"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Wajeeh
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 Reply:   Shaykh Tahir-ul-Qadri is Mujaddid (The reviver of the century
Replied by(hamzahaider51) Replied on (1/May/2010)
Shaykh Tahir-ul-Qadri is Mujaddid (The reviver of the century

آپ حضرت امام ابو حنیفہ کی اولاد میں سے ھیں۔ آپ کے والد محترم امام ابو حنیفہ ثانی کے نام سے مشہور تھے۔ اور آپ کا تعلق ملک شام سے ھے ۔ آپ کیا فرما رھے ھیں غور سے سنیے۔۔۔۔۔

 Reply:   Why Fraud ul Qadri group was active against flogging video
Replied by(Ghulam_Rasool) Replied on (17/Apr/2010)

Had Tahir Padri or his group investigated about worthiness of Swat flogging video. While Padria religion was very active in taking out procession with prostitutes of Lahore. Many images published in press when a Shia Mashadi woman was leading their processions with top strippers of Lahore.

Your Prophet Tahir Padri even did not reveal through spirituality that video was fake. Before issuing sermons first clean your home. Padri is next Mirza Qadiani and all of his cronies are Mirzayee and Shia.

 Reply:   The kissing of hands and feet in Islam
Replied by(zhaiderlill44) Replied on (8/Mar/2010)
Some mischievous and unwise people tampered with the video clips of Mahfil Samaa` held in Damascus
..The kissing  of hands and feet in Islam

