"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: saadat
Full Name: saadat tahir
User since: 15/Apr/2009
No Of voices: 86
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kis ka Qasoor (Whose fault)…1308-2k15


Frolicked skipped and we played.

Smiling innocent kids waylaid.

Village paths that were our own.

Where we scampered had kites flown.


Mundane bustle of commoner’s lives

Naively we thought all could thrive

Yet to grow in strength and height.

Oblivious to this satanic blight.


Ghoulish winds have blown us bye.

Thrown in darkness to silent sigh.

The horrid day our way was blocked.

And our life so cruelly rocked.


Used to run behind the MP’s car.

Just to touch, been taken so far.

Now we can’t even look up straight!

For a genuine smile our parents wait!

O’dear leaders! Have you seen?

How from innocence children wean.



In carefree time of childhood days.

Barely get what the criminal says.

Not in wildest dreams we had thought.

Would be forced to live a lifelong blot.


Begging with pleas and our cries.

To innocence there, said good byes.

Hung upside down in deathly wells.

Felt the shudder of crushing knells.


Shadows crept and the days slipped.

Slowly the curse our smiles sipped.

Now forced to live a tainted life

In broken bits by a thrust strife


O’where the law to secure our land?

O’whence the law to free our hand?

Whom shall we blame for our hurt?

Why our lives now trampled dirt?

Woe to you leaders! Have you seen?

How from innocence children wean.



saadat tahir

12th Aug, 2015




Deeply distressed and disturbed on the sad and horrific developments in a town in Punjab-Pakistan, namely Qasoor. Where rank pedophilia; unfettered and wretched forced sex and exploitation is unfolding as the stuff of revolutions.
Kudos to ARY and the free media for voicing the anguish of common people, the life they live and how they are exploited by the Police / politician criminal link up.


not self but GOD and others

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