -09-2008 I submit one Article to My officials = = for good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .. Ruhel Chisty( MRACI-C.Chem) =Ruhel Chistry ( MRACI-C.Chem) , This article come from my independent work as Research and development chemist /scientist with my previous company ,where I was getting many samples ,from four =4 ,Scientific managers ,those were making new ,new chemicals frequently , were doing all research and development to get maximum purity and maximum yield ,and I was analyzing these different chemicals =final product ,raw material
Every week with new method and with columns . I was able to get data what they are doing there in synthesis steps ,like changing PH , changing catalysts ,changing some time Raw materials =by changing root . some of them doing formulation also .
Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! who had 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and integration=mathematics at BSc level , did work for Japan project=Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure - did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & worked on this project ~2 years With Japan Quality control ,where our sent samples were counter checked by Japan Scientist /chemist ,none of sample return back except initial stage .when both team were working to finalize method . GC method .
. have 70% BSc Physics ,68% BSc chemistry +have 10 years experienced as Analytical chemistry=chemist/scientist , included, ~3 years from ISO -9002 ,BVQI , Dubai municipality accredited lab ,=International experience . I am member of ACS ,IUPAC Now Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.= ,
Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) . Date 22-09-2008 ,Time : 6:05 AM . Actually this article was for conference ANTEC 2009, !! this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++ either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical companies Ruhel Chisty Date 06-11-2008 with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!??
.I like to mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013

Compare of ME =Gulf and India = Hindu =secular !!?? = Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular = given many proof to Bush jr =poor Brain +Republicans !!??

I found that ME =Gulf (these are non Hindu =Non Indian ) people are best for Indian Minorities =Like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! But from Feb 2003 to 2008 =Continuous 5 years Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh Human –dogs start to bark on me that your wrote against UN =UNGA , UNSC from Dubai !! it came to us =Hindu =Secular !!?? they 1.0 Billion Hindu=Secular start to rise voice at Bush Jr =republicans that we have some email from Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,that do not have by Dubai government which he wrote from Dubai !! the maximum voice rise by Udaipur Hindu +kishan pole Street Indian Muslims =secular By Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Then this Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO kept me forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 By use satellite technology =TV free voice mode ,Internet , Mobile ,Fax, Emails , Mail = by kidnapped these all !!??
while Indian government =Secular =Dr Manmohan Singh !! providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?
While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??
Then in 2008 =Again I reached to ME =Gulf =Saudi Arabia again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

While this secular =Hindu =Dr Manmohan Singh =People =Human did , (In India =A Hindu nation ) = Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide , ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Victims still suffering from Justice , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!?? finally these people given kicked on his face and put him in blood and unconscious !!!??

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!
if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .
Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
 Reply:   Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular =
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (16/Sep/2009)

Compare of ME =Gulf and India = Hindu =secular !!?? = Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular = given many proof to Bush jr =poor Brain +Republicans !!??

I found that ME =Gulf (these are non Hindu =Non Indian ) people are best for Indian Minorities =Like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! But from Feb 2003 to 2008 =Continuous 5 years Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh Human –dogs start to bark on me that your wrote against UN =UNGA , UNSC from Dubai !! it came to us =Hindu =Secular !!?? they 1.0 Billion Hindu=Secular start to rise voice at Bush Jr =republicans that we have some email from Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,that do not have by Dubai government which he wrote from Dubai !! the maximum voice rise by Udaipur Hindu +kishan pole Street Indian Muslims =secular By Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Then this Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO kept me forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 By use satellite technology =TV free voice mode ,Internet , Mobile ,Fax, Emails , Mail = by kidnapped these all !!??
while Indian government =Secular =Dr Manmohan Singh !! providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?
While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??
Then in 2008 =Again I reached to ME =Gulf =Saudi Arabia again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

While this secular =Hindu =Dr Manmohan Singh =People =Human did , (In India =A Hindu nation ) = Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide , ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Victims still suffering from Justice , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!?? finally these people given kicked on his face and put him in blood and unconscious !!!??

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!
if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .
Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!??
we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .
she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive
(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .
(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,
to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India
Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,
While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India
I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,
Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.
MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,
Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,
AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land
ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )
IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )
Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=
INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )
Passport Number:-E-6884179
Date Of Birth 26-08-1966
Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)
ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009
Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,
Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)
Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,
And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .
As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??
New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!
(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(its my real life case !)
(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist
(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya
(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan
(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why
PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009
This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,
a leading global market research provider, and your participation is
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If you haven't already done so, join now.

Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser
Product Marketing Director
Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??
That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,
In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?
As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,
Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,
(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??
China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!
The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??
(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!
(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??
(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??
(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??
(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!
That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??
What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??
Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!
=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .
While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??
Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??
This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .
They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??
(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??
(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .
(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??
(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .
It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,
While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .
While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??
His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )
He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??
Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!
I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,
If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!
these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and
I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,
Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??
The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !
(its my real life article !)
On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM
I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !
I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !
But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala
On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,
does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??
I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009
and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??
(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .
(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .
Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)
Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??
They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??
but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??
This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak
to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

While concern , Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition =USA Defense And Nature Photonic technology focus (hard copy ) , I got only Two ,Two =4 magazines , ,from past 6 years they sent me 72+72 = 144 Magazines =Note Please only two +two =4, these hacked + thief , done and going on by Udaipur post office mafia + Hindu ISI= MI=Military Intelligence ,IB,RAW and they are sending these magazines to their Hindu Kids ,at IITs ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian all -Universities Physics ,engineering department , at their emails , and these people do not have any shame on these activities !!?? taking my basics -rights from past many years and growing their kinds making engineers and scientists !!??

Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) .
23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj , 313001
INDIA , Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chisty)
Mobile =0091-9636919708 Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Emails:, ,,
Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013

OBJECTIVE : A Middle Management Position ,required analytical ,technical ,creative skills


Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

* 10 years experience with Analytical technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS
* One year with SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , ( SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies ), Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , GC=Gas Chromatography ,wet chemistry , UV/VIS =Colorimetric analysis +Other analysis ,On line analyzers –(Inside - technology ) ,for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
* Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 Petrochemical companies ),
* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK
* We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants
* Worked with =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years ,for all Petrochemical analysis = DRO =diesel range organics ,GRO =Gasoline range organics , VOC=Volatile organic compounds ,BETX=benzene ,ethylene , toluene Xylene ,HC =hydro Carbon analysis ,THC =Total Hydrocarbon analysis ,PAH, PCB’s , + Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, • Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other ) Environmental analysis it self air monitoring ,stack monitoring , +other ) with ASTM , US-EPA , APHA ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002, Analysis of Gas ,Water , Condensate ,Sulphur ,steam ,portable water analysis , other bi products , sludge analysis
* have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in1989 , I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist !
* I got Invitation for , speaker presentations for upcoming event of ,: Pharma R&D Opportunities
* Please I am invited to submit suggestion to improvement Pittsburgh conference 2006,2007 ,
* Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,


2008 Jan-2008 Dec (31st ) : Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co , here I was Middle management
* For All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate ,
* The technology provider = Licensor = was KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
* I did set the all GC’s =Gas chromatography instrument inner configuration with detectors , columns .as team work with Agilent engineers and management . we had there more then 15 GCs for Phenolic Project
* I made LIMS excel sheets ,for Whole Phenolic Project . which was my work as QA –Management technical support .
* I made SOP’s =ISO Methods for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project .
* I made TLV/SLV data sheets =health hazards for Whole Phenolic Project
* I made hard copies ,soft copies of MSDS of Whole Phenolic Project .
* I made two presentations (1) Basics of gas chromatography (2) Phenolic project for Saudi Kayan – this specially for Saudi Arabic = Local - technicians , so that they can learn the Gas chromatography , basics in detail and beginning and advanced level !!?? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made list of Journals ,periodicals ,books for library of QA Laboratory=Saudi Kayan =SABIC
, this have 200 journals , periodicals ,books from the world best publishers like ACS ,RSC ,AAAS, +++ Cambridge university press ,oxford university press ,MIT Press ,+++these all journals ,books ,periodicals will buy by SABIC ,Saudi Kayan ,as I given 5 days for this selection from my real life work with professional chemistry to 16 years .
* I made JQP =Test questions =170 questions , and there answers for Lab –Technicians ,QA –technical support ,Phenolic project , they have to be get more then 60% in these tests ,to be continuous in job progress !!?? note : answers for management people only) this I made for specially for Saudi –Arabic =Local - technicians , so that they can learn the detail chemistry of Phenolic project =other projects at Saudi Kayan also !!? as I given answers of all questions that make them good Technician and chemist ,for Saudi Kayan =SABIC !!!??? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made Local Lab =plant Lab analysis methods data sheet =What analysis should be done for Local Lab Whole Phenolic Project .
* I worked for ISO-17025 at Saudikayan
* I made analysis methods for central labs for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project
* I know the procedure of inter-laboratory /international laboratory proficiency testing certificate .
* Have knowledge of incident investigation and reports
* Leading meetings , Understand and participate in department goals
* Please I did Also work for AMINES PROJECT =Ethanol amines ,and Ethoxylates at , =Mono Ethanol Amine ,Di Ethanol Amine ,Tri Ethanol Amines=100,000 TPA its ,made from Ethylene Oxide and , Ammonia (=NH3=From SAFCO) reaction , this By Licensor Oxiteno , Brazil Project , Ethoxylates= C12-C15 , Fatty Alcohol , Nonyl Phenol , Glycol (DEG,TEG) , Castor Oil ,Sorbitan Monooleate ,Tallow Amines .
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Olefins = By Licensor = (1) Himout (Italia ) And (2) Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) (3) Basel- Poly Olefins
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Carbonate By Licensor = Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , , for EC=Ethylene Carbonate ,DMC =Di Methyl Carbonate , DPC =Di phenyl Carbonate , PC =Poly Carbonate . I had there , all chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS of Phenolic and Amine Projects .
* as “Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis” I work for Saudi Kayan –All-Plants ,=,I had there all its chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS !And , also ,its analysis part by Davy Process technology ,and Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Raw material and product specification , chemical data sheet , = amine reaction , Ammonia Stripping ,Ammonia Absorption amine drying, MEA purification , DEA Splitting , TEA Purification , evaporation package unit, I work one year at SABIC , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co