Some mischievous and unwise people tampered with the video clips of Mahfil Samaa` held in Damascus under the banner of Minhaj-ul-Quran International in 2005 and uploaded them on the internet to propagate that people were falling in prostration before Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri and that Shaykh-ul-Islam was appreciating the gesture. It is stated that no such incident took place and it is but a slander, pure and simple. Those who have cooked this conspiracy are afraid that their fabricated beliefs are being hammered. In their heart of hearts they are afraid of Shaykh-ul-Islam’s towering intellectual personality and his powerful arguments based on Quran and Hadith. They are, through these base tricks, trying to distract the attention of people from Shaykh-ul-Islam’s wisdom-laden speeches and books. Mindlessly, they are flinging mud on the person who presented Islam based the Holy Qur`an and Hadith; on intellectual level they have yielded, so they are behaving in this foolish way.
First of all, we would take up for discussion the matter of video clip of Mahfil Samaa` held in Damascus so that the confusion of those unwise and simpleton people, who have developed doubt that (God forbid) someone is offering prostration to Shaykh-ul-Islam, may be clarified.
1. Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri never allowed anyone in his life to fall in prostration before him. What to speak of prostration, he strictly forbids his followers to kiss his hands. He never likes the act of someone kissing his feet.
2. He can clearly be seen pushing the person away who was bending to kiss his feet in the video clip of Mahfil Samaa` held in Damascus. Is it not regrettable that some of the ‘blind’ commentators have interpreted his act as demonstration of appreciation?
3. The entire world knows this fact that Shaykh-ul-Islam offers his prayer while sitting in the chair due to pain in his backbone and always uses medicated seat for sitting purpose. Therefore it was not possible for him to suddenly bend down to stop the person from bowing to kiss his feet. However, he can be seen trying to stop him with his hands.
4. The world also knows this too that he does use foot rest owing to pain in his backbone but he had participated in the Mahfil Samaa` held in Damascus during his journey. Therefore pillow was used due to unavailability of foot rest in the Mahfil Samaa`. The pill was not used there (God forbid) for people to bend over it and fall in prostration to him. What a pity that those commenting on it regarded it as an act of prostration in contravention of all cannons of justice and fair play!
5. Since the Mahfil Samaa` was held during the journey, therefore, it was not possible to make such arrangement as are normally made for such gatherings held at the central secretariat of Minhaj-ul-Quran International. In such gatherings, people are deputed to stop followers from kissing his feet strictly. If the video clip is reviewed by shunning all prejudice and partiality, it would become certain that one person is deputed there to prevent the followers from kissing his feet but when the person coming in did not find anyone on the other side, he took that way to be able to kiss his feet whom Shaykh-ul-Islam kept stopping strictly.
6. Therefore, it is not right for any Muslim to advertise and propagate anything without scrutiny and exact knowledge of facts. This is what the Holy Quran and the Sunna preach and is only the demand of the faith. So far as the kalam (poetry) being sung in the Mahfil Samma` is concerned, there is a message of Oneness of Allah (monotheism) in the poetry; based on mysticism and spiritualism. This kalam dedicated to Allah Almighty and the misuse of such kalam of excellence and highest order to establish one’s heinous and misplaced viewpoint is nothing but a sign of ignorance and out and out wretchedness.
We have so far clarified that Shaykh-ul-Islam neither liked the act of kissing his hands and feet nor ever encouraged it, leave alone falling in prostration before him. In his speeches and books, he has always dubbed the act of prostration for worship (sajda ibada) as polytheism (shirk) and prostration out of veneration (sajda tazim) for someone other than Allah as forbidden (haram). Two of his books namely Kitab at-Tawhid and Tazim and Ibada could be consulted in this regard along with his numerous lectures and speeches.
But a question arises here whether the act of kissing feet could be taken to mean prostration? Is kissing of feet an act of polytheism (shirk)? What are Islamic teachings about it? It is important to note as what would be the view of Islamic law if someone kissed the feet in peculiar circumstances? Given here below are some Prophetic traditions on the subject:
1. It is reported by Zari` ibn Aamir who came to the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) along with delegation of Abul Qays:
لَمَّا قَدِمْنَا الْمَدِيْنَةَ فَجَعَلْنَا نَتَبَادَرُ مِنْ رَوَاحِلِنَا، فَنُقَبِّلُ يَدَ رَسُولِ اﷲِصلی الله عليه وآله وسلم وَرِجْلَهُ.
“When we came to the holy city of Madina, we jumped down from riding animals and began to kiss the blessed hands and feet of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him).”
This hadith is related by Imam Abu Dawud in as-Sunan (vol. 4, p. 357 # 5225). Moreover Imam Bayhaqi also narrated this in as-Sunan al-Kubra (vol. 7, p. 102) and Imam Tabarani in two of his books: al-Mujam al-Kabir (vol. 5, p. 275 # 5313); and al-Mujam al-Awsat (vol. 1, p. 133 # 418).
2. Imam Bukhari has devoted a chapter on kissing the feet al-Adab al-Mufrad. He has reported the same Hadith mentioned above from Wazi` ibn Aamir in the following words on page number 339 and hadith number 975. He reports:
قَدِمْنَا فَقِيْلَ: ذَاکَ رَسُوْلُ اﷲِ صلی الله عليه وآله وسلم. فَأَخَذْنَا بِيَدَيْهِ وَرِجْلَيْهِ نُقَبِّلُهَا.
“We came to Madina, (we) were told: That was the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). So we enveloped the blessed hands and feet of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and began to kiss them.”
These words denote particular meaning. Narrator says that they did not merely content themselves with holding the blessed hands, rather kept on kissing the blessed feet besides hands, though they were holding the blessed hands and feet of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him).
3. Imam Trimidhi has quoted Safwan bin Assal as reporting one hadith on the same subject. He says: some people of the Jewish nation came to the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). They questioned him and gave declared evidence that he is the true Prophet of Allah:
فَقَبَّلُوْا يَدَيْهِ وَرِجْلَيْهِ. وَقَالُوا: نَشْهَدُ أَنَّکَ نَبِيٌّ.
“Then they kissed the blessed hands and feet of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and said: we bear witness that verily you are the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) of Allah.”
This Hadith is narrated by Imam Nasai in as-Sunan (vol. 7, p. 111 # 4078); Ibn Maja, as-Sunan (vol. 2, p. 1221 # 3705); Tirmidhi in as-Sunan (vol. 5, pp. 77, 305 # 2733, 3144), Ahmad ibn Hanbal in al-Musnad (vol. 4, pp. 239, 240), Hakim in al-Mustadrak (vol. 1, p. 52 # 20), Tayalisi in al-Musnad (p. 160 # 1164); and Maqdisi in al-Ahadith al-Mukhtara (vol. 8, p. 29 # 18).
Despite the narration of this Hadith by a number of authentic hadith-narrators and using it as evidence, only a biased person could regard it as an act of the Jews and how we can give it the status of necessary evidence. What else can be said about this kind of thinking except expression of regret that the objector noticed the act of the Jew but did not see the blessed personality with whom it was being done? The Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) did not forbid the Jews to kiss his feet, it may well be regarded as silent Sunna (Sunna taqriri).
4. Highly respected student of Imam Ibn Taimiyya, Ibn Kathir, writes while narrating an incident in the interpretation of verse no 101 of Sura al-Maida that the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) got annoyed over something:
فَقَامَ إِلَيْهِ عُمَرُ بْنُ الْخَطَّابِ رضي الله عنه فَقَبَّلَ رِجْلَهُ وَقَالَ: يَا رَسُوْلَ اﷲِ، رَضِيْنَا بِاﷲِ رَبًّا وَبِکَ نَبِيًّا وَبِالإِْسْلَامِ دِيْنًا وَبِالْقُرْآنِ إِمَامًا فَاعْفُ عَنَّا عَفَا اﷲُ عَنْکَ فَلَمْ يَزَلْ بِهِ حَتَّی رَضِيَ.
“Then Umar (may Allah be well pleased with him) stood up and he kissed the blessed feet of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and said: O Prophet of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him)! We are pleased with Allah being Sustainer, your being the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), Islam being Din and the Holy Quran being guide and leader. Forgive us. Allah would further be pleased with you. So Umar (may Allah be well pleased with him) kept on saying so till he (blessings and peace be upon him) became pleased.”
Other interpreters have also stated the above-mentioned same tradition while interpreting the relevant verse.
Now the question arises here whether the act of kissing the blessed feet of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) by such a respected Companion of the stature of Umar (may Allah be well pleased with him) and the Prophet’s act of not stopping him from doing so constituted the violation of the concept of Oneness of Allah (God forbid).
