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User Name: International_Professor
Full Name: International Professor
User since: 22/Jan/2008
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Dilapidation of Pakistan army "“ Mercenaries vs. Professionals- Cycle of Shia and Sunni killings

By: Earthman, International Professor

Pakistani citizens were forced to accept that Pakistan army is a so called disciplined force; time to time cracks appearing in their ranks were camouflaged tactfully, dictator's strictly controlled any such outflow of information. Moreover apparent homogeneity during any army era was comprehensible, because in those days every serving or retired officer was receiving its share, plots, diplomatic appointments, high ranks in civil service and loot was a common practice. Patriotism or blind faith on armed forces always debarred peoples to comment on weaknesses of generals. Circumstances have changed, and now it is not so easy to make hay while the sun shines. Awareness is not limited to overseas lords but ordinary citizens are also suspicious and try to keep an eye on their activities.

Their over cunningness has imposed Zardari type lewd person on Pakistan, and involvement of Pakistan army in providing him sanctuary, forgiving billion of dollars, and NRO is one of the largest plunder of this century committed by generals. History will not forgive all of those who participated in heinous crime of forget forgiveness.

Current appointments of mistrustful Generals on leading positions have also raised eyebrows of pro-army citizens. Allegiance of those generals with anti-Pakistan quarters is no more secret.  Final days of Mush and current era of Peoples Party was an eye opener for ordinary citizens, moreover advancements in communication technology has also exposed many sacred cows and untouchables.

Mush, Tariq Majeed, Kiyani, Shuja Pasha, Tahir Mahmood, Nadeem Taj, and Athar Abbas are on the top of the list and liable to receive same historical honor which was represented to Bush by Iraqi journalist Muntazir Zaidi.

Transfers and retirements of some professional officers has made entire army more suspicious; even some victimized officers were found openly complaining against discriminatory policies of current generals. It is no more secret that certain postings of some handpicked officers were granted by overseas agencies. Nucleus of anarchic like situation in Pak army tells that there is no word of professionalism in the dictionary of greedy generals and it has been substituted with personal loyalties. Allegiance of neo-imperialists is the main yard stick to measure trustworthiness, which is superseding any prevailing so called discipline in army.

Dilapidation of Pakistan army was expected since Tariq Majeed, kiyani, Shuja Pasha and Tahir Mahmood were promoted and posted on controlling positions being prequalified by overseas lords and in personal character were champions of fascism and masters of human rights abuses. As an example following report was published in Newsweek, but GHQ is mum on this issue, which means report of Newsweek was correct.

Quote:    "Since September, 140 pro-Islamist officers have been mustered out of ISI".  Unquote

Since Pak army did not issue any clarification, it is assumed that above report is correct. Hue and cry of Zardari looks mockery after Bombay attacks as according to report 140 officers from only one institution were transferred, actual status of other army departments is not known.

Here word pro-Islamists would be shocking for everyone, according to so called Pak army professionalism each officer was bound to discipline, except in some cases corpse commanders were seen involved in non-professional activities, and preferred to act as civilian commissioners or deputy commissioners, a few were involved in sectarian connections such as current secretary of defense.

Pakistan army is mosaic of all ethnic groups, religious beliefs, and even atheists are there which bound them to discipline, unfortunately governments had been using army as police, Para-military forces are a cover to hide name of Pakistan army, otherwise Pakistan army is in fact Pakistan police service. It has a fame that its generals never hesitated to spill blood of their own brethrens, Baloch and Pashtuns are killing their own brothers, except a few examples no one refuse to shoot its own tribe.

If there were 140 pro-Islamists officers in only ISI, then you can expect ratio of so called Islamists in entire army. It wondered to even think that in the presence of such a huge stack of Islamists still thousands of citizens are missing, and those devoted so called Islamists did not help to disclose whereabouts of  missing persons. ISI has notoriety of using cruel techniques, target killings, kidnapping, running hidden prison cells and working as a tool in the hands of foreign forces, question is 140 devoted sympathizers of Al-Qaida and Taliban why did not helped their ideological brothers.

According to assumption of some scholars, professional soldiers were expected to be replaced with non-professionals like Zardari loyalists or PPP sympathizers etc.  However according to prevailing culture in Pak army some officers are more inclined to Kashmir cause or reject American imperialism. Moreover extinction of materialist minded officers could not be denied. Current topsy-turvy is entirely based on political reasons, appetite of free money, or educational expenses of children, so GHQ looks like divided in two categories, professionals Vs politician. Real dilapidation of any army starts when it divides itself on the basis of loyalties, ethnicity, religious believes or creed, particularly Pak army where most of the peoples have a firm belief that India is enemy number one of Pakistan, Kashmir is part of Pakistan, war on terror is a means of sucking American tax payers money, Bush-Blair were fighting crusade and top politicians in current setup and military Junta is on the pay role of Anglo-American-Israeli axis.

Mentality of current dim-witted generals is so cheap that previously those have been hiding death rate of civil war and have been burying soldiers in dark nights, but abruptly since last two weeks everyone is crying on sacrifices of Pakistan army. ISPR had been hiding desertion in Pak army ranks, refusal of officers and shortage of ammunition but since US administration has put foot on the free flow of money, their orphan like wry faces are able to see.

Zardari mafia is trying to implement its last satanic scheme to weak Pak army to the extent that his plan to establish Zardari monarchy may not disturb at any cost. Rajkumar Bilawal is in queue of Prime Minister, Rajkumari Asifa is in queue to become president, Father of king Hakim Bhutto Zardari has reached at president house, Queen Sister Faryal Talpur is controlling female slaves of people's party, whereas Shahanshah Bahadur Asif Bhutto Zardari is looking after male slaves of peoples party.

We don't know current generals have any ability to understand techniques of Zardari, however one thing is very clear that current civil war will divide Pak army on ethnic and religious lines for ever, as a reference please study theories of Vali Nasr and B Raman, both are determined to divide Pakistan on religious lines for example: Shia crescent of Vali Nasr, Sunni bomb Vs Shia Bomb and other poisonous articles published by "Bharat Rakshak" (consortium of Indian defense web sites), Pervez Hoodbhai's "Saudization of Pakistan" and a new player Farhat Taj who is dictating Pak army from Oslo, all of above are established moles of neo-Imperialists. Whereas Fahat Taj hides her actual Christian name, Farhat Taj Andersen and all of her articles are published on Ahmadiya websites. Last time in Pakistan she was also seen around Jamia Hafsa before massacre.

Current cycle of killings in Shia and Sunni mosques is a conspiracy to divide nation and to seek license to kill Pushtoon and Balouch peoples. Rahman Malik, Zardari, Farhat ullah Babar and Sherry Rahman are major players in current cycle of Shia-Sunni killings, Yousuf Mujahid a leader of Sipah e Sahaba is killed, a Sunni mosque was bombed at D I Khan, Shia procession at DG Khan and other acts of terrorism at D I Khan are preplanned. How all above persons are involved in current satanic cycle of terrorism please read next article. However for the time being please watch Bollywood movie "Shoot to kill", and match dialogues of the movie with the statements of Rahman Malik and Zardari, it is hoped then there will be no need of further explanation.

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