2001 Feb -2003 Oct /Feb : Analytical Chemist , at =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years.
* Analytical technique (=Gas chromatography , IR,FTIR ,IR-412.8 ,Photometric ,colorimetric ,Potentiometer ,Micro biology , Environmental testing = Petro chemicals = HC,THC,PAH, PCB’s , +DRO,GRO, VOC ,BETX =~All -(Petrochemicals), ) , Soil , waste water ,drinking water ,air –analysis , stack analysis ,Sludge analysis ++
* Worked for IR 418.1 Method for HC/THC -Worked on GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS also +with US-EPA ,APHA ,ASTM ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002 Accredited & Dubai municipality approved laboratory
* Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, • Moisture content ,PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other) Environmental analysis it self ,did air monitoring ,stack monitoring , with latest instruments =Chemio sensors , +other ) with US-EPA Parameters * Pl you can check this laboratory works ,form web
July 1992 –July 1998 : R & D Chemist , At =Udaipur –Raj India =6 years
* There I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ), to check , purity to 99.95% to 100 % of fine chemicals=Pl I did work for Japan project= Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 50 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure -I did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & I worked on this project ~2 years !!
* >95% Purity of different pesticides ,raw materials ,intermediate ,final products
* Pl I was independent handling laboratory shift work .here I was analyzing Plant organic chemicals , samples ,R&D Samples (where four scientist were making different innovative organic chemicals =Pesticides ,Fine chemicals ,++Other ,doing analysis of R&D Analytical products by GC/FID , UV/VIS ,IR + doing wet chemistry ,responsible for sampling collection ,analysis ,environmental regulations ,provision of technical assistance to operation at Pilot plant & main plant ,work with SOP& MSD ,did maintain proper chemical regime & operate various analysis follows standard work procedure and practice for - Japan project to purity 99.995% =fine chemicals & did control plant ,from ,lab to next steps & isolation !! undertake analysis of different raw materials ,finished product for Japan project ,fine chemical to purity 99.995%
* Pl I have 10 years experience with UV/VIS ,IR,FTIR,GC-FID /PID,-ECD =Gas chromatography latest instrument ,of HP& Perkins Elmer ,To analytical research ,Validation ,impurities profiling ,stabilities studies ,,etc , I have 6 years experience (R& D /QC/-Analytical chemist ) ,with , pesticides =insecticides ,herbicides++ & fine chemicals=PFP =Para Fluro phenols ,APF =Aniline Para phenols , PNCB ++
* Worked with Gas Chromatography , Spectrophotometer ,Infra Red analyzer , Flash tester + other instrument of Petrochemicals , Prepared Solutions ,standard solution , for tests , reporting of damage instrument , maintain records of chemical ,glassware , + other , for shift requirement ,

* ACS (American Chemical Society ) 2001-2009 !
* Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry ) 2001-2009!
* Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute

* 8 publications –at-international symposium on Chromatography , +environmental +other =+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06 , + ,, ,National research council Canada =Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , =Royal society of chemistry ,UK