5. Imam Muqri (d. 381 AH) quotes Burayda (may Allah be well pleased with him) as reporting in his Book Taqbil al-Yad (p. 64 # 5) that once a Bedouin came to the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). He said: I have embraced Islam but I want more so that my faith should be strengthened. Then the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) allowed him and a tree came to the Bedouin on his call and the tree said: O Prophet of Allah, peace be upon you. There is a long tradition that follows it. The Bedouin saw all of these signs and said:
يا رسول الله! أئذن لي أن أقبل رأسك ورجلك.
“O Prophet of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him)! Allow me to kiss your blessed forehead and blessed feat.”
The tradition states that the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) gave permission to that Bedouin. Then he requested for falling in prostration, the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) did not allow him. Ibn Hajar Asqalani has narrated the same hadith reported by Imam Muqri in Fath al-Bari (vol. 11, p. 57). Furthermore, Allama Mubarak Puri has also quoted the same tradition in Tuhfa al-Ahwadhi (vol. 7, p. 437).
This tradition very clearly states that the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) permitted the kissing of his blessed feet but did not allow prostration before him. Had the kissing of feet and falling in prostration meant one and the same thing, he (blessings and peace be upon him) would never have allowed this at all.
Did the Holy Prophet’s act of being silent and not stopping the Companions (may Allah be well pleased with them) from doing that not mean permission from him? Does that act of the Companions (may Allah be well pleased with them) not fall in the category of Sunna Taqriri? If the kissing of the feed is an act of prostration, were the Companions (may Allah be well pleased with them) prostrating themselves then? (God forbid) the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) who was raised as a Prophet to spread the message of Oneness of Allah and eliminate polytheism, allowed the act of polytheism?
Would that those objecting to the kissing of feet had studied something!
A question can come up in the mind of the people that the kissing of feet was an act exclusive to the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). We dilate here below as what is the reality of kissing of feet of non-Prophets, saints, religious scholars and spiritual directors?
It is an undeniable reality that extending respect to the religious scholars and saints is what Islam requires with reference to the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and his Din. Interpreting their respect as polytheism is falsehood and being prejudiced with them is the sign of hypocrisy. The readers of the books of the Prophetic traditions know this reality that kissing the feet of the elders has been the usual practice of people of love and reverence. A few examples and precedents are being put forward here:
1. Suhayb (may Allah be well pleased with him) was the slave of Abbas (may Allah be well pleased with him). He states:
رَأَيْتُ عَلِيًّا يُقَبِّلُ يَدَ الْعَبَّاسِ وَرِجْلَيْهِ وَيَقُوْلُ: يَا عَمِّ ارْضَ عَنِّي.
“I saw Ali (may Allah be well pleased with him) kissing the hands and feet of Abbas (may Allah be well pleased with him) and he would keep saying this: O my Uncle! Become pleased with me.”
It is narrated by Imam Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad (p. 339 # 976); Dhahabi, Siyar Alam an-Nubala (vol. 2, p. 94); Mizzi, Tahdhib al-Kamal (vol. 13, p. 240 # 2905); and Muqri in Taqbil al-Yad (p. 76 # 15).
2. Imam Bukhari, a consensus traditionists of every school of thought and bright star of kingdom of knowledge, has devoted an entire chapter (number 444) on the kissing of hands in his book al-Adab al-Mufrad. He has narrated three Prophetic traditions on the ‘kissing of hands.’ It is manifestly clear that what it means is that the Companions used to kiss the hands of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and the way the Companions (may Allah be well pleased with them) used to kiss the hands of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), in the same way, Successors (tabi`in) would also kiss the hands of the Companions (may Allah be well pleased with them). While referring to these hadith, Imam Bukhari is throwing light on the manners of life that it was the way of the elders that they used to kiss the hands of the Shaykshs and religious scholars. Given the importance of the act, Imam Bukhari specified a separate chapter on the subject. This is not merely this. The chapter that follows Imam Bukhari has devoted to the ‘kissing of feet.’
By arranging these chapters in the book of manners, Imam Bukhari has clarified that he regarded the act of kissing hands and feet as manners of life. Had he considered these acts as denoting prostration or polytheism, he would neither have devoted separate chapters nor narrated Hadith on them.
3. When Imam Bukhari came to the city of Nishapur, a city of Imam Muslim, the most authentic hadith narrator of the Muslim world after Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim came to see him. It is reported in all the books based on the life stories of the Imams that Imam Muslim kissed the forehead of Imam Bukhari and then requested his permission:
دعني حتی أقبّل رجليک، يا أستاذ الأستاذين وسيد المحدّثين وطبيب الحديث في علله.
“O teacher of teachers, master of traditionists and grand scholar on hadith weaknesses, allow me to kiss your feet.”
It is also narrated by Ibn Nuqta in at-Taqyid li Marifa Ruwat as-Sunan wal-Masanid (vol. 1, p. 33); Dhahabi, Siyar Alam an-Nubala (vol. 12, p. 432, 436); Nawawi, Tahdhib al-Asma wal-Lughat (vol. 1, p. 88); Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Muqaddima Fath al-Bari (p. 488); and Nawab Siddiq Hasan Qanooji in al-Hitta fi Dhikr as-Sihah as-Sitta (p. 339).
4. Allama Shirwani Shafi`i writes in Hawashi (vol. 4, p. 84)
قد تقرّر أنه يسنّ تقبيل يد الصالح بل ورجله.
“It has been established through research that kissing the hands and feet of the saintly person is an act of Sunna of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him).”
5. Abu al-Ula Abd ar-Rahman ibn Abd ar-Rahim Mubarakpuri, a respected scholar belonging to Deoband schools of thought and interpreter of Jami` at-Tirmidhi, has a distinguished position in the science of Hadith. He has listed all the above-mentioned Prophetic traditions on the kissing of hands and feet as evidence on page no 437 of the seventh volume of Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi. This clearly gives us an idea of his ways and practices.
Likewise many traditions and instances could be quoted as reference but only a few have been quoted, which establishes the fact that kissing the hands and feet of saints and elders is a rightful and favourite act. The people of mysticism and spiritualism are convinced that the kissing of feet is not a normal act and those doing so do it out of love and devotion. Therefore there is nothing wrong with doing so for someone who is an established authority of knowledge and the Imam of the time. Therefore we should be very discreet while churning out Fatwas (religious edicts) and should do so only after studying the Holy Quran, Sunna, and acts of Companions and saints that too after getting rid of our biases and partiality. We should not project things without research and studies because the Holy Quran forbids to do so without proper investigation. The Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) has also condemned such an attitude. Allah Almighty says in verse number 6 of Surah al-Hujurat:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا.
“O believers! If some (wicked) person brings you any news, inquire thoroughly in its truth.”
Allah Almighty has ordained the believers in this verse to fully investigate the matters before forming their opinions on any matter. The purpose of doing so is to sift fact from fiction. They only take concrete step once they have been satisfied of the veracity of the matter. Referring to that, the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) said:
کَفٰی بِالْمَرْءِ کَذِبًا اَنْ يُحَدِّثَ بِکُلِّ مَا سَمِعَ.
“It is sufficient for somebody to be a liar that he conveys every hearsay (without inquiring into its reality) to others.”
Reported by Imam Muslim in as-Sahih (vol. 1, p. 10 # 5).
The believers are being asked not to believe in the hearsay and fully investigate the matters from all angles before passing it on to others. They should only convey when the truth of the matter has been established because passing on such things without proper inquiry is like telling lie. There are many hadith on this that the believer could be all but not a liar. So only such a person can ignore the above mentioned arguments as has chosen to close his eyes to reality and plugged his ears against the truth. Clearly, the perpetrators are seeking shelter for their weak beliefs and have practically admitted their defeat knowledge-wise.
May Allah Almighty protect us from such ignorance! May He open our eyes and ears to the true teachings of the Qur`an and Hadith! (Amin)

9.Love Ali (AS)-Kissing Hands and Feet in ...
9 min - 19 Oct 2008

 Reply:   Sheikh-ul-Islam Allama Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri is well known
Replied by(zhaiderlill44) Replied on (5/Mar/2010)
Sheikh-ul-Islam Allama Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri is well known

Sheikh-ul-Islam Allama Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri is well known internationally famous Islamic scholar, who is not only respected in the Islamic world but has great respect by the non-Muslims also.

Dear friend you said that almost all the sects are opposing the view points of Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri Sahib you are just looking the one side of the picture. On the other hand a number of greatest Islamic scholars not only have great love and respect for Allama Sahib also considering him the greatest scholar consult him on various issues.

Sheikh Hashim-al- badar al Madani, who is the key holder of the Roza-i-Rasool (SAW) and whose family is possessing the holy keys from the last four hundred years has not only visited Pakistan on Milad Sharief, also tells that he joined this Milad on the order of the Holy Prophet (SAW) not only this he with the blessing of Allah Pak is still Alive and can tell u the status of Allama Sahib In Darbar Shrief Of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) . You can view his videos and audios and can see his views regarding Shaikh-ul-Islam Allama Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri Sahib.

If you talk about the sects that every one opposes him and you give reference of a book published by idara Deoband, I can give you the example of a respectable Deobandi Scholar of Jamia Ashrfia, Lahore who has the right to give Fatwa also. that famous scholar ABDURREHMAN ASHRAFI, not only joined him in mehfal-i-Milad held by Sheikh-ul-Islam Allama dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri, also presented Darood-o-Slam to the Holy Prophet(SAW) and kept standing meanwhile. Deobandi says it is Biddah. He also called him MUJADID OF THE CENTURY.

Wikipedia Jamia Ashrafia

Jamia Ashrfia, Ashrafia Islamic University, Lahore Pakistan, is a religious educational

institution founded by Mufti Muhammad Hasan in 1950s. Presently his sons, Mufti Muhammad

Ubaidullah, Maulana Abd-ur-Rahman Ashraf, Maulana Fazal-ur-Raheem and his grandson

Maulana Hafiz Arshad Ubaid manage the university matters. This university has produced

numerous scholars of the Deobandi school and various Deobandi scholars have served this

university as teachers.

Shaykh Tahir-ul-Qadri is Mujaddid (The reviver of the century

A prominent scholar of Jamia Ashrafiyyah (the most popular madrassa in Pakistan) Shaykh-

ul-Hadith Abdul Rahman Ashrafi introduces Shaykh al-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir Qadri on

the grand occasion of Milad-un-Nabi held in Lahore. Before introducing Shaykh al-Islam he

quotes Mufti Shabir Uthmani who says that the dust that touches the body of the Holy

Prophet (s) is far greater than the arsh of allah and his kursi. He thereafter
plz see it,

introduces Shaykh al-Islam explicitly implying that he is the mujaddid of this century

saying that you need to look at the work he has done around the world in order to

understand this fact.

This is an unbiased view point of a reputable scholar and the comments belong to him alone.

I deemed this clip important due to the numerous slanderous attacks on Shaykh al-Islam

from some certain Muslims (particularly attached to Najd). This is an oppurtunity for them to

calm down and look at the facts with a calm mind so that on the day of judgement Allah will

not grip them for their evil conduct of slandering a Wali (friend) of Allah. May Allah save us

from such a fate.

id, plz see and listion

in urdu

جناب میں آپ سے زیادہ بحث نہیں کروں گا۔۔ دیو بندی حضرات سے فقط اتنا عرض ھے۔۔ کیا جامع اشریفہ ادارہ دیو بند ھے کہ نھیں اس

سوال کے جواب سےآپ کا مسلہ حل ھو جائے گا۔۔۔ ھم میں سے ھر کوئی امام ؤقت بنا بیٹھا ھے۔۔۔ اسلام کو ھم نےاپنی جاگیر بنا رکھا

ھے۔۔۔ جس کا جو جی چاہا اسلام کا من پسند مطلب نکال لیا۔۔ کوئی کہتا ھے کہ کامڈین لوگوں سے اسلام لیا جا رہا الله کا خوف کر

ھو سکتا ھےالله کے نزدیک اک کامڈین کا کوئی فعل تیری ڈاڑھی اور نمازوں سے زیادہ افضل ھو۔۔خدا نہ بن بندہ ھے تو بندہ بھی بن۔۔