* BSc Physics ,chemistry ,Mathematics , 1990 , , India ,
* Note : Pl , sir , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in ,1989= 2nd year BSc , of MLS University ,Udaipur-Raj India 313001 . Pl attached scans = [College –BSc ,position certificate + 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in Integration and differential =Maths 1989 BSc
* MSc Chemistry ,1992 , , India ,
REFERENCES: available upon request
Note : On 21 -09-2008 I submit one Article to My officials = = for good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .. Ruhel Chisty( MRACI-C.Chem) =Ruhel Chistry ( MRACI-C.Chem) , This article come from my independent work as Research and development chemist /scientist with my previous company ,where I was getting many samples ,from four =4 ,Scientific managers ,those were making new ,new chemicals frequently , were doing all research and development to get maximum purity and maximum yield ,and I was analyzing these different chemicals =final product ,raw material
Every week with new method and with columns . I was able to get data what they are doing there in synthesis steps ,like changing PH , changing catalysts ,changing some time Raw materials =by changing root . some of them doing formulation also .
Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! who had 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and integration=mathematics at BSc level , did work for Japan project=Sumitomo -company (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure - did all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & worked on this project ~2 years With Japan Quality control ,where our sent samples were counter checked by Japan Scientist /chemist ,none of sample return back except initial stage .when both team were working to finalize method . GC method .
. have 70% BSc Physics ,68% BSc chemistry +have 10 years experienced as Analytical chemistry=chemist/scientist , included, ~3 years from ISO -9002 ,BVQI , Dubai municipality accredited lab ,=International experience . I am member of ACS ,IUPAC Now Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.= ,
Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) . Date 22-09-2008 ,Time : 6:05 AM . Actually this article was for conference ANTEC 2009, !! this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++ either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical companies Ruhel Chisty Date 06-11-2008 with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!??
Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013

Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,

if my birth was in Pakistan ,USA ,EU –European Union ,ME, Gulf then I was a top class Officer ,advisory for Anti terrorist !! I was getting many jobs offers for Higher post ,defense scientist , Police Officer , civil servants !!??
but my birth is in Hindu Nation =India , which is ruled by Dr Manmohan Singh ,=Sikh Hindu Minority , from past 2003 to till now =6.5 years , and Atal Bihari Vajpayee from 1990 to till 2003 !! while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant from 1990 to till now !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
(1) please I have my 36 blogs =Journalism , at respected Barack Obama ,official web= USA president , from my SABIC ,Saudi Kayan official computer +Internet cafes of Saudi Arabia =Jubail ,.world bank Research and development publication ,UN Branch =My auto biography Like , Then SANA , Poetry Vote , The Current affair Pakistan ,its foreign affair news paper of Pakistan , The Herald, My anti terrorist work at Linkedin , =20 pages , Then Christianity Today , The Dawn Blogs , Facebook , the , , SRF ,
Now see the comparison of East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government, Now it free nation =small nation ,
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years Hindu Army special ruled , which allow them to Kill any person ,torture any person ,rape any Lady , Rape any kid if they think to do !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??
its done by Hindu people = Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!?? Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,
While this nation voter =millions , promoted Mr. Modi as Gujarat ruler =Chief minister for 2003-2008 then 2008 to 2013 !! two more terms !! whose Ministers ,Police officer were openly accused for 2002 Gujarat genocide !!
Now Naveen Patnayak given again one more term for Chief minister , In Orissa ,who was chief minister of Orissa 2008 ,when Christen genocide taken place !! Where victims of genocide still getting threat from Criminals ,genociders ,raper ,police officers !! Please note it tell that Indian Voters are Maximum Hindus those like to do Orrisa 2008 ,Christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka Christen genocide ,2002 Gujarat genocide and they are electing again that Government which protected genocider ,criminals ,raper, again election that Police officers those did support in all these High level human crime !! notable thing is these voters are in millions population !! these are concentrate Hindus ,these are crime lover ,these genocide lover ,in my view these voter are Taliban ,these are terror !!?? note Indian 50 million to 60 million voter love BJP =Genocider of christen ,Muslims !! and its when India is member of UN All branches ,its in 2100 Era !! ??
(11) I like to recommended that Pakistan should rise the Kashmir , Assam , and RAW ,MI,IB activities in Afghan and Bluchhistan , and My Real life case from 1991 to till now =Open torture ,and then discrimination ,forced unemployed at UNGA ,UNSC , forums , and human rights violations done by Hindu Army ,Hindu government !!?
Please send your suggestion/submission to
Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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