تمام دیو بند والے اپنے حضرت مفتی جناب مہترم عبدالرحمن اشرفی صاحب کا فتوی سامنے رکھ کر پھر اپنا فتوی صادر فرمائیں۔ آپ کی خدمت میں اب وہ عظیم فتوی انہیںکے الفاظ میں تہریری شکل میں پیش کیا جا تا ھے۔۔
انٹرنیشنل میلاد کانفرنس٢٠٠٧مینار پاکستان لاھور

مقرر جناب مفتی عبدالرحمن اشریفی صاحب فرماتے ھیں

علامھ صاحب کو دعوت دینے سے پہلےجو مضمون چل رہا تھا اس کا چھوٹا سا ایک تاتمہ میں عرض کر دوں۔۔ میں نے عرض کیا تھا کہ

خالق ھونے میں الله کا کوئی شریک نہیں اور مخلوق میں سرکار صلی الله علیہ وسلم کا کو شریک نھیں عرش بھی مخلوق ھے کرسی بھی

مخلوق ھے۔ اور مخلوق میں سرکار صلی الله علیہ وسلم کا کو شریک نھیں اور جب یہ کہا جاتا ھے نا کہ الله عرش پر ھیں کرسی پر ھیں

تو ھماری طرح کوئی جسم تو نھیں ھے الله پاک کا نسبت ھے تجلی کی اور جب سرکار دو عالم صلی الله علیہ وسلم عرش وکرسی سے

بھی اعلی ھیں چونکہ وہ بھی مخلوق ھیں سرکار بھی مخلوق ھیں۔ لحاظہ جو تجلی سرکار پر ھے وہ کرسی پر بھی نھیں اور عرش پر بھی

نھیں۔ اور جب آپ پر وہ تجلی آئی تو آپ کے صدقے میں اس خاک مبارک پر بھی تجلی آئی لحاظہ یہ خاک مبارک ھمارا عقیدہ ھے کتابوں

میں لکھ دیا ھے کہ یہ خاک مبارک کعبہ سے بھی اعلی اور عرش سے بھی اعلی اور کرسی سے بھی اعلی مولانا شبیر احمد صاحب

عثمانی لکھتے ھیں ۔۔۔عربی۔۔ ترجمہ اس لیے کہ عرش بھی مخلوق کرسی بھی مخلوق اور سرکار سب سے اعلی تو جو تجلی سرکار پر ھے

تو ظاھر بات ھے وہ تجلی عرش و کرسی پر بھی نھیں اس لیے وہ خاک مبارک جو آپ سے مس کیے ھویے ھےتو اس کی نسبت عرش و

کرسی سے بھی اعلی بن گئی الله تعالی ان کی عظمت ھمارے دل میں ڈالے عظمت کے صدقے میں محبت ڈالے اور محبت کے صدقے میں اطاعت ڈالے

اب میں سارا عالم کے اندر تجدد دین کرنے والے ۔۔۔ جب کسی شخصیت کا اندازہ لگانا ھو تو الله کو

حاضروناظر سمجھ کر یہ اندازہ لگایا جاتا ھے کہ ان کا کام کیسا ھے کام کو دیکھ کر کے یہ اندازہ لگایا جاتا ھے۔ تو

میں ولقب نھیں دینا چاھتا سمجھے کہ لیکن کام خود بتلا دے گا کہ الله نے ان کو کیا مقام دیا ھے اب وہ حضرت تشریف

لا رھے ھیں۔۔

عبدالرحمن اشرفیی

جامع اشریفیہ
آخر میں مفتی عبدالرحمن اشرفی صاحب نے بھی دوسرے لوگوں کے ساتھ کھڑئے ھو کر اپنے آقا کریم صلی الله علیہ وسلم کی بارگاہ میں با آواز بلند درود و سلام پیش کیا۔۔ اس لیے اپنے کفر وشرک کےفتووں سے پرہیز کریں اور الله سے ڈریں۔

mufti shahb


 Reply:   Shaykh Tahir-ul-Qadri is Mujaddid (The reviver of the century)
Replied by(zhaiderlill44) Replied on (5/Mar/2010)

pls see it Sheikh-ul-Islam Allama Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri is well known internationally famous Islamic scholar, who is not only respected in the Islamic world but has great respect by the non-Muslims also. Dear friend you said that almost all the sects are opposing the view points of Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri Sahib you are just looking the one side of the picture. On the other hand a number of greatest Islamic scholars not only have great love and respect for Allama Sahib also considering him the greatest scholar consult him on various issues. Sheikh Hashim-al- badar al Madani, who is the key holder of the Roza-i-Rasool (SAW) and whose family is possessing the holy keys from the last four hundred years has not only visited Pakistan on Milad Sharief, also tells that he joined this Milad on the order of the Holy Prophet (SAW) not only this he with the blessing of Allah Pak is still Alive and can tell u the status of Allama Sahib In Darbar Shrief Of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) . You can view his videos and audios and can see his views regarding Shaikh-ul-Islam Allama Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri Sahib. If you talk about the sects that every one opposes him and you give reference of a book published by idara Deoband, I can give you the example of a respectable Deobandi Scholar of Jamia Ashrfia, Lahore who has the right to give Fatwa also. that famous scholar ABDURREHMAN ASHRAFI, not only joined him in mehfal-i-Milad held by Sheikh-ul-Islam Allama dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri, also presented Darood-o-Slam to the Holy Prophet(SAW) and kept standing meanwhile. Deobandi says it is Biddah. He also called him MUJADID OF THE CENTURY. Wikipedia Jamia Ashrafia Jamia Ashrfia, Ashrafia Islamic University, Lahore Pakistan, is a religious educational institution founded by Mufti Muhammad Hasan in 1950s. Presently his sons, Mufti Muhammad Ubaidullah, Maulana Abd-ur-Rahman Ashraf, Maulana Fazal-ur-Raheem and his grandson Maulana Hafiz Arshad Ubaid manage the university matters. This university has produced numerous scholars of the Deobandi school and various Deobandi scholars have served this university as teachers. Shaykh Tahir-ul-Qadri is Mujaddid (The reviver of the century A prominent scholar of Jamia Ashrafiyyah (the most popular madrassa in Pakistan) Shaykh- ul-Hadith Abdul Rahman Ashrafi introduces Shaykh al-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir Qadri on the grand occasion of Milad-un-Nabi held in Lahore. Before introducing Shaykh al-Islam he quotes Mufti Shabir Uthmani who says that the dust that touches the body of the Holy Prophet (s) is far greater than the arsh of allah and his kursi. He thereafter introduces Shaykh al-Islam explicitly implying that he is the mujaddid of this century saying that you need to look at the work he has done around the world in order to understand this fact. This is an unbiased view point of a reputable scholar and the comments belong to him alone. I deemed this clip important due to the numerous slanderous attacks on Shaykh al-Islam from some certain Muslims (particularly attached to Najd). This is an oppurtunity for them to calm down and look at the facts with a calm mind so that on the day of judgement Allah will not grip them for their evil conduct of slandering a Wali (friend) of Allah. May Allah save us from such a fate. id, plz see and listion in urdu جناب میں آپ سے زیادہ بحث نہیں کروں گا۔۔ دیو بندی حضرات سے فقط اتنا عرض ھے۔۔ کیا جامع اشریفہ ادارہ دیو بند ھے کہ نھیں اس سوال کے جواب سےآپ کا مسلہ حل ھو جائے گا۔۔۔ ھم میں سے ھر کوئی امام ؤقت بنا بیٹھا ھے۔۔۔ اسلام کو ھم نےاپنی جاگیر بنا رکھا ھے۔۔۔ جس کا جو جی چاہا اسلام کا من پسند مطلب نکال لیا۔۔ کوئی کہتا ھے کہ کامڈین لوگوں سے اسلام لیا جا رہا الله کا خوف کر ھو سکتا ھےالله کے نزدیک اک کامڈین کا کوئی فعل تیری ڈاڑھی اور نمازوں سے زیادہ افضل ھو۔۔خدا نہ بن بندہ ھے تو بندہ بھی بن۔۔ تمام دیو بند والے اپنے حضرت مفتی جناب مہترم عبدالرحمن اشرفی صاحب کا فتوی سامنے رکھ کر پھر اپنا فتوی صادر فرمائیں۔ آپ کی خدمت میں اب وہ عظیم فتوی انہیںکے الفاظ میں تہریری شکل میں پیش کیا جا تا ھے۔۔ انٹرنیشنل میلاد کانفرنس٢٠٠٧مینار پاکستان لاھور مقرر جناب مفتی عبدالرحمن اشریفی صاحب فرماتے ھیں علامھ صاحب کو دعوت دینے سے پہلےجو مضمون چل رہا تھا اس کا چھوٹا سا ایک تاتمہ میں عرض کر دوں۔۔ میں نے عرض کیا تھا کہ خالق ھونے میں الله کا کوئی شریک نہیں اور مخلوق میں سرکار صلی الله علیہ وسلم کا کو شریک نھیں عرش بھی مخلوق ھے کرسی بھی مخلوق ھے۔ اور مخلوق میں سرکار صلی الله علیہ وسلم کا کو شریک نھیں اور جب یہ کہا جاتا ھے نا کہ الله عرش پر ھیں کرسی پر ھیں تو ھماری طرح کوئی جسم تو نھیں ھے الله پاک کا نسبت ھے تجلی کی اور جب سرکار دو عالم صلی الله علیہ وسلم عرش وکرسی سے بھی اعلی ھیں چونکہ وہ بھی مخلوق ھیں سرکار بھی مخلوق ھیں۔ لحاظہ جو تجلی سرکار پر ھے وہ کرسی پر بھی نھیں اور عرش پر بھی نھیں۔ اور جب آپ پر وہ تجلی آئی تو آپ کے صدقے میں اس خاک مبارک پر بھی تجلی آئی لحاظہ یہ خاک مبارک ھمارا عقیدہ ھے کتابوں میں لکھ دیا ھے کہ یہ خاک مبارک کعبہ سے بھی اعلی اور عرش سے بھی اعلی اور کرسی سے بھی اعلی مولانا شبیر احمد صاحب عثمانی لکھتے ھیں ۔۔۔عربی۔۔ ترجمہ اس لیے کہ عرش بھی مخلوق کرسی بھی مخلوق اور سرکار سب سے اعلی تو جو تجلی سرکار پر ھے تو ظاھر بات ھے وہ تجلی عرش و کرسی پر بھی نھیں اس لیے وہ خاک مبارک جو آپ سے مس کیے ھویے ھےتو اس کی نسبت عرش و کرسی سے بھی اعلی بن گئی الله تعالی ان کی عظمت ھمارے دل میں ڈالے عظمت کے صدقے میں محبت ڈالے اور محبت کے صدقے میں اطاعت ڈالے اب میں سارا عالم کے اندر تجدد دین کرنے والے ۔۔۔ جب کسی شخصیت کا اندازہ لگانا ھو تو الله کو حاضروناظر سمجھ کر یہ اندازہ لگایا جاتا ھے کہ ان کا کام کیسا ھے کام کو دیکھ کر کے یہ اندازہ لگایا جاتا ھے۔ تو میں ولقب نھیں دینا چاھتا سمجھے کہ لیکن کام خود بتلا دے گا کہ الله نے ان کو کیا مقام دیا ھے اب وہ حضرت تشریف لا رھے ھیں۔۔ عبدالرحمن اشرفیی جامع اشریفیہ آخر میں مفتی عبدالرحمن اشرفی صاحب نے بھی دوسرے لوگوں کے ساتھ کھڑئے ھو کر اپنے آقا کریم صلی الله علیہ وسلم کی بارگاہ میں با آواز بلند درود و سلام پیش کیا۔۔ اس لیے اپنے کفر وشرک کےفتووں سے پرہیز کریں اور الله سے ڈریں۔ plz also see , NO,1 NO,2 NO,3 NO,4 NO,5
 Reply:   Tahir Qadri is a comedian
Replied by(Ghulam_Rasool) Replied on (27/Sep/2009)
Pakistan High Courts declared him Greedy and Immoral

Tahir Qadri is a biggest fraud of current Century

Probably in 1990 Lahore High Courts declared him "Hungry of fame", "Greedy", "Immoral" and many other titles in a judgment against him. The case presented by Mr. Basit Lawyer and full judgment would be in his records. Or it would be part of PLD records. Qadri had no courage to even challenge the verdict.

He is a certified fraud; he is a stealer of names like first he was Moulvi, Maulana than Hakeem, than Professor, Than Doctor, Than Mujadid and finally now a day stole famous title of  Ibn Timia, Sheikh ul Islam. He father was a compounder who claimed to direct descendent of Heer beloved of Ranjha, who was runaway bride at Jhang. But Qadri writes him Dr.

By faith he is a hidden Shia and he signed an agreement with famous terrorists group Tehreek e Nifaz e Fiqa e Jafria (TNFJ) which is a defunct organization in Pakistan and working with a new title of Tehreek e Jafria Pakistan (TFJ), their alliance contested elections as well. He has Tafzeeli faith and proved Rafzi. Agha Murtaza Poya of Iran is his assistant of Minhaj ul Quran. He is master of representing fake, self made or broken narrations. He also denies many narrations which did not fulfill his purpose. He attacked on Dr. Israr and denied existence of an authentic narration which he mentioned in a speech at ARY TV.

Goons and armed terrorists of his gang attacked on Aaj TV at Islamabad, later also attacked at the residence of a Shia anchor Mr. Nusrat Javed (an ex employee of Iranian Newspaper "the Muslim"). Armed vigilantes also harassed to a journalist Mr. Mushtaq Minhas. In a program Qadri was declared a comedian.

Mullah Qadri was shoe bearer of Mr. Shariff of Ittefaq Foundries, Lahore who appointed him Pesh Imam of Model Town Mosque. During Zia era he earned hundred thousand with the backing of Mian Nawaz Shariff ex Prime Minister, who donated large amounts for current Hinhaj ul Quran Muddersah, regular programs on PTV etc.

He played a fake drama of attack on his residence with the help of PPP government to indict Mian Nawaz Shariff, main reason was to avoid accountability of donated monies by Shariffs. Later courts after enquiry issued verdict against him and declared him fraud.

He is among three four persons who have fake PhD degrees as described by courts in others Amir Liaqat of MQM, Babar Awan of PPP and current Minister, Ghazanfar Mahdi of Min of Information to whom Hakim Ali Zardari helped in award of PhD degree from Jamshoro while his fraud research was in Saraiki language and standard of his research was a Shia unknown Zakir.

He celebrates Christmas to show him modern and received overseas funding.  Buildings and properties purchased by him and his associates worth billions of dollars around the globe including UK, USA and Canada. He has deep links with Shia Syrian Government and receiving funding from other hidden sources.

He has created a new religion based on illiterate Sufi's of Iraq, so he has been kicked out by all traditional sects. His religion is based on Shia theories, Rafziat and Tafziliat. But Shia did not accept him as their leader but uses him for political purposes or he uses them politically. He represents an opposite Islam, most fundamentalist based on fake narrations. He says that Holy Prophet came over to his home and issued a certification letter on his name. He also claims that Holy Prophet also came over to see his father separately. So he the sole certified Mullah of Islamic history. When he wears an Iraqi hat, he looks like a character of famous movie "Thieves of Baghdad" or "Baghdad Ka Thug". He is an illusionist like Zardari, actor and master of emotional dramas. In 2002 elections he was elected with the backing of Mush, DG ISI Ehehtasham Zameer son of comedian Zameer Jafri, who is also Rafzi helped him in winning elections, he tried to grab important posts but failed and later he resigned. He was a key member of Brelvi Mullahs who declared Usama as Kafir and backed American Jihad. Tahir Qadri group also declares Zardari as Hazrat Ali (God forbid) and says that Taliban are Kharji. Zardari being a Shia is Rafzi, whereas Kharji is opposite to Rafzi a 1200 years old sect.

If you go to different websites there are dozens of titles given to him like Tahir ul Padri, deceitful, fraud, liar, thug and many bad words. Parts of some important blogs are worth reading:       

First Blog in Pkpolitics:

Tahirul Qadri is an old bearded fraud. People like these have turned the educated against religion.

And what exactly do we have here? A bunch of baboons jumping up and down because they have severe bvtthurt. They have severe bvtthurt because someone called them baboons"¦.haha"¦The losers need to get a life or a job or just a rickshaw to drive

I remember this Fraudul Qadri who claimed he saw the Holy Prophet and hung out with him.

The Holy Prophet (saw) asked the Holy Leader Tahir for a piece of white paper. When Tahir brougt it,

the Holy Prophet wrote some statements on it with his own holy Parker pen. The Prophet (saw) made a certificate, signed it and stamped it and told Tahir: "You have my certificate and my basharat for jannat is for everyone who plants a seed in your nursery" Then the Holy Prophet (saw) told the Moazzin to go away so Tahir Qadri could call the Adhan.

Then everybody left but the Prophet did not come out. Tahir saw the Holy Prophet lying on the bed while he looked at Tahir and smiled and said: "I came to Pakistan because the Molvis of Pakistan and its Madrassas invited me. But they did not treat me well and disrespected me.

Meri maizbani nahi ki, me naraz hoon. They have hurt me and I have decided to leave Pakistan and go back to Saudi Arabia. That's why I didn't meet anybody in Pakistan.Tahir kisses the feet of the Holy Prophet and cries and begs him to not leave Pakistan. (Everybody in the audience is crying by now"¦) The Prophet says: "Ahl-e-Pakistan ne mujhe bulaya aur phir meri izzat nahi ki.

Mujhe bohat dukh diye. (Tahir pretends to cry. Shakes and whoops). Finally, the Prohpet relents and smiles and says:

"Tahir, if you want me to stay in Pakistan, I have one condition. My condition is this: Tahir,

If you promise me that you will be my host, I will promise to stay in Pakistan.

The Holy Prophet continues: "I will stay in Pakistan for 7 more days. Tahir, you will arrange my accomodation, my meals at the hotel and WHEN I RETURN TO MADINA,

TAHIR, YOU WILL BUY ME A PLANE TICKET. Then the Prophet said:  "Tahir, start your institution Minhajul Quran. I promise I will attend your lectures.

Another Yousuf Kazzab and Mirza Qadiani wannabe?

Fraudul Qadri Jhoota Khwab "“ Part 1:

Fraudul Qadri Jhoota Khwab "“ Part 2:

Fraudul Qadri attending a concert and listening to fiddeling violin (cool music, btw.)

In the mujra being attended by Hakeem-ul-Ummat Allama Tahirul Qadri, madzilllahu, the tune being performed is:The Seraiki Log Geet: "O Meda Ranjhna"

Compare with Shazia Khushk's version here:

Guess who is the "Meda RanjhraN" who is "so saalaN wich Hik jamda"? (Yes. Yes. Hakeem-ul-Ummat, Allama Tahirul Qadri Mirasi).Chail Chabeela lagda ae tenooN phullaN wala chola/ So salaaN wich Hik jamda ae tede jiya dhola"

O Meda RanjhRa......


US funds being secretly funneled to Al-Qaeda Linked Groups by Semore Hersh of New Yorker:

He is also a Qabza group? Evidence"¦.he took over public park in Model Town opposite his secretariat office. The boundaries and plants within the park were destroyed to create football and cricket ground for his students! It is still used as grounds of his office, yet in the papers of LDA it is a public park for the local residents.

Using the name of Islam for personal gains: There was a road between his secretariat office and local mosque again in Model Town. The road was blocked and paved over to provide direct access from his offices to the mosque. When LDA came over to remove the paving, approx 500 hired mullas stood and layed on the pavement, stopping the workmen to vacate public property"¦.yes those towards the front sounded peaceful as in the protest outside Aaj, but they were backed with armed gunmen in the

Adjacent minhaj hostel building"¦.LDA staff and Police had to go away to avoid any major casualty.....

Further show biz tactics: In the park referred to above, the mullahs were trained later to play baseball!!

Have u heard of this in Pakistan"¦hahahha"¦this was to show how progressive and enlightened he is"¦and to get in the books of US agents"¦. Cheap stunt was what the locals used to think!

Illegal encroachment: He created a school for his Minhaj students below the mosque (at Lower Ground Level), which was not part of the planning permission. He bulldozed all objections using the name of Masjid and Islam"¦for his personal gains"¦

Theft: Son of his very close associate, who was sent to his Minhaj College was reported for stealing sound system from the Mosque. FIR was registered, by the Mosque committee, comprising of local residents and the guy admitted to the theft. Mullah Padri first pressurized the Masjid committee, which did not succeed but then using his influence got his guy released. The FIR is still registered in Model Town Police station.

There are dozens more and one can write a book on these but thats not the point"¦. as i said earlier religion of Islam is every individual's responsibility and we should not let this become a "˜profit making business' for any Mullah may it be Qadri......

Terrorist activities overseas:

A journalist for the Canadian based newspaper The Pakistan Post was assaulted by two men; one armed with a cricket bat, who warned him to stop "writing against Islam" and a Pakistan-based religious organization, the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) reported:
"Journalist Jawaad Faizi was attacked on the evening of April 17 while sitting in his car outside the home of the newspaper's editor, Amir Arain. The two men smashed the car windows, and repeatedly hit Faizi. They fled when they saw him call 911 on his cell phone.""During the attack, Faizi said, the men told him to stop writing critically of the religious organization Idara e Minhaj ul Quran and its leader, Cleric Allama Tahir-Ul-Qadri. Allama Tahir-Ul-Qadri is a frequent visitor to Canada, CJFE said.""....Faizi had to be treated in the hospital for injuries to his left arm, and lost two days of work. Wednesday, the vice principal of the school his three children attend asked him to keep them at home, saying they may be a security risk, CJFE reported. "I had so many problems back home [in Lahore, Pakistan] as a journalist, but I'm shocked that this is happening here," Faizi told CJFE.